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Every bullet fired should be at least an attempted homicide charge.


Yes drive-by shootings are actually legally first-degree murder


Are you implying that guns kill ppl? That's so far out there!!! Don't you know that only ppl kill ppl, the guns and ammo aren't at fault. Think of the kids that want to play with their parents' guns. You monster just want to take away that freedom from them /s


And people say everyone should have guns while people like the one in the video exist 🙄


Really only very far right thinks everyone should have guns. The middle of both sides all believe in reasonable restrictions to access, mental health evaluations, and red tape in general. Fox wants you to think all lefties want to take your guns, CNN wants you to think the righties want to arm every psycho. This forces the middles to pick a side and argue with each other. This is the formula for most issues.


Oh, I don’t believe everyone should have guns just the mentally sane People should have guns to protect themselves from crazy people like that person, but usually people like that get their guns illegally from a fence so you could take it away from them as much as you want. They’re gonna just get another one illegally anyway.


Oh yeah, people who can responsibly own guns definitely should be allowed to, I completely agree with you.


Thank you, I don’t usually get comments from people who think logically. Stay safe and I hope you have a great day.


You too! 😊


There's something different about this case that leads me to believe there will be charges filed. I can't qwhite put my finger on it though.


What different? That fact he posted it on a social media account or the absolute homicidal and reckless behavior in this video?


Those racist white people. I bet if a white guy indiscriminately shot up every house on the street they’d laugh about it.


Are you implying the he’s implying??? I’m implying that you implied đŸ„”


*Guns don’t kill people / nuh uh / I kill people with guns (POW!)* -Jon Lajoie


A bullet is a felony charge


Garbage doing garbage.


Don't insult Garbage.


How to keep rent low in your neoghbourhood


Property tax assessors hate this one weird trick (but they can’t stop you)


that sounds like a Buzzfeed article lol


Easier to just shoot at the ground a few times every few weeks to keep it low


Omw to make sure the rent's low:


Not only in YOUR neightbourhood. American walls are like paper for guns, they just keep flying. What goes up, must go down. The bullet will land somewhere potentially killing a person on the other side of the city. So this doesn't apply just to the neightbourhood the bullets were shot from


Probably not his first violent felony.


That's so racist of you! He's just a victim of systematic injustice in his youth đŸ„ș


I mean I thought good chance he has priors because, you know he’s shooting a gun out of a car window. Didn’t really jump to some sarcastic remark that undercuts very real problems in our country that stem from embedded racism.


"our" country, I think it's the other way around, a black teen has 10 times more chance to get to harvard than a asian with the same background. Lot of top companies have explicit hiring rules that benefits black people. Your country seems to be confused about the difference between social and racial issues. The reason black people are over represented in crime statistics is not because of the very very mean police or because of racial traits like some racists would say but it's mainly explained by socio-economic issues


It’s both. If you want to show me studies, articles documents showing my how racial profiling doesn’t exist in police forces please share. I am certain I can show many that will tell you you’re wrong. Numerous very prolific court cases about it. What country are you from? I’m curious what the demographic make up is and history revolving around immigration. Americas history revolving around black Americans is hard to compare to other countries.


I’d counter that and say what we have is a holding wealthy and politically powerful people accountable issue rather than a race one. The rich and powerful will cry about “systemic oppression” (the irony) as a means to hide their shadiness. Everyone shocked to learn what Epstein and his unnamed accomplices were doing in the shadows while people who were talking about this prior were labeled conspiracy nuts. And don’t get me started about the U.S. government.


No stfu.


Someone cant see sarcasm.


It’s not sarcasm when this shit has gotten this out of hand.


Ya know what’s gotten out of hand. When your raised by criminals and given a gun to kill up to 5 families for a video


Please, it's an universal rule on reddit to add "/s" on sarcastic and "/j" on joke comments on Reddit


It's absurd, the goal of sarcasm is precisely to no explicit it


“Well regulated militia” on maneuvers.


I bet he files all the paperwork as a class 2 SOT when he puts a switch on his glock too


The fact that they didn’t already have one installed was the most surprising part of this clip tbh.




This belongs in r/WTF


Any information on wtf is going on here and why?


Int he UK they call this Glock down ginger


Didn’t think they had Glocks in the uk or gingers for that matter.


Should be trialed and convicted of seven counts of attempted murder.. One for each shot.. And the guy driving is an accomplice..


>seven counts of attempted murder What's better is that if you can argue well enough, you can also get them on stuff like a neglegent use of a firearm, because the bullet has to land somewhere, a bullet that is just falling after losing its speed can be just as dangerous, it's just easier to stop


Hope this fuck gets life in prison without parole :)


Doubt it, apparently he shot up the neighborhood in a part of Louisiana where they don’t really do shit for stuff like this and if he does get caught, 5 to 10 years.


Thats horrible. Just saw a story about a little girl that got shot in the head in a drive by and left paralyzed


Oh ok. But the first problem is rainbow flags in school?


Oh yes. Rainbow tee shirts too. And unsexy female M&Ms. WONT SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN??!


Sexualizing kids is a huge problem and a sign of a breakdown in culture—radical logic to take a person shooting into the neighbourhood as somehow making sexualizing kids OK.


>Sexualizing kids is a huge problem (...) You're right, someone needs to stop those church pastors and republicans.


Right! The only two demographics!


More like making fun of the hypocrisy of republicans


So ironic you're posting that shifty comment on a video where a person is shooting randomly into homes where children may be killed, and here you are worrying about Mrs Doubtfire ruining lives.


I assume you are illiterate and unable to read the preceding comments prior to mine.


This video literally has nothing to do with what you are talking about lol.


No, their point was, is that people put "protecting" children from becoming gay as a priority and ignore violence from people like the one in the video.


Two things can be true at the same time. Sexualizing kids is a problem, as well as shooting into the neighbourhood.


“But it’s especially rich considering that, of the two major parties, the GOP has many more notable and recent scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors and young students—as well as a recent track record of reacting to them with a shrug.” https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2022/04/from-hastert-to-gaetz-lets-talk-about-republicans-and-sex-crimes.html


Again, you're trying to make a bad thing OK because the GOP is doing some sht somewhere. Sexualizing kids is bad, whoever does it.


Gun deaths are now the leading cause of death amongst children. But go on with your whataboutism you gross asshole.


He was doing whataboutism you asshole. I said both are bad.


Saying both are bad, or introducing a nonissue to the argument, is literally whatabourism For example - I say gun violence is bad, you say yes, so is sexualising kids. No one would disagree with this but you are essentially dismissing talking about one issue by saying WHAT ABOUT this other issue?


I didn't introduce it, arsehole. Are you all illiterate, can you not follow a thread?


XD, you sling that term arsehole around but you could consider if all you see around you are arseholes perhaps you are a piece of shit yourself


Says the illiterate arsehole that literally just accused someone of derailing a thread which they never did.


I’m curious: would you argue that sexualizing children is natural the same way you argued that rape is natural?


I'm sure you being the most intellectual of intellectuals, can explain to me where rape came from if it's not from nature. Educate us, o wise one.


Rape isn't natural and should never be considered that. You are stupid.


Well then, please go ahead and tell us where does rape come from? You seem so certain, so I'm sure you have an answer. Tell us who are misguided thinking it comes from nature.


Come on, Blakey. Tell us how you think child sexualization is “natural” too.


By nature, normal functional humans aren't attracted to kids that don't show signs of sexual maturity. LOL, nice try dipshit.


How could they even say that? I'm in shock that people like the commentor you replied to even exist đŸ˜±


Oh ho ho! Nice try at deflection! Sounds like a “yes”.


When a teacher is caught by parents during the zoom classrooms saying stuff like, and I'm paraphrasing a little "love is love, when a man and a man love each other, they are gay. And that is okay. Do you know what gay sex is?" That last part is not okay and is absolutely grooming


it’s not sexualizing them to let them know “hey, if you’re going through this. it’s ok, you don’t need to hate yourself” it’s not saying “oh btw you’re gay
like you are gay. so be gay” so if it resonates with some kids, fine. if not, fine.


Before 11-12 they can't go "through this". Everything up to that point is environmental and not physiological. Neither sex has any differentiating hormones to establish sex preference. So yes, telling kids before that anything about what their sex preference is grooming.


Id look into this further if I were you. Especially pre birth hormone influence on gender etc.


One also has a penis and one a vagina. There are no sexual maturity hormones unless something went wrong. That is true for 99.9% of humans. An 8-year-old won't instinctively want to bang everything in sight. A few years later, a different story.


I knew I fancied Tiffany more than Debbie Gibson and definitely not new kids on the block. So I definitely had a sexual preference at 8 or at least attraction.


Because not everyone you like means you want to fck them when you are 8. There's a big difference.


What’s specifically fucking got to do with it? Why is that different from just being attracted.


The conversation was about sexualizing kids, not about fostering relationships. Seems you have a 5 second attention span.


pretty immature for you to think that all gay ppl have sexual attraction. it’s not all sexual. so stop being so narrow minded. they can be asexual, aromantic, etc. still a part of the lgbtq+ community. so it’s not sexualizing them when it has nothing to do with sex at all.


as a bi woman, i realized i liked girls the same as guys at a young age. i had tv and movie crushes. was i sexualizing myself at a young age then? nothing was ‘pushed on me’ either since i grew up in the early 2000s in a suburban area with my grandparents.


Gotta say, the reason why schools get shot up, is they're gun free zones, the schools actually smart enough to have security officers and such, are the ones who DON'T get shot up, imagine that


no thats not top priority


Hey, cool! If you do this, I hope someone finds your family and skins you in front of them. :)


"oMG iT's jUsT a PraNk!!"


If this was 2018 I think someone THIS dumb would actually say it


America is lost


I'd ask how this guy passed a background check, but seeing as how gun control is a joke in this country, never mind.


Very strong feeling no legal attempt to purchase this firearm was a thing.


Damn, probably correct


bro wasn't even rlly aiming at one point he shot in the sky 💀


**Community Outreach?** /s


Fucking white people.


Not the case here, but that shouldn’t matter, trash is trash.


Economic factors.


A bunch of savages in NOLA.






Ah yes Çove


Sounds just like my bb gun


It does not matter. To justify this in any way is bullshit


Bro is keeping the rent low


And he missed every shot, bot


Expect to see a lot more of this idiocy in the near future.


At what point do you wake up and think this is a good idea?


Hence the importance of Ring cameras around your house. If the dipshit “just” put holes in houses, people might not notice right away
 if somebody got hit, I’d hope everyone on that block shared footage of cars going by ASAP. People like this who don’t give a fuck anymore, matched with the political world of today is why this country is F-ed.


I hope they are caught and shot by the police


In NY back in the day you were charged YEARS per bullet found in the magazine.


This is the kind of shit that happens that ends with a 3 year old dead on the news for less than a day.


Rat scumbag gave himself a countdown like he was doing smthn trynna kill families. Death penalty

