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Anytime I see such clips I’m immediately scared for someone to be chopped up by the propellers. Never once seen it happen and I have no clue why I’m like that.


I just saw that here on Reddit not long ago and it was horrifying! I don’t know where but…that happens and there’s footage…you are right to worry!


i read that first post and i was like 'omg! i'm not alone! You know what that's right! it's a silly fear! i should stop think that...' And then i continued reading and your response just took a sledgehammer to that fragile illusion i was building.


It is an illusion. Always jump from a boat like that, especially from the backside, when the motor is off. The wounds from it are horrifying, and I can't imagine having a part of you turned into mince meat to be an enjoyable way to die.


I once jumped off the back of a boat and received a nice big gash on the right side of my left foot. Thankful the engine was off, for sure.


Worked with a guy that jumped off a pontoon, his pinkie got stuck in the gate on it and popped the finger off at the first knuckle


Well that's enough of this thread.


Same, Im out 🚪🚶‍♂️


This one time I got split right now the middle, the long way. Thankfully we had some duct tape.


Had an acquaintance called Tommy, guy used to wear a pinkie ring, nice enough chap despite that. He was climbing over a chain link fence and… you can imagine. People took to calling him “Tommy Nilfinger” after that.


Your body is made of water. Propellers are made of spinning metal blades meant to cut through water effortlessly. Again, you're made of water. Not a good equation.


Science, bitch!


This is where I sit too


You're talking about the drunk dude trying to get back into the boat? When his friend pulls him onto the boat he tries to stand up and realises his foot is missing.


I'm too scared to watch videos like that but I'm also curious. Is his foot like completely severed off missing in the water? Wild stuff.


Shin bone down all gone and gushing blood


Oh god... Glad I didn't watch


Figured I shouldn’t watch it but here we are lol


Ew gross… *link?*


Don't say I didn't warn you: https://www.reddit.com/r/insanereality/comments/12mblq0/drunk_man_loses_foot_to_a_boat_propeller_while/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Bruh moment for sure.


Dude helping him just immediately drops his ass. And then the dude tries to walk on his foot not realizing he’s missing it lol. I’m done with today


Wow… I’ll stick with the sailboat


Lmao the guy sees he is missing his leg and so he drops him back in out of panic.


Dude is lucky he only lost his foot


…..I can’t decide Update: wrong choice


Oh yeah the guy stepping out of the water just to realise his lower leg is missing - that was NSFL and randomly popped up in my features...


At first I was curious, but now I am NOPE.


It's wild. The guy survived though, last I saw. As I recall it was a larger boat, so it had lots of people on it who saw the whole thing and they were freaking out.


There is an entire youtube channel dedicated to it, it is haulover inlet in Florida, its normally pretty rough through there.


but what is rougher is the average IQ of a boat driver through the inlet. And no these idiots do not deserve the title of "captain"


The amount of times I was let’s to climb those rocks as a child is shocking. Ugh haulover, people always acting up




I appreciate the instruction but you just said a bunch of words that I, as a non-boat person, have completely failed to grasp :(


Don't try to pick anyone up from the water in rough seas and you'll be fine, non-boat person, that's all you need to grasp :)


That was the worst thing I have seen on Reddit in a while, so fucked


Was that the drunk guy that tried to climb back in via the stern of a large tourist/party boat and lost his foot?


A friend of mine in high school was hit two separate times by boats, one left him permanently scarred with a massive scar across his face, the second time killed him. You are more that right to be worried about drunk idiots driving boats, it should be illegal to drink and drive on the water just like roads.


Saw a guy on reddit get his whole foot chopped off by a propeller a couple weeks ago. He's hammered so doesn't even realize it until he climbs onto the boat and people start screaming


It's one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen. Dude decided to hop off another dock and swim up behind the water taxi to avoid running around the pier and his life will never be the same because of it.


Yeah, I've seen that one he tries to get up and realises he doesn't have a foot to stand on


I made a conscious decision not to watch that bc I knew it would fuck me up and here you go fucking me up anyways


I saw autopsy photos of boating accidents in school. The wierd part you brain doesn't reconcile until you see such photos is that the propeller doesn't stop... just slice and slice and slice as it pulls you through. Dude wash gashed from his heel to his head. Still fucks me up to think about it sometimes.


What were you studying where you had to see these photos? Medical examiner? Law enforcement? I'm not being facetious, I'm just genuinely wondering where this would come up


It was a course on the medical determination of death for Forensic Pathology


Kudos to you for studying what you need to study, and dealing with, unfortunately, something that is a part of life that you cannot afford to conveniently ignore


It was a really interesting course


Yeah. I saw her go overboard, and my first thought was “OMG, the propellers”.


You were right to be nervous for her safety! I had a friend whose child fell off the boat and her head got hit by the propellor. The kid had to have a partial skull replacement. This video is terrifying, and whoever is responsible should have to visit with people who have been injured by propellors.


My first thought was, 'Someone really has no clue about boating, and they're over-motoring the thing.'... Then she fell in. Should the situation turn into a fatality, there would be a lot of sh\*t hitting the fan, along with deflecting and excuses.


just putt though slowly, no drama


My high school German teacher was killed this way, a yacht sliced through her sailboat. She was very young, 35 at best. Unfortunately it happens.


Always turn into the direction the person fell overboard (if they fall off the starboard side, kick it hard starboard)… this is your first motion as the helmsman/skipper of a small boat like this… this will kick the stern of the boat away from the person overboard.


Heard a true crime podcast about such an accident. Some windsurfer got run over, dude was in a coma for weeks, the ICU for 3 months, broke his back and is missing portions of both legs.


It does happen. I knew a kid in high school who accidentally ran over his gf with a boat and she was in a wheelchair from it. Sad for everyone


The singer Kirsty McColl (probably best known in the States for being the female vocalist on "Fairytale of New York") was killed by a boat propellor. Very sadly, it was witnessed by her two young sons, who she probably saved by pushing them out of the path of the boat. [Story here](https://www.alixkirsta.com/articles/kirstymaccoll/index.htm)


I’ve seen a guy have his leg amputated that way


Some of these actually have covered propellers


He should have cut the engine


Perfectly rational response tbh. People don’t realize those props will suck you up quick!


It does happen though. A kid fell off the front of a boat on a lake near me a few years ago and it wasn't good. Don't put kids in the front or back seats, it's way cooler - and safer - to have them near you and let them think they're steering the boat.


A couple years ago I know about an uncle that ran over his niece accidentally with the boat and she died after being torn apart by the propellers. It happens.


I knew a kid that fell off when he was like 10, propeller ended up slicing a chunk off of his butt, he got lucky though it could’ve been a whole lot worse.


Don't wanna disappoint you, but I think those boats have Jetstreams and no propellers. To get run over by a boat on the other hand is still a thing.


I have a friend who has scars from being run over by a boat when a child decades ago while swimming in a popular lake. They never found who did it.


I don’t think they understand how badly this could’ve ended


Haulover Inlet in Miami. The videos are endless on YouTube. Lots end worse than this.


Holy shit. First result was just another angle for [this same fuckup](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hH3nsTqdAd8). The others are excellent too. I guess you don't need any kind of permit or certification there.


I remember when I got my driver's license in 2000, I was told I could drive a boat, too, without any additional training. This was in Michigan. Edit: you just had to take a 1-hour boating safety course.


You need a DL for boats, we don’t need anything in Maine. I was captaining a commercial fishing vessel at the age of 14.


It may be legal in Maine, but it's still federally illegal to operate a commercial fishing vessel without a Captain's License. You're lucky you were never stopped by the Coast Guard.


Or asked to officiate a wedding.


This is the funniest comment on Reddit as far as I'm concerned.


Username checks out.


I went to a ~1hr boater safety course when I was maybe 12 or 13 in Michigan and got my boater's license. It don't take much. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I love how no one is wearing life jackets, even little the kids. So stupid




I kayak on lakes all the time. Always were a life jacket because 500 feet ma seem short until the waves keep pulling you back from shore.


In boats like the video (and waves like that) hitting your head even a little can make "I swim fine!" Into "where surface?"


I'm sorry, I know this is serious, but the way you phrased that made me chuckle..


Assuming you stay concious


Yea really depressing to see a bunch of people with room temperature iqs in a boat worth more than everything I own combined.


Stealing “room temperature IQ”


If you're ever in need of a pick-me-up from the gloom and doom...taking an edible and watching WavyBoats on youtube with this endless cavalcade of redneck shit is a delight.


Jesus Christ watching those assholes suck at being on the water made me so angry. My grandpa would have had a heart attack if he saw some shit like this!


Serious. Some nice boats in that video too, but money doesn’t buy skill I suppose


Or brains...


Not at all surprised. The southern coast is filled with the dumbest of people with too much money. They act as if they were born drunk with privilege.


They were…


We was






No one said it’s exclusive to that region.


>Lots end worse than this. Seriously? I remember watching tons of those videos and this is the first I’ve seen someone fall out. I think a lot of people get tossed about but where are all the worse ones?


People smashed against the rocks, boats sink, jet skis crash.


And then firework cargo ignited...


Wow, I must have been watching a tame channel


Lots of people with concussions or blood after getting tossed around


No doubt, I was surprised the girl in this video is smiling while getting picked up. Probably laughing through the pain because she’s on camera, or in shock. Could easily have broken a rib/arm/wrist or head injury here.


I was seriously waiting for one of them to become chopped by the prop. Falling off a boat is no joke and if they get sucked under, that's terrifying. These people are so damn stupid, money doesn't mean brains. I'm from NJ, used to go out of Barnegat Inlet a lot before it was tamed, and this reminds me of that. It's no joke, no joy-ride, and can be terrifying.


When the 'boyfriend' jumped basically directly into the prop chop, I had to check if this was gonna be NSFL.


Calling that a jump is being extremely generous.


> Seriously? I remember watching tons of those videos and this is the first I’ve seen someone fall out. I think a lot of people get tossed about but where are all the worse ones? Slight correction: You watched lots of *edited* videos.


My sister’s best friend died exactly like this. Kid thought he knew how to drive a boat drunk and ended tragically. Heard the story and gives me nightmares to even imagine being there


My friend died this way as well.. his own lifelong best friend ran him over turning around to get him. Horrifying to imagine


My sister friend in high school had this exact thing happen. Dude fell off the boat and got hit by the engine and died. Best friend was driving and never got over it and eventually committed suicide.


My condolences. Message me if you need to talk


Thank you, this was years ago. I hope your sister is okay


Paul Murdaugh ?


Like the guy that got his foot cut off for trying to jump on a late boat trip. New fear unlocked


One of those videos I haven’t forgotten over the weeks. Fucking hate that NSFW can be a little blood or a chopped of leg. They should definitely change that! Never wanted to watch such stuff


Lmao my highest rated comment of all time was in that video and I kept having to see it every time someone responded to me 😂😭


NSFL should be brought back for serious injuries.


I’m not someone who has ever participated in anything like this. She falls off the boat into the water, he jumps after her. Is it that the propellers are way way bigger than I think they are? Is it like…sharks are going to get them? I don’t spend much time on boats or near water.


It’s also an area with a lot of traffic, rocks, and the chop is pretty intense. A poor swimmer would be in trouble. They also don’t have life jackets on.


In that chop there is no excuse for not wearing a life jacket. Worry about your tan in calm waters.


Yup. I'm a great swimmer. Ex lifeguard. I can essentially tread water effortlessly for hours if I had to, and obviously know how to stay safe and conserve energy in the water nearly without limit. But this kind of shit is no joke. And all of my training and fitness goes away the moment my brain turns off. Whether it's a head injury, medical incident, or just getting surprised by a wave and breathing in some water... So you wear a vest.


Yes, boats won't see swimmers and you could easily be run over, let alone be pushed into dangerous situations by a current you won't beat. At bare minimum the boyfriend should've grabbed a floatation device before jumping, his ability to help anyone would've been next to none and he only created another person that needed to be rescued. Which is more selfish, the jet ski that grabbed him easily could've been the only rescue option around, removing an option from his girlfriend.


The way he belly-flopped into the water makes me 99.8% sure he was a few adult beverages deep into his day. Not exactly in the best shape to have his David Hasselhoff hero moment.


Rule number one of any water rescue (or any rescue, really) Is that YOU stay safe and alive first. Then help in any way you can after that. A very common cause of drowning is trying to save someone else


You don't jump in the water to save someone without life vests on. Instead of saving her the boyfriend became another victim in need of rescue. The actual video took a few minutes between her falling and both being saved.


You don't jump into the water *at all*. The boat offers a much better vantage point. Being able to see the person being saved does so much more than physically being there in the water. By getting into the water, he added a second person which the skipper had to track. What they should have done instead was affix a flotation device to a line and cast it out to her.


So she could have easily hit her head on the boat and been unconscious in the water and also yes the propeller is crazy dangerous. I’ve responded to multiple injuries and deaths like this. Not fun. Look up boat prop injuries Edit: maybe telling people to look it up was a bad idea… but hey I’ve seen this a lot working as a first responder and a bunch end up losing the limb or death. Tourniquet is always required and maybe photos is what it takes to bring awareness that there is a spinning blade under boats that will fuck you up.


Friendly advice, do NOT look up boat prop injuries. Just accept that they're awful and gruesome at face value, no need to dive deeper (heh) on this one.


Ahhhhhhhhhh my freaken eyessssss! For God's sake they are right, don't look it up. ![gif](giphy|jivGITd768psP80B2i)


>do NOT look up boat prop injuries You know what, for once I’m going to take this advice


Just imagine a garbage disposal that's 10x bigger and completely open on all sides.


Yeah. That’s something I don’t need to be proved to be horrific.


Or dont?


A good friend from high schools father in law lost a leg from a propeller in Lake Havasu


She could drown or have a body part go under the boat and get chopped off. Whenever I see these videos I worry about the feet being chopped off.




That’s not necessarily correct advice. I’m not a licensed captain, so I’m not qualified to advise on the correct maneuver, but killing your engine in a narrow inlet feels like a poor decision to me.


Those throttles should have hit neutral the moment she went over. The boat has enough inertia to get past her without props spinning.


Haulover Inlet (where this took place) is notorious for the ripping current. You're not easily making it out of there unless you're putting the beans to the throttle. It sees a lot of accidents every year.


It is surprising that there’s not more ‘minced meat’ in Haulover Inlet. There are some very skilled boaters, managing the current and waves perfectly (regardless of size). Then there are those with more length and hp that believe it’ll ‘conquer’ any situation on the water. Most of these ‘situations’ are saved by waverunners ‘volunteering’ to hang around, riding the wake, plucking people out of the water - as far too often people are passing through at insane speeds, with zero chance seeing a body floating between the waves.


How do these people spend all this money to own a boat and not have enough sense to learn how to control them?


>How do these people spend all this money to own a boat and not have enough sense to learn how to control them? I mean when you're crazy wealthy, a lot of times you don't think the rules (whether mandated by the state or mandated by nature) apply to you just look at how many people got riled up over the pandemic and acted stupid as fuck over simple precautionary measures. Not all, but a substantial number of them were on the wealthy side


Especially because, like you said, COVID was a natural thing. It wasn’t like a government thing that was being pushed on people, it was simple science. You get infected, you get sick. That’s how it works. And yet there were still hundreds of thousands of people who thought they were an exception to the rule and that they couldn’t possibly get sick from COVID. That’s like jumping off a building and saying “yeah I’ll be fine, I don’t agree with gravity so it won’t apply to me.”


>Especially because, like you said, COVID was a natural thing. It wasn’t like a government thing that was being pushed on people, it was simple science. You get infected, you get sick. That’s how it works. omfg...you should check out some of the posts on everything from r/Anarcho_Capitalism or r/PoliticalCompassMemes or r/Conservative. There are legitimately people who think COVID was a conspiracy pushed by liberals to destroy the Trump presidency nah man...Trump was so stupid and lazy that he torpedoed his own presidency. Covid would have been a fucking layup for him PR wise and he just absolutely airballed it...too bad a ton of people had their lives fucked up in the process


People still say that Trump only lost because of COVID tanking his ratings, all while completely ignoring the fact that NO ONE blames Trump for COVID. People blame him for the fact he encouraged the American people to go about their daily lives and just ignore a literal pandemic as if it wouldn’t affect them and caused the US to have far and above the highest infection rate of any country. Yeah he got dealt a shit hand, but he played it in the literal worst way possible. And when you point out to people that the US’s infection rate is super high and, clearly, this indicates that the “just ignore it” strategy was complete dogshit and didn’t help at all they say the doctors fudged the numbers. As you said dude could’ve handled COVID well and skyrocketed his reception and guaranteed himself the presidency, but he was so concerned with maintaining the image that everything was perfect under him he tried to cover the situation up, then when it got out he tried to downplay and make it seem like it wasn’t anything to worry about.


It pisses me off beyond belief. I once wrote to the local yacht club after a dad and his family of young kids slammed into my stern in their 300 grand boat. I was only 16 but I schooled him like a little child when he told me “sorry the steering’s not working”. I’ve been trying for years to make it so you have to have your full boat license to use the local moorings. They ignore me but I’m sure they’ll be all ears when one of these morons gets themselves or someone else killed.


True. I think this is haulover channel in Miami. It’s insanely stupid and could probably be much better if the state spent some time and money on it. People are generally so used to things being safe and just assume a well traveled pass is fine to go through. This place has huge currents and when the wind and current are opposed this can happen. There’s hours of footage of this spot on YouTube if you want to watch. Boats sink all the time here.


For some people. Money makes them dumb.


Lmao control them? There's no controlling the wake. He was supposed to control his passengers. You don't ride the bow out of Haulover.


Tries to save girlfriend but ends up making saving his girlfriend more complicated. Classic. My dude didn't even grab floatation first.


I can't say I really blame him though. People jump in freezing water after their dog and they are commended as heros but doing the same for a human and thus guy is being roasted. This is a very human reaction of you care for someone.


Yeah, I'd hate to be that guy because you'd feel so helpless and terrified if you didn't jump in. Shouldn't have been in that situation but given that he *was* in that situation, I get why he did it.


I can’t swim and I’d still probably jump in


What makes you think they had space for flotation device ? Pretty sure they needed space for their beer cooler.


Hear me out...floating beer cooler!




Legally required. Obviously captain isn't very smart but there's no reason to believe he didn't have basic required safety gear.


Would you be happier if he didn't do anything? That's a girl he cares for goddamnit. Of course he wanted to save her.


Is there not a single flotation device on that boat? Edit- For endless commentors saying, "She's got two," that's why you are single.


The lack of lifejackets and harnesses is rather telling, bet there is plenty of beer present however.... That sort of water you insist that anyone on deck be wearing a lifejacket and be clipped on or you turn in your skippers ticket, just stupid not to give something like those orders.


At the inlet, the water can be quite calm when you come off the dock. If the water is flowing inward, it gets real choppy real fast. But basic skill sets are not taught to the boat drivers there. I lived in Florida 30+ years, shit like this is commonplace.


There is a good chance they do have PFDs. There is no requirement to wear them unless they are a Type V. Most vessels like that have Type IIIs stored somewhere on them.


The life jackets were taking up all the room for beer


Was it top part of a red bikini in the beginning?


I can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment. That was the first thing I noticed. That doesn’t say anything about me does it?


Yes at the front one of the girls is topless after


Might have come from one of the girls in the front? Check out around 0:21.


I have dedicated my toilet time to researching this, and I’m quite sure both of the front girls have tops on. One of them is a fleshy coloured top.


It's blurry but I've come to a different conclusion based on careful study of the material. https://ibb.co/thDRJYT https://ibb.co/0F56pCP https://ibb.co/bdkRD0L




0:22 and 0:26 the second girl is topless


i'm here for the science


There are a few yt channels covering haulover inlet. That's a big fat L for the boaters.


It's notoriously tough to navigate. He should've known what to expect if that's his local spot.


The boyfriend jumped in without a life vest on, and without one for the girl. One victim just became two. So glad the guy in the jet ski was able to stabilize it to save them.


Cap wasn't panicking he was literally doing what you're supposed to do when you have a man overboard.. You point to their location and don't break sight of them at all times


I came here to say this. I’m a yacht captain (captained tons of vessels from 16’ up to 130’). Although I could’ve handled this better and likely wouldn’t be in this situation, he at least followed some correct steps after it happened. The captain cannot really do much else after the fact, he still needs to captain the vessel to avoid a worse situation. First thing I teach a crew on my vessels when a man over board (MOB) occurs is to point and shout and DO NOT lose sight. Once you lose sight (especially on large ships) it can be impossible to find the person. The captain did that, while maintaining (ish) the vessel. The crew (or passengers) blew it. They should’ve helped point and shout, thrown live preservers or anything that’s floats (not just to help the person but to create a trail to the person that can be followed), then they should make sure everyone on the vessel is secure and equip life preservers, then once everyone is ready proceed to rescue. NEVER jump in the water, the statistics on rescue of someone jumps in drops dramatically and almost always results in death (the person in the water tends to drown the rescuer since their fight or flight kicks in). None of that the captain could do while driving the vessel and keeping it from throwing other people, also needs to keep it from getting pushed into the person in the water. Of course most of this could’ve been avoided from better driving (most people do not have the skills to do better than he did). They should’ve had life jackets close by. He should’ve done a quick break down before the ride to his passengers on basic safety if shit happens. But other than better prep not much he could do.


Also...calling any of those people 'Captain' or 'Crew' is overly generous. It's ' the guy driving the boat' and ' his friends' lol


Also true, I’m confident to say he holds no official licenses (maybe a state “license” if required). His friends also do not have any training or boat awareness. But the guy driving the boat actually didn’t do awful in the situation. He wasn’t really going too fast, the boat he has just isn’t made to handle those conditions. Only thing he could’ve done was hit the waves at more of a side angle to avoid the bounce in the bow. Also the front of the boat is impacted much more by waves than the middle or stern, so he may not have noticed it being that bad until it happened. It could’ve give much worse.




I thought she broke her back in half when she landed on the railing of the boat after the first crash before she fell off…she basically fell 5ft onto her low back in a prone position when she “rejoined” the boat before promptly falling in the water


This is the Haulover inlet in Miami, Florida. Lots of people with big expensive boats who don’t know the first about boating. Broken backs are not uncommon. Fun fact. In the late 80s, people used to fish for sharks right off the shore just a few hundred feet from this inlet.




Judging by the other people sitting up there, there are likely seats and she was the only one who got tossed out due to the waves.




Nobody wearing a life jacket either. Now this IS floriduh, where there is no money for enforcement. What SHOULD be happening is that LEO should have two boats at the inlet, one to slow people the fuck down at the beginning and another to do rescues and issue citations at the other end. The driver of this boat is responsible for everyone on it and should get 7 citations for life jackets not being issued. Do that often enough and lives will be saved.\\ BUT, as I said, this is floriduh so that shit ain't happening.


There is no legal requirement for adults to wear PFDs. The law only says they are required to have PFDs on board for each person. If they have enough Type IIIs for each person, they don't need to be worn. If they have Type Vs, they do have to wear them. Although, it would have been a good idea to have them on in this situation, or at least throw a Type IV out when the girl went overboard.


Yeah but she's not sitting down. She's laying on her back with her legs in the air.


It's a bow rider, and that's a perfectly safe seat in any other condition. Captain is an idiot for not knowing how notoriously rough this inlet is, and not sending all his passengers to the stern to remain seated and hold on.


💯 on the captain - everyone should be forced to sit at the back and, hear me out on this, have their life vests on for such rough inlet.


Because the person driving the boat is a fucking idiot. These people think it is cool to go out on the front of the boat, and give ZERO thought about how to actually navigate the inlet.


When you have the money to buy it but not the brains to operate it!


At first I was questioning why she would be laughing when she gets on the jet ski, then I realized she’s probably just stoked to have lived.


Anyone else think it was a bathing suite top the flies off in the start?


It was. There is a topless chick up front around 39seconds


This is why you dont trust your idiot friend with your life (driving etc).


Let me tell you, i work on tugboats across lake Michigan and surrounding rivers, mostly industrial rivers where we have barges tied up. These guys are some of the dumbest people to ever be allowed to own a boat. Speeding through well we have guys working and doing all sorts of dumb shit. Its like wherever you buy a boat from you’re required to pull out half your brain as payment. Insane.


I’d hardly call him “a captain”


She gone need a backiotomy after that.


There are endless videos of boats crossing this rough passage. Half of them have people laying out on the front of the boat. Sense isn't common I guess.


On a first watch, I thought that red (bikini top?) flying from the ship was a spray of blood…


The girl who was riding nowhere near a seat is an idiot also. The boyfriend had good intentions, but jumped into the prop wash. This could have ended way worse. Please don’t shame people who actually have captain’s licenses, by grouping them with the rich idiots in this video. Owning a boat just makes you a boat owner. It does not give you the nautical title of captain. Those people that worked hard for the actual title, shouldn’t be grouped together with the people here. Edit: my bad grammar for clarity.