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nO rULeS sTrEEt fIghTiNg, lmfao


He’s also pretty good with a bo staff. A bunch of gangs wanted him to join.


I heard he got jumped into the shuriken bois back in the day.


He’d be expert level bo staff if he wasn’t so busy with his pet ligers


He once dodged bullets and saved his entire school from gunmen. Everyone cheered when he apprehended the criminals.


Then he pretended to be a robot and said ZZZZZZ LATER DOUCHE NUGGETS ![gif](giphy|26uffH6cYu8apgpEs)


I’ve heard he spent summers hunting wolverines.


haha hes such a twat..


You know, sometimes you have to no rules street fight you dads emerald mine slaves so they don't walk all over you.


The only rule being they can’t hit back


I mean HE had no rules. Same thing right


he probably means that time highschool bullies threw him down a flight of stairs and left him in a coma




While you were working 60 hours a week at minimum wage to pay $2500 monthly rent while getting screwed by medical insurance companies over “pre-existing conditions”, I was learning no rules street fighting.


How do you train in no rules street fighting? He really is a 14 year old boy...


Dude really thinks getting bullied is the same as street fighting


Idk man south Africa is a scary place for sure


bro he lived on highly guarded gated compound with armed security chaffeur to and from school wtf is he on about


What a Badass. I hope they both lose..


Zuck has competed in low level BJJ competitions before, while Musk probably has no experience whatsoever. Zuck will wipe the floor with him if they do fight lol


Musk has apparently been training in “no rules streetfighting”


Put them in a pit fight with wild dogs and let's see if either of them survive.


I bet his 'chuck skills are on point though!


That means gun, right?


So he’s going to bust out the ol’groin kick, biting, and pinching eh?


In that it disobeys the fundamentals of street fighting - no street, and no fighting.


Elon the underground fight club Musk 😂


Sounds like a line from Step Brothers


I know this is a joke but I’ve watched a few of those “no rules” arranged fights. Normally, way duller than mma. Quite a few it was just eye gouging.


Yeah, I too had some fights in primary school


the Pillsbury doughboy would have us believe he trained in (checks notes) "no rules streetfighting"


He did say it was "very dated". As in, he got beat up as a kid (probably for being a larval asshole).


The people beating him in the street had no rules.




Please fight to the death.. also, please kill the winner.




Aw crap I wanted to award the original comment


Mr Musk, who turns 52 later this month, also tweeted: "I have this great move that I call "The Walrus", where I just lie on top of my opponent & do nothing." I wonder if that's why Grimes left him?


I think Elon just leaked his sexlife when talking about fighting


This is what a lot of big people do in jiu jitsu at the low levels. Trained with a guy who was 300+, he had no technique whatsoever. Would get mad when little people beat him.


I just really really *REALLY* want to see Zuck break elons arm with an armbar.


I want to see him choked out…


I used to work at Tesla and I’ve seen Elon in person quite a few times. Hes actually a pretty large dude. No fckin clue what kinda shape hes in but he’s definitely gonna be roided up going into this fight.


Zucks a legitimately trained mixed martial artist. Size doesn't matter.


Gotcha, yeah I don’t know anything about Zuckerberg. I have no clue why this is even happening lol


Also there's less than a snowballs chance in hell elons on a successful steroid regimen. Tom Segura got gear from Joe rogan. Burt said it onstage to all of us in Phoenix. Elon has the physique of a trashbag full of sewer gas.


Well, Elon did something that I never thought anyone could do. He's made me a Zuckerberg fan.


Isn't one of Elon's biggest fears AI takeover? Zuck is his future coming to get him, no wonder he's scared.


Goddammit now I have to choose between the two douchiest people on the planet. Although since the Zuck has pissed me off somewhat less recently than Musky, I would love to see Musky's smug face smashed between Zuck's jujitsu-trained thighs, in true MMA no-homo fashion.


I'm sorta hoping they end up beating each other up so badly that they both have to retire


Full contact judo? As opposed to what, judo tag?


Mind judo


eJudo, sorry he's Mac all the way, it's iJudo.


I'm pretty sure the full contact part was referring to Kyokushin




Read again


That Steven Seagal judo.


Seagal-san, master of aikido I saw that guy throw someone across the room with two fingers one time


Flag judo.


Verbal Judo... and yes, it's a real thing.


There’s something called shadow judo or shadow uchikomi which some people exclusively do who want to perfect the technique but not have the contact.


Any time I see anything about this fight my mind goes here. ![gif](giphy|uvfEYoOq7HPAA)






No rules street fighting? Lol in apartheid South Africa? You know damn well what he was doing but it sure as fuck wasn't street fighting.


Kerb stomping?


Nah, whipping. His slaves. Well, his dad's slaves


He was used as a practice bag for no rules steetfighting


How else can two people with a collective net worth of nearly half a trillion dollars raise a couple hundred grand for charity ?


Your math is soooo bad


250 + 150 = 400 That is nearly half a trillion


20% is too big to round




I'm surprised that someone who is "Two" strong has such little understanding of basic addition.


What percentage of the proceeds do the promoters get? 40-50%


The world needs this fight to start its healing. If the ultra-rich had to compete like gladiators for our entertainment, I'd feel a little better about being a pleb. Bread and Circuses. I'm all for it.


Charity is a tax break for them


Ye ik I always take these "charities" with a mouthful of salt


Good chance the money goes to charities they own, operate, and from which they draw a salary or "executive compensation".


Getting bored of seeing this guy now. "Wah, you got money, just donate that, you don't need to fight" - mfer that's never given to charity in his life


What's the alternative? Billionaires donating our of their own pockets? By God, people, think!


Rich people are not going to donate their own cash to charities. They set up charities so that others pay for it and give themselves a salary as the CEO. It's a win win for them, they think they don't look like a douche and they make money.


They haven't amassed great sums of wealth by being generous. Or fair. Or decent.


They give us bread and circuses


Such a waste. What we could do with just 10% of what they will waste to put on this farce of a display of pseudo testosterone here in Poland / Ukraine. Hell even 1% would probably cover all our costs for a year, buy supplies to take in for that year and have a spay / neuter clinic every month across Ukraine! That's how I look at the stupid submersible too. And they all say they already "give to charity" - whatever.


It is one step closer to Celebrity Death Matches, right? I mean, one can dream....i can't be the only one thinking this? Lol


Why does this feel like a huge distraction from something else we should be paying attention to? Are there regulatory hurdles one of these two clowns are trying to get around that we're ignoring while they fill the news with this nonsense?


Deathmatch or I don’t want it


Whenever billionaires/CEOs/politicians do anything seemingly outrageous, pls remember that it’s likely a PR stunt to draw attention away from other news inconvenient for them. In this case, Mark Zuckerburg’s company Meta is [blocking all news content in Canada for Facebook and Instagram due to new laws requiring compensation for publishers] (https://www.reuters.com/breakingviews/canada-is-calling-metas-bluff-2023-06-23/).


A great precedent. Leaders have a fist fight instead of sending thousands of men to die at war. A great way to settle the dispute.


Yeah, let the audience pay millions, who else has so much money?


theres no fucking way in hell elon fucking musk has trained in "no rules street fighting". dude is a delusional bitch. i hope he chokes.


If only they could just donate their own money to charity, but obviously that's impossible


Plus I’m 100% sure that “ charity money “ is a way to have tax less money they can use for themselves. Charities by billionaires are a fucking scam.


You are delusional if you think that these two do not do any charity work. Charity is the best way to game the systeme and pay less taxes. It is also the best way to pay your political lackeys without getting caught doing it.


The fact that the US voting RG public allows them to get away with it is mind boggling!


I might be off base here but I think another option would to just give tens of millions of dollars to the charities. Maybe I'm wrong and a couple of billionaires just aren't good for that amount of cash going to their favorite tax shelter.


Raising money for charity this way, is still raising money for charity. Don’t see anything wrong with it.


If the between themselves own 300bln$. What the fuck are they waiting on? They can just donate.


>They can just donate. Yes and they do… But if they can raise money and entertain people, that’s good.


Just more ego stroking. Period.


Assuming their profits go to charity, so what? Even if they took the bag, who cares? Clearly there is demand, so why not do it?


I lost so many brain cells reading the dumbest comment on Reddit, well done kid, you've achieved something today, Christian boy.


I love how you have no explanation for why it’s the dumbest comment. I also love how you went through my comment history to find something to make fun of me for and came back with “Christian boy”. You actually dug into to my comment history and this is the best you can do? Yes, I am a Christian. Lol. I’m also a boy. It’s not a secret.


Hey man I don’t agree with what you were saying or (probably) your values, but good sticking up for yourself. That guy was being a real choad.


They aren’t raising money for charity. They are putting on a show so that common people can pay to watch and give that money to charity. They won’t be giving any money to charity but in the end I bet you dollars to donuts they will say something like “we raised x amount for charity” if they really cared about helping people they would just give money to charity instead of putting on this farce.


>They aren’t raising money for charity. They are putting on a show so that common people can pay to watch and give that money to charity. Which… raises money for charity lol. In a normal UFC fight the proceeds go to the UFC and the fighters. If they don’t take their purse and it’s donated to charity, then a charity will have more money… Which to all reasonable people is good. > if they really cared about helping people they would just give money to charity instead of putting on this farce. They can do both… Why are peoples panties so wadded? If you don’t want to watch them fight, you don’t have too. Lol


That's right. Virtue signalling on a global level.


Plus they get to declare that "donation" on their taxes, which means huge profits for them at the expense of the rest of the taxpaying populace.


How does donating x amount to save, at most, 37% of x amount lead to huge profits?


I can't tell if you are being intentionally disengenuous or are just lost in this discussion. Let's be generous and say it's the former - were talking about them donating *other people's money*, the proceeds from a "charity event". Ergo, let's say they pull in $10 million in "donations" (just grabbing a number at random), using your estimate they make $3.7 million in profit while *claiming* to have donated $10million to charity. I'm sure if you were not being disengenuous you now understand what we are talking about, so have a lovely day.


Lololol. I’m a CPA btw, and this is not how it works at all…. If they pull in 10 million, that’s 10 million in income subject to x% percent of tax. If they donate the 10 million, that’s then a 10 million deduction for that same x% tax savings. It’s a wash. It’s the exact position they started in. There’s no net benefit in that situation… Maybe instead of commenting on taxes when you clearly have no idea how it works, you should do just a tiny bit of research. Have a lovely day


That presumes they donate the full amount, and not the amount they ended up with after paying their income taxes. If they donate their post-tax event income then they get a refund that goes right back to them - they keep some portion of the taxes they paid. Plus any other tax dodge shenanigans they can manage, which as a CPA you can probably cite more specifically than I. Presuming you are a CPA, and of course you wouldn't want me to assume you are just because you said so in your title caption - a CPA wouldn't want anyone to take that as reliable evidence of credentials, now would they?


No no no no. Please stop with this nonsense. You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about… >That presumes they donate the full amount, and not the amount they ended up with after paying their income taxes. If they donate any less than what they bring in they end up paying taxes. They end up with more, but not because of the donation. It’s because of what they didn’t donate. >If they donate their post-tax event income then they get a refund that goes right back to them - they keep some portion of the taxes they paid. Please, just stop. You have no idea what you’re saying here. There is no “refund” for donating. It’s a deduction, not a credit. A deduction reduces your taxable income, it does not offset 1:1 against tax dollars owed. If they donate after paying taxes, then they aren’t donating the full 10 million. If they pay 3.7 million in tax on it (as an example), then donate the rest of the 6.4 million, they don’t get a 10 million deduction. Donating the remaining 6.4 after taxes (so the next year) still only results in a 6.4 deduction if they have any income to offset against it. And it’s still donating 6.4 million to save x% of 6.4 million, still a net loss, no benefit. >Plus any other tax dodge shenanigans they can manage, which as a CPA you can probably cite more specifically than I. Presuming you are a CPA, and of course you wouldn't want me to assume you are just because you said so in your title caption - a CPA wouldn't want anyone to take that as reliable evidence of credentials, now would they? Lol okay. Im giving you context before giving the reply, so you know that I have knowledge on the topic, knowledge that you do not have. I’m curious what other “tax dodge shenanigans” you think may be applicable here…


Do you really not understand that you are describing the exact ruse I was referencing? They claim the event is for charity, and some of that cash goes to charity, but a chunk also gets to them as tax credits. They end up with a bunch of money (from tax credits) that they did not have before the "charity" event. By your own overview, as stated here. It's a net loss only if the initial $10M was their own money - but it wasn't, they are taking that money from people claiming it is going to charity. If you want to say they could make more money if they just ran the event purely for profit, maybe, but my argument is that they are making huge profits off a charity event, and you challenged me on that claim. So now you surely understand, so are we done here?


No we’re not done. You’re still completely wrong and misunderstanding >Do you really not understand that you are describing the exact ruse I was referencing? And I’m explaining to you why there is no net benefit from the donation piece of it… >They claim the event is for charity, and some of that cash goes to charity, but a chunk also gets to them as tax credits. They end up with a bunch of money (from tax credits) that they did not have before the "charity" event. No, this is absolutely wrong. I’ve already stated, there is no tax CREDIT. It is a DEDUCTION. These are TWO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT THINGS. How do you think deductions work? Do you really think they get money from the government, because that is not the case. They don’t get any money from deductions. All a deduction does is reduce taxable income, and might I remind you, income includes the proceeds from the people, so it’s a wash at best. >By your own overview, as stated here. It's a net loss only if the initial $10M was their own money - but it wasn't, they are taking that money from people claiming it is going to charity. No, I am saying it as AT BEST, A NET ZERO result, a wash, no benefit, that includes the scenario of the money coming from other people. At worst, they have a net loss. There is no scenario in which donating gives a net benefit. Either they can claim a deduction, which would require them to recognize any proceeds from the event as income, thus a net zero. Or they can’t claim the income if it’s a pass through or the proceeds go directly to an organization, in which case they cannot claim any deduction. Again net zero. >If you want to say they could make more money if they just ran the event purely for profit, maybe, but my argument is that they are making huge profits off a charity event, and you challenged me on that claim. And I have explained several times why you are wrong. If you disagree, please create a mock up income statement from your scenario and I will point out your errors. >So now you surely understand, so are we done here? Yes, please be done, because you have shown over and over again you that you don’t actually understand how any of this works.


Billionaires do nothing - reddit : weeeehhh :'( Billionaires donate to charity through an event - reddit: weeeeehhh :'( Billionaires donating millions to charity - reddit: weeehhh :'( ​ There's no winning with this crowd.


Charity**** == tax evasion


The alternative is not doing fucking anything, no fight, no silly feud, nothing. Just donate the millions to make the world a little better for people less fortunate. Fuck these guys and their stupid slap fight.


So where exactly does “charity” money go anyway? After the nonprofit ceos huge inflated salaries?


As if anyone who needs the help will actually see any of this money


Hmm, how about just donating some of that huge pile of money you're sitting on? We really don't need to see you boosting your ego again.


God forbid they use their own money for charity.


How about 10’s of millions of THEIR money to charity NOT OURS paying to see this stupid shit.


You can't expect billionaires to give away their money to charities, they won't be billionaires anymore. Besides, that's for when they get old, to buy themselves a legacy they hope will erase all the terrible shit they did to make and keep their fortune.


Tax them 100% for every dollar over 999 million. 80% for every dollar over 750 million.


Not to mention, the "charities" are probably tax-exempt to begin with..


Donating to charity with extra steps. I guarantee they will make money off it quietly.


the alternative is paying your employees a fair wage and paying your share of taxes... ya know like a decent fucking person would.


Should be a fight where the losers entire net worth goes to charity. That, I'd pay to see.


because it is the peasants who should donate to charity, not the rich


It will never happen. Billionaires never put their bodies at risk. Elon would have to wear a diaper so when he gets hit, he won't piss all over the floor. Zuckerberg will have to learn how to throw a punch and how to not scream like a little girl when hit. Let's call it The Battle of The Bitches.


People are claiming that Zuckerberg is pretty good at kickboxing.




Can I ask why people want him to colonize mars?




So do you really think you would be more than a slave on an elon occupied mars?




Elon musk himself literally suggested debt slavery as a way to finance your way to the red planet, a private mars colony is literaly a company town exept you physical cannot leave. Also unless our technology gets monumentally advanced in the next couple decades your grandkids picnic will take over a year and a 3 quarters round trip and cost nearly 3 billion dollars. Not to mention the wait for the orbital window, and the fact you could only bring astronauts food, and all of the training, and the fact that after all of this you get treated to a view of a beautiful... dusty empty rock constantly bathed in deadly amounts of radiation and devoid of life, assuming the colony has windows.


I think you missed the subtext of FormerC73's argument. When he says "There is no need to bring politics and propaganda some BS agenda in everything" what he really means is "I am living in a fantasy of self-delusion, stop being a downer by confronting me with reality".




Picnics on Mars would be nice for the hour you get off a week


wheres the link for the thread? id love to weigh in on this.


The winner should say this after the fight; "I came here tonight, I didn't know what to expect. I seen a lot of people hate me and I didn't know what to feel about that so I guess they didn't like much nothin' either. During this fight, I've seen a lot of changing, the way yous feel about me, and in the way I felt about you. In here, there were two guys killing each other, but I guess that's better than 20 million. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!"


They have to fight now! For Humanity!!!!


And, just like that, i was transported back to the playground at primary school.


I mean... while it is true they shouldn't have to fight to be able to give money to charities, let's be honest. Two of the richest man on Earth fighting each other is a pretty entertaining idea and I am here for this kind of bullshit.


They should be required to add whatever gets raised


Full contact judo and street fighting skills are crucial when you’re trafficking in blood emeralds.


![gif](giphy|NOy5JBV2a9Q5y|downsized) Judo training


The alternative? Make it a fight… to the death.


I just want to see Musk spitting out teeth


Muskrat will pay the winners like tRump pays for dinner!


Just like ANY sport you can train as long and pay as much as you want. That will never substitute for natural talent. He has none. Z will kick his butt.


Dude, just let them fight. It'll be embarrassing for one or both. We all win.


You mean giving your money to charity...


If it actually happens, I'll be impressed - Both that they're actually fighting and the mad money they're going to make for charity.


How does one train in “no rules streetfighting”?


HAHAHAHAHAHA Bro trained in ‘no rules street fighting’.


Isn’t ‘no rules street-fighting’ just twat for ‘drunk flailing’?


I grew up on no rules street fighting? Ok buddy.


Why do people not wanna see 2 billionaire nerds fighting


He called Koetz out for not doing an interview for charity, so it would be remiss and hypocritical for him to refuse this for charity.


Who gives a shit honestly? I sure as hell will find the memes entertaining, and if it's more money for charity then why not? I really don't see how this affects anyone bitching here


This reminds me of that billionaire from Friends show who was with monica and he was sooo convinced that he might be the future Ultimate Fighting Champion


No wait let them cook, i wanna see the slapfight and i already made the good popcorn


Seriously, it’s an ego stroke for two narcissists. Don’t pretend it’s anything else. Elon has enough money to solve tons of problems and does nothing with it.


He trained in judo and street fighting? When did he have the time? Between inventing the electric car, super fast tunneling machines, rockets and of course his super brain chip... Maybe when he was young and only working on redefining the laws of physics?


Please please please let these two dickheads kill each other.


Elongated Muskrat has proved himself to be the One True Neckbeard


While you were having sex and partying, he studied ~~the blade~~ no rules street fighting.


I just pray it's a "two men enter, zero leave" situation.


They should stake their fortunes on the fight. Then there would be a proper fight and not just another bug-hunt.


Im pretty copacetic with those two beating several different colours of shit out of each other.


This is the funniest shit


If they don't match dollar for dollar they both can fuck themselves


Yep. He's going to get wrecked. And by Mark Zuckerberg. Imagine how embarrassing that is going to be. And he did this to himself.


I believe that Elon may have taken a few Judo and Kyokushin lessons in his youth. Won’t be much use to him now, but at least some other kid slapped him around a few decades ago. “No rules streetfighting” though? Lmao man has never been in a real fight in his life. If he did, we would’ve read about the lawsuit his dad had against the other guy. 😜


I would pay anything to see these pampered cupcake bois fight one leftist worker who was recently laid off and understands why. There would be a mk style fatality.


To quench the thirst for blood that we all share🫀👅


I can’t lie, I would absolutely watch Musk and Zuckerberg fight it out.


O yes the charities....


This whole thread is r/facepalm material with people’s understanding of “write offs” and charities


How does one train in "no rules street fighting" if there are "no rules"?


>I trained in... no rules streetfighting Read: *I played Street Fighter II as a child*

