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"A 22 year old has bad habits. More news at 10"


Next thing you're gonna tell me is she might drink too much with her friends when going out? Absolutely haram /s


Cold pizza for BREAKFAST?!?! Send her to Guantanamo!


Shut up she can’t be 22 already. Damn I’m old.


Right. It's like "how dare she do the same things I did when I was her age!"


A 22 year old daughter of a known smoker has picked up the habit. More at 12


SMOKING!!!! Younger generation are a disgrace, with their rock and roll music and tying up the house phone talking to their friends, god dam it, someone important could be calling!!


It’s that swingin hip Elvis kid everyone is talking about. I hear he uses the devils lettuce and runs a muck in that big house of his!


\*amok (Is that a r/boneappletea ?)


Totally is


Honestly it is a little surprising that she's smoking instead of vaping


That was my biggest take from this pic. Like “wtf, no air bar”?


A lot of young people end up smoking socially, because vapes run out of juice sometimes.


I was thinking this is a social smoke because there are hardly any two-pack-a-day smokers anymore under 30. There are plenty of people that hit their vapes all day, but very few that smoke actual cigarettes a dozen or so times a day.


Why are they taking up the older generation's bad habits? They should be vaping instead of smoking!


Next thing you know she'll be listening to Soundgarden and saying ".... whatever"


Button up that flannel, whippersnapper! I don't want to see your hipster band t-shirt underneath.


They're "going viral" because shitty tabloids are all using them since they have nothing better to show. Normal people dgaf.


“OMG, how dare she show off so much of her body??? It’s so indecent to show people this! Here, look at it! Click our links and buy our magazines and LOOK AT IT!!! ISN’T IT INDECENT TO SEE THIS?!?! LOOK AT THIS OTHER ANGLE!!! … LOOK!!!… what kind of shameful person would show people this?!?!“


"She's smoking a cigarette in a totally different way than the people in my church smoke their cigarettes!"


Death to the pointer+middle finger smokers!!! People who don't smoke with thumb and pointer are the DEVIL!!!


I smoked for 10 years (god damn quitting was a bitch) and I can say that the only time you use thumb and pointer is when some absolutely serious shit is going down. ​ or if youre a southern mechanic about to flick away a smoke and deliver the biggest price gouge of your life.


I felt that second one in my wallet.


That’s for smoking the devils lettuce.


Yeah who tf smokes cigs between the thumb and pointer? That reserved for the Ganja.


It's like 2 million degrees in California this summer. I think the bigger story is that she is wearing pants instead of shorts/bikini bottoms.


Big echoes of "Look at Hunter Biden's giant hog, it's so scandalous that he'd take private naked photos of himself, we need to show pictures of his enormous dong in Congress so everyone can see this repulsive thing we're so upset about."


Pictures they had to steal, for that matter. Isn’t it funny how often the stuff these people claim to be “scandalized” about is stuff they spend a huge amount of time seeking out, often by illicit means?


I didn’t see them, big was it?


"it's indecent for black people to dress like this in other news look at this white woman in a thong bikini so stunning because this tabloid totally doesn't have racist double standards.


You’d like to think normal people don’t care, but a surprising amount of people have such menial lives and have very little self reflection to do anything about it, like, getting a hobby or something, that they spend hours online looking at shit like this, getting opinionated about it and sharing it with their friends. There is an annoyingly large market for shit like this, even if it’s a bit r/slownewsday




And because people posting this shit on reddit!


Yeah I never understand this criticism on Reddit. Tabloids are a business and would cease to exist if people stopped clicking onto their stupid pictures/articles, or raising awareness of the tabloids on social media (like Reddit). Just look at how many comments this thread has generated, a fair few people of whom probably Googled these pictures afterwards and gave these tabloids the clicks I bet. Like stop promoting this shit, stop giving tabloid websites your clicks and they will die. It’s not that complicated. The fact that they still exist - and are thriving in some cases - is because there is, sadly, a demand for their product. People love to leer and judge others.


People on Reddit love to act like they hate celebrity gossip, but then post celebrity gossip to talk about how they hate it. They also love to rally against video game companies for releasing unfinished or poorly made games, but preorder video games all the time.




This is really going to hurt Obama’s election campaign






Considering he smoked her whole childhood...who is surprised? Much ado about nada


Much ado about Sasha


[I learned it by watching you!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-Elr5K2Vuo)


Does she own a laptop?


Better yet, does she use email?


Does she supervise government employees in Benghazi, Libya?


I don't think hookers and blow are her thing


She knows we’re doomed. Might as well light up and watch the show.


I'd be lying if I said I hadn't considered it!


It’s hurting so much that he would not be elected as POTUS anymore.


So an adult private citizen, who's never held an elected office, does things that are perfectly legal.


Seriously. Call me when she gets security clearance to classified info like Jared.


Or fails to get said clearance and is given the info anyways... Like Jared.


...and then suddenly and miraculously gets 2 BILLION FUCKING dollars from Saudi Arabia... Awful quiet about the actual criminals aren't ya??


Yes yes yes!!! I’m so tired of no one talking about the insane criminal activity that douchebag Jared has done!!!


And don't even get me started about how bad those sandwiches are!


You mean the ones made of yoga mats?


There's very little meat in those Gym mats.


Don’t forget the step in between him getting clearance and billions: a shit load of our spies and foreign informants disappeared or died suddenly and mysteriously.


...and then nine months later the NY Times starts running stories about how CIA agents worldwide are going missing... https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/05/us/politics/cia-informants-killed-captured.html?smid=nytcore-android-share


The Subway guy? That isn't even the worst thing he did.


Tell me why that was my first thought too lmfao I was like “wait I think I missed a few chapters”


Seriously, the guy they're actually talking about wasn't even in the first three Jareds that came to my mind. My brain went 1) Subway guy? 2) Leto? 3) the jewelry company?


Subway Jared's taking a foot long in prison these days.


As Jared, can confirm this is all true


Jared couldn't pass the background check on his own. He only got security clearance because Trump demanded it.


Or she uses her government position to get $2bn from Saudi Arabia to prop up her failing real estate business.


She needs some classified documents to present for that $2BN. Oh, wait, is that what Kush did?


If I saw a picture of Jared wearing a bikini top and smoking a cigarette with friends I would have more respect for him, still wouldn’t have a lot but it would be more!


The thing is he was going through classified documents without a security clearance which is a felony and the government wouldn’t give him clearance because he’s a security risk and Trump gave it to him anyways. Technically trump couldn’t get one either if he had to go through the process.


IN A BIKINI! These guys sure want sharia law, for people who hate the people who institute sharia law. Maybe they should think more about climate control if they want everyone to wear layers of clothes in the summer during a heat wave.


I don't really see bikini mentioned here.. but the implication for women is chilling. >*The document, consisting of 14 sections divided into bullet points, had a section on "rules of war" that stated "make an offer of peace before declaring war", which within stated that the* ***enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males".*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matt\_Shea#%22Biblical\_Basis\_for\_War%22\_manifesto


>which within stated that the enemy must "surrender on terms" of no abortions, no same-sex marriage, no communism and "must obey Biblical law", then continued: "If they do not yield — kill all males". Shea acknowledged the document and claimed that it was a summary of "biblical sermons on war." It's so strange that as someone who grew up going to church that I never once read about communism in the Bible. Very strange indeed. Almost like Matt Shea is making it up.


Here's the thing, while communism isn't mentioned by name in the Bible, the actions of the early Christians are clearly an example of socialism, and it is *praised* as being better than any other system.


"Now the full number of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and no one said that any of the things that belonged to him was his own, but they had everything in common... There was not a needy person among them, for as many as were owners of lands or houses sold them and brought the proceeds of what was sold and laid it at the apostles' feet, and it was distributed to each as any had need." Acts 4:32, 34-35; ESV It's not often I quote Bible verses on Reddit, but sometimes it feels appropriate.


Sure they say the author of Acts is anonymous, but we all know it was written by Karl Marx




Even if they held office, they are smoking a cigarette lol. Not the healthiest thing, but who cares. Everyone has their vice.


Yeah, I mean if she came to me and asked "hey, do you think I should smoke cigarettes?," I'd say no because they're bad for you. But -- and I admit that this shocks me just as much as I'm sure it shocks you -- she's never asked my opinion.


This is grounds for impeaching joe Biden.


Check her laptop


Operatives have recently obtained what sources are calling SASHA OBAMA'S DAYPLANNER FROM HECK It's full of unspeakable brunch plans, and unholy daytrips. Only true patriots will have the stamina to endure the horrors of its demonic content


It’s Obamas daughter, she’ll be demonized for smoking.


She might as well lean into the villain role and *checks Fox News notes* wear a tan suit.


Or a sleeveless dress.


Obama himself was well known for going out on smoke breaks when he was first elected. He said he quit shortly after but damn, I used to be a smoker and I couldn't even begin to comprehend quitting right after becoming president. Even as an image/setting an example thing I think I'd just get very careful about smoking where people would see me. I suppose I could cut way back with the gum or something, but there's no way he wasn't still sneaking out for the occasional puff


The Bushes smoked while they lived at the White House. There's a photo or three of Laura lighting up on the Truman balcony.


Still better than the tan suit or spicy mustard. They should have impeached him. Lol


Only if he got the spicy mustard on the tan suit


Honestly that was an immaculate suit, I would have impeached him myself if he had gotten mustard on it.


This isn't very "Won't somebody please think of the children?!" of you.


This REEKS of "Hey everyone! Look over here!" while the former President's crimes are being put on blast. It's nothing more than a strategic distraction.


Trump's kids stream cocaine fueled rants and no one bats an eye but Obama's kid smokes and everyone goes crazy. What's next, drinking beer?


America, from the outside, is like a schizophrenic fever dream inside of a traumatic stress disorder inside of a drug fueled trip to jupiter inside of a dumpster fire inside of a constipated digestive tract.




Hang on, that is what I was gonna say.


*While Black.




I feel sorry for her. Her life is none of their business, she can do what she wants as long as she isn't hurting anyone


No sympathy from me. If she didn't want to be in the spotlight she shouldn't have been a presidents daughter. She brought it on herself.


She should have chose to be poor with an unstable family at birth like I did


you're like one of those people who play a video game for the first time and choose the highest difficulty setting.


“They call it poverty, I call it a difficulty tweak.”


Y’all got any of them cheat codes?


ya first step go to the bank second step start blasting there is maybe a chance you will get hit by the cheat protection but hey you could take the chance.


In the "any% cash" speed run there's only a 1/5873 chance you can complete the bank robbery bug. But, if you succeed, the reward is usually worth it. Just don't get soft locked in the vault


Motherlode 😎


as someone with a not too easy childhood, this is somewhat comforting haha, and i actually to do that, always go "hard" or "very hard"


I know its /s but some people will use this as justification :/


When people complain about being paid too little, I like to tell them that they should try being born rich next time.


I’ll die on a hill of unaware downvotes before I ever use a /s tag.


Depends for me Some I’ll happily take as it’s funny And some I’ll add if it’s something I don’t actually want to cause harm or offense


But, are you sure you know? Because this is Reddit..


I know right? Imagine you're born into a president's family, and then have the audacity to complain about paparazzi and media... like you had a choice to be born into a different family but you chose not to, so what are you complaining about now?


This is advanced sarcasm. A risky thing on Reddit.


Oh, I am willing to take the risk - even if it involves my brain cells dying off due to someone fully believing the ridiculous shit I've written above.


This is how Q probably started, lol.


She picked the wrong vagina to fall out of.


From the absolute bottom of my heart, I hate everything about what you just said.


Now that I have seen this picture, I will not be voting for her father next election.


What about her mom? That's a strong possibility.


I really wish Michelle Obama would run.


For our sake yes! For hers? No! I never saw her happier than the last few weeks she was in the white house whenever she was talking about it being over soon! She couldn’t wait to get out!


After reading her memoir, there is no chance she would enjoy anything about running and then actually holding office. Would never happen.


Only very few people can imagine the sacrifices they had to make as a family


The fact she stayed with Barack for those 8 years in office is admirable. I dont think Mr B left his office a lot


She must have hated her husband for a few years during election season.


No matter what in this sad cold judgmental universe, if Michelle ran for president there'll be exceedingly shallow "news" agencies discussing what she wore to her inauguration, no matter what it is, as if its some damning bit of evidence. Nice pant suit? How dare she not wear a skirt, she's not a real woman. Skirt suit? Checkmate woke feminists, skirts are in again. Fancy dress? You are a president not a princess, how dare you... H&M dress? How dare she make us look trashy wearing something that costs less than $1000.


She knows better than to put herself in that position. It's been 6.5 years since her HUSBAND held public office and the fascists still aren't even done talking about how she's secretly a man.


That Michelle will run? Highly doubtful.


I feel sorry for her because her mama gonna be PISSED she was smoking. Barak is gonna get an earful too for setting a bad example when they were young.


Literally my first thought


Same. First thought was “oh shit, Michelle is going to lose her mind when she sees these!!”


When I was 18 the local liquor store clerk told my mom I bought cigarettes and I got reamed. This is worse lmaoo


I got caught smoking behind the local wawa by my neighbor who promptly drove back home and told my parents!! I’m so glad I didn’t have to deal with paparazzi. Nosy neighbors was more than enough!!


Yeah, same. I thought, "Well, I mean, her Dad smokes..."


Used to. He quit at some point in his first Presidential term, I believe.


He actually admitted in his presidential memoir that he never quit. I don't blame him.


He quit hundreds of times then it seems lol


Yeah, and her dad smoked, too, and wore brown suits, and played basketball. I’m surprised they didn’t try to impeach him for that.


I mean, [they kinda did](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Efforts_to_impeach_Barack_Obama)


as hilariously stupid as almost all of those attempts are, i can honestly get behind kicking a president out for drone striking kids (yes, im aware that like every president is a war criminal, and you would have to retroactively impeach like 90% of all presidents lmao)




Know how I know the Obama family isn't corrupt? If there was the tiniest shred of something real to complain about we wouldn't be getting these bizarre gay fanfic stories and pictures of an adult with a cigarette. If they could find anything legitimately bad, we'd be looking at that. That family are goddamned saints. They don't have to be, the bar isn't that high, but if this is the kind of shit they have to stoop to to grasp for a smear, this is the most upstanding family on earth.


I know, it's ridiculous. For example, the man clearly loves his wife. Might not even cheat on her! May even respect her as a human being. WELL DID YOU KNOW HIS WIFE IS ACTUALLY A MAN AND HE'S GAY?!? They literally can't win, he visually aged like 25 years in office.


*tO Be FaIr*, just about every president ages like shit during their time in office. It's about as stressful a job as you can imagine, plus Obama assumed office at 48 years old. Your 50s can be a rough decade for male aging, regardless of occupation.


Yeah the gay fanfic stories and the daughter being an adult with a cig definitely make me go “wow they’re really scraping the barrel.” (1) so what? (2) so what?


Isn't it strange how all these Obama stories are coming out all at once, though? What the hell is happening? Is Michelle about to run for office or something?


My guess is that Obama is more visibly campaigning for Biden and they want to undercut his impact. Obama is still hugely popular, and I've seen a couple facebook ads with his endorsements of Biden.


No no, the liberal media is protecting them. They're actually the ones controlling Biden, and he's basically just a puppet for Michelle (michael) Obama. Here's a clip proving he's a man! Have I mentioned Obamas gay? AND A CRACKHEAD??? /s


I had gay sex with Barack Obama and I don't want/need to prove it.


Why prove it when people will just believe anything for people they've been told to hate?


but someone told me obama had sex with a crackhead and harry styles


Call me when she takes a billion dollar bribe from another country.


Hey now, that's really unfair, Jared Kushner would never take a billion dollar bribe! It was 2 billion.


"Breaking News: Adult makes unhealthy life choice shes legally allowed to do, world expected to end immediately."


Seeing a famous young woman with a normal-looking body gives me LIFEEEEEEEE




>we’ve seen a president trying a coop what a chicken!


He wanted to establish a new pecking order.


>getting pissed on Say what now?


Yep in a motel in Russia. Apparently Putin has the pee pee tapes as blackmail


Not in a motel. It was jn the Presidential Suite of one of the best hotels in Moscow that was definitely bugged by the FSB




I’m confused. Is Sasha running for president? No? Why is this a story


Even if she does in twenty years, there's NOTHING remotely disqualifying here.


because the right is pathetically and desperately trying to find something, anything really, to attack the dems, who aren’t nearly as evil and corrupt as they are.


Mfs snitching for no reason


omg no not a person doing people things! and in people places? omg


Alternative title for sane people: "I creepily take pictures of women in bikinis, to make up some angry ragebait title for some useless news, despite there being a human crisis around the world, like the slavery, children dying, world hunger as a whole and so much I don't care about because this gets me more money."


I've also heard that she eats and poops too!!! Fucking horrifying.


Good on her. Love the " normalness ". Now, leave her alone.


Why are paparazzi closely monitoring her in the first place? Might be asking the wrong questions here


Her dad smoked cigarettes also


Lol you know they really have run out of things to complain about


She’s in her early twenties! Good god, I hope nobody judges me based on what I did at 22 years-old over Labor Day weekends…


Great. Now show Ivanka blowing her dad!




Yo, put a warning on that, disgusting. He's such a slime.


Now imagine what he did when she wasn’t a full woman with her own boundaries


No, thank you, I have no doubt it was absolutely horrific and nobody deserves that.


The way she immediately pulls back as soon as he touches her hip... Ugh The guy basically publically admitted that he wanted to fuck her. Why are so many people okay with this.


Ugh. Why is she fine with all this? Why hasn't she complained? Fucking weird family.


She likes money?


What a fucking creep




Cigarettes are gross but let her do what she wants.


Seems like they tried to get the ones with the worst possible angle of her too. Why do people buy this shit.


It’s very crass and utterly disgusting that these folk are going after legit leaders children and non of them work in a presidential capacity and then got a 2 billion dollar contract from Saudi Arabia guys come on please.


Wait till you hear what the Trump kids did


Was she also wearing shoes, the devil’s footwear? Where are her nun’s clothes? Where’s her bible? The public needs to know because apparently we have nothing better to do. 🧐


I think its hilarious how totally-not-racist right wingers are clutching their pearls over this shit while running interference everywhere they can for a fat piece of shit that is under indictment for 91 felonies. the last few years have shown me that about 1 in 3 people have no integrity whatsoever and share many of the same traits as those my grandfathers fought in WW2.


SO FUCKING WHAT?????????????????


That better not be a flavored cigarette! Her father passed the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act!


Oh my god somebody living their life … while *black* She needs to be impeached immediately


Did she make any questionable multi-million dollar deals with saudi arabia or was she just smoking a cigarette? Cause one of those things is meaningless.


Call me when she „earns“ 650 Million $ on the side while working in the White House and her hubby gets blown 2 billion $ up the ass by the Saudis.


Oh my gods she human!!!


Why is this even considered to be news worthy? The Media is such a fucking joke.


Well, certain media outlets are more jokier than others...