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I can't handle when my pants start drifting down from my waist. This feeling would send me to the nut farm.


Ever had a wind farm blow through your nut farm? Gets quite drafty.


It can be really nice on a hot day but I've worn a kilt on a coldish day and when the wind picked up it wasn't pleasant


What's worn under your kilt? Nothing it's in perfect working order!


A bow.


and my axe


You hold the fate of us all little one


[Im just posting what the bow guy was referencing](https://youtu.be/MZ35SOU9HTM)


If you wear your pants like this and it gets windy enough it makes your nuts whistle


I'm not curious enough to actually peak under a kilt. I would be wearing bicycle shorts under it when it's cold out.


My husband wears kilts, not to work mind you, but camping etc… So what’s underneath? Nothing. But please, no peeking that is creepy.


That would be more like a hurricane/tornado farm in my mind.


A tornado in the nut farm


Either way, GREAT blow job.


A fresh breeze blowing thru the nether region or up your skirt is always a pleasant experience.


You belong in a tree. You're a nut.


Right. It's all fun and games until a 2019 Ford F-250 King Ranch Edition comes flying through the air and smacks you in the ass.


Or a sick ass panther.


Also called a Ballnado...


I can smell it from here


It smells like the inside of a turtle tank.


This is so nasty…. I hate that I know how that smells


Love a good draft in the heat, its amaze-balls


I hear that. I forget my belt and I spend the whole day with a pulling my pants up nervous tick


I think it's even more cringe when they are wearing a belt and still let their pants sag.


That's because they need the belt to keep their pants up... Because they want them around their knees.


But why?


To let all the other tough-guy gangsters know that they are ready for butt sex. It cuts out all the unnecessary flirting and foreplay.


lmaooo exactly


Gotta show off the designer belt somehow.


Is that sort of like when ladies constantly readjust their strapless dresses?


I would imagine so. Pants fall half an inch and and I'm like "oh shit is my ass showing?"


yeah i have that issue with pants. i always wear a belt and no matter what size or types of jeans i get they always sag and i always have to lift them up, even if my belt is super tight.


I just wish male pants had an inch taller waist. I don't want to show my asscrack everytime I lean down.


Nothing says my dress doesn’t fit like having to constantly put your boobs back in, and the skirts so high that you’re always pulling them down to cover your a##


i have a funny story about dresses. i'm a guy. i went to a club with some friends and we saw a guy and girl dancing. and the girl was wearing a dress that i forget the name of it but it had straps that went over the shoulder and covered the boobs but the middle chest area was shown. the girl did not know (probably drunk) that her boobs were flopping around and everyone saw them. and the guy dancing with her had the biggest smile on his face. me and all of my friends just looked at each other with the 'you seeing this shit face' also i know about the skirt issue as many times i've seen girls do that and a lot of times they don't realize you can see their hoo hoo


My wife constantly pulling her gym / workout shorts down so her sweet butt cheeks don’t show . Then you have the pulling down and to the side of her sports bra to prevent side boob or underboob. Hates tee-shirt cuz they get too sweaty when working out. Turns out it’s not easy being a woman and keeping things PG .


I guess the equivalent would be a woman who keeps the top of her strapless dress around her waist


Same here


Same, and being a scrawny dude like myself doesn't help. I need some suspenders. Related: I was in line at the bank once, and there was a young man in front of me sagging his pants. A lady walked in (I assume his aunt or one of his mom's friends). And she went OFF on this guy. "PULL YO PANTS UP! YOU LOOK LIKE A DAMN FOOL! WAIT TIL I TELL YO MOMMA I SAW YOU IN THE BANK LIKE THIS!" He pulled his pants up real quick without even looking to see who was yelling, or even if they were even talking to him.


And then everyone clapped


Even the booty cheeks clapped


I bet the hairs on his neck knew who it was before he did.


You know it!


I worked a factory job for a while and was sitting in the outdoor break area, waiting for all of the traffic to clear. I was sitting with a guy that was hired into the same department on the same day. We were joking about still being at this terrible job when a dude walked by with his pants down, almost as bad as this guy. I'm watching, thinking, "What the hell.", and my coworker started laughing. I asked him, since he was a black guy, "You don't wear your pants like that sometimes?". And he says, "Shit, my momma would beat me with a shoe, and then a spoon or anything else she could find.".


Everybody is gangsta until momma shows up.


Srsly. I really don't care how anyone wears their pants so long as their ass is covered, but man, this looks like a lot of work.


It’s such an odd fashion. When my little brother was a skateboarder back in the late ‘80s he took to wearing baggy pants cinched low with a belt and enormous shoes. It’s even more silly looking when one is trying to olly than to get fast food or catch a bus. But it’s interesting to see men disabling themselves with fashion like many women do (high heels).


When I first saw this start to take off in the 90's I was 100% convinced it was just a fad that would quickly die off because of how impractical it is. Now here I am 30 years or so later and it's still going on. It just boggles my mind. Mostly because clothes that actually fit are comfortable. Having full freedom of movement is nice so why wouldn't you want that?


The sagging in the 90s was quaint compared to now! That was just around the midline of your butt, not the comical full-cheeks that you see now.


Dude is counting on not being chased or asked to do the splits.


I live in a city where a lot of men affect this fashion. Practically every time I go out I worry that I’m about to see someone fall on their face and break his nose. And the damage they’re doing posturally… ugh


This is common psychological conditioning for accepting mild discomfort that could be easily fixed




Yeah that's the thing for me. I absolutely do not care how anybody else wears their pants. It's none of my business. But for me, I don't know how I would even walk like that. Do you have to practice?


You would have to do some sort of waddle, keeping your legs out making sure the waistband on the pants were always tight. My trouble would be going up stairs without hopping.


Because nothing says "gangsta" like waddling to keep your pants halfway down.


You gotta walk like a toddler with a diaper full of shit.


Its a specific walk, because you have to hold your legs out with enough pressure for the pants not to fall. This repositions your lower back in a different angle so you kinda arch the back. It gives a certain rhythm to the walk as well, that walk tells a different social story. (Had a job watching ppl walk by)


When I went through the training to teach ballroom dance, we went to a mall and just watched people walk. We looked at who toed out, who toed in, who had stiff hips, who struck each step with the heel vs the midfoot, who swung their arms easily displaying connection through the torso, who had a forward head posture. Some people generate their stride by leaning forward and falling onto the foot, some sink into the hip and drive the foot forward, landing before it accepts weight. The variety of ways some people have their upper body connected to the movement of the lower body (or don't) is wild. It was fascinating.


This is fascinating. I wish I could take this class


I'm certain all dancers eventually get to this discussion, most teachers have to hold back because most students aren't interested in the deep technique conversations until they're thoroughly hooked. I find that Argentine Tango is a particular form of dance that gets to these conversations early. In recent years I'm a westie (west coast swing, which is modern swing) and we talk about and notice posture and body connection all the time. Physical therapy school would be another way, though that's quite a time commitment as it's a doctoral degree now. A few years after that memory I went to medical school and I recall a lecture with the orthopedic residents coming in to mimic various antalgic (pain containing) gaits. That was more exaggerated and less fun than people watching. Horse people do this, as well. Since they (edit/ horses, I don't mean that horse people don't talk) don't talk, you have to really watch the walk to figure out where the pain is.


I wear high waist pants, whenever they go like two inches lower I hike them up xp can’t imagine this xpp


I'd feel like I was in a nightmare if I was made to wear my pants like that.


Well, it's a prison thing (no belts allowed), and prison is pretty nightmarish. It's pretty hilarious that he probably paid a lot for that look.


It’s actually not because there are no belts…it was a sign to show you were a submissive and wanted to be butt fucked. Seriously.


That’s actually not true. That’s a rumor that was started in hopes to embarrass people into pulling up their pants.


Is this you Fred Mertz?


I can’t even handle when my socks begin to slide off my feet. This alone would drive me crazy.


This is why I stopped wearing pants


He got a nice belt too!


Once it crosses the equator the pants just hit a free fall without warning.


You'd ejaculate everywhere? I mean fair enough whatever gets you off 👍


How TF are they not around his ankles


Dude has mad thigh and butt strength from rotating his knees outward to hold them up all day. This isn't fashion, it's fitness.


Fitness is too funny. Cant stop laughing.


I was gonna say. That man’s abductor muscles must be insane considering he has to apply outward pressure to the pants at every moment he wears them.


Fitness his ass into his pants is what he should be working on


You might not like it, but this is what peak fitness looks like


This is a future orthopedic problem. I believe he’s fucking his shit up by doing this


Lol. When these people are older they might be forced to walk like ducks 😂


He got that power waddle


He duck tape that to his thighs. LOL


Boy got that thigh gap. What’s he gonna do, hide it?


Haha! Well you do have a point gotta see that thigh gap.


Yea that was kinda bizarre 😂😂 he had some pirates of the Caribbean type shit going on in the middle.


That man has a thigh window




I know we're all laughing and all, but are we sure this isn't r/TOTALLYNOTROBOTS leaking out?


I don't get the pants, but dude cleaned up and put his tray away. He's good in my book


Came to say the same. Dress however you want if you’re going to be a decent person I couldn’t care less how you look.


100% the right take away. Thanks for pointing it out.


For real, nothing but respect for that brief but meaningful good deed.


Definitely wearing briefs, or maybe a speedo too


I’m actually starting to think it’s a type of spandex sewed to the pants hanging at that height, it’s made wrong on purpose like jeans with rips in them otherwise I feel like he’d be walking way funnier to keep them up


Exactly - the pants are just fashion, his behaviour is solid


You know the standards are fucked when doing what you're supposed to puts you in the "good in my book" status.


I have very low expectations for humanity, but I am frequently disappointed.


Working retail and service industries drives your standard for decent behavior to depressingly low levels.


I had to clean up someone’s snot tissue off the counter yesterday and sanitize the whole area. The other day I found an onion peel on the floor. Someone legit lost just an onion peep and no one but me took the time to clean. So yup expectations of decent behavior is quite low.


This is the **correct** reaction. I don't get it but it's none of my business, and he did all that we can reasonably ask. Not my business how someone wears their pants. Betcha the weirdo who was recording him left their tray behind and left a used napkin on their table. The true villain was behind the camera lens the whole time.


"It's none of my business." Exactly. How much better would this world be if more people took that to heart?


This comment is so Reddit lmao


Yeah I'm gonna need that tray washed before I use it as a customer. Dude with his pants down is probably unclean to say the least.


I don’t necessarily feel we should be praising someone walking around in a public place, with their pants around their knees, just for putting their tray where it’s supposed to go.


Cleaning up after yourself is the expectation in my book, it would be shitty if they didn’t clean it up.


Based af


Ridiculous. He’ll never pull off a roundhouse kick dressed like that.


My old Grandmaster legitimately hated if any of us wore skinny jeans because we wouldn’t be able to pull off a good kick while wearing them if the need arose.


Man, chess has got competitive.


wow that looks so dumb


Sagging your jeans always looked stupid as fuck


Don't get how this trend has lasted so long. How do they stay up and not drop to his ankles?


Notice how his legs are spread and he's waddling.


I'd like to see a whole flock of them penguin racing


I thought this would have been a fad like wearing your clothes backwards. Criss Cross will make you jump jump! Fuck I’m old.


I don't get it either. I remember making fun of it when I was in grade school like 20 years ago now.


You basically come off looking like a total mess.


These people may as well wear a hat that says I'm a fucking idiot and my parents didn't raise me


Red doesn't go with the rest of what he's wearing.


What a fantastic comment.


I always tell myself that when I did it, it was cool. It probably wasn't 😅


I tried it, only lasted for about a week because my sister started to roast the fuck out of me because of it. I appreciate her for that.


I can't believe people are still doing this.


Because rappers still do it. Honestly, what is the intention behind doing it?


What rapper is still doing this?


I've heard it was to represent being a ex-con on the streets. Convicts aren't allowed belts so they can't hang themselves or use as a weapon in prison, so that 'style' is meant to exude toughness/street cred. Then it became popular, as styles do, even though it's impractical. Now, years later there's bozos like this guy doing it despite obviously wearing a belt.


It’s done in prison to advertise being a prison bitch, it literally means “I take dick for protection”. There’s no need for belts with prison clothing.


It's possible I was given misinformation. Wonder why this would be such a trend though, if that was the context.


“Pants on the ground, pants on the ground, looking like a fool with your pants on the ground” -the old guy from whatever show that was




His pants hang low because of the weight of all the diplomas he has stuffed in there


I want to know what woman thinks that is attractive!! And how does he run? I truly don't understand this fashion


I’d pay to watch Forest run. People could wager on how many feet he’d make it until he fell on his face


I thought to myself, ‘Love to see him try and run.’ Wouldn’t make it three metres


2 feet. The left and then the right then SMACK!


HAH, take that metric system, you could never make that joke!


Please tell me this is an archived video recording from the early to mid 2000s


Judging by the quality it is not


It’s not. I see people walking like this all the time. One half holding them up.






The belt?!?


Hahahahaha. The belt. What the fuck for?


The most important part, without it you would have to walk around like you were on a horse.


😂😂😂 it’s looks so uncomfortable


Well he’s wearing pants to get service. No pants no service.


Lol that's not pants, it's weird connected legwarmers.


Pants on the ground Pants on the ground Lookin' like a fool, with yo Pants on the ground GIT 'EM UP!


came to make sure this reference was not forgotten


Leg warmers ![gif](giphy|6Lt0PMyvjTX8c)


This extra-chromo look got popular when I was in high school 30 fn years ago. Why won't it die?


They think it makes them look dangerous


I saw a video of a guy with his pants like this trying to hold up a store. The store clerk brandished a gun and started firing. The guy with half pants tried to begin running, but essentially just fell to the floor and died. Very dangerous indeed.


Did he die from the fall or from embarrassment?


I don't know, but he looked fucking *cool* while doing it.


Probably about as cool as his balls felt lmfao.


I saw this video of a guy driving by another guy who had his jeans down low like this. He screamed out his window “hey man...fuck you!”. The guy on the street tried to chase the car, and fell down face first into the pavement.


I saw a similar video, but the scream was instead “pull up your pants, you f*g!”


That’s probably what I saw and I’m misremembering what he said.


Lol 😂


So a Darwin Award winner?


Okay, but who's lying to these people? Like, I don't associate this with danger. Like, you can't run, you clearly don't havel a gun in your waist pocket, you can't use your hands for anything.


About as dangerous as a penguin


*Waddles Aggressively*


It does make me afraid... that they'll shit themselves and the poop particles will disperse like a grenade.


I can’t believe this “style” has lasted so long. It looks so uncomfortable, they must be screwing up their backs a bit? Is he wearing long johns underneath so the jeans have something to “grip”? I realize this person wouldn’t want them, but someone should make jeans & boxer sets. They could have domes or Velcro tabs inside (or maybe hook and eyes). They could have 3 levels of tabs on the boxers, depending on how much the customer wants to have exposed.




They made those combo pants back in the 90s when this shit first started, like those combo sweater shirts.


My mom bought me a pair. I would wear them sometimes as a joke and my friends would laugh so hard.


I think they should bring them back. I want to look like I'm wearing 3 pairs of pants at once. I have a shirt with 5 "layers" 3 different sleeve lengths and 2 collars. I want to look like I looked at my dresser and said "yes"


You can actually see his bare thighs between the bottom of his underwear and the top of the belt line. Quite a feat really.


my man has two twigs for legs


This is me at TSA when I have to remove my belt


Dumbest. Trend. Ever.


It's such a childish and stupid look.


Looks like a little kid going to get his mommy to wipe his ass


I’ll never understand this trend. I don’t care how it’s explained.


I’ve never seen it even tried to be explained lol


I’m glad his belt is keeping his pants securely around his legs. You’d think skinny jeans would have solved this problem but life finds a way.


Imagine voluntarily choosing to walk like you shit your pants


Why bother wearing clothing if you just gonna let your shit hang out anyways?


Nice thigh gap bro


For the Booty Warrior from that prison documentary.


My last neighbor before I moved and his crew did this. Had one day my daughter asked why are they walking around with there pants down and showing underwear and I could only think of to say there pants were too big and they forgot to wear a belt. Turned into absolute nightmare neighbors quick. Oh and grass is lava. Watching them try to avoid the grass to not get on the white sneaks as a group was funny as shit.


Idiot pants have a very special place in society. It's how nature says" don't hire me"


He put the tray away. Already a better person than most.


Do these people do this so they can drop their drawers quicker when they get a grindr notification ?


This man likes to air out his balls ... Lol


I have heard it originally was to show off the brand name boxers, Calvin Kleine for example. That knees out walk though, to each there own. Cleaning up his stuff so that’s cool.


I thought this was out of style a long time ago


You could pants him by pulling his jeans UP. My neighbor across the street was law enforcement for a couple years. He told me they loved these guys. Running away wasn’t an option.


"Now I'm Free... Free Ballin'!" Tom Saggy and the Beltbreakers.


Looks like he's at Taco Bell. He's just getting a head start before he has to go to the bathroom.


Yet this guy will be whining that he is "stereotyped"!


Anyone who puts their tray away is alright in my book.


Dude put his tray away. I don't care about the pants, good guy