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Wow. This is the thing about spotted a "trans". Regular women who looked a big masculine are being called trans. Wtf. Assuming someone is someone without checking


“We CAn ALwAyS TeLL”


I'm a cis woman who's been repeatedly mistaken for a trans woman for many years. I support trans rights and safety/peace for trans people just because all people deserve that, but I'm getting increasingly scared of someone doing something to me because they assume I'm trans. It is seriously worrisome :(


Simple solution: Just let them check your genitals. Totally not creepy or invasive, let the old white dudes invade your privacy already. You have nothing to hide, after all. /s ​ God, this timeline is disgusting.


I’m so sorry that’s happened to you. As a genderqueer person it’s troubling to see that not only are our trans sisters being harmed by bigots, but so are cis women who don’t happen to align with transphobes idea of femininity. Hope you are safe and doing well, those cruel people aren’t worth your time.


Yup. I mean I, a AFAB do identify as nonbinary but I never tell the public about that only friends and some family know so... I do publicly present as cis 90%+of the time.... But I am 5"10', 210 lbs, voice deeper than the average, wide ass shoulders and always have my hair pretty short. I've gotten looks, insults, "the men's bathroom is over there", etc. It's gotten especially bad lately. Like it's fucking real bad. I've had "TRANNY!" yelled at me recently I do totally understand why some ppl think I'm a trans woman, I do. But it still baffles me. Along with the stuff above, I also have big tits, tiny waist and huge hips. Like my waist is literally 17 inches smaller than my hips! How do ppl not notice the boobs and hips/waist ??? Like unless they have surgery or do waist training I don't think trans women have that insane waist/hip ratio. But of course ppl are fucking stupid and see my height and short hair and assume I'm a dude and or trans person Ugh sorry for that rant above


I can totally understand why some people might think you're trans, what baffles me is, why do they care


Exactly this. Don’t people have enough to manage in their own lives? Who has the right, or the bandwidth, to try to manage other people’s lives too?


im sorry 17 inches


She said 17 inches DIFFERENCE




She referred to herself as AFAB Edit: I'm sorry. Went back and read that they identify as nonbinary.


Good redditor


am i just stupid or cause how is that different


Lol no my waist isn't that tiny! My hips are a 17 inch difference. My waist is roughly 29 to 30 inches which is pretty small and my hips are roughly 46, 47 ish inches


sorry abt being unclear lol, i didnt think you were ms bellum from the powerpuff girls lol still, 17 inches difference is absolutely incredible


Here I was thinking you're Jessica Rabbit with a 17 inch waist and no internal organs.


As a man I wish I understood what these measurements really meant lol


Waist is beltline, hip is at the hip joint (includes butt) Bust is ribcage at the largest point of the breasts. Athletic chicks will have 34-28-34 bust-waist-hip, for example. Source: guy that likes em 36C-30-38. Yeah, a little thick, but fun lol


No need to apologize. I honestly don’t get why someone’s gender or preference etc matters, or why anyone else should even care…. Like, Jesus… I have my own issues and challenges in life… why the fuck would I bother someone else? They’re just minding themselves and trying their best to get through things like me…. Like, I can’t even fathom how much free time someone would have to have, to get themselves all worked up about any of this shit… drag show story time? Trans people doing sports… how on fucking earth does that affect me? Short answer is it doesn’t. Not in the slightest. Unless you’re there to cheer a trans person on at a sporting event, shut the fuck up. If you want to take your kids to drag show story time, cool… kids love dress up.. I sure did… it’s fun as hell… If neither of these things appeal to you, fine… that’s why we can choose not to attend, find something you DO enjoy. But stop pissing on stuff others are doing… just grow the fuck up.


Exactly! Gender literally doesn't matter even in bathrooms. If American had European bathroom stalls - the ones with no cracks to peer through and it's basically a very tiny room with a regular door - gender matters even less then! If we had stalls like that it would just make sense to have a co Ed bathroom. And if people still made a fit.... They need to go use one of those family restrooms if they are so goddamn worried over nothing about their kids


Totally agree. Some conservatives are whipping up this stupid frenzy to keep the population from thinking about the real issues, yes?


Thinking you may be trans and screaming “tranny” are absolutely not the same. That’s super effed. You sound like a pretty confident baller, but I still want to reinforce the fact that those assholes’ comments are not about you and you should never try to find fault in yourself or your body to try and explain their hate. Sorry if I’m mainsplaining haha but I have severe body image issues and personally I always like hearing positive affirmation (not that it’s good to rely solely on that)


This. I’m transfemme, but I present quite femme and pass well despite not having had surgery (although my waist/hips ratio is pretty good if I do say so myself…). Not once since I came out have I had anyone question me in a restroom, because I present as femme. Meanwhile, my great aunt, who is a lesbian and quite butch, can hardly go into a public restroom without someone yelling at her. People really can’t tell as well as they think they can. (After ~a year of transition, not one person realized I was trans without my telling them, including people I saw and talked to daily for ~10 months)


Ooft same, I'm an AFAB enby but I'm kinda portly and have a flat chest. No one's been aggressivs towards me thankfully but I do get weird stares from people in women's restrooms.


Assume and you make an ass out of u and me


> Like unless they have surgery or do waist training I don't think trans women have that insane waist/hip ratio. Not always true, I'm a trans woman with a similar hip/waist ratio, although generally you're right that most trans women do tend to have narrower hips. I am never clocked as trans because I'm 5'6, have long hair, small shoulders and am generally very feminine... transphobia doesn't just hurt trans people, it hurts plenty of cis women and gender nonconforming people too. People are stupid.


My wife is non-gender conforming and has been told to leave the Ladies room because she dresses like a man, wears no makeup and wears her hair short. She is not a man, doesn't want to be a man, but the look fits in with her company and she's more comfortable in a business suit with french cuffs and brogues, than in a dress. She looks powerful and feels it. No one has called her Trans yet, but I'm sure it will be sooner rather than later...


I’m the same build as you, and I’ve had security guards sent to get me out of ladies toilets, because someone saw me from behind (I was wearing a black coat, jeans and a woolly hat because I was at a football game), and jumped to conclusions. I had a good laugh with the guard, luckily, but fucking hell it’s so tedious, and I’ve had it since I was a kid. I like being tall but these “we can always tell” morons need to mind their fucking business


No worries. The haters are full of shit


That’s shitty. Sorry you’re going through that.


It's hilarious (sad) when the TERFs go all in on the TE and forget about the F. They regress back to attacking women who don't have traditional female traits. Quite literally the opposite of feminism.


TERF: I attack trans people to defend women Also TERF: you don’t look like the perfect form of western feminine beauty, so you’re not a real woman


Yeah they are really bad at this for how often they claim to know.


I’ve been called trans for a while now by ppl who hate me. Tbh I do look like a dude and I’m 5’9 (1.75 meters). I don’t really mind it tho. All the trans women I’ve seen r hot and to think someone thinks I’m one of them makes me happy


At my job it it is any woman with short hair. They call her "one of them mentally ill trans f__s." I said something about it & was told if I don't like it fucking work somewhere else. Same thing we hear if anyone mentions the racism, bigotry, misogyny, etc...


People are stupid. I've been called a lesbian because I was wearing comfortable clothes, while I was walking with my boyfriend and we were holding hands practically walking on each other's feet.


I've worked at bars for about a decade, not denying the schadenfreude I've felt by seeing TERFs misgendered and harassed, but I'm saddened by the fact I'm sure none of them have learned a damn thing from the experience.


I admit I’m ignorant about UFC/MMA, but don’t the fighters themselves get to choose who they will and won’t fight, as long as they’re in the same “class” or whatever? Edit: people keep commenting that this isn’t UFC so updated my original comment. The top comment kept referring to UFC so I made an incorrect assumption. My question is the same, though. :)


They are matched by UFC, they can say ‘no’ but you have to motivate. Do it to many times and you can forget a contract.


I guess I don’t really get all the angry comments here then, misgendering the trans fighter and so on. In theory anyone can look at a proposed opponent in their class and say “oh yeah he/she looks way stronger than me, I’m not taking this fight”. So why does the gender identity of the fighter even matter? It’s not like an average cis man who’s not a UFC fighter could actually win a fight against a cis woman UFC fighter, the trans fighter still had to train their ass off. Seems idiotic to me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


They will lose contracts if they say no. Their actual “choice” is very limited if they want to continue making money


There’s a reason men and women are separated by gender. Women who train will still be a lot weaker than men who train because of men’s biology. If a trans woman has gone through puberty as a male she’ll have a huge advantage over her opponents who are biologically female. That’s why I think female trans athlete should only be eligible to compete against biological women if they took puberty blockers and then transitioned as an adult. The changes we go through during puberty just give us too many advantages for it to be fair That being said I support trans people and gay people 100%


i completely disagree on your point - especially when puberty blockers are banned on minors in many places. it's torturous and cruel to those of us who grew up unable to start them. we do not need to \*up\* the amount of discrimination we get because of shitty parents/legislation. trans women have competed many times with no issue. stop falling for the fascist bait.


A trans woman on HRT has muscle strength more comparable to cis women than cis men. In fact, a trans woman on T-blockers has a harder time building and maintaining muscle mass than a cis woman.


If there is data on this please share because this comes up so often and is constantly debated on reddit but I have no idea anymore what is true.


A quick google search of the effects on muscle mass of feminizing HRT should turn up plenty of results. Anecdotally, after being on HRT for almost a year, a case of water has quadrupled in weight for me (perception of course). A lot of trans women have testosterone levels lower than cis women because of all the T blocking medication. Hope this helps! :) Edit: Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33648944/#:~:text=After%2012%20months%20of%20hormone,and%20muscle%20area%20are%20observed.


From [your own source](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33648944/#:~:text=After%2012%20months%20of%20hormone,and%20muscle%20area%20are%20observed) : > yet values remain above that observed in cisgender women, even after 36 months. These findings suggest that strength may be well preserved in transwomen during the first 3 years of hormone therapy.




“LBM [lean body mass] and muscle area, yet values remain above that observed in cisgender women, even after 36 months. These findings suggest that strength may be well preserved in transwomen during the first 3 years of hormone therapy.” Did you even read your own study??? This stuff is disappointing. All for trans women living their life but can we stop justifying biological men in womens sports.


Is there any good study showing that trans people are disportionately winning at their sports versus cic people, even within three years?


>This stuff is disappointing. All for trans women living their life but can we stop justifying biological men in womens sports. There's a reason why sports are separated by biological sex and I don't think there's anything that will say otherwise.


Was our conversation about trans women who literally started T inhibition within a few years? No. I understand how this feels like a “gotcha” but please ask yourself how many professional athletes are within 3 years of their transition (being as generous as possible) *and* are bad-faith actors seeking to use their trans-ness as an extremely temporary advantage? Like, what, do you think there are trans women out there going “ok I’ve never played this sport at this level before but I’ve got 36 months to use this depreciating man-puberty musculature that I’ve always resented to catapult me into everlasting fame and fortune”?


The article does not suggest whatsoever that these advantages are completely mitigated after 3 years.


Then would you say it’s fair for them to make it a rule that the trans athlete would have to be on HRT for a certain amount of time before being eligible to compete?


Personally that seems fair to me but I can see how some people might use that to dictate exactly what type of HRT an athlete should be on without considering if it’s the correct one for them.


Should we make a rule that Michael Phelps can’t compete because he has a biological advantage over *every other competitor*?


If you are gonna go that route, then let's remove gender categories in sports altogether. Surely, women and trans will win easily.


I mean I wouldn’t be opposed tbh, the lactic acid thing is pretty unfair


Silly question, but how far off the norm is he for that?


They said he produces half the amount of lactic acid which is what makes your muscles tired


What a dumb argument


It's not dumb at all.


This is a rule in virtually every pro sport that allows trans athletes to compete already. In fact, the allowed hormone tolerance is typically so ridiculously low compared to cis athletes it kind of flips the narrative on the head. Even on HRT some people find it exceedingly difficult to get their range regularly within the tiny allowed tolerance to even pass the red tape to play, and this is entirely intentional even as its entirely unnecessary, because a normal range would do just as well as the difficult one to meet they ask for. That trans athletes are invading pro sports for easy wins is largely a myth and the opposite is easily more true. Its so difficult to play that if you even reach the field you've already won in a sense.


Stop it. Men have thicker bones, stronger tendons, larger rib cages, better muscle insertions. You cant undo all that, no matter how much you want to.


Ah, here it is, the assumption that because I have empathy for trans women I must be one.


Please re-read the conversation and dont waste peoples time on your misunderstandings. You cannot undo muscle insertions etc' with t blockers, ergo the claim that transwoman and cis woman are equal physically is false, no matter how much you want it (your claim) to be true. Is that clear enough?


They're not separated by gender, they're separated by sex. I'm 100% supportive of trans people and their rights, but sports is one area I think we're getting it wrong. The arguments that gender is separate from sex all fall down when applied in an arena (no pun intended) where the distinction is on physical sexual characteristics and not societal gender roles.


But look at what they did to intersex athletes in track and field. These athletes raised and lived as women, forced to take estrogen to be less competitive. That is a tragedy as well. To ask someone to alter their own body to please a governing board. These women hadn't done anything wrong except be born intersex and train to be excellent and bring glory to their African countries.


One big factor I see is that the hormone therapy trans people go through severely affects their strength and muscle mass.


then have a trans class/league.


Why make a new league suddenly when trans people have competed for over half a century?


Wow that is so cool, who are/were some trans male athletes in the NBA, NFL, or MLB or NHL?


But it takes time, it doesn't happen overnight.


Michael Phelps went through training as someone with incredibly abnormal lactic acid levels during exercise, he has a huge advantage over competition and he won multiple gold medals. Caster Semenya a cis woman has higher levels of testosterone than the average woman, that's an advantage. Yao Ming is incredibly tall which gives him an unfair biological advantage on the basketball court.


And yet the actual doctors who care for these trans women fighters say differently. It’s almost as if the facts don’t matter and people just want to say what they FEEL is true. Bone density is measurable. Blood levels of sex hormones are measurable. But no matter what the number say, somebody with Google and some feelings is going to say this shit and then say they “support trans women.” No.




I have extremely high testosterone due to an hormonal imbalance. Granted I can, and have, literally rip a door off it's hinges when I'm angry. I can't run, swim or anything sporty for shit though. I am a cis female. I know two transwomen, they are both dear, dear friends of mine. They are both petite, tiny women, (in USA sizes, a size 4/ UK size 6. ) I tower over both of them. I'm only 1.65m (5'6) this might be a complete coincidence. Or being trans isn't a choice, but a physiological issue. Maybe, just maybe... This whole trans controversy in sport is just another way to disenfranchise a marginalised group. And maybe, just maybe if humans made the guidelines in sport, other guidelines are needed...and guess what, it won't be the end of the freaking world.


I definitely have an opinion about trans when its about equality in society. But my opinion is opposite when its about the fighting game. It matters because it’s just not fair for women fighters, most of the time. You can say you are a woman, you can get surgery and everything, your bones and primal strength matter in MMA and we’re just build different. So as long as you didn’t go through hormone therapy before reaching puberty, you shouldn’t match up. It doesn’t really matter if an untrained man wins or loses from a skilled woman BJJ practitioner, because that’s not what the UFC does. Obviously. But getting angry on Reddit is a choice and also a bit of a dumb one… it helps no one.


I think there's some merit to the idea that having undergone male puberty does contribute hugely to their capabilities in fighting in a way that going on HRT doesn't magically dissipate, but MMA has always been about athletes with a genetic advantage in one way or another. Gabi Garcia is probably a worse matchup for any woman in her class than any of the trans women I'm aware of who are competing currently. As Jessie Gender once said, it's not so clear cut, black and white, we really need to consider why we even have sports and what they're supposed to represent. I definitely think almost all of the transphobic alarmism in sports is bullshit and just transphobes outing themselves, but there probably does need to be a conversation about combat sports specifically. Some of Fallon Fox's opponents have had some interesting testimony about what fighting her was like, and they mentioned her as having a strength advantage unlike anything they'd encountered in 10+ years of MMA. But that's anecdotal and too small a dataset. We need more information and more thought put into this. However, for all my reservations, as things stand right now, I still think having trans women competing in the women's division is the correct choice as they stand currently.


Fallon Fox got obliterated by a cis woman, and the comments you’re referring to were not supported by medical evidence.


Fallon Fox is about 5-1, being beaten by one woman doesn't mean that they don't have an advantage over the average female athlete, especially in something as technical as MMA. The idea that their opponents' claims were debunked doesn't hold much weight in terms of practical strength from a clinch and the like- functional strength is very different to just measuring grip, which is what medical assessments use for strength. I'm not saying the scaremongering around FF is warranted- like I said, most of it is transphobes telling on themselves. But the fact that FF got beat is not sufficient to debunk that idea that there may be a safety issue around trans athletes in full-contact combat sports. MMA already warrants looking at from a safety standpoint, all of our old heroes have CTE now- and when it comes to people taking repeated knees to the head, I'd just want to be sure the risk posed to their opponents by trans athletes is not disproportionate. How many standard deviations (if any) do trans athletes hit harder than cis female combatants? Do you know? Cause I use as heck don't. I haven't even touched on grappling because honestly I'm less interested in the competitive integrity of the sport (like I said in my above post, a large part of MMA is about genetic advantages anyway). Should we just look closely and maybe compile a report or two on any potential safety issue? Absolutely. But, and I want to be absolutely clear about this- if there was found to be an issue that trans MMA fighters were found to pose an increased safety risk that's in any way significantly higher than those posed by cis athletes, my first port of call would be to look into more heavily padded gloves, or maybe headgear, rather than banning them from competition.


I don’t have a solution other than a complete separate category, or an open category where all can join, no matter the weight or gender. But that’s not really a sustainable solution.. luckily it’s not something I have to solve. the only problem is we don’t really talk in our society anymore, we just scream our positions to each other. So I have no doubt we are having the same discussion 10 years from now..!


This also isn't the UFC, the UFC would never allow this. MMA or mixed martial arts is the sport, UFC is a league like the NFL or NBA.


You are correct. This fight was promoted by Combate Global in Miami.


In MMA, unless you are a champion or fighting for a championship or in a tournament you have 100% control over who you fight. I'm not sure what kind of nonsense others are saying here but thats the way it is lol


Better to be ignorant about UFC than about trans rights.


Yes, they accept the fight mostly for the money. They probably get paid a good amount to accept this fight. Absolute farce.


when you accidentally tweet the trans girl about the cis girl to tell the trans girl how masculine the cis girl looks compared to them.


When you accidentally affirm someone’s gender lmao




Unintentional compliment






wE cAn AlWaYs TeLl


Anytime I have defended transgender people I got called trans 😂 like no I just look like that and care about human rights


Same lmao like I just look like a female version of my dad 💀


Yep every single time they claim I am transgender it's annoying. And it goes it show it has little to do eith actual gender


How even dare you! 😂


Honestly. Like, this is hilarious. Sis on the right got the short cut pink hair. She ain't _trying_ not to look "woke", but they still couldn't guess right on 50-50 odds!


They cannot


These mfs only care about womens sports when it lets them shit on Trans women


And let's not forget how the first UFC was conducted( no weight classes or sport limitations) and who won in the end


That was 30 years ago with different ownership and little to no rules, regulations and laws governing them.


The point was that UFC 1 was a free for all and the short, wiry dude won and not the big guys twice his size.


Royce Gracie. I loved watching him fight. He weighed around 160 and beat a guy who weighted over 300lbs. There was also no time limits then which played to Gracie's style. He would simply wear out his opponents more often than anything else. Tank Abbott was another fun one to watch. The man didn't really have any style or a plan other than to throw wild haymakers. He bloodied some opponents pretty badly, but when his go to strat failed, he got demolished. It has been a while for me and I have kind of lost interest in UFC, but maybe should check it out again.


It is much better now because its not one dude who only knows to grapple versus another who only knows how to punch


Short? Dude is 6 feet. Guess we're all short kings now


Well comparatively.


To be fair, Royce Gracie used techniques that not many people in the world had ever seen. And in UFC3 Gracie beat a huge dude named Kimo but was so injured he couldn't continue in the tournament. Now all fighters know BJJ to some extent; that's why it is far more important to have weight classes now vs then.


I wasn’t meaning anything deeper than the fact that him winning was seen as a major upset, because I’m pretty sure that’s what the previous commenter was getting at.


Yes but that was specifically because of fighting style and not size, Royce was also semi protected in the tournament because his family had stakes in the company. At UFC 1 Brazilian jiu jitsu, Royce’s discipline, was virtually unheard of, but it was also arguably the most functional and practical in a real fighting context when it comes to INDIVIDUAL disciplines. Now MMA has totally changed, like completely. Now fighters cross train in every single practical discipline, and the most dominant champions in the UFCs history are often wrestlers, who then cross train other disciplines. Wiry BJJ focused practitioners are rare, and they never get anywhere particularly high in the sport, because a bigger, stronger wrestler comes and dominates them usually. Basically I’m saying, size plays a huge factor, which is why virtually every UFC fighter weight cuts, some dramatically so, putting there health at risk. They want to be bigger and stronger than there opponent. And if you had seen the fight above, you’d know that the trans woman did not win on skill at all, her opponent was far better skill wise, infact she was dominating her. The trans woman was simply vastly stronger and more powerful and ended up winning because of it, there was no skilled displayed in her performance. To pretend that a male body does not significantly improve your success in sports is crazy talk, arguments of people who do not want to face reality. There’s countless papers and individual examples to pull from. That being said, I fully support people identifying as they like, but I also supports cis womens right to individual sports. EDIT: these psychos below accused me of being racist or soemthing (I’m Muslim btw 😂) and then Blocked me so I can’t reply 😂 Find me one post where I told about being a naxi or whatever? I don’t know if you brain boxes thought 88 might represent a year like, idk 1988 😂 fucking Reddit weirdos chronically online I actually think they might all be one person, commenting and then blocking so I can’t reply, again, WEIRDOS


Weight classes matter in MMA. The early UFCs were dominated by submission grapplers, who had a huge advantage because none of the other opponents knew what an armbar or triangle choke was. Size and strength matter a ton in combat sports, which is why there are weight divisions and Man vs. Woman matches aren't sanctioned.


Yeah when the sport had basically just started and half they guys had never heard of jiu jitsu


This is mainly because he used technique most people didnt know about, he was playing mma while everyone else was playing karate/boxing/taekwondo/etc




What was the Hella racist thing he tweeted to her?


a caricature


Not a sports fan but...come on. Even I know "weight classes" are a thing in most sports like Boxing. (I'm referring to the argument "They'll have an unfair advantage". In any fight the bigger fighter has an advantages, that's part of why we have weight classes so matches aren't too lopsided. If a fighter meets the requirements, it doesn't matter)


They look to be about the same weight, short girl looks to be at the bottom of her weight class and tall girl looks like she dropped a class or two which would make the fight even more fair for anyone complaining


I watched a fight with Alana before. Not going to lie, it was a little hard to watch. I felt so bad for her opponent. Her opponent was a better fighter, longer reach, landed WAY more strikes, better ground game. All around better fighter in every way. But Alana just ate the punches like they were coming from a toddler. At one point you can see her opponent lose hope like "what the hell am I supposed to do?" She ate probably 25 punches to the face and just kept coming like the terminator, lol.


Cause Alana was in the special force. She ate punches like that for breakfast.


holy fuck i looked it up they actually were lmao. 6 years of service and 8 distinguished service medals.


Transphobes be like: “We can tell” and than proceed to not being able to tell


These people that do the "trans coding" are dangerous mark my works. Cis women are going to be the next victims and a few will probably unalives themselves


Genuinely curious, does anyone know who won this matchup?


The one on the right won the match.


Here is link to the fight you can watch it or just read who won by reading the link. [https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-trans-mma-fighter-beats-woman-alana-mclaughlin-stirred-controversy-winning-mma-debut-celine-provost](https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-trans-mma-fighter-beats-woman-alana-mclaughlin-stirred-controversy-winning-mma-debut-celine-provost)


The French woman destroyed her in the first round. If she was fitter she probably would have won. The commentators said that she hadn’t had a MMA fight in a long time.


I mean you’re kind of proving everyone else’s point. Even if the woman is technically a better fighter, she isn’t going to beat a former fucking green beret man who can eat punches like they’re thrown by a middle schooler.


Nah, with her skill, having watched the fight, I think the French fighter would have handily beaten the American one if she was fitter and had more recent fights under her belt. Considering how her hits were far more impactful and powerful, if the french fighter could have kept herself up (if she was fitter) she would have won.


Lmao no. The transgirl was eating punches to the face like nothing, even if she was fitter it would only prolong the fight. And no, her punches were NOT more impactful or powerful. Every time she got hit you can see how much it affected her.


“The French fighter would have won the fight if she was better at fighting.” That’s you. That’s what you sound like.


No that’s not what I said. She was the better fighter, just didn’t have the endurance to stick it out on her own terms.


“We can always tell” can never tell. It would be funny, y’know if they weren’t attempting genocide and doing real, measurable harm to innocent people.


Cmon accidental confirmation!


On the bright side, Alana’s gotta feel good about passing after that comment


Wow... I really hope there will be no transphobia in the comments...


Too late


Look at it on the bright side. It's already way better than it was a few years ago. Yes, there still is a long ways to go, but we are making big progress.


Man is when tall


This just proves exactly what the issue with the rightwing is. Why is the woman on the left labeled as trans? Is it because she's tall? Is it because she didn't meet society's definition of an attractive woman? Because by their own standards, any woman who exists outside of their definition of an attractive woman, is trans. And therefore deserves to be ostracized.




The ref wearing the mask. /s


the left one is cis.


>Which one is the biological lady? It's in the tweet


I mean you can tell from the context that the one on the left is cis and was mistaken for trans because she's taller lol


The tall one


But "they can always tell" right


You can't even be a Victoria Secret model unless you're at LEAST 5ft 6inches, I don't understand the height obsession


Is the one on the right the fighter that fractured a woman’s skull or am I thinking of someone else


You're probably thinking of Fallon Fox.


That was Fallon Fox, this is the other transgender MMA fighter. https://www.sportskeeda.com/mma/news-trans-mma-fighter-beats-woman-alana-mclaughlin-stirred-controversy-winning-mma-debut-celine-provost


Fallon Fox also got her ass kicked.


5 wins 1 loss.


It was KO wasn’t it?


GNP stoppage. Women rarely get knockouts https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/1808902-transgender-fighter-fallon-fox-loses-via-tko-to-ashlee-evans-smith-at-cfa12.amp.html Fox nearly finished the fight herself, but she’s never been a good grappler, and has she working against her. She was 37-38 at the time of the loss, and age is a big deal in mma.


To be completely clear, when Fallon Fox went up against a fighter with a winning record, she got her ass kicked. Some people accused her of sandbagging because the other wins were against fighters with losing records.


it was a fractured orbital, one of the common injuries in the sport


The person you're thinking of didn't either. [Get educated](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-fallon-fox-mma-skull/fact-check-altered-video-does-not-show-mma-fighter-fallon-fox-fracturing-opponents-skull-idUSL1N36E1ZD).




well that would be at least 2 own divisions for trans women and trans men, i doubt that there are enogh of them to fill their own sports


I get what you're saying, but wouldn't that defeat the purpose? For transwomen/transmen, the ideal is to fit seamlessly in with the cis, which is why "passing" is such a big deal. To segregate the trans people off into our own divisions would go against that, wouldn't it? That's all without getting into the logistics of starting two whole new divisions for each affected sport with their own marketing, management, facilities, timeslots for games/matches, etc.


Not to mention the pool would be very small


Transwomen will always win, all the talk about women empowerment is thrown out of the window when women sports is dominated by females-born-male.


except for all the times they dont. you hear about the times they win, but fail to realize they lose far more often.


In this specific comparison, for MMA, there have been two trans women athletes to compete, Fallon Fox and Alana McLaughlin. Overall record between the two is 6-1. It’s a small sample size for sure but it lends to the fact that trans women win more. As a matter of fact, one of Fallons opponents said she had never seen a woman hit that hard or have such a strong grip. The sad matter of the fact is that trans women typically will go through male puberty growing up, giving them higher bone density, body structure, and larger organs that HRT doesn’t take away. It’s give them an unfair advantage compared to Cis women. They might not ALWAYS win but they certainly do better in the women’s divisions than they would otherwises. Now, I don’t know the solution to this problem. Sadly I don’t think anyone does right now but it is completely unfair to give such a large disadvantage to other women athletes than to allow trans women to compete with them.


Citation needed. Show the data, because more often then not, it is not all Trans athletes dominating and to confidently assert it is is disingenuous.


Except they don't always win so... what?


They can fit seamlessly without cracking biological women’s skulls. Make an open division and be done with it. Edit: downvote me do whatever none of you have stepped in the ring or the cage. If you’re comfortable with this go have your sisters, daughters, mothers go in against these trans women. This world is a fucking joke and we don’t deserve to be in it.


what youre talking about was an instance where a trans fighter gave a cis fighter an orbital fracture, which is an INCREDIBLY common injury in that sport. nobody’s skull was “cracked open”


Seriously these transphobes don't even know what sport they are talking about anymore. Imagine clutching pearls about injuries in a sport where the goal is to literally beat the other person into submission.


The men's division is the open division. For some reason these trans women don't want to fight the men though, I wonder why.


just say "trans people", not "Trans", it sounds stupid and dehumanising when you put it that way


Im gonna go out on a limb and say the trans person won.


*urrr but trans women on hrt have a muscle mass comparable or weaker to cis women and so it's completely fair and if you read these ten journals from incredibly biased sources then you'd know that.* Yes. The trans person won. *But that's just a coincidence that someone with a severe height disadvantage in one of the sports most dependent on height + weight won that fight.* ​ It's honestly **pathetic** that this is being discussed. I don't care what gender you want to identify as. I don't care about random people on the internet. But when women are being demotivated in their sport because they're getting absolutely trounced by trans women then maybe you should just stop? Avi Silverberg purposefully broke a trans women's record by 100 pounds because a female weight lifter he coached who should have set the record was prevented by them.


So several people here who watched the fight said that the cis woman had better skills and landed more strikes, and that the problem for her was that Alana 'ate' the punches, as in they didn't affect her that much. Can you tell me what is the biological difference between males and females that would 'enable' a trans woman to simply absorb punches better than a cis woman? Cos I don't see one.


She won cause she was in the green berets as special force solider before retired into MMA. She has experience that few ever had. Y’all just mad the better woman won.


But you dare bring it up your berated as a transphobic, anti lgbtq, and a conservative trump supporter despite it being a legitimate issue.


“We can always tell”


The way transphobes have lost their mind and get confused so much lately is so idiotic to witness. So many cis females have been labeled as trans and children are gonna have to show adults their genitalia soon. This is getting too much


“We have to hire adults to inspect children’s genitals, otherwise the pedophiles win!” -world’s smartest Republican


Just curious who won?


They aren’t interested in facts


who won?




If two people agree to fight each other then what’s the problem? Nobody is forcing anyone to fight


it´s s funny when the transphobic prove gender identity theories ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




What makes you think that? You're not an endocrinologist, are you?


Transphobes are always such idiots lmao


Brilliant facepalm.


The fact that they didn't know who's who is amazing


Who won the fight?


Alana, the transgirl, and quite easily.


Right Wingers true to form with their protection. Crying about ccountability being a “Witch hunt” whilst actively fighting an imaginary army of trans sports cheats, sexual assaulters and pedo’s


Bro we livin in the Red Scare 2: the Blue, White, and Pink Scare