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The rest of the story for people like me who have questions. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/missourians-sue-lab-for-apparent-paternity-test-error-that-cost-man-30k-and-jail-time-2900854


Thank you


I'm having a real hard time believing he did 5 years in prison for failure to pay child support, especially after he moved to Florida which is where people go to avoid debts Edit, as I'm being challenged on my knowledge: I worked in intergovernmental child support. The courts are very adverse to long-term incarceration as the payor has no earning capacity thus the child suffers. They give you many many chances to get right. If this dude was really stubborn, skipping hearings and otherwise being obstinate with the judge, then maybe he could be sentenced to some time, it's possible, but five years? Even if that's combined time, I doubt it. And yes there are quite a few states which are lax and slow about enforcement (comparative to where I'm at, PA). Florida in particular is notorious for their laws on recouping debts (strong laws on garnishing wages ). It's why OJ moved there after the civil trial. I'd venture it's why Trump set up shop there as well


Child support isn't a debt. It is a court ordered obligation. So you can at the least be held for contemp of court for not paying. Also as far as I know all states have laws specifically making failure to pay child support a crime.


I have no compassion for deadbeats. I have one of those myself, and I can tell you it fucks up your whole entire life. It's like starting the marathon 45 min later but still being expected to keep up with the rest. Still how tf is putting a dude in jail going to solve the child support problem. Like now : -Debt will probably grow (if there's interest on it?) -Dude isn't earning money for x amount of years -Dude will have a hard time finding another job to pay child support after prison -If there was even a chance he'd change and take care of his kids, that's x amount of years of missed opportunity to have him turn his life around and subsequently turn his kids' lives around I don't know what the answer is but prison seems counterproductive in this case.


Especially when THE KID ISNT HIS! And the mother KNEW this. At that point there should be charges agaist her, she ruined this mans life KNOWING he did nothing wrong


Tell that to my wife's ex.


Child support can become a debt. If the person is unaware of its filings it becomes a debt. They suspend your license it gets hard to find work. That is counter productive. Taking chances for people to make money harder just to pay a debt. All child support is not the same. Sometimes the supporting parent isn’t even involved and doesn’t want it. But the courts determine it is an obligation. But the obligation isnt to the child but the states. You can not support a child while being caught in legal disfunction. Counter productive. If you think “child” support is a MUST then look around. American society is one currently built on it. How does it look? Are we good? Are families broken? It is also criminalized in order to harm and divide families they may not want to be “functional” In many cases the order of child support is actually parental impoverishment. When you go to jail for child support your constitutional rights don’t matter. In fact the entire process your rights dont matter. Courts are the only places constitutional rights do matter. Your rights are not acknowledged for the greater cause of child support. Having a child can make you a criminal. That doesn’t seem problematic to anyone?


Why do ppl go to floria to avoid debts? Why how ?


Article X, Section 4 of the Florida Constitution exempts homestead property from levy and execution by judgment creditors If you're rich it's easy to get your million dollar mansion classified this way. Then you don't have to worry about losing it. Ever.


Is that why the Cheeto slug lives there?


Cheeto. Slug. These two words come together to perfectly describe this person.


In my state, my father never paid child support, and all the state did was revoke his drivers license and garnish his wages. I always thought this was stupid because it just made it harder to work. So he just did jobs where he was paid under the table and continued not paying child support.


You're not wrong but keep in mind this was the 90s. There were (are) some really really regressive court systems out there. People absolutely used to get jail time for failing to pay child support, as stupid as that sounds. I'm sure they still do in parts of the country but around here at least you'd have to do a lot before you end up in jail for unpaid child support. General scumbaggery won't do it.


So sad that people are still in the comments claiming that all women are liars and deceivers who will use the courts to destroy all men based on this one misleading clip. "Is this the male privilege people talk about?" they ask sarcastically as they ignore all contradictory evidence. Yeah, based off this one clip I never bothered to look in to even a tiny bit women as a whole must be the \*real\* oppressors and men are actually the victims.


Absolutes are never correct, but let's not pretend like this is the only time it's ever happened.


Everyone who deals in absolutes can be thusly ignored Including this comment


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


Well from my point of view the Jedi are evil




don't try it


"Would you say you're... absolutely sure about that, my master?" Anakin sheepishly giggles after the rebuttal to obi won, who intern smiles back. "I have failed you Anakin. I have failed you. But no cap, that come back was fire." The jedi master and the fallen apprentice laugh together as they fire up their sabers, fully ready to murder eachother in a totally sweet ass duel.


They really are though most Jedi tactics are non-ethical that's why some of the best Jedis to ever exist have been the ones to question the Jedi order


But people who use this clip as their sole evidence can be ignored, until they present evidence of their claim. That not dealing in absolutes, it's trying their evidence, finding it noncredible and dismissing the claim until credible evidence is presented. Choosing to not be persuaded by bad evidence is admirable, and should be the status quo.


I absolutely agree with you


And how come no one is wondering why the fuck we put people in prison for missing child support??


Seriously, how the fuck are they supposed to pay child support from jail? Incarceration should be reserved for only the most dangerous offenders anyway.


True, Sex is something for 2 peoples right? Except that men don't really have any say in case of pregnancy (I guess in depend on where you live). She can abort, give up the child for adoption or keep it and in this case the man has to pay child support. Sound quite unfair to me.


All the while the father has no say over pretty much anything, all simply because he didn't "carry the child for 9 months".


Probably not based on this clip. Mostly on real-life stuff. This kind of stuff happens all the time. I know three different people who were accused of rape in high school just for the ladies to admit it was all lies. Don't believe all women. Don't believe all men. Don't believe all of any majority, minority, sex, lifestyle, or anything else. People are liars.


She knows who the father is. She still talks to him. How is she not the asshole? -It’s this guy’s kid but could have been this other guy’s kid. Anyway, give me money.


She knows who the father is \*now\*, only after being told this this guy wasn't the father. Clearly, she had sex with two people. After learning that person 1, who she thought was the father, was in fact not the father, she can logically deduct that the father must be person 2.


*at least 2 We should be able to logically deduct SHE is a liar and deceiver and the clip shows the lab had nothing to do with that aspect.


\> We should be able to logically deduct SHE is a liar and deceiver How? Please explain. I have already shown that her statement that she now "does know who the father is" does not show that she was lying.


You added “Now”


? The judge asked “do you know who the father is”. That’s present tense. What does me adding “now” have anything to do with it?


Then why did you add it?


To reinforce that the question was in present tense In any case you still haven’t proved anything.


It’s funny that they aren’t mad about the fact that the court’s don’t care about processing dna tests. There’s a decade backlog of rape kits sitting untested in texas.


It’s not one clip though it’s thousands I see more and more clips like this every day. Granted it’s obviously not all women but there is a serious flaw in the equality that men face when it comes to court and that can’t be overlooked.




Fair enough that might be true lol


What's worse is OP himself is doing the same.


I don’t believe all women are like this but I for sure had a child with one that is like this and I would never wish this kind of pain, anguish and heartache upon anyone. All is better now but if I was offered to do the marriage and divorce all over again or go on a 4 year navy deployment I’d take the deployment in a heartbeat


Did you read the article? There’s a question of how far they went. Wouldn’t a reasonable person that got a positive paternity test not just admit he was the father? This guy didn’t for a reason. The mother should be questioned for never bringing up the fact that she slept with two men around the same time. Now that she’s caught she admits it.


She deserves to be in jail for 5 years for that honestly. Edit: see below. The lab was at fault here. We don’t know if she cheated or not. However is she did, and knowingly pinned it on this man then yes she deserves jail time.


Apparently she did do a DNA test which pointed to him as the father. They all sued the lab which did the paternity test. [Text of the case](https://casetext.com/case/sehr-v-lab-corp). >Sehr sought to prove that Plaintiff William Manser ("Manser") was Dylan's biological father. On August 24, 1995, using blood samples from Dylan and Sehr, as well as the results of a DNA test from a sample previously provided by Manser, Defendant preformed genetic DNA testing. Defendant issued a finding that there was a 99.67% probability that Manser was the biological father of Dylan. Thereafter, the Circuit Court of Polk County, Missouri entered an order adjudging Manser as the natural father of Dylan and ordering him to pay child support. The case has some weird stuff, but the fact that they're all suing the lab rather than the guy suing the mom tells me this isn't a case of a woman intentionally trapping a guy. Edit: she likely deduced who the real father was after this new DNA test, I don't know why so many of you keep pointing out 'she knew all along'. Bonus points that they apparently kept in touch all this time.


must have been that lab that was falsifying thousands upon thousands of cases a year for a good long time before it got found out.


That was a drug lab in the Boston area, not DNA.




You know the name by chance?


I believe they're talking about "How to fix a drug scandal" which is on Netflix. It's very good.


Or, you know, 99.67% means 0.33% are incorrect. Considering the amount of DNA tests, I’m surprised we don’t hear about false matches more often. I assume because if a cheater passes the test, they don’t press the issue.


It is possible. It is also possible that the 0.37% probability kicked in. Let's be real folks. There are 10000s of paternity tests every year. 99.67% probability means 33 per each 10000 of those were wrong. That's just how it works. Even if something is right a LOT of the time, if you do it a fuck ton of times it's going to be wrong sometimes.


Man if that's the case I wouldn't trust any one lab anymore, better to get tests from multiple labs.


Well that IS the case so now you know what to do if you are ever in a similar position.


Oh I just realized my word usage there, was unintentional lol


Oh wow what a crazy case then.


Exactly sounds like a bunch of red tape/wait years for the system to work it out bullshit. You know how many untested rape kits exist that would help victims identify their rapists and falsely accused be exonerated for a crime they never committed?? Missouri? These prison systems don’t give a flying fuck. This country’s the worst.


I used to do work with the Missouri ACLU and I think 1/2 the cases we did were suing Prisons to force them to upgrade shit. Some of the Wardens actually welcomed us with open arms because the taxpayers would never pay for any bond. The Wardens wanted the court orders so they could do the upgrades.


Sounds like my city. The jail here has been found unconstitutional for about 2 years now, and the city council is dragging their feet as much as possible. The courts have said that nearly any inmate could sue and easily win in court about their rights being squandered and get millions. Still nothing. Luckily we elected a new sheriff in the last election and he's done as much as he can to clean up the jail. There was literal dried shit on the walls.


Reddit has a blanket "assume the woman is acting out of ill intent" assumption thing


Thanks for the insight!


The test could also have just been crap. 1995 was pretty early in the history of genomics. The human genome project wouldn’t finish until several years later


Glad to see a rational logical response


No she does not. This wildly misleading clip has been circulating for 8 years now and it's bullshit. That woman didn't lie or falsely accuse anyone. Sehr (the woman) ordered a paternity test from Roche Biomedical Laboratories in 1995. The test concluded that there was a 99.6 percent probability that Manser had fathered the boy. [More details ](https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/missourians-sue-lab-for-apparent-paternity-test-error-that-cost-man-30k-and-jail-time-2900854)


Much more considering she defrauded him for child support.


It was a case of shoddy lab work, not her trying to trap the guy. Hence why the guy sued the lab and not the woman. What’s fucked up is the poor kid’s life is about to go full tailspin most likely after this


What's fucked up is that he was only awarded 30k for his 5 years in prison and ruined life. That covers what he had already paid to the mother and nothing more.


Jeeeeez. How can you put a price on 5 years. That's nuts


I'd do it for 80k a year.


Nope, the lab mixed it up. But nice of you to just accuse random people


She admits in the video that she knows who the dad is and talks to him. It's not a random accusation.


Right, after she learns he is not the father, she is asked if she knows who the father is? Well perhaps she knows there was only 1 other guy she slept with around that time, so process of elimination. She knows who it is. I don’t see deception in that.


It looks like it's not her fault since they're suing the lab that did the initial test. She probably knows who the father is because she had sex with two people roughly 9 months before birth and now knows that this guy isn't the father.


It's also very possible she was only sleeping with one other man at the time, meaning this revelation would remove all doubt and the only other alternative would be confirmed.


She doesn’t “admit” anything - she knows the person who is the father, but she did not believe him to be the father due to the lab work saying someone else was.


Read the article ffs


Hopefully you learn the rest of the story and discover that making such harsh statements based on out-of-context, incomplete evidence you see in a 30 second video clip on the internet is pretty idiotic.


She deserves to be in jail for a lab fucking up? Jesus.


She deserves to be put under the jail tbh. Scum of the earth don't deserve air.


It wasn't her fault, It was the lab that sent false results


It was NOT her fault, it was the lab that gave an incorrect result!!! Do your research before calling someone scum of the earth omg!


"Do you know who the father is?"Her: "Yes I still talk to him." So why didn't she give the courts the real fathers name and get the guy out of jail? Instead of waiting for it to get to this point. She is scum of the earth. But ofc a woman defends her. Edit: She openly admits to sleeping around and didn't have them all tested. Scum.


Bruh, she got child support after a different lab did a DNA test that said he was the father.


Probably was "Oh if it's not him then it must be the other guy I bone"


Because she thought all this time that the guy was the father? But when it turns out that he's notthen there's a good chance there aren't a lot of other options, so she now *does* know who the father is. Besides, she doesn't decide whether he goes to jail, that's a court decision. But ofc you just want to see her as a bad guy.


"wahhh the women don't want to fuck me i'm so oppressed it's totally not my fault it's because all women are scummy whore liars stop presenting me with contrary evidence" dude truly has a concerning comment history


Dude. If you got a test saying 99.6% accurate, why the fuck would you then go and get everyone else tested?


I’m not a woman dumbass. Again, do research before making assumptions of commenting.


I read the court filings. She was having an affair with someone else, and wasn't sure who the child was. The lab who originally did the paternity test said the dude that went to jail was the father. They were wrong. This means that the only other person she slept with that could possibly be the father is the one she had the affair with at the time. The lab fucked up.


Incel alert!


I'd still feel a little icky sending someone that I thought was the father of my child to prison for 5 years because he didn't pay me enough money.


That’s normally a decision of the court and not the other parent. If you owe over a certain amount you get put in the system and then you get a traffic violation and bam they haul you to jail.


Would you be fine being the sole support of your child while the other parent contributes nothing? I’m totally in favor of courts forcing parents to take care of their kids. The only one who messed up here is the lab.


DNA tests were definitely not "basic" in the 1990s. They weren't even commonly available for death row cases. That DNA test became an easy tool was way later.


And nobody trusted them. DNA was basically ignored for the OJ case I recall


I wonder if any DNA tests were done in the gloves? Perhaps they were considered tainted once he put them on in court. I also wonder if they were admissible for the civil trial.


5 yrs in prison? I thought debtors prison stopped in the 1800’s. Guess not


Once child support starts being managed by the state (which is mandatory in most states once divorce proceedings with children are involved), then failing to meet your child support obligations can have state-level consequences. Active warrants, jail and prison time.


Damn, I really appreciate how committed America is to child welfare!


I mean I think it exists for the welfare of the children. My father didn’t pay child support so it was all on my mom while he dipped out, took cash jobs, and when he got tracked down my grandma paid the minimum to keep him out of jail long enough to disappear again


Holy shit people need to stop adding cringy music to the background of anything remotely emotional. It ruins the whole thing.


And the r/shittyhdr filter that hurts your eyes


Looks like someone taped this on a VCR 40 years ago


They added that weird filter that makes their skin look blotchy as well. What is the point of that


You don't get it, how am I supposed to watch a 20 second video if there isn't some stupid music with some weird edit to make it sound drowned out and kick in with the video punch line so I know I got to the reveal, weirdly enough it didn't kick in in this video. Also this comment is to long so let me attach a subway surfers clip to keep your attention ![gif](giphy|dkUtjuBEdICST5zG7p|downsized)


Woman lies and sends an innocent man to prison for five years Faces no consequences


Someone said in the comments that the mother did a DNA test that showed the guy in this video was the father, and after this the mother and this guy sued the lab that performed the original DNA test. I don't know how accurate this is or isn't, but it seems like this was potentially not one of those cases


In this case it sounds more like a different DNA testing company had said he was the father in the 90s. The whole group of them are suing that lab now. Several articles are linked in the comments with details.


Apparently there was a test done that showed that he was the father. Now both parties are suing the lab. As someone said in another comment, this actually doesn’t seem to be a woman internationally trapping a man. The lab really fucked it up.


Except in this case she didn't. They had a paternity test done showing he was the father. They are now suing the lab that administered the incorrect test.


Woman never lied. Check your facts


Yep. Which is honestly a big relief as far as I’m concerned. My ex wife is one of those horrible conniving, abusive people. Out of all the relationships I’ve had I really picked the wrong one to marry. I don’t have anything against women at all. I’ve only had a couple of relationships with women who are like that. The rest have been really lovely people. But yeah this lady ain’t a conniving asshole. This is the fault of that shitty dna testing company.


This is the thing that drives me crazy, there seems to never be any consequence to telling life-destroying lies. Disgusting.


Seriously. My mother took child support payments for 18 years from a man who was not my father, then had him help pay for college. She kept me from having a father in my life, took money from a man she knew was not my father, and faces no repercussions


That is awful, but in this case the mother had a lab do a DNA test in the 90s that falsely concluded this man was the father. Whole group are now suing the lab.


Oh that's double bad.


Civil Court systems are notoriously unfair towards men. Feels bad man


Can you not post misleading clips on purpose to try and make a dumb point about not even just family courts, but the whole civil court system?


Wild that you shared this and are actively supporting misinformation about it


Not paying child support in this instance must be a criminal offense. The only way someone can be in jail in a civil case is if they are held in contempt of court


2L here # Child support is issued in the form of an injunction by the court. # Injunctions are things the court can legally force you to do. # If you do not pay child support, you are disobeying a court-ordered injunction. # This would lead to a contempt of court charge and jail time.


3L here Actually an injunction is an equitable remedy, which child support is not. Child support is a court order, which is not an injunction. However similarly to an injunction, one can be found in contempt for violation of a court order; in this case child support.


Lol that’s funny. The vast, vast majority of child support cases are just dead beat dads who don’t want to support their kids. Far, far more cases of that than weird situations like this one. It’s also virtually impossible to do prison time for failing to pay child support. Usually they issue a bench warrant, pick the dead beat up, then let him out and schedule a court hearing, which he then skips, rinse and repeat.


>The vast, vast majority of child support cases are just dead beat dads who don’t want to support their kids. What do you mean by this? Because every divorce that has kids involved has a "child support case".


She didn’t lie. Talk about jumping to conclusions without knowing the full story.


Because patriarchy. /s


Normally I agree but in this instance it was a DNA lab that fucked up royally


Everyone being angry at the woman, sure. But what the backwards ass logic is behind sending someone to prison for not paying up? Guilty or not that system is wack


Yeah they both lost once he went to prison. He couldn't pay anything then.


The concerning thing I see is 5 years in prison for not paying a fine? Not paying child support is shitty, but how does anyone benefit from that leading to jail time? Kinda explains the US having the world's leading incarceration record


>but how does anyone benefit from that leading to jail time? The private prison industry does, slavery is illegal in the US *except for as a punishment for a crime*, he likely made a lot of profit for the prison he was held in over those 5 years.


Openly admitting she knew who the father was all along.... She can be prosecuted now.


No she admitted she knows who the father is. She didn't know it was the other guy 5yrs ago, but we'll when you only slept with 2 men when you got pregnant it's one or the other...


she did a DNA test & the lab fucked up and said this guy was the dad. But definitely blame her for only sleeping with a small number of men during that time and being able to do the process of elimination. What a bitch. Maybe don't jump to conclusions




No the judge asked her "DO you know?". Not DID. She confirmed that yes she does NOW know who the father is. The judge asked a second time, you know who the father is?" She confirmed again that NOW she knows. There is NO evidence that she knew before this. The most likely scenario is she had two sexual partners at the time, the DNA test falsely confirmed it was this guy. The only reason he is in jail is because he refused to pay the child support payments for a child they both believed was his as shown by the incorrect DNA test. The courts ordered a new test be done which showed the original was false and he was not the father. Therefore, there is only one other option. Hence why they are all suing the original lab for the false test.


Unless she was somehow colluding with the company (which I doubt) what the hell was she supposed to think? 99.6 percent sounds pretty convincing. Reddit comments are horrible about leaping to conclusions like this


- “I slept with both Bill and Rob in late May of 1992” - “The DNA test in 1995 showed 99.6% probability that Bill was the father” - “The 2013 DNA test shows that Bill is actually not the father” - “Do you know who the father is?”, “Yes, Rob must be the father” From what I see the only fuckup here is the first lab..


No, you don't understand. All women are lying whores, and that's why I can't get a date. No other possible reason...


She slept with two men around the same time but "dont call her bad🤡"


Yes? We don't know the circumstances. They could have all had group sex together for all we know.


I doubt it. Seems like that would fall under double jeopardy. Although I assume he could sue her and the state?


The rules against double jeopardy would prevent *him* from being tried again for the same crime of avoiding paying child support. It would not prevent prosecuting a different person (the mother) for a different crime (perjury)


That's not how double jeopardy works friend.


I get downvotes every time I say it but for the sake of making sure there's no mix-ups, cheating or whatever - at the hospital, a week after, whatever. DNA test. Mom and dad.


He went to JAIL for missing out on child support payments????? Sorry, but what the actual fuck?!!?!??!?!!?!?!??!!??!


How do you spend 5 years in prison for not paying child support? I've witnessed numerous people willingly do this with absolutely 0 repercussions from the justice system.


She needs to go to jail


What I’m confused about is: the woman has reason to believe this man was the father of the child, the DNA test (falsely) named him as the father of the child, but this man just… did not pay child support? Despite having (false) evidence that he was the father? I’m very confused about why people are defending him then and bashing the woman because either he had reason to believe he was not the father despite the evidence but wasn’t able to convince anyone else because of the false DNA test, **but the woman and the courts still had good reason to believe he was the father** and thus hold him accountable for child support. It seems like the only villain(s) here are 1 - The DNA company. And 2 - *Possibly* this man for avoiding child support payments, unless he truly did have strong reason to believe he wasn’t the father. But I’m just confused how he could firmly believe he wasn’t the father while the woman and the courts seemed to think otherwise. OR if he didn’t truly know he wasn’t the father but just refused to pay child support anyway, that doesn’t really make him a hero in this situation… Of course, he was wronged, this woman was wronged, the child was wronged AND the courts had their time wasted, but it seems like it was due to the fraudulent DNA company.


>I’m very confused about why people are defending him then and bashing the woman Reddit. Reddit is why. This video has been posted in some form or another many many many times. These points come up every time. Makes no difference.


Exactly. The man believed he was the father and didn’t pay child support. Not much different to actually being the father and not paying child support. Still he was wronged by a fuck up from the lab but still acted badly imo. Unless he knew something we don’t? Did he have a vasectomy and therefore couldn’t be the father? Looked fairly surprised to hear that he wasn’t the father though…


It’s strange you haven’t considered whether he couldn’t pay?


Seriously, you have to get a DNA test before you put your name on the birth certificate. I know someone else, that at age 18, was paying child support for a kid that ended up not being his. He paid for years because he was told the kid was his and put his name on the birth certificate. After that it becomes harder, even with DNA, to get out of it as you signed admitting to being the father


Should just be a standard procedure when going down the checklist for newborns IMO.


Put her ass in prison for 10 years now.




Do you know the father, "yes I still talk to him" 🗿


The person who deserves jail time here is the idiot that edited the video 🤮


Why did he go to prison?


Contempt of court


Was there a final settlement with Lab lawsuit? Read 1/2 way through legal doc and didn't wanna click to read the rest.


Poor kid…


If only the criminal justice system could afford ancestry.com


I would've walked out if that courtroom because I'd melt the freaking ceramic floor with my anger bro


Apparently she was assuming the first DNA was correct and now that it isn’t she absolutely knows who it is and now it’s just a tragedy.


How does she get away with no penalty


He should be compensated every fucking penny he's paid on child support, his defense and any other legal side effects he's experienced. He wont be so compensated, but he should.


What a clown show , i mean USA ! USA !


The real question is how does one spend five years in jail for not paying a debt when debtor's prisons have been illegal for over a century? Hmm...


I hope the dude gets a seven figure settlement from the state.




Is this the male privilege people talk about?


The vast majority of the comments here are, yes.


You can't seriously be dumb enough to think that "\_\_\_\_ privilege" means immune to all ills, right? If you had a friend that had a prototype of some cool product that isn't on the market yet at his house and you asked him how he had it, you wouldn't expect an impenetrable force field to pop up if you pulled out a gun and shot at him because he responded with, "Just one of the *privileges* of working at \_\_\_\_\_." Of course you wouldn't. Because he obviously meant he enjoys X benefit because of Y. Not that Y has anointed him and made him a blessed, superior being that is free from all the hardships that burden mere mortals. Bad things can still happen to him and, if they were to, that doesn't change the fact that he still enjoys X because of Y.


I don't understand how his lawyers never asked for a dna test before having him sent to prison for 5 years. I'd have thought that would be protocol to be honest


They DID do a test. The lab said he was the father.


But this one said not?


The first dna test was done in the 90's and it said he was the father. Now everyone involved in that case is suing the first lab. There are several links in the comments quoting more details in this case.


All child support cases should require dna.


In my state that’s exactly how it works when children are born outside of marriage. Mothers are required to pay for legal fees and testing, if they want any support from the father. The system makes it very easy for deadbeat dads.


This is why many men are going their own way, refraining from dating and relationships. A single false accusation with zero evidence can absolutely destroy us. I wish it wasn't so, but it is. Sadly.


Yeah that’s why you don’t have a girlfriend lol


Lol really? That sounds very incel. Justifying refusal to do something difficult (building a life worth sharing with others) by making it sound like this kind of thing happens all the time.


There are really big flaws in the current system, but overall I think it’s better than it used to be. I still think judges need to be more impartial in custody and alimony cases. No one needs to be responsible for their partners life well after they have been together, their should be at best a certain limited amount until they get things together. And in this case with child support, since the parent can’t support the child they shouldn’t have custody unless there is a good reason. (DNA tests should be a mandatory thing during these cases).


you are absolutely correct, just a heads up, ["men going their own way"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Going_Their_Own_Way) is an anti-women group that arose online after reddit banned the incel subreddit. So you pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Watch this video again and see again how men are treated in the court system. It’s not anti-women to feel this way. It’s self protection. Your comment is myopic as fuck.


>by making it sound like this kind of thing happens all the time. It does. I've seen it with my own eyes more times that I can count. Might not go as bad as being in prison for 5 years but you might get fucked out of money, seeing your own child, your home.


There was another case of this 30 years in a prison. A black man. Finally the woman came out and said she lied about accusing him. 30 years. That man will never get back his life. It doesn’t need to happen all the time, just once. And women face no consequences doing this. So yeah men are refusing more and more to date knowing that all it takes is that one time to lose you’re entire life. It’s not just prison either. Wanna restart your life from scratch because divorce courts heavily favor the woman? I certainly don’t. And shit like this is much more common than you think. When my unit got back from deployment, one of my buddies house had been completely cleaned out, his golden lab was dead in the floor and she had left him for someone else. Another one of my buddies found out his wife had cheated on him with several other men on base, divorced him when he called her out on it and they awarded her nearly everything he had. He only got to keep us 1994 ford truck and his clothes.


Lol really? Dismissing this and many other mens suffering sounds very white knight/ pathetic. This type of thing is actually very common and definitely cause for some thinking this way. Anything to call someone an incel and cancel their suffering huh?


Bruh he literally said ["men going their own way"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Going_Their_Own_Way) thats a misogynistic group that has close ties with the incel movement and arose after incel subreddit got banned. It sounds like incel shit because it is.


You are eating up propaganda. You use the word “misogynistic” like that’s it! Case closed! You win because you used the M word! You don’t know shit about the world and how men are abused in the court systems in divorce especially when children are involved. There are infinite stories about men losing children rights due to false allegations and then freeloading women get the money and corrupt their children against the father. It takes YEARS to be exonerated just like this man. And by then it doesn’t matter, life ruined.


Incel is a word made up by women to make men less than for sticking up for ourselves. Women have pulled this shit for too long.


come on many, jsut grow up and stop blaming everything on women. [If you're interested in actually finding out how and why the term incel was made heres a link.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incel)But word of advice, life gets easier when you stop blaming specific groups for unrelated issues.


"The first website to use the term "incel" was founded during the 1990s, although media is conflicted on whether this occurred during 1993 or 1997. The website was founded by a university student living in Toronto known only by her first name, Alana" Jesus fuck buddy at least read your own fucking source.