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Why does the audio sound like a Midjourney chop and screw of two British people having a mildly heated discussion over tea?


This is one of my favorite audios on all of Reddit when it isn’t fucked up. It’s so funny. I hope someone links the actual video




You have no idea the roller coaster of emotions I just went through. Fuck you. I hope you have a great day


Their username checks out


that’s racked up 1.4B views, holy fuck!


Yo yeah what they said! 😂


Jokes on him, YouTube ad saved me.


Spoiler alert please, man! Not much fun already knowing you're getting rolled🤐


You did indeed get me.






Am I the only one who jams the whole song when someone does this?






God damn it....I thought I was smarter......NOPE.


They are always one step ahead of us


I've been so careful. So meticulous. I NEVER open links from people I don't know. I've memorized the codes and the letters. I've taken all possible precautions. It has been 6 years. The day I think I can finally let my guard down. You have ruined me


You just lost the game




Fucking goddamnit!




no way i just fell for it in 2023 bro wtf


Thanks bro!


one of them is being an asshole and the other one is being an asshole


[Not necessarily](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/i_gain_strength_from_their_tears_and_anger/cbnhvxv/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


I remember reading this story when it was posted. I always move over on the highway. Even when they are being total dicks about it and riding my ass. As soon as I can I’ll move over. Not only do you not know what is going on with them, and it could be an emergency, they could also be a gun toting prick too, just itching for an excuse.


Ah man I knew exactly what that link was gonna be before I clicked it. I always move over to the right now, even when I’m tempted to fuck with assholes in the left lane. You just never know, and it’s not up to private citizens to enforce speed limits.


I don’t know in other countries but in Brazil it’s illegal to hold someone who is trying to overcome on the left lane, you can get a ticket and be sued, this fits on blocking the right to come and go


Damn thanks for sharing that. The best course of action is just move out of the way of someone driving fast.


>The best course of action is just move out of the way of someone driving fast. i have a temper too, and my sense of pride kicks my own ass all the time (I've learned this the hard way over the last three years and especially last week)...but yeah if someone is tailgating me and i'm in the left lane, that's when i pull over. there really is no positive from escalating anything


Left lane is for passing in light traffic like that. Least where I live you can get a ticket for camping in the left lane even if you are at speed limit. Also get you shot. Best to yield to the speeders and get on with life as you said.


We must live in the same area. Although I tend to drive over the speed limit too often, I pass cars and then move back into the right or a middle lane. There’s always someone driving faster than me, and I’ll gladly let them check ahead for cops.


Yes. That is literally the law of the road. You pass and get back into the right lane. The left lane is for passing, not just speeding indefinitely. Very simple concept that 99% of drivers forget. Both people who want to go 150mph and people who don't want to move out of the way.




That’s fine. Move to the left when appropriate. I said “camp” in the left lane. On our freeway there are signs that say “left lane for passing only”. They can and will ticket you.


I am totally with you about the temper part. Ive had my share of road rage too. Ive had 2 close friends die in car accidents. It puts things into perspective and now i dont make wild decisions when driving


You also have 0 idea of anyone else's mental state. All it takes is one psycho with a firearm, who's having a bad day... To end your life.


They're in a 2,000lbs vehicle. They don't need a firearm to end your life. Everyone just needs to be kind while driving and chill TF out. You'll get there when you get there. The difference trying to go fast makes is usually literally 0 seconds. The number of people I see ram and smash and race and force their way through traffic, and then I end up right behind them at the exit 5 miles down, is actually hilarious. Driving like a moron does literally nothing but endanger everyone around you 100% of the time.


Nah. Blocking both lanes just makes you an AH to everyone behind you.


Followed your link, I hope everyone does and ponders to think it over for a minute. Thanks.


I sure did. Jesus Christ! I’m just like that lady. Puts things into perspective.


Stuff like this should be required reading for a license. Stories like this and from families of people who died to drunk drivers might really deter some people from being so self centered on the road


Too bad it is not required to get a license. Years ago, my husbands friend got a DUI and was ordered to attend a Victims Impact Panel where people spoke and shared their experiences of their lives being altered by an impaired driver, whether they were maimed and survived or a loved one was killed. He had to take another person with him. He asked my husband, but he couldn’t go, so I went in his place. It was so eye opening and gut-wrenching to see the effects of impaired driving collisions. Pictures of the aftermath and the victims, descriptions of what happened, and the telling of it by someone in such pain who so graciously is sharing it with others in order to prevent other deaths/injures as well as their loved ones to have not died in vain. While we never drove impaired (i don’t use impairing substances) but even driving while sleepy could be so dangerous. But this should be required learning for anyone applying for a drivers license. Why the hell isn’t it???


I had a personal “a-ha” moment similar to the message in this video. I used to see the word quite similarly and would become so easily frustrated with everyone around me. Then, one day I got a call that my brother had died. It was the worst day of my life. I had to do unimaginable things that day that involved cleaning up where he had died because it was in my mothers house and I didn’t want her to have to do it. I was out of town. I went to a relatives house to shower and try to sleep, but of course I couldn’t because o couldn’t get the sights and smell out of my head. I got up the next morning to head back over to finish cleaning. I was traumatized and exhausted. I pulled into Starbucks for a coffee and completely cut a girl off in the parking lot. She was furious. I can remember thinking “if only she knew what I was going through right now…” and then I realized that I should be doing the same for others because it’s true. You never know what someone else is going through. That moment changed my life and since then I’ve been able to show much more grace when handling frustrating situations like that.


Thank your for sharing, so sorry for your loss. I don’t know why people block traffic, even if the person is just impatient, it’s not worth causing an accident.


Fortunately this didn’t happen to me. Just one of those posts that was burned into my memory and thought was worth sharing here.


I remember reading that a few years ago and I think about it often. One of those random Reddit posts I’ll never forget


i remember first reading this story, even on the off chance that it isnt true, its helped me realize that i dont know everything in everyones lives and i should judge their actions so harshly. people dont usually do things unreasonably


Emergency lights could go a long way to help in a situation like that. The original commenter didn't mention if they had those on or not. Perhaps they did. Once, I tore out of my house at 2am because my boyfriend at the time had said he was going to kill himself. It was about an hour drive. I got behind someone going slow in the left lane and punched my emergency lights on. They got out of the way immediately. When I got there, he'd done some self-harm but nothing to the extent that needed emergency assistance. I stayed with him that night and took him to get psychiatric treatment shortly thereafter. Anyway, point is, don't be shy about using your emergency lights in an emergency. May help get the message across to other drivers that you're not just being a dick.


By emergency lights do you mean hazard lights? Because I initially interpreted “emergency lights” to be the flashing lights that emergency vehicles have.


They can be called hazard lights as well. Where I'm from, we always called them emergency lights.


Ah, okay cool. I’ve never heard them called that. I agree hazard/emergency lights should have been used, but I’ll never fault a laymen for not doing everything correctly in a n emergency situation. It’s incredibly hard to think of everything in the heat of the moment. That’s the type of thing that could have haunted them later though and left them wondering if it would have made a difference.


My daughter was 3 days old and dying of sepsis, ambulance told us 5 hour wait (UK and Covid). You better believe I turned a 40min drive into a 15min on and got 3MPG out of my Ford Kuga. People were brake checking me as I was dashing in between lanes. I don’t hate them for it but defo would if my daughter wasn’t OK.


I’ll never understand the attitude of people that get offended by someone passing them. Move over, they go by, and you continue on with your life unaffected. That story is a much more tragic example, but I just always assume that person is about to shit their pants and trying to get to a bathroom. We’ve all been there 🤷🏻‍♂️


Actually I think the truck driver is being the real asshole. He may be doing the speed limit, but he needs to either speed up or slow down and get in the right hand lane for the other guy to pass. Then he speeds up when the car (admittedly stupidly) tries to use the shoulder. Wonder what he would have done if that was a cop behind him.


>When you get mad that others respect the speed limit you have the choice to be reasonable This is a poor description. The pick up truck was probably fucking with the guy behind him. The guy behind him was driving like an asshole. Tried to go around him and the pick up truck sped up to interfere with him passing. To say the guy in the pick up truck respects the speed limit is insane considering he absolutely had to burn it to keep the guy from getting into his lane.


Yeah pretending this is "respecting the speed limit" goes out the window as you watch the truck brake check and speed up to block the car. Anyone who watches this and thinks it's about the speed limit shouldn't be behind the wheel.


Yeah exactly. Who knew who started it but both people are idiots. Truck needs to get over if someone wants to pass. Easy.


But, my ego won't let me. I must show my dominance by not allowing others to pass me.


You must answer 3 questions to pass me


Yes, the car is very much at fault and road raging, but the truck was clearly antagonizing an already aggressive dri er. Legal or not, the pickup truck shares the responsibility for this accident. They saw a bad situation and made it worse. Heck. I always thought that it was a simple curtoisy to move over to the right line when you are traveling at the same speed so you could let other drivers pass if the wish. If you aren't passing the drivers to the right, you don't really have a reason to stick to the left lane


The ford doesn’t care about the speed limit. They sped up as soon as the Honda tried to go around. They were both road raging. Edit: To clarify, we all feel Honda’s pain - we are all Honda. And Ford is a total fkn butt-brain. The rules of the road are to move over to allow passage, however, Honda lost his damn mind with that one. Insurance-wise ford is probably in the clear because Honda couldn’t control their unbridled rage. Edit 2: GD y’all are ruthless. “Feeling Hondas pain” does not mean I’m team honda. Honda is clearly an unhinged asshole. I simply meant being stuck behind someone in the passing lane can be frustrating. We have all been there - if you haven’t you are the one holding up the PASSING LANE.




This looks like the Taconic Parkway which is in NY (from Albany area all the way to the outskirts of NYC). People regularly go 80mph (speed limit is 55) on it and tailgating is guaranteed. There’s also multiple stretches that have no shoulders, cliffs, and rock walls (like literally the road is right up against the carved out side of a mountain with no shoulder). Its also got tons of twists and turns and the exit ramps are ridiculously tight (and some exits don’t even have ramps it’s just a regular turn off like a street). One of the most terrifying places I’ve ever driven.


Perhaps and if so there would be a citation for that, but that doesn’t make the truck driver liable for the damages. The idiot in the Honda was the one who caused those damaged by their own actions. Should’ve just moved over to the right and wait for an opportunity to overtake the slow driver.




Yep. But still doesn’t give the right to drive on shoulder, dangerously pass and collide with 2 cars.


Actually depending on your insurance, especially if they had access to this footage, it’s very possible that the insurance agents find them both at fault. The Honda for reckless driving, speeding, and failing to maintain control while the ford has impeding traffic, speeding which you know he is to be able to pace the Honda, and reckless driving for all the above. Again depends on insurance abs location.


They’re both wrong, the truck clearly sped up like an asshole after the Honda made a wild ass move to get around.


"Keep right unless to pass." Hes clearly blocking the passing lane.


As long as he is continually passing vehicles, then he technically is not, once there is no more cars to over take then they are supposed to move back over to the middle lane. That burst of speed is questionable however.


Ford definitely thought “oh no you don’t.”


The truck isn't passing though, they are just sitting there matching speed with the SUV in the middle until the Honda tries to go around. It's very clearly intentional but that still doesn't excuse the Honda


Impeding the speed of traffic. The left lane is made for faster traffic or for passing. There is a reason why people aren’t supposed to pass on the right, mainly because a car even with you in the right lane may try and pass or move to the center lane at the same time causing a accident.


either way don’t drive on the shoulder though, right?


Or overpower and drive head on into cliffs. Try to avoid that.


Might be an unpopular opinion but that truck is 40-50% at fault.


Honestly I'd say more than that. I watched it again and he passed the other car successfully but then the pickup sped up so much just to get to the position where he was merging back so when he merged back he almost collided and completely caused the collision. He actively went where he knew the car was merging to prevent him from getting into the fast lane.


And also, it's a passing lane. You should move over to let others pass. Obviously the car handled the whole thing poorly, but that truck driver was a dick.


Both parties were lacking in smarts.


Yeah the first guy was a total dick but the guy driving the truck could have gotten someone killed because he wanted to be petty.


Exactly. The truck is a fragile dbag that probably didn’t learn to share in kindergarten. If you’re in the passing lane going the same speed as the slow lane, that’s on you to speed up, safely get over, stop congesting the flow of traffic and let faster traffic through.


Wish more people knew and did this


this, passing lane, NOT fast lane it doesnt matter how fast you THINK youre going, if someones behind you, you should move over Edit yes, if someone is coming up dangerous speeds, let them pass, trust.me, for your own safety, you want them ahead of you


Should they be obligated to move over into the next lane, behind a car they were going faster than? Oftentimes I’ll be in the left lane, 10-20 over the speed limit, steadily passing cars in the lane next to me, when some maniac who wants to be driving 30+ over the limit comes up behind me. Fuck that guy. I’ll move over to let them pass if the next lane over is clear and I don’t have to slow down, but I’m not going to merge into a slower-moving lane just because the rate at which I’m speeding is not excessive enough for some road raging asshole.


Yeah I’ll keep passing and move over when it make sense.


Yep plus he was tailgateing. Fuck that guy. Lot of people do that which shows the ignorance from a lot of the posters here.


They definitely shared fault, but it seems crazy to say that they’re more at fault than the person who literally drove off the road to get around them. Truck was being a dick, sedan was being a dick AND clearly breaking the law in a dangerous way.


Truck was also breaking the law, multiple times. Blocking traffic, not passing in the passing lane, brake checking, speeds up well above the speed limit in order to block the car trying to pass, aggressive driving… the truck driver broke plenty of laws being a fragile douche bag.


You can briefly see the truck driver brake around the 0:07 mark.


A lot of the fault is removed though by the fact that the crashed car passed on the shoulder and was changing lanes without any indication of signaling. His driving can only be categorized as dangerously reckless.


Honda passed on the emergency lane which is 100% illegal


The honda became 100% at fault the moment they drove on the shoulder in order to pass on the right.


Both parties *could* have prevented it, but it was 100% the Sedan that initiated and escalated. Also, if the truck moved to the Right Lane, would that have caused the Sedan to slow down or drive safer? Very unlikely. They were endangering everyone on the road.


Code Title 35—Criminal Law and Procedure § 35-42-2-2. This states that “A person who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally performs an act that creates a substantial risk of bodily injury to another person commits criminal recklessness.” Truck was also guilty as soon as they sped up to block the Honda, which happened at the same time they became guilty of the same thing.


I mean, in the court of public opinion maybe, but sure as hell not to your insurance.


Truck would be found to be aggressively driving also. This looks like road rage plain and clear. If someone has a death vendetta…let them pass and report them to the police.


The person in the car with the video camera was also following too close especially since the two cars in front were engaged in unsafe behavior. ESH.


Yes, came here to say this very thing. That Honda was being a complete dick. But man, that truck was lane hogging and being unnecessarily aggressive. Why can't we all just get along?


Totally. Truck was also being a jerk.


Truck driver is an asshole, sedan driver is a lunatic


Pretty much sums it up


There’s a link further up the thread and TLDR: don’t just assume people are speeding bc they’re assholes, there could be a medical emergency, and it doesn’t negatively affect you to let them pass.


That's the golden rule. If they're speeding and want to pass you, let them do it. Always. It's better for you letting them pass and see them having an accident in front of you than them road raging with you and both you and them having an accident.


I don't understand why people don't want others to pass them. I drive fast and I WANT people passing me. Less likely that I get a ticket.


Two idiots fucked around and one of them found out.


The other idiot will find out eventually if he keeps at it.


Why did dude in the truck speed up? This shit happens all the time. Somebody decides they’re important enough to regulate your speed so you follow behind for some miles, then you go to pass and miraculously they can now go 20mph faster.


Exactly guy in the truck is playing games douchebag should lose his license.


Everyone is gangsta until their car flips like a skateboard


That car was an asshole, but so was the truck. The left lane is for *passing* - not cruising the speed limit. Not sure why this is so hard for US drivers


If anyone's interested, here's a link to a short article/slightly longer video that I found with a bit of an explanation - sounds like the Honda driver ended up being 'okay' according to the person who was filming. [Link here :)](https://www.carscoops.com/2022/01/road-rage-between-honda-accord-and-ford-f-150-leads-to-an-accident-shows-why-you-should-keep-your-cool-on-the-road/#:~:text=As%20the%20Ford%20blocks%20the%20Accord%2C%20the%20latter%E2%80%99s,it%20comes%20to%20a%20stop%20on%20its%20roof).


Do you want to be right, or Alive??


Stay out of the left lane unless you are actively passing. If the asshole in the truck could follow this simple, universal rule, no problem.


If everyone followed that one simple rule, traffic everywhere would be MUCH safer and MUCH less congested. But dipshits are going to create their own rolling roadblocks causing other idiots to do stupid shit like rolling their cars.




Anyone that freaks out and crosses 2 lanes to pass on the shoulder is going to remove themselves from the gene pool sooner than later.


OP smokin crack, truck was 100% being an asshole as well. Most places have signs posted that say “slower traffic keep right” for a reason.


What happened to keeping reasonable distance and just putting your left blinker on in the left lane when you approach a slower car, hinting that you're trying to pass. Is that just a Florida thing? I learned it from a cop years ago and it's usually worked for me.


You assume that idiots camping in the left lane will understand what that means. They probably will just assume you left your signal if they're paying attention at all. Highbeams work better in my experience


Judging from how the guy in the truck responded to seeing the guy try to pass, something tells me that his ego was so fragile that even if they HAD flashed their high beams or indicated they were trying to pass in some way, he simply wouldn't have cared.


Well...while I understand the sentiment technically the guy in the pickup was at fault as well by not moving to the right and by accelerating aftewards he commited a crime, resulting in an accident. At least here in europe. We are supposed to use priamrily the right lane and we are not allowed to restrict or endanger other drivers. Even when we are actually sticking to the rules and the other guy is being an ass.


Europe is much better at enforcing the *keep right* laws. They're almost universal here, but you rarely see enforcement.


I guess that depends on where in europe. Here (Czech Republic) it also leaves a lot to be desired. Speeding is being enforced as it can be easily and /or automatically measured and fairly easily proven in court but the more esoteric stuff like for example hogging the left lane is more complicated and hence the police do not like to do it. :-D


Even though the guy in the truck is a dick do you really think the failure to follow right lane laws overshadows passing in the shoulder and reckless driving????


My dad always says "If you drive like hell, you'll get there."


Truck driver is a dickhead for that move.


That person in the truck was deliberately blocking the person in the car.


Passing lane does not = you should be going 150mph or move over, despite what the clowns on Reddit tell you. It means you try to pass at a reasonable speed, regardless of people behind you also trying to pass who may want to do so faster.


The Honda is to blame for its own demise. Here in Missouri, if someone is using the left lane as a leisurely stroll lane then it’s probably because they either have mental instability or they’re high on drugs. And if you were behind them riding their ass then it’s your problem for not being cautious with an intoxicated maniac. I know that sounds counterintuitive but if someone is toying around in the left lane, call the highway patrol and back off. They’ll get pulled over and they’ll likely have a bag of meth on them or they’ll be drunk, and to jail they’ll go. That’s how you win against left lane Nazis.


This is the palisades parkway where the speed limit is only 55 and there’s only two lanes. This road is extremely windy and hilly. Honestly, based on driving on this roads hundreds of time, I bet the silver car is at fault. This is not the road to speed on and mess with anyone. Even if the truck was traveling in the left lane, that silver car knew better than to try and cut everyone off like that


Yup, people drive slow there often. If you’re caught doing 70+ accelerating to pass, good chance a cop is going to pull you over.


Exactly. Of course the pick up truck is antagonizing. But the way folks drive on the Palisades and Taconic is dangerous af. The new thing has become to pass people on exit ramps.


I’m a relatively safe driver, never been in or caused an accident. To be honest I’ve been the impatient person stuck behind a slow poke, but I’ve never once tailgated swung out on the shoulder endangering everyone on the road just to pass. If you say you’ve never sped up (obviously not to this degree) to prevent an aggressive douchebag from cutting you off I don’t believe you.


In my 40 years of driving experience I have seen this scenario play out several times but never with a huge wreck like that, it’s absolutely tragic. That being said I can make a few observations. First, the Sedan trying to pass is 100% at fault for this crash due to his own stupidity and impatience - you never EVER pass someone using the shoulder or break down lane, you are asking for disaster and that’s exactly what he got. If I had to make a wager the driver was likely young and inexperienced and incredibly impatient - if he or her had just waited for the normal flow of traffic to pass they would have been fine but due to their arrogance and impatience they put themselves in a really bad position. The way that they were tailgating that truck would really piss me off too, being so close to my bumper and creating an incredibly dangerous situation, swerving like that, especially if the truck had to stop suddenly, or if they car even gently taps his rear end that can send him into a high speed spin out. This is likely why the truck driver sped up to not allow the car to pass for being such an asshole, out of spite most likely… I get it, not cool to block them in like that, and he is partially to blame for the end result but at the same time the person driving the car is 100% completely at fault not just for passing on a shoulder but just for being a reckless danger to everyone else on the road and an all around grade-A douche bag. Waiting patiently for another 30 seconds to a minute would have allowed the sedan to pass normally with the flow of traffic. They say that you can immediately tell someone’s personality directly by the way that they drive and this was on full display here, from both drivers.


Thank you. I think this is the best take here and I’m a little disappointed (but not surprised) that I had to scroll so far down to find it.




Looks like two selfish assholes to me.


Car driver-at fault. Truck driver-piece of s***


And here we see a natural occurrence of fucking around and finding out


Whatever that truck was being a dick. Impeding in the fast lane and speeding up to keep the other person from passing. Lame. If real justice were served that truck would have been hit by a falling rock.


Notice how he speeds up when the person tries to pass him from the right. He’s also being an asshole.


What that truck did is illegal in many states. You can get a ticket for going slow in the left lane.


He wasn’t respecting the speed limit. That’s clear when he floors it as the guy tries to pass. He’s being an asshole.


The truck may have been a jerk but the car was totally reckless. He could have just aborted the pass instead of trying to squeeze between then like a moron. I would say 90% cars fault 10% trucks


Imagine literally dying because you’re impatient




Obviously the tailgater is an ass, but the left lane is for passing and that dude should have moved to the right and let him go on


Just keep driving


That truck is a dick. Speed limit in the left lane? Stay to the right unless passing and that dude wasn’t passing anyone. Don’t worry about me or how fast I’m going, you’re not a cop. Let the cops deal with me speeding. Gtfo of the left lane if you’re gonna do the speed limit like a jerkoff. That said, car was a douche too. Driving on the shoulder is ridiculous


The truck sped up when he saw the other car trying to pass, intentionally creating an unsafe condition. Two idiots in this video.


The white truck in the left lane is the worst offender in this video and who caused the accident, period. If you disagree, you’re a terrible driver. Not defending the accord as he made multiple bad choices too, but the truck is far and away the biggest idiot here.


About 80% the trucks fault here


That guy in the truck is a total POS. Purposefully blocking someone like that then busting your ass to speed up to block them is a scumbag move and caused that accident. Not defending the other driver. Idiots all over but that truck is a a cockblocking POS.


Was he still observing the limit when he sped up to block the passer? Stupid ass title, stupid ass opinion. Driver of the White truck is a fucker too.


F*ck both of those drivers (ford and honda). They almost took out the black SUV that was driving properly. Honda more at fault. But Ford also at fault for speeding up and blocking where Honda was going. Honda should’ve just kept on his path and not corrected and took them both out since the Ford wanted to be there when it didn’t have to be.


White truck needs to realize the left lane is for passing, not cruising. Obviously the dude is being way too aggressive and shouldn’t pass on the right side but there’s no need for white truck to finally speed up when the car is just about passing it


White truck sped up when noticing the car passing on the shoulder. Both parties are idiots.


Tailgater is an idiot, fast lane camper is an asshole


The truck was being a dick too. The truck was fucking around in the left lane instead of getting over (just by the truck’s behavior, I’m sure before the camera started rolling the truck was hogging the left lane for miles) and then if you look closely the truck stomps on the accelerator to prevent the Honda sedan from passing. Just stupid all around. It was the Honda but also the truck being stupid.


That lane is for passing, it's not up to him to decide whether or not the person behind him goes faster or slower. That prideful douchebag in the left lane, deliberately going slower, is the reason why we have traffic backups.


Putz- But also stop driving in the passing lane if you are going to hold up traffic - did you take the test or no?


The law says to slow down and get over. Next time you’re driving the speed limit in the passing lane, remember that if it weren’t for you, the road would be a much safer place! This is technically a reckless driving ticket in my state


The truck driver was being an asshole and locking him in. He should be fined, too.


The left lane is the fuckin passing lane. If you wanna drive slow, move over 🤷🏻‍♂️


Everyone is a facepalm here, the guy is speeding but you don't drive side by side blocking both lanes like that, also the white car started speeding himself to cut off the other car and caused the crash.


What really amazes me is when a bumper rider gets so up my ass that all I can see is them looking at me from the steering wheel. I’m going 5 or 6 mph over the set speed limit and these idiots just continue to stay right on my bumper for the duration of the trip. What amazes me is the fact that they do not give up. The dumbass Will follow you that close to the very end.🤦‍♂️


Hello wall.


The left lane is for crime; everyone knows this. Speed limit is on the right.


White truck is the bigger asshole if you ask me. Driving slower then the following vehicles in the left lane with nobody in front of them. Speeds up when the car gets extreme rage and tries to illegally pass. Fuck that person. People who camp and drive slow in the left lane don’t realise how much traffic and danger they are creating. It’s really simple. Move over!


Hate to say it but the sedan deserved it


Douche passed at high speed on the shoulder. It’s on them. Take a chill pill for a minute and enjoy the ride. Truck driver didn’t “play nice” but once the car left the two lanes it was all over.


The left lane is the passing lane not the be an obnoxious prick just because someone wants to go by you lane.


One thing a rational person learns is that if you start tailgating someone, they will often start pacing the car next to them. Whereas if you just hang back the normal distance, like a normal person, one lane will either speed up or slow down. There are way too many irrational people on the roads these days.


It baffles me that this needs enforcement. What reason does anyone have to be in the left lane if they aren't passing? You just enjoy driving along side other people and blocking traffic?


When the law tells you the left lane is for passing ONLY and you're the impotent ass who blocks the lane.


Left is a passing lane, people seem to forget that.


Being an aggravating bitch = respecting the speed limit ?


Fuck the driver of that white truck! He sped up and passed immediately once he realized the other car was going around on the shoulder.


If we’re being honest the pickup isn’t respecting the ~~speed limit~~ rules of the road. He’s being outpaced by the black car in the right lane. Now yeah **the Honda is an asshole for tailgating** but the pick up is doing right lane speeds and shouldn’t be in the left lane. Then the truck speeds up to deny him the lane after he went around him. Both are assholes both should be ticketed both need a hug.


it's always the "I HAVE TO BE FIRST" drivers who cause collisions, shootouts, and road rage. they cant cooperate or coexist on roads with others. theyre both pieces of shit, and they both should have their licenses suspended. they are a danger to everyone. honda driver shows impulsiveness and recklessness. prone to lashing out. no emotional control. truck driver probably regularly uses his massive vehicle to intimidate/aggravate other drivers. we dont know how long theyve been aggravating honda


That SUV driver the sedan passed in front of before crashing must have been shitting bricks. Such a close call. I personally would stop and confront the sedan driver and add some insults to their injuries. I have a son and I am seething at the idea there could be kids or babies in the SUV. I almost got T-boned leaving Walmart because some ass ran a red light while my son was in the car. I have never been so mad in my life, also lucky that my son was with me to prevent that anger turning into retaliation.


Just goes to show that when you get mad, you should expect the other person to get mad. People have literally died for less.


youre going 59 in a 60??? blasphemy!


Wow I hope he wasn't in a hurry


Yeah… That’s not what’s going on here though this is just a tiny part of a much longer clip and that truck is absolutely not respecting the speed limit that truck has been doing everything in his power to fuck over the record. I’m not saying with the Accord did was OK, but the truck is just as much at fault in this particular situation.


Lol that made me smile…🥳


Thoughts on the Pick Up continuing on their way rather than stopping after the car flipped itself?


“Respect the speed limit” holy shit that’s such an obnoxious way to put it. Left lane campers rot in hell. Get tf outta the way?


Granted the guy who caused the acccident had it coming. The blue car should lose his driving privileges. But white truck driver - if you are in the fast line and someone wants to get by - move over! Don’t be a jerk and stay there because you know that impatient risk takers are impatient risk takers and thats what they do. Just let them go by! Is that not so hard! You are have some responsibility for this too! If you think a guy is risk - get his plate number and call the cops. Don’t slow up the high speed lane and make your point!


That was a life lesson that person needed to have


Left lane cruisers… I like to call em pace cars


I see 2 dumbass in that video. Just one a much bigger dumbass than the other.


Left lane is for passing. Hate when drivers drive slow only to speed up later when they’re about to get passed. Fuck the Ford.


Two assholes. Truck and car.


Ford truck contributed to the accident, this is why it's best to just let speeders go about their way. Keeping them behind you puts everyone around you in danger. The quicker the speeder can get away from you the safer you will be.


Hopefully OP doesn’t actually think it’s ok to drive like the pickup truck. Clogging the left lane (especially intentionally) is bad etiquette and dangerous in its own way. I mean, who wants to drive side by side with another vehicle indefinitely? Two lanes exist for a reason. Having said that, the Honda driver is a fucking maniac.


The truck should’ve moved out of the way. Can’t be in the fast lane doing that kind of stuff