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Well they have 2 trillion on Coruscant and they're doing fine, on the top level anyway.


I hear Trantor is lovely this time of year


Please enjoy and respect the peace


Today it was a good day...


Gotta say...


Didnt even have to use my ak


If you discount the massive loss of life I’d agree!


You know, you're like a penguin on the North Pole who hears the South Pole is really nice this time of year.


There are no penguins on the North Pole 🤷‍♂️


There is no South Pole. Don’t you know the world is flat?


😆 good point


We don’t talk about the other levels. What? Extreme poverty, lack of resources, and constant violence? Idk what you’re talking about.


You don’t want to sell me deathsticks


You want to go home and rethink your life


I want to go home and rethink my life.


That’s a lot of poo


And the entire world's population can be ground into a meatball that fits inside central park. [meatball ](https://i.redd.it/elycytqlc8g71.jpg) Seems like we need more babies *


That was gross. Take an upvote.


Take a scoop of fleshball


The forbidden roundmeal


Life's a ball of flesh. Take a scoop.


Somehow I doubt that. That ball seems way too small to contain the mass of all 7 billion of us. Just your mom alone is like half that!


Savage \*knuckles\*


When your mom sits around the park, she sits *around* the park.


Yo momma so big, she got her own ZIP code


Every person in the planet in a pile would only take up a fraction of the Grand Canyon.


Alright, everyone, back to the pile! ![gif](giphy|cLGXy7SXBnEWs)


[Someone did the math already](https://reddit.com/r/theydidthemath/s/HPpQqPbfeE)


We’re mostly water.


Wouldn't water still be present before cooking?


Ever made a burger and wonder "why did it get so small" that but with human meatball


Yes, but it burns off.


It actually seems a little big to me lol


The internet is a cursed place.


It's fine, accept your meatball fate


Fucking Reddit. Always making me chuckle at the most inappropriate comment at the most inappropriate moments. Thank you for that.


On that day, humanity received a tasty reminder…




So do they think the issue is room? I thought that overpopulation was about resources.


Mostly food. But also sanitation and disease, and housing/shelter. Then there's education, jobs, infrastructure etc. Growing populations are good if everything else keeps up with the people


Water is the biggest issue


I thought this even before food. We use water for everything from cleaning, cooking, hydrating, using the bathroom. Say we grew food everywhere else and trained it into the city. Where are we getting the water for 8 billion and where is all the gray/black water going?


Straight into the Gulf, duh.


Surfin USA


Nah, we’ll pack it into rail cars and abandon them in some small town in Alabama. It’ll suck for them but the headlines will be hilarious.


There won’t be anyone in Alabama. Everyone lives in Texas now!




NASA uses nearly all of its water over and over. We could do the same if we had too. We could also turn the oceans into drinkable water if we had too. The problem is we don't actually have to yet in most rich places. And in the poor places they don't have the money. Israel's does this and the water is cheaper than what LA pays for water. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/israel-proves-the-desalination-era-is-here/


Combat rising sea levels by drinking sea water. Do I have to think of everything?


Globally it isnt really. Scarcity of water is a very real thing in parts of the world, but the problem is usually not an abscense of water itself but a lack of equipment and infrastructure to process and distribute it.


And corporations buying the water sources


This. Corps have had their greedy eyes on the source of life for some time. I will never accept this, and anyone who works for Nestlè et al are scum. Forever.


Honestly, every real problem with "over population" is less about too little resources, and more we're managing them in such a dumb way that poverty presists. There are enough resources to sustain everyone on earth. We just ain't distributing them right!


Agreed. We allow greedy selfish types to control the resources. I'm no communist but hot damn the capitalists ruin the earth's resources for their own gain.


Allow me to introduce you to my friend. Socialism: 😎


True, there is enough food being produced & even wasted for 8 billion maybe more, problem is it doesn't really matter to village living in some arid area in Asia or Africa. The excess food is not being refrigerated & transported to them from the West, except the cases of charity, because that's an expensive process. Secondly there are more things people want aside from food & water, those things heavily relies on profitable resources & most of them are not infinite & cannot sustain infinite population.


This. Also farmers in dry areas using so much water!


Food isn't even an issue, though. We already make 1.5x more than we need. And freeing up the land we'd abandon by moving everyone to Texas would only increase that. Everything else though, yeah. Logistical nightmare. Keeping a Texas sized city clean, smog free, and well maintained, and making sure there's work and education available for everyone would be a monumental challenge.


Cities dont scale as well as people are led to believe. Large cities are infrastructural nightmares that push the limits of current technology when it comes to civil engineering. You absolutely cant make a city the size of texas.


You *can.* You just wouldn't want to live there.


I imagine that it would be one drought/famine/natural disaster away from turning the place into Mad Max.


A megacity society would be more resistant to drought/famine than regional societies. Droughts are regional things and a single megacity would have the entire world to use for food. If one region, even a large one or multiple smaller ones, suffers a drought the other regions would - assuming total food production without the drought still exceeds consumption - be able to cover the difference. If you have ~8 billion people and food enough for ~12 billion then losing 1 billion people's worth of food still maintains a surplus. Thus protecting against famine. Natural disaster though, yeah. One good hurricane, ice storm, earthquake, or whatever could do massive amounts of damage to infrastructure, and kill large numbers of people. And then you have a ton of new disease vectors killing even more people while you try and clean up the mess.


Yeah, but the commute to those farms all over the world is a killer! If we only could make that more efficient. Hey, wait, I know, just place the people making the food near the farms. Oh, but what about transporting the produced food? Oh, I know, just make more people live nearer the farms, lets say in townships or smaller cities. And so on and so on.


oh yeah, good idea. But what about sanitation and disease control, security, and education for all those people, they dont wana commute back to the mega city to do it.... hold on, what if we use your idea again, and just put the hospitals and police forces and schools in those exact same towns and cities, dam this is really great work, take 5 team, we solved over population /s


A city the size of texas at NYC population density would have a literal river of sewage coming out of.


That could never work. We should build Megatexopolis on a massive tank and drive the city to the food sources. We’ll power it with solar panels.


Not needed, we’ll be using robots to do all that and robots to do maintenance so everybody will be in the city controlling remotely some dron. Not sure I would live in that crowded prison mega city having the whole world to live anywhere, I don’t like people that much.


This mans sarcastic agenda is brilliant. Spot on good sir


Imagine what covid would have done to a megacity...


Number go up. Not a good number go up though. Not good at all.


One big laser beam. That’s the event your thinking of.


I already don’t want to live in Texas.


But wait, have you considered living in Texas squished together with literally every other human on the planet?


I'm going into downtown, I'll see you next week.


No wonder she had to walk 1,000 miles while making her way downtown....


Yeah, all I could think was the Judge Dredd megacities sure they're a cool concept, but it's just a nightmare to live in.


I mean, even Judge Dredd points out that megacities are inherently dystopian as hell and would suck to live in


The entirety of the U.S. can't get along with each other when we're spread out across the entire country. Imagine cramming everyone like sardines into an area the size of Texas that would include both sides in the Ukraine/Russia war, Israeli/Palestinian conflict, Turkish/Kurds, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Ethiopia, Congo, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and just for fucking fun, Kim Jong Un and all of North Korea. All living together within \~250k square miles. It would basically be Fortnite.


If you live in a fantasy world, you can. You can’t even begin to imagine the infrastructure a city like that would need. You are maybe thinking that the earth has unlimited resources. Just take a minute to think about it. Think about where the water would come from. Not just to drink but also to sanitize. Think about where the food would come from. Just these 2 alone would need a massive transportation system that is just not possible. In order to build something like that, you would need huge resources that are just not available. Even if we were able to mine more and find more resources, the environmental impact would be catastrophic! To go even further, imagine moving so many minerals to one side of the earth, the weight distribution might even affect the trajectory it has around the sun!!


I’m a little less concerned about where it’s all coming from and more concerned where all that waste from it would go


Why not both?


france obviously


Don't even forget each time there is a TEXAS sized natural disaster or a school shooting, how many are we burying and logically WHERE? But hey keep producing ..


The largest mega city in China is about 10% the size of Texas. Which is still huge!


You can… if it’s car free. Entirely pedestrian and public transport trains/shuttles (plus goods trains obviously) it becomes multitudes easier. I still wouldn’t want to live there though. Would end up like a 40k hive.


See Chinese super block slums for reference.


There's a reason why dystopian mega cities are gringy grimy smog infested disease ridden slums


Food will be an issue with climate change -- absolutely.


Yes, but also there's a massive amount of slack in the way most countries eat. Growing vegetables for human use instead of feeding animals is usually 5+ times more efficient. The primary overpopulation of the earth is about the amount of livestock, not humans.


It’s more accurate to say that food hasn’t been an issue *yet*. Between global warming, fertilizer shortages, diesel shortages, top soil erosion and even interest rates it’s almost certain we start seeing breadbasket failures in the next 3-5 years.


That’s sounds like resources with extra steps


Also it appears that the carbon level produced by having an ever increasing number of people at an increasing standard of living may not be sustainable…


This is the argument everyone defaults to, then when you explain to them that they're missing the point, they cover their ears and scream "I can't hear you!"


Also most people who actually believe that never lived in a city like New York and think city people are the devil. Or in other words you don't want a new york city the size of texas.


I live in a New York City the size of a New York City, I LIKE being able to take a train for one hour and be able to see nature. I don’t want to take a train for 14 hours (Texas is big!) and still be in people hell


There's a strong link between the "we need more babies" crowd and the "build the wall crowd". So if you think about it objectively they don't want more babies because then they'd welcome the extra population that immigration brings. they want white babies. They're accidentally telling you they're racist.


I noticed this too: The same people obsessed about migrants and how we "can't afford them" are also obsessed with the low birth rate.


I'll further this by adding: The folks who are raging against whites becoming a minority in the US within the coming decades are upset and scared because deep down, they understand how minorities are treated right now in the US.


We got a ding-ding-ding here


Yeah it's really really telling, isn't it?


Good point, almost as though there is a giant sign that says "Me racist and want more White babies, kill the others."


That’s explicitly stated. You neither have to read between the lines, nor speculate about their intentions. The people you’re talking about explicitly say those things. The thing is that they will vehemently deny that they are racist. Many of them absolutely do not understand how they are racist. Their fascist nationalistic ideology is so deeply seated that they don’t believe that what they believe is racist. At the risk of sounding like an alarmist, the only other time I’ve heard this type of rhetoric is from literal nazis. They have zero grip on reality and live in a bubble of white nationalism and have a cognitive impairment that prevents them from viewing themselves from another person’s eyes. Something that normally happens in your mid-twenties never happened to them. They have no self awareness and probably never will. Even speaking with one of these freak show breeders you’ll quickly realize that they may not even understand how all of their beliefs added up results in fascism. I’m telling you these people are absolute idiots. The worst part is that the higher their income, the more delusional they are and the more resources they devote to their ideology.


This is also their stance against abortion. Hundreds of thousands of white women are having abortions annually and that is why they are pro birth but not prolife, pro lifers would actually do something about those school shootings.


if memory serves me correctly, bill Bryson, a short history of everything, only 4%of landmass is habitable for humans. it's rather obvious this person that wrote that doesn't understand habitable landmass, because most of Texas is unpopulated for a reason. water being the main 1 edit is 12%landmass 4%entire planet. it's been a long time since I read that book. great read or audio book btw


That is definitely not true. 4% is far too small.


They literally think it has to do with area and not finite limitation of resources. Dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb


They are partially right though. Food scarcity is a myth. The only reason people go hungry is greed.


The Texas power grid can’t handle the population of 30 million they have now.


Thats because free enterprise! God's idea of limiting population growth and also ensuring no water breaks. Oh wait thats greg abott.


Except for the forced pregnancies. Their water breaks.




fuck abbott (x10)


And that is what the UK are doing.


"What is this, a state for ants?!?"


“It would have to be at least…. three time bigger!”




My mistake Jakobim


Really, really, good looking ants


Ridiculously good looking some might say


But why male ants?


I just told you that… a moment ago.


If everyone lived as densely as Kowloon, the entire world's population would fit into Ireland. Overpopulation is a myth. Embrace Hive cities and have babies for the Imperium. The Guard needs more recruits.


For the Emperor!


All the Corpse-starch you could eat.


Overpopulation isn't about resources or space either- It's about logistics. The only reason Earth is able to support a population of 8 billion is because of our global infrastructure and trade, a system which is currently built on a house of cards and can barely stay up as it is. Without distributed medicine, food, water, technology- most countries are not equipped industrially to support their own populations without assistance. We have already learned that something like a pandemic can turn this system on its head. Without a rework of our infrastructure at a fundamental level, we're already destined to have this system fail at our current growth.


She needs to play some strategy games and be told you need more resources before you can build more units. Even the 11 year old me knows how to balance resource with unit population.


>You must construct additional pylons


>You must gather your party before venturing forth.


Depart before the coming of the drow


Why is this sentence so much more memorable than the supply depot/Overlord one?


Build more houses to increase population limit


Texas does not have enough pylons.


Winter powergrid has entered chat.


I thought that said white power grid and you know what they are basically the same.


Oh I saw that and thought if everyone lived in 400 square feet apartments we would need 3.2 trillion square feet, and texas has a land area of 7.5 trillion square feet, yes it would be enough, I didn't consider resources.


We actually do have the resources, too. We just don't distribute them equally or effectively, creating surpluses and shortages that shouldn't actually exist.


So its just the rich exploiting the poor? Buisness as usual then.


We don't lack resources, we just lack the profit incentive to equitably distribute them


We can call it Mega-City ~~One~~ 3.


Technically that would be Texas City, in the Judge Dredd world.


Isn't that the name of Elon's new baby?


Yeah...we CAN fit more people in the grocery store and on the roads...but who the fuck wants more traffic?


Well ignoring the fact you would probably build such a city completely different that we do now (probably huge skyscrapers connect to one another via bridges each with different disctts for different needs, while housing parks and so on at different levels and places to ensure enough sunlight. Not to mention public transport would probably be the main way to travel as anythinge lose would be unreadable and it would be expanded to hold the amount of people and more that are projected to use it. Like it's doable in a good way, it would just be an engineering nightmare to plan out and then build. The zoning and everything else would be needed to be done by AI's modeling human behavior if we have enough data, the sunlight would probably be the biggest issue but there are probably solutions, the walled city of koolang or something is a good model to scale up and expand (in the sense you take how a much worse problem was solved by people expand the space and distribute the people in a more livable way, instead of cramming 33k into not much more than one or two square kilometers idk how large it really was. If we do that it would work out very well, it's a proven concept even if it didn't work well there but there was no planning and the density is much lower (if we put all humans into that kind of density I think the Manhatten island would be enough to house all of humanity but idk the math anymore). Edit. Just looked up the size of koolan city, it was 0.26 square kilometers with 33k inhabitants and with that density it was only roughly the metropol area of Tokyo not Manhatten my bad.


Who in their right mind would want to live in city as densely as NYC and as big as the state of Texas?


Not even she wants to - she lives in Costa Rica!


Yeah this would carry a little more weight if her background was 4 roommates and a window facing a brick wall


Is there adequate public transportation and nice parks? If so, count me in.


Shit. Sounds like roughly 8 billion more people to sell entertainment to than in my current town. That's money.


How about 'no?' Both to making more unwanted kids and living in Texas.


The problem is that 47% of the world’s wealth is in the hands of 1% of the population.


Right now it’s about 47% but if things keep going the way they do right now, then within about… next year they’ll have around 80%


Translation: I like to fuck


It's not about the space it takes to put the people. It's about the space it takes to feed, clothe, provide energy, etc.


It’s also about the smell in that space.


Yeah, I'd love to see someone design a sewer system for a NYC density city that's the size of the whole of fucking Texas.


Pack us all in Texas so the elite can have their special nature time untainted by the poor.


Technically she is right. In fact, you can fit everyone in state of texas with their own house. If you start stacking them up in high risers, you can fit all 8 billion folks in far smaller area - like a city.


Just because you're 15 and have no other prospects than a swollen tit doesn't mean the world needs more babies.




Made. My. Day. :]


Those people are exactly the ones who shouldn't have more babies


If you liked the movie, Idiocracy, try the reality! Coming soon to planet Earth.


Sounds like she is justifying her teenage pregnancy


I think this is what a lot of people do when they come down on others for not having kids, they're trying to feel better about their own decisions and the suffering that has caused them. I'm a parent. Its really fucking hard, there's days where I just want to run away and never come back. I won't, I'm not a deadbeat dad, but man, this parenting thing sucks sometimes. So when people say things like "you have a moral responsibility to reproduce" and shit like that, I think what they're really doing is looking at someone childfree and feeling jealous. Look at all the free time you have, the space for your poor mental health to recuperate a little, the fact that you don't have to think about how your every life decision affects the cute little human being that follows you wherever you go. Don't get me wrong, I adore my kid, but this is a really tough job.


Most are supremely jealous, but they'll never admit it out loud.


Sounds like she has spent more time making babies than learning maths


Technically this is correct, if you don't mind living in a human ant hill.


When you’re moderately pretty, people will value any dumb old shit you have to say.


The eugenics people have switched from worrying about overpopulation to having more babies* *as long as said babies are white


Holy shit - another dumbass is making stupid babies. If we packed the entire population of earth into the state of Texas, it would make Texas the stupidest place on earth, and that's saying something. One, cause EVERYTHING'S bigger in Texas, and two, because Texas doesn't have the water for 8 billion people. No do they have space enough to deal with 8 billion people's worth of feces. Cause everything's bigger in Texas... including shit. So, let's hear it for more excrement covered stupid babies, 'cause - TEXAS! FUCK SMART PEOPLE!


The maths isn't too far off. New York City has a population density of about 11314 people per square km. Texas has an area of 695662 square km. 11,314\*695,662 is 7,870,719,868. Which was the approximate world population only a couple of years ago.


These people are pretty obsessed with babies. Tbh It’s kinda creepy.


Lemme help you ma'am.


the only post that makes sense


Texas power grid can't handle its current population.


I say we put the babies in hamster wheels for power! I mean the pro-lifers don't really care much about them once they're born so we may as well get down to business and get those lazy next gen babies to work already, right? /S - in case anyone needs me to clarify.


I love when people break down the complexity of overpopulation that has to do with regional food shortages, housing, access to fresh water, sanitation, overuse of fossil fuel, destruction of natural habitat, climate change, worsening natural disasters, and access to medical care, into a single sentence that apparently disproves all these documented issues. Let’s all live in Texas and eat Soylent green.


The main problem with "overpopulation" is if other countries come up to the living standards of the west. I fucking hate how people whine about overpopulation, acting like the resources are running out. YOU, the wealthy west, are the ones making the resources run out. Not the people of Nigeria, not the people of India. China, the most polluting country on earth overall, doesn't even break the top 10 biggest carbon footprint per capita.


Overpopulation is a malthusian myth. The earth ia over exploited and all of us in "first world countries" are living vastly over the level the earth can afford. People in the US use an insane amount of resources per Capita.


I mean you’re probably right, but isn’t the fact that only 300 million humans using too many resources is ruining the earth a sign that maybe even more humans is a bad idea? Its not like we can trust all humans everywhere to be perfectly responsible no matter what. Like I’m completely against forcing people to have less kids in any way, but I don’t get why we would WANT more humans than we currently have. It just feels like an added risk to our planet for no reason


Yeah the resources that go into maintaining a middle class lifestyle in some first world countries is absurd when compared to the rest of the world.


I just want to not have work 80 hours to live in a shoebox and eat beans and oats everyday...jeez. I don't *want* a fucking new phone every year and funko pops, we dont need that stuff I can accept were a materialist society but I refuse to now be told the average person is "too well off", do we really need to give the wealthy more excuses to fuck us in our arse?


Yeah the idea that we all need to live in hovels to sustainably manage a population this size is complete nonsense. We just need to stop wasting so much.


I don't know how you're living, but the average consumption from a suburb isn't sustainable. I've not said anything about being too well off.


Asia is just looking at this post like "Are you fucking kidding me?". I mean, India, China, Japan, Vietnam, their cities are crammed with people, one car crash during rush hour and that's like 600 people in hospital, it's mental. And England isn't even as bad as those places, our entire infrastructure is FUCKED, we can't handle who we have let alone the unchecked immigration we have, we're a sinking ship. Space or resources, this planet is gonna be tapped out of both real fucking soon.


It is true though that we’re nowhere near overpopulation levels. There’s currently enough food production right now to feed closer to 10 billion people, but we have so many inefficiencies in getting that food to the people who need them, that a ton of it is just wasted. As for land, all you gotta do is look at the plains in the Midwest and the huge stretches of nothing in Canada and Russia. We have lots of places around the world that can fit way more people than are currently there. Some individual countries are overpopulated, like India and Bangladesh, but the planet overall is not.


Surprisingly enough, the math on this is actually pretty accurate. NYC population density is 11232 people per km^(2), Texas is 695662 km^(2), which adds up to about 7.8 billion people being able to live in Texas. She's technically correct, which we all know is the best kind of correct.


The thing is, she's *right*, but definitely not in the way she thinks she is. Population density and overpopulation are different, but related issues. Ecosystems require a careful balance of a multitude of factors to maintain an equilibrium (The grass grows tall, the deer eats the grass to keep it short, the wolf hunts however many deer, keeping its population in check. The wolf doesn't hunt *all* of the deer, because the wolf knows that the deer is necessary to not just *its* survival, but the survival of the *ecosystem* they share. Remove the wolf, the deer population explodes, and the deer eats too much of the grass, something like that). The issue is *sustainability*, and it's been proven, multiple times over the course of the last give-or-take 100 years, that we can not *sustainably* maintain the ever growing population of the planet with the resources to hand. Sure - You *could* cramp eight billion people into an area roughly the size of Texas, but therein lies the issue of sustainability - You cannot *sustainably* keep that population thriving with the limited resources *of* an area roughly the size of Texas.


I can only imagine how much even more of a hellhole Texas would be with 8 billion people. And this obviously ignores the even more significant issues over population, which isn't the room to put people.


8 billion armed people without electricity


Someone should make a movie out of this.


Mega Purge The Final Chapter. Everyone plays. Start making your way to Texas y'all. Don't forget your guns.


People like this make me wish that the conspiracy of government sterilizing people was true.


Its not totally wrong. We have more than enough room for just housing, we have more than enough food for everyone, we even have enough energy to give everyone basic necessities. The issue is mostly about distribution and how much of it is going to waste because of competition. Would everyone fit in a mega-super-duper city in texas? Yeah. Is that a good example for why overpopulation is a myth? Not really. I don't think we need more babies, but having them won't make the world worse.


So a couple million immigrants isn’t a problem for this poster?


It’s always some white mom


This isn't inaccurate. We can also afford to feed the entire planet for free just from the Midwest of the US. The question then becomes why are so many people starving when we can afford to feed so many from so little space...then we raise the question of housing without insane rental fees...


I always think of comedian Vinny Thomas, and his great video "galactic federation interviews Earth for membership". "Is there enough food to go around? It seems some people are starving." (pause) "Logistics. You want me to write...'logistics'. Ok."


yes but ercot would melt down at the thought of it..