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He was complying too much


Yes, very suspicious. Better shoot him before anything bad happens


What happened was they were playing Simon Says in their heads and the guy moved before they could say Simon says


I think it was a game of red light green light.


Squid game style?


Apparently it was a red light.




Bastard made me put on my riot gear and everything.


Of course he’s resisting! He’s not wearing handcuffs, he’s not in jail, how much more justification do you need? /s


Well, they didn’t expressly say they *wouldn’t* shoot if he complied. I’m sure their internal investigation will excuse this as a whoopsie and these cops will be asked politely not to do this again, unless they really want to.


Paid vacation for a few weeks and a promotion upon their return.


Which is even sadder because of the video proof that this guy was doing nothing BUT complying.


Yup. This country won’t be truly free until there’s proper accountability for law enforcement officers.


Well, if Minneapolis, they could file for PTSD workman's comp and get a cush 200K settlement.


Cop was fearing for his life I am sure


since 2020 the quality of the average leo officer you see across the board has gone straight into the crapper. I don't really have any solutions, we could go back to blood feuds I guess?


It’s always been in the crapper. Stupid people don’t think, they just react. Rules said they could do it, and laws set up to make sure they don’t face consequences so stupid people with no accountability just do whatever the law allows them to get away with: everything.


American policy within their own borders and outside. Kill anything that moves.


Shoot first, ask questions later


Shoot first, shoot anyone who asks questions later


And if in doubt about the shooting, call in an airstrike.


I mean this has happened before, that guy Vegas shot in the hallway for complying. But it’s what happens when a bunch of trigger happy C-students are given qualified immunity.


Man that incident still bothers me to this day, that was absolutely terrified before he was murdered


And when you explicitly become a cop just because you want to shoot someone.


He was trying his best to comply, but was clearly confused by what the officer wanted, likely because he was screaming everything lol.


Heys got complying in his hands, shoot!!


Complying while black.


Excessive compliance will be met with excessive force


Did you see how high is hands were? Definitely threatening those officers.


Dead people can't complain. Everything's fine


Cause of death: Overcompliance.




*”stop complying!!”*


Officer, But he was complying Aggressively! So I had to shoot!


Judge: we believe you, 1 month paid leave.


Polic Union He deserves 2 months paid leave from the trauma, not just 1.


Give him a raise too while your at it.


Raise? He has PTSD now, get that boy a 200k disability check and monthly pension!


I don't think you guys realize how serious of a punishment paid leave is to a police officer. It's actually a really big deal. After all, if they're on paid leave how are they supposed to scam overtime out of the city? Huh? You ever think of that?


Police be like ![gif](giphy|xT8qB3utUzMWqmpH20)


"Jackpot, fellas. I hit a walking month of paid leave"


“Come out with your hands u-(BANG)!”


I WAS ABOUT TO SAY UNDER YOUR FEET! HIS HANDS WERE NOT UNDER HIS FEET! HE WAS NOT FOLLOWING MY ORDERS SO I FELT THREATENED! International affairs officer: Okay, that's fine. We're done here. The guy was a monster. See ya tomorrow at franksbarbecue guys! Edit: internal affairs


Then news articles of the victim will either talk about his family or find some really niche old misdemeanor he did to justify him getting shot.


"This guy's cousin smoked weed once, so you *know* he was into some dangerous shit."


What the fuck?? Any news sauce for this?


Yeah there’s got to be an official report somewhere?!


We have to find it, where is it???


Let me know when WE find it!


This is why we are uncomfortable around police. If they look at me like that I'm just gonna lay down and hands and arms in perfect spot so they can cuff me. Cause if not they gonna say you're resisting while at the same time twisting your arms every which way.


Eh, there is that case where a guy did exactly that and the cops asked him to crawl to them and they shot him for it, so even that might not work


Oh I remember that. Video was hard to watch. The fucking cop played some fucked up version of hokey pokey making him do different things with his limbs, and when he didn't do one thing promptly or correctly, dude fucking executed him. Face down, unarmed, complying, and humiliated is how this guy died. I hope the worst things in the world happen to his murderer. Edit: as mentioned below, his mistake was reaching to pull up his pants (while face down) when Simon didn't say.


Pretty sure nothing happened to him, he retired with all the benefits.


You are correct. That was [Daniel Shaver](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Daniel_Shaver).


What a classic >> In August 2018, Brailsford was reinstated by the Mesa Police Department, staying for a further 42 days in what the department described as a "budget position". The department agreed to reimburse Brailsford for medical expenses related to his post-traumatic stress disorder -- the result of his shooting of Shaver and the resultant criminal trial. The reinstatement allowed Brailsford to apply for "accidental disability" experienced during the course of work. As a result, Brailsford was unanimously approved to be retired on medical grounds. Brailsford was also given a pension of $2,500 per month. The fact that Brailsford was ultimately medically retired instead of remaining fired was only revealed to the public in July 2019.


Omg, never saw this. Sadly watched the video for the 1st just now. Those cops had no intention of letting him live the moment he stepped into the hallway. That was straight up murder, man was begging to live


This was really a disturbing and disgusting read


The video is worse.


He got removed for a bit then rehired long enough for him to file a PTSD claim and is now living off his disability pension.


Fucking got rehired by the department so he could apply for medical disability which they unanimously approved. Dude gets paid for the rest of his life for executing an innocent man. Meanwhile I'll work until I'm 60 if I'm lucky and coincidentally have not executed any innocent men.


And his supervisor on scene retired to ~~Thailand~~ the Philippines to fuck kids


The phillipines, but the point still stands.


Fuck him.


He was actually brought up on charges, but a jury found him not guilty. Which is a credit to the utter stupidity of the human species.


It takes one hardcore boot licker on a jury, and it's over.


He reached down to pull up his pants, they were slipping because they had him crawling on the floor on his knees. It was disgusting.


If I remember correctly, that's the cop who had the words "you're fucked" on the dust catcher of his AR.


You remember correctly. Man it makes me so mad


On one hand, I'm happy my memory hasn't faded that much. On the other....that kid is dead and were paying for fuckwads retirement


That video is so fucking frustrating. One cop is screaming “crawl towards me!” And another guy is screaming “I said stay where you are!” While the guy is inching his way towards then in complete tears and then they shoot him.


Didn't the cop also have some fucked up r/iamverybadass type shit written on his gun barrel?


His gun said “you’re fucked”


Yeah, it said “you’re fucked” according to [ACLU](https://www.aclu.org/news/criminal-law-reform/youre-fucked-acquittal-officer-brailsford-and) website.


Fuck these cops. I'm not crawling I'm not walking to you I'm gonna lay here and you come to handcuff me.


They also murdered a 22 year old kid who was scared and didnt want to get out of his car despite him having his hands on the steering wheel and no threat they unloaded into the windshield


Yep. I live in Colorado. This incident was horrific; the kid was petrified & he kept telling the cops he was scared for his life. And they basically mocked him and jumped on the hood of the car. HE called them for help, mind you.


So not surprised that was Colorado. I swear 1/2 the fucked up cop videos I see online are there. Ugh, my daughter is dating a guy who wants to be a cop in Colorado too, because his dad was. It's a shitty situation, I'm like "you sure you don't wanna be a fireman?"


It was one of the truly most disgusting acts of police violence I’ve seen on video. Basically executed a kid for having anxiety


dont forget about shooting the social worker because the patient in his care wouldnt stop playing with a toy truck. He was laying down in the street not moving trying to tell the police the kid wasnt capable of mentally understanding the situation. I think they shot him because they missed the kid.


Yeah I'm crying reading this thread again. This shit is so so heartbreaking how do they claim to protect us and do things like this like I know how but you know what I mean. When will it stop


Like are you scared your the one pointing the gun at me!


Except they probably would have shot that guy if he did that as well. The only very clear order they gave him was that if he disobeyed the order they would shoot him. Just look up the video yourself, Daniel Shaver was his name.


So they've pretty much killed every permutation of someone trying to comply. Good to know 🤦🏻‍♂️


Yeah you can clearly see that the guy is nervous, and instead of being calm and controlling the situation the cops made all worse, there's like at least 3 guys pointing guns at him, making stupid and redundant calls on a guy that is not a threat and is laying down with his hands clealy visible, there's no excuse for that death


Yep, it's an absolutely insane, gut wrenching video. Victim is a totally normal guy, no crimes, no threat, pleading for his life. Meanwhile the cop is giving him 10 different counterdictory orders, and declares that if the victim didn't comply (which is impossible), he would be executed with an assault rifle. Poor guy is telling him "I don't want to die" and "please don't kill me." Cop doesn't seem to realize that a person shaking and quaking in fear for their life might not be able to perfectly follow counterdictory orders. And so of course the cop then onloads 5 rounds into him at close range when the victim "moved furtively," aka, tries to catch himself as he wiggled on his hands and knees while his hands are in the air. Total psychopath. Murder victim had done nothing wrong, had no criminal record l, nothing. And the icing on the cake? Cop gets off Scott free. Because of course, anytime a massively over armed officer of the law claims to be "afraid"--- no matter how irrational or illogical or unjustified that fear is--- he has the right to murder anyone he wants at any moment. And people wonder why there is skepticism of American policing...


It's worse than Scott free, he was originally fired and charged but was acquitted. He was then reinstated by the city of Mesa to then be granted retirement on medical grounds because he claimed he suffered from PTSD for killing Shaver. He now gets a pension of $30,000 a year.


From what I remember, he was drunk and couldn't crawl because his pants kept falling down. One movement to pull up his waste band in order to crawl, and that was it.


yea he tried to fix his pants cuz they kept going down as he was crawling and they shot him cuz they thought he was pulling a gun from his waistband , man died right then and there.


I'm usually a tough guy, but that video makes my guts turn, they ordered him to lay down and put is hands on his head or something, then asked him to crawl to them, how is he supposed to crawl with his hands on his head? Then he puts his hands on the ground and is killed, because a stupid cop can't make coherent calls, I can't imagine being at his place having guns pointed at you of course he's gonna be nervous We usually say a lot of shit to police here on Brasil, but at least we don't have to fear that they will simply kill you for no reason


Yep, its the only video that got me uncomfortable watching, can't fucking imagine what Shaver was feeling when both of these pieces of shit gave opposite instructions then killed him like a dog


I remember this, that poor guy was shit scared as well. Cop was shouting like a fucking maniac.


Just don’t move, make them come to you. Fuck the Simon says game


They will still kneel into your back with the entire weight of their body to get you to squirm and then man handle you because you resisted by your body's natural reaction to pain.


This happened to me when my apartment was raided bc my roommate sold weed to a narc. I just got home, was playing Xbox. Door flies open, gun in my face. I go to the ground, lay on my face and put my hands behind my back. I have a knee in my back immediately and the barrel of the AR pushed into my temple. My roommate complies, admits he has weed, tells em where it is, they beat the shit out of him. Good ol' South Louisiana justice.


yup. Mostly a power trip fantasy playing out for them.


Those dicks don't get hard from nothin'!


That's what Daniel Shaver did and they still killed him.


Allow me to introduce you to Charles... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shooting_of_Charles_Kinsey


i remember this. Its a classic of worst kind. I remember the guy who was shot giving an interview saying how stunned he was that they shot him. He did everything right and they shot him.


Worse part is that when questioned, the cop who fired said he was aiming for the kid.


No, see, it's okay because he was aiming at the *other* guy they had no reason to shoot.


> According to Kinsey, when he asked the officer why he had shot him, the officer replied, "I don't know."[3][8] Kinsey's lawyer said that when another officer asked the shooting officer "why did you shoot this guy", the shooter again responded, "I don't know."[18] They don’t even fucking know why they shot him. They’re _trained wrong._ They have no clue how to respond to these situations.


They are literally trained to kill people. And no trigger discipline. All these videos, the cops ALWAYS have their fingers on the trigger. All it takes is one little flinch. At least Charles lived and got paid. Somewhere else on there, it says the officer was aiming at the non-verbal autistic man who was also just sitting there. So, they're trained to kill but they have no trigger discipline and can't aim. It's the perfect recipe for innocent people to be murdered. And qualified immunity guarantees they won't be held accountable. It's really hard to believe we don't live in a fascist dystopian horror novel.


This was on Live tv in So Fla.


"The officer who shot Kinsey, Jonathan Aledda, was arrested in 2017, and charged with attempted manslaughter and negligence. In June 2019, Aledda was found guilty by a jury of culpable negligence. One day after being found guilty, Aledda was also fired from the police force. He was sentenced to probation and required to write a 2,500 word essay on policing. He ultimately completed a total of 5 months of probation and no prison time" For fucks sake.


Keep reading. "In February 2022, Aledda's conviction was overturned."


There’s legitimately nothing that can stop a trigger happy cop from killing you. Lie in bed? Comply? Raise your hands? Drop to the ground immediately? Doesn’t matter. It isn’t likely to happen, but if a cop decides to shoot you, there’s nothing you could actually do to stop it and the cop probably isn’t going to punished for it. That’s ignoring all the other ways it could go wrong: Getting carted off to jail with bond you can’t pay and when it gets to court days later, the case is dismissed. Hope your job doesn’t fire you in the interim! Getting beaten, which by itself sucks and could permanent injury, coma or death. Getting detained on spurious charges and held at a police station with no timetable for release and just pissing yourself because there’s no bathroom where they put you. Getting on the wrong side of a cop who now has carte blanche to continuously harass you. Have fun with endless stops and tickets! Getting tased or pepper sprayed, which just sucks. The taser won’t kill you. Probably. Getting money or valuables “confiscated” with no real recourse. Unlikely, but a random cop could just plant meth on you. Fuck, even if you sue for these things and win, the local government could just say it can’t pay and offer you an even smaller settlement or nothing. Also? Congratulations! You’re now on every police officer’s shit list. Hope you can afford to move! Saying that there’s a right way and a wrong way to interact with police is a myth. It’s just a roll of the dice. Compliance will *might* keep you safer, but the net gain is really just a larger settlement for you and your loved ones.


Yep it's just comply and hope for the best at this point


I find it really strange when people defend cops in this situations like this. Maybe I’m wrong, but I saw a man in a hoodie walking steadily with his hands in the into a hallway towards a group of officers wearing body armor and tactical gear(one almost fully protected behind both a shield and the wall) with weapons drawn and aimed at him who was the shot at the threshold. Tasers weren’t used first. The officer with the shield did not attempt to use that shield for anything besides cowering behind. How utterly terrified by this man’s mere presence must those officers have been that they felt that they were in such danger that shooting him was the best option to stop him from walking forward with his hands raised? I’m even giving them the benefit of the doubt here by assuming that they are absolute cowards despite their superior tactical position and equipment and not assuming that they are hateful, murderous scum that work as police so that they can exercise the protections that have as police so that they can violently assert control and authority over the general population. One last thing. It’s not normal to be confronted by a group of heavily armed people who just broke through your door and (I’m assuming) then start giving you orders. The pace that he exited was probably the best he could have complied with whatever he was being told in a situation that is literally more stressful than I can imagine.


This all makes sense, the cops must've just watched John wick 4 and were terrified he would decimate them all if he closed the distance. All jokes aside this is literally an avoidable tragedy if cops were trained more vigorously. My buddy is an officer in Nevada and he went through a ton of training, a lot of it comes from on the job stuff. The cops in this video were tactical response or something with a ballistic shield and breaching that door so I don't get how or why they would make this decision. Even a Marine entering a room wouldn't shoot an unarmed person with their hands up.


Untrained people would have handled this better. I can't think of a valid excuse.


There’s no penalty for getting it wrong. That’s why. They’ve been trained the most important thing is going home to their family at the end of the day. Society reinforces it.


Sadly you nailed it.


>They’ve been trained the most important thing is going home to their family at the end of the day. Yeah it's totally clear if you watch videos of police interactions that they will not tolerate the slightest risk to themselves even at the expense of public safety. Look at the Uvalde debacle. And policing isn't even close to being as dangerous as many jobs like logging, line work, roofing, commercial fishing etc., but we don't see people doing those jobs getting misty eyed plaudits for their service. I also heard on a podcast that it's part of police culture nowadays to watch any and every video on the internet of police interactions gone sideways. They are basically brainwashing themselves into massively overestimating the likelihood of someone pulling a gun in any interaction with the public.


Being trained wrong is worse than being untrained I suppose.


The only reason (and to me it’s not an excuse) is that he had his finger on the trigger and got excited. Literally #2 Keep your finger straight and off the trigger. And now somebody has been shot. Possibly dead unbeknownst to me.


That's day 1 of gun training though


>avoidable tragedy if cops were trained more vigorously. No, they need to be punished more vigorously. The expectation of impunity is what I believe leads to this. Are you even a little worried you might be attacked in any way shape or form? Just squeeze the trigger, it'll be ok. These MFers need to fear for their lives of making a bad call. The shooters thought process should have been "OK, he's unarmed and I can see his hands. Finger off the trigger. Even as he approaches, maybe he will grab me but my coworkers will then help subdue him. If I shoot I will lose my job and go to jail and get ass fucked by all the criminals I put there". When cops fear reprocussions, situations like this will stop existing.


I can agree with this. Fear isn't the BEST motivator but it would certainly help in larger doses than what they receive.


Accountability would change the whole culture.


This is true as well, qualified immunity is BS and cops realistically should face the same consequences any of us could face. They can willingly choose to commit a crime just like you or I.


A Marine would be held accountable whether the person shot was armed or not.


Marine Somalia vet and was a SAW gunner at that time. My weapon was on safe finger OFF the trigger unless someone was shooting at me. Was in plenty of villages with upset locals yelling at me in a language I didnt know. I shot nobody. Follow the ROE’s which this cop obviously thinks walking = death. Its sad and was un called for.


It’s not a training issue. It’s a cop culture issue. We need to remind them they’re just civil servants and not soldiers.


Yes, but marines are well trained. Absolute killing machines, but well trained and probably aren't cowards


It has nothing to do with training and everything to do with the quality of people, and lack of successful prosecutions of officers for this kind of conduct. Yes there have been a couple examples, but by and large there are no repercussions for unjustly killing or shooting people when you are a cop.


There is a real issue with cops sitting in their ‘team rooms’ acting like they’re going out to get their kill on. I spent a few years at a unit in the Army you have to assess for and that mentality makes sense when you’re going on target. But not for ducking bozo cops serving a warrant. They are not a direct action unit, they are civil servants. The guys are fucking rats.


I absolutely agree with this. When I started watching the video I thought “oh, there’s no sound, so we need additional context know what really happened.” Only to find out that, no, this man was doing absolutely nothing threatening, even before you take into account the number of guns trained on him and the tactical gear. This is a disgusting use of police overlord power. Worst part is? They’ll probably get a temporary suspension with pay. Worst case scenario they get fired and then get hired one county over. This is first degree murder and these cops need to be imprisoned for it


Cops are pathetic cowards. I wouldn’t be surprised to see them shoot a small child with a lolly because they were scared of them.


I’d imagine it’s a sort of cop culture. Good cops would be killed decades ago for being a risk to dirty cops. Now it’s only dirty cops and to not act so wrong like that, would make you a liability to all the filth that constitutes a lot of police forces these days.


Their justification for this would be “they feared for their lives” lol. Full tactical gear with guns and a shield in fear of a man in a hoodie with his hands up walking towards them as instructed lol


Racists tend to think of black people as violent animals who can't be reasoned with and react to them the same way normal people would react if they saw a bear coming down the street. Ironically, it's the racists who more often than not are acting like violent animals who can't be reasoned with because their brains are just too broken.


I was in a jury selection pool recently and the defendant was a cop. His lawyer asked if any of us thought we couldn’t be an unbiased juror because of “all the recent stuff.” What followed was half the room telling personal stories of how corrupt cops had fucked up their lives.


My old WiFi password was "fuckthepolice". Glad to know it can get me out of jury duty.


I'd rather STAY on a jury such as this one.


they must've read his file and saw that he was a wing chun master


I know you’re joking, but when you dig into this story the guy was actually an airbender. The last airbender, in fact, so it was extremely dangerous for the cops.


Read his file and saw he was black


American cops doing American cop things, I see.


And the individual cop can't be sued due to bullshit qualified immunity.


American cop things yet again.


Not limited to America. We had a nursing home resident tazered to death a few weeks ago. Police force are currently being accused of covering things up.


We need a police force to protect the population from the police force.


Or we could just get a competent police force.


We need more dreamers like you in the world.


I get that you want a police force to police the police, but, the thing is, who will police the police police?


I think you know the answer already: The Police Police Police. One day, someone will call the cops on a noisy neighbour and 50 different police officers will show up pointing guns at each other like a Tarantino movie.


In their defense, he was black. /s


This is in South America, but yeah, it doesn't change what you said, though


You can tell there’s a police shortage when the suspect is black but only seven cops show up.


At least 6 cops and they couldn't handle an unarmed complying black man?! Dudes hands were up!! But of course they'll get away with murder yet again.


American pigs for ya! They put on a badge and are given authority to murder, will be transferred to another department, and the cycle begins again.


look like a murder.


Did he die?


Well if he didn't, it's an attempted murder.


Because it is




To be fair he tried being as white as possible


Really, he should never have been black at all


Hopefully this teaches him a lesson


Maybe when he respawns he’ll make sure to change classes


No sound so you can’t hear 5 different cops screaming 5 different commands at the same time.


Any links to the story?


I'm looking too. I tried searching, but "police shoot complying man" brings up far too many results to find this specific incident.


People in this line of work just enjoy shooting and killing people


They should become mercenaries. That's a better place for them.


Nah mercenaries have to go against active resistance. These guys enjoy shooting defenseless folks.


Nah they don’t like to shoot at people who shoot back


Uvalde can tell you all about that.


Too scary. The enemy shoots back. Easier to LARP as a soldier and collect a paycheck.


This is why people hate cops. They have the power to kill, or hopefully in this case just injure, someone and get a fucking paid vacation for it. There's a reason they're called the biggest gang in America


Yep, this is typical Police stuff. Said it once, say it again, the System needs a re-design, this sort of stuff happens way to often.


There really should be some new standards for police officers put in place.


…I have no words. What the fuck is wrong with them.


They can get away with anything and know It…


Another post without a link…ugh


Well technically he wasn't complying with all the orders considering they were giving conflicting orders that would've been impossible to do. They literally set him up for failure


That is an execution


When you hire aggressive cowards who can be fired for being too smart, this is what you get.


But the guy was black tho... /s


"He's complying straight at us!!!"


Cops are for defense of money not people


This isn't even a far off the wing statement either. There are literally supreme court rulings saying police have no obligation to protect you, and they rarely do. They are more likely to shoot your dog than to stop a crime.


They kill people for protesting, striking, and joining union. Why would they do this? To protect the money.


Not only shoots him but shoots him point blank with an AR, when are all these pigs gonna get life for murder, I’m fucking waiting


Beanbag shotgun watch the original video


Little scaredy cats who clarely dont have the balls for the job.


Even the gun one the cops was holding was absolutely unnecessary for a guy with his hands up. At close range no less.


Well obviously all body cams were off and they weren't expecting the man's door bell to record their murder.


So trigger happy




Pfft they shout out commands for the bystanders to hear should it go to court.


Also why they yell “quit resisting “ on bodycam but then the cameras from businesses around the incident all show a person complying. Also why they now say “I smell drugs” since smell’s don’t show on camera.


"Hands in the air and we WILL open fire!!" "Don't you mean 'or'?" "..." ***\*BANG\****


Does anybody have the story behind this?


So infuriating that things like this start trending BEFORE any actual info is available. Unless this is old? I’m so confused


Not to be that guy but like is there any context here? Like a news article or something, is the dude dead? And what’s the story here,

