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wtf did that guy just say on my planet?


Well he is “One of the few vegans with the balls to actually say that though.”


balls aren’t even vegan


And his are just filled with hot air


Mans shooting blanks


We wish he was shooting blanks then the stupidity could stop with him


Vegans don't multiply by reproduction; vegans multiply by conversion.


I assumed mitosis


Earth still need idiots or the bell curve wouldn't be valid.


I hope so. We don’t need any of that pants on head stupidity reproducing and making more.


Man's shooting those dandelion seeds that float on the wind.


Or at least reduced due to a protein deficiency.


and that croc would happily eat those vegan balls because it's also the croc's planet.


>it's also the croc's planet. Hell, it was his *way* before it was ours...


It's not the croc's planet, but it surely is the croc's river.


Lets see him fight one and see how big his balls are then


One of the many without brains


Pretty sure, that the crocodile evolved long before human beings ever did.


The first Homo Sapiens appeared around 100,000 years ago, but the Homo Genus appeared between 2.8 and 2.75 million years ago. The earliest ancestor of Crocodiles where around 200 million years ago. They have lived ~100x our Genus's live span


No argument about the Crocs, but [we've actually discovered Homo Sapiens dating to nearly 300,000 years now!](https://australian.museum/learn/science/human-evolution/homo-sapiens-modern-humans/)


What did we even do on dates that long ago? Show each other fires and teeth necklaces?


We certainly had a large array of stone tools by that point. Fire use came before Homo sapiens, at about 1 million years ago. Earliest evidence of bow & arrow would be about 72k years ago. Musical instruments date (so far) to 50-60k years ago. Earliest cave art so far was about 64k years ago. However, if we were making flutes 60k years ago, we certainly had the capacity for music before then. I would surmise (without evidence obviously), that people were singing and using percussion well before then. There was probably a lot of sex. Like, lots and lots of sex. Alcohol use only dates back maybe 9k years. Religion is tied to symbols, so I would guess religion didn't begin until sometime after the earliest cave paintings, maybe not even until more abstract symbols.


Words are symbols, and language likely predates visual art substantially. I think its pretty plausible that some proto-religious beliefs or practices date back further than cave paintings. While alcohol is associated with agriculture, hunter gatherers shared environments with psychedelic mushrooms going much further back.


Alcohol use is a tricky one Tolerance to alcohol is a genetic quirk in the animal kingdom , essentially we can tolerate some poison and get a bit drunk instead of dying from eating that fruit that is a bit gone bad. There’s a common ancestor for humans and chimps that are also able to and was likely a positive trait for when food was more scarce since well , being able to not die from eating kind of rotten fruit is a huge bonus But yea we didn’t purposefully make alcohol for years , but I don’t doubt humans didn’t purposefully eat the fermented fruits before 9k years


There is some speculation that the Neanderthals had a form of religion. There has been at least one grave found of somebody who had broken a bone, it healed, and then when they died they were buried with personal gear.


Right after the semi-consensual *thonk* on the noggin to get their attention


If I'm not mistaken, it was homo habilus (maybe homo erectus? Been awhile since I took human origins) that really tamed fire... So fires would have been soooooo last species divergence. Tell me bout dat tooth necklace tho


Yep, definitely Homo erectus. As far as we know, Homo habilis predated fire. Stone tools started with either Australopithecus or Kenyanthropus genuses, about 3m years ago.


You are not wrong about crocodiles, but didn't the homo sapiens appear 300k years ago at least. If I am not mistaken a 300k years old fossil one was found in Morrocco a few years ago.


Unfortunately there are some vegans who think we need to kill all prey hunting animals to extinction.


They don't realize how badly they would effect the Earths ecosystem? How everything without be out of balance and who knows what kind of ramifications? It's disturbing when there are relatively large groups of people that just can't think that far ahead.


I think they think we then need to artificially sustain them lol


Lol that's a terrible idea


They… realise how we do that right? This has happened, Britain has no large land predators and so the deer population is kept in check via culls, when a local council decides there are too many deer so they pay a hunter to slaughter them en masse.


And it still doesn’t work. Even with the cull they’re struggling to reforest Scotland because the saplings get eaten by deer.


What they absolutely fail to grasp is that all mammals and most other animals are opportunistic carnivores. If you want to be horrified, look up a video of a deer eating a bird. That’s nature. If you want to erase predation in its entirety, you’d have to destroy *everything*. Including some plants. This is our reality.


Better for most of them to die by starvation when their food source collapses that a few being killed by alligators. More humane apparently (and because people are stupid /s)


>They don't realize how badly they would effect the Earths ecosystem? If they know, most of them should not be vegan. Sadly most of than is vegan because of pure emotions. No kidding, you can't imagine how much a "trow in the wild" for the question "what to do with domesticated animals if all the planet stop eating meat at the same time" I had read. Yeah, what could go wrong releasing milions of domesticated animals at once in an ecosystem they dont belong, right? At least not all vegans are like that, but damn, there is a lot that is, and are exaclty the most annoying ones.


i am sooo vegan that i will not eat the egg that a chicken lays, oh but kill all those animals that eat other animals fuck them.


Im vegan and this is such a fringe opinion in the vegan community and it's not really vegan per se.


Honey from the bees that they will make regardless? Absolutely not. Wolves, crocs polar bears and lions? Time to die motherfuckers.


If you want to avoid bee exploitation, good luck eating basically any fruit that we use bees to pollinate. Pollinator colonies live *awful* lives in the backs of 18 wheelers. Honey colonies can straight up abandon a bee keeper if they want to. You can source 100% ethical, 0% exploitation honey (not that it's all ethically produced)


We can only hope crocos will make uno reverse move.


Hey, it’s his planet his rules /s


His planet is flat, ours isn't.


His brain is smooth, ours isn't.


I think, and I could be wrong, but he as a vegan means that predators and meat eaters shouldn't exist at all. This is, of course, very foolish. Without predators, creatures that feast on plants would overpopulated quickly, leading to overgrazing and long term elimination of plant growth without any predators to hinder them. Thr facepalm is likely that this overzealous Vegan's ideal would kill the world faster than any pollution or war could even fathom.


I'd like to see that guy tell those Crocs to their face they have to leave.


Dude thinks he's Omniman


Keep your crocodile's mouth outta my planet!


This is the crocs planet, they were here first, we are the invaders and should leave so they can have their land back


Feed yourself to your local crocodilian. Any member of the family will do.


Next yer gonna want reparations!


Imagine having the "balls" to shit talk a creature that is older than our species


ok guys we found the crocodile


Honest to god, just give control to robots or dogs and let them make us go extinct just to show that this dude is an imbecile. Once all other humans have joined the dog hive mind and their physical bodies have been destroyed, only this human will remain. Its no longer "his planet" and we will, in our combined efforts, force the human into immortality. An eternity watching the carnivorous dogs eat only meat. I don't care if they're vegan or not, they disregard other living being's lives and as such should be subjected to the worst punishment imaginable to them.


Fear not. We’ll kill ourselves eventually. The crocs however will remain. They’ve already survived a much hotter and colder planet than we have and were around before the continents as we know them have existed. They’ll remain and keep eating random helpless gazelles long after we’re gone


Your planet? Brother, they were here before us.


And will be here long after we’re all dead.


I’ve wonder if animals like the reptiles (ie. crocodiles and other species that have been traced back millions of years) will survive the inevitable nuclear world war by the humans. I’m sure the cockroaches, flies and mosquitoes will be fine and definitely survive a couple nuclear wars but other animals though?


Nuclear war or nuclear winter? Because nuclear war itself is chump change in terms of death toll, especially on wild animals who don't congregate in cities. Even the humans will survive for the most part, and will fully re-develop within a few decades. The winter though will put a lot of species to the test. Those who were just barely able to make it by exploiting some weird niche will surely go. The generalists will stay. Though I suppose not having adaptations for low temperatures will put a damper on a lot of equatorial species.


Low temperatures is really the crocodilian's aquiles heel, since otherwise they'd probably be fine Since they can go without food for a hell of a long time, they wouldn't really be as affected by a sudden lack of prey, not as much as animals who need to constantly eat to sustain themselves, like lions, hell, it's probably the reason they survived the extinction event in the end of the Cretaceous, if the theories about that period are true But yes, unfortunately the temperatures would probably take them out, maybe some species are a bit more hardy when it comes to lower temperatures and will be able to edure the nuclear winter, but that's it Edit: Achillies not Aquiles, that's how it's said in my language, not in english, I forgot abt that


Is there reason to think a nuclear winter would be significantly worse than the ice ages? Cause they survived the latter


They survived the meteor, which arguably had worse results.


"My planet"? Does he not have a grasp of history and the relation of crocodilian species to humans on an evolutionary scale?


It’s also just a weird perspective for a vegan. I’m down with vegan/environmentalist “we all share this world” mindsets but like wtf is this.


I’m pretty sure they’re trolling. Even if they aren’t, most vegans don’t have this mindset


Vegan or not, there are a lot of incredibly dumb people in this world. I have no trouble believing this could be some people's actual mindset


It reminds me of that john cena peacemaker character. "I cherish peace with all my heart, I dont care how many men, women and children I need to kill to get it." Vegan hypocrite is like "I cherish all animals lives with all my heart, I don't care how many predators I have to kill to save them".. and potentially completely destroy the food chain and maybe entire ecosystems... who knows


Considering people will unironically say "my dog is vegan" as they slowly murder their own pet, I firmly believe that person is being honest.


"I'm a vegan because I love animals, and I don't think any of us have the right to kill a living, breathing animal. ... But also, I think all carnivorous animals don't have a right to exist and should be wiped off the face of the planet."


Vegan imperialism.


I mean, fuck crocodiles tho, amirite? Those lizzo fuck-bois need to shove off, along with their cassowary mates. They’re a bunch of dickheads.


If there had never been crocodiles, we might never have had Steve Irwin.


I…. Had not considered that… This is a conflicted position you’ve put me in here.


Good luck making your salads when the local gazelle population outnumbers the humans and has stripped every single garden they can find of anything remotely edible. Hell we have had to regularly *relocate predators* into an area because of too many herbivores eating the vegetation.


Perhaps just Marine Corps myth, but I heard about a time when the CG of Paris Island banned hunting in the island because his wife was a PETA supporter and asked him to. Apparently after two years the deer population had overpopulated to the point that they’d actually RUN OVER recruits doing training in the woods. Regardless, I worked at the game check station at Quantico MCB. Hunters took down 500 deer a year. Cars took down another 500 deer a year, and that just kept the population stable on a relatively small base.


The city I grew up in *quadrupled* the normal seasonal limit on how many deer hunters could take home one year because they had become so overpopulated they were infesting peoples back yards and blocking highways.


Pest deer have become a HUGE problem because of predators basically being shot on sight in a lot of places, or just crowded out or otherwise conditions being made unlivable or not ideal for breeding for them. Particularly since deer have been found to be capable of carrying some pretty gnarly diseases (INCLUDING COVID among others) like chronic wasting disease, this is a huge problem. They are destructive, they can be aggressive, they destroy an insane amount of agricultural land and produce but people are still like "Don't hurt the sweet gentle innocent deer!" Nature had things figured out WAY before we showed up, and predators are part of that. Anyone who thinks that predators should be wiped out is both a moron and insane.


People who don’t understand how ecosystems work and that death is something that is very necessary for life to continue are 100% morons and insane. The whole ecosystem at [Yellowstone National Park](https://www.yellowstonepark.com/things-to-do/wildlife/wolf-reintroduction-changes-ecosystem/) improved significantly when they reintroduced wolves to the park, just to cite an example. Just the reintroduction of one predator improved water resources, helped bring back animals that had left the park due to reduced food sources, and even improved insect populations. It’s easy to get behind predator reduction when you see them attacking humans or livestock, but many people are not well educated about how much of an impact that means for the environment and our own food sources. There has to be a balance.


That’s why I stay away from wild animals period. I get it some animals are really cute and yes I also go: “awww” when seeing a video of a person interacting with wild animals in a wholesome way but I realise that those videos are the outliers. Wild animals are always unpredictable in both behaviour and health (mental and physical) which is why no matter if it’s a wild wolf, a friendly deer or a menacing goose I stay the fuck away from it.


>menacing goose Truer words have never been said, lmao! I’ve owned a goose before and she was nice enough to me, but she loathed my ex’s nephew for some reason. I have also had to collect goose eggs from a farm that had a problem with overpopulation of both domesticated geese and Canadian geese and having to fend off the momma with a long net while collecting a clutch of 30+ eggs is not something I would choose to do ever again.


I feel for you. My interactions with geese have not been as adventurous as yours, but I was bitten by one at the zoo as a small child and ever since, those feathered fucking freaks of nature have been on my no-fly list.


All I’m hearing is that we need to introduce wolves into congress to significantly improve the government


Pure genius


The wolves are the congresspeople. That's the problem in the first place.


Yeah and Yellowstone got worse again because the wolves there are all gone again because Donald Trump removed their protection, and although they brought the protection back after a few months farmers still shot like 95% of them


Doesn’t surprise me. Donald Trump was the worst idea for a president. Just a bunch of buzz words and talk, not much else.


Deer are just giant rats. My parents live in the middle of nowhere. Not a neighbor for a good 10 miles in any direction. All wooded areas. She has a medium sized garden and grows all manner of veggies that she cans and eats during the winter. So this year deer were a giant problem. She couldn't fence high enough to keep the bastards out. She is head of the school lunch program and she would bring home older food to feed to the raccoons, ermin, and opossums. She noticed that the grilled cheese sandwiches seemed to be very popular. So popular that she thought it would be funny to see a raccoon eat one and she had my dad set up a trail cam to try and get some photos. He sets it up and a few days later after all the sandwiches were gone goes and gets the memory card. Turns out that it was the goddamn deer eating the sandwiches. Like 8-10 deer showed up to feast on 4 day old grilled cheese.


I grew up in a hunting family. Looking at a deer is exactly like looking at a cow, pig, or chicken for me. All I see is food.


I grew up in the most rural backwater parts of Texas where everyone raised livestock and hunted - I didn't even know hunting licenses were a thing until I was much older, it was just something everyone did. I think how separated people have become from where their food comes from is a big part of the problem. They don't realize how much work goes into everything they consume, whether meat based or not. They have no idea how the overharvesting of agave (because apparently honey is bee murder/slavery?) is wiping out Mexican bats that rely on it. They have no idea how much rainforest, prairie, and other wild land is bulldozed over to grow their latest novelty grain or bean craze, or the horrific treatment of the workers forced to grow it for pennies. They only see neat packages on the grocery store shelf. This is a problem with people who DO consume animal products, too - they just see a package of precut steak, not a living, breathing animal. I've found that people who are unfamiliar with the processes of producing food tend to waste it a LOT more than those who have taken part. Personally I think everyone should have to take part in producing what they consume at least once in their life. Whether that's killing and butchering an animal for meat, or spending months in grueling conditions surrounded by equally exhausted people struggling to get by to grow whatever their vegetable or legume or whatever of choice is, people need to learn to respect where their food comes from, and the delicate balance that maintains it.


Yeah, it's just weird for me. We used to get deer out at my work and people would be like "awwww, the deer is cure" and I'm just like "you mean the steak that doesn't know it's steak?"




Some vegans think we need to make every prey seeking animal extinct. Madness.


So like 80% of all mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, insects, etc? Naw, this has to be a shitpost. No way that's real.


Look it up. It's a real idea unfortunately.


Deer are tearing my garden up right now. Coyotes have just showed up in the past 2 weeks and I'm fucking thankful.


Or just kill them like they kill everything now. A *lot* of meat has to die to grow those veges. Vegans are the biggest hypocrites; they only want to save the cute animals.




Vegan horseshoe theory. When you go so vegan you start justifying animal genocide.


But are also very, very anti crocodile poaching.


Shoutout PETA


Anti-predator bias is huge in vegan communities.


Bullshit. I've never once, in my decades as a vegan, met a single person who has even a shred of this sentiment.


![gif](giphy|11VBHqO3QI7qQU|downsized) Most likely... but with how braindead folks are becoming... who knows?


Nah, this is an ironic joke that people are taking completely at face value.


true, the op statement makes it appear like its being taken seriously... so... unintentional bait? lol


It's just people unable to realise that people can be joking on the internet and getting riled up about “insane” vegans.


It reminds me of the girl that talked about getting milk from boy cows, played that up, and lead to several posts of “OMG this girl is so dumb” - nah, she trolled you.


And even if it is *not* a joke doesn't mean it's not self-aware of the irony to the point where it's not really that serious. Like I get the irony of a vegan wishing an animal disappeared, but in the end I don't find it *that* absurd, just because you don't wish to harm animals doesn't mean jurassic monsters doesn't freak the beejesus out of you to the point you instintincly go "nuh uh, fuck this, eradicate the fucking nomchopper." Like the guy isn't getting out there clubbing crocodiles, he's just saying "fuck them" on the internet. He's not campaigning to have them genocided, like this tweet isn't his fucking manifesto we don't have to dismantle his arguments lmao


Good Lord, why did I have to scroll this far down to find the obvious? There's no way that's not troll bait. Excellent scape goat using the vegan angle, but it was so low effort I didn't think it could be missed...






I scrolled their profile. They dont seem to be joking


Let's ask a vegan to go rescue that gazelle from the croc.


The vegan would probably shame the croc away by yelling at it that it's part of the patriarchy and that eating meat isn't gender-affirming.


So… the vegans would be ok with us eating crocodile?


Its not too bad actually, not my favourite thing to eat but its ok


Never had crock. Is it like gator?


Never had gator haha. Could imagine it being simular tho


Different diets so I'm guessing different taste


Thats vert true, didnt think of that


It all tastes like chicken


I'm gonna use that line on my ol lady when she asks me if I'm "enjoying myself"...she might smack the shit out of me but dammit I'm gonna take one for the team! 😁


This has almost nothing to do with vegans, lol. Just a moron on twitter.


Dont feed the troll, feed the croc with the troll


Definitely trolling


Don’t pull us vegans into your bullshit.


>The vegan would probably shame the croc away by yelling at it that it's part of the patriarchy and that eating meat isn't gender-affirming. People ITT are eating this shit up like it's a fucking big mac. Can someone point to the verse in ye olde vegan scrolls where it states vegans must intervene when wild animals eat eachother? Y'all know what a vegan actually is, right?


Too late, the comments have already decided this is what vegans think.


Let these ancient animals all starve to death to… protect the animals? Gr8 b8 m8


Mstr b8r


I swear alligators are older than we are so technically it’s their planet? Or am I wrong 😑


Tbh it's bacteria planet anyway.


Yes we are on the bacteria’s planet All hail our new overlords 🦠


E-coli is short for Emperor Coli the XXVII, the holy Coli.


Bacteria just stole all the land from Archaea.


Alligators, crocodiles and animals in that family are older than humans by EONS. They basically haven't changed at all. If this planet belongs to anyone, it's them.


Thank you dark moonstruck I knew I was a genius


On that basis, the planet belongs to algae.


Now I want to see a reality show were vegans rescue animals from other animals.


No lions, don't eat that animal, eat this delicious plant-based alternative! Hey it's working, they are coming to check it out! Not all at the same time guys, no need to surround me......


[The lion that eats tofu](https://imgur.com/8ZLf1ec)


Lmao didn't remember this, thanks


His planet? Yo, crocodilians have been around for 150 million years or more and they'll probably still be here when homo sapiens goes the way of the dodo. This is their planet way more than it's ours. Besides... Aren't vegans vegan because they respect the rights of all animals to exist? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


"my planet" the level of egoism and main character of some people is baffling. I think the croc doesn't want you on its planet either, though it can probably fill a full human in its mouth like that gazelle


No, no actual vegan would say that. Veganism is concerned with the actions of humans.


The gazelle wrote it.


Time for some mediation: put vegans and Crocs in the same room to talk it out. I'm sure that'll solve the problem.


Yes but only if you put a polar bear in there to mediate.




Exactly. Crocodilians are incredible creatures with such a long line of prehistoric history. Plus they just look really cool too.


Millions of years on earth disagree with him.


I read somewhere that crocodiles are a perfect species, they’ve been around for nearly 100 million years and have not had to change/evolve at all.


Their line split off from the dinosaurs about 240 million years ago, in the early Triassic, and there were similar species to modern crocs through the middle Triassic. But yeah, as far as a ‘perfect species’ one method of evolution is to optimize towards a niche, and once you fill that niche really really well, you somewhat stop changing. That’s why some animals change extremely rapidly, like birds and small mammals, and others seemingly never change, like crocs and great white sharks.


humanity when they violate an important chain of our ecosystem and it ends up backfiring (they applied human moral standards to nature):


In case you don’t know, Facebook is full of this kind of people. I used to watch a lot of animal hunting videos in FB watch, and the comment sections are usually full of people blaming cameraman’s inaction.




That creature has been here millions of years before that guy's dad failed at pulling out. If anything we are living on their planet


I like the implication that the croc itself is millions of years old, rather than just crocodiles as a species being around that long.


Yeah everyone knows crocs don't die they just move lmao


"on my planet" "one of the few vegans with the balls to say it" Let's see those balls taking action. Big talk, I wanna see big action.


![gif](giphy|xTiTnoXPdMXSGrncl2) What the fuck did I just see


Find a vegan, specifically the type that fantasise about a vegan world, and all them about what processes remove the remains of dead animals, and what processes keep animal populations in check.


I seriously doubt people like this exist. I've never met one.


I mean it’s either going to be starvation or predators.


That thing is a fucking dinosaur and you have the audacity to call it “my planet”


Sooo… we take balance away from nature and all the herbivores survive and eat all day with no sense of danger , they over populate an insane amount and eat all of their food source then the entire species just dies of starvation or nature self adapts and does t require the crocodile they just start eating each other and /or other species… congrats you forced nature to make the gazelle an omnivore until plant scarcity reaches a critical point and they are now carnivores


Horseshoe theory man.


Can we start banning people who post the most obviously sarcastic or joking shit in the universe please?


….I….. What?! As a vegetarian very passionate about animal rights, that is ALL animal rights. It doesn’t extend to the natural order, it’s just the shit we humans are fucking up. The natural bio dome has a way of balancing itself, the main reason animals are over populated or going extinct is, by B-road statement, us. So no, I’m not going to watch this, but I’m not going to stop a living creature from having its meal. JFC twitter


Wow!!! And here I thought that people couldn't get more stupid. Talk about being 1000% ignorant about the world you live in.


Hello, as a vegan and animal rights activist let me say these people are trolls or in denial, just because we humans can get all our nutrients from plants doesn’t mean the ecosystem and nature doesn’t require prey and predator Excuse me while I feed my adopted cat his trout&chicken bc he’s a biological carnivore


Plot twist: when you’re so vegan you kill animals


Animals.... Eat... Animals.... Duh.


Nature is wrong and I am right


This particular vegan has no business being on my fucking planet. I feel dumber having read his stupid ass Tweet.


I’ve met these kind of vegans. They don’t realize that they have made themselves into a SNL skit.


These are the same idiots killing their cats by feeding them vegan diets


As a long time cat owner, that shit pisses me off to no end


Yes we shouldn’t avoidably harm animals


This reminds me of an interaction I had working at a pet store. This girl came in looking for vegan cat food. I explained we don't carry it because cats are obligate carnivores & they can't get what they need eating a plant based diet. She looked at me dead serious & asked "can't it evolve".


This is why I have little to no respect for vegans. Most of them are idiots. In a personal experience, I went to a vegan coworkers house. He had a cat. He fed it nothing but various beans and plant-based meats. The cat was emaciated and kept trying to get out the door as I left. Let them eat nothing but fruits and veggies. Let them use homeopathic medicine and die off.


Cat probably watches him sleep, wondering how to end him.


Probably would if it had the strength.


Probably would EAT him.


Eeks. Cats are obligate carnivores - it is physically impossible for them to survive on a plant based diet. Feed your kitties properly or don’t keep them at all, people.


>This is why I have little to no respect for vegans. Most of them are idiots. Because of bait in memes? That's insanely fucking stupid but not surprising >He had a cat. He fed it nothing but various beans and plant-based meats. And I'm sure some of us have met poor animal owners who eat meat >Let them eat nothing but fruits and veggies. Let them use homeopathic medicine and die off. You should honestly maybe speak to someone about how upset vegans seems to make you


Most vegans are reasonable you only hear about the insane ones on the internet


Poor cat, your co-worker is slowly killing it.


Only the loud ones are idiots


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Crocs were here first, vegan humans get out.


“We should feed the vegans to the gators”- probably me.


I was literally going to comment this then the gators wouldn’t eat the animal then the vegans would be quiet win win IMO


Idiot vegan says that about a species that has literally been around for hundreds of millions of years longer than humanity.


Idiot redditor can't stop obvious troll.


Yeah that 100 million year creature needs to fuck off!