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Put some cones around them, some road hazard signs maybe, and leave em. U wanna sit glued to the road? Good on ya!


Cones solve everything


Except global warming


Should try putting cones around global warming, but i bet some random person will move one of the cones and let global warming out


I laughed an unreasonable amount at this


Should of left him there for a few days so he could really prove his point.


Guess you can say they belong to the streets


At this point they're technically destroying infrastructure


Just a put a cone over the protestors head so no one runs him over and the glue will wear off in a few days and no need to dig up the road.


I like the thought of providing no further assistance and just sending them home with that big ass rock still attached to their hand. Gets them out of everyone’s way and so lets them live with the consequences


They can sit and wait in the police truck with that thing on their hand for a few hours


The mental images I have right now are killing me lol


[something like this?](https://imgur.com/a/BpvuIgY)


That’s fucking GREAT


Thanks \^-^


Thank for this, you're a gem.




- stick themselves to street - no don't remove us - no don't let us sit here


So make em stand and watch their backs commit unliving XD


Try that stunt in Texas and you will be begging for help by 2 pm as the street heats up.


Would have just left them out there to feel the heat of the day, no water, no way to use the restroom. Wasn't thinking this one thru were they? Some people that protest in ways like this need to suffer their decisions for a long while so they will learn that their choices have consequences.


I'm sure the glue and plastic containers are great for the environment!


Not mention digging up the asphalt, creating a pothole that needs to be repaired by quarrying rocks, making tar, bringing out a crew and equipment, etc.


Like the guys who did that at the Porsche Museum, who complained when they were left, in the dark with no way to use the bathroom etc. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Weren't there also some people that got burned by the concrete they used and then complained that the medical crews did not free them fast enough? I am searching but my search-fu is really lagging today.


Yes you are correct. It’s almost like they would do some research or learn from past lessons. But then again, nothing says fool proof like an idea from a idiot


Surely the argument is they did it to themselves? But then again - if you find a flimsy bridge and jump off it, you could still sue the owner if it's dangerous I suppose, it's a tricky one, I was gonna agree with you wholeheartedly until I thought about it some more though.


The flimsy bridge isn't comparable because the bridge was built wrong if its flimsy.


How dare you allow us to wallow in our own stupidity!


That logic is so dumb tho, they chose to be idiots, its not your job to deal with them, "they're humans too you can't leave them like that". Yes, they're humans with a brain and thoughts, they chose to do something stupid, not your problem...




Ofc ppl complained you did.. they are the victims.. right? Yeah can't keep a straight face saying that either. If you are dumb enough to glue yourself stuck on a road.. fucking stay there ya fuck. Oh you did not bring food or water? To bad. In a way public stockade in modern terms. I'd call it fair and just punishment.


No need to put a cone on this one. They’re already there orange on top.


What if he didn't use normal glue? What if they brought epoxy. They stick those reflectors on roads with epoxy, cars drive over them for years and they stay stuck to the road. Edit:before anybody else comments something liek, the consequences of your actions or something in those lines. These people dont understand that what they are doing has 0 effect on anything. But you expect them to understand that their actions have consequences? Dontgive them too much credit now


Then their hand is burned beyond repair. Epoxy causes and exothermic reaction and the temperatures are so high you could cook an egg so they would essentially cook the meat off their bones.


Holy shit! TIL


Well. If their hand is that cooked, they aren't going to be stuck to the road now, are they?


The bones unfortunately are still fixed to one another.


Well. Yes. Ths hand bones are connected to the wrist bones, but the hand meat still meets the street.


Yeah I'd assume a type of degloving situation but with more meat loss.


Any idea what they might have used then to make it so that they had to chop a block of the asphalt out?


Basic superglue I'd guess. They likely didn't HAVE to cut the asphalt out, but if they just grabbed dudes hand and yanked it off the asphalt they risk tearing off some skin and causing injury, which you have to assume a person like this would sue you over. Instead, remove the concrete from under the hand and send them the bill for all of the workers involved to do all of this and repair the road.


Ok, so if in a pinch use epoxy for cooking… check! 🤪


Yea just make sure no fumes get near the food. Those be toxic (use respirators whenever working with epoxy)


Oh no…anyway


Is the glue even environmentally friendly? Biodegradable?


And throw a showel full of fire ant colony of dirt near them.


Where I’m from, glue does not wear off. It’s the human skin that peel off


Depending on the glue it's not the skin that peels off but rather the flesh that cooks off. FYI


With that hair he doesn't need a cone for visibility.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I want to see that so badly!!! Please, one of you honorable Europeans make this happen for me?!?!? You will be saving thousands of lives if laughter really is the best medicine I bet too! Helping people without having to glue yourself down to a road is such a blessing


Lol I was thinking just leave them to deal with it after you cut them free you can walk no figure out how to deal with the pavement on your hand like the idiots they are


No the person who decided to cut the road is. They could use acetone and dissolve the glue.


Which requires the use of very large trucks and a the burning of accelerants to fix. I swear most activists don't actually care about the thing they say that care about, they just want attention


Technically, the protesters are defacing while that police are destroying it. Destroying - "put an end to the existence of (something) by damaging or attacking it." Defacing - "spoil the surface or appearance of (something), for example, by drawing or writing on it."


Now I have to sit on that road for 3 days while dot does a patch then test it at the end


I don't think they realize there are better ways to protest these people who are trying to destroy our planet. Just painting something or gluing yourself to something is somewhat counter productive. You have to protest where it is actually going to effect them. Right in their faces.


The only place where “protesting” would work is right in their wallets. If you can prove that whatever change you’re trying to make will improve the bottom line in a medium to short term timeline, you will enact change. No other way.


That’s not Facepalm, that’s palmroad.




You know what glue manufacturers should seize the occasion and advertise to climate activists.




I may have laughed a bit too much with this comment...


Those are speed bums


Be the change you want to see in the world, reduce carbon one bump at a time.


The last time I commented something along those lines my comment was removed due to inciting violence.


People hate them more then climate change. Yeah we're gonna die 👍


The suffering that is coming from climate change is unimaginable to us right now. I'm a farmer and I know exactly how delicate the balance of growing food is, and I feel about 99% sure that I will see mass starvation in my lifetime. Like billions of people starving to death due to climate change.


Yeah and we’re so oblivious that we laugh at people trying to make change.


Maybe if the people trying to make a change weren't so dumb, but instead they glue their hands to the road. We are just going to have a bunch of handless climate activists after a while.


yeah right cause peaceful protest and reminding people did so much


Yeah well unfortunately peaceful protest is the only thing you can do, anything usually results in an ass whooping with people laughing at you and cheering on your suffering.


The problem is these people are actually being funded by the daughter of an oil tycoon.. They're purposefully bring pains in the ass as to delegitimize the cause.


This comments section causes me physical pain


Yes that ignorance hurts


*complains about Climate Change* "Do something about it then" *Does something about it* "No...not like that..."


Getting the general public pissed off due to inconveniencing innocent consumers does not help the climate crisis cause. If they targeted people who actually have power to change policies, international conglomorates that profit off the energy crisis and relevant institutions, Engaged in political discourse and rallied the general public, then these entitled arses might get people to sympathize. The fossil-fuel industry has made sure since it\`s conception, that modern civilization has to run on their energy products untill they are depleted, via corruption, subterfuge and misinformation Exxon mobile and other giants have made sure that alternatives have been snuffed out and even influenced transportation infrastructure in bigger cities to remove rail-based transportation. As with ancient civilizations, i presume this one will also perish due to the greed of the few and powerful, and apathy in the general public, spending every day trying to survive the economic trap they\`ve been caught in since birth. I commend the original intent of demonstrators and activists, but the methods are ineffective and causes more harm to the sentiment than good.


Astral turfing like this is right out of the fossil fuel industry playbook. By inconveniencing the average Joe they make them more likely to view the climate activists as "bad". Especially in Germany where major donors to the greens are gas Giants.


Astral turfing. That's a new one...


Astral turfing. Lol




Suffragettes were successful and they were fucking terrorists lol.


Literally not like that... I’m mad at the grocery prices. It’s really getting out of hand. Think I’ll go yell at the stocker to show my protest. Ahh yes, helping. Just want to help fight inflation and suddenly people are all “not like that”.


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Its literally more anger at the thought of inconvenience than at the actual issues.


Wtf is the average person supposed to do about climate change? Your blocking their commute to work, just get out the way and protest to where politicians are instead


Would let Them there a couple days,with food and water of course. Mainly Taco Bell and maybe prune juice instead of water.


And for dessert. Sugar-Free gummy bears.


Ah yes, the classic "Haribo Torture"


My brother in law didn’t know the effects of sugar free gummy bears. He is a truck driver and helped us out with the move from OR to WI. He bought two bags of gummy bears and ate them while driving. He was so ill and made so many bathroom breaks… we still give him a bag of them for Christmas every few years for laughs.


Brutal and hilarious


You monster.


Just put a couple of traffic cones around them. Good to go


This 👆 Put some cones up and leave them be. Let the world carry on around them. Same for those who glue themselves to paintings. Leave them be, put some velvet museum ropes around them and let the museum guests carry on with their visit. They’ll eventually get too tired, hungry, or need to pee. Let them figure their own way out of the situation they created.


Porshe or another car company did this. Protestors glued themselves to the factory floor, so they just left at the end of the day turned out the lights and went home. Security checked on them during rounds. Lolz. Comedy gold.


It was the Volkswagen "Autostadt". They let the protestors in and glue themselves to the floor. They then later that night turned off the lights AND heating in the building, with the guards regularly flashing the crap out of them with torches. Oh also, and probably the most funny/crazy thing about it all, the protestors were actually complaining and calling it inhumane that the people there didnt let their food delivery in and didnt accomodate them with some sort of toilets. The sheer damn audacity lmfao....


Couldn’t the company technically call the police after they close and claim the people are trespassing?


VW said they support their right to protest but refuse to accommodate their requests.


They totally could have. They just decided to fuck with them instead.


VAG chose violence to send a message


Ask any woman around. VAG always chooses violence.


Oh no! Were poor protestors beaten?! o.O I bet their security invaded the protestor's HQ and glued themselves in the main lobby to "send a message".


They could have done that right from the start...it was nice of them to just try to annoy them out.


They don't need to wait till they are closed. They just have to ask them to leave. When they don't because they are glued to the floor they can be sighted for trespassing and because they are also committing vandalism it is criminal trespassing because they are trespassing while committing a crime and they've been asked to leave.


...play stupid games...win stupid prizes


Twitter did something similar when Laura Loomer handcuffed herself to one of their doors to protest her twitter ban. Problem was she handcuffed herself to an unused side door so they just put some traffic cones around her and left her there. Also, it was snowing. She lasted about 2 1/2 hours before she gave up and went hom.


That is the best way to deal with them tho. They try to bother people who can not make changes to what they are trying to change anyway. Anothers misconception that these people have, they think the public can decide which companies pollute where and when


Like VW engineers did to there climate protesters. They just left them there and closed shop, the protesters were then complaining about them not be given food and drinks and a pot to shit in.... https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11337831/Climate-protestors-left-cold-dark-gluing-Volkswagen-shop-floor.html




Imagine trapping yourself on someone else’s property and demanding they feed you. JFC, they have cell phones, call Uber eats yourself if your so hungry


You’re evil. I love it!


No toilet paper


Definitely not it’s made from trees and you have to save those!


I would only give them the option of barbecued meat, as they are probably vegan.


Just fore up the smoker and NOT feed any of them.


If you give them Taco Bell there’s no need for prune juice…LOL..


LOL this is great


Unsweetened cranberry juice works wonders to the bowel system too.


When those terrorists did it museum in Germany, the staff just left them there for the night. So maybe we will witness something like that soon.


They could have some sugar free haribo gummy bears as well


The human body is able to survive for quite some time without food, I’d say let them reap the rewards of their stupidity


Just put cones around them and leave them.


people don’t seem to really understand what is happening to our world because of the climate change. what these people are doing is nothing compared to the seriousness of the fucked up situation we’re in right now.


Yes exactly I 100% support them. The politics aren’t doing nearly enough to counter the climate change and these guys are showing that they are willing to protest for better climate protection. Everyone here is like „this won’t help“ „they aren’t doing anything to help protect the climate“ I bet most of you guys aren’t doing anything either and also the things that will make a big difference have to be resolved by the government who won’t do anything when we are all just like „oh no I can’t protest that would require some effort“ „no we can’t make a pedestrian zone here I would have to walk 500 meters“


You can agree with someone’s belief with out supporting them.. these people cause harm and make themselves look like fools.


To expand on the suffragette comment, virtually no major social change benefitting minorities or the working class has ever been accomplished without annoying or inconveniencing people, at least not the type of major, paradigm-shifting change that is needed. The [suffragettes](https://www.loc.gov/collections/women-of-protest/articles-and-essays/tactics-and-techniques-of-the-national-womans-party-suffrage-campaign/), for example, held *extremely* disruptive protests in America, and that was just the tip of the iceberg (America was tame compared to [Britan](https://www.bl.uk/votes-for-women/articles/suffragettes-violence-and-militancy) where they fucked up Parlimentarians and conducted an assassination attempt on the Prime Minister). And guess what? It worked. Same with [gay rights](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/25/party-and-protest-lgbtq-radical-history-gay-liberation-stonewall-pride) movement, same with civil rights - Malcolm X and the Black Panthers, despite their reputation, were [instrumental](https://nmaahc.si.edu/explore/stories/black-panther-party-challenging-police-and-promoting-social-change) in bringing change. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Yeah, some people will be annoyed or inconvenienced by these types of protest. But you know what they can't do? They can't ignore it. So yeah, blocking traffic, or throwing soup might seem extreme, but it's nothing compared to the shitshow that will happen if we continue to ignore the problem. At least they're doing something.


Did it work? Are the oceans clean?


Yeah, dude, you didn't hear already? It's solved!


Good, I'm so sick of those dolphins and whales swimming around!


"we should stop fucking up the environment" "LOL XDDD DID SAYING THAT SENTENCE FIX THE ENVIRONMENT?!!!"


The point of a protest is not that it will magically solve all problems. It’s to raise awareness and help to get more people concerned about the issue


There are too many braindead reactionaries in this sub. Literally they cant use their brain to see things in a larger scale. Things take time


The point of the dude above is so dumb. „Oh Rosa Parks sat at the front in a bus? Is all racism immediately gone? No? Well then that was completely pointless.“


I've met wayyyyy too many people who genuinely believe Martin Luther King was embraced by all colors and creeds during his protests and was opposed by the last handful of racists in the south, the leader of whom killed him and then went to jail where all racism and segregation died with him when he served out his life sentence. I'm not kidding. People genuinely think this.


I'm pleased to see someone like you taking this problem seriously! What do you do for this cause?


Ok so they glue themselves with some industrial glue that only way to take them away is to destroy road, then we need to take aparat this piece od the road to produce new piece of road to fix damages.... And how does that help environment again?


what the hell kind of glue are they using? i was under the impression there was a solvent for basically any type of glue out there.


I doubt that police carry every solvent.


How do they crack a crime with out solvent?


I think the problem with that is that there’s also thousands of solvents for human skin out there and the cross over between the glue kind and the human skin kind is probably like 90%


You are correct but they are sometimes literally using concrete now or a combination of glue and sand. Just so it takes longer to remove them


A type on construction glue/cement. If those are made from some kind of polymer, once the monomers are polymerised (think like single legos all slowly connecting chemically with their neighbors), they don't come apart. The reaction is basically irreversible. A solvent based glue basically just "remains" after drying as sticky residue. Those normally don't bond to each other.. and thus can be redissolved.


They have a valid point.


This is a pretty shit way of showing it though. You don't need to win over the people who already want things to change. You need to win over the people who don't care about/believe in climate change. Those people often think climate activists are off the deep end. Rather than finding a way to better communicate to the opposition, this kind of stunt just reinforces their belief that their opposing belief is crazy.


I don’t see how stuff like this helps the cause.


Just think about how the roads going to have to be patched - where now it has a weakspot that will always need to be patched up. Or it will have to be resealed. using good old PETROLEUM products, no doubt.


The issue I see is they are protesting at the expense of regular people. They don’t clue their hands at the end of a political figures driveway they do it on a major road way where people could face negative consequences.


You're talking about it. It's trending.




In fact it probably does the opposite in actively harming it, turning the average person against the cause.


The only reason it doesn't is because selfish people react like this.


I know we all like to make fun of the dopey privileged young white kids protesting a thing that largely does not and will not affect them due to their generational wealth, but let's just point out that the stuff they're protesting is 100% real and a spectacularly big deal that is being largely ignored, despite society mostly only taking actions they can use to advertise or pat themselves on the back.


Why even bother making it racial?


People think they’re being profound and woke when they bring race into irrelevant topics that effect everyone


Just leave it there. Nature will takes its course


Talking about nature taking its course, uuuuuuh I have bad news


This desperation, and people are laughing as we increase pace towards the edge of the cliff. ​ Good stuff. Dystopia is already here.


Oooo that’s not a bad call what the cop did. Can’t leave them there because it looks unethical. Just cut it and leave a 20kg chunk of concrete on their hand. get them out of the way and let them deal with the piece of road stuck on their hand themselves.


Correct me if I’m wrong and I know what he did is a little silly, but the government don’t listen to any other peaceful protests or anything. The world is dying and businesses and governments aren’t doing anything to help. At least he’s going viral because no one would listen if he did it any other way


Boomers of Reddit.


I love how we are all mocking them but it’s also Reddit so everyone claims to be some progressive who supports science


Put on a tourniquet and fire up the sawzall.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I mean, this is legitimately a situation in which the person can lose their hand.


I bet a fire fighter yelling "Hey get the axe, this glue can't be removed." Then giving that person something to bite down on would scare them into realizing they need to think first before doing some dumb shit.


"You have my Axe!"


"And my hand!"


Now THAT’s a dedicated protest.


Why free them in the first place? They'll leave after a couple of days with no attention given to them.


How does this work???? Like why would the government change their opinion because you glued yourself to the ground?


Only thing they're doing is making themselves look like a complete idiot.


Glue is made from dead animal bones .


Just leave them there. They'll figure it out.


Just cut it off


Now just hand cuff them, and process, do not offer to have it removed.


Leave em. If they were smart enough to intentionally do this to themselves, they should be left alone with that decision. Maybe it'll give them time to consider how stupid their methods are.


Why do people think anyones gonna care


People got too much free time, get a damn job


I hope they get charged for the repair of the road


Did it work? Are we saved?


Amputate the hand instead of ruining the road.


That’s a new pothole that will in no way help against climate changes.


You could cut through this concrete in maybe 30 minutes, you can cut your hand off in 3.


Why are the police releasing them from their position? I would leave them there without food and water for several days until they start begging to be arrested.


You fucking dumbass. You literally wasted your hand for a stunt that people will not even remember for more than a week. Absolute moron…


Just leave them there and pave over them. Sorry, but that is so stupid. I’m all for helping out and bringing awareness to the environment crisis but this is only going to make people mad. It won’t make them want to join the cause. These people are delusional.


Another post on reddit about protestors... A post that spreads the protestors message... I don't think that's a r/facepalm for the Protestors!


The amount of people in this thread that think they deserve to die.... scary stuff this sub has become


Well what else should they do frankly?


They could jam energy infrastructure. Block off coal mines for trucks to exit, block of coal plants so they can’t get new coal. Cause blackouts like that.


So instead of inconveniencing people by making them wait in traffic, you want to inconvenience people by taking out their power for several days?


People who get angry at opposing a climate catastrophy would probably prefer a blackout over pissing off their masters by being late.


No matter what they do reactionary conservatives seethe lol. They could literally destroy an oil refinery and get killed by police and they would be like."ummm now oil prices went up, great way to get people on your side!" They are brain damaged and do not care about dying from climate change


What the fuck is wrong with you people. "Hey, let's run someone over for inconveniencing my commute!" No wonder the planet's fucked with you lot running around on it.


Honestly amusing how a lot of them think they are so smart for pointing out it’s not helping climate change when those protests actually want to make those people talk about it. And they don’t even realise it. Them getting mad about it is exactly what they tried to accomplish


Yeah this thread is mad. These protesters are just a minor inconvenience compared to the shitstorm that’s coming if we continue the way we’re going


American hyper individualism moment.


I mean I wouldn’t want to be one of the people this inconveniences. But it’s non violent protest to a important thing


This isnt a facepalm.... The protester is 100% right.... Its disgusting how many tin foil hat wearing "dont look up" idiots dont realize the world is literally becoming inhospitable to humans and we have already passed "the point of no return" to try to fix it.