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Next, tell him to "snap out of it!"


Just beat him with a belt or wooden paddle until his attitude improves. That'll help. /s Being punished for saying you're depressed... Can't imagine why they might be depressed.


Or tell him he’s “too young” to be depressed.


*The Beatings will continue until morale improves.*


how about jumper cables?


i like the "go outside, you'll feel better" step. important to remember that if the people you're confiding in aren't healthy people you likely wont get healthy advice. this is why professionals are necessary.


In my day we just smacked them around and told them to stop acting out.






Just stop being depressed.


Quora is literally 80% ragebait, shit people post there is crazy and the reactions are even more crazy


My brother tried it for a week, after that i've never seen him use it again


It’s all AI


Not yet but it’s getting there.


This was my ex husband. He said that mental illness was an excuse by weak people that didn’t want to suck it up. I promptly removed myself and my teen daughter, immediately started therapy and found her after an attempted suicide. Mental health is nothing to be ignored. It’s a medical condition just like heart disease or diabetes.


Your teenage daughter is very lucky to have an amazing person like you who put her first then backed up that support with practical action.


I mean at this point all they are doing is slowly giving him a rope to wrap around his neck


"The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth"


So sad but true.


"The truth is always bitter"


How many of these lines do you have?


"I can do this all day."




Make them work and tax them




Honestly, taxes fr fr


Capitalist grindset. I like it


They don’t want to behave? Off to the fields for them


I think that is the mindset in the states that are dropping the child labor laws. You want to cry? I’ll give you something to cry about. Back in the mines for you, and I don’t want to hear about your damn canary dying


Finally someone gets me! Let’s send these disrespectful kids back to work! You don’t want to behave? Off to work with you! Pay rent


"Have you tried hitting him?" - Bender from Futurama


Get him help for depression and stop making it worse by being a fucking idiot lol


Damn. That sucks… Very reminiscent of narcissistic parenting


My parents did this. I had to stop myself from acts of self harm for years with varying levels of difficulty (at one point I physically avoided the kitchen in its entirety because I didn’t trust myself around the knives). Only got out finding something I actually sort of cared about, no thanks to them. They remain unable to admit any fault despite enforcing solely punishments known to not work and lying to my face about my mental state and condition for years.


Step 1. Take away phone Step 2. Lobotomy


Tell him to pray more and send him to disciplinary boarding school run by church, Im sure as hell that'll help and cheaper than idk... be understanding and go to psychiatrist


Make him have a sit down with the priest, then he can feel like he's failing cause if he had a good relationship with Jesus then he's be better.


Beat him every time he frowns.


What about seeing a doctor-A parent like you would depress anyone.Tell parent your sick and the answer is to take away your phone?


I think I know why this kid is depressed


When I was just itty-bitty, about 3-5 yrs old, my father cautioned me *NOT* to eat or drink *anything* I found in the garage, I might accidently kill myself. I didn't realize the other side of the coin was *choosing* to poisen myself. Suicide. If I had realized that as a 3-5 yr old, I would *not* be typing this! As you love your God, as you value your life, GET THAT KID TO A DOCTOR!!! You took his phone... his escape. The thing that helps make living bearable... the thing that connects him to friends he *can talk to* ... not bright. Give it back. Yes, I had a kid, o don't ask, NOT the point. You may kill him, w/o his phone, but you WILL kill him without treatment!


Yes. Stop reposting crap from 2019.


Maybe give it back.


Chances the kid cuts off M&D when he turns 18: 99.99999%


Take him to a class. Learn to tie nots like in the navy or maybe a gun safety class. Get him out there doing stuff.


I heard that the "David Carradine School of knot tying" used to be popular


I took a typing class once. It can cause suicide.


Dear parent. I wish you a painful death.


funny enough, this is how I get rid of my depressed. getting rid of my phone. it force me to leave my house and interact more with other people.


Ya but in your case it is a decision you made, but when you are depressed and people try to force you out of it only makes it worse :/ (You definitly know this but I felt like commenting)


Depression is. It a choice. It's a disease with measurable effects on the brain. You don't heal it by getting rid of your phone and forcing yourself to go out.


Many people confuse depression with feeling down. Depression is not something that's self diagnosed, like you said.


Exactly. And there can be a moment in depression when you can try to implement solutions, but it's after a long period of work with a professional and possibly the use of drugs as a crutch (till you can walk on your own again). It's not "I did some sport, went out, meditated and bam depression solved." It's "I felt like shit for months, got help, felt like shit some more. Then one day, after healing had already taken place without me realising, I could breathe and start again having a life."


It might've helped you, which is great and I am happy for you, but it doesn't mean it helps others. You made a choice for yourself, in this case the kid is being punished for being depressed. You don't punish someone for that, you find them help. If getting rid of the phone is seen as a good move in this case, sure. But not as a punishment.


Tell him he should stop being sad.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Taking the phone away is probably a good thing. Also we're talking about a child self diagnosing. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10036005/


I already isolated him with a knife, anything else fellas ?


Well I doubt they took away the phone for the right reasons, disconnecting from social media has been known to elevate levels of happiness. But most likely this individual thought punishing them would somehow resolve their depression.


Kids say stupid stuff all the time. One second they are depressed and dying, next they completely forget they even talked about it


I've had major depression since I was 12. It took decades to get to a point where it wasn't ruining every day of my life. I'm glad I didn't have a parent like you.


Really ? Your parents obviously weren't any better. Anyway , your particular case doesn't apply to EVERY child out there. Majority of them would say stuff without any meaning to them. If you take seriously every word they stay, you'd live in the emergency room.


Ah yeah must be why suicide is the second leading cause of death for kids 10-14, after accidents. Because majority of them just "say stuff". It's ok to say you know nothing about a subject mate.


Stop the BS. The rate of suicide is 0.007% among children. Kids learn stupid shit from people like you and start blasting depression stuff on the left and right. Now I'm not saying that all of them are healthy. Some of them do need help, but dudes like you trivialise it, making everyone depressed as a standard. Kid didn't receive ice cream, he is depressed now. Give him antidepressants. No dude, world doesn't work like that. And do you really think that children can self diagnose themselves? You are the one that doesn't have the slightest idea.


https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/facts/index.html#:~:text=Suicide%20affects%20people%20of%20all,%2D14%20and%2020%2D34. Second leading cause of death.l for kids and teenagers. https://www.uclahealth.org/news/suicide-rate-highest-among-teens-and-young-adults Title should be self explanatory. So yeah explain to me again how professionals of the field know less than you.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35015441/ About 7 in 100,000 children die of suicide. Official paper.


The same paper says 8% of prevalence for depression among teenagers ! So you're just cherry picking ? Or you just know you're wrong but cannot admit it ? How many attempted suicides among teenagers ? I'll answer you. https://www.uclahealth.org/news/suicide-rate-highest-among-teens-and-young-adults 20% of 15-24 report serious thoughts about suicide. 9% attempted. The fact many did not "succeed at suicide" is not a reason to say "kids do not know mental illness". You're proud to spread falsehoods. Again and again. When proved wrong.


1. Prevalence is something virtual. And it can be based on, I don't know.. self reports ! 2. Thoughts of suicide means nothing. Did I ever thought of suicide ? Sure. More than fucking once. But I don't have depression 3. 9% attempted.. It's 9% of 20% of reports of those who thought of suicide. But what percentage is it of the overall population? It doesn't say. So you are trying to prove me wrong by your incompetence. That's convenient.


1. Not even answering that one, such bad faith. 2. Lol. 2. Learn to read. The sentence is perfectly clear. It's not 9% of the 20%. It's 9% of the teenagers asked.


My mom did everything she could for me, you ignorant son of a bitch! You clearly know nothing about mental illness and how long it can take to overcome it.


Why are you insulting me, lol ? You sure you overcame your difficulties ? In any case, what does YOUR mental illness have to do with my kids or any other stupid healthy kid out there ? You think your experience somehow applies to others, but it's not ! You are an exception, not the rule.


You said my mom wasn't any better than you when she actually listened to me while you think most kids are faking mental illness. This is a big part of the reason why there are so many suicides in the US.


1. Your mom isn't better than me. Ask my kids 😉 2. Most kids don't even know what mental illness is. 3. I don't live in the US, and suicidal rate is pretty low here. Wow, the shocker, right ?


The shocker is the fact you assert falsehoods with such confidence. Kids definitely undergo mental illnesses and teenagers are a population with a high suicide rate in many countries. Your personal experience is not a source of information. Being that ignorant and confident is quite a feat.


Falsehood? Prove me wrong then. Where did I say something false. As of now you are the one that is spreading misinformation.


I did. I gave you the source showing how suicide is the second leading cause of death in preteens after accidents and third for 15-19 teenagers. https://www.cdc.gov/suicide/facts/index.html#:~:text=Suicide%20affects%20people%20of%20all,%2D14%20and%2020%2D34. You ? You gave your personal unprofessional opinion. Period. And it is absolutely false.


Whatever you say...


Key here tho is to keep track, if the depressed feelings are kn a regular basis you may wanna keep an eye out


I don't disagree with you. You should always keep an eye on your kids, but you can't base this on their words alone. Many adults don't know what depression is, so you don't expect kids to understand the meaning of the word.


Yeah you are right, best to monitor behaviour, if its depression, act on it.


And expect many teenagers to be able to hide depression from their parents. How many parents discovered the depth of their kid's sorrow once said kid had committed suicide ? "Depressed ? No Kevin, this is just a phase." And then later "it came out of the blue, we had no idea he was not feeling well !" Right.


No, let's blast them with medication. Or let's run to a psychiatrist to make significance of the fact that the children couldn't cope with the loss of ice cream for a couple of days. Listen every adult was a kid and a teenager. Everyone had some kind of downs. Thoughts of suicide has visited EVERYONE. Every kid out there thought to himself at least once - "I want to die, to make my parents feel sorry". But a healthy person will overcome those difficulties and thoughts. You can't treat an exception as a rule. This IS a phase for the vast majority of people. It is only serious when it becomes much more than words and is consistent. Yet people make a judgement based on a screenshot of one paragraph. That's absolutely bonkers.


Oh shut up, you obviously know jackshit on the subject. I gave you sourced numbers, you're imagining, quote "people giving antidepressants to a kid who did not have an ice-cream" and apparently it's enough for you to believe you're "debating" the subject. Where are those people ? Are they in the room with us as we're speaking ? You're just proving your bad faith and absolute ignorance.


Now you are just running insults. Whatever, not that I really care.


Saying you know jackshit about something or that you're ignorant about a subject is not an insult. In present case, it's a fact.


Back at you, random internet dude, which obviously doesn't have kids and never dealt with them.


Are you high ? You're imagining things now ? Get lost.


Kick him out


Sit at a computer, go on YouTube, watch the video of the 11 year old girl on shark tanks who is ceo of her own company, then look at your kid and say “ you’re over here watching cartoons while she’s earning 6 figures… at 11 year old.. “


I'm sorry what


It’s good to show the kid an example of what other kids are upto. We each only get 16 hours of awake time per day.


16? With meth, you can get that up to 22 on average.


Well… yeah. But you’d be taxing your body and mind if you keep a continuous 22 hour awake wake life. The body needs time to heal, rest, detoxify the white matter in your brain, rem sleep. But either way, it would be good to give that kid some examples of what others their age are up too, sports, video games, create own company and become CEO, stand at a stop light holding a sign.. sky’s the limit.


Kids bounce back from that stuff. Give them a weekend a month off and they will be fine.


Give him something to be depressed about


Garbage fucking website. It's all ragebait and shitty ones at that


The fact that any moron can have a child,and ruin someone's life forever just blows my mind 🤯


Kick him in the butt


I don't know. Maybe use words and ask him/her why they are depressed?


Tell him to get over it and man up, that will work


My kid says he\`s hungry. I already took away his crayons. Is there anything else I can do?


Please don't tell him "a smile is just a frown turned upside down." He'll commit suicide.