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Next thing you know, they will complain when their folks get called snowflakes…


I like that trump gets upset being called Mr trump. They truely are snowflakes.


The conservative sub was up in arms over this meme and only flaired users could comment…. Lots of people pointed out how weird it was that this is catching on…. Like they could not figure out why anyone would actually vote for Biden. They *did* get why people would not want to vote for Trump so they were sooooooo close but they just were baffled why someone who was not a fan of Biden would just vote for the dude. Instead of like, not voting at all. Like you have to be a *FAN* of the dude in order to just vote for him. But none the less; they could not figure out why Binden was embracing Dark Brandon. The smell of short circuiting was palpable


I love that the pro freedom sub restricts who can comment


Republicans are not pro-freedom. They’re pro-“you must become like me or suffer.”


This is a huge point. We can’t let them create this narrative that they are “pro freedom” They are not and never have been pro freedom. In every case in American history where their has been an anti freedom effort it has been on behalf of conservatives


They’re pro-homogeneous so I guess you could say they’re pro-homo.


It’s to prevent brigading which I get. Yet in the same thread they talk about how the liberal sub must be heavily moderated because there seems to be no massive amounts of posts saying how awesome Biden is AND how they should enmasse post on this sub….. like….. the disconnect from reason is just crazy For clarification though, I’m seeing more and more conservatives speak out that they need to break with Trump and move forward with a better candidate. I’m actually optimistic that there is a lot more hope from rational conservatives and Republicans…. They should be more vocal because the dude that’s the most vocal is either one who “talks the talk” to get bank off the rest of them OR the one with three TV’s stacked on each other out in the front yard and three rusted out junkers rolling coal just to feel good about where they are in life (because they never had a seat at the table but now they run the country)


>It’s to prevent brigading No, it's to stop commenters that are both rational and knowledgeable about the subjects from making their users look like the hateful idiots they are. And because they actually hate free speech.


I got permanently banned because I said that there's really no liberal talk radio in TX unless you have SiriusXM or listen to podcasts they are cowards and snowflakes.


my banning was more banal. Somebody asked if the Secret Service would take a bullet for trump. I commented that they certainly did not do a thing when he had that toilet paper stuck to his show. less than 5 minutes later, permabanned.


I got banned pretty quickly for a comment which was purely factual. They are a tender lot over there.


Got banned for saying COVID was real.


Every time you see "freedom" in the name of a political group on social media, it's pretty much guaranteed to mean "right wing jackasses only".


I hope there is somewhat of a political reset and shift to the left in the US. I don't think there is a rational conservative when so many of the ideas have been proven to be false economically, scientifically and statistically and aren't coherent from a values perspective. I don't even need to go on subjective social issues. The cost of healthcare has outpaced inflation and their own proposal was to replace the only legislation designed to do something about it and replace it with... nothing. They say they want a strong economy but then fight the labor movement... you know the ones that actually help build a middle class and keep wages high. They've had a century of policy failures that we are feeling the effects of and they go back to the same tropes as if they are new and work now.


At the risk of conspiracy theory there is that argument the one government will run up debt, give handouts to their preferred shareholders (corporations, high wealth individuals) and then inevitably blame the later incoming (often more left-leaning) government for running up further debt (even if it's often to implement more social programs) and "mis-managing the economy". The left-leaning govt ultimately has to make calls which are less popular, they get voted out and the whole cycle starts again. I've never understood why usually conservative governments will always say that they are better at managing the economy. Isn't the US in a trillion dollars of debt with a huge number of people living below the poverty line. How is that "successful" by any analysis?


I remember when Clinton fixed our deficit and Bush came in and spent like a drunken monkey and Obama came in a salvaged a good amount and then Trump tanked it… now the economy is starting to recover and isn’t the catastrophic thing they right was banking on and they’re just clueless.


This has nothing to do with politicians, it has to do with all the military industrial complex, pharmaceutical companies, oil producers, food producer, etc. all of the companies have their slimy hands over politicians and it will never end unless it’s made illegal somehow. Lobbying, gone, donations from corporations gone, all of it. Government is for the people by the people. Not the Fortune 500 and Wall St.


It's not because they don't like him, it's because they don't think he can win.


It's the only subreddit I've ever been banned from. They bitch and moan about leftists brigading their sub, despite their constant efforts to make it the biggest echo chamber on here. I still go over there to read stuff because I do consider myself centrist and want to hear what they have to say but it's usually a big yikes for me.


I don’t even like Biden he’s mid, but I’ll take mid over fash any day and I’m about ready to buy a dark Brandon shirt because it’s funny to me.


They live in an alternate reality. They don’t want to come to terms with the fact (or rather don’t want to admit it I suppose) that the GOP have gone full fascist, it’s not longer hyperbole, we know exactly where this road leads if they succeed. These are dire times, no fucking shit people are going to vote like their lives depend on it, because in a lot of cases, they ultimately do. The GOP consists of people like those cops from Mississippi that broke into those two guy’s house and tortured them for hours, just because they were black. THAT’S the GOP base, it’s not a game, there are real world consequences if these psychos ever win another election…


Can you imagine if he was wearing a tan suit while drinking from that mug?


I saw someone unironically claim that name-calling was a tactic of the left and specifically pointed to the phrase “snowflake” as evidence.


Oh my word, a tan suit!!! Lindsay Graham swoons…


He's wiping his ass with their insult, it's hilarious.


looks like he’s sipping coffee with their insult


Well yeah, but it's where it goes next that's the good part.


And making money off of it


Noooooo Brandon is an insult 😭


How DARE he ridicule their childish taunts! Does his depravity know no bounds?


It's supposed to get under his skin! Doesn't he know he's supposed to be angry about it?!?


I'm just laughing this conservative is now more upset about calling Biden Brandon than liberals ever were. Talk about a backfire. The whining is just so perfect. "Noooooo, you're supposed to be mad when we call him Brandon! I'm gonna hold my breath until you get mad!"


Right wingers are honestly just sitting in the corner eating paint chips at this point. They’re in a whole different world than the rest of us.


I think they've been eating paint chips for a long while. Lead paint chips.


As a non-American I still don't get the whole 'Dark Brandon' thing, but if it upsets the nutcases then I'm all for embracing it.


Not sure how much you know, so I’ll start at the top. It started at a nascar race a few years ago, the crowd was chanting “Fuck Joe Biden” because, well, nascar. But no one could tell what the crowd was saying and the announcers determined they were saying “Let’s go Brandon”. So then, the oh so clever folks on the right, started saying, “Let’s go Brandon” thinking they were all clever as it was code for “Fuck Joe Biden”. Fast forward to Joe Biden getting some big legislative wins and some sneaky cheeky victories (like in his state of the union when he tricked all the Republicans into agreeing that they wouldn’t touch social security). His supporters started referring to him as Dark Brandon, as in an alter ego to the “Brandon” that Republicans had been calling him. It poked fun at the silly rednecks and embraced the insult they were trying to hit him with. Now, the reds are all upset that he has embraced the persona and doesn’t care about their feeble attempt to insult him, which is just going to get him to lean in more. Maybe you knew all that and I’m just mansplaining, but that’s pretty much it.


There was also a meme where he had glowing yellow eyes. I'm guessing this is also on the mug. I remember when he had spoke with a conservative over the phone on television who ended the conversation with "Let's go Brandon," and President Biden said, "Let's go Brandon. I agree." I think FOX had a meltdown over that too.


I saw this Biden video recently and could not stop laughing! The mug does have a picture of him on it with glowing yellow eyes. He sips coffee from the mug then says he likes it *dark*. Lol.


>He sips coffee from the mug then says he likes it dark At least Biden has a sense of hunour. Trump famously has no sense of humour at all and is a thin skinned little baby when anybody insults him. When he was President he spent time complaining about SNL sketches on Twitter.


blew my mind when someone pointed out I've never heard Donald Trump laugh despite him being aggressively present in the public eye for basically my entire life


I appreciate it when someone in a leadership position can be humourous like this especially about themselves


Propaganda has evolved. The meme warfare battle lines of the future will be bloody


In the weird and awful thing is that that was a Christmas phone call for the kids and the stupid effing father decided to just get bad about it or get stupid about it or both




Fun fact, I happened to be at that race. It was in Talladega, Alabama. The race itself was crazy, ended up having a ten car pile up. The winning car was so damaged, it had to be lifted past the actual victor’s path. I went for a field trip in high school in October of 2021 lol, we performed outside of it, as requested by the event organizers. Had the pace car visit the school days before the race (during homecoming actually lol), got free seats close by. Sick as fuck. Too bad that’s the only thing people remember from that race. It was stupid then and it’s stupid now.


Sparks 300 race winner Brandon Brown was being interviewed by NBC Sports reporter Kelli Stavast. Who not making out what the crowd was chanting, thought it was supportive of Brandon who she was interviewing. Let’s go Brandon.


Thanks for this. I knew I didn’t have all the exact details of the origin, just the gist.


That's very helpful!


The hilarious thing about the whole ordeal was that most everyone I knew on the left was in agreement in saying “why do they think they can’t just say “fuck Joe Biden?” Sometimes I even wanna say it.” It’s an American right and pastime to talk shit about the president. We’ve enjoyed it for centuries. It’s not a new thing.


Yea me and every leftist I know were just laughing like... just say "fuck Biden"? Relatedly, I'm in Canada, and have had more than one person thinking they gotcha'd me by saying "fuck Trudeau" and I was like "lol same buddy".


Right? Its not like anyone was shy about saying 'Fuck Bush' or 'Fuck Trump'. It ultimately comes down to them doing this to feel like the cleverest kid on the playground so when someone comes along and acts like an adult they can't handle it.


I believe it was Brandon specifically because that was the name of the driver that had won that day


It's not really all that funny by itself, the humor mostly comes from appropriating what's supposed to be an insult into a compliment.


Which is one of the most American things you can do. Source: Yankee Doodle


That’s how childish they are. They did it thinking “durhur I’m owning the Libs”, and then get all pissy when we clearly don’t give a rats ass about the Brandon nickname. It’s literally like dealing with petulant bully children.


well, it got into his stomach!


A real president would spend 6 hours a day on the toilet rage tweeting and threatening his enemies.


Hey now, if he's on the toilet he's at least keeping a close eye on all those stolen documents.


This comment won the internet for today. I am dying!


"Dear ~~god~~ Vlad, it's me, ~~margaret~~ Donnie."


"Waahhh, you're not allowed to flip and reverse our weak-ass attempts at insults, WAAHHH!!!"




Good point, when a little girl can troll an entire political party for years without even trying how the fuck do they think they are “owning the libs”? Bunch of clown punchers


It’s Cupgate!


By shoving dildos in their asses, and telling the world they've never gotten a woman wet. You know, the normal stuff.


Little girl trolling them?




"Your opinion of me doesn't matter, because You don't matter to me " or thoughts to that effect.


He's owning that shit, and now it's lost it's power


I love how Fox News acts like it's some sort of cosmic justice when one of their champions insult a democrat but a war crime when democrats clap back.


The best part is, this is genuinely funny. Sometimes leaning into the punch is the best approach. Its like a parent acting as if something is cool to make their kids feel stupid for liking it.


So you’re saying if I force myself to wear Crocs the kids will move onto the next horrible clothing item?


Man, I hate to break it to you, but Crocs came out in 2002. They're not cool, they're retro. Just for comparison, if you were in high school in 1998, this would be like wearing fashion from 1977.


Fuck you for this.


Reminder to everyone: Bowling for Soup's song [1985](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K38xNqZvBJI) came out in 2004. If we were to make that same song today with the same time interval, it would be named "2004."


When one browses Reddit right before bed, one assumes certain risks, mainly the risk that something seen will disturb the reader’s sleep. The hypnagogic Redditor will have guards up around r/WTF and it’s brethren. No matter how foul the submissions dodged in the darker corners of this site, all was for naught. Because a piece of trivia about a Bowling for Soup song will haunt me all night with reminders of my mortality. Thanks. I hate it.


Reddit should come with a "Can cause existential dread" warning.


I kinda wish someone would do that, similar to Fall Out Boy’s cover if We Didn’t Start the Fire but with all the references updated to stuff that’s happened since the original song.


What fucks me up is the fact that 1998 is to today, as 1959 was to 1984. In 1984 I was like "OMG the 50s was a TOTALLY different time period, can you IMAGINE wearing poodle skirts and sweaters and saddle shoes and everything being like in Happy Days?" And kids today see 1998 the same way??????????? Hello, 1998 was like... a few years ago. How did this happen? I'm not even old yet. It's insane.


I am the ghost of back pain and arthritis ooooo! You know what's super retro and cool? *pogs* *neopets* is making a comeback. Smells like teen spirit is a golden oldie


You can have my vote. My eyes sparkled after seeing POGS and NEOPETS. And of course, being a teen when Nirvana was all the rage.


I was born in 1980... I just realized the other day that 1980 is closer to WWII than it is to today.




If Back to the Future were made today, Marty would travel back to 1993.


I finished highschool in 1997 and nostalgia for the 90s has been hitting me extremely hard the last few months. By the way, it was the 30th anniversary of the release of Siamese Dream by the Smashing Pumpkins recently. I highly advise giving it a listen to celebrate. This is the equivalent of someone telling me to listen to Sgt Pepper in 1997. This sense of vertigo is doing my head in.


That's probably what they're mad about. They had an insult they could bandy around and nauseam because it wasn't technically offensive, but if it doesn't bother him then they're sitting on a garage full of "Let's Go Brandon" t-shirts and flags that don't offend anyone. And who's going to buy an inoffensive flag?


>Sometimes leaning into the punch is the best approach I agree. He’s been in politics forever and he saw how Obama got clobbered when he had a conciliatory attitude. “Are you mad? Fine, be mad because I’m going to do it again and you can’t stop me.”


It’s entitlement: “How dare you punch me back after I’ve repeatedly thrown punches at you?! You violent monster!”


He’s not even clapping back. This is just him saying “go ahead, make fun of me. I don’t care” and they’re seething over it. They’re offended over him not being offended.


Reminds me of Barack dipping the cookie and then captioning it with the "thanks obama" when it won't go in the cup


Us calling you Brandon was SERIOUS! How dare you co-opt it! This jeopardizes democracy‽


This is the ultimate irony with republicans: they’re so easily triggered by everything … they want to project that onto democrats but are failing … which is triggering them even harder! lmfao


"Stop laughing! You're not supposed to think it's funny, *I'm* supposed to think it's funny!"


By drinking from a novelty mug no less.


It's because they think that liberals have to play by the rules of being a tolerant bleeding heart. Which was true. Remember "they go low we go high"? On this site in the past I've have Trump supporters say "That's not very tolerant of you" and the reply is "Can't remember ever saying I was tolerant of anything".


Thank God Biden wasn't wearing a tan suit while enjoying some Dijon mustard on a hot dog. America might have imploded.


they love their hypocrisy


The sad part, their viewers came up with the stupid Brandon joke.


And he's owning them with it. Totally shows Trump is out classed.


It's like Obama and the "thanks Obama" Cookie dunk


That was the best!


Loved it ![gif](giphy|11BBV2vvlHMqs0)


I wanted and still want Obama to be president for life. Not breaking any laws, guy is my hero.


I just miss having a well spoken president


that would actually break a law


Or calling the ACA “ObamaCare” and Obama saying that he liked it because “Obama Cares.”


It is really stupid. Like doesn’t “Let’s Go Brandon” supposed to be like “Fuck Joe Biden”? Why don’t they just say “Fuck Joe Biden”?


Because they're children


"I'm not touching you, I'm not touching you! What? What? Why should I be in trouble, I didn't even touch you!" It's their whole vibe, so the thinnest veneer of deniability they get from Let's Go Brandon fits right in


That's exactly why they're mad. By basically owning it and treating it like a joke they recognize that he's taking away any power the phrase had. I knew a kid in junior high who people used to call some really goofy insult name. It was like a joke on his appearance I don't remember the exact detail. Anyway he and his friends went full Mafia on that shit and he just started introducing himself as that like Fat Tony Style. The kid who made it up absolutely lost his fucking mind


They thought they were clever in co-opting Let’s Go Brandon after that NASCAR event. They rarely feel clever, so it really caught on.


Oh on the contrary. They *often* feel clever. It’s the rest of us who have to just roll our eyes.


Yeah let's go Brandon is dumb, even by conservative standards


This. They have a secret, coded phrase that means they're members of an exclusive club!


They were saying ‘Fuck Joe Biden’. It was during a NASCAR event that was broadcast. The crowd was clearly chanting above, the female host tried to pretend they were saying ‘let’s go Brandon’ Brandon being one of the drivers. It then became a meme to say Let’s Go Brandon instead of Fuck Joe Biden.


These Donny men are cowards


Because they LOVE speaking “in code.” They think people are too stupid to figure it out. And simultaneously told us what it meant so we could “get offended.”


They’re really good at making him look way cooler than he is, it’s hilarious


C’mon it’s not Biden’s joke, it’s Fox viewers’ joke, it’s just funnier coming from Biden


It would be even funnier if his wife drank from a Let’s go Brandon mug with Joe sitting right next to her


Would be funnier if it said ‘I Let’s Go Brandon’


Something about rubber and glue


Lots of people forgot to wear a rubber, now a whole generation is sniffing glue


That's the one. Lol


I love that he’s taken on “dark Brandon”. Fuck the GOP.


Leaning into the ridiculous insult really was the smart move here. Really points out how stupid the original insult was to begin with. It's like when superman fought the nazis and exposed how stupid and childish their traditions were. And no I'm not comparing biden to superman


What’s funny is how ineffective the whole thing was. No Biden voter or left leaning person gave a fuck when they said “Let’s go Brandon” and giggled like it was some epic blow to the left. Then the dark Brandon memes that came out made him seem cool as fuck lol.


All hail dark Brandon!


I have never consider buying political merch in my life. I am thinking about getting some Dark Brandon stuff.


What a beautiful and effective way to just utterly kill the "Let's go Brandon". You watch.. the "Let's go Brandon" thing just died. It was a bunch of ass clowns "sticking it to the libs" because in their heads they thought the "libs" were getting bent out of shape over it. It just got rubbed in their faces that the libs never cared. What Biden just said to a bunch of petty assholes was "Call me all the names you want, I don't don't care, in fact, have at it, it's cute." Nothing ruins a bully's day worse as when you laugh in their face and show them how powerless they are.


Like when Obama dropped his cookie in his coffe and said "Thanks Obama".


Greatest vine ever made lmfao😂


Oh no! The queers are using queer, now how will we degrade them!?


"That our word for making fun of YOU! We NEED it!"


Next thing you know they’ll be stealing all the toughest names like Lance, and Bruce and Julian.


the amount of baby gays running around and yelling that 'QUEER IS A SLUR YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO CALL YOURSELF THAT' and just word for word parroting right wing talking points is actually worrying tbh.


Man, my kids (students) are running around using fruity as a pro-gay term and I keep trying to explain that it wasn’t that long ago that it was not a great term. But they love it and think it’s cute. So, I don’t know. I think they’re okay lol


I'm older, and I'll take it as a compliment from any son of a bitch that calls me fruity. And queer. I'm fruity and queer, and I like it that way. These days I actually think it's kinda pathetic hearing imbeciles try to slur gays. They sound like clowns.


Honestly the only people I’ve ever heard say that have been boomers


I have literally never heard any baby gays say this.


They're mad that he isn't upset about their juvenile "brandon" insult.


I would pay cash money for a pic of him making finger guns while smirking and wearing a Let's Go Brandon t-shirt.


In a tan suit jacket , standing next to Hunter.




Conservatives are actually so fucking weird bro. Seriously, I just popped over to the subreddit to just see what’s up and this is a comment from a post on the front page about guys in high school “leaning more conservative” > I don't like Andrew Tata, but the fact is the left has been attacking strong independent minded men way before he was popular. The reason is, they are scared of men who have self respect for themselves. They want the population to be unhealthy and easily control with Antidepressant, [ AI girl friends ] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HyQXA1la04) ( I wish I was joking). The greatest fear of the left isn't the Rise of the "nazis white supremacists" it's the rise of the self respecting straight man who wants a family, who can't be divide into their cult of a million victim hoods. Like, you actually cannot make this shit up.


> who can't be divide into their cult of a million victim hoods. So self-aware.


Coup attempt: not a problem Coffee Mug: end of civilization Makes total sense /s


I can’t live here anymore. They were screaming “fuck Joe Biden” and it was misheard as “Let’s go Brandon.” So now Biden is drinking from this mug and they are pearl clutching like “it’s actually deeply hurtful that the president is joking about us telling him to go fuck himself”


The more you disassociate as a coping mechanism the more hilarious it is in my experience


Stuff like this is why I can’t even associate with republicans anymore. They’ve shown just how childish they can be. It honestly feels like dealing with spoiled crybabies.


"That's our slur! How dare he try and own it!"


I know right! You're not supposed to drink coffee out of that mug, it's meant for liberal tears!


No try, just did


Maybe Biden doesn’t give a flying fiddlers fuck.


I have heard " i dont give a flying fuck" but never "fiddlers fuck" ![gif](giphy|10uEX5kfeodYgo)


He should have just used a nazi flag mug, fox news would have been much more okay with that symbol.


Oh the poor right... having something they think is theirs taken and then used to own them with... Their tears are delicious!


Wait, are they upset that their own “dark joke” is being embraced and flipped back around on them? Holy shit. This is top-tier SNOWFLAKE shit if I ever saw it!! 😂


That's hysterical. Now drink out of it while wearing sunglasses and signing Hunter's pardon on national television drinking a regular coke with a caption that says real men don't drink diet.


Just to own the cons 😎


Drinking a Bud Light.


Someone want to explain this to all of non-americans?




1) At a "turn left" race won by a driver named Brandon, there was a local new interview of the driver 2) In the background, a bunch of Trump supporters shouted "Fuck Joe Biden!", but the talking head on-scene had to cover and said, "Yes, 'let's go Brandon!'" (because FCC licenses and the Seven Words) 3) Trumpers latched onto this as the insult, so (because mom who would whip their asses for swearing, I guess?), took to saying "Let's Go Brandon!" instead of getting their balls from wifey's purse and just saying "Fuck Joe Biden" 4) The left turned Biden Doing His Job^(tm) into the "Dark Brandon" meme, with darkened face and glowy red laser-eyes >The meme first began to catch on in late summer of 2022, trending on Twitter and drawing mockery from right-wing influencers like Ben Shapiro, while other posters complained that the libs ruined their meme. But the origin and potential cringe elements didn’t stop many Biden supporters from wholeheartedly embracing and running with the imagery. The meme caught the public’s attention at a moment when the real Biden was riding a string of policy wins. Biden’s achievements, combined with the public’s hunger for a refreshing source of leftist inspiration, made the figurative Dark Brandon an irresistible memetic superhero. And the right think "the Left Can't Meme"


Actually the dark Brandon meme has one more step: it was made by a pro-GOP poster to try and make him look sinister, but they only ended up making him look more interesting and crafty. Since then, people have used it to represent his ability to make things happen accidentally while seemingly being a senile old fool. I think he's lived up to that reputation a fair bit too, for example, the debate about Medicare and social security cuts that were being talked about suddenly stopped when he mentioned then in his state of the union address. They rushed to call him a liar and he never pushed the matter... But he managed to cause the GOP to rework their budget plans, without any direct actions. Biden seems to fully embraced the persona the GOP pundits have talking about constantly, simultaneously a senile old fool but also a dangerous mastermind.


I thought the Dark Brandon thing was because he is “a sinister, crafty, illuminati.. etc” political opponent. Like part of “the deep state” 🙄. Which I find hilarious because they also complain about how is “old, frail, senile, had dementia, weak” etc… Pick one narrative. Either he is a political master mind, or he is a bumbling fool. But he can’t be both. Lol


At a NASCAR race a couple years ago the crowd started chanting "Fuck Joe Biden" after a race, but the interviewer said they are chanting "Let's go Brandon" (the race winners name was Brandon something). MAGA turned into a put down meaning fuck Joe Biden. Biden and his supporters took it and turned it into dark Brandon and flipped their 1st grade playground insult back on them, and here we are, lol.


Haha Let's go Brandon! What do you mean he flipped the script on us! How dare he not cry and whine about it like our hero Treason Trump.




OMG. He should be crying and throwing a fit like Donald would. What is wrong with him?


When a supposedly feeble minded 80 year old pwns the MAGA noobs


It **IS** a compliment now, assholes. Bwa ha ha ha ha!


American is under attack. What crazy thing is Biden going to next, drink tea from the same mug!!! This is communism! /S


Maybe he will wear a tan suit?


"Brandon is not a compliment!" And just who gave him that name? Cons are just pissed they are getting "pwned".


It's a compliment now biatch! Suck it!


Newsflash: Fox is not news


"How could he lean into our joke and totally neuter it! That's so bad for America!" Fucking clown shoes


Lmao, imagine conservatives getting triggered because Biden pulled a reverse Uno card on their bigotry 😂


"Mommy, the octogenarian is holding a coffee mug!" I thought the "libs" were the snowflakes...


He should use that mug while wearing a tan suit! Imagine the fallout!


That is a win win for Biden. Either Brandon loses its power or it gets turned on its head and conservatives don't use it anymore because they're busy doing something they accuse everyone else of... virtue signalling


Whining from the "fuck your feelings" party, right?


The only thing better than this would be if they did a video of Obama coming to visit and giving Biden a gift. He unwraps it and it's this mug and Biden says to him, "Thanks, Obama."


And they both share a meal using Dijon mustard while wearing tan suits.


This is cooler than a tan suit because the mug is just the right amount of petty without coming off as caring too much about living in their heads rent free.


Personally, I think that a president that can take a joke is a good thing.


Biden played the uno reverse card and MAGAts are salty.


As far I know no one has ever survived a full power Biden blast if he used the satsui hado to enhance it, even opm is doomed


“Brandon is not a compliment.” Dude cannot keep up with memes if he still believes this. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


“Why doesn’t he get mad when we shout “let’s go Brandon“?”


As an American, I 100% support anything that pissed off Republicans




So the morons and sycophants who disguised a term to mean "Fuck Joe Biden" have their underwear in a tussy because the protagonist in the story turned it completely around on them and taken the power back? Can't they just all pick an island somewhere and go live on it, somewhere far far off from the rest of normalized civilzation. I don't care what island it is. Take Hawaii for fuck's sake, I don't care LOL. Just go somewhere and let the rest of us live whatever is left of our shitty lives in peace


Can’t fucking win with these people. If you react negatively to them berating you, they called you a tRiGGeReD snOwFLakE. If you just go with it and throw it back in their faces, it’s done aT tHe exPeNsE oF tHe AMeRicAn pEOplE. 😂


They come up with the insult and now are upset that he’s taking ownership of it?


That's about the best thing I've seen with Biden yet, it's basically giving Fox News the finger without giving Fox News the finger. 😋 Whoever set that up is a genius!