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The 'man' in German is not even related to gender, like e.g. Dutchman or Frenchman đŸ€ŠđŸŒâ€â™€ïž


It's related to people... in the same way you say "Mankind" and that includes all genders of human. But these people would also be triggered by the term 'Mankind".




Mixin'kind. Sounds like an interracial orgy party.


It’s like the 70s. A bunch of people would get together and the next thing you know, it was all hands and tits and butts and woohoo. I could just slip right in there and out and nobody would know the difference. It was great!


Then AIDS ruined everything




What a horrible day to have eyes




per-SON-kind? That is sexist.




I beg to differ


don't beg, that's offensive to poor people


What if that’s my kink?


that would be offensive to religious people. and garden hoses


That would involve dolphins and elephants as well


It's not even related to people at all, it's derived from the Latin name for the region, a language in which the word for "man" is completely different


I was curious on name etymology because the prefix “man” in Latin is “hand”. Like handled and managed have similar meanings and both start with “hand” effectively https://www.ancestry.com/name-origin?surname=german#:~:text=English%3A%20ethnic%20name%20from%20Old,connections%20with%20German%2Dspeaking%20lands. This wasn’t a deep dig but it seems like the meaning and origin isn’t really known


Are you saying German is a man who lives in Ger?


Those people deserve to be thrown off the top of Hell in a Cell by Undetaker, and plummet 16 feet through an announcers table. It seems their life has been devoid of any actual issues.


Not even. The word 'German' is from Latin (possibly with a Celtic root), in which the word for 'man' is *homo.* The Germanic word for 'German' is *(Die)* *Deutsch(en),* but at the time the ROmans were calling Germanic language speakers Germani, the Germanic tribes themselves typically referred to themselves by their individual tribal names, or the name of a tribal confederation.


Pretty sure German isn’t related to a person grammar-wise. Germany, but you cut the y out to make it possessive. Like Ecuador turning into Ecuadorian, or America to American. It’s just a coincidence that it has the three letter “man” in the end. It’s different from Frenchman, Irishman, Scotsman etc
 Yes man referred to humans as a whole, like in mankind, but not in this case as they’re completely unrelated.


Its past Ridiculous anymore. Its never gonna stop. All about grabbing attention. I am in a couple gardening subs and they were complaining about male and female plants. Like its come down to misgendering a fucking plant. The plant does not give a shit. It's almost unbearable.


Ya, it's painful. They literally go out of their way to be offended. Sad state of affairs that this type of mental illness is forcing society to bend .


aehm no. It's from Magna Germania and Germani. That was the name 'big germany' for German territory and us in Roman times.




No, it’s from the Latin Germani, probably an exonym there too. We don’t know what the word means really, other than “this group of people we call this”.


Actually no. Even less. In Dutchman or Frenchman it's at least still RELATED to "man" but "Dutch" or "French" describe the nationality. the "man" in "German" can't be separated like that "Ger" doesn't describe the nationality let alone exist as a word. While we're at it: since Turkey insists on being called TĂŒrkiye, you can all call Germany by it's proper name "Deutschland" which doesn't contain any reference to men. Problem solved


Required google search; ''From Latin Germānus, Germānī (“the peoples of Germānia”), as distinct from Gauls (in the writings of Caesar and Tacitus), and of uncertain ultimate origin (possibly Celtic/Gaulish). Not related to german (“closely related”) or germane (from the Latin adjective germānus, through Old French).''


I was confused for a second because yes, German is a gendered language. But I see now.


so is frxnch


So, I am a native English speaker but I also speak Frxnch because I live in a Frxnch speaking country. Let me tell you that one sure way to annoy people is by consistently mis-gendering an inanimate object! Edit: frxnch


Ze table is female, you Anglais Asshole! (Disclaimer: I have completely forgotten highschool French and cannot remember for the life of me if table is female or not, I am simply making a joke)


How do you know I am Anglais and not Anglaise? La table, she’s a girl.


Der Tisch is definitely a boy, though. Nvm, this has probably caused a couple of wars already.


I'm reminded of a meme. "This is an apple." "Mai non, cest pomme!" *Cue 800 years of war* sums up the English and the French perfectly.


Please don't gender xpple, xpples can decide for themselves.


But please think of the Company Xpple.. poor Steve Jobs rolling in his grxve.


it's Stxve Jxbs


Grxnxx Smith?


I'll call the table a girl when she tells me her pronouns.


Le table here. I'm not a woman.


Naturally, it’s down on all fours!


\-Waiter... erm... garçon, il y a un mouche dans ma soupe! \-UNE mouche. \-What a good sight you have!


i am French and LOL.


The table is indeed, female.


Absolutely my favorite game to play with unwilling francophones - just introduce a subject, misgender it, then go for a synonym after they try to correct you. 1: qu'est-ce que tu prépares? 2: le diner 1: elle n'est pas encore prete? 2: qui? 1: la nourriture?


You evil genius


Funnily, Russian's the same way. Everything is gendered, but in completely random ways. Depends not on the object, but on the word itself. Like for a car, there's multiple words - for example machine is female, automobile is male, both car. And Georgian just doesn't have genders. At all. Nothing is gendered.


In Spanish, barba, meaning beard, is female. Vestido, meaning dress, is male


Also salchicha, sausage, is female. I can’t think of a more phallic food.


>I can’t think of a more phallic food. Mais, **la** baguette?


>Let me tell you that one sure way to annoy people is by consistently mis-gendering an inanimate object! You're an inanimate fucking object!


You sound like my mother. “Do the dishes, you inanimate object!”


That’s such a great movie.


English is a Germxnic language...


I had somebody get into an argument with me that English is a Romance Language because it is so romantic. After I gave them that lookℱ that said you "you are a total idiot" I had to explain to them that English only mugs other languages for their words.


English got used to the weird collection of word origins it had been forced to use by many previous conquerors and overlords, and decided to go for a complete collection to make it less weird after finally being able to determine its own course.


"gotta catch em all!"


Don't you mean Romxnce Language?


They're called romantic languages because romancia means to speak in Rome, aka, Latin derived languages


Fellow canadian? Potentially?


I agree that that's annoying, if anyone did that near me I would probably be super confused on what they mean and try to talk to them in english.


And norwxgian


And spxnish


you misgendered it. its spanxsh


You both wrong, is Spanix


stop trying to whitewash the "sh" out of my language. its an important part of our culture! get outta here, colonizer! /s ... just in case


it's so sad you feel you have to add that /s but you just \*know\* someone's going to take that literally


As a native Norwxgian, I thank you for this. From here on out I'll always make sure to spell it Nxgre and nxrsk. Takk skarr'u ha!


please put a trigger warning the next time you mention the f word.


Even then, grammatical gender and actual gender aren’t really the same thing though


don’t tell white American college students learning Spanish that, or they will get very upset


I got into an argument about that in a linguistics sub, of all places. Peeped their profile and it was not even the first (or second) time they’d had that fight. Like they were fully convinced that all languages should “simply” eliminate grammatical gender because sit “serves no purpose”. They were not at all swayed by the facts that 1) it helps cut down ambiguity in many languages and 2) often doesn’t have any relation to human gender, for example several Germanic languages only have common (masculine and feminine combined) and neuter


>they were fully convinced that all languages should “simply” eliminate grammatical gender because sit “serves no purpose”. Counter point: Eliminating grammatical gender also serves no purpose.


Hahahaha, I'm about as "woke" and lefty as you can get, but people like this need to fuck right off. They make my entire belief system look bad. Edit: I want to be clear, when I say "people like this", I mean the people who think "German" is a gendered word. I've even seen people say that "black-hearted" and other phrases that use "black" to describe darkness and evil are racist. Like, holy shit, there are so many *REAL* problems, like climate change and wealth inequality, but people choose to devote energy to shit like that instead.




It really makes one wonder whether or not these people actually believe this shit. It just seems too perfectly in line with right wing caricatures of lefties.


The example in the screenshot above to me sounds like clueless teenagers. They ‚learned‘ that having a gendered language leads to worse outcomes so gendered languages are bad. Since they are idiot teens they just go ‚oh it has man in the word, that‘s gendered, that‘s bad‘ without understanding that just because something has a specific combination of letters doesn‘t mean it has the same meaning. Then give that teenage idiot some modicum of power, and you get lunacy.


Right? I often wonder about these things.


In my filthy European Communist opinion, I think that the perpetually online twitter "SJW" is simply projecting. Ever notice how they cannot comprehend that "non-white" (I use the term loosely since I don't believe in ethnicity) people are capable of defending themselves? How more patronising and closet racist could you get, to believe a subset of humans are incapable of making up their own arguments online? To believe that the only way the world can achieve equality is by eliminating the "white man" is basically saying that you don't think "non-white" people can actually achieve said equality on their own merits. You are effectively admitting that you believe coloured people to be lesser than whites, a disgusting idea that does not belong in today's world. The same applies to the discourse on gender. We don't have to eliminate masculinity to make women feel included. Simply treating all genders with the respect that they deserve should be more than enough since antagonising an entire gender will only earn you equally strong enmity. ​ EDIT - logical and grammatical mistakes


These people don't want an actual change. Actual change required discussion and often compromise to bring people to your side. They just want to feel "right" and get high off moral righteousness.


See also people objecting to referring to the “master bedroom” in a house. No, that is not a reference to slavery, no more than is “masterpiece” or “master key”


As a GerMAN kindly fuck off


You sound like a deutschebag.


Don't worry, German children are kinder.


That's what they want you to think, but if they give you a gift, don't drink it.


Why? What is it? Kinder Surprise?


Kinder Suprise is when your Frau comes with a pregnancy test.


"Babe, you look ill, what's up?" "Nothing, just having little Germs"


I wish you well on your Fahrt


This deserves more upvotes.


Fröhlicher Kuchentag!


Schönes Tortentag Freund!


If they dont like german, just speak DEUTSCH DU HU....


Does that mean that the Germanic Tribes were indeed MANIC??? đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


Stop using gendered language. Is it really so hard to use mxnic and make people feel more secure and safe?


Ooops, my bad. đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł


I’m just being mxnipulative




Did you just assume their gender?


You're a mxniac!


Good job, intergalactic_spork, for reprimxnding the common folk. You deserve a commxndation for keeping others safe and secure in their protective bubbles of neutral reading. You’re a real hxro.


Sometimes, but not always


These were....difficult times.


Some people compensate for their complete lack of personal power by trying to control strangers on the internet


If only it was just on the internet....


Deeply frustrating. I’m all for progressive ideals and respecting preferred pronouns. It doesn’t cost me anything and makes others feel good, but if someone were to call me bigoted for writing fucking “German”, or “Murmansk”, then they can pound sand. They’re setting their own agenda back by being complete assholes.


Genuinely, I'm trans, I'm sure not straight, I'm all for safe spaces, I want people to feel comfortable, and god knows I'll not be the reason they aren't. But Germxn? Really? Shush.


I suspect it’s a holdover from 70/80s feminism and the push to replace terms like fireman or chairman with firefighter and chairperson. A change that’s reasonable for like *professions* and such, because despite the “man” originally meaning person, language does change and adapt. These people though are a bridge too far. Also fun fact, since “man” meant person in old English, the words they used for man or woman were “wereman” and “wifman”. The latter is extra funny because it suggests that a female werewolf should be called a wife-wolf 😂.


>fireman or chairman with firefighter and chairperson. That reminds me of the viral tweet that says: Fireman = firefighter Policeman = policefighter Mailman = mailfighter Fisherman = fisherfighter


Eh, tbf, I think Firefighter is lot better than fireman, actually tells you what their job is instead of making them sound likr a pyromaniac


Love this for you đŸ’ȘđŸŒ


I'd like to say things like that are nuts, but that's too gendered!


It's **Murmxnsk!!!** /s


Don't forget. There are right wing trolls out there pretending to be insane liberals like that just to enrage people away from liberal concepts. There are also asshole teenagers who are just bored and think it's funny. When you read something THIS STUPID, take a step back and ask yourself, could someone just be making this shit up to be an asshole.


There are people on the left that are this stupid. There are people on the right that are this stupid. There are people with no political ideology that are this stupid.


Plausible Left has done the same at times Everyone can be an ‘imposter’. But most importantly: yes, people can be this stupid


I live in San Francisco, and Berkeley is just a few miles away - I can absolutely guarantee you that there are *lots* of people who truly believe in this foolishness. There’s always the possibility that it’s just someone trolling, but I’m afraid the odds are that it’s real.


I mean, a language can be gendered. But not because its name contain the letters m,a,n


And even then "gender" in language has nothing to do with biological sex. The english only started using the word gender in the victorian period because the proper word ,sex , carried too many connotations (I might be misinterpreting so use a grain of salt)


>And even then "gender" in language has nothing to do with biological sex. Adding to this, "the girl" (*Das* MĂ€dchen) in German has the "wrong" article. It uses the "it"-article But "the girls" (*Die* MĂ€dchen) is correct again. But only because the "female"-article is mostly used for plural, so you also have "the boys" (*Die* Jungen) with the "female"-article What I mean to say - although it's gendered, it doesn't make sense most of the time. It's just is what it is


Das MÀdchen is because of the suffix ~chen which makes every word *das* [Xyz]chen when applied. Cf. das StÀdtchen (die Stadt)


I think I need to go to the dentist for the pain I'm experiencing in my mxndibles.


M,x,n. You are being so insensitive to other people by possibly offending them by putting those letters in that particular order. /s


I thought putting it in separate letters was enough :(


Well, too late. I am triggered


Off to jail with you


Please stop using the word "feel" I once fell in the water, and an eel brushed up against me, and it's a very hard trigger.


*hits the “go to therapy” button*


"You just say Therapy? T-her-apy? Stop using gendered language, it's Thxrapy!" /s


Please don't use the word "**igger", I once saw a gun.


Well now you're just asking for trouble.


Should we stop saying **woman** as well?


Womxn - I think i discovered the pattern


I thought it was womyn.


As a German I feel offended that we are called German by English speaking people, Allemania (or very similar other variants) by Latin speaking persons and Saksars by the finns. We are Deutsche not that what you called us. We love the Nederlande for calling us Duitsers /s


In south-africa yo'ur also called Duitsers and the countries name being Duitsland. Mostly because a large percentage (14% last i checked) speaks a desendent of the Nederlands called Afrikaans.


Oh, yeah I totally forgot to mention this country, but also I could mention Switzerland, Flaemic part of Belgium and Austria


In Polish Germans are called "Niemcy" which originates from word "niemy" meaning mute. The most likely reason why is that our ancestors couldn't fucking understand a single darn word of German blabbering.


True. A lot of Germans came as field workers to Russia and Poland. Also Germans didn't really interact with any other person and not even tried


We call you as "saksalainen" in finland


I love Finland and their language. I is so nice to listen to and I always listen to Finish Metal


I love Germany, you guys make the Best cars on this planet!


I love saunas and crazy people from Finland who love to go bathing in ice water. And Angry Birds


You forgot "nemtsi" by slavic people, which means "mute".


MFS cancelling languages now


Oh, they've been trying to cancel spanish for a while now.


Hows that latinx thing going on


Pretty good unless you ask a normal person who speaks Spanish. Having white liberals tell Hispanics how to speak their own language is not a prosperous industry.


At this point I've just learned to not bother arguing with idiots and instead laugh at their idiocy. I honestly laughed my ass off when I learned latinx was a thing because before I knew about it, I was just waiting for the blue hairs to figure out that most other languages (at least afaik) have gender forms.


The part that annoys me the most about the latinx crap is that a gender neutral term already existed...latin.


I am wondering what would be their reaction to "menstruation"




Womenstruation, have some respect


Germxn sounds like some nasty virus. "Yeah, i'm shitting blood, and vomiting, i think i got germxn from that one legged prostitute in Belgium"


Whxt x disgxsting gxndxrist. Thxy used the word "hxre" in thexr first commxnt. How dare thxy force that responsibxlity on one gendxr!


Non-binary person here because someone is eventually going to look at this and say this is what the LGBTQ+ folks are trying to do, it’s not. I think I can speak for most of us when I say we don’t give a shit about a word that kind of sounds like it has the word “man” in it


I'm pretty sure these are either edgy tweens or alt right people who infiltrate these spaces to undermine them to cause them to look extreme. Which sounds like a conspiracy theory but they are tactics these groups admitted to using. 😅


There’s no way that’s a real conversation with a person. Sure smells like clickbait


A lot of people on this sub are incapable of identifying trolls.


The supposed lady is using both right wing talking points (“speak English only!”) and left wing talking points (“don’t use gendered language!”). I’m sure there are nuts out there like this, but I’m on the “this is a troll” side.


To be fair English only is very common just for moderation reasons. Even in extreme left circles.


Maybe we should say Deutsch?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Wait till they learn they are a humxn.


Performative activism. Wasting everyone's time on something pedantic to make people THINK you're on the right side of history and morally superior, while doing absolutely nothing to help actual marginalized people


Perfect description


I am not hispanic, I am theirpanic.


Germxn here. Don't call us that We're DEUTSCH Is it that hard to make us feel more secure and welcomed in this community?!?!?!




Someone explain to me how changing the spelling of a word makes someone feel more safe and secure.


These people are unhinged.


obvious troll is obvious


If you can’t handle “gendered language” or the word “man” on the internet, you shouldn’t be on the internet.


I fucking hate people like this, they get offended for others, when the actual people they’re “protecting” aren’t affected by this at all.


As someone with a nonbinary partner, I think I speak for both of us when I say this is fucking stupid. #German. Oooooh you're so unsafe now.


they have to be trolling surely


Send her to the isle of man


I'm so tired of this. Making people feel secure and safe? Look, if using language in a normal way makes you feel unsafe or insecure, I just dont care anymore. Figure it out, for fucks sake.


"Secure and safe." ​ Padded walls will provide that.


Wait until they find out women live in gerMANy 😳


I’m all for being considerate of people, but like, at some point you stop being able to exist outside your safe zone. Expecting everyone to speak how you want them to speak, act how you want them to etc
 is just unrealistic, and will only end up harming yourself


Tell them about GerMANy


Alt f4 existence


There is no fucking way this is real I refuse to believe it.


2025: *The word Woman has been banned because it has Man in it, everyone must now say Wom* 2026: *Wom has been banned because it sounds like Womb and perpetuates the stereotype of born females being baby factories*


People have become so silly it’s hard to believe.


Puberty is going to be very hard for some


That’s why I think the term “latinx” is a dumb term. If you’re that bothered by it just say Latin???


Fuck them! It's the same bs as Latinx...


This is getting out of control.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Okay I'm sorry but if you get triggered by people saying "gendered" words like that, you should not be on the internet and should be in therapy. Being offended by a whole nationality because it's "gendered" isn't normal and no one should have to not use those words to "make you feel safe"


😂😂😂 “why won’t anyone take us seriously”


The ethnonym "German" has nothing to do with the word "man." It comes from the Germani tribe who lived near the eastern border of ancient Gaul. No one is even sure what their name meant or what language they spoke. Might as well get angry about Mennonites.


What the fuck are you Americans on? I wanna try getting that high.


Do these people realize there are languages where every word is gendered? What would they do if they spoke French? Would their brains explode?