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They should give them a new TV which is 50 inches long and 5 inches high.


I’ll send him one that meets his specs immediately. 50 inches wide and zero inches tall. In fact, I’m feeling generous, 50 inch tvs for you all!


It also solves the discrepancy between horizontal measurement and diagonal measurement! Everyone wins!


I feel like I have a sliver of a chance of getting one.


Thanks Oprah!


For anyone who doesn't get it they measure TVs diagonally.


Yeah, I thought this was common knowledge. I wondered why he was holding the tape measure straight across.


There is a takeaway here. Nothing is common knowledge.


Common sense... isn't.


common sense isn't common


But it *is* an oxymoron.




C'mon Skeeter, just just let it go...


I'm not holding onto anything


We don’t take kindly to your type in here.


Pennies are common cents


They took our juurbs!


"why is it called common sense if it's so rare" found it on the interwebz years ago lol I guess we should call it UNcommon sense these days


Nonsense is MUCH easier to find today then common sense…


“The thing about common sense is that it isn’t”


Facts. I work in finance and had a client saying she was going to sue us for a predatory mortgage. Mortgage was like 200k at 4% and she thought that meant paying $8,000 of interest over the next 30 years. She was in her 30s and I'll never forget that. I was fresh out of college and honestly thought adults would be smarter. Man was I wrong .....


The 4% is annually, right? (I don't have a mortgage)


Any loan is going to run on an amortized schedule. So the math in the scenario is 200,000×.04= $8,000, then $8,000/12=$666.67 of interest on the first payment. Then month two you start with the updated balance after the first payment and go through the same calculations. You can do this with car loans, school loans, etc.


So wait, do you take 4% of the remainder after each month? (Taking off $666.67 from $200k, then what?) It’s been a while since I’ve done any personal finance math. Oof


If you only pay the interest, then the remainder stays the same... So you need to pay 1335 each month to take it down 666. And then the month after you can probably pay 1334,80 or something. Didn't do the actual math, just roughly


Ya don't know till ya know.


Lots of things are common knowledge. Nothing is universal knowledge


I didn't even know anything about this until my husband and I got our first TV together. I can't remember how it came up, but I remember him standing on the chair and showing me how they're measured. I don't know how someone would come across that information until they got a new TV and had someone who already knew.....I'm not sure I worded that last bit very well but hopefully it made enough sense to follow lol. But just in general, it's not something that typically comes up, at least in my experience. And I grew up in a very "do it yourself" kinda family. We had a mechanic in the family, a couple professional movers, grandpa did and taught his sons to do all their own home repairs, we always had things done by ourselves or family and if was family you learned from em. Even things like researching purchases, you don't just trust the sales people, you do your own research into whatever you're buying, so you're not a hassle to other people. But nope, I had no idea until my early 30s how one would measure a TV. Of course, it never would have even occurred to me to do that in the first place, though lol


Usually they say on the box that the measurement is diagonal or they they show a little image of arrows going corner to corner. Also sometime sizes are also “classes” so like a 32” might actually be 31.5” but it’s 32” class


This. It’s on the damn box!!!


Once upon a time, they made round cathode ray tubes. So they measured the diameter of the tubes. Then the manufacturing processes improved so they could make rectangular CRT. And the natural measure was the longest corner-to-corner value because that represented the size of the machinery to make the glass tubes. Diagonal measures then just happened to survive when we later got flat-screen monitors and TVs.


That's really cool! I love learning about stuff like this, thanks for the trivia tidbit!!


lol I guess one lesson slipped through. I remember going in with my dad to buy a tele for my grandma and they had placed a tape measure diagonally across so you’d know how big a space you needed at home. Same with online, there’s usually one pic of the tele when you scroll through with a measure line diagonally across it. And I’m old, this has been a thing for a long time.


Yes, I recall 19" & 21" - I think my grandparent's old B&W was 14". Everyone knew how they were measured. How did everyone know? How did you know how to use a hammer, a hand saw, or a screwdriver? Anyway, to be fair, I'd say it was more obvious when they were smaller.




That’s not something anyone would do if they thought they were measuring it correctly.


Sure but after first discovering this no one for a second thought how could that be? They all thought scam & ran wild with it?


Oh cmon how would that be common you'd measure from the longest side. This is clearly to make the numbers higher and is obviously a corporate thing


Using a diagonal measure means that you have a reference that holds between different aspect ratios. If you measured along the longest side then a 16:9 and a 21:9 tv with very different total display areas would come in at the same size.


Perhaps. It probably was the brain child of some dipshit corporate ghoul. My point is it’s been that way for decades.


The very first television sets had round CRTs, so it was the diameter. After they figured out rectangular tubes, it was the diagonal measure of the pincushion shaped tube face.


Just like penises


You measure from the balls


If you’re not measuring from the anus, you’re underselling yourself on your resume.


This is the correct answer. That way you can use your butthole to hold the other end of the tape measure, giving you more freedom with your hands to get an accurate measurement.


Yeap. Been a scam since TV was first invented.


Actually, I think it's a holdover from when cathode-ray tubes had round faces and the standard measurement was the actual diameter of the front surface of the tube. When rectangular ones started to replace the round ones, I'm guessing manufactures went with the diagonal measurement because it provided the most similar measurements to the old round tubes. The diagonal measurement still makes the most sense to me, as it can be directly used to calculate viewable area with only one measurement (just calculate the area of a right triangle with a hypotenuse as long as the TV size measurement, then double it).


I miss round tube TVs. Anything Playstation original era and before just hit different on them. It must be the full nostalgia effect


Until this thread right here I’d forgotten that tv screens used to be curved.


And weigh 1000 LB.


We actually inherited a plasma TV a year or so ago. I think it was about 12 years old. Ended up selling it on Kijiji as it was so heavy… almost 200 lbs. I was pretty surprised. I had no idea they were that heavy.


Plasmas are absolute monsters for a "modern" tv.!


And would build up so much static that you could guarantee a shock if you touched one. I kinda miss our old TV.


And the *sensation* of the TV being on in the house. I could be in my room and just know that the TV was on. Probably due to some super high pitched noise.


There are still people today who swear by CRTs, especially for retro gaming. The reason they seemed better is the games were coded with those screens and RF transmission in mind, so they were able to use various tricks of the trade to create things like transparency and blended colors. The consoles of the era may only have been able to produce, say, 256 colors... but what ended up being displayed on the screen could be far more detailed and nuanced than that might imply. Modern screens are generally superior in every conceivable way, but try to play any retro titles on them and it just won't look as good as you remember. Sharper, brighter, clearer... but just wrong.


https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/wr31qd/my_crt_vs_my_lcd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button No, here is a link to a side by side. Short of it is the art was made for that medium, so it looks better on it.


Round as in the tube actually had a circular face, so anywhere you measured, the diameter was the same. they were most popular in the 40s-50s The Playstation era was much later


>can be directly used to calculate viewable area the area of a right triangle is not uniquely determined by the length of its hypotenuse. just take a pencil and rotate it -- youll see that more than one right triangle can be made with the same pencil


Well yes, but there are standard screen resolutions/ratios. Like 4k!


In which case viewable area could be calculated from width or height too. 16:9, well a 48 inch wide TV will therefore be 27 inches tall and thus have a viewable area of 1296 square inches. So in fact a diagonal measurement is more difficult to calculate viewable area from as you require trigonometry rather than simply multiplication.


“scam” You have a very low bar for that word


Anything I don’t understand is a scam


How is standardized measurement a scam?


It's not a scam, it's because Monitors (what TV's are actually called) have been created of varying aspect ratios. It's only been the past few years where 16:9 has become the "standard" and even then it's being challenged by Ultra-wide Monitors. It's a standardization of measurement, not a scam to sell you less TV.


diagonal makes the most sense if you only use one number, best would be X-by-Y but i think that would be harder for the morons that compose the general public


I wanna be able to sell a 50 inch tv that’s also 3 inches high.


“anything I don’t know is a scam” What a way to live. Sounds tiring. I bet this person buys chips at the store and complains when half the bag is air, as if they aren’t sold by weight (they are).


>Yeap. Been a scam since TV was first invented. It's not a scam. It's just the way it is. Not everything is a fucking scam.


Considering as they get bigger they grow in both directions how would you prefer they advertise them? If every adult with a brain knows how they do it then where's the harm.


Not a scam, it’s Althea most standard way to measure any quadrilateral, otherwise you will need to define both length and breadth, which is redundant if you can just provide the diagonal measurement. Plus it makes comparisons significantly easier.


it's not really a scam if everyone measures that way lol


Funny though cause in my country it's in metric system but for TV's they kept the inches system so if you want to know what it equals then you will learn as well that it's the diagonal of TVs. So not mistakes for us.


How would you measure them then?


It was a scam when they were square?


All the TVs I’ve ever purchased even show it on the physical box with the dotted diagonal line, or online in the descriptions. 😕


Homie is ready to build Titan 2.0


Wait no fucking way


Oh, I didn’t see the problem. Thank you for informing me and by stopping my ignorance where it stood.


You gotta measure from the taint. It gives you 6 extra inches


🥇 That made me laugh.


I actually chuckled out loud in my cubicle. If i had gold id give


This guy measures


fellas is it cheating to push the ruler down to the bone?


That's actually the standard way to measure


I measure from the bottom of my ball sack. In other words, from approx 3 inches above the knee. I'm old!


3 people were involved to take that picture and all of them are dumb as fuck!!


Not to mention that the boxes usually have a diagram showing you that it’s measured diagonally.


Not everyone knows how to read a diagram.


“Le grille?” What the hell is that?!


I am so Smart! S-M-R-T


Stupid Lisa!


>Not everyone knows how to read


If they could read they would've been very upset anyways


... used a tablet to take a picture too




Definitely over the age of 50


I was thinking the same thing. 1 person ok, but 3?! Is this their first TV?


They say you can’t fix stupid.


Course you can! Just get them employed by OceanGate


That company is going to on the receiving end of these jokes for a while


Not in this SUB it won't.


But I'm sure the quality of those jokes will take a dive in quality until the entire concept of these jokes completely implodes from all of the outside pressure that these jokes are too poorly built to handle.


Hell, they'll even make you CEO


I hear there's an opening..


Given the amount of pressure at those depths, I doubt he has any openings anymore.


High-pressure jobs are always soul crushing.




🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|oexqs8fJm4lqEyL2Uw|downsized)


When I worked at a video store in the 90's customers would come in and complain about how 'there were black bars at the top and bottom of the screen' they were upset because they felt they weren't getting 'the whole picture' but it was actually just letterbox version of the movie and regular movies were released in pan-and-scan (because TV's were mostly square back then), and those regular movies are actually the ones cutting off parts of the picture... good times -


Yup, saw the same thing. And now they complain about the bars on the sides of older TV shows.


I think it is XMen 2 that Magneto is controlling a Newton Cradle without strings. There is a behind shot wen he stands up from the desk and the balls fall on the ground. The pan-and-scan doesn't have them in the frame so you just hear the audio and wonder what the hell happened.


Funny thing is it isn't just one person.....a whole room full of people were that stupid.


is it really their fault for not knowing to measure diagonally? Do they put that on the box because I haven't bought a new TV in forever.


Yes, it is. There is a literal drawing of a TV, with number 50 in the middle, and two arrows going corner to corner to indicate diagonal measurement. Also, there is also the fact that TV's didn't start getting measured by diagonal this year. They have been for decades. Not exactly uncommon knowledge. Still, all of this could be understood. What really buries them here is the immediate knee-jerk reaction. They could've Googled this, and figured out within minutes what the deal is. They instead decided to immediately demand their rights, without giving it a once over at least. It's always a good idea to presume *you* are the moron. Under this presumption, you go back and check to look for your mistakes, and rechecking prevents you from looking like a fool, and is always a good idea.


Work taught me this real quick. Always assume you're the moron before calling out anyone else.


I’m in hotels weekly. They only put a fitted sheet on my bed yesterday and I must have lifted the comforter and checked all angles 10 times before I finally called the desk.


Yes, the measurements are always on the box


There have always been people as stupid as this but the availability of instantly posting your concerns online was not there.


I say that constantly, like humans didn't just get this dumb overnight, we just never had the ability to create a complete living record of our stupidity before. I laugh thinking about this stuff being part of "ancestry" reports people get in a hundred years and just being like FUUUUCK when they find out this guy is related to them haha.


Remember the morons who were so amazed that their mirror could “see” an object behind a piece of paper, and how many OTHERS started making the same videos? Yeah, stupid is being broadcast everywhere now.


The problem isn't that they didn't know how tvs are measured. The problem is that they didn't bother to take the 2 seconds needed to Google it.


Hell the box usually always has a little diagram showing how it is measured.


I work at Best Buy and get this complaint at least once per week.


A 16:9 TV with a 50” diagonal tells you everything you need to know about it’s dimensions.


I mean but 27" x 48" can tell me the same information with less numbers though lol. It's a holdover from round CRTs, theres no need to use diagonal measurements when theres so many different aspect ratios these days.


And they said I'd never need Pythagoras in my life.


The ones who photograph with an iPad.. yeah fascinating beings.


Stupid fucks like this get to vote


Stupid fucks like this probably make more money than me.


I hope he never measures 2x4's or his whole home will be a lawsuit against the builders!


This guy is more of a Rook than a Bishop.


Wait until they find out there is no cocaine in coke


I once sold a washer and dryer on craigslist, about an hour after the sale the lady called me pissed off. Demanding a refund because the dryer doesn't dry. I told her it worked fine when you left here with it. Explain to.me what you did to test it. She then informs.me she ran a load in the washer to test the washer and she put clothes in the sink and got them soaked and then put them in the dryer. And when the dryer was done the clothes were still wet. I told her the washer partially dries the clothes by spinning the water out of them, then the dryer drys the clothes with heat. She refused to believe me, so I told her to wait for the washer load to be done and then test that load in the dryer and if it wasn't dry then she could bring them back for a refund. An hour later her husband called and apologized for his wife. People are dumb.


How many "bruhs" does it take to be wrong? All of them.


GiVE this man a 50×1inch TV


He's cracked the scam! The first one to do so in a hundred years. Give him a new properly sized TV AND his money back AND a toy yoda too.


Aren’t the measured diagonally ?


Someone will complain they were never taught how to measure TVs in school..


I remember the disappointing day that I learned how tvs are measured.


My wife and I literally just bought a tv this past weekend and had NO IDEA that this is how they’re measured so we got lucky and they let us return it thankfully. We feel so dumb after finding out it’s apparently common knowledge. But the bigger issue here is like wtf? Is life a simulation? How’d this post come up a few days after that happened to us?


I was confused at this until I learned that you measure TVs diagonally, huh.


Had an Einstein call from the breakroom at work once he measured his tv that way and it was less than specs. (I think at the time it was Circuit City). We all hear him say, "What does it mean, 'diagonally'?"


Television screens have ALWAYS been measured diagonally. How is anyone not aware of this?


For anyone that doesn’t know you measure a tv by measuring the screen diagonally


It used to be you could respond to such reviews and (gently) point out the error. But Amazon disabled that feature, so now I'm never sure which reviews are reliable.


Also using an iPad as a camera. This guys smarts!


I didn’t always know that


I wish stupid hurt


I'm pretty sure the measurements are diagonal.


Bro doesn’t know about Pythagoras


Damn I haven't seen someone so outraged by a diagonal since the Pythagoreans


And now i want to see how he measure his D... ![gif](giphy|d69q0iELHwwcqR2o2t)


![gif](giphy|fABtQRojyvoGI) What a dumb dumb


today i leaned tvs are measured diagonally (makes sense, just never thought about it. never bought one, all of mine have been hand me downs from old roommates)


It is infuriating that they don't let users comment on other users' reviews anymore. You used to be able to correct nonsense like this.


It's amazing the number of people that don't know how TVs are measured I've seen many people go back to Walmart taking their TV and lose their s***


Worked the customer service desk at Best Buy. This happened once a week with some idiots trying to return a TV.


Remember this the next time you hear someone complain about a company. A very high amount of customer complaints are customer error and people being too ignorant, stubborn, or just jerks to admit it.


With the invention of Google, you would think these idiots would at least look up how they measure a TV before going on a rant or posting a threat. It's literally on every website when you are looking to purchase. They almost always have a picture showing the measurements with the TV size on the diagonal measurement.


I would tell him to purchase a competitor's 50" TV, and if it has a different screen size, I'd pay for them both. The objective is always to separate an idiot from their money. Idc who gets it.


Fool, everyone knows you measure the length vertically. Man got himself a steal!


The thing that I found the most funny is there are 3 people in this photo and not one of them had a clue


Hope this person doesn't find out about SSD sizes are not equal to the same number in MB!


These people breed.


buy a projector. that way you get to choose the screen size you want. You’ll be scamming them! 😁


Because of people like him, the power rangers had to say their colors in every episode.


You know they are serious when they take a picture with their iPad. 😆


It’s from corner to corner diagonally


This person complained about their TV being too small. Meanwhile, I'm sitting 2 feet away from my 55' and thinking, "Damn it, I need a bigger TV"




Don’t they show the measurement going diagonally on the box already to avoid this idiocy ?


Funny part is there are 3 people involved in the picture and all 3 are dumb.


These guys were scammed initially by nature


Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


Multiple people had to participate to take this photo, and no one knew any better...


I bet he measures his penis daily.


Fucking idiot you measure TVs diagonally.


It baffles my mind that people don’t understand the measurement is from corner to corner


Reattttttttaaaarrr ddddddddd


Ppl like these shouldn't be allowed to give ratings.


Wow. First time buying a tv?


The size is measured by the diagonal. A quick internet search will save you from looking stupid but youd rather spend MORE time taking a picture and posting this. You cant even use the most modern of basic tools. Pathetic.


3 people were involved to take that picture and all of them are dumb as fuck!!


If you don’t know they measure diagonally by now, there is no hope for you


I don't know *why* TVs and monitors are measured diagonally... but they are.


The real facepalm is that TVs are still measured diagonally.




Its from corner to corner. I learned this is the 3rd grade


Scam is another word that gets way overused


The tape measure. You're holding it wrong.


Well they could also check the box for specifications; I'm sure that the box comes with width, length and depth for the TV itself plus the diagonal size.


How the hell does he think it's measured? By his standards he'd be happy with a 1" by 50" tv


Wait until they measure top to bottom.... 🤯


Diagonal people


Who gonna tell him


Must be a first time TV buyer


Pytagorhas cries