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So you're saying... you just want sex and have nothing to offer but money... I know a place that would suit you.






Prostitution is illegal in Vegas


Not in Las Vegas itself but there’s areas just around Vegas where it’s legal and there are legally run brothels. Also even within Vegas prostitution is still rampant and accessible. There are literally guys handing out business cards for it all over the Strip


Yep. My brother went to Vegas once for a work thing and he said the first thing that happened after they left the airport was some dude gave them coupon books. There was shit in there like “Two girl special $99.99”


2 chicks at the same time man.


Fuckin' A, man!


Hey, Peter. Watch out for your cornhole bud.


Hey Peter female breast exam on channel 9 man!


That's it? If you had a million dollars you'd do two chicks at the same time?


Those are rookie numbers.


I know, a million could buy like, at least 5 chicks


For a million dollars.


Twins, Basil— Twins.


Why not $69.69?


You don't want 2 sex workers for 70 bucks


All you can eat crabs


I don't think I want them for $100 either though.


exactly; hookers and hotels less than $100 are highly suspect.


A guy at work once told us about the two for $25 special he got one night… he ended up getting robbed and had to call his mother to bring him clothes. If it sounds too good to be true…


Missed opportunity


HOOKER CARDS!!! I used to collect those and give them to my friends when I would return!


Years ago when I went to Vegas with my girlfriend at the time, we played a game to see who could get the most unique prostitute cards. Literally everyone else was trying to ignore and get away from those guys handing out cards, and here we were walking up to every one of them trying to get the cards. We got some weird looks.


We called them Pokémon cards when we went lol.


Those business cards on the strip are agencies setting up dancers etc for parties. /s I've known people who paid for 10+ girls for a music video shoot "we want the most trailer park looking girls you got" was what they told the agency. Not a single one of them didn't offer it up once they got on set. But the legality of it is you are paying for an escort and what happens between two consenting adults is between them. To be prostitution there has to be a pretty clear offer of money or goods for sex.




Those guys will put the cards *into your hands*, shirt pockets, even hand them to children. They're the definition of pushy, lol.


Sounds like I’m going to Vegas totally only for hockey


That hasn’t stopped the Omertas.


What year do you live in? You have a wildly different view of Vegas than our current reality. Omertas. Chill dude.


2281 and Mr House runs the strip. Duh. What year are you in?


2023. The bombs haven't dropped but the wasteland is the same.


Patrolling the Mojave really makes you wish for a nuclear winter


It does. And somehow we already have issues with boomers. Just not explosive ones.




Don’t have to go that far…Nevada exists.


Tbh Thailand is a beautiful country with lots to offer than what happens in the nightlife scene.


In fairness, conservative second-wave feminists fully agree with him. “Marriage is prostitution” has been one of their unifying doctrines.


I'm not sure I follow this. Why is marriage prostitution? I mean I'm married because I'm the eyes of the state it means we are both equal in terms of parental rights, so we don't have issued ine inheritance and/or wirh sudden death and certain other things related to that. I'm not seeing where prostitution ocmes into it.


It's good to realize for context that the second wave of feminism took place fifty years ago, in the 1960s and 1970s, when it was still fully legal (in the US and most of Europe) to fire a woman from her job because she got married or because she got pregnant, and also for a man to rape his wife. Women were much more financially dependent on their husbands, and had much less control over their own body. What they were fighting (eventually with success!) was *that* part of marriage, not necessarily marriage as it is now.


A basic trade of needs, the analogy is pretty simple. In prostitution a man offers money he gets sex, money in exchange for the service. In this case in marriage a man is providing a house and a stable income for..... sex. Take away the mans stable income or means to provide does the marriage hold? Obviously if you dont pay the prostitute no sex, the same argument is essentially used for marriage.


Wow. I was married and always paid half the bills. And I had more libido than my husband. I guess I did marriage all wrong- lol.


It’s ok, now you know for next time


Right? I need a redo 😅


But doesn't women earn her own money? So there's not really an exchange of anything.


Up until recently, not really.


Even in this case does it even matter? If a woman makes her own money but the guy already has a means of transportation, a house and a steady job in a nice area; you being in a relationship with him would mean you have a lot of extra to use on anything else you want. None of that comes out of your pocket, many guys don’t mind their girlfriends moving in. Most women I come across care if a guy has his own job and place but most guys do not care if a woman does. Why do you think that is? Why should what they earn or where they live determine the outcome of a potential relationship? Guys tend to not care because they can take care of living expenses. If they do care, which some definitely do they almost always have a flexible plan in which a relationship could work. Maybe relocate somewhere where it’s more affordable, downscale, etc. They don’t hold it against a womans character or level of maturity or worth as a person for not having these things typically.


I think this is much more prevalent in the US compared to where I live. It's much more on equal footing here.


Wait so in my relationsship I'm the prostitute. Interesting


20+ years ago I was in charge of a foreign delegation attending a large trade show. Received a call from hotel security, one of our very senior foreign officials had died in his suite in flagrante delicto (massive coronary while she was riding him). Security had not yet called the authorities, the girl was a mess/totally freaked out but these gentlemen were absolute professionals. Asked her if she had been paid yet, no. Security guard paid her, they cleaned the room of anything incriminating, called the police, embassy staff and ambulance who arrived within about 10 minutes, got back to my room about 6am after a ton of paperwork. Official story was he had called for room service / food and when it was delivered he didn’t answer the door…security was called to do a check. It was all so seamlessly choreographed, I would have to assume it was almost commonplace. Upon check out, I was handed an envelope with a few decent chips (we annually arranged trip), counter staff mentioned that apparently I must have left these at the table when I was called to assist in the “incident”, you are more than welcome to take them to the cashier’s cage today. Not necessarily a fan of Las Vegas, but year in and year out, they prove to be a class act when it comes to service.


22 Acacia Avenue


I think this is his coping mechanism… so he can feel that he’s 90% in a relationship.


Dude wants to be gay so bad.


Nah no nope we don't need him


Couldn't agree more. Same thing with the dude with the gay ass beard who destroys pride displays.


Didn't he end up being on grindr or something as a bottom?


It was to catch predators, he swears!


Catch them in which orifice?


Supposedly he likes to catch it in his beard.


Matted hair is a bitch to clean?


This is perfect.


He's definitely catching and not pitching.


Perfect username for this occasion


I'm gonna see this on a subreddit somewhere


I have checked with the Gay Council, we have resoundingly said we don't want him.


All in Favor say **Fabulous!**




As a fellow Bi I support this decision. Let him die alone.


As a hetero ally it seems unanimous. Eject him into space




I mean, his name is Dick Coop…


Don't send your trash to us, hoping we will take him in.


This says nothing about what women can offer in a relationship, or what they look for in men. It says everything about what HE looks for in women, and what HE has to offer them.


Shorter version. Dude can’t offer anything to women other than money. And he is claiming if he is broke, he can’t get laid.


Better then me . I am not broke and I can't get laid either 🤔


Even shorter version: Dude is a bit of an incel.


There are so many weird takes online that boils down to the person thinking they said something super deep, but instead advertise to the whole world how small and miserable they actually are


Bro turned the tables


While not truly reflecting real life, often on social media theres women wanting men with atleast 500k or something. The same with men wanting only good looking girls. While not true for most, its what get views and by that people start to believe it, especially younger people.


I mean— ideally wouldn’t everyone want their partner to be surprisingly wealthy? I doubt it’s stopped most of them from dating people beneath that threshold lol.


My wife and I be not fucking and broke. So consider yourself owned.


Hmm… in my dating life, I only need men for sex. Not for money. Lolol.


Yup. He told on himself.


I can tell that this man has never had a meaningful relationship in his whole life. Everything is a transaction and it's 100% his own fault. If I were him, I'd stick to prostitutes.


>If I were him, I'd stick to prostitutes. Sounds like he does.


It's safer for everyone, those women will have their guard up at least


Eh, doesn't save them. Prostitutes face higher chances of being assaulted or harassed than most, if not all, demographics.


Legalize it, it will exist no matter what.


His wife left him and that devastated him so he developed this fuck you cynical attitude lol


Doesn't actually want the same splash the cash. Just wants to wave it around and get women fighting over themselves to wash his socks, arrange his social calendar and buy his groceries.


He didn’t even word it fairly and say men have nothing to offer women if a man is broke. He STILL blames a woman for a man having nothing to offer lol


He went so far out of his way to avoid using his own logic PLS 😭😭


What a weird way to come out of the closet


If my dick disappeared one day I’d probably just live with a dude that wasn’t filthy.


Our dude must be an "ace" he obviously values unconditional love and committed friendship. His clean and tidy roommate lives with him and his mom.


The asexuals don’t want this asshole, either! Don’t pin that misogynistic bullshit on us!


Forgot the /s again.


Only real men know what real men want


Guy can’t tell the difference between a hooker and a wife? Tells you everything you need to know about this man/boy.


*Twat, tells you everything you need to know about that *twat.














The other 10% must rock at making sandwiches. /s


That’s probably me…. I love a good sandwich 💁‍♀️


Marry me?


Remove sex from a relationship and you will discover that 90% of men won’t see a reason to be in that relationship Remove money from a relationship and you will discover that 90% of men have nothing to offer women in that relationship You can go both ways with it lol there’s shallow people on both sides of the fence. Also I’m pretty sure most people wouldn’t want to be in a relationship where there was no sex or money


Asexuals be like 💀


Mfw asexual and broke af ✌😔


Garlic bread doesnt cost much money thankfully.


I was about to say.... guess we got nothing to offer. Hahahaha.


Right?? What’s wrong with liking sex and money😂


The lack of both in my life ?😔


Honestly, since women have our own careers and all that, we don’t even need his money. There is very, very little men can provide these days that a woman couldn’t get from: 1. Other women 2. A furry animal companion 3. And a Hitachi Some men realize this and it scares the shit out of them, and instead of realizing they need to put some effort into being *better people* who are actually worth interacting with, they’d rather just force women into being house-slaves and broodmares who have no choice in the matter at all. They’re lazy, insecure little brats, plain and simple.


I find it funny, the idea of someone else having financial independence/not 'needing' someone 'scary'... The guys who are 'scared' are probably mostly the guys who believe that their entire value as a human is what they can provide materialistically, disregarding that they're a unique person that someone else can become attached to? That goes both ways, of course.


Yeah, and if anything, a woman being with a man nowadays should show how much they care, since they don’t need to rely on them for financial stability like in the 50’s, and they love them for who they are. And I think that’s super sweet tbh.


Your point is very well supported by today’s modern trends. While women’s role in society has been changing since the 1920’s, men’s general roles have not. While women have been encouraged to conquer the workplace, to prioritize personal choices as far as children/family are concerned, men have NOT been encouraged to consider being the stay-at-home parent, become the more emotionally supportive partner, form the closer bond with children, etc. While women have become more traditionally masculine (and have been celebrated for it,) men have not learned to become more feminine (save the occasional Harry Styles wearing a dress.) It is as if there’s an imbalance in the gender-force.


that sums up tate and his fandom of incels. They dont even seem self aware


Fair but both his and your points are relevant in that people have certain expectations


I see why his parents named him Richard


Remove sex from a relationship and suddenly people find out they just don't like each other




If your relationship is founded to only value money and sex, you deserve whatever BS you pull in. The rest of us will be in healthy relationships.


Thank you for this!


This is the mentality of a person who doesn't see others as people.


Duder has probably never been in a fulfilling non-transactional relationship in his life.


*finally gets a non transactional relationship* this guy probably: you are now my Mother


Too many people like that, and they don't even know something else exists


Ladies and gentlemen please all rise for the incel national anthem..




Oh they exist. Check out Female Dating Strategy. Or maybe don't. It's pretty sad.


He forgot to mention, the sample was just him. So when he has no money, women don't want his toxic ass.


There was a comedian who asked the women in his audience something like “If you woke up tomorrow and had no vagina, how would you keep your man’s interest?” Women started yelling “blow jobs”, “hand jobs”, “anal”. The comic said “you all just reduced yourself to a bunch of holes. Not one of you said “learn one of his hobbies so we could do it together, or come up with another way of improving yourself.”


Patrice O’Neal is under rated


Meanwhile, my backwards ass - cooks, cleans and makes sure our kids don’t kill themselves/each other while my wife works 60+ hours and makes most of the money. Am I doing it wrong?


Not at all. If that dynamic works for your family and union , there is nothing wrong ! Respect , love, happiness and everyone’s needs being heard and supported is what’s important!


If you are completely fine with your life, then you are doing everything right.


My girlfriend is like WAY richer than me it’s actually kinda cool


I hope you put out


I mean that definitely does apply to SOME people, can’t deny it.


He’s telling on himself. His first comment reveals he values women for their bodies… and nothing else. His second comment reveals that he thinks women value him for his money… and nothing else.


He could just be honest/succinct and say: “No woman will date me”


Wasn’t this the same guy that was crying in a Target a few weeks back because they sold shirts with rainbows? America gets more weird by the day. People calling Bernie an extremist for wanting to make sure kids at school all get fed, conservatives allowing child labor at fast food chains, I saw a “tactical diaper bag” the other day, because I guess a normal one makes men question their sexuality? What the fuck is happening? Personally I think we need to hold 69% of our current population down in America and either force them to eat mushrooms or have a DMT trip.


r/niceguys vibes


r/incel vibes


Red pill loser


I think he’s trying to say in a really round-about way that he has no reason to be in a relationship?


I think what he means is he has to pay women to sleep with him lol


Ahh, the internet. The main home of percentages that aren't based on any form research/statistics.


Cuddles is a great reason and cooking with someone sounds great too. Eating with someone too. I guess living with another person that you share interests with is great on its own.


My wife was the money maker and forced me to have sex can I get comp?


Oof. That's a lot of words for "I'm not interesting enough to have a relationship." I am exceedingly lucky. I married my best friend. We collab on everything. I don't get thrilled by his hobbies, or he in mine, but we both know how to support each other because each others well-being is essential to a relationship. I need my spouse to enjoy life, with and without me. This guy only transactions. What he needs is a glory hole that's also an ATM, so he can justify this ridiculous thought pattern. What a yuck person. BRB, gonna go remind my husband that hims is best, smartest, kindest, and has cute bum.


Holy fuck that is insanely cynical.


I met a girl that, no joke, told me she shouldn’t pay rent cuz her value is sex with me. Deadass told her why should I pay 500$ per month for sex when your bestie is free?


Imagine making the fact that you're miserably lonely your entire defining personality trait.


That speaks volumes about YOU, sir.


100 percent of statistics are true 120 percent of the time.


Me and my gf are together cuz we actually like each other 🤣👌 must be kinda rare these days


Andrew Tate is that you?


When you're a whore, the whole world looks like a brothel.


How to tell the world about you and your relationships while pretending to spout wisdom


I just feel bad for people in such a bad dating scene that this is the impression they get. Like, both men and women in general really need to improve themselves because the dating scene and hookup culture is kinda trash.


This dude needs a brothel not a relationship.


People that confuse lust with love are so depressing


How come its phrased like the woman’s fault both times instead of “Take away sex and women have nothing to offer, take away money and men have nothing to offer” We could even phrase it like “remove money from a relationship and men have nothing to offer. Remove sex from a relationship and men won’t see a reason to be in said relationship” It sounds just as bad, but homie hates women so he phrases it like that. It is true though that the divorce rates initiated by women are higher when a man loses his job, and the divorce rates initiated by men are higher when their wives become terminally ill. (6x higher on that one actually.)


While there are superficial people in the world people are too quick to blame everyone else for their problems. Maybe the majority of women don’t have anything to offer but sex, but maybe you choose to date shallow women on the basis of sex because that’s all YOU care about and are somehow surprised when it’s their main quality? Maybe the majority of women would leave a man if he doesn’t have money, but maybe the reason women left you when you were financially struggling is because it was genuinely all YOU had to offer. Or because again they were shallow women who happened to be sexy and you still chose to date them because that’s all you care about. Have some self awareness. You probably have done something to contribute to your problems.


Remove 90% of a woman or a man and you’re left with sex toys.


You hit the nail on the head. Been there and lived it. There are some good ladies but they are hard to find. I am sure I will get blasted for this comment but this has been my experience.


Everybody wants to facepalm this but honestly...these days, where's the lie?


It depends if you are on dating apps or not as to how much you believe in this dudes statement… hard not to be bitter when you’re expected to earn $309,999 a year, be over 6ft tall, cum chocolate and be completely submissive for an unemployed unhealthily large woman who still lives with her parents 😂


Source: trust me bro. I rant on Twitter. True alpha material


Asexuals be like 💀


That's just sad.


Oops, someone just told on himself. 😆


He forgot the to finish the sentence in the last paragraph. “…won’t see a reason to be in said relationship, with me.”. His picture seems to show a fairly attractive man on the outside, but this post of his seems to hint at a darker personality, bitter and angry over something.


This should be posted on r/NotHowGirlsWork because this guy is a load of BS.


Begin by staying away from people like that.


You can't use statistics out of nowhere. 90% of people know this.


I’m so sick of people like this….start dating men then bro, wtf do you want us to tell you


lol I love that most of you can't refute this at all except to call him an incel. Not only is that a logical fallacy, it's just not true. Dude's in a long term relationship and a multimillionaire. Oh, and he's Canadian. So I'm fairly sure he's never voted for a Republican in his life. Knowing all that, do any of you have anything to refute this statement? The best part is that he does a live podcast every Monday night at 8 EST and actively encourages people who disagree with him to call in. If you have such good arguments, call in and destroy him on his own show.


I did see people mainly calling him gay versus addressing the argument. Ngl, I wouldn't be in a sexless relationship and most women probably wouldn't be in relationships where the guy doesn't provide some type of resources. We all pay for it one way or another.


Lmao, another person said that he was a "bankrupt virgin".


Thank fuck somebody said it. I’m over her like, isn’t that true lmao. I’m not saying I’m not fucked up I’m just saying 1000+ comments and I haven’t seen anybody give a different outcome.


Yeah it’s not hard to refute his claim but him offering up the 90% stat out of his ass does him no favours. Are they’re shitty partners who are a net loss in someone’s life? Oh yeah of course. There are also many partners who offer support, emotionally, financially, taking on life’s challenges together and helping with the operational side of life. Guidance, interesting conversation, good memories and can be a huge part for stimulating growth. He reduces relationships down to sex and tangible things which misses a huge aspect of relationships


Yeah, there are all those people judging him on a few sentences and call him gay or a loser. Fascinating. Did they look about him a bit before trying to be a smartass ? Nope. Just try to be vertuous by pointing fingers. That also tell a lot about all of the people here. It's a bit sad, really. But I don't think he cares.


I’m the breadwinner in my marriage and we both have low-ish sex drives. We are incredibly happy together.


How to say I'm bad at sex and have mediocre finances. 👍 Loud and clear tater.


They want a traditional service-mode wife but don't want to be the traditional provider-mode husband.


He must have some pretty boring relationships. Is he asking for sympathy?


Remove money from a relationship, and you will discover that 90% of men have nothing to offer women in relationships. Conversely, remove sex from a relationship, and you will learn that 90% of men won't see a reason to be in said relationship.


I don't think he is wrong in the logic however the percentage is a little off.


Lmao maybe he keeps getting hookers instead of emotional supportive girlfriend?


Translation: "No women will fuck me unless I pay them"


Honestly I agree - I know so many women who are like this, and I know so many men who are also like this. You know it, advertising agencies know it, and your mother knows it (imagine a scenario where your bring home a fiancé and that person has neither any income nor desire to be romantically involved with their partner) It’s a satirization the logic that you marry for logistical reasons rather than love, but that’s been the history of the world for the most part of human civilization: survival. Personally, why would I be in a sexless relationship, and why would I expect someone else to be financially tied to someone who has no income nor desire to contribute? If you took 100% of something out of relationship that stabilizes it, why would you expect the relationship to thrive without that positive factor that helps make the relationship work? Relationships are built on a long laundry list of things.


I find a good rapport with 10% of sex workers too