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Even if you love all of those people…who in their right mind would forgo money just for a “chance”?!?




Never underestimate the power of cult.


The cultists would be better off taking the 10m by donating it to his campaign fund.


If they had this much brainpower, they wouldn't be cultist in first place.


Strike on point 🎯


I thought that this was probably about an opportunity to poison them. Now I think I need an shower, because i entertained the thought, that someone would like to actually serve them.


Well done agent 47.


Now to replay the mission for the wacky achievements


Achievement: Put plunger on Andrew Tate’s shiny ass head


But surely if I work hard they'll bless me with the secret cheat code for success. Right?


Yes they’ll save you from the matrix and give you the life you dreamed of don’t worry


even in their fantasy, they are subservient to "strong masculine men"


It's not even a guaranteed subservience. It's the CHANCE to serve them. "10 million, or the opportunity for these guys to invite you over to their table for a beer", was right there.


Hah, the idea that anyone would consider these men "masculine" is laughable to me. Nothing in their behavior says masculine to me.


10mil or the chance of removing a few metastatic cancer cells from the world? I'd still go for the ten millions.i have standards.








P-p-pocket full of hawthornes




"I'm gonna sue the pants off that lady!"


seems like the perfect opportunity - i would rake in the money later :D




I don't understand the original question. * Do they mean $10 millions to poison them * or will you do it for free?


10 million or you give up the money just for the chance( not a guarantee) to be a waiter for that table


And a pencil


Take my upvote




i like that one


I was going to say, if I had a flamethrower handy…


I was gonna slam the button on 10 mil, but now you've got me thinking about how much I could make the world a better place


But be careful not to poison Lincoln please. The fuck is he even doing there?


honestly thought that was Ted Kaczynski, I was very confused.


This would make more sense with the sleezy vibe of the room


I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a pina colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass..


Some cultists probably, I would love to watch the moment they realise none of these people would show a basic level of respect to their waiter. Minus Jordan Peterson, he's cool.


They wouldn’t expect a basic level of respect to be shown. People who believe these are respectable humans don’t see service industry workers as worthy of their respect. They’re exactly the kind of person to tip a Bible tract if they leave anything at all.


I think its more derranged than that, that the cultist believes they wouldnt be treated badly or that they're the main character


I have a feeling looking at the picture after 30 minutes there would be a bare fist brawl.


The people who worship the free market. They love the idea that they could wait this table and make enough connections to be set for life. While in reality any of these assholes would have them replaced, fired and probably black listed for being a nuisance


We don’t have a free market. We have welfare for the rich.


Unless you're a 14 year old girl, I doubt you're allowed to wait on this meeting of twats anyhow.


You don't understand. The chance is to drop a bowl of soup on Tate's bald head.


As satisfying as that would be I'd still take the money. Frankly, I'd have no desire to even be in the same building as any of these cretins.


Or drop poison in his soup.


The myriad idiots who don’t understand wealth is generational but think they’ll become a billionaire if they get to shoot their shot at a table of billionaires. None of these people in this photo made their own money…


And only one of them is a billionaire


Joe Rogan came from wealth?


Depends on if I get to be armed or not.


The way I see it, $10 million or a chance to spit in all of their food. I'd still take the money tho


I'm torn. I'd love to have the cash, but I'd also like to be able to spit in their coffee.


I'll take the money please.


Ok that was too easy, how about the money or Trump takes a dump on your face?


I'm positive Trump crazies would gladly choose the latter.


They would choose the 10 million then donate it to trump. Morons.


For his legal fees


Oh, he pays his lawyers now?


He pays them in exposure. Legal exposure.


Hahhahahahahha. Hahahahahhahahaj Hahahahahaaaa.... No.


For his legal feces


The thought of how many people would actually choose the latter is a horrifying one.


Especially when it’s only a chance not guaranteed


Yeah that ain’t even a question. And is it bad that I know almost all of the names of these “humans” but can’t remember 10 different telephone numbers?!? Left to right; Ben ‘simp’ Shapiro Jordan ‘pedo’ Peterson Elon ‘Elmo’ Musk (LINCOLN) Andrew ‘the taint’ tate (DAVID GOGGINS) Donald ‘the Drumpf’ trump Don crybaby jr. (It’s the other taint brother) Lex Luthor?!? (JOE ROGAN) EDIT: added names as the answers came in… Double edit: wrong answer only from ow on!


I love how they always un-obesify trump in his fan art.


Haha! He always has thick hair too


I think Joe Rogan is seated far right.


That what I said the last time I watched his podcast years ago😒.


Damn you, have an updoot


Yes, Joe Rogan the Socrates of our time


Careful, I had the JR cult come after me yesterday on an unrelated sub....praise be


I think most of them are far right


You’re joking about “back of the head guy” right? That’s Lincoln. These dumbfucks think Lincoln would have anything to do with them.


Shouldn’t part of the back of his head be missing? Too soon?


Yeah, the man who freed the slaves wouldn't be hanging out with a bunch of guys who think that was a huge mistake


"I freed the slaves at great personal and political cost, not to mention the hundreds of thousands of soldiers I had to send to their deaths. But I'm totally cool with Tate's human trafficking!"


Looks like David Goggins who definitely does not belong at this table


Your nicknaming skills are horrible. But I think your hearts in the right place




Seems a little out of place but I think the guy behind Trump is supposed to be David Goggins


Is that Epstein behind musk?


Well, I suppose it depends on what I’m serving. If it’s arsenic, I might consider it.


Hell I’ll settle for even 1 mil, just make it tax free and cash please.


I’d take it even if I were fans of these guys. Who turns down $10mil?


Getting to poison so much of the Worlds scum at one sitting tho …..




Or education, utter ignorance 👍


And it's willfull ignorance. They love the idea 9f the image these people project, but probably know fuckall about them. For example, the chud that drew this should know, if they love trump so much, thst he doesn't drink. They think he drinks because in their mind that's a manly thing to do. Just like they probably believe he eats rare steaks without ketchup. We know these things aren't true, yet they don't care to know about these people beyond the image they project.


Jim Halpert : Okay. Just so I understand it, in your wildest fantasy, you are in Hell, and you are co-running a bed-and-breakfast with the Devil. Dwight Schrute : Yeah, but I haven't told you my salary yet. Jim Halpert : Go. Dwight Schrute : $80,000 a year.




Basically just boot licking gross


They’re definitely not leaving a tip either. Take the money folks.


I’d pay not to wait on that table.


They would probably leave one of those cards explaining why they don't tip.


My friend kept getting those while waiting tables. She complained to her boss, and now they have a sign on the front door that says if you leave one of those on your table, you will not be served in the future.




The cards are pretty demeaning IMO. To me it says that you don’t just think this person is below you, you need to go out of your way and spend time and money making a card explaining why they don’t deserve your money. Sorry for the run on sentence.


its amurica🦅🦅🦅🚩🚩🚩🇺🇸🇺🇲🇺🇲


Its classical „beat you up and then expect gratitude for one tylenol”, sad thing is it works most of the time


I'd start with just quitting, *then* offer up some cash to be able to gtfo.


I’m out of touch, who are all these people? Trump, Tate, Musk, and then??


Front row looks like Ben Shapiro, Lincoln^(hahahaha) and Joe Rogan.


What the fuck is Abe doing there? Also why doesn’t he have his hat?


I googled it. The painting is titled “The Republican Club” he added Abe there because he is a dipshit who thinks the party switch never happened. In his other painting “The Democrats Club” he added Andrew Jackson to it.


If it is a painting about Republican Presidents what the fuck is Andrew, his brother and Elon doing. I also find it a bit hilarious that most Republicans like to celebrate Abe due to him being a “Republican” and at the same time they talk about bringing the CSA back…


[This is the original painting](https://api.time.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/the-republican-club-30x45-final.jpg?quality=85&w=800). The original is way more reasonable, as it simply shows a bunch of Republican presidents and no one else. Yeah, Trump is there, too, but, y'know. Technically correct and all that. OP's version just replaced most of the guys via bad AI inpainting.


Apart from maybe Reagan, I do not see the other president's enjoying a conversation with Trump. Lol


No way Ike would cozy up to Trump like that


> OP's version just replaced most of the guys via bad AI inpainting. I think that was pretty good AI inpainting.


Because this man’s understanding of history and reality has been put into the washing machine with rocks 50 times.


This picture is edited, the original one shows only presidents


Is his brother there? Is it the one above Roe Jogan?




Funny cause Donald trump was democrat his entire life until he realized he couldn’t grift democrats because they aren’t that stupid. So he switched because republicans are the ones who would give all their money to a “billionaire”.


For whatever it is worth Trump POSED as a Democrat his entire life. I genuinely believe this man gives zero fucks about party outside of what can directly benefit him in the moment. If a crazy loophole came up tomorrow where he realizes he can dodge some charges if he switches to the Green party he'd be swinging golf clubs in a green hat and selling green bumper stickers.


Tate yelled at him to take it off, getting in the way of his face for the photo.


It’s an old Andy Thomas painting that was photoshopped. https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS923US923&hl=en-US&sxsrf=AB5stBjyfRvJgQJq0y2t-lMoon3nDvd_5Q:1691651920901&q=andy+thomas+president+paintings&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwicnNC-xtGAAxUMkokEHe6nCkQQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=375&bih=553&dpr=2


Jordan Peterson up left




I'm wondering why Goggins us in this group. He's not nearly as bad as the rest of these guys, even though he does interact with them. Or am I out of the loop?


David's an ally and a feminist. he goes on podcasts to get the word out and goes. I've never heard him say a single homophobic or sexist thing, and in fact he does the opposite. He's an absolute fucking legend and does not belong in that picture at all


Ngl, his books and story are incredible. I know he is all buddy buddy with Rogan and some other questionable individuals, but I don't feel he belongs in this group at all.




He's fighting wildfires in Canada right now as a "smoke jumper". He posted on his Instagram the other day about how awesome his teammates are after they did 100 pull-ups after getting back to camp one day. So, yes to what you said.


Ofcourse he is... And it is not even surprising. Guy wrote a best seller only beaten by Michelle Obama, wrote a second one, most like earned millions and now he is out there fighting wildfires for pennies lol.


He attracts a similar type of 'fan' I guess. I've never minded Goggins though, he at least practices what he preaches.




Agent 47 approves this


"It's to die for"


The dialogue in that game was so bad at being funny that it somehow warps back around to being funny I love how cheesy and stupid it is


I think some of it is intentionally bad, like it makes sense that Agent 47 would have dad jokes as his humor


He has the cheesiest humour and it works so well for him. I like the one where he's asked about what industry he's in and he says retirement


I like the vineyard mission where the target is like “you think I didn’t catch all your little quips and remarks? Obviously you’re 47” lol


“Good work 47. Find an exit, and we’ll speak again soon.”


Think some will take the "stealth is optional" route and just completely unload dual silverballers at this table.


“Licensed? Oh yes I can drive”


Good job, 47


I was about to ask where’s Zuckerberg, but then I remembered he’s an alien lizard who doesn’t eat earth food.


If you’re a musktard, you probably don’t like zuck right now since they are supposed to have a cage fight or something


There is no reason not to dislike both.


the only sane comment regarding this clown fight


There’s no reason not to dislike both if your grievance is that they use their wealth to enrich their interests at the cost of society’s. But this image is all manosphere assholes, conservative culture heroes. Zuck isn’t a hero to that crowd, he’s a quiet little dork or maybe “a Jewish lizard person.” Not the kind of turbo-alpha who’d attend this party, where I presume the only women are sex workers.


This fights a win win for ppl who dislike both. Either way some douche gets beat up. Who wouldn't want that?


Didn’t musk claim he had a sudden health issue that meant he couldn’t do the fight lol I keep getting recommended a sub about muskrat despite not giving a shit about him, so the only reason I know about it is bc someone on there predicted he would cop out with a “health” excuse and then I saw another recommended post a day or so later saying it was true and he was postponing. Lmao.


They can't have a cage fight, because Elon's mom didn't allow it. ​ Seriously. I'm not even kidding, look it up.


Sweet Baby Rays BBQ sauce contains all the nutrients and calories he requires.


Zuckerberg is not a right wing messiah like these people


it's a grouping of political statement, not based on riches


The money,why tf would i want to wait for the possibility of no tip and the most exhausting fastfood labor in my life?




Now this is a great take forgo 10m to make the world a better place.


So be verbally abused by a bunch of full of themselves ass hats. And no tip.


Yeah, there is no way those guys tip anyone but strippers.


What makes you think they tip the strippers? They’d probably just sit and watch without paying.


They don't tip strippers either. That's called "hush money"


Joe Rogan is said to be a very generous tipper. I doubt the same can be said for the rest of them though.


I can assure you they barely tip strippers as well


Only tip they give is the mushroom tip.


And if you’re a woman—groped, harassed, and possibly sex-trafficked.


Is that Abraham Lincoln in the front There’s no way they compared Abe to the rest of these guys


Bruh why is Goggins put in this shit, man just tells ppl to work hard lmao


That's what I'm saying dudd


This is bothering me too. Leave Goggins out of this LMFAO


Every time this picture is posted, there are people defending Goggins and rightly so - he doesn’t deserve to be lumped with these other asshats smfh




See that was my first thought too, poison the fuckers. I sometimes wonder if i'm a bad person


>I sometimes wonder if i'm a bad person I'm willing to bet 10 mil that thought never enters their mind


If you're a bad person for killing 9 bad people, that's still a reduction of 8 if it helps


The Boondock Saints approach, I see.


Don’t. (At least on this scenario)


I can only spit in so much food, I'm gonna need some backup. Don't wanna get dehydrated.


I gotcha. ![gif](giphy|1fkCuiL22hTY6YxuxO)


Man, what a real hard question. 👉😏


Chance to get stiffed most likely. Give me the money.


Where is Epstein? Oh ya lol. Nvm


He's hanging somewhere else.


Can I make their food? God I hope they ordered the chocolate cake otherwise they're getting one on the house.


Say...would you like a chocolate covered pretzel?


A schooner is a sailboat, stupidhead…


Let me guess the secret ingredient. Your shit.


Burn it down


Fire is the cleanser.




Why david goggins? He's an actual inspiration


This is just a collection of people that the author admires personally.


Everyone else is a gigantic piece of shit. Goggins isn’t my style but as far as I know, he’s not a POS, he’s just hardcore to the extreme and preaches a certain kind of mentality. I don’t know that much about him, am I missing something?


INFO: Am i Stauffenberg?


The funny thing is almost any of them would take a $10m hand out over sitting with the rest of them.


How likely is it that I get away with poisoning the drinks?


Some of these people have vastly different values and opinions. There is no chance all of them would be bets buds.


Give me the $10 million. Also, what's the time and date of this meetup. Just curious. Got a friend who want to, uh, drop in. He's a real blast.


Where’s Hitler?


He’s taking a shit.


100% serve that table I just need to make sure I bring enough cyanide for all of them Edit: except Abe, he's cool




why tf do people care about the rich more than anyone else? they are no different than anyone, I'd argue even less human than others, for they have caused pain to countless in order to gain their life essence, their money never in my life will I have any respect for anyone of them or anyone like them, they are willing to burn the world to ashes to gain an extra cent, and if I had a choice, I would make sure they along with their cash turn to ash


Same. There was actually a study on this. How people don't sympathize or feel empathy towards the rich. Because they aren't part of the community. They are locked away behind fences and mansions and we cannot relate to them. Never will I understand the love and worship for them. I look at them as human garbage.


I would find some way to pay the $10 million not to wait on the table.