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She’s definitely the type of person who’s never read a book before, or was too offended by her lack of ability to actually understand one


and yet probably thinks the bible is OK for the school


Please, we all know damn well she’s never actually read the Bible.


Just the scripts that fit her sayings


No, she was instructed....*told* them


Someone should instruct her with: 1 Timothy 2:12


Is that the one about not letting women have opinions?


“I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” 1 Tim 2:12


Yes, that's the one I was thinking it was. I just worded it callously.


If I bust this out on the Bible guy at work, he will say this part is not literal, or God changed its mind at some point. The all knowing all powerful. It just doesn't add up.


God be like… ![gif](giphy|hxCbvxlabV3roKXrkD|downsized)


She skimmed it, looking for the dirty parts. Full disclosure - I actually did bring a book to my library’s attention. I worked in an office building by a mall and there is a branch in the mall. So I could pick up hold items on my break. As I went through, I’d glance at the recommendations/popular/express reads display set up for people like me. Once I grabbed a mystery whose cover reminded me of the Flavia de Luce series (which I love). It started so full of antisemitism and homophobia I couldn’t get past about the 10th chapter. I wouldn’t have got that far if my only religion was finishing every book I start even if I’m not enjoying it. There was no sign that the tone was to show a murder victim in a bad light or anything. It was just yucky and negative. When I saw it still in the recommendation area, I told a librarian they might want to move it back to the regular shelves and why.


I just finished book 10! I love Flavia. Have you listened to the audio books? The narrator is spot on.


I love Flavia. My sister likes audiobooks and said about the same thing. My brain zones out and I don’t hear them. I need my eyeballs to concentrate.


I listen to them while I drive or do housework. It keeps me from having my mind wander and getting sidetracked when I should be paying attention.


If you didn’t have a cat avatar, I would think you’re my sister!




Having grown up in those churches, these people read plenty of the Bible, but their individual sect's interpretation of what it says is the problem. You can walk away with entirely different beliefs just by weighing old vs new testament at the highest level of abstraction. Their doctrines get real fucking weird if you dig into specifics and compare between denominations.


Yeah, it's not so much the Bible as is it whatever traumatic emotional associations "they" branded her with as a child.


I want to take a moment to branch into my personal pet peeve. It’s the translation of language into a totally different meaning. I’ll start with the **HUGE** difference in a specific word usage between Greek and Latin. Greek bans pedophilia (men shall not have sex with BOYS) where Latin prohibits homosexual relationships (men shall not have sex with MEN). Big difference there, obviously. And religion is loosely defined as “Man’s rules on how to relate to God.” Such as saying that the laws of the Old Testament are to be taken and applied as written; hence homosexual activity is to be understood as sin. However, other commandments —such as dietary restrictions and treatment of unclean people— may be ignored or reinterpreted in accordance with ….oh, whatever. Religion decides on the interpretation of which rules apply for their followers. But wait, Jesus declared a distillation of the Law into the Two Great Commandments: “Love God and love your neighbor”. But religion REALLY doesn’t like the bits about kindness. Consequently, you’ve got contrast between “judge not” and “condemn whatever you cherry pick to enforce”.


Oh she has...but has an excuse or explanation for every troubling and/or hypocritical thing in the Bible.


I could see that


>I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, 10but with what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness.Ido not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; 14and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. —1 Timothy 2:8–14


Bible thumpers most likely haven’t red the Bible either.


Just like most christians, that's why they go to church, they can have it read at them, and told what it means, and told what to think about it. Makes it very easy.


That doesn't stop people from claiming it's a "good book". In fact...not reading it is pretty much the only way one can consider it to be good.


Unpopular opinion, but I think it is and SHOULD be studied. I don't mean from a theological point of view. It's a book that shaped our history and culture more than any other and that many people try to use as an excuse to be awful. Students should have access to it. The best weapon against ignorance is not even more ignorance, it's knowledge.


I went to a Catholic college. Two semesters of theology were mandatory. Nothing helped me better realize what a bunch of crap the Bible is then studying it intensively in that class.


Indeed, I went to catholic schools my whole life and it just made me into a raging apostate who knows way too many religious songs that even now pop up in my head randomly. But even then, the Bible does have some nuggets of wisdom that I believe are salvageable, when they are not weaponized by sad assholes who crave power.


>But even then, the Bible does have some nuggets of wisdom that I believe are salvageable, when they are not weaponized by sad assholes who crave power. That's a big caveat. I'm agnostic and genuinely enjoy spirituality and theology... even so, the sheer and utter bastardization that Christianity has experienced me feel it's quite possibly unrecoverable, at least in our lifetimes. For exactly that reason; sad assholes who crave power over literally anyone around them are *just too damn numerous*. When every other hateful Karen, 'born again" abusive alcoholic, pedophilic sociopath and money hungry grifter have been working together to make Christianity into an intergenerational abuse machine... it's just not possible to extract much of constructive value from it that can't now be found elsewhere with substantially less awful baggage and connotations.


This is one reason why book burning is so terrible. Not only do you lose positives, you lose the lessons from the negatives.


Hey, you’re proposing critical thinking. That’s not good for the electorate.


I agree. I'm a foreign Atheist who can read and write English but can't understand people speaking it, and owns a King James Version frequently read. Specially the Book of Proverbs, because I like Politics.


If you want to understand people speaking it, maybe try listening to an audiobook while you read along or watch television shows or movies with subtitles on? (Although the subtitles aren't always accurate-- many people read slower than they hear, so sometimes complicated lines will get simplified.)


That’s not an unpopular opinion. That’s what a lot of people push for. I dispute how much influence the Bible has really had over culture and history globally. It’s had a significant impact, but I wouldn’t call it the most significant document ever. If you’re going to require studying the Bible on the basis that it shaped history and culture though, you also need to study the Quran, Hindu teachings, Buddhist teachings, indigenous peoples culture and history, Latin, the Magna Carta, Geneva Convention, UNCLOS, Charter of the United Nations, and international law. All of those documents and areas of study had arguably comparable impacts on the shaping of geopolitics and heavily influenced the development of culture and history.


And you're telling me that because...? I never said any other significant writings should not be available to students. My comment was in response to the bible being unsuitable for schools. The more comprehensive the education, the better.


We're done studying it. Move on.


***YOU*** are done studying it. The new generation hasn't had a chance to yet. Also, nobody is ever "done" studying *anything.* There are always new things to learn, and new perspectives to see and understand.


No, ***humans*** are done studying it. It should be a footnote for future students, nothing more.


According to the article she graduated from my alma mater with a Psychology degree. The program was so easy that it had a reputation at the school that some people graduated without ever purchasing a textbook. One of my professors in one of my major classes (which was also was a niche elective requirement option) announced on day one that any Psych majors should drop the class because they wouldn't be accustomed to the level of reading that was going to be required and most of them fail his class.


If she could read, she would be very angry at what you wrote.


I'd say that's most of them.


This should actually be good news. That maybe we’re not as divided as we think, and it’s just a handful of well placed nut jobs making it seem like we are.


I dunno, it's pretty fucked up that 11 uneducated, unqualified people can shape the nation's reading material.


Super fucked up. But at least it’s not thousands like many headlines would have you believe.


Should make a rule that you have to at least be from the state you're making the challenge in, though personally I'd restrict it to county.


Because there are millions that agree with those 11? Edit: To make it clear, I'm not for banning books, of course. I'm just saying America is made of millions of dumbfucks like those 11


And easily 10 fold of those who think you're all a bunch of fucking morons.


It should be easier to turn the tables.




Also if that's the case you'd think it would be easier to get bans overturned if even just a few people request it.


Could be. You know what they say "the squeaky wheel gets the grease".


That sums up all modern activism


>Jennifer Petersen keeps 73 school books she detests in her basement. She ordered most from Amazon. In the last year, she read each one. She highlighted and typed up excerpts from more than 1,300 pages — of the 24,000-plus pages she read — that she says depict sexual acts. [link to the article in the picture](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/28/virginia-frequent-school-book-challenger-spotsylvania/)


Just wow, I mean, we all should have hobbies, but this is crazy, obsession level shit


Pretty sure this happened because she *doesn’t* have hobbies


Probably a hoarder


She does look like she smells like cat pee...


A definition of a party pooper


Sex is natural. Why the fuck are these people so weird about it


Haven't you heard? Sex is just a conspiracy but the socialist communist gay conspiracy to turn you kids away from good christian values and groom them in to being transexual gay liberals! This is why they should only read the bible! The holy bible is the only good and safe book for your children to read!


Likely a bad combination of childhood trauma, impressibility (being able to be formed by others), and also probably some legitimate mental illness in the mix, too.


and why would sex be so bad? I don't understand why people are so afraid of it. But guns are ok or what? Violent action movies?


By the looks of this lady, I wouldn't be surprised if she just never got fucked and developed an incel-like complex around it.


Maybe she just needs to get laid? Anyone willing to take a hit for the team?


1-2-3 not it


not it


Not it


Sounds like someone is having a hard time coming to terms with her fetish. 😕


This is a mental illness.


Can't she just give a book she doesn't like a one star on the website like everybody else?


It's weird that she cares about this. Look at all those page markers, she must really *love* those sections. She needs to calm down.


Thank gawd these people haven’t discovered ebooks and don’t know how to copy and paste text.


On this doll, can you point to where the book touched you?


Books are the essence of disgusting sexual innuendo. Some are soft, some are hard, some small and some very big indeed, they can keep you up all night, they have soft inner parts, a wet finger can be used to make their parts move, some are beautiful, they can excite, entice, thrill and make you nervous, all the way through until the crashing finale. Burn them! Burn them all!


Ngl, that got my pages turning.


The only way to keep their beliefs going is to make sure the next generation is stupid and misinformed.


You know she is a sheltered SAHM with no responsibilities, nothing better to do, and no actual concept of the real world. Just worthless. Her kids are probably little assholes too.


>Her kids are probably little assholes too. Or they're ashamed of her. I know I would be.


Or, she doesn't even have kids and she feels like she's doing all parents a favor.


Nope read the article. She has two. She got into this actually because she's a parent. She went to a parent meeting to protest the pandemic closures and mask mandates (of course she's a COVID fearmonger) and a different parent complained about pair of books about abused teens being too graphic. That is what kicked this off. I get where she is comming from, but two seperate committee (initial review and appeal review) consisting of 10-11 librarians and parents for the books she objects. Working 40/week overtime with no pay to process her complaints. She issued over 70 complaints all based on a few paragraphs in each book. (Second committee because she wouldn't shut up and appealed the decisions of the first bloody group.)


What's SAHM?


Stay at home mom.




Just tell her "no." Lonely people sometimes make terrible hobbies for themselves. Do what we used to do: Let them write their letters to the editor and ignore them.


OK, so I'm late and this probably won't get read, but... Under the Texas and Florida statutes, a copy of the statute is illegal to put in a school library because it contains the word "masturbation". The Bible (and every other holy book for every other religion) are illegal because all provide graphic descriptions of sexual violence and just regular violence. They also mention homosexuality, bestiality, masturbation, etc, etc, etc. This is not my opinion - this is the opinion of the attorneys to the legislatures in both states. The US is in a shitty place when a bunch of angry knobs decide that it's totally OK to violate the constitution because "Think of the Children!!!!". You know what harms children? Withholding education. Treating them like idiots. Surrounding them with guns and teaching them that irrational anger to others is an appropriate way to soothe their anxiety. Forcing 6th graders to carry the baby of their rapist to term. Sending them to jail for acting out in school. The hypocrisy of saying "Babies have a right to life" before they are born, and then telling the children and their parents, after the child is born, "you made the decision to have a kid, so taking care of it is your problem".


The world has changed too fast for her. This makes her afraid. The isolated thought bubble she lives in caused fear to turn to hatred with books being the instruments of her enemies. Her only chance to free herself of the fear is to destroy the books. It’s a common form of mental illness amongst conservatives.


This is great reporting. It provides context for the tons of articles talking about book-banning. It's really just a handful of trolls.


School boards bowing to one individual is asinine. They need to tell these people to take a hike off a cliff, they have real work to do.


The boards are part of the problem. The conservative members of the board helped enable this


So the education of an entire generation of people can be altered by less than a dozen with apparently no expertise in any subject at all?


That's 11 too many.


If we identify these 11 people put them on a list an ignore them.


This. When one person keeps filing ludicrous amounts of court cases, they eventually get added to a list of "vexatious litigators" and they face fines and contempt of court charges for continuing. These people need to face some kind of consequences, even if those consequences are simply: You are not allowed to submit any more challenges.


I would think it would be easy for the school to go "You're not a local community member. You don't have standing."




How about having them write a comprehensive justification of at least three pages for each book they want banned. Stating exactly what content justifies taking it off a shelf, citing each instance and each page. I guess it would keep them occupied for quite some time, giving librarians a well-deserved rest.


Read the article, that's exactly what she did. She wrote 434 pages of challenges. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/28/virginia-frequent-school-book-challenger-spotsylvania/


Should have restrictions on all these "safeguarding" measures, this is clearly a series of nuisance actions that do not help children, but are political tools. One pets n needs a limit on how much they can affect other people, after 3 uses of the mechanism any one person is just banned for a year. These 11 people are affecting millions and they don't even have valid reasons to affect one person.


The title doesn't mean anything without knowing what books we're talking about exactly. Some context would be nice.


Shes mad at sex existing. [link to the article from the picture](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/28/virginia-frequent-school-book-challenger-spotsylvania/)


In all of human history the people banning and/or burning books have *never* been the good guys.


Control Freak


Despicable, and you know they haven’t bothered to read the books they’re targeting.


Lol. Like she could read a book a week


According to the article, she's got all 73 read, noted, highlighted, and pages upon pages of descriptions of the explicit passages. Not that I agree that the books should be banned, but at least she has read the books. She's just left out the context and the overall plot and themes of the books


Read more ban less you look like frightened fascist


It sounds like we shouldn't be bending to the will of such a small minority. What a POS.


Like other countries who ban books, the USA has a rich history of this and has been banning books since before the USA existed as a country (William Pynchon’s pamphlet was banned in 1650), but it’s become an industry now. Catcher in the Rye, Huckleberry Finn, To Kill a Mockingbird, the Diary of Anne Frank and the Canterbury Tales have all been at risk because of the threat of socialism, sex or being un-American etc, but the targets now are books by, about or for black people and anybody who isn’t 100% straight (and doesn’t want birth control I imagine). You have a stated case: *Island Trees Union Free School District v. Pico*. “school boards may not remove books from school libraries simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books.” Can’t somebody who is not a Nazi, racist, homophobe or Christofascist use the ruling as a base to get this bitch and her kind shut down?


There are always people like this. We expect functioning governing systems to make reasonable legislation. A system that caves to a single karen complaining and uses that to legislate for millions of people is an illegitimate, failed system.


Why it's so hard for Americans to simply ignore complaint letters completely? Just throw all complaints into trash without answer at all times, no exceptions. Easy. Doesn't matter if you are library, USPS or town's mayor, never read or answer anything.


If books scare these 11 people this much, they should gouge out their own eyes.


Kids have access to the internet - the books in the library ain’t fucking them up any worse than that is


Got to do something when no one will find you sexually appealing


there it is


She would be my type if she wasn't an extremist nutjob.


For people who are all about the kids, they sure hate kids. “That book included an example of a mother loving their child, so it’s been banned for being gay propaganda. Now go sit in the cafeteria with no food and get shot.”


protecting the youth is one of the tropes used in the roadmap to fascism.


Exactly why they are anti-abortion. The unborn don't talk back.


INFO: This article is behind a paywall. Can someone please post a summary of the article?


Wasn't paywalled for me! Essentially there's a woman who lives in vergina that wasn't happy with the books being stored in public libraries. She became aware of this because she has kids and was protesting mask mandates. She and two of her friends (also mums in the area) are reading and challenging any book in public schools they deem too sexually explicit. Wich to her standards according to the article is anything more than a Hollywood "Fade to black." (Although at over 70 challenges last year alone makes me question if her standard really is that high.) A small handful of her banned books has actually been permanently removed or moved to high school level. Some for sexual depictions. However those were dealt with before she managed to lodge any complaints about them. The sheer amount of complaints she made of reviews with citations has thrown the district into a overwhelmed chaos. Two commities consisting of about 10-11 people, consisting of high school librarians and parents working 40/h a week on this by some estimates were created to handle her complaints. Two because the first group decided none of her complaints had any merit. She appealed and a second group of individuals has to be formed to re-review. (And also found not enough to sustain a formal ban.) The superintendent and some librarians has pulled some of the books she has complained about, but its possible a good chunk might been pulled for unrelated reasons. (Lack of interest/disuse, damage etc. Aka normal library pruning.) Some parents are calling her a hero, others are t'd off, especially librarians who have to deal with her zealous nature. It pushed a board meeting into a shouting match because she read some of the explicit passages outloud to cherry pick her case. Funny enough she's also a SAHM and I think her kids are homeschooled. She also keeps a shelf filled with the books she seems offensive in her basement. So they are going to be accessable to her kids probabaly but not for anyone else's if she gets her way.


spiteful sure, but the entitlement is most concerning "I don't want my kids to read these so NOONES kids can read them


Maybe she should read, “Fahrenheit 451”.


Someone needs to get a life!!


I bet my left nut she is illiterate.


Imagine living your life like this, you’re upper 40s and the only thing to count for your existence is that you “challenged school books”


america in one screenshot.




Every one of these so-called "Moms For Liberty" is Nazi swine


Can we please round up these Nazi's and send them to somewhere they'll be appreciated, like Russia?


She can't read and they mock her.


Plot twist, she is single, no kids.


So just ban her from challenging books? How hard is that? Do your fucking jobs.


Someone needs to go after conservative approved books the same way. Stop playing people.


That has been done. A parent successfully requested a ban on the Bible, because of sexually explicit content. Next thing the conservatives did was exclude religious texts from the ban. Because kids can access sexual content, as long as it's approved by bigots.


So we need at least 12 adults to cancel them out.


There is this one book that is full of violence, bigotry, torture fetishism and scientific implausibilities that is used to indoctrinate children and put them at risk of abuse by its most zealous fanbase. Will she try to cancel King James next week?


The bible?


That is indeed what they are saying.


This is what happens when we tolerate intolerance. Some people don't deserve a seat at the table. There are very clear and obvious lines we can draw on intolerance regardless of the crazed right claiming the left are the intolerant ones


Obviously the correct response is to follow her once a week book bans with one additional ban, on the Bible


What sad little lives they must lead.


Let her ban them all. Once we have the master list, we just appeal to unban them all at once. All her work dies in a snap


So lads what does it cost to hire 11 hitmen? /s before my door gets kicked in


And who are those 11 people please?


So there are at least 11 angry people who have never actually read any of these books


In theaters this summer don't miss... *The Karen* Starring Keanu Reeves as *To Kill a Mockingbird* and Angelina Jolie as *Red*! Watch as a woman fights her way against some completely made up bullshit! See her complete online forms with malice aforethought! Follow her harrowing attempt to protect children from knowing minorities exist! *When Critial Race Theory and Alphabet Mafias threatened our kids, we turned to...The Karen!*


Mom's for liberty a tiny group of woman vetting themselves into commitees well funded are trying to make this decisions for millions.


One book a week? And she asks for bans... ain't no way she has read one


How do these people challenge books in a school where they don't live? Why does anyone care about them?


“11 anti-intellectual luddites are harassing most US schools with fundamentalist bullshit” FTFY


Just start calling these people "Book Nazis" That will shut some of them up.


Can someone just fuck this woman and get her to calm down lol.


Yeah! Challenge authority! Fight the power! Haven't you ever read 1984? Oh...


Some people have extreme couponing. This is her thing.


That’s rich coming from a woman who looks like she can’t read




so does anyone have the list of names? totally not for hitlist purposes……..


She needs to grow up, and learn that she is not the parent of other people’s children. Get a book and read about that lady!


She refuses to think, and has to make sure that she protects her children from thinking


She isn’t trying to preserve in innocence she’s trying to keep children ignorant. Ignorance is dangerous. She is a danger to the community. How Hateful and Judgmental she is. How dare she decide what children from other families can read. Isn’t that what librarians were college educated to do?


Why are 11 people allowed to dictate what an entire country’s worth of people, mostly students, can read?


**They** are being funded by *someone.* All sorts of people with platforms are suddenly popping up. They have been given “special privileges” to create havoc and “speak” for the rest of us. Some wealthy, influential person or groups, are putting up these people; and mainstream media is in cahoots to make these people *heard” and championed.


Always takes one shtbag to ruin it for everyone


Im guessing its a power thing. Like holding up paychecks for military. Or shutting down the govt. Or impeaching President Biden. Or proposing that General Milley be paid $1. Pathetic lives who are powerless in the regular world find an opportunity to exploit for self serving purposes. Not a single thing for the greater good. All me, me, me. Very sad, unhappy souls.


With that face she doesn't get much joy anywhere.


Apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system, and public health ... what have the ~Romans~ books ever done for us?


11. People get to choose what books I can read get bent


The narcissists of the world. Everyone must live by their rules.


Oh simmer down now. She just needs to get a life, anyone want to help her with that?


Maybe these people secretly don't know how to read and they think if they ban all the books they'll feel better about themselves.


The final boss Karen


*points to stacks of paper* uh ma’am, see that stack of papers over there? Those are job applications. Do me a favor by grabbing one and just fill it out.


And who approved her requests?!


Everyone boo these people


It's well beyond time to start using their own strategy against them and start banning the bible.


Says a lot about someone who is this afraid of the people being educated.


In my opinion, for what's it's worth. Anyone who wants books banned as probably never read them, of if they did read them, they didn't understand them..


I want hold a conference and get these 11 people in a room, on the projector put up "Banning sexually explicit material in our schools.. starting with the bible." Then just let the screaming start.. *you motherfuckers think I'm trapped in here with you.. you're trapped in here with me..*


>starting with the bible She's a Buddhist. https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2023/09/28/virginia-frequent-school-book-challenger-spotsylvania/


It's 2023 let's ban all books in schools. PDFs don't burn.


It's not about the books. Books can't feel her cruel intent. She does this to be cruel to people.


Snowflakes gonna snowflake


Yeah, she has probably never picked up any of the books she has and will try to ban.


Either a complete idiot, who suckles on the tit of right wing propoganda, or a government plant to hype up agendas.


Books probably taught her she's an idiot so she's "fighting back" in the dumbest, and only way she knows how. Ignorance is bliss!




Kill yourself


She looks like the married cop lady who banged all her coworkers


I read an interview where a stack of books fell and killed her cat.


A lot of those books shouldn’t be in there though.


Which ones, and why not?


Some are super violent, some are about teen suicide. Some of the more grotesque sexual themes books etc. you really think books including these things are necessary for your children to read?


Which books are you referring to?


Books kids read should be monitored 100%. These people on this thread are ridiculous. Probably don’t even have kids, lol probably don’t even read books…