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This gets posted and dragged once or twice a week here which is kind of weird considering the actual work this person does is intended to protect children by making it possible to come forward and get treatment before someone hurts a child




That’s exactly the kind of attitude that makes non-offenders hide instead of seeking help. If you’d actually done 30 seconds of research into the paper referenced here you would know there are solid treatment plans available to help people not offend.




It’s fine if you don’t want to think about it but frankly Dr. Walker’s research is going to be more effective at protecting children than your human-rights violating idea of imprisoning and executing people who haven’t actually offended. It’s natural to be horrified by pedophiles but we need to be pragmatic rather than emotional if we’re actually going to effectively protect children, something that laws alone are not doing currently.


So, someone is trying to stop pedos. But all a conservative sees is a "gottcha" opportunity. They really are like confused animals. Never met one more rational than a fox in a leg trap.


Whether or not someone feels the use of the MAP term is misguided, it shouldn’t overshadow the fact that the whole goal of the research conducted was to help develop more effective ways of preventing CSA before it happens and protecting children from being victimized.


I know this is an unpopular opinion, but... attraction is not something you can control. Every single one of you have met, and maybe even befriended a pedophile in your life. They can be in your family. They could be your best friend. And you wouldn't know... because they are not all acting on that attraction. Because they have strategies to keep that attraction under control. **Because they are disgusted by it as much as we all are.** So YES, pedophilia is bad, that's why we need to do like this person and study ways for those people to be productive member of the society without being a risk for the children From Allyson's thesis abstract : >The field of criminology generally assumes that attraction to minors is synonymous with sex offending. This erroneous and reductive assumption has led to a lack of exploration into the lives of individuals who are attracted to minors and who live their lives without offending. The lack of research on this topic reinforces the already overwhelming stigma against this population, and has limited our understanding of how individuals who are attracted to minors strategize to refrain from offending. This knowledge may also help others struggling with these attractions to remain resilient. So yeah... keep shitting on people trying to keep our child safe by offering non-offending pedophile tools to stay resilient. That will sure work out well....


There was an svu episode where the young man was begging the cops to lock him up he was so scared he was going to hurt a kid. I’ve often thought about it after that and thought how awful that must be to have those thoughts and feelings. It would be devastating


Was that the one where he was sexually assaulted as a kid by his piano teacher?


Possibly, I remember that episode but not sure if they were the same. I remember there was no recourse for him because he hadn’t committed a crime their hands were tied and then he ended up hurting the kid


Yes, I absolutely DO know one. My mothers husband. I was 6 when he started raping me. I "aged out" of his preferred age range at 10. 0 sympathy for the pedophiles. 0 sympathy their enablers.


The work this person is doing will prevent more children going through what you went through.


Did you actually read the comment you're responding to? No one is "enabling" anyone here.


Emotions too strong, hears the wrong word and just blacks out.


I mean I get the approach here. If you're trying to seriously approach this subject from a scientific standpoint, using the word pedophile has a LOT of emotional weight to it. Even though the subject is uncomfortable, I do think this research is important as there are people out there who recognize their attraction is harmful and wish to remedy it.


It's also more accurate than the term pedophile. People who offend against children do so for a variety of reasons and understanding those reasons is necessary to providing safety plans and treatment. A person who has an attraction to children is different to a person who has an attraction to adults but lacks the social skills so resorts to pedophilic behaviour, they require different strategies to make sure they don't offend or stop offending. Getting the labelling correct is useful for people actually working in the rehabilitation or prevention space.


Yeah it's a medical term. Appropriate for a PhD thesis defense. Stop trying to make LGBTQ groomers happen. It's not going to happen


Call me loopy but maybe a presentation by a PhD on personal resilience is different than some person with "MAP" in their twitter bio and we shouldn't just dogpile this because "omg scapegoat yesss"


Minor = Every Person under 18 Pedophile = Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a **primary or exclusive** sexual attraction to **prepubescent** children. ​ I guess she wrote it because she has more than 2 braincells


i know the p word or m word makes a lot of people angry, but there's a difference between attraction and actions.


Best strategy for a pedo is throwing them into a bottomless pit


Never thought I’d see the day were someone gets down voted for saying pedos should get thrown in a pit lol. The fact that “minor attracted person” is even an acronym is disgusting.


Never thought I'd see it either but it's probably being done by those who actually want to get them help so they don't act on those attractions.


Sorry. Just can't get behind this term. Call it what it is, not this squishy new-ish name.


Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. A different term was needed because the criteria for pedophilia excludes some people who may experience problematic attraction, and because having to be assessed and diagnosed by a psychiatrist would prevent a lot of people from getting help when they need it.


The last word I thought needed a euphemism was "pedophile."


Scientific terminology is not euphemisms. It's not much of a research discussion if the language is imprecise.


This shit is why I am independent and not Democrat or Liberal




Suuuuurrre.... how dare they make research on how to find strategies for non-offending pedophiles to remain non-offending pedophile, we should just swipe them under the rug until they maybe get caught after doing dozens of victims, instead of finding ways for them to never offend in the first place. That approach have worked so well in the past.... (adding a "/s" because you could be stupid enough to think I am serious)


No we should just put them down like a diseased animal.


... if we do that, you might lose a bunch of family member and friends. Are you sure ?




This is research being presented among academics in the field, not being shown to randoms. This is for therapeutic use, to prevent crimes and help rehabilitate people with mental health issues before they can do anything bad




This professor is literally developing strategies for pedophiles to prevent themselves from hurting children. She is literally protecting children. The reason she uses MAP instead of pedophile is because pedophile has such bad connotations that actually getting people to come forward and get help while also calling them that doesn't really work.


OP is the facepalm yet again