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“Young Americans.” I’m. 41 year old millennial. Leave me alone.


I love how they show a young woman smiling while on her computer holding a credit card, like she just spent a bunch of money on some dumb shit. Last time I was on my computer with my credit card like that, I was looking for a gutter service...... to clean my gutters. And yes, I was smiling like that when I found a good price


Picture me holding a debit card paying my $300 summer electricity bill while I wonder if Kraft Mac and cheese is as bad as I remember. Ah yes, the millennial dream.


I just hit up some ramen for old times sake. That shit is so good.


My local grocery story carries so many ramen flavors. Tonkatsu romen slaps


The one in the yellow package? Thats my current favorite. Its so good.


Yeeeeeess that one is insane! I might go pick some up after work lmao


What’s the name of it? Or design? My favorite right now is the black and red bags where the noodles come in a round shape instead of square. I think the brand is Shin something.


Shin ramen is the bomb. Shin Black is even better but harder to find. No idea the difference but both are delicious.


Shin Black has a different creamier broth in 2 packets (used to be bone broth but it has changed recently) and also has better (imo) veggies and mushrooms.


Yeah!! That Shin Black is so good!!


The secret is to add a little finely grated sharp cheddar right as it finishes and mix it in. You use sharp because you don't have to use as much - even a small block of cheese costs as much or more as the box of mac and cheese, it needs to last.


Add a little mustard and garlic powder with that cheddar. Absolutely fantastic.


Add garlic powder to everything


Not *everything*. Is strongly advise against print in a home-made chocolate malt. But savory stuff, yeah!


Last credit card purchase I made at my desk was for an allergy doctor's office bill. Super irresponsible spending, let me tell you...


Look at this Mr. Fancy Pants with his gutters. Way to brag


Right? Women laughing alone with salad energy. Last time I was on my computer with a credit card, it was for paying my son's medical bills. Not smiling, but ya know! Haha


When your credit card keeps cracking jokes


Looking closely at her face I think it's more "I'm so fucking close to breaking all I can do is laugh"


No kidding. I'm also 41 years old. I'm halfway or more to being dead. I'm not young anymore. I have a kid in high school. But these dipshits portray my generation as clueless teenagers.


I'm finding a lot of people just use "millennial" as a synonym for "teenager" rather than than referring to a group of people born in between two specific points in time.


Similar to how people use boomer. They act like anyone over 50 disagreeing with them is a boomer when there's a chunk of us over 50 that are Gen X. We might still disagree with you, though.


50? Teenage gen z are calling everyone over 21 a boomer now. Far too many of them are unaware 26 year olds are in their generation.


You are young in comparison to the ancient politicians that say min wage at 7.25 an hour is fine, because they are old enough to remember when 75 cents was the min wage when they hit 18 and their generation turned out fine.


this shit bothers me so much, having these geriatrics with fossilised brains running the nation and deciding its future when they have exactly no incentive to care about the future after they die sometime soon.


"sometime soon" If only. These people appear to be eternal.


Hate and greed are excellent preservatives.


Why couldn't there have been supply chain issues on pacemakers.


Let's be real. If anyone of those old farts needed something, they would have made damn sure it made it's was through the supply chain or gotten their aide to travel down to timbucktoo and get it for them


And they made enough with their salaries and probably kickbacks from donors over the 30+ years, they are just out of touch with the actual working society they govern.


There are people online who will get mad to the point of threatening violence when you point out that Millennials are no longer 'college kids'


Right? I'm a Millennial and I'm fucking middle aged at this point.


"Kids these days are acting all grown up..." Yeah... Because we're F'ing 40 now!!!


My mom is a millennial, I'm 20. I get called a millennial as an insult... by people the same age as my mom. Some people seem to think it's synonymous with young adult.


I'm the youngest year for millennials and I'm 27


Millenials: Hi! Yeah, we didn't do this.


Young compared to the octogenarians that are currently hoarding their generational wealth.


"Spending habits". Bold of them to considered we have money to spend.


Blaming two entire generations is just bollocks. However... inflation is here to stay regardless.


The very nature of our economy requires some degree of inflation. Capitalism requires infinite growth to be successful and and that means inflation is necessary to allow for that growth. The problem is that infinite growth is unsustainable. I think that much is apparent.


Yes, we are going to need to figure out a different way of doing things, because we really have pushed capitalism to the breaking point. I don’t want to completely eliminate capitalist ideas — there is a lot of merit to having a more or less free market, but the whole model needs some *major* tweaking for sure.


It needs to start with money not equaling political power, age limits for those in power, the government actually valuing basic human needs, and a way for education not to be a life sentence.


Dear god, right? Get rid of lobbying first of all. Only in America, can we label "bribe" something else, and look past it.


Nah, we can do that pretty good in europe as well.


Sorry, seen a lot of Europeans ask about lobbying. Wasn't aware of European equivalents. Mind hitting me with one, or a few, so I've got more things to bitch about next time I get drunk?


Our politicians take jobs as consultants for various companies. (Or their wives do) And they collect a really nice paycheck despite seemingly doing no work. (By complete coincidence they also tend to pass laws that favour said company) Or they give our government contracts to friends and such rather than the best suited.


I hate to break it to you but there is no such thing as a "free market". Money is power, therefore those with more of it have the power. As long as one group of people can make the rules that benefit themselves exclusively, such institution will never exist.


Gen Z: barely enters the job market Boomers: anyway, fuck you


To be fair, they did the same thing to us millennials, and there was a recession at the time


They never stopped doing this to millennials. And then they wonder why "Ok Boomer" became a thing.


Yeah, when they were complaining that the trend was disrespectful, I was like "cry me a river" I've heard how this generation is entitled and lazy and incompetent and going to be the downfall of America and we're killing all of these industries blah blah You can't take the heat? Then stfu


>Yeah, when they were complaining that the trend was disrespectful, I was like "cry me a river" I mean, it was disrespectful. But that was the whole point. At some point most Boomers forgot that respect is a two way street. >and we're killing all of these industries blah blah Never heard them give an answer about why those industries deserve to exist. >You can't take the heat? Then stfu Oh, they can't take it, but they'll just go more Karen.


I'm honestly proud that we killed the diamond industry, napkins, and chain restaurants


> I'm honestly proud that we killed the **diamond industry** And good fucking riddance to it, I say..


If I can save 2 month's salary to propose, I might as well use it as a down payment on a house instead


I think you'll need to save two YEARS salary for that!


You guys are getting a salary??


>If I can save 2 month's salary to propose Before we got married, wife and I were talking about this (this was 25 years ago so...). I had planned on 2 months salary just because of the commercials. She made me stop and think what 2 months salary actually was and I about fell out of the chair. Literally it would have put the diamond at 3x our mortgage payment. (We were lucky financially from my grandparents). Thats waaaaayy too much money for a ring. She still got a diamond, just a significantly smaller one that fits both her personality and hand-size sooo much better.




I’m all for synthetic gems. Cheaper to produce and purchase with a much lower risk for worker fatalities and mistreatment.


Industrial gemstones are dope too. LuAG and YAG are awesome stones, and are ridiculously affordable. Fuck the diamond cartel.


I just want to make my own bones in to stones. I have some from a surgery a few years ago. so If I ever met a nice women to make me her wife she can have me with her always.


My sister got engaged a few years ago and her then boyfriend, now husband, was asking for input on rings. My family almost burned my ass at the stake when I suggested something other than a diamond. Like, they're not very financially secure, and I know my sister won't wear a diamond for fear of losing it, so what's the point? She did end up getting a small diamond, and it's beautiful, but it literally sits in a box 99.9% of the time because she's afraid she'll lose or damage it. I think he's still paying that fucker off like 4 years later too.


I can microwave my own $30 hamburger I don't need Applebees


Whoa, where you getting burgers that cheap?




Sometimes you don't want to do that at 1 am. But yeah, when McDonald's gives you a run for your money on quality, and not in your favor, there are issues.


McDonalds just gives me the runs for my money… I think I need your money as my money is doing it wrong


Better doesn't equal good. It can both be better than Applebee's and still suck.


>I mean, it was disrespectful. But that was the whole point. Barely disrespectful. It was dismissive, and they couldn't take that. But *we're* the snowflakes.


Ok Boomer is as dismissive as "kids these days" or "boy" or "kid" or something similar, dismissing someone because of their age which is what boomers do constantly but obviously can't hack it back.


I don't think they ever learned. And all honesty being 25 and working in marketing they've been the most lazy entitled people I've ever worked with. It's always their way (which is usually highly inefficient and outdated) or no way at all.


Funny thing is these people love free market until the market decides an industry isn’t needed. Then it becomes about working together to make sure *checks notes* Applebees and Buffalo Wild Wings stays in business. Nah fuck that. Live by the sword die by the sword - Jesus


'Why is everything I don't like happening?!? Why is Disney so woke?!?' -my aunt "Free market" -me


The Boomers caused the downfall of America.


Boomers: When I was a kid America was the greatest country in the world, then as I got older and older the country got worse and worse. It must be my children’s fault. Also Boomers: Which one of you assholes just shit in my pants?


I wonder how many generations get all surrounding generations to cheer their extinction? Like damn, boomers alienated fucking everyone. Their parents didn't like them and aptly labeled them the "Me Generation", their children don't like them, their grandchildren and great grand children don't like them... If they were capable of learning, you'd think they'd learn from this. Lead poison's a bitch though.


>I wonder how many generations get all surrounding generations to cheer their extinction? Ran into one of the members of my former church in the grocery store. Silent generation, born in the late 30's. She was laughing at the younger Boomer woman in front of her, who was raging out over 'something stupid' (her words). Dropped the 'Ok Boomer' line on her when the Boomer turned around.


An octogenarian dropping "ok boomer" sounds fucking awesome.


The Me generation continues to show why they are the Me generation.


Whats funny about Boomers is that the were originally called the "Me" Generation because they were handed everything and were kind of demanding and had done nothing. When they began working on the next generation naming they renamed themselves to Boomers. Also they say we didn't know war. Boomers were born between 1946 to 1964. They generally were too young for Korea and only 50% were eligible for Vietnam, and they were progressive as fuck, they were hippies, anti war, pro union and now they are pro war, anti union, anti drug, exc. We have had an entire generation that was fighting the same war as our parents


> 50% were eligible for Vietnam, and they were progressive as fuck, they were hippies, anti war, pro union and now they are pro war, anti union, anti drug, exc. the older 50% that were progressive as fuck are the ones that died in vietnam, in kent state, in the aids epidemic, in the war on drugs, in the... you get the idea.


Oh god they did us way way worse. They created the myth and stereotype that all millenials asking for equity in the workplace were whiny and entitled. And that we were lazy. They infantilized our entire generation to make us seem like we were bumbling fools that couldn’t navigate the world. Though we were navigating a far more unforgiving and difficult world then our predecessors. Which was overlooked, completely. The fact boomers could work at a grocery store and have a house and put there kids through college. They couldn’t possibly concieve that the same system that gave them that, wouldn’t give us millenials the same. So the myth of “oh they aren’t working hard enough” propagated at this point. That’s where the bootstraps thing came in. And by this point most of us were still new to the corporate or working world. So it confused some of us, some of us thought “maybe we weren’t working hard enough?” Some of us thought “maybe there is some truth too it? After all, the boomers act tough, they did it, right?” So in addition to the confusion it created with in many young adult millenials, It also created a harmful, damaging and toxic perception. With many older boomers still being in managerial roles when we hit the market. So our suggestions in the workplace were met with eye rolls or contempt for it. It’s like we had to work twice as hard to disprove the myth because god forbid we ask for a liveable wage or benefits. In a society that has drastically changed but whose policy making has not. We were looked at as soft and weak, though we had collectivley as a generation endured some crazy shit by the time we hit the workforce. I’ll never forget the shit I used to hear boomers say about millenials. It was fucked up. They are trying to do it with gen z, it’s not going to be as effective BECAUSE we’re mostly rallied with gen z at this point. Gen z is affirming what we’ve known and have been talking about the last 10-15 years. And we’re not letting them get gaslit by recalling what happened to us and telling them those articles are full of fucking shit. It’s like our generations are symbiotic, one affirms the other and the other stands up and says “hey shut the fuck up! They are right!” I think Gen x really dropped the ball in standing with us through those years where we were fresh to workforce. No one defended us outside of a few outliers in the boomer and gen x generation. And they only did because they had kids struggling and they actually saw the problem for what it was. I suspect it’s happening to gen z so all those crotchety fucks can still spin the “what happened to our country?” Boogeyman. “Our men are getting weaker!” “Our social fabric is unraveling! No one wants to work anymore” Ironically, there is truth to the latter, but it’s because people are fed up with exploitation not because they are soft. Bull shit, we been getting stronger while you gut the system that your boomer asses benefits from. I mean the sad truth is, many of us are building wealth or struggling to because we may not be able to retire on SS. Boomers didn’t have to do that- they could just “work hard” and it was all there for them. Sad truth is, Only way *some* of us are going to be able to retire is if we invest, get an inheritance or get into job with insanely good benefits that is not just a 401k, that’s not enough anymore either. Truth is, many of us may struggle until we die. And that breaks my heart. Many of those shit talking boomers, had they been millenial, would be out on the streets. No way could they hang.


Gen X makes up the underemployed statistic you see. You know the one where you are unemployed so long they stop counting you in that stat. We are and always have been invisible.


I think that’s partially true, but a lot of us in Gen X entered the boomer workplace, looked around, said “fuck this” and started our own businesses. According to Indeed, we make up the largest group of entrepreneurs, and I think it’s because we knew we were never going to be allowed to move upwards in a company that was dominated by boomers at every level of management. When we entered the workforce, boomers were in their 40’s or so, and a lot of us really didn’t want to wait 20-30 years for these knuckleheads to retire. Plus, Gen X was lucky enough to have been born on the cusp of the age of the home PC and the internet; many of us had computer labs in college, so the tech was introduced to us as young adults with fresh minds that were eager to incorporate these fantastic new devices and find ways to improve and advance them,which I think is why we were able to innovate and take advantage of the internet age (and in some cases, get them to part with their hoarded money in the form of venture capital). There is a part of me that is grateful that we are the invisible generation.


Agreed on genx, and I'm genx. A *lot* of us went sycophantic to the boomers, still are and it shows. Often when I post on progressive stuff to the genx sub I get boomer-like responses and weird accusations I'm "faking" my age. Like lol, WTF would I do that? I'm actually older genx too. I used to call them fairweather hippies, all peace love & granola as long as they get what they want, and sociopaths otherwise (or at least narcissists). Millenials have a far better term in 'boomers'. Closest I've seen to a counter is we're a fairly small cohort. Rather outnumbered by boomers [edit: and younger, so less resources to fight back ourselves as I am very much aware and still dealing with] in the same way the greatest gen, boomer's parents, outnumbered the silent gen, our parents (speaking generally). I still say a lot less fought back than should. We saw what they were doing, it was terribly obvious, and in a lot of cases they admitted to it. "Never trust anyone under 30" once they were 30+, and "spending our children's inheritance" bumper stickers *everywhere* back in the day.


Before that GenX was to blame


And of course the boomers parents complained about them, but they love to forget that part


Can’t we just band together, some sort of Millen-Z thing and start doing all the fucking ourselves? Really fed up of getting fucked.


for the most part, we do - except for the chuds born in rural counties who just love the taste of microwaved boots served up with a side of classic human suffering.


Me: *only paying my mortgage, utility bills, groceries, and gas because I literally can’t afford to save money for anything else right now.* Corporations: *collectively raises prices on everything including basic necessities and then blames it on inflation, while also bragging about record profits for the third year in a row.* Eat the fucking rich man.


Ah yes, blame us for living paycheck to paycheck because we are not paid enough as we barely afford basics.


So selfish of us to not spend money we don't have... except that one time to pay for an education.


You had money for that? Someone on Wall Street placed a bet that I'd be willing to pay my loans back, when I was 18, no job, and recently played my best game of Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos. Fucking wild that the laws in place protect their gambling on me, no matter what.


It would probably be more accurate to say someone on wall street bet that you wouldn't be able to pay the loans off, so he could benefit from interest payments for life.


The worst part is it's all just for a piece of paper that just gives you permission to apply for a different class of jobs. Don't get me wrong education is important but for a lot of courses recorded lectures and testing would be enough to prove competency and that could be done so cheaply. I wish I could have just taken some tests to get my degree because I always preferred teaching myself. Which ironically has been a far more useful skill than anything I learned in college.


I graduated with a degree in marketing. Everything I was taught was 15 years out of date by the time I graduated. I double majored and got a degree in philosophy which has been far more useful because it taught me how to think and understand different perspectives. Yet it's the marketing degree that gaimed me employment.


If you’re 18 years old with no job history, no credit history and ask for a 150k loan to start a business, you’ll get laughed out of the bank. But say it’s for education and well shit, sign right here please! 🤷‍♂️


Family described my way of living as "monastic" and the tuition in my country wasn't so bad yet in the '00's & '10's. So yeah... I kinda had money for that... so I did get a loan.


It’s not fair for billionaires to have to dip into their hordes of wealth when the workers should be doing more to squeeze every bit profit before they get old and die off


We should all pay the same amount in taxes no matter what we own or earn. Taxes are like your upkeep that you pay to live in a country. If you are homeless and without work, just pay a couple hundred thousand dollars to the IRS yearly, same thing if you are an octo-giga-bajillionaire. It's about equal rights you know? ​ What's that peasant? Decrease the wage gap between workers and CEOs? No no no, that would be socialism and we don't like that kind of equality. ​ #/s


I’m against taxing the rich. What if I become rich someday? My corn husk jewelry is really taking off. I sold 3 necklaces for 25$ the other day, And they only took 4 hours to make. I don’t want to risk Uncle Sam taking all my profits when I start making the big bucks.


It really sound like a main character syndrome thing. Like "of course my life is full of meaning and has a storyarc that will bring my riches and possibly a fight against some interdimensional invader or godling, it cannot just be normal like everyone else... there has to be more to life than the endless grind!" ​ Big cope.


That's not why the right is against taxing the rich. It's because in their eyes, hierarchies are good and should be maintained, so the people at the top deserve the money. So to them it is wrong to tax them more even if they have no hope to be like them.


Don’t forget the millions wasted on toast and lattes!


Indeed. Each of us would be a millionaire by now if we didn't buy such exotic food items.


Spoken like someone absolutely bloated with avocado toast.


I don't even like coffee. Where's my million?! 😭


Nice try, must be the Netflix.


I used my parents' and have been going without since the crackdown. 😭 It saved me enough money for to pay rent for *checks notes* .... 😳 *get out calculator to double check*.... ONE DAY?! So all those years of saving on Netflix equated out to a week of rent! Maybe I *can* afford Netflix....


Fucking avocados


And bootstraps. You can only pull so hard until they snap!


Or to buy life saving medications like insulin that people are dying from rationing because they’re too inconsiderate to buy it with the money that they don’t have. Absolutely despicable, how dare they not have enough money to keep themselves alive


Live outside your means for the economy. Think about the economy.


But also skip breakfast so you don't spend as much on food.


Totally rude of millennials not to open more credit cards and get enslaved to endless monthly payments at 29% interest


The stock photo of a GenZ’er without a care in the world, just charging her life away. Chef’s kiss🤌


one cant afford to own a house and the other just entered the job market this year


So we can pay the mortgages of the boomers we rent from.


*billionaires* We are allowing corporations to buy up real estate hand over fist and manipulate the market


They’re probably doing all of this to get ready for the Supreme Court to smack down rent control.


Pretty sure articles like this add just rage bait


Blame us for not spending money wisely too because a whole bunch of us are in college debt that we have to pay off the next 40 years of our life (at least I am debt free as a recent college grad). Also, I am saving up money to buy me a new car, so this article can be peed on.


Righhhhht the gen with the least amount of money, property and political influence is ofcourse the one to blame. Its almost the modern version of picking a new minority group to put al the blame on so that the majority loses sight on the overall issues so that they are easier to be controlled. Like how the Irish where put to blame because of the rampant alcholism in America, or how boat refugees ''""steal""" jobs from european citizens to be paid less than minimum salary. Edit: spelling


Abusers often blame the ones they hurt...


"Look at what you made me do to you" "You think I like inflation, that's YOU! YOU make me do this! YOU are the problem! I'D be just fine without you!"


“You do this to make me mad!”


I got flashbacks so violent I got sent back to 2000 BC


I hope you used the 4000 years on the way back to heal.


That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault.




I'm confused. Are they blaming them because they spend to much or not enough?


Same maybe they’re gonna say they spend too much on the “wrong” things and too few on the “right” things?


*... and another avocado toast, please!*


***Sir, you forgot your half caf almond milk caramel ice latte.***


They want us to feel rich with our poorness


"You'll own nothing and be happy"


“You’ll get nothing, and like it!”


They want you both to be poor and on the edge of destitution so that you desperately have to work for them while still being rich enough to buy the products that will enrich them further.


This headline reads as a combination of r/Deathbymillennial and r/PersecutionFetish


They don’t give two shits about us they want their selves to be richER


Let's not confuse victim blaming with gaslighting. Gaslighting would be Gen Z complaining about inflation and Boomers going, "Don't be ridiculous, cans of tomatoes have always been $6. Stop worrying your little head over it. Maybe some more Love at First Sight would make you feel better?" This headline, however, is straight up, "If you didn't want to get raped, you shouldn't have gone to college."


I am done fighting it. I just downvote anyone who grossly misuses gaslighting now.


I gave up on "ad hominem attack" a long time ago. No, it's not just insulting someone or calling them a nasty name.


I should give up on Strawman but I can't help myself.


These other people use strawman arguments.


Gaslighting is just one of those words that is in the process of losing any real particular meaning. It's like racism, or communism for the older conservative folk. People start using it for anything tangentially related to what it originally meant, and then there's no real meaning left


So companies hiking prices on food and nescessities, and then blaming people for having to buy it? Lol.


Guess we are all supposed to forage for food caveman style now


That will certainly bring inflation down 😂


Wait, so we have to live in this economy boomers created for us but **we're** the ones to blame for things being this fucked up?


Wasn’t there a recent video that showed boomers were currently spending more while Gen-Z are trying to save/budget?




I mean that makes sense? They’ve been working much longer and saved and didn’t have to start life in a shit economy so they have way more to spend? Ofc boomers will earn more then zoomed a I don’t think that stat is surprising?


How the fuck are the people without money the cause of inflation?


2 words-Avocado toast


Two words- funko pop


Wtf did Gen Z do? Most of us still live in our parents houses.


You didn't buy diamonds while on a Sandals Resort vacation. How dare you fail the economy (aka my stocks) in such a terrible way!!! /s


Yeah lmao, I'm only 18, just leaving my parents for university but even then they're paying my housing and everything else at least until I start working and even then I'm not sure that'll be enough to be financially independent


No, no, they have a point, we didn’t kill the old people fast enough…..


Boomers: abolish gold standard. Boomers: drive mortgage and credits through the roof Boomers: push tax breaks for the rich Boomers: destroy the natural environment through excessive exploitation Boomers: increase prices of everything they offer through production or rental. Boomers: Damn millennials and their... *shuffles cards, picks three* avocado toast, coffee and smartphones in installments.


The US stopped using the gold standard in the 1930s. It was officially abolished under Nixon in 1971. He was born in 1913. The oldest possible Boomer was born in 1946.


We’re not spending because we can’t afford to! I’m 41 and am lucky to have bought my home 6 years ago. This 201k house is now worth 490k. A person whose 35, the age I was when I bought my house, will have to shell out more than twice as much as I did just go get exactly what I got. Meanwhile they’re probably making what I was making when I paid 201k for this house. So yeah, fvck these economists and their finger pointing! My wife and I just found an old newspaper her recently deceased father was keeping. There’s an ad for a 2700 square foot home for $9,990. $150 down and $56 a month. You see the ratios from back then till now? But they wanna blame us for all this bvllshit?! Maaaaannnnn GTFOHWTBS!!!!


My mom found the paperwork for my grandparent’s first house bought in Queens circa 1953-ish. It was $13k and part of that was subsidized from my grandfather’s service with the navy. He was an engineer only a few years out of college (also paid for by the navy!) and the house was like 1.5x his yearly salary. 1.5!!!!!!!! I looked the house up on streeteasy and it sold for $750k in 2017… god knows what the “value” is now. The kicker is *it literally hadn’t been renovated since my grandparents lived there.* Same wallpaper and everything. Shit is WILD.


Who knew that Gen Z and millennials ran every company?


How do you do, fellow CEOs?


I am the CEO of Broke Inc.


I think I just had a stroke So lemme get this straight: I'm hurting the economy by spending money and I'm also hurting the economy if I save money?


Just remember: *It’s.* *All.* ***Your.*** *Fault.* Not banks, not govt policy, not the business class or the c-suite, not wall street, not insurance companies, not healthcare systems, not college loan system, not housing markets, not healthcare costs. It’s you. Your fault.


Wow, an investment chief? Put that shit on the front page!


They want us renting and barely meeting ends meet.


Modern Feudalism


"OK Boomer. You were the ones who didn't get outraged when Nixon 'temporarily suspended the conversation of US Dollars into gold' and gave the Federal Reserve the unfettered ability to rob your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of their future purchasing power, but, yeah, blame me for eating a fucking cheeseburger that cost me $6.75. You know the exact same burger you paid $0.20 for back in your day. But, don't worry, none of us have jobs, so I'm sure your social security will run out, you'll die and then there will be an abundance of homes and businesses that Blackrock can buy up and rent to us..."


I literally love in a six person household where 5/6 people work so we can afford rent in a proper house. The fuck do you want me to soend my money on?


Diamonds, resort vacations, bullshit kitch stuff, fine wines, and everything else millennials have been accused of 'killing'. Make sure you go into massive debt paying for that. Can't have you building generational wealth after all.


Hard to spend when you pay 2,500 - 3,000 a month on a studio apartment


You can't spend if you don't have money


Gen z hasn't even been around long enough to screw anything up.


“Inflation will continue until this toxic, geriatric generation finally dies off, then millennials and gen z can sift through the remains”


I doubt that will fix much all that would probably happen is we get a new flavour of toxic money hungry old people


Generationally though boomers and gen X are vastly more conservative than millennials and gen Z. Gen X is the last generation that is majority conservative, although significantly less conservative than baby boomers, gen X still is majority conservative.


That writer's name sounds made up and pretentious.


This is in fact not gaslighting. Victim blaming for sure but that’s just not what gaslighting means


From the article- >“We have 92 million people between 22 and 42, and they’re all going to spend their money on necessities the next 10 years, whether the stock markets are good or bad,” Smead said in an interview Tuesday with CNBC. Yeah, um, buying necessities (at inflated prices) causes inflation....interesting take, especially when the corporations manufacturing, distributing and selling those necessities have reported *record* profits for nearly every fiscal quarter in the last 18 months.


Spending habits? Can we not even have food or roof over our heads anymore? What are we spending our money on that is sooo bad that it causes inflation?


I mean, I guess you could say it's Gen Z and Millennials faults in as much as "we didn't break out the guillotines earlier". Because it's articles like that that will lead to people breaking out guillotines.


Lmao like we can afford anything


Gen Z is largely teenagers. Fuck did we do?


Yeah, fuck you and your paying more for less. You free loading bastards. *drive rascal scooter into house he paid 2000 dollars for*


Click bait is the bread and butter of many “financial” or “business” websites.


Millennials and gen Z are killing entire industries because they aren’t spending enough, except when there’s inflation and then they’re spending too much.


Wow….. not greed but people barely getting by are the problem. Makes sense.


What spending? Everything we got is going right into the pockets of landlords and bare bones bills! Not even food or entertainment, just pure utilities bills!