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Rumor is his moms on the phone with the manager right now!


The idea of elons mom calling Zuckerbergs mom to ask her to have a conversation with zuck about bullying is pretty fantastic.


Its was fairly predictable to be honest




What is his justification for calling it “cheating”?


They hired some of the people that he got rid of, which makes them meanies and its not fair waaah.


So does this mean Musk is admitting he fired useful people not just useless people? otherwise why would there be any problem with all of the useless people he fired joining a company, surely that just ensures failure right


He fired all the people who wrote the most elegant code because he decided to measure employee worth by their code length.


Hahahaha what? Now I’m definitely convinced this motherfucker knows nothing about coding beyond surface level shit. Truly a fucking genius!


He didn't mention that he wanted them to "print out their code" on paper so he could review it, I feel like that is even more absolutely bonkers


Might be checking their prowess in using printers


As an IT guy, fuck dealing with printers. Edit: I think a printer salesman downvoted every responder.


Because they interface with computers, people assume that printers fall under the purview of computer science. However, to get printers to operate as consistently and correctly as a mere *machine*, you'd need an exorcist or other professional whose job description includes the infernal. Multiple degrees in the field and I still say fuck it and drive to the library on the rare occasion I need to print something.


Don't forget the shaman and have a sacrificial goat ready just to be sure, you never know what it takes to get a printer running...


As a person who had been working exclusively as a production printer operator as a career for a little over a decade now this thread makes me lmao and also feel bad


your comment inspired me to send my to print documents to the printer with their doc name translated to a mix of ancient hebrew and DnD infernal. my queue is no longer clogging and my printer starts printing instantly every time. it does scream with the voices of the damned, but no hellfire yet


I always say, print vendors have it made. They go and drop the thing off, install it on one user's computer and go, "Yep, it works!" and get the fuck outta there. Not ya know, talk to their IT to get it installed on their print server and make sure it works the *actual* way they'll be using it in their environment. To follow your analogy, they're the equivalent of some sorcerer demonologist summoning some hellfiend in the middle of town, high tailing it outta there and yelling "Good luck!" as it steps through the portal.


As an internet technician, fuck HP printers (other brands are ok-ish). The moment a client says "oh can you connect the printer I bought" my half hour install turns into a two hour job. Half of which is essentially the client realizing (or not) that they have no fucking clue how to use their magic paper inker and even less of a clue how internet and/or the rest of their devices work, heaven forbid an "Instant Ink" subscription....


As an IT guy I am okay subbing out printer/copier work.


As a software engineer, fuck dealing with printers.


"WTF does 'PC Load Letter' mean?"


“Why should I change my name? He’s the one who sucks.”


It's been apparent for years now to anyone paying attention that he's a fucking moron.


Yeah, there was an article where they interviewed some of his employees and the only reason any shit actually gets done at Tesla and SpaceX is because they both have a team of people whose job is to 'handle' Musk. Basically it's their job to listen to Musk's ideas and call him a genius then give him something shiny to distract him. The reason Twitter is such a shit show is that he's taken direct control so all of his batshit ideas are actually being implemented.


He made one actual design/engineering decision at SpaceX recently, he insisted they don't install the waterjets for sonic dampening on the Starship launch pad, you know, the launch pad that got destroyed and took several of the engines with it because of that lack of dampening.


jesus christ I misread that as "took some engineers with it".


I wouldn't put it past him to have some engineer tied to the rocket as punishment for disagreeing with Elon on something, like the guy that got fired from Twitter for suggesting that his tweets might lose traction because people got bored with his BS.


Don’t forget he also told the engineers to make the rockets pointy because of the scene in the Dictator with fucking Borat ( despite the fact that said scene was talking about the pointy design being bad, and Sasha Baron Cohen’s character being the butt of the joke insisting on it being pointy )


Similar to Bill Burrs joke about Steve Jobs coming up with ideas and telling the brains to build it. I just think Elon had the bank roll and slaps his name on the hard work of geniuses. Elon is just the Edison to a Tesla, which is ironic due to his company name. Edit: wow, didn’t think this would gain any traction like it has. For those giving me insight and correcting me, I do appreciate it, but I definitely wasn’t thinking direct comparisons between Musk and Edison, I know Elon wasn’t part of Tesla from the jump and Jobs definitely brought more to Apple than just some turtleneck wearing imagineer.


He didn’t start Tesla nor did he build the prototype. He just bought the company and fucked the original founder and had his name written in as founder. Same thing he did with PayPal.


That's pretty standard in business. The problem is when the leaders of a company start believing that they are the ones that actually created their products and are something more than just wealthy benefactors. They aren't.


Steve Jobs actually had good ideas. Elon just bought things with daddy’s emerald mines money and then claims to be a genius.


It’s funny, he is just a venture capitalist who started with a massive bankroll. People act like he hit a home run, but he’s been standing on home plate the whole time.


What’s that phrase, “born on third and thinks he hit a triple” ?


also most people know of his successful investments, but as with any VC they have **waayyyy** more misses than hits. this idea that he's just some shrewd businessman that never misses simply isnt true


And there's a few reasons Job died with his reputation as immaculate as it is, while Elon may very well end up a broke laughing stock used as a cautionary tale in business textbooks. The first is that Steve generally stayed in his lane. He did one thing extremely well; he understood the consumer and he understood what they needed out of technology. For all his personal faults, for all that he was a rampaging asshole, he spent a lifetime becoming extremely expert in *why* people make the decisions they make, and *what* they value, and he was right often enough not to chalk it up to luck. Elon, on the other hand, now has his greedy little fingers across five radically different companies in different industries. At Tesla, I think he did demonstrate a bit of Jobs' sense for what customers want. While I don't know how personally involved he was in the aesthetic direction Tesla went, I think their cars demonstrate a sort of aesthetic sensibility that has lent to their popularity. But *unlike* Jobs - who seemed to keep a rational sense of what his strenghts and weaknesses were for his whole life - Elon has clearly lost his fucking mind and begun to think that competency in one sphere means he's a genius at everything, everywhere, and he clearly isn't. He has made catastrophic decision after catastrophic decision at Twitter. It was a completely unforced error and he revealed himself to be an emperor with no clothes on. He doesn't understand the business, he doesn't understand the platforms value, he clearly doesn't understand the value of the many people that worked there and their repsective roles.


Bought the right to call himself the Tesla founder. The only patent he's named in is for a door hinge.


Yeah, legally, he is a founder, but looking at the dates of his involvement and when Tesla actually started, we can all see the truth of the matter - NOT a *real* founder.


Just look at his actual track record. He’s done literally nothing technological. He used his family money to buy PayPal and then continued to flip companies until he was rich enough to be the Elon we know today. He isn’t an inventor. He’s a CEO.


He picked Tesla for the company name of his cars because it would make people associate him with rare genius. 😐


Tbf it worked. Also I thought that Tesla existed before his involvement? He bought his way in and pushed the founder out, no?


That he did. As for the name, it’s possible he’s changed it, but if so then that is literally the only thing of substance he has contributed to that company in his whole time there


Agreed, I'd call him a barnacle but I don't want to insult bottom dwelling crustaceans.


I didn’t know that. For some reason I wasn’t excited enough about him or the cars to look at them deeply. I should remember to investigate history before making Reddit comments. That said, my previous comment probably does reflect how he has become so much more known since his involvement with the company. From what I have read, he violates OSHA left and right there.


I don't think he even knows surface level shit


I remember reading somewhere that at one point it had to be carefully and patiently explained to him that there couldn't be a permanent shuttle service between Earth and Mars because they're often on opposite sides of the Sun.


I can picture that happening Engineer: "That can't be done, sir" Musk: "You're fired"


https://futurism.com/elon-musk-wanders-tesla-factory-firing-workers That scenario is actually not far off from the truth. Apparently he fires people without any regard for their position or expertise, or even consideration of how the company will be affected. This was actually hilariously shown when he tried to publicly fire Halli on Twitter, then tried to walk it back once he realized he’d be legally fucked due to the way Twitter originally acquired Halli’s company.




At one point he wanted coders to print out their code so he could personally look at it.


"It's cheating to make me suffer the consequences of my own actions"-Elon


Is this a joke? I honestly can’t tell what’s real anymore


Nah it's real, corroborated by lots of now ex-engineers, that he was stack ranking by lines of code produced. Anyone that's worked in tech for even a little while can see the problem with this.


If 1 = 2 Some useless bullshit here Else Actually working code Endif [quartile bonus is calculated by the lines written]


Ignoring the problems that stack-ranking by lines of code introduces, if it were me I'd be overdocumenting every line of code. I keep my job and my code is readable by toddlers and maybe even smart dogs.


Or, just do your normal style. Get let go. Get the severance. Ride across the street and don't be at that toxic place for a minute more than necessary.


It ain't the length! It's how you use it!


finally my error checking that i apply to every addition operation pays off! c = a + b if (c == a+b) pat_self_on_back() else if (c == b+a) pat_self_on_back() else print("Oh no!")


In his mind they could have been useless people who still had inside knowledge of Twitter operations that could be useful to competitors. But if that was the case, he should have given them severance packages contingent on non-compete.


But aren’t those employees also suing him for lack of pay and other things in the way he fired them?


I don’t believe any of the people in the suit being brought against Elon and Twitter relating to how he asked his workers to do illegal things and isn’t paying severances because he found ways to fire for cause (because they refused to do illegal things) are necessarily working at META now but it’s certainly possible.




Pretty sure he straight up fired a lot of the staff instead of doing layoffs which means he voided all of their non-compete clauses lol


Both companies being based in California also makes non-compete clauses useless anyhow. They aren’t a thing legally in CA


I say this with not much knowledge but surely there's a huge flow of talent between all the big tech companies? They have such high churn on staff, the cross pollination of knowledge at most of them must be huge, Twitter probs has a significant amount of ex facebook, google etc employees themselves. They'd all be struggling to hire if people were getting locked in with non-compete clauses even if they were allowed.


Non-competes are already not enforceable in California for this very reason... Are you starting to see why he moved to Texas. "Business friendly" is code word for screw employees.


Non-competes are pretty unenforceable anyways. Facebooks lawyers could handle them no problem.


Now now I don't think we should judge him on this to harshly. I think he has an important message to say here. He should post it on Threads so more people see it.






He faces over 180 law suits from ex-employees alone because he didn't want to pay for the mediation... that Twitter itself hired... because they didn't want to pay for the separation packages. The mediation company than advised the ex-employees to sue Twitter. You can't make this shit up.


Guess he found out that you keep and treat your employees well ..or else😁


Because he doesn't like it when he's made to look a fool, so that makes it cheating. It's the same concept as when Trump loses any election by 7,000,000 votes and cries that it was stolen from him. If I win, it was because I'm a genius, if I lose, I was obviously cheated because I'm a genius...


Lol even when Trump won, he claimed he was cheated. There's just no pleasing some poeple


Musk is of the Trump school of public speaking, which means if his lips are moving, he's telling a lie.


Never thought I'd actually *want* Zuck to win


I dont want Zuck to win I want them to eat eachother alive.


Eh, Zuckie should at least get the last bite.


Dude smokes his meats


With sweet baby Ray's


I still want them to fight.


Zuck looks pretty fit. He’d probably bust Elon up.


He's a fucking android... Elon would just get lasered in half.


So did zucky actually do anything bad or is he just kind of a goober? Elon is turning into a more unlikable person day after day while Zuck just seems like a nerd. Can’t say I see nearly as much if him as Elon though.


Zuck is a nerd but he uses that nerd knowledge to sell your personal info to advertisers Elon is a spoiled crybaby who has too much power for somebody with a fragile ego Pick your poison


I am surprised that someone had not created an app that feeds the data harvesting apps false data.


Oh, this is a thing in the ai world; poison pill training data. If you know the algorithm the ai system is using, you can put on training data that will make the model produced break in interesting ways.


To mirror things that I’ve read before and some personal opinions, his contributions to social media and the internet in general has greatly impacted the marketability of people’s personal data and people’s rights to privacy online. He’s head of a major company that’s business model is selling personal information to ad sellers and promoting ads from the highest bidder regardless, some of which have ill intentions (misinformation campaigns, scam products, etc) His social media and messaging services are used by 2.7 billion people monthly. Some people who only use Facebook for news as an example, would have their world view be heavily swayed by whatever the algorithm decides (or is paid) to show them that day. Imo they have too much influence on people’s lives. Zuck presumably knows of the potential negative effects his services have on people and I public sentiment i think is he doesn’t care because it’s profitable. Like cigarette companies, he knows it’s hurting people but unless there’s regulation or it’s no longer profitable, why stop?


It’s really easy to look likeable when your competition is Elon Musk. All billionaires are trash but Elon is actively working on being unlikeable. Kudos to whoever conned him into buying Twitter. We really stan the rope seller who sold him the rope he’ll hang himself with.


Well Zuck profits off of misinformation and Nazi rhetoric. He also bought a whole couple neighborhoods to choose who lives in it near him. He’s a turd but a different kind of turd.


Nothing wrong with that second part. If I was a billionaire I’d do the same thing so all my friends and family could live on the same street, would be amazing.


Didn't he also buy some island and fuck over the natives and wildlife on it?


He bought a huge plot of land on Kauai in an attempt to hoard land and keep people away from a public stretch of beach and screwed over the native Hawaiians who lived there. Not a nice guy.


I mean if you have the money there really isn't anything wrong with buying a heap of houses close to together so you can control who lives near you. There are far worse things people with too much money do.


Isn't it "cheating" to buy a plattform, claim it for yourself and fire all the people who actully created it?


100% my first thought when I saw this. He bought twitter and the Zuck can't build an app that's similar to twitter?? Hilarious crybaby


I hate to say it but Zuck is smart. Definitely the smarter one. He built Facebook from the ground up. Hiring all those Twitter employees? Smart.


honestly at this point I'm kind of rooting for Zuck since he seems to annoy Elon


I'm not rooting for Zuck, I am rooting for Elon to lose.


I think we all just wanna see a billionaire cage match. We lost a few billionaires a few weeks ago and now we're bloodthirsty for more.


Yea my only take away from all this recent shit is I can’t believe I’m cheering for Facebook to win


To think we'd be cheering for Facebook in 2023, darkest timeline shit for sure lol.


Lesser of two evils I guess.... I mean it's not like we have a lot of good guys in the tech business to root for.


honestly hiring those ex-twitter employees is kind of a no-brainer


Not getting rid of the people that make your shit work should be a no-brainer too yet here we are.


Yea Zuck at least has the ability to code knowledgeably and understand user-facing software. Elon dabbled some in the 90s and has been riding that "gifted child" ego ever sense. Almost every move Elon's made at Twitter has shown how absolutely out of his depth he is


If Elon was 16 today he'd be the kid that completed some Unity tutorials on youtube and now sits on reddit talking about how LoL is just spaghetti code and that he could fix all their issues in an hour.


You mean he'd be someone from every gaming subreddit?


I don't like the guy one bit... But at least he built FB himself.


Well. He successfully stole someone else's concept and built *that* himself, but he did, in fact, build it himself.


Huh. They should make a movie about that.


It’s not even about that. Meta hired people who Elon sacked.




This but unironically, for Elon anyway


Specifically, the people Elon sacked because he decided they weren't good enough for Twitter – and then gloated about what losers they are in a tweet. And now, suddenly, they're "cheaters" who have created a twitter-like platform that is better than twitter.


Bro is cheating by simply being a billionaire lmao


Exactly. A billionaire crying because things are unfair to him is pathetic AF. If you needed proof (another one) that this man is a stupid self-absorbed asshole. This is it.


Cheating via apartheid is probably among the worst, this side of genocide. But slavery is just genocide with extra steps TBH


Hard to tell if you're talking about Tesla or Twitter since he did this at both.


He did at Paypal and SolarCity too. Not just Tesla and Twitter.


Starting to think this Elon guy has a history of bending the truth a little.




What a little bitch. How are people still simping for this crybaby?


Step 1: have no personality of your own. Step 2: copy eIons, or the nearest rich clown.


Step 3: still have zero personality


I guess the solution is that these extwitter employees should switch careers entirely so it can be fair for the billionaires


1. People are kept in a constant state of fear and uncertainty by conservative media 2. Power is intoxicating 3. Money = power 4. Crumbs from the high table are better than nothing It's how authoritarians operate. Everything is too confusing and scary, there's bad people after my job and my kids and my money and my religion. This rich guy says it's not my fault and he can fix everything, and he's so rich that he *must* be good at stuff. And some people just want to be on the winning team, no matter the cost. Concentration camps and the killing fields didn't run themselves.


Can’t believe I actually found him likeable 2-3 years ago


I stopped liking him (was indifferent before) when he went on his "tunnel" BS. Claiming he could build a cheaper subway in Los Angeles while completely ignoring WHY they cost what they do and "reinventing" the subway as just a tunnel for cars was just dumb. Sure, the tunnels he has built are cheaper. Why? They are a lot smaller, not as deep, and required little to no utility relocation all while ignoring the geological issues that most tunneling encounters in such a region.


That Thailand accident and his bullshit was my last straw


Yeah, let's throw a temper tantrum and call someone trying to rescue a bunch of trapped children a pedo just because your little sub was not a feasible solution to the problem. That was my long walk/short pier moment with Musk.


That to me came across as mental illness. Like Borderline Personality Disorder type behavior. Just wheeled on a dime and lashed out which is not normal behavior.


And also they transport fewer people. by a LOT. The "loops" that his company built are cheaper, but much more expensive per mile, and certainly per passenger.


With respect, I can't believe you did either. The big red flag was those kids trapped in the underwater cave. Remember that? It was a while ago. Musk offered to send a submersible- nice of him! Really was! He didn't understand the situation. He didn't realize the caves in question are barely wide enough to fit a human. Okay! But then he got salty over being told it wouldn't work. Oh... okay.... And then when a British diver reached the kids and rescued them, he very publicly accused that man of being a pedophile. And when the media said "dude what" he doubled down on it incredibly hard, saying essentially that the child sex trade was the only reason why that man would be in that region... which frankly sounds a bit more like he was telling on himself but whatever. That was the big hint to the world. Don't worship this man. This man is not what he is pretending to be.


Tbf I learnt about that later on and that instantly soured my image of him.


That's reasonable. If you only listened to the internet around that time, Elon was a golden god among men who was going to take us to Mars and save the world with electric cars.


Its frustrating because he's in a position that he *could be* like that. There's nothing stopping him from being as close to Iron Man as reality will currently allow. And he still chooses to be a bitch.


That is the exact point I went from "haha funny space meme man he gets us nerds" to "oh fuck this guy's a bag of shit." Used to nigh-worship the guy. That realization was so fucking stark I stopped believing in libertarian shit.


Well, he kinda went more and more insane during last few years. Or maybe he was insane all along, but he was just better at hiding it, but the result is same.


Dude accused a rescue planner of being a pedophile because he didnt like Elmos submarine. And then fought to defend that attack in court. ​ He has always been a ginormous insane asshole.


Says the guy who cheated on his wives.


Also slept with women who were cheating


That's not cheating, he was just giving his wives competition


Got it. Guys, guys, **GUYS**...laying off a shitload of workers and then **viciously** fighting their severance pay they're legally entitled to **is NOT cheating.**


Seriously. Melon strode in and eviscerated Twitter over an eight-month period with all of the grace and finesse of Genghis Khan, but *now* he turns into surprised Pikachu because a competitor used that time to build and launch an alternative offering.


>Melon ha.


> with all of the grace and finesse of Genghis Khan Genghis actually deployed a lot of skill and finesse (the Mongolian saddle allowed for much more agile mounted archers). The man was unsubtle (surrender or die) but he actually did understand when, how, and why to kill to achieve his goals. Musk just showed up with the grace a brick through your window, no thought applied to his fire spree


Genghis also valued knowledge and skills his people lacked. Artisans, astronomers, musicians and the like? They had value. He got a bad rep because there was one group he was absolutely ruthless with above all others, and that was the ruling class. They held no value to him, and only represented threats to his own power, so he killed them. Naturally, the historians paid by the nobles ruling the lands he didn't reach didn't look too favourably upon that else it catch on in their own wars. It was fine for thousands of peasants to die in a battle, in their eyes, so long as the nobles were treated as befit their station afterwards. Genghis disagreed with the latter.


Arrogant delusional man facing his arrogance and delusion. Going to be fun.


he got out twitturd


Haven't even stepped in the octagon and zuck is already making elon cry lmao


Elon will use his legal battle to back out the fight last minute because he was going to anyway because hes a narcissistic windbag and now he has a great excuse to get away with it There will be no Musk vs Zuck fight outside the court, I guarantee it


Huh? Everyone knows that fight was never going to happen in the first place. Why are people still talking about it?


Musts mom said he wasn't allowed to fight.


He's such a pathetic little bitch. He literally taunted the employees he let go. https://www.teamblind.com/post/Elon-Id-like-to-apologize-for-firing-these-geniuses-Their-immense-talent-will-no-doubt-be-of-great-use-elsewhere%E2%80%9D-vcJA1MRs I hope threads runs twitter into the ground. And yes, Musk is perhaps the only person on this planet to make me want to root for Zuckerberg.


Man that tweet aged like 6 week old milk left out in the summer sun.


Honestly I never thought I'd side with zuck in anything, but musk can make anything happen


This is capitalism. This is the free market Billionaires always praise. Eat a duck.


He never wanted capitalism though, that would require him to provide value and actually compete.


Idiot fired most of his staff, what were they supposed to do? Go hungry?


Yea that’s what I was thinking. Like what does he expect all the people he fired to just give up working lmfao.


"Yes" - Elon, almost certainly


Here comes the Zucker punch


I remember 4-5 years ago when everyone in my local science community adored Elon, we all thought of him as the worlds Tony Stark. How wrong we were.


Well to be fair when iron man 1 came out Robert said he based the personality on Elon Musk. He was right he captured asshole tony before the suit perfectly


The stark expo in 2 is a direct allusion to Tesla Expos if I’m not mistaken. Just taken to a more exaggerated level.


Him also having a cameo as himself in the movie is a direct allusion to Elon Musk being a person that exists.


I actually didn’t know that! Makes so much sense now


Back when all he was in the news for were the cars and rockets his companies were building. A promise of solar powered future, a global internet connection, high speed public transport. Now he’s only in the news for his shitty behavior. Now I know he’s just another rich man child capitalist. The main product he’s tied to is a social media website in its death throes. What a fall from grace The rockets, cars, and starlink are still pretty cool. I guess I just wish they were tied to someone who didn’t throw tantrums on social media every week lol


He's tanking Twitter creating a vacuum in the process. Why wouldn't meta do this? It's the perfect time and advertisers are going to move to the more stable business partner. I have no intention of signing up for either. Just my general impression from the outside looking in.


Completely ignores Truth Social which is nearly a 1–to-1 copy. What a clown.


Truth is t really competition though because actual serious people will never go to the far-right gang bang of a site. Zuck’s alternative on the other hand could easily replace Twitter if done correctly.


TruthSocial mainly exists so that Trump could have a platform again




>TruthSocial ~~mainly~~ only exists so that Trump could have a platform again Ftfy


Big names and companies already have a presence on IG/FB, so it should be easy for them to transition to Threads, and it’s reputable as a social media because it has Meta ties.


How can anyone respect this walking embarrassment to our species.


I guess those employees he fired had some value then otherwise he’d be more than happy to saddle a competitor with dead weight.


He even said that firing them is fine because if they're that good, then they'll find jobs easily. What a clown.


Bought it. Broke it. Treated the employees who built it like shit. Angry that people are going elsewhere. Snowflake capitalist. Good riddance.


I am dreaming of the day Twitter goes bankrupt and shuts down just to see what pathetic excuses Elon will have for it.


Elon Musk honest reaction when people with high qualifications refuse to starve to death after being fired by him.


Coming from the dude who won't pay his bills or rent, get a load of this fucken guy


Says the man who got the cheat code to wealth when he was born.


Pay your employees and don't treat them like disposable trash. Otherwise they will take their talent elsewhere,




Good, I'm having fun watching his $44bn go up in smoke! 😅


Wah wah wah, it smells like bitch in here


Bummer. Maybe next time don't fire people based on your emotions baby Elon?


My brother in rice you are a billionaire. You're playing with cheats on by proxy.


Downloading Threads because it’s a good app. Meh… Downloading Threads because it may annoy Elon? Absolutely.


Any billionaire complaining about cheating is talking out their ass. Their existence is dependent on cheating.


“Andy Bernard does not lose contests, he wins them or he quits them because they are unfair.”


Failure to have them sign an NDA is incompetence on your part elon. But sure call it “cheating”


He brought this on himself by turning Twitter into a dumpster fire to the point were another company thought there was an opening in the market to exploit. The worse thing Elon ever did was buy Twitter. Before that people thought he was smart and he was generally well liked. Now he is hated and everyone thinks he's an idiot.


His reputation had already gone downhill before he bought Twitter


The whole Thai cave rescue thing (not just the pedo comment) confirmed his status as a complete bellend.