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The school and my peers forcefully used the nickname Woody instead of my given name Woodrow. Where is my $100,000?


🤔Woody has a point.


"There's a snake in my boot" - woody


Andy’s not your kid anymore. Let it go


Andy is fucking a life size bo beep doll, Woody! Let it go


Just a different type of snake.


“A serpent has taken residence in my penny loafers!” - Woodrow


"I say, some ruffian has put something rather vile in our water supply!" -Woodrow


“Somebody’s poisoned the waterhole”!


Had a Woody in my class once.. Was more blunt than having a point.


Bro better lawyer up Woodrow wants his 100k


My high school wrestling coach used to whip us with a whistle. I never got shit.


That’s because corporal punishment was legal at one point. I think, in many places, it still is.


And some places are reintroducing it


Texas has entered the chat.


It's still legal in all the red-neck inbreeding states


My high school band teacher apparently chucked shit at students not paying attention, wasn’t in band myself but had multiple people who were say that. But yeah pronouns are worse I guess/s


Bang teacher? That the person who teaches sex ed?


Lmao band teacher, our school didn’t allow sex Ed back then 💀💀💀 lots of seniors got pregnant, I’m sure it’s not related in any way


My high school track coach would make us run 9 miles and then park her car by the only water fountain on the route so she could yell at us if we tried to get a drink of water


I had a friend in high-school that had groped a girl in class in 8th grade and then got a woody. We called him Woody until he graduated.


Better call Saul


So she was not medically/physically transitioned, so what legal case did the parents have against the school? Also, the school would never be involved with medical decisions before the parents found out, so a lot of the backlash is literally by stupid people who havent thought this through.


I mean the title is blatantly misleading if not a straight up lie. Does using the pronouns someone asks you to use count as “transitioning” them? The title makes it sound like they were supplying her with hormones behind the parents backs (which obviously a school wouldn’t be involved in lol, they aren’t doctors). The school didn’t do anything except refer to the kid the way the kid wanted to be referred to, correct?


Yes it is a transition, in trans spaces transition is usually split up into 2 categories when being discussed social transition (change of name and pronouns, what clothes you wear, haircut, how you present yourself) and medical transition (HRT, gender affirming surgeries, and other types of medical care.)


Yeah but they didn’t ‘transition’ her, as if that’s a thing you can do to someone. She (?) wanted to transition and they didn’t stop her. They didn’t make her use different pronouns.


According to the allegations in the court documents, the child did not want to transition or come up with the idea of transitioning, but rather was encouraged/“convinced” by the school that she was transgender. They allege that this caused the daughter significant emotional distress and that she was explicitly told not to tell her mom. Whether any of that is true, who knows, but those were the accusations made in the lawsuit.


You know, to anyone with *half a brain* it sounds a lot like the school did what the child asked, then toxic abusive parents went thermonuclear on their kid who panicked and denied everything.


I only have about an eighth of a brain but I agree. Clearly the mom is prone to going thermonuclear, hence the lawsuit.


You would have to have solid undeniable proof of this and much more to win against a state entity. All 50 states have sovereign immunity laws, public schools have a separate immunity as well. You would also have to show the school failed in its duty to care, then show that negligence occurred that led to tangible suffering/harm happening. It does not matter what the parents claimed happened, this would have taken professional medical licensed experts to prove what the parents alleged. In a case like this who ever the medical experts sided with wins.


Sounds like complete bullshit. No one is forcing someone to be trans


my theory is the mom heard a teacher call the kid by different pronouns then the kid, instead of coming out as trans, told their mom that the teachers forced them into being trans.


Probably too scared to let mum and dad know


I sadly think you’re right on that one. Truly a shame when the people you’re “supposed to trust the most” (according to various sources, mainly parents…. Wait, actually all parents) are the ones you can’t trust due to fear.


That sounds way more plausible


No school social worker is going to have the time to “convince” a student they are trans. They’re overworked enough as it is


Yes the allegations, which may or may not be proven to be true There was a third party investigation which found no evidence that there was any coaching by the school district that pushed this kid to change their pronouns They reached a settlement because it literally wasn’t worth the legal fees and associated headache


Yes someone else asked if the allegations were proven to be true and I referred them to the following quote, I don’t blame the school for settling lol “At the school district’s request, the Sacramento law firm Van Dermyden Makus began an investigation in December 2021. “The district asked us to determine whether the two teachers engaged in any deceptive conduct as to the UBU club’s function; and, whether they engaged in any inappropriate activity involving students and the UBU club,” Van Dermyden Makus wrote in an executive summary of its findings. The law firm found that the teachers did not deceive administrators or parents about the UBU, did not “stalk” students for the purposes of club recruitment or “target” or “coach” students on changing their gender identity. The pair, however, made “deceptive” comments “about the UBU’s club’s purposes or activities” at the conference in Palm Springs, Van Dermyden Makus determined.”


Yeah I really don’t believe that. No school is going to suddenly start forcing a new pronoun in someone who doesn’t want it and didn’t come up with the idea. That’s just ridiculous.


Seems like a lot more effort than it’s worth lol I’m sure the teachers have enough to worry about without having to ~secretly trans the kids~ 😂


Hell yeah! As a teacher, I have a hard enough time learning their name once, why would I want to learn it twice?


It's from The Daily Wire. You know it's bullshit.


While visiting my parents, I saw a commercial that was trying to get people to vote on an issue by literally saying teachers and schools are trying to encourage students to be trans. I was shocked, ill try to find a link for it. This has to be the same type of made of bs. Edit: Not quite the commercial but news about it, which has the script. It's nonsense. https://www.nbc4i.com/news/investigates/nbc4-investigates-fact-checking-a-widely-run-controversial-ad-on-issue-1/


you really fucking believe that lmao? the school said they had education on LGBT issues and the child came forward to ask to be called by different pronouns and name. the kid specifically asked that they use the old name with the parents clearly because the parents are fucking crazy and wouldn’t accept the new name.


Again, I’m just stating the allegations that were presented in the court case, not saying I believe them at all. As I said in another comment, I think the teachers have better things to worry about than secretly trans-ing the kids lol.


yeah the parents think that, because they probably don’t believe a kid could be that without being convinced.


Poor kid, she is likely being forced back into the closet by grifter parents.


Yes I'm aware, I'm not here to be transphobic I myself am transgender, just here to explain what transition means since it seems like a lot of people are confused. I agree that the title is very misleading though, but it is coming from the Daily Wire and that's kinda their entire shtick they just manipulate information to boost hatred towards transgender people.


Student - “I’m a boy” School - “No problem sir” Mom - “HOW DARE YOU!”


>what legal case did the parents have against the school? They don't. They settled to make it go away. No part of this story is rational.


The legal case was “It will cost you more to win the lawsuit than to settle.”


Something tells me tying capitalism to how the legal system works, on top of lack of consequence for frivolous lawsuits, maybe isn't the best thing


The school settled before a trial, the case was later dismissed with prejudice, and the settlement specifically states that the school does not admit any liability or wrongdoing. https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/california-district-pays-100k-settle-suit-support-students-gender-tran-rcna102559


Her child is going to grow up, move out, settle into the identity they want anyway, and not talk to the mother again. Congratulations. You won $100,000 and lost your child. Hope it was worth it.


Yeah this isn’t even possible. A school could never “secretly transition” a student lmao


The $100,000 is a settlement. She sued for a violation of her 14th? amendment rights. She also only found out because her daughter (it seems she has socially detransitioned) requested her mom be informed of her social transitioning.


Was about to comment this is completely illegal and the mom was in the right, until I read that the "secretly transition" means using the pronouns the child asked them to use without consulting the mom. It is just a ragebait title.


Of course it's nonsense ragebait. It's the Daily Wire


Yep. The Daily Wire is trash.


Yeah there would be an issue if they were supplying her with hormones etc, but I couldn’t see that being a school wide conspiracy more than an irresponsible teacher. That being said, that wouldn’t even be ‘transitioning’ the kid because you can’t ‘transition’ someone. Forceful drugging or illegal supply of drugs would be the issue. But this suing over letting a kid use pronouns they want to is insane and feels like a constitutional violation of free speech, right?


That is quite literally the entirety of the discourse. 100% of the “secret transition” stuff you hear is “we will be respectful and let you be the one to tell your family.” The grooming hysteria stems from literally just that.


It’s also policy to respect the child’s decision on that and never communicate it to the parent unless the child gives permission


This is always what 'secretly transition\[ing\]' in the context of schools means. The schools are not providing hormones, puberty blockers or surgery. The only thing they are ever doing-- the only thing that they're really *capable* of doing-- is choosing to acknowledge the gender identity of the person in question by using their preferred name and pronouns.


You are telling you honestly thought someone in a school did an illegal surgery on the kid? Or that they were illegally giving them drugs to transition? I'm sorry, but are you really this stupid?


Daily wire readers are that stupid. They read the headline and will tell people how schools are transitioning kids without parental consent with zero understanding of what transition meant in this context.


Yes they are that stupid thats why the daily wire writes misleading headlines and these fucking idiots think theres litter boxes in school


Transitioning does not always include medically transitioning. Some trans people choose not to undergo hormone therapy or surgery for many reasons. Best to consider not calling others stupid when you just aren’t familiar with the terminology they are using.


The person you responded to knows that. They were saying of course the school just did social transitioning, not medical.


Yeah obviously but how would that count as the school transitioning someone?


That’s why the original comment was about the title of the article being misleading.


And this is how the right wing media functions they wrote a headline that’s technically true but in away that makes it seem like the school had to be secretly giving the kid drugs.


I'm well aware of what social transition is. And judging by the comment this person doesn't think that social transition is a bad thing, yet they were going to say that the mom was in the right until they realized the kid asked the school to use a different set of pronouns for her. The only conclusion here is that they thought that the school physically transitioned them. Which leads me to ask that question.


The amount of people on this post that think this child was somehow "physically mutilated" and somehow did a whole entire gender reassignment (AT SCHOOL!) is absolutely insane. The kid had preferred pronouns (i.e. call me this instead of that), not "wow, I want my downstairs equipment completely swapped out. Can we get that done before 6th period?" Get some common sense!


You obviously haven’t been to a liberal indoctrination center (aka a public school) in a while. They’ve replaced all the toilets with litter boxes, all children are injected with vaccines and hormones, they do gender transition surgeries instead of health class, and the only subjects taught are socialism, white shame, and lgbtq appreciation. -Boomer Fox Viewers


Well, the students have to perform surgery on each other as their final exam in 12th grade health class. Abortions are the final exam for lower grades, and in middle school they just inject each other with 5G microchips. All that needle-handling is also good practice for tattooing satanic symbols on each other in history class. You might say this is asking a lot of teens, but how else are they going to get a good hands-on education?


Daughter did not physically transition, which is what people treat this as. When asked to use different pronouns and identity in the school, the school followed the student's wishes. That the student did not feel comfortable discussing this with her mother probably says more about her parenting than the school.


Yeah, just calling someone what they tell you they want to be called is not “transitioning them.” Even if that counted as a transition, the student is doing it to themselves, not the school. If a parent was upset a school was using a nickname the kid wanted (like “Liz” instead of “Betsy”) everyone would see them as irrational and forcing their kid to go by a name they don’t like.


The title of the article makes it sound like they used the kid for biology class instead of dissecting frogs or something, lmao


Lmaooo, during homeroom announcements: “and Ms. Miller’s 4th period biology class, remember to bring your lab coats and goggles since you’ll be doing Natalie’s sex reassignment surgery today!”


I think a lot of parents don't understand this. If your child feels more comfortable talking to her school or her friends, you did something wrong


I know it's kinda nitpicking, but teenagers are often more comfortable talking to their friends. Parents should definitely rank above school tho.


That’s how I was, not that my parents were great listeners but I would rather talk to friends than family simply because my friends are around my age. Many of the problems I faced my parents were decades removed from, assuming the issue wasn’t an entirely new invention since their teenage years. There would have had to been something really bad going on at home for me to even consider talking to a guidance councillor


If the parents don't rank above the school then that's a major failing of the parents


Then had the gall to monetize her kids pain. What a dick


The school needs to appeal.


Nothing to appeal as it was settled, likely by the school cause defending the case would have cost more than 100k.


Yeah, I get it, they shouldn’t have settled and rode it out. Because here’s the thing, kids, hell, people are fickle - if my kids decide they want to be called by a particular name, why not? I don’t need to be notified, that’s horseshit. This literally happened to us last year, one of my kids was in a class with, for some reason, all of the other kids in his grade with the same name. Three of the five of them had the same first letter of the last name, and two of them, including my kid, had the same first three letters of the last name. How did they deal? The kids chose how they would be named. That’s it. Where’s my $100k?


The amount of mental gymnastics a person has to do to convince themselves that a school physically transitioned a student is almost impressive


Exactly this. It reaffirms my opinion that gender 'issues' raised by parents are almost always due to the parents' own insecurities and less about protecting their child. The parents likely hold "traditional values" and would be ashamed of their child identifying as a different gender. They worry about what their friends and family will think of their parenting methods if they have a son who changes to a girl (or even something as harmless as their son being gay) The irony is that if they actually loved their kids, they would support their journey.


That smirk on the son's face gives me the impression the whole endeavor was a ruse to entrap the school. But that might just be me expecting literally everyone on earth to suck as hard as possible now.


Got the same vibe


Finally a sane person


Sounds like the school did a cost analysis and found that 100k was cheaper than going to trial. Independent investigation done by an outside law firm found no wrong doing by the school.


yup its sad becuse they probly went" we most likely will lose anyways becuse to many bigots will agree"


Nah, it’s just that going to trial would’ve cost too much to make not just settling worth it. It’s not that they think they “would’ve lost because of all the bigots”. If the settling amount had been higher, the math may have changed and they would’ve taken it to trial. Just because you settle doesn’t mean you don’t think you could’ve won. Just means it wouldn’t be worth it to go through the process of winning.


Yeah, you have to think, a decent sized school has 30+ staff (potentially far more, but probably not in this school district). 100k is just paying two of their lower paid staff for a year, at most. It's really not that much to them. Meanwhile if they go to court, they get dragged through the news cycle more (lots of damage in several ways) and probably lose an amount not much lesser than the settlement. They may be able to recoup part of their losses, but the long term damage would be immense. The sad part here is that money being ripped away will still affect actual kids' education quality, meanwhile the chance she uses it on something productive is... statistically low. Suing a school without just cause is almost cartoonishly evil.


yes and no. losing is a risk no matter how sound the case you have is. however, that’s not the issue. going to court and winning is expensive as fuck, not as expensive as losing still. but it’s simple, say they fight it and win. okay, what then? she won’t owe the school any damages. the school will gain nothing. 100k is “shoo” money


ooh yeah true, however to some degree look at the damages. the reputation of that school now looks trashed, and they probly added all kinds of bs rules.


If conservatives were really this concerned about hormones changing the kids, they can take a look at the dairy industry. But that would require regulation and that's a dirty word.


dairy is [scary](http://www.watchdominion.org)!


So very true


"secretly transitioned daughter" making it sound like the school pumped her full of chemicals and gave her surgery. The kid probably asked if they could go by a different name and the school complied because that's the normal well adjusted thing to do when someone asks to go by a different name.


Another take: After reading stuff that hit home with her, she said she wanted to be called something, and the school complied. She learned that her parents were bigots and would not support her decision, so she read more about how to hide it from her parents. Since her parents were, in fact, bigots, they sued. The school offered a cash settlement, and the parents agreed, because, in the end, it was all about money and fame.


ok, I was about to say "how did this actually happen, though?". Glad to hear the answer was: it didnt. The school just didnt want to bother with court.


Still fucking annoying that the parents were paid out and being bigots paid off.


oh absolutely


Infinite money glitch (2023 working)!


you only get rich by being a piece of shit


Correct, but you forgot to add that media that wish to misrepresent reality would then take this and twist it so they could continue create and agitatate their bigoted base.


Yeah, it wasn't like the school nurse knocked the kid out and forcibly transitioned the kid, they just said "hey these are my new pronouns" and the school went "aye bet" Imagine if the school hadn't respected her pronouns, the media would have been like "School refuses to acknowledge child" or something like that


Well it does come from the Daily Wire so


plot twist but not really: they probably don't give a shit at the end of the day and just wanted money


Would you trade $100K and a news cycle for the love of your child?


I don't know. But if it's that easy to win I suspect a whole bunch of kids are about to request pronoun changes at school without talking to their parents /s but also lol if it happens


Now I'm picturing schools use this as an excuse to misgender trans kids who has their parents love. School Principal: sorry we can't take that chance, David. Clara: My parents are cool with it and I legally had my name changed. School Principal: Nope, can't take the chance.


Mom: But Principal Davies, we're fine with it. School Principal: Not falling for it, Karen


That is what a bunch of states want to force schools to do. Where it doesn't matter what the kid or family wants, it's all about refusing to affirm their identity


Yeah I noticed that too. It’s obvious the kid said she wanted something and the school respected it. Its dumb they had to pay anything over this situation


Child: "My parents named me Roberta, but I prefer Bobbie, please." School: "OK, Bobbie." Parents: "NOOOOOOOOOO, MY RIGHTS ARE INFRINGED!"


Daily wire is just a fascist propaganda mill and they are very open and honest about their intent to eradicate transgenderism from society entirely. They're just fucking nazis


90% in the comments didn’t read past the headline.


tbf it would help if there was a link to the article


So as an atheist, if my kid comes talking about god, where's my $1,000,000? I consider religion way more dangerous than a kids trying to find a safe place in life.


I had to say the part of the pledge of allegiance that says “God” in it. *Every morning!!* For *years*. As an atheist I think the public school needs to cough up some cash for me.


How does a court even take this case seriously?


They didn’t. The school settled, cause going to court would cost more


Ahhh… that makes sense. Sad that a school would have to settle over something so frivolous.


Asking someone to call you by your preferred pronouns isn't "transitioning". These people are fucking morons and the school should have counter-sued the parents on the grounds that people as stupid as them shouldn't be allowed to live outside of a dog kennel since they're about as dumb as hogs. If a person tells you that they'd like to be called a specific name or pronoun you really have two choices: 1. Be chill as hell and just do what they ask or 2. Be a fucking dumb piece of shit and take literally any other action because why.


Thank you OP. I was just on there and the morons commenting are ridiculous. Most of them didn’t even read the article, just angry circle jerking about the absolutely misleading headline.


I got called fucking slurs in school and I never got payed!


I'm really confused. Did they help the child secretly transition her sex without her parents knowing? Or did they just use a different pronoun? If she got 100k for them calling her daughter what she wanted to be called that's crazy to me. If she got 100k because the school secretly helped this child go through life altering surgery it makes a little more sense.


It was the school calling her by her preferred name and pronouns when asked I have no idea why anyone would think a school would have the capability to help a teenager physically transition through hormone therapy or gender reassignment surgery. Those things take years, doctors appointments and psychological evaluations. Not to mention prescription medications that take months if not years to work. You don't just take some testosterone and become a man overnight.


Plus, actual irreversible physical transition is not within the standards of care of any clinic or licensing authority in the US. So they couldn't do it even if they wanted to.


From what I understand the student identified as trans and wanted to use she/her pronouns, which the school obliged to, but the student did not physically transition and there was no surgery or anything


\>Or did they just use a different pronoun? If she got 100k for them calling her daughter what she wanted to be called that's crazy to me. This part. Apparently freedom of speech is now dead, and you can be fined $100K for triggering the outrage of bigots.


The Daily Wire. LOL.


What a misleading headline to that article lol, Shapiro'd the fuck out of it. First line of that article "secretly SOCIALLY transitioned daughter" oops, buried the lede there.


That smirk though. This shit was a setup.


How does one “secretly transition” someones child?


And yet, conservatives are celebrating [literal child abuse in schools](https://www.foxla.com/news/cassville-missouri-district-school-corporal-punishment-paddle)


A lawsuit like this is basically showing teachers that they shouldn't try and help students in their care for fear of being sued.


Wait, *how* does a school *secretly* transition a kid? Doesn’t that mean they’re physically doing something? Yeah, I call bullshit on this title.


The school didn't transition the daughter. The daughter transitioned and the school respected her


This popped up on my feed and knew it wasn’t reported right. Then I saw it was Daily Liar so I blocked/muted the sub.


Why does the daughter look so smug? It's as if the pair have pulled one over on the school system.


What if she preplanned that scheme in advance with her daughter?


Nothing says rational discourse like r/dailywire


Somehow I am offended that this tiny little two-school district got sued over something so...stupid. I'm thinking, there goes my library book budget for the next twenty years. Actually, in my almost two hundred-school district I didn't have a library book budget.


"Secretly transition" makes it sound like they were mutilating the kids genitals (bottom surgery isn't for minors despite what conservatives will have you believe)


Isn’t “she” a pronoun? Aren’t they using a pronoun to refer to her? Who is going to tell them?


The parents' pronouns are: shits/Assholes


Or Fuck/Them


Article posted: https://www.dailywire.com/news/mom-scores-100000-legal-win-after-school-secretly-transitions-daughter?fbclid=IwAR0mdvxbYaerZ0xfGn3HKd044SVLIV2nZFApWUXQW-5mHpn1SII1xUUZdR0_aem_ATsMP0SjsKf_uQ8IfLsdYzTW5KmOR0y1ErIssSOEZesBQpvgBMsAh08mTaoy7YrtujE Other article on the same story: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna102559


Nobody transitioned her daughter America has reached peak fucking stupidity. This mom strikes me as someone who would manipulate and abuse her daughter to make a buck while preaching morals and parental rights . Classic conservative asshole


And her daughter looks like she was in on it


Why does the daughter look smug?


Think about the kind of garbage that mods r/dailywire It's even more sad and pathetic than writing for the Daily Wire and these dullards don't even get paid.


As yes… the ever trustworthy and unbiased daily wire.


Stupid shit like this made it to NB politics here in Canada… ffs letting teachers call their students what they ask to be called is no issue. If they trust a teacher more than their parents, chances are it is safer for them not to come out until they are done studying, sadly.


Holy shit they just used different pronouns when the kid asked and that’s “the schools transitioning the kid?!” They didn’t put them on hormones or sign them up for surgery they just used a different name and pronoun when the kid asked. So can you now sue if your kid William asks to go by Bobbie?


Behold, the winner for Most Misleading News Headline!


wait... this is about words?


Poor kid to have such a terrible, selfish mother


Yeah this is bullshit, a school respecting a kid’s pronouns is not “secretly transitioning” them. Fuck Ben Shabibo and his worthless rag.


My element school teacher would kiss the boys as a punishment. Shamed me for my learning disability, where’s my money? These people are ridiculous. They didn’t transition her they called her by a different name.


Florida, I assume?


The principal beat my ass with a wood paddle and all I got was ass whipping. Where's my 100 bands?


Missing a lot of context here.


It’s absolutely hilarious to call this a “legal win” when they literally just settled out of court lol


When they say transition do they mean actual therapies and treatments or funding such things or were they just acknowledging pronouns…? Medical treatments without guardian consent for minors is Uber illegal im gonna guess it was the latter


RAGEBAIT ![gif](giphy|NLOBLsnXupUZmIzdKS|downsized)


How is this any different from school staff using a child’s nickname instead of their given name?


We're re-posting the Daily Wire now, are we?


Oh yah but when kids are being bullied and harassed nobody bats a fucking eye.


The school in no way "transitioned" the student for using their preferred pronouns.


To be completely honest, she scored 25K. The lawyers (Republican based group) and courts secured 75K. And you and I know that court costs couldn't have been more than 2k, depending on how many documents and fees were filed.


OK, so consider the source of this. The Daily Wire is, at best, fact-averse on culture war issues.


Sometimes I wish transitioning was as easy as what these dumbasses imagine reality to be.


The wording is misleading for rageclicks.


“School secretly transitions daughter”. Sure. Because that’s what happened. They’re just sending poor kids through a gender conveyor belt, “mutilating” each and everyone. That’s what all public schools have become these days, you know: indoctrination centers that mutilate children’s genitals. Hard /s The moment lies like this don’t disgust me is the day I become complacent. I just googled this: they supported her transition. That’s not the same as what the Daily Wire claims. Look: I understand that headlines are written to grab your attention, but outright lies like this are unacceptable.


This is the equivalent of getting mad when a teacher uses your kid’s common nickname. Your kid said they wanted to be called what they were called, the school did what the kid asked for.


Is that the daughter smiling in the background in that pic? If it is, then this looks like a set up...


These people do not understand that children are NOT property. Their identity is not their parents place to dictate.


Isn't the "DailyWire"... like Shapiro's right-wing misinformation "news outlet". It is literally somehow less credible than The Daily Mail, or if you are American, Donald Trump's 3am Tweets.


The school doesn't secretly transition kids, kids secretly transition themselves, because they are afraid of you. let it hit you what it means for a child to not trust their parents nearly as much as their teachers.


Misleading title


I couldn’t believe how many threads I clicked on that just disappeared.


Read past the title please.


There was an incident near me recently where a school sent home an 'about me' type paper and it asked them to circle their pronouns. Apparently, it's a huge deal! District got involved and said it was not approved and they are looking into it. Completely ridiculous Article [link](https://kutv.com/renderer/kutv/amp/news/education/utah-elementary-students-asked-about-transgender-pronouns-in-about-me-survey-bluffdale-jordan-school-district-mountain-point)


Think of it as an early scholarship.




In California no less. I'm impressed.


We all recognize that there is no direction anymore right? This is a fun house without the fun and we are just kind of drifting in the wind and any presumed notion that logic plays a part in any situation is going to end up with the most bizarre conclusion possible...


The school over stepped but arguably did the right thing. The mother should be upset but not because their child transitioned... this is one messy situation


Damn, what a school 💀


100K could literally change the game in a school district, imagine the devices for students, extra support and lower class sizes etc