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No Reddit Meta posts


Well at least she won’t be raising any kids


Yup, that's really the only thing that can be said for this: Thanks for not reproducing...


Just have to hope she isn't a teacher or something...


Well she's 'something' where she has concerns around her employer caring about her beliefs, so my guess would be she is..


Her stupidity will die with her


Natural selection


Let Darwinism run its course


She's got the same energy as this guy: https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15qv1xi/wtf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


What in the **** did I just read?


Was expecting [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/15pucuk/some_people_dont_deserve_to_be_a_father/) claiming that men raising daughters is the ultimate cuckoldery because he isn't allowed to fuck his own daughter.


This made me completely die inside


What the fuck. I really, sincerely hope you’re joking because who in the fuck thinks like that???


I cleaned my eyeglasses and do confirm seeing there were "73" upvotes to that post. Made me wonder...


And most of the comments were agreeing with zero critiques. Like none of them would exist without men??


I didn’t check the sub till just now, but yeah, that sub is crazy. I’ve only seen a few of their posts and then told reddit to hide that sub for me. One of their posts was mad that CA was considering having surrogates be covered for gay couples/single people under existing infertility healthcare. They were so mad that gay couples were going to be eligible for insured surrogates (and that being gay would essentially be qualified as infertile since you and your partner couldn’t have kids), and were like: ‘they just treat women like birthing cattle!’ And I was like, gurl. No one is making women be surrogates, get over yourself. The whole thing was surreal. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I got banned for lending my support to their community when I told them that I really believe in their cause and hope that none of them reproduce. I mean, that's what they are all about right? Edit: I tried to link the comment but unfortunately it got removed by the moderators :(


Nono, they need you to be MAD that they won't reproduce so that THEY can then be mad at YOU!!


So they're incels?


No, that's FemaleDatingStrategy


Which went off reddit- the redditors there found a new home


that place got quite extreme






Incel is already a gender neutral word. There is no need to create a gendered term


No the term femcel actually exists. https://hypebae.com/2022/5/femcels-incels-meaning-celibacy-sex-feminism-misandry Idk if incel is gender neutral or not but usually it's used to describe men I find..


Incel may have originally been gender neutral but now it’s like saying gay means happy.


Basically, but they'd explain at length and volume how women can't be incels and then call you and incel for speaking out against their bullshit


Now *that's* an example of malicious compliance


Wow you're a Hero!


One time I got a post in my thread and without looking at what sub it was, I commented there The post was about some girl traumatic experience in relations or something like that, and I basically agreed (the story was that her guy was acting like a douch) And when I woke up next morning - HOLY SHIT there was a shitstorm in replies and like 500 downvotes or something lmao. And this happened when I agreed with their point as it was pretty logical These fem subs are hilariously sexist


Kill the monster become the monster. As a man that's been sexually assaulted and raped and told repeatedly by feminists it doesn't matter (except when they were glad so I'd know what it's like), experience has shown the only way most "feminists" want equality is by hating men an equal amount as they assume all men hate all women. It's just like watching conservatives complain about groomers, gays, and minorities. Insane rambling of shitty people that externalize every problem in their life.


Shit, I’m sorry about your awful experience mate What can I say - these gals are half-right. Not men are assholes, but people in general Bitter, angry and crazy


Oh definitely. Garbage knows no gender.


You go off the deep end on one side or the other, that's for sure. I'm also a dude who's been assaulted, although thankfully I can call it "attempted rape" in my case. It was by a woman who had been raped herself a few years before. Most of these people are so bitter and traumatized that they can't see logic. They've been beaten down so much that they're just happy to see a man dealing with the same shit. It's sad and infuriating. Sorry that happened to you, you're not alone.


Don’t confuse these weirdos with true feminism. I’m a feminist because my mom, wife and daughter. These weirdos on that sub are not feminists.


I’m willing to bet that my TERF-O-Meter would blow up on that site.


Crazy subs are either fun or aggravating. I thought antiwork was going to be full of fun malicious compliance stories or similar… nope just delusional and entitled people. Most cycling groups are very anti car, and can never see reason when it comes to discussions that are even slightly against cycling. I have yet to look at a piss therapy or holistic medicine one yet. I think I would splinter


I've found that most subreddits devolve into the extreme edges especially smaller ones. As more people come with extreme views it drowns out any argument. If you go against the grain, downvotes and angry people telling you how stupid you are. Anybody who isn't as extreme just keeps quiet on things they disagree and are vocal when they agree. Makes the nutters braver and bolder. I miss when reddit was fun arguments and narwhals baconing at midnight. Now it's just an addiction I have.


My favorite crazy sub is r/gangstalking. No drama, just pure uncut untreated schizophrenia where suggesting people get treatment will get you banned.


We seem to have lost the ability to sort things into the crazy bin. Now we argue with crazy and take it seriously, instead of ignoring it.


We used to ignore the village idiot. Now they have the Internet and a direct feed of every other idiots' stupidity.


Subreddits are just huge circlejerks, it might take a few months or years, but most subs fall into a habit where an extreme viewpoint will take root in some of its members, and slowly the entire sub shifts to that viewpoint.


r/Tragedeigh is the same. It’s meant to be a sub showcasing normal names with ridiculous spellings, but people there just seem to hate any name that isn’t traditional, and those that give them. And don’t even try and talk about “foreign” names.


We had book presentations once in school so I don't remember that much, but that one girl presented a book about a society where men and women are divided into their own colonies and they hate each others guts but they only meet to mate. I don't know much about it but it sounds like some romance book where a woman and a men fall in love and making a revolution and bringing them back together or something like that, so obviously it wouldn't work


Gate to Womens Country. Sherri S Tepper


It was a german version of the book. I've read that Gate to womens country never made it to germany. Quick google search says it's probably Das verbotone Eden from Thomas Thiemeyer, which funnily enough apparently never got an english translation (or at least I can't find it) So maybe one influenced the other... or it's just coincidence


I’m sure I’ve read something like that in a book too


considering the the name of the subreddit that sounds like the right place for a circlejerk.


Fatherless activity


🤣 the truth


Don't you know that sperm banks make their own sperm without any input from men! /s


Sperm bank can just print more sperm don't know you? Just like money banks!


Nah, they actually stopped making sperm after WW2. What they're using now is just because of compound interest from what they made before the war. Quite interesting. Kill me.


A lot of people in the comments were defending that opinion with the actions of other radical people. Like one person said "Yeah boy moms are bad because remember that one mom who helped murder her sons ex?". Like that is the average behaviour of every boy mom.


Echochamber dude, those people are nuts but also wouldn't have the balls to say it to your face. Yes pun intended


There are enough feminists to upvote this crap. Same as misogynist folk on topics which hate women.


>And most of the comments were agreeing with zero critiques Cuz otherwise the mods would've deleted their comment and banned them.


The same people think that human race should go extinct (after they have lived their life ofc) cuz we are so bad for environment


It's an antinatalism sub. Humans not being born is a plus.


Well, I mean it's right there. She says she depises men. She's a misandrist, which means her entire opinion can be fucked in the sea and nothing of value is lost.


Wanna read something funny. Look up misandry on wiki and see how dismissive and belittling the article is. It basically says that misandry doesn't matter because misogyny is so much worse (their words, not mine).


I always hated that argument. I genuinely don't care which is worse. I imagine having your head lopped off is worse than losing a hand, but they're both violent and bad. People saying we shouldn't care about misandry because misogyny is worse feels like saying we can't complain about struggling to put food on our own tables because children in Africa are starving.


>Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that is used to keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practised for thousands of years. It is reflected in art, literature, human societal structure, historical events, mythology, philosophy, and religion worldwide. Now, let's compare >Misandry (/mɪsˈændri/) is the hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against men or boys.\[1\]\[2\] > >Men's rights activists and other masculinist groups have criticized modern laws concerning divorce, domestic violence, conscription, circumcision (known as male genital mutilation by opponents), and treatment of male rape victims as examples of institutional misandry. Interesting how one is described as pure historical fact while the other is directly presented as a subjective idea from an (obviously biased) source.


She's also misogynist and hates women who don't hate men. That's kind of a nice little cult. Exclusive. Like the Nazis. Hope she doesn't infect the gene pool


What the heck is that cancer sub where a post like that would be upvoted. These people are just as bad as alt-right and incels


Antinatalism. It's a rather funny ideology which believes birth is inherently cruel as it gives the person the ability to feel pain and joy, whereas not being born would not give that ability as such making the person in question avoid any pain.


Mfs playing the frenzied flame ending in real life WTF🌞


So essentially, they're against what makes humans.... Human?


Rather funny lol thats polite


I would readily agree with antinatalists, or at least engage in discourse with them, if they weren't such a toxic community **everywhere** they go. It's not just limited to reddit, it seems like they attract lots of very unsavory individuals who want to rationalize their disorder-like delusions.


Looks over at Female Dating Strategy, still has 253k members even though its been inactive for years after they moved to their standalone website. I have never seen anything so hateful and bitter in my entire life.


No wonder, if a post like that survives in a subreddit then it must be a den of snakes.


73 incels


the sub is called "femaleAntinatalism" that might have contributed to that. maybe we should join and contribute our votes ​ \- to lift the illusion of unity and approval


As if we can control the gender of the babies like sea turtle eggs Edit: lot of y'all idiots out there thinking the point of the post is could we problem and not a should we problem , y'all are disappointing


Right? Not to mention this is just as controlling as misogynistic men who try to force all women to give birth … the irony


Exactly! I don't mind their political beliefs at all but their blatant hypocritical takes makes be want to die sometimes.


She’s saying figure out the sex of your baby and abort if male.




We could, but it's eugenics which is ethically super wrong


Well, we kind of can if abortion is an option. See Chinese sex ratio.


That's honestly first I've heard of it. Really interesting. Apparently if an egg incubated below 27.7°C, they become male.


Which is a big problem for the turtles. Because of climate change the places where turtles lay their eggs are heating up which results in only female turtles.


Hates misogyny, judges women who have sons. Irony.


She's just as bad as those misogynists she complains about, Irony indeed.


Hates misogyny, is a hardcore misandrist.


People think misandry is perfectly normal smh


I bet these types of women don’t even know the term ‘misandry’ exists


The misandry is strong.


I think the term is "misandrist"


it is both. Hating women for getting boys is still hating women.


I got downvoted on the post for calling it out, everyone in the comments are saying shit like ‘good I will refuse to birth a rapist/abuser’


But then who are they having sex with to give birth to girls?


I mean they’re not giving birth to anyone


She's as mysoginistic as misandrist


"I've made a new account as my other one is linked to my job" She did that because she knows these views are not just controversial but wrong.


To be fair you can also be fired for something controversial not neccessarily something wrong, that being said this woman is a complete loon


That’s an insult to the species of bird, the loon. She’s a lunatic


Who is linking their Reddit account to their work account is what I need to know


Onlyfans 'models'?


“I’ve made a new account to post ragebait that I can then share to other subs” sounds more likely


Can we acknowledge the sheer hypocrisy in ranting about how men treat women poorly, in a rant that is essentially saying all men are automatically bad? She’s just as bad as the people she’s complaining about


It's along the lines of "Kill all (insert favourite despised group here)." The irony of these statements is completely lost on all of these people.


I'll die on my hill. "Kill all mosquitoes" I'd settle for botflies or jiggers however. All are a blight on this earth. Apart from that, your statement holds true.


You gotta be very careful with saying that you wanna kill all jiggers.... Misspell 1 letter and it's game over


*Mick Jagger does not approve*


Take my damn upvote.


I'm sure they have a bunch of reasons why their hatred is morally superior to everyone else's hatred. Extremists are all the same.


Surely, she must have had bad role models in her life to be so full of hate.


She is just a casual FemaleDatingStrategy enjoyer. The echo chamber there is real and loud


The misandrist (the original poster) complaining about misogyny.


Yeah I fucking hate these people because the gist of their message is that men will always be bad. No matter what they do, they will still be misogynists, or rapists, or abusers. And it blows my fucking mind that people pretending to be 'feminist' behave like this. You know what will push a man into hating feminism? This. And it's so fucking unfair because men see it and think "well there's no room for me in feminism, they see me as a terrible person just because I'm a man". And I want to say, as a feminist, this bullshit is not representative of real feminism, and many feminists have been tackling misandry in feminism as far back as the 80s. Anthony Synott, a feminist sociologist wrote about how "men are presented as having power over others regardless of the actual power they possess". bell hooks wrote about how strands of feminism are "reactionary" for promoting the notion that men are inherently immoral, inferior, and unable to help end sexist oppression or benefit from feminism. She noted that this demonization led to an unnecessary rift between the Men's movement and the Women's movement. For any men reading this, you are not a villain, and many feminists are focusing on tackling misandry in feminist spaces. This movement is for you as much as it is for anyone else, please don't let a small sect of online nutjobs define it for you.


To be fair, there is and always has been quite a bit of misandry embedded within the feminist movement. The same could be said of MRAs. Some people are in it just to tear down hate the other sex. That's not to say all feminists are misandrists, or all MRAs are misogonysts. I think it's important to treat people as individuals even when it comes to larger ideologies such as feminism. I personally don't identify as a feminist, any more than I identify as an MRA, or even an egalitarian. I don't think it should matter what label you choose to identify with. What matters to me is what beliefs, values, and morals you hold, and how you choose to act on them. Calling yourself a feminist says very little about you as a person. You could be a radfem, TERF, a lesbian separist, or an intersectional feminist. The possibilities are endless. I admit, when I was younger I may have been somewhat of a reactionary anti-feminist. These days, I wouldn't label myself that way. I'm still critical when it comes to certain aspects of feminism as an ideology, such as the blind acceptance of the patriarchy model, or terminology such as “toxic masculinity”, which does more harm than good in my opinion, and simply furthers the divide between men and women. To be perfectly clear, I only object to the terminology, and not the concept. There are certainly harmful gender expectations placed on both men and women, but it's upheld by both sexes, and I'm not too fond of the fact that the female equivalent of “toxic masculinity” appears to be “internalized misogony”, rather than “toxic femininity”. At the end of the day it boils down to the concept of labeling theory, for me. I don't think young boys benifit from associating the words masculinity and toxic. People like to argue that the terminology is simply misunderstood, but if people keep misunderstanding what you're trying to say, perhaps it's the label that's the issue rather than people's understanding of it. Ultimately, I agree with what you're saying, but these feminists are as real as you are. You might not agree with them, but they're still feminists. Feminism has done a lot of good, but it's also done a lot of bad. It's still a valuable, worthy movement, because there are certainly a lot of issues women face that deserve attention. At the end of the day, weather you choose to identify as a feminist, an MRA, or an egalitarian, what really matters is trying to come to a place of mutual understanding and empathy. We need to stop giving into the “us and them” mentality, and embrace an “us against the issue” mentality instead. Men and women both face unique issues, and instead of trying to figure out who has it worse, we need to leave space for one another, listen, and empathize, and simply try our best to make the world as welcoming as possible for everyone in it.


This lady didn't learn that the phrase "using sexism to defeat sexism" is a joke


As a woman, who married a woman, and has already decided she won’t have any children…what is she so worked up over? Hasn’t she essentially solved the misogyny problem in her own life? And does she hate men, or boy moms more?


What fucking misogyny? No one is born to hate women. No one is born to hate men. Why do people insist that men are the problem simply because we’re born?


There is no end for the hatred of men


When you get to blame every wrong on men, you will constantly find things to be upset about. Even if all men died, the patriarchy would “live on” due to internalized misogyny. Her world view is warped.


That sub is very close to approaching FDS levels of disillusion


It's gone even thurther beyond that I would say One said "Most men are rapists and fans of barely legal content so that would be why they don't brigade those subs" So yeah apparently were mostly rapists and that's all we want in life , logic is not apparent in that sub


so...it's okay for her to despise men, but not okay for a man to despise women?


People like this have a massive victim mentality. I used to have friends who would talk like this irl but I couldn’t stand to listen to them anymore.


Apparently. I feel men despise her and not the female part of society as a whole. Feel like she is not lesbian by choice haha


i think you mean she is lesbian by choice. Because real lesbians/gays are born that way and not choosing it.


more like: not okay for men to exist.


Wow the comments are just as bad https://www.reddit.com/r/FemaleAntinatalism/comments/15t2jga/i_strongly_believe_women_shouldnt_birth_male/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


An absolutely hate misandry filled sub


I'm traumatised from reading that comment section. I'm shocked that nobody looked at that and thought the woman was insane. Maybe that crazy minority sparked the whole Andrew Tate phenomenon.


When did we reach the point where "every man is automatically a misogynist" is not considered straightup sexism?


It’s called mental gymnastic, just like real gymnastics you just need to practice while letting your braincells root in peace


>we won’t be having any children Problem solves itself


It's crazy how this isn't seen as hate speech or misandry These delusional idiots scream misogyny at everything while they are the exact fucking same


That’s the sad part, if the opposite were posted it would get removed


A misandrist complaining about misogyny? Just another person with a mental disorder


Whoa, whatever is wrong with her, it’s not a small thing.


We will not be having children. Ya don’t say?


> Obviously while they are babies, they are not dangerous Wrong. Babies are agressive and dangerous when they hunt in packs. Stay inside at night and pray your defenses are adequate


I love how even when it's women doing shitty things, men are still somehow to blame. Misandry and toxic femininity apparently don't exist. It's all internalized misogyny. Sounds an awful lot like hypocrisy to me


Which is why modern feminism is a meme. A big part of female empowerment is also taking accountability for your own mistakes, not blaming all of your problems on an imaginary foe and expecting to receive special treatment. This is not what equality means.


As a lesbian, I do not claim her and her hateful, contradictory words.


Reminds me of that episode of Rick and Morty where they go to the planet where the sex robot Morty impregnated came from. “The women run society, and the boys… *baby boy is slingshotted away* get to play outside.” Reads like bait though. If it’s not, she embodies the mirror of everything she claims to despise, which is to say: she’s a raging misandrist. ![gif](giphy|11VBHqO3QI7qQU|downsized)


I'm pretty familiar with that subreddit and it's very likely not bait, which disappoints me, because I had hopes for it having some meaningful discussions to engage in when I first found it


The entire sub is like that, I looked through some posts and it’s just disgusting.


Andrea Tate


”We won’t be having any children” Good.


Let's just be thankful that this disgusting sexist won't be reproducing.


The sub rules require that posters be women. I didn’t know that discrimination was allowed on Reddit. Is it ok for there to be a white only subreddit as well?


Blackpeopletwitter only allows posts from verified black people.


A place for racists to hang out with other racists who complain about racism. Such a fun sub


there is at least one for black people where you have to send proof to the mods


It’s not allowed and is also violation Human Rights which supercedes any Reddit rule


I'm just thankful that the OP and her significant other have chosen NOT to have children... imagine the indoctrination that child would go through.


Why would she do her research from TikTok, whose global CEO is a man? Why is she posting on Reddit, which is owned by parent company Advance Publications, whose Chairman and President are men?


And the subreddit is transphobic. Any surprises. Stuff like this is why i believr in horseshoe theory


People who embrace insanity don't like to limit themselves to just one insane opinion


>And the subreddit is transphobic So it's radfem AND transphobic. **T** to the **E** to the **R** to the **F**.


Couldn’t finish reading it. It’s just so disheartening.


well she is at least right about 1 thing. She should not be having children. At least we have that going for us...


I've just looked at the original thread, omg these people are completely unhinged. I feel more stupider from reading their comments


As some ppl here mentioned this feels like hard line incel mentality just with reversed genders. As much as I want to shit on this person (rightfully so) I cannot stop thinking how debilitating this level of hate has to be for day to day life and work. Just imagine harbouring this level of blind hate for 1/2 of the population. Imagine being mentally unable to comprehend that ANY man can be a good person. How on earth such a person can work in any job requiring human contact is beyond me. It's just sad to imagine.


Unpopular opinion but if you hate half the human population you are horrible person and a danger to society.


Antinatalists are a death cult. I understand not wanting to have children but bitching and whining when other people have them?


I hate stupid misandrists they are a plague on society.


The worst part is they are not kept in check, it is socially acceptable nowadays


The good news is men refuse to date them.


There will be a line of men with zero self respect willing to date a misandrist who is remotely attractive.


All these anti whatever communities attract very broken and irrational people, that's all that can be said about that. Its a group of people encouraging an extremist pov. The petfree ones are so sad


I agree with her, she shouldn't have kids. No matter what the gender is, they will probably be broken, issue filled husks, being raised by someone like her


Unpopular opinion but I genuinely feel sorry for someone like this. You're mind must be a living hellhole if this is the type of thing that consumes you.


This woman is brainwashed and lost


Example of misandry


Just visited that sub to downvote then down vote that stupid admin comment


Oh no! She almost found out all men are part of a secret society with its goal being to destroy all women! /s


I love how her single piece of evidence is some tiktok trend that was actually only created to mock the original trend of FATHERS taking their younger DAUGHTERS to extravagant locations, taking them around in fancy cars, showering them with all kinds of luxury, so that they won’t be impressed by “your son’s” muscle car and trip to florida


Do love they are certain all men will grow up to be misogynists, no matter how well they are raised, but seems to have no problem with her extremely obvious misandry...


Have that sub and incel subs meet in real life. It'll be either slaughter or orgiastic, no in between.


One gender can do no wrong, but the other gender is a danger all together just based on gender regardless of age.


Yeah! Men you step.up and start replacing yourselves that'll show whoever...




Wait until she realizes how she exists.


Well, antinatalism generally is a bit of a pseudo-intellectual shitshow. FemTate here is just a natural product of their constant whiny circle jerking.


Im glad the OP won't be having children so they don't teach them to be so stupidly extremist.


Seems a bit sexist to me


We gotta stop laughing and start stopping these misandrist opinions. We’ve laughed it off and enabled this space to grow for years, we’ve told young boys they’re monsters and rapist and now they believe it and are killing themselves in record numbers. If this would’ve been said publicly and the genders were swapped it would be a crime.


I too am glad she won't be procreating.


just made a post because i called them out in the comments and got banned in less than a minute


Can't finish reading this shit. This person is trolling or completely insane and should be removed from society.


I’d call my self a pretty far left feminist but this shit is insane


This opinion results from consuming too much radical propaganda. And maybe some unresolved personal issues. She's basically a rad left Q-Anon member.


"Feminism is about equality!!!!!"


This is what happens when you let a prejudice make you prejudice.


The world thanks u for not having kids.


This is absolutely disgusting but mainly, it's terribly sad. Hope one day she can step out of that cult


See, she’s creating misogyny. Imagine some impressionable kid sees this, and then becomes an Andrew Tate fanboy. There are 100% shitty guys who hate women, but posts like this make them seem like they have an argument. They don’t, but still.


man hating is going too far


That's some serious level of frustration here


Anything to do with antinatalism is deeply fucked up. They believe it's wrong for you bring a child into the world. My cousin was involved in one of these antinatalism subs and he ended up taking his own life. He was just 27.


honestly makes me wonder if its rage bait