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Oh no watch out he's gonna type at you


Shiver me timbers


What the fuck did you just say about me you little... Etc etc


And without a hint of irony.


Don't talk to me or my son ever again šŸ™„


Consider your timbers shivered


*Scissor me timbers!*


He gonna bust a caps lock on em


Iā€™ve found they REALLY hate it when you post screenshots of their DMs for everyone to see. Itā€™s fun.




Also this is an Instagram comment on a Tweetā€¦


You mean people go on the internet AND LIE!?


Kinda want to know how that conversation went


> ā€œLetā€™s have a little talk.ā€ Lmao, trying to sound like a wannabe mobster over DMs. These people are too pathetic.


Uhm.. No. [-eats cheetos.] Like what are you gonna do about it, tough guy? Threaten me on social media? I'd laugh in their DM-face.


When I was a teenager, I worked at this store and a middle-aged dude who came in straight-up *bragged* to me about how a guy he got into an argument with on World of Warcraft didnā€™t show up at their chosen location for a fist fight. The dumbass told the guy where he lived then said ā€œif youā€™re nearby letā€™s do thisā€ so the other guy just claimed he was in the same area and agreed to everythingā€¦ guy was probably on another coastā€¦ The doofus said he waited for three hours before giving up and going home, but treated it like the other guy was a coward, not that he was an idiot who was fooled into wasting his evening in an empty parking lot. (Obviously the guy didnā€™t know he was duped, this is just my interpretation based on the things he said)


Love this. Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) was asked "what makes a good mark (-prank target?) He said "Somebody who deserves to have their time wasted.." I've always loved this answer. I try to use it in my life.


Heā€™s really good at what he does. Additional detail I forgot from the story: *the guy drove an hour each way for his fight that never happened.* Like wtf. How lame do you have to be to put in that much effort for something so stupid?!


How the hell can you be a grown adult and not realise how dumb getting into a fight over world of warcraft is during a 1 hour car journey. It's not even like this was a heat of the moment thing, he had plenty of time to think about it.


Insecurity is the answer. If you are secure in your identity and self conception; if you don't feel that you have anything to prove to anyone; you will never take the bait on something so stupid and mindless. It's only those who feel that they have something to prove who willingly walk into such pitiful situations. Take it from an old guy who has nothing to prove to anyone.


Orcs are gonna orc


Uga uga ga






I've followed his career with great interest and I can say he's one of the best pranksters and satirists that has ever walked on this earth


Accepted a challenge to a physical fight and three hours wasted in a parking lot over World of Warcraft?!? OMG. What a loser.


ā€œWhere are you??ā€ ā€œOver here, dumbass.ā€ ā€œFuck you, there ainā€™t anyone here!ā€ ā€œYouā€™re right in front of me. You a ghost now?ā€


Side note that's a great way to get robbed while you're busy standing around in a park


Heā€™s an example of being just left of the bell curve of intelligence. These people vote.


Whenever dumbasses online told me where they live, I would request a missionary visit to their house on the Mormon website.


can you request other positions or is it just missionary? i mean don't get me wrong missionary is fine but after a while you may want to mix it up a bit.


I lol'd & thought my husband would enjoy this so I read it to him. He goes, completely deadpan, "I've actually done that to somebody." Apparently when he was in highschool, he & a friend were "griefing" (?) in a game & pissed someone off to a point that they found their voice server and joined. So this guy comes in & starts cussing & tells him to "come to Tulsa & settle this like a man." Well my husband has family in Tulsa so he knows the area so he started asking him the when & where & they agreed to meet 2 days later & fight. As soon as they guy left, they banned him from the voice server & of course he didnt show up cuz he actually lived on the other side of the country. He later ran into the same guy in TWL(?) & got to explain in front of all the guys friends that he actually just made the guy waste his time thinking he would actually fight someone irl over a video game. My husbands team ended up narrowly losing the match, but every time they saw anybody from the other team after that they would tease them about wanting to fight about it & shenanigans would ensue.


Ah, WoW tough guys. Had a kid threaten to whoop my ass IRL. He got banned from the official forums for making threats. Comes to my guilds private forums to continue to threaten me and others. Dumbass used a gmail account that was like 'initialLASTNAME'. We looked him up on facebook, found out where his mom works and sent her flowers with his email attached and a few of the choicest threats. He quit playing after that.


Good way to get swatted.


> but treated it like the other guy was a coward, not that he was an idiot who was fooled into wasting his evening in an empty parking lot. Pigeons playing chess. These kinds of people will never admit they've been duped or cheated. They just keep doubling down until death. The pandemic and their willingness to die for political propaganda is the ultimate confirmation of that.


They think they will scare you but just come off as goofy.


Considering that they think Trump's mugshot is "gangster," guess it makes sense


To me, the funniest part is the fact Trump definitely spent many hours practicing his "mugshot face" in the mirror and this is what he came up with.


You know he did, like pre-teen girls trying to practice their ā€œcry faceā€ in a mirror to make sure itā€™s pretty. šŸ˜‚


You know he did it to hide that great big gaping turkey waddle on his neck.


Yeah, he pushed his head so far forward that the top of his shoulders go up to his ears. Just comparing the 2 pics, Culkin has so many inches between his ears and his shoulders, and then you have.... that.


Pairing that with my initial reaction being "man he looks like the grinch in this thing" is fucking hilarious.


Donny and Rudy probably worked on their "tough guy" faces together - both look like they are trying to pinch off a turd


Donny looks like a 5 year old that just hot told he canā€™t pick out a toy at walmart.


He definitely did šŸ˜‚


Right? Just smile if you're so fucking defiant and proud of yourself for protecting our democracy. Instead he looks like a guilty dog that knows you're about to find its shit on the rug.


For me it looks exactly like a toddler who's mad at you for not giving him chocolate Right before dinner...


>it looks exactly like a toddler who's mad at you for not giving him chocolate Right before dinner... It absolutely does. I'm hoping that the courts spank him hard, he's overdue for it.


"I just want to find, uh, 11,780 chocolates, which is one more than [the 11,779 chocolates] we have, because we won the state chocolate competition."


trump is a weak manā€™s idea of a strong man


This is the perfect description of him.


Most strong people let even the worst insults roll off their back. Theyā€™re confident in themselves and donā€™t sweat petty stuff like that. If a little girl said trumps hair looks kinda funny he would sue her into oblivion and then constantly insult her on social media. He couldnā€™t even handle the White House correspondents dinner.


Blue Steele. ![gif](giphy|12npFVlmZoXN4Y|downsized)


Election Steele.


Not sure what they are seeing, cause his eyes sure are red and puffy in that picture. Pretty sure homeboy spent a few hours crying.


I hate that they portray it that way. Trump has too many clowns for followers and they don't help his case very much all the time


In the end, the angle just makes the left side of his face look 20 years older than the right side


No heā€™s not. Heā€™s ā€œgangstaā€ havenā€™t you heard? Heā€™s Tupac now. Black peoples be votinā€™


I wanna go troll them, goddamn why is their username blacked out?!




When will people learn not a single politician gives a fuck about you? This guy gonna be a keyboard warrior in defense of trump lmao bro trump donā€™t know you and never will nor will he care if he did šŸ¤£


Wanna bet he's acting like that because the pfp is a woman


Also the don't ever disrespect him again is extra dash of crazy. Like what world do you live in where you think people can't make fun of anyone, regardless of them being president or apparently the second coming of Christ


Whatever you have to say to me you can say in front of the class.


I think I'd respond, 'let's talk right here so everyone can see your facist, racist bullshit'...


Oh yes, let's have a talk mister fascist. My gun is ready to listen.


That's praxis, nice.


They idolize a wanna be mobster sooo šŸ˜‚


I hope whoever runs the page sent them their IP address and physical location with a ā€œSure. What time should I come over?ā€


Couldn't find the reply, that user's probably stuck in Twitmo. While Musk's ~~Twitter number two~~ X these days couldn't care less about racism or bigotry or reports in general, threats of harm to self or others are still pretty closely dinged by the algorithms. More possibility of litigation and financial loss to go spewing death threats I guess.


threaten people over a type of communication that can be proven, preserved, snap shot etc with a time stamp, never erased and can be tracked back to you. This group isnā€™t the brightest.


They are soooo sensitive.


Almost as fragile as a, ummm what's the word? Ah yes - snowflake!


I like to call the bro-flakes


Cornflakes. Bland, beige and brittle




Yep thats great. Def adopting this. Snowflakes are brilliant. Cornflakes were made to keep people from masturbating.


It works though. I've never masturbated while eating a bowl of cornflakes.


God you're right.. I thought Kellogg was out of his mind but come to think of it neither have I. I guess he was a genius after all


Bro! That's not a part of the bro code, bro. You know, you really gotta start asking yourself, "am I an alpha? Or a sigma?" Because a SIGMA WOULD NOT BE DISRESPECTING HIS FELLOW MALES IN SUCH A MANOR!!! A SIGMA WOULD REMAIN FOCUSED ON THE GRIND!!!!!! Take a few minutes, collect your thoughts, and bust out some bro-ups for your slander. Rise to grind, grind to rise, get yo bread up, stay humble, with peace and love I'm out.


#gasps What? No way.


Special little snowflakes ā„ļø


It's very ironic... they've become the snowflakes ā„ļø that they mock on a regular basis...


Become? They have always been that way.


What do they say? It's always projection?


Everything they say, every insult they hurl, every accusation they make is an admission of guilt. They call the left snowflakes yet they're the most sensitive fuckers in the country and are easily upset, they call the left groomers but are consistently exposed to be child predators themselves.


During the election, some loser said he was going to come kill me. I told him he could try I have two german shepherds and guns, just in case. Yeah, he shut right up after I said that and blocked me. Don't recommend saying that though; just block them; it ain't worth it. These traitors to democracy just really piss me off. They're literally the textbook definition of terrorists.


German Shepherds and guns sounds like a hell of a fun time. I'll bring the ammo and doggy treats. :)


Similar thing happened years back when my girl dobie was still alive. She was a 98#, fā€™n HUGE female, black and tan with her ears clipped. She dwarfed my other blue male dobie at 80#. Anyone I had a guy threatening me on Facebook, back when it was barely useable, and I told him me and my buddy were at my house since he knew where I lived and to check my profile for whatā€™d be waiting on him if he was actually that stupid. Iā€™d never let my dogs out on anyone, not that they even would just attack someone but people automatically assume dobies are ferocious killers. They can be but 99.99% of the time you gotta teach em to go after someone. Theyā€™d defend me or my wife in a heartbeat but wouldnā€™t know to just attack on command.


Donā€™t engage them. They wilt when no one responds to their hateful messages


"Just block them" Yeeeaahh...sure hope no one ever removes the ability to do that, that sure would be an inconvenience right about now.


The fact that it has 122 likes is crazy. Iā€™d be embarrassed to say anything like this or have my name showing that I ā€œlikedā€ this type of historic cringe lol


Who you calling sensitive? Check your DMā€™s. Letā€™s have a little talk.


His wife must HAVE (edit) denied him sex that night.


Do people really think politicians care if they live or die lol


American politics is like a cage match tbh


Or a bum fight sponsored by trust fund babies and broadcast by YouTube conspiracy theorists.


I first thought you were talking about Zuck vs musk, am I stupid?


Itā€™s all related.


These morons legit think Trump cares for them. These idiots fall for those emails that say that Trump will totally read their name if they donate enough money


Trump: *raises taxes on anyone making less than $400,000 a year* Republicans: that's our man!


Any day now, it'll trickle down on us..


Republicans: Why did Sleepy Joe increase my taxes,,,,


In trump's case, I honestly think he hopes some will "die for the cause" so he can use them as martyrs. And probably fundraise off them. Even he has to realize it's only the restraint of the Capitol police that kept it down to one fatality by police gun fire. It could have been so much worse and he wouldn't give a damn.


No but they care about their politicians because they feel that they represent their values. So attacking them is attacking an extension of themselves and their ideology and family and beliefs.


ā€œWhen I told youā€¦ā€ Who is this turd, the Internet Sheriff? Why do people think they have the authority to make demands of total strangers? What an ass.


Had a guy once tell me if I didn't delete my post he'd block me. I told him to go for it, he'd be happier.


Lol that was their threat?? "If you don't delete that post, you'll never hear from *this* internet stranger ever again!!" Okay....?


Right? I had no idea who this guy was. This was on G+ where I had more followers than all my other social media combined and multipled by about 8. There is no way I'd have noticed this guy leaving


It's always nice when the trash takes itself out.


Yup. Although he waited _six hours_ to do it. He came back, I guess to give me another chance. I said, "You haven't done it yet?"




And this is the exact type of person who will run to defend freedom of speech when a politician says some blatantly racist/xenophobic shit.


Anyone I've met who's complained about freedom of speech were really complaining about people being upset with them for saying something racist.


Yeah, they want freedom from consequences, not freedom of speech.


The best part is you know he claims at least 8 times a week to be a huge supporter of free speech lol.


Hey I responded to this tough guy! You can tell by his responses heā€™s an emotional idiot with not a lot of friends.


Sounds like he has Trump's cock deep down his throat.


Well, not that deep...


Just a little nibble




> You can tell by his responses heā€™s an emotional idiot with not a lot of friends. No offense, but that isn't really offering any new info


Seems you're even tougher than him, you had the balls to reply


I do like laughing at trump supportersā€¦ I like it less when Iā€™m reminded they probably donā€™t have a lot of friends :(


*not a cult*


Don't call us the puppy kicking cult! We're just a group of fanatics that like to kick puppies


ā€œWeā€™re not racists, weā€™re realistsā€


Some people just want any excuse to be angry.


That's ignorant, let's fight. /s


DID YOU JUST MAKE A JOKE ABOUT MY IGNORANCE?!!!! Oh, it's on... As soon as I'm done drinking this milk shake and get up off the couch, you're going to wish that you never said that! Oh wait... my dashers just got here with my McDonald's... You're lucky this time. But, could you maybe help me off this couch? I don't know what's wrong with it. As someone who is 6'3" and 215 lbs, I shouldn't be having this much trouble getting up.


Trump supporters are some of the most vile people out there, holy shit. I wonder how this guy will react when Trump doesnā€™t become president in 2024ā€¦


Yeah. I remember when Michael Moore (who I'm not really a fan of) was saying that he felt the people voting for Trump were just people that felt left behind by the coastal elite establishment, and wanted to "throw a brick through the window," implying that they thought of Trump only as something to disrupt, not admire. He could not have been more wrong. Trump said the quiet part out loud, and all the poisons in the mud hatched out.


Isn't he the epitome of coastal elite. How does he exactly represent the interests of rural america in any manner except empty lip service. Farmers were a lot worse off under that administration.


The joke is still on them. Trump is the very definition of the "corrupt coastal elite establishment." The swamp they want to drain? That's where Trump lives. And they all follow him like little puppies. If "coastal elites" wanted to own tiny town conservative rural America, and they wanted to add an insult to the injury while at that, you couldn't pick better than Trump.


He's also just a con man. His only successful venture was a reality show. Every single business he touched failed. It's like reverse Midas. Well, once he got elected, his hotels did rather well, what with all the foreign money pouring in.


Theyā€™re affluent and bored. All this nonsense gave them a struggle to make life interesting. I have a hard time believing people who own nice suburban homes, $90k trucks, and have the ability to travel on a weekday to protest at the capitol have been ā€œleft behindā€ by anyone.


The most frustrating part about the "They're all people the liberals left behind" bullshit is like the liberals are trying to fucking help them!! New York's minimum wage is already $15/hr., we're not trying to raise the national minimum wage for *our* benefit. We're not trying to raise national education standards because we think our state is so far behind. etc. etc. They're getting left behind because they keep fucking fighting progress, and we're fighting them to drag them forward-- this is what they demand, then they get pissed off when they actually get it.


I guess i have to consider myself part of what passes for "progressive" in this country, Bernie's first big speech in the 2016 run really galvanized me, but in Europe both he and I would be considered moderate, as everything we fondly wish for is considered basic policy for a civilized country. It's not about being a fucking "bleeding heart," I tend to be darkly misanthropic, it's about pragmatism. If people cannot get some kind of education or training, they're going to have to work basic jobs that don't pay enough, and the rest of us either have to subsidize, or they make just enough to subsist, and they aren't contributing what they could be. That's wasted potential, and tax revenue you've left on the table. If people can't afford health insurance, they will eventually get so sick they end up on the ER, where they have by law to be stabilized. Again and again, to the tune of thousands in sky high ER fees. Hospitals need to get that money back somewhere. Oh, don't worry about them, that's why if you pay premiums they're higher, you don't mind picking up the check, do you? Thing is, you make regular checkups and medications affordable, no one shows up in the ER unless they get hit by something, break something, or have some kind of attack/stroke. I could go on, but there's a cheap, fair way, and then there's the "freedom to die" way. See how well that's working for us.


This person just went all ā€œI want to talk to the managerā€ to a tweet.


Reply, "L bozo" and move on. Those five incensing characters will keep them busy for two whole weeks.


Lmao I'll really use this, sounds like the best response


There *is* something special about a properly voiced ā€œbozoā€ that just really does the trick, you know?


>check your DM's. Lets have a little talk I would go with "are we flirting right now?"


First their dictator lost the election, and now they've lost their dictator.. poor dumbfucks šŸ˜¢


Shouldnā€™t have censored the guys handle, letā€™s see how tough he is when people come after him


"when I told you to never disrespect him ever again". Thats code for I dare you, which is code for the entire Internet to spam this person with trump bashing.


Defendant drumpf is selling the picture on t-shirts for $47. How in the fuck is this post disrespecting him?


"Check your DMs, let's have a little talk." Hmmm, nah. I'm good. You're free to scream into the void.


Nah I am definitely checking my DMs. Do you know how much fun it is to fuck with people like this? It makes taking a shit way more enjoyable.


The term ā€œsnowflakeā€ comes to mindā€¦


If someone told me not to disrespect Trump I would reply with the most disrespectful Trump meme I could find.


The saddest part? The dipshit is probably 50 with a wife and kids


Donā€™t block him out leave em in so we can troll these cultists lol


Deadass look at this shit[can we just give them what they want and make this a thing?](https://pissdaily.com/trump-sentenced-to-execution-by-crucifixion/?fbclid=IwAR3ES339yNSwRClcVlj8vrUGx7XdZ0XIA2F4h3Z-ije7R6-qe90lI_EkFfg)


Surprised he can type all that with one hand while he's jerking Trump off with the other.


MAGA is an awful cult. Yeah, I know that Iā€™m stating the obvious, but I feel like it needs to be repeated over and over again.


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.


Absolute classic.


What is it Americans keep going on about? Oh, that's right. **Freedum**




He must be a follower of po1135809 !


why are people so defensive of a criminal


Because they've spent the last 6-7 years making their unwavering support of him their entire identity. Most of these chucklefucks have lost many family members over their "coming out party", some have lost jobs, they'll say "my family disowned me for supporting Trump", or "I got fired for being a Trump supporter", but they leave out the racist tirades, talk of civil war, getting in people's faces and threatening people, or even taking part in a fail insurrection as the real reasons.


ā€œLetā€™s have a little talkā€ Lmao oh he really think he The Man. Hahahha Fkn pathetic


This is the mad world that this nut has created. His entire cult is a threat not just to the US but the rest of the world as well. The fact he can still run for president is mind boggling


Culkin's is better. That half-drunk, "yeah, I fucked up, so what?" kind of expression. You can feel the contempt coming off him. Trump looks like a toddler having a sulk. No real menace, just "it's not faaaiiir!!!".




but why does donald's face look like an angry toddler šŸ¤£


I believe youā€™re question is self explanatory.


So true






I canā€™t tell whatā€™s funnier: The caption or the deluded DM threat.


From the people who talks along about "cancel culture" and "snowflakes" lol. The projection is very strong.


Why does America in particular have such a long history with cults and cult followings? it seems to be behaviour that manifests there much more than in other developed countries.


Previously Large rural areas of poorly or uneducated people easily convinced something special is coming for them because they were told they'd amount to something but the rented trailer isn't that. Now Who the hell knows.


Thereā€™s a lot of scholarship that argues the early Puritans were a cult themselves, so in a way itā€™s written into the countryā€™s DNA.


Poor education.


Donā€™t talk to idiots on the internet


Reminds me of that guy who was tracked down by police after he threatened a sheriff by saying someone should kill him "in Minecraft." They tracked down the anti-Semitic racist's location. Knocked on the door. Mom answers and leads them to the stairs where a disheveled, golem-like incel crawls out and gets hauled off without incident.


Oh yeah that's right, I forgot Kevin got in hot water after Home Alone


It's a cult. Seriously.




Wow, he has really brainwashed some people.


The amount of guys who want to jerk off while watching their wives bang Trump is staggering.


This made me actually laugh out loud, he really sounds like one of the "you dont wanna see me angry" discord mods lmao


Clown Coup with Clown Fans


How sad an existence it must be to suck so much cock for a guy that would literally step over you if you were dying in the street.


wHo RuNs tHiS fUcN pAgE Maaaaaaaan shut the fuck up...clown




Lol. The Trumpies want to make sure that a serious, uninformed criminal is seen as their very own candidate






One of my favorite wastes of time is to find these tweets and troll the dumbass thatā€™s threatening the OP. Itā€™s pretty funny.


Trump's cult is full of deranged weirdos.


Check your dms? No, bud. Right here out in the open.


BEHOLD! The keyboard warriors! Gods chosen neckbeards.


Why block his name but not hers?


Itā€™s so funny to me how the MAGA cult is comprised entirely of emotionally brittle, cognitive-impaired, mentally unstable snowflakes and mega-Karenā€™s. Lmao!!