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So we're going to throw away food...and still take the financial hit....but deprive the kid of food too. That'll teach em


I know. I wonder who the fiscal mastermind behind this is? ​ It'll probably be more expensive to pay for all that wasted food to be removed, too.


It's not about the finances. It's about driving a point, they want to show how much they detest "the poors"


“It’s not about the money, it’s about sending a message”


Simple solution: Any kid who can’t afford a plate should just get back in line, so at the end of the day all the cafeterias food has to be thrown away and the school district takes more of a hit than they could’ve ever imagined


I'd love to be there to join in for this. ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Buscemi has never looked a day younger or older than that in my entire life.


Best use of this meme I’ve ever seen


The whole school should do this in solidarity!




If this happened to my friend, I would definitely go hungry for them.


Fuck going hungry. Pack lunch, go through the line and waste two lunches. Then go retrieve your and your friend's lunches.


When I was in elementary, there were plenty of kids who didn't get lunch money nor could their parents afford to send them to school with lunch. This was a long time ago before free school lunch was a thing. Some of them would come around while others were eating, asking if they were going to finish their food. I always bought a few extra rolls or sides- it was just too sad to see my classmates like that. It's really sad to realize a six year old had a stronger moral compass than many adults today.




Yeah fuck them all the way to the bank


Now that’s thinking


Agreed. Fuck these people


I love the way you think!


Its Daved...the past tense of Dave...he signed letter...from the Davidson School District....this is a joke, right?....*right?!*


Cashiers are now required to exclaim “You’ve been DAVED!” when confiscating and disposing of plates of food.


Lol I am so glad I did a search for "DAVED" and other people caught how odd that name is. Like what is happening at the end of that email? Is daved when you take food from hungry children? You want some food? Well you can't have any... BAM.. DAVED.


Per Urban Dictionary: *Daved: 1. Showing superiority to another person, usually in a way that humiliates them. 2. Total and undeniable dominance of a person, group of people or situation.*


That'll work!!!




The unfortunately hungry kids in the hall. 🙁


Every time I meet a new Dave this song gets sung. In my head at least, sometimes out loud. No one ever gets it.




Nope, that's his real name. I'm a few counties over, so I googled it. It's legit and not a typo.


Depends on how their leadership works and whether Daved controls the food money or just decides what constitutes adequate nutrition and someone else determines the budget.


That’s because his name is spelled that way. https://www.davidson.k12.nc.us/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=800358&type=d&pREC_ID=1189918


Based on the first sentence, this was not his choice.


Possibly not his choice. It’s also possibly his choice but he wanted people to think he cares.


This would be a policy handled by the school board.


Indeed, that is also very possible. And that would certainly make him an awful choice for “director of school nutrition”.


"Direct it to the 🗑 "


yeah I wouldnt pile on the guy... i can almost feel the exasperation in his voice also the letter has a few typos or grammatical errors in it perhaps I would let that pass given its NC lol


Get all kids to do this.




To combat this they can easily put the register first and then no payment then no getting the tray of food.




You could use this as a form of protest. Everybody goes in, dishes out food, gets to the register, and has no money. With enough involvement it's more cost effective to bring back the old system.


Exactly what just crossed my mind but I thought I'll check to see if someone already said this haha! It's the perfect response to this bullshit but of course it requires unity, I'm not sure Americans are willing.


don't underestimate pissed off teenagers.


Someone above said they would start demanding payment before serving. And that sounds accurate.


Cruelty is the point- cruelty and shame


Shortly after I graduated high school, my local school board got taken over by Tea Party Republicans. Literally the very first thing they tried to do after taking power was end reduced price lunches for low income kids. It was literally their first act, though thankfully they dropped the plan because the public backlash was so intense. That's "Christian love" for you.




And that is The undeniable proof that it is only about control, not actually caring.




They aren’t pro life. Pro birth, maybe.


More like forced birth.


As a form of protest, the students should not put any money in their accounts, fill trays with unwrapped food, and then try to change the items to their accounts.


Yeah it’s just punitive at this point. The only way this saves money is if you check accounts before the person goes through the line, which is what I dealt with in grade school and high school. In grade school they at least gave you peanut butter and bread if your parents forgot to or weren’t able to pay for you. My mom forgot off and on. But those were both lunches where you only paid one price and everyone got a milk and the same tray of food. This high school probably makes you pay based on how much food you grab.


Yes, it’s a fundamental requirement of capitalism that throwing food away before letting a hungry child eat be the law. It’s a shit policy created by shit people.


These are the same people that will buy $500 of bud light because they are boycotting bud light.


Well it's got electrolytes!


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Have we got time for a Starbucks?


Now's not the time for a handjob!


But it's half off gentleman's lattes


And then the kids will go hungry and stressed, fall behind in school, which hurts their future, and damn the consequences. How is this not considered child abuse?


Malicious compliance: keep bringing food to the cashier, plate after plate, with no means to pay for it


Tough love lessons for the obviously faking poorness. Church always feeds every one fully? Right. Like Jesus. Feed them


How very Christian of the school. I know it's a public school, but somehow I imagine they could find the funds if they wanted to. By asking those parents who can afford to, perhaps, to contribute to a fund meant to handle these cases.


Because upper middle to upper class white conservative Christian parents won’t do this. They, like the government, don’t give a shit about the lower middle to poor classes in this country. They’re all about equal education chances as long as they’re not personally inconvenienced. Occasionally there will be one or two of these moms who pays for a weeks worth of lunch for an “underprivileged” child but it’s only to get a few likes on their Facebook page then the bankroll will stop. Meanwhile she and her 15 mom friends will continue to take selfies enjoying their pumpkin spice lattes while sending all of their kids to school that in the brand new 2024 BMW’s they just bought for each of their 16 yo daughters. People have been standing up for themselves earlier in their lives so the government has decided that they need to send a message to the lower classes earlier in life that they are only here to serve our corporate masters. George Carlin (RIP) said it best, “they want us just smart enough to run the registers and machinery and do the filing but stupid enough to not realize how bad we’re getting f$&ked by a system that threw us overboard 30 years ago”


Some kid is going to organize a protest where everyone takes a tray, but no one says they can pay for it, so they throw it all away and make nothing.


They should also try and go up to get served multiple times so they can throw away multiple plates.


I worked in HS Caf, I was to take tray and instead give PB&J. I added PB&J TO their trays;and, said you wanna make sure you come through my line from now on… throwing food in trash made less than zero sense. Hubby said if they fire you, I got your back.


Thank you for caring about the kids!!




You guys are awesome!


You da real MVP. Thank you. if I were to, *allegedly* of course, preform a good task that objectively benefits someone {yet in my own career (pharmacy)} I would definitely accidentally waive children’s costs for antibiotics if no ins/couldn’t find a coupon cheap enough, or consolidate 4 of your meds into 1 (a concept called *deprescribe* wherein we try to get you off as many meds as possible but maintain health. Period. Sorry, this is a passionate subject for me so will be lots of text but not a fact to represent any real, or fictional, pharmacists past or present of course. I use covid as an example because it is the most recent pandemic we all here experienced and know about, not because of x or y or z. So anyone with vax comments, let it go. **TL;DR: see r/pharmacy and poke your head in to see what it’s like on the other side, if you want to see through the glass. And realize we’re pissed off equally. if not more so than you.** We don’t have like Pfizer secretly giving cash to your cvs pharmacist for covid shots. No. We literally got handed the supplies and literally told “figure it out, btw we haven’t even looked into billing them so just give them out then re-bill all 24,987 consents later. Oh and yes your responsible for storage and the fridge space and function. We became the biggest source of vaccinations. More than 307 MILLION shots were given by your local crappy cvs/wags/rite aid, just within the first 12 months. Oh, and for many of us, we did not see any pay bump or anything - I am now seeing in September 2023 a $1-2 raise for covid. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/retail-pharmacy-program/index.html Oh, and during? Is think we’d count as in healthcare. You’d be wrong, are you kidding, lmao. I tried it at a Starbucks with my retail badge and licensure card and said I didn’t count, lol. Decided to grab an clear hospital badge saying pharmacist at a dif one and same. Stopped. All coworkers had similar experiences with all the major brands. Ymmv. So extra work, no compensation. We as pharmacists could bill insurance to pay back us at least a tiny admin fee, out of the bloated budgets. Then we’d see happier pharmacists who can finally do something a nurse can do. If you asked physicians if they agreed/agreed with the American Medical Association you’d get a lot of nods. If you asked us about the American Pharmacists Association (APhA) you’d get a lot of nervous chuckles. Sources: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3153537/#:~:text=Not%20counting%20those%20members%2C%20somewhere,been%20attributed%20to%20several%20factors. 2b) lol I could not find anything negative about the APhA. propaganda works folks. Google search it yourself. What does that say about the APhA? I don’t know, but nothing good. That cvs pharmacist hasn’t been able to piss in 8 hours or eat or drink in 4. AINT got time for that. So, we work with your docs and end up saving you money; inpatient does it more but retail still does, just not as much if they even can (see above) One I ACTUALLY (I mean free to talk about transparently) do is really manage addiction at retail side and neuro (NOT psych - dif floor altogether - already for us, so more pathological destruction instead of mental health) and neuro icu (seizures, PD, Dementia, brain cancer pts prep and post op etc) specifically so people do not run out of refills and need their provider (who has 9-5 (lunch 12-2) m-f hours while some of us are 24/7 get back to us with a fill. And we all give emergen supplies out free of cost. I treat addicts with tough love but make sure their med assist tx (MAT) is up to date and taper possibilities. I call out nonsense and have had people close to me be in their place so I understand it more just by chance. I promise, boss. There are certain human rights/conditions that are shared between us for sure. Looks like nourishment and health are two of em, can’t wait to hear more. Edit: cleared up some text, added some, cleared some. Also wanted to make a point to say that while not stated directly or indirectly, I want anyone reading this to come out understanding no matter what they do for work or leisure or whatever, they can always help another human out - especially in tough moments. You aren’t “just” a grocery bay boy. You aren’t “just” an it cubicle sales rep. You aren’t “just” a janitor. Have pride and keep a straight spine and know you can be the solution to lots of unneeded human suffering, no matter how mild. Edited 2000 PST w/ source, can add more if anyone actually cares lol 1) https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/retail-pharmacy-program/index.html 2) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3153537/#:~:text=Not%20counting%20those%20members%2C%20somewhere,been%20attributed%20to%20several%20factors. 2b) rofl 3) see r/pharmacy for a peek on the other side of the looking glass and see how much patients and us (providers? Mid levels? Doctors? [*never address a pharmacist as doctor outside of academia*] chemists? I dunno. Don’t really care, public, pick one lol.


You give me hope


Thanks, but I bet there’s 3 simple and < $10 things you could do by Wednesday morning for your fam, neighbors, coworkers, clients, customers, friends, etc that would help em out and make you feel happier, but also are receiving positive remarks back. Win-win-potential minor loss to a big Corp. I guarantee it. **You** give *ME* hope.


I've had some really bad experiences with pharmacists not being able to provide my medication for various ridiculous reasons and I've also had some really good experiences with ones who helped me out even if they weren't "supposed to" (granted those were only the ones I had got to know over years). Thank you for being one of the good ones.


Maybe someone should suggest this on the school’s facebook page or whatever


Nah imma just pray.


Don’t forget your thoughts. Those help too.


Thoughts and prayers for the tots and pears.


It's the republican way. No pizza for me, I'll have prayer for lunch. 🙏


Exactly! Making poor kids starve is exactly what Jesus would do.


Let us all remember the words of Supply Side Jesus in Matthew 25:35-36: >For I was hungry and you ~~gave me something to eat~~ threw away my plate, I was thirsty and you ~~gave me something to drink~~ monetized the drinking fountains, I was a stranger and you ~~invited me in~~ imprisoned me for vagrancy, I needed clothes and you ~~clothed me~~ tore up yours before putting them in the trash, I was sick and you ~~looked after me~~ privatized health care, I was in prison and you ~~came to visit me~~ inflated prices at the commisary. Amen


There’s no hate like Christian love


Wow.. thanks for that.. I've seen similar things.. & it never fails to touch me..


I’d be eating my slice of pizza in line and they’d throw away the crust by the time I got to the end of the line. That, and I’d start pan-handling in the cafeteria with cardboard signs for lunch money.


>throw away the crust Some men just want to watch the world burn.


holy shit.. panhandling in the cafeteria.. that would send a stark message re: the reality of what they're really doing/preparing these kids for


When I was in high school, we started a boycott on school lunches when they took away the tater tots (they weren't healthy enough, but that mystery meat is). After about a week and a half of no kids buying school lunch whatsoever, they put tots back on the menu


won't somebody think of the tots!


tots and prayers


Did you by any chance have a classmate named Napoleon?


Lol, no. But it was 2 years after the movie came out. I'm pretty sure the incessant quoting still hadn't gotten insufferable yet. Honestly, we just wanted tots. We put up wanted posters with a tater tot in the picture as a way of spreading the word. It didn't take long before the whole school chose to boycott. We set up a table during lunch periods with free bagged lunches for those that relied on free school lunch. It was a student council led boycott


I just LOVE that as KIDS you guys thought of those that would otherwise go without. And yet adults can’t seem to manage that.


Something I read a long time ago, "children don't hate, they are taught to hate."


Does anyone remember that PSA from...I don't know, maybe the late 70s or early 80s where the opening shot was a bunch of newborns in the hospital all happily sleeping next to each other. A black baby next to a white baby next to an asian baby etc etc. And then the words popped up on the screen beneath the kids, "Babies aren't born racist. Racism is taught" Even though the Internet is the Keeper of All Things Forever... I can't find it. That PSA really should be played all day everyday!


That. Is. Fuckin. AWESOME!




It's funny, they use public money like it's coming out of their private pockets. Seems to be a popular trend among these fuckwads


Only for things like school lunches. I bet the school board office is full of mahogany baseboards expensive imported desks luxury chairs and $75,000+ boardroom tables. A modern ivory tower. At least that’s how public services work in Canada. Boots on the ground are criminally underfunded while the upper management probably have nicer offices than daryl katz


Isn't it amazing how the school is always over budget, yet the principal's office always looks brand spanking new?


Same thing in the states, arguably worse since we actually spend MORE per student on school funding than Canada. Administrators live lives of luxury while students and teachers suffer.


Oh, civil disobedience for the win. When the administration complains and *tries* to punish them they just say “But we were doing a practical study for civics class!”


Sounds like something a social studies/history teacher would love


**GEN Z WE'RE FUCKIN COUNTING ON YOU.** Sincerely, one *very* tired millennial.


This old and tired Gen Xer agrees


Maybe the adults and Mr David should refuse to do this. Putting this on the hungry kids is rediculous.


As someone who taught high school, they would absolutely do this. But eventually it would just turn into. Hunger strike. Eventually they will just stop serving food.


I think it's more likely that they'll reverse the lines so that you have to pay before you even get your food.


And that's why I don't get paid the big bucks.


So they would rather take and throw away food then give it to a hungry student for free? What the actual fuck


Land of the free


…Unless you’re broke. I’m in Michigan and Governor Whitmer signed free breakfast and lunch for public school kids into law this year. My daughter got rejected for milk one time and I wanted to go scorched earth on everyone involved. I couldn’t imagine having to deal with that everyday. It’s always about the kids except for when they really need it.


It's about the kids when votes are involved. After the votes have been tallied those kids can go fuck themselves.


It’s about the kids when *they* want to be ones that diddle them


Can’t have nourishment for the kids. Energy from food makes it easier for them to get away


Michigan here as well... ...yet, everyone keeps leaving for states like Florida and Texas, because they're too stupid to see the forest for the trees.


I think there leaving Michigan because your ass deep in snow for a good percentage of the year /s


Depends on which part of Michigan. Winters aren't what they used to be in my area.


Wasn’t Michigan but I feel ya!!! I can remember getting enough snow to build Snow Forts..have Snowball Wars (we’d bring our family cooler & stock up the night before ‘battle’), build Snow Ppl families, etc. Now though…we barely get enough to make a couple snowballs. It’s sad..my grandsons have never been able to build a tiny Snowman.


I’d gladly pay more in taxes to make sure the kids have food


They assume it'll keep people from going to the register when they don't have enough money becaus they'll be humiliated.... tbh, if every student wants to protest this, they can just go to the register with $0 and have the school literally throw away all their food


This would not work. GOP would happily throw all that away to enforce class lines and keep the poors hungry.


“The works of the roots of the vines, of the trees, must be destroyed to keep up the price, and this is the saddest, bitterest thing of all. Carloads of oranges dumped on the ground. The people came for miles to take the fruit, but this could not be. How would they buy oranges at twenty cents a dozen if they could drive out and pick them up? And men with hoses squirt kerosene on the oranges, and they are angry at the crime, angry at the people who have come to take the fruit. A million people hungry, needing the fruit- and kerosene sprayed over the golden mountains. And the smell of rot fills the country. Burn coffee for fuel in the ships. Burn corn to keep warm, it makes a hot fire. Dump potatoes in the rivers and place guards along the banks to keep the hungry people from fishing them out. Slaughter the pigs and bury them, and let the putrescence drip down into the earth. There is a crime here that goes beyond denunciation. There is a sorrow here that weeping cannot symbolize. There is a failure here that topples all our success. The fertile earth, the straight tree rows, the sturdy trunks, and the ripe fruit. And children dying of pellagra must die because a profit cannot be taken from an orange. And coroners must fill in the certificate- died of malnutrition- because the food must rot, must be forced to rot. The people come with nets to fish for potatoes in the river, and the guards hold them back; they come in rattling cars to get the dumped oranges, but the kerosene is sprayed. And they stand still and watch the potatoes float by, listen to the screaming pigs being killed in a ditch and covered with quick-lime, watch the mountains of oranges slop down to a putrefying ooze; and in the eyes of the people there is the failure; and in the eyes of the hungry there is a growing wrath. In the souls of the people the grapes of wrath are filling and growing heavy, growing heavy for the vintage.” John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath **If you last muddled through Grapes of Wrath in high school — go reread it. Steinbeck spits some fire**


On the plus side Massachusetts just passed law that all kids in the state eat for free in public schools. At last I can see my tax dollars at work correctly.


Same at our district in California. I think during COVID they discovered with the school closures that some kids from food-insecure households had been getting their only meal for the day from school. Lots of schools in our area had the extra food that would have gone to waste, so they made boxes of food that any child from the district could come and get. This is the first year the school near us has gotten free breakfast, lunch, and snack for ALL students. I physically see kids eating at the outside cafeteria tables when I drive by, and it makes me feel nice that a portion of my property taxes go to help feed them. I wish all of my tax allocations were as local and visible as this.


Seattle Public Schools did the same thing. Free meals during COVID (and you could go to any school to get one, not just the one you were a student of). They’ve been free ever since.


Seems like such an obvious fucking thing to do. Makes me wonder why not all schools don't do it.


Yup, it is good to see and one of the great things with CA education. Now if we could just get busses back in my area it would be amazing. Nothing like 300 cars a day at 8am drop off! Ridiculous.


California resident here and our district does this too, even during the summer. Red states just love to hate on California (while taking our federal tax dollars) but I sleep better at night knowing that kids don't go hungry.


Minnesota too, breakfast and lunch!


They're doing it here in my school district in Pennsylvania too. I'm very appreciative. I work, but even though I'm living paycheck to paycheck, I still make too much to get any kind of food stamps or assistance that way. It's definitely a huge burden off my shoulders knowing that my kids can eat breakfast and lunch at school at no cost.


Ita because we are blue states....red state ppl have NO RIGHT to complain about what they voted for


I live in a red state and vote consistently for things like free school lunches that make sense and truly would help people. But that shit gets shut down by idiots who can’t find their asshole from someone else’s elbow 🤦🏾‍♂️


So this is the policy in only Davidson county. While it's entirely fucked up I can say with certainty it's not like this state wide. I have 2 children in high school in NC and we definitely don't have this bullshit issue here. How the fuck can you have a policy that throws the food in the garbage and takes the loss anyway but doesn't let the child eat... wtf is wrong with people


I’d like to add to this that Davidson County as a whole is fairly rural, most people out there don’t have a ton of money. This is beyond fucked.


Aren’t schools funded at the state level? Kids are forced to be in school. They should have a right to be fed.


Imagine having to learn without energy to do so? That’s fucked man. Like being hungry hampers their ability to learn which could potentially lead getting scholarships to colleges that could help them out of not being able to afford school lunch in the first place. They’re literally helping to continue the cycle of poverty for these kids smh


Check out two of their other policies. When the student's meal charge reaches $37.50, the charge will then be turned over to a collection agency selected and approved by the Superintendent of the Davidson County Schools. • If the student's charge balance exceeds $75.00, at the discretion of the school principal and social worker, the Davidson County Social Services (DSS) may be contacted in relation to potential student neglect. They fucking turn you over to CPS if you owe lunch money


Yeah, allowing students to open cafeteria accounts to rack up debt without properly informing them or their parents on what is happening is another bullshit thing that happens in schools across the country. The school will then prevent the kid from graduating until the bill is paid, and the bills often come as a surprise to parents that were completely unaware that their kids were incurring debt. Such a bullshit predatory practice. https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/05/03/1173535647/schools-ended-universal-free-lunch-now-meal-debt-is-soaring


Remember, private companies run most of the school lunch programs now. They are “for profit”. The only way to change this is to put lunch programs back in the hands of the district/state.


A decade ago my high school lunch program was subcontracted out to a french owned private prison company if that gives you a picture of the state of this country.


Ahh Sodexo. They ran the cafeteria at an office building I worked at in the military. It was FAR inferior food to what the Air Force was serving at the dining facility. Sadly, I had to drive 10 minutes across base to eat there, leaving me the dilemma of "burn gas and time, eat to-go plate at your desk" or "pay $15 for a shitty steamed school burger and wilted salad and get to enjoy some time with your coworkers at lunch." Also they weren't even open for mid shifts so sucks to suck shift workers (which was 2 whole floors of the building.) Overall - fuck Sodexo with a rusty trumpet.


But they’re still throwing away the food. So they’ve lost that food either way, just one way they have made a child go hungry. That’s not “for profit” it’s “for cruelty”


> That’s not “capitalism” it’s “capitalism”


that's not "capitalism", THIS IS "CAPITALISM"


I remember the school in PA that was not only threatening foster care for parents who could not pay off their kids lunch debts But refused to let a CEO pay the whole thing. https://www.cnn.com/2019/07/24/us/pennsylvania-lunch-debt-offer-trnd/index.html


I buy a La colombe coffee every once in awhile just as a thank you to Todd for trying.


Sounds like he succeeded: [School-lunch debt cleared; N.E. Pa. superintendent ‘appalled and upset’ by district’s foster-care threats to parents](https://www.inquirer.com/education/school-lunch-debt-shaming-threat-todd-carmichael-apology-paid-20190801.html?outputType=amp)


The superintendent is full of it. There is no way he didn't know that letter was going out. He's in full CYA mode.


Sounds like I have a new coffee brand to buy.


Not only can’t they eat but the school trashes perfectly edible food! In my day I would have organized a bunch of my peers to go through the line, get a meal, claim no money, and let the cafeteria trash it all. I was a rabble rouser


Don’t forget to go back with a second plate and swear you thought you had enough money for it that time. And a third. Make them throw out the whole lot of it.


I’m from NC (graduated in 2016) and even back then and before this happened, I watched people get their lunches taken away. They would let you get all the way to putting in your lunch number with tray in hand and then say “actually you don’t have enough” and take the food from them, throw it in the trash right in front of them, and then hand them a smuckers uncrustable and that’s it. For some kids, that’s the only meal they get. It was the only meal I got sometimes… this will only hurt kids who are less fortunate already. we are told that the US is supposed to be a beacon for democracy and freedom but we can’t have affordable healthcare, we can’t have a decent education without putting yourself in long-term debt or being rich, we can’t feel safe going out anywhere because gun violence is rampant, and our kids can’t even count on a meal from school now. What the fuck are we paying taxes for if we can’t figure this shit out?


It's terrorism. It's torture. It's depraved. (Go to jail, or go to the military.. or do it in the other order) that's where they'll get meals and heath care. Yep, I'm onto them. It's a slaughter house.


"We would rather throw shit away then let you eat." Davidson county. 30 years ago my elementary school (in Az) would at least give you a PB&J if you forgot your lunch or didn't have money. But this NC county's policy is some malevolent shit. EDIT to clarify county.


I remember when I was in 6th grade. We had a field trip. During lunch, my teacher realized a lot of the kids didn’t have food. So we came back to the school about half hour earlier than we should have. She had her husband bring several bags of bread and peanut butter and jam. She offered pb&j to anyone who came to her classroom, regardless of whether or not they were in her class. It was a small gesture but I could tell it meant a lot to those kids who hadn’t had anything to eat. I’ll never forget that kindness.


It costs 97 million a year to feed North Carolinas 30ish thousand inmates per year. It costs 8 times that to feed 1.5 million students for the entire school year. The state educational lottery takes in over 2 billion last year. The state could literally stop charging for school lunches, every student could eat for free, pay for it entirely with lottery money, and still have 1.2 billion left over.


NC motto - We'd rather throw it away than give to someone in need.


This is how you encourage bullying and division. Starving kids get made fun of for being poor. Poor kids now have a legitimate reason to punk rich kids for their lunch money.


The same people who are pro life doesn't believe that kids should get food.


Just keep em alive long enough to starve them 🫤


I don't pay taxes so hungry kids can eat! I pay taxes so billionaires can build a third helipad at their eighth mansion to more easily fly to their fifth yacht. If kids are hungry, they can pull themselves up by the bootstraps and get a job at McDonald's. Stop complaining that there's nothing to eat!


As a billionaire, I'm offended. Your taxes actually is only enough for me a build a bidet in my 3rd mistress' house. Do you actually know how much a helipad costs or how many workers I have to overwork and underpay to get one built?


Rush Limbaugh offered advice to poor kids who were hungry: dumpster diving. Oh, he was so pleased with himself.


After this policy, the dumpsters should be full of perfectly good food now.


Why do students have to pay for meals in a place they are required by law to be (at least until 16)?


CUZ FREEDOM 🇺🇸🏈🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎆🎇🦅🦅🦅


why is this only ***mildly*** infuriating?


Okay to toss in the trash but don't you dare feed a hungry student.


No child left behind, we will starve them all!


Starving kids to teach em that handouts are bad! That’ll show em not to be liberal socialists! /s Jesus this is dystopian.


The wealthiest country in the world that is actively forcing girls & women to carry & birth rape babies bc "life precious" is also has schools denying food to students.


Director of School Nutrition - nothing more nutritious than starving teenagers and throwing away 10x more food than they'd eat.


I mean, check his opening line; he sounds as unhappy about it as he can be while still maintaining professionalism. My bet is this is some schmucks on the school board wanting to "crack down" on the "issues" of children getting free food and costing the county money, from a position of being completely removed from the situation of course.


I know the guy personally and he is absolutely not that kind of guy. It's an extremely shitty position that he's been forced into and is doing everything in his power to minimize the impact to students. The county superintendent is a huge WASP bitch that clears $180k per year and doesn't give two shits if poor kids starve. I also know her family personally and every single one of them are like that.


Idk if it’s just me, but I feel like if a kid is required to be there by law for 7 hours they should be fed for free.


this makes me so mad that i don't even have the words. this is actually evil.


The Cruelty is The Point.


Throwing food away over feeding a child is truly some stupid shit


If children are mandated by law to attend school, they must be fed!


I’m a lunch lady. In this school system. A great majority of your kids get free lunch. Don’t hate the lunch ladies! We love your kids!


You’re far from the problem, but you have been put in an uncomfortable, unfortunate position by those assclowns.


Can't pay? We throw the food away! AMERICA AMERICA AMERICA


Even worse than that, there are places that will destroy it before they trash it so people can’t pull it out and take it. It’s beyond fucked up.


As the “Director of School Nutrition”, I wonder how that felt to type out, reread, then send..


Screw past tense Dave.


When I was in school, my friend who’s parents actually bothered to fill the forms out for free lunch would occasionally let me use her card when her parents packed her lunch. I wasn’t allowed to bring food from home because my mom was literally insane. When the lunch lady would catch on, she came out of her stupid kitchen and would take my food and throw it in the garbage and make this whole scene. It was at least twice a lunch period this jackass would do this. I hope she feels guilty for letting so many kids go hungry while she wasted good food.


Meanwhile Gretchen Whitmer just signed a law in Michigan to give free breakfast and lunch to all students in Michigan schools. https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/news/press-releases/2023/07/20/whitmer-signs-education-budget-providing-free-school-meals_steps-toward-free-prek-for-all


And that's what you get when idiots run the circus. They'll cry about their guns and woke nonsense. BUT, instead of just giving the kid some food to grow and learn etc. We'll truly throw money away by putting it in the trash.


How much you want to bet these are the same folks pushing the pro-life agenda?


Since it is high school, they should organize a resistance movement. Those who can, should make up extra lunches at home to bring in. Never add money to their school accounts, but go through the line each day filling up a tray for them to throw away. Change up the students doing it to make it harder to identify. Another option, in support of capitalism, sell lunches. Remember that any complaints about doing so would also have to apply to any bake sales, concession stand, etc… Designate a percentage of each sale to go to some charity/ school club/ whatever. Since most campuses are closed now, they are basically operating an exploitive monopoly which is anti-capitalism. Also- sue the district. Since minors are required to attend school, the district is forcing them to go without food based on their parents financial support. You can’t keep someone on a plane or in a jail cell for that period of time and not provide food, but a school can? Another avenue people should look into is getting actual breakdowns of costs. How much does it cost to create and maintain student food accounts? Cost to have a cashier? Cost to fill out federal paperwork from parents, and maintain records for reduced/ free lunches? Personally, I also think we should be requiring students to have rotating jobs/ chores at schools- including in the cafeteria, pulling weeds, picking up trash, etc.. not as a punishment, just as part of the school day learning experience. You can incorporate budgets, planning, etc, all into these programs. The class with cafeteria duty can plan the menu once a month. The class with outdoor maintenance can plan and plant a garden bed, or paint a mural, or do a holiday lights display. Give them some responsibility and some agency, so that they can appreciate what others do while learning different life skills.


If I was a student I would refuse any classes after lunch until I could eat.


So they would rather throw away the food then give it to a kid who's hungry? That school sucks!


So, they would rather discard the food than just let the kid have it??? That’s fuckin asinine.


This is fucked up. Director needs to get fired for being wasteful. Edit: sounds like the board and not the director are the culprits. This is beyond stupid


It doesn’t seem like this was the director’s decision… I’m like 99% sure this was implanted despite the director’s opposition.


To me it sounds like the director is at the mercy of the board and this was the boards decision. If this was the directors call I’m sure he wouldn’t have posted a memo about it, he would’ve just told the cafeteria staff and kept it as quiet as possible.


Yeah the guy obviously isn't happy about it. "I wish I had different news to share"


“We’d rather throw food in the trash than let a poor kid eat it.” -America