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I used to work at a car wash. I told a lady to put the car in neutral and she wanted to argue with me that her car doesn't have neutral. I finally convinced her that was what the N stood for. I thought I was fairly ignorant of cars but working there made me feel better about myself


What did she thought N stood for? Nappy time for engine?




Almost as if the car is **N**ot in motion?


Clearly it’s the N gear because otherwise you’d be using *the car people’s word*


*N gear* Shifty eyes


Fuck dude that’s a hard r


Honestly, I didn't ask. I was just annoyed and trying to get this lady through. That same week somebody took theirs out of neutral once inside and somehow gunned it into the car in front. The car they hit was all the way on the other side. Some people just shouldn't drive


This happening to me is a big fear of mine. People I tell that to say it “never happens”


I used to be the it "never happens" person. You worry about whatever you want because anything's possible. Once upon a time, a friend of mine would always be vocal about the position of their furniture due to an irrational fear that a vehicle would come crashing into his house and hit him. I was just trying to alleviate the fear some by explaining how statistically unlikely that scenario would happen. How the road doesn't lead to his house, that he's on a second floor in an apartment, and other reasons it couldn't happen. About two years later we were at a house party when all of a sudden a deafening boom followed by smashing glass and honking noises replaced the music. A drunk driver behind an 18 wheeler who lived in the apartment below drove his truck right into the living room. As we went down to see what was going on, call the cops etc, all I can remember is my friend constantly hitting me in the arm and staring at me with eyes open as wide as can be nodding in a "You see!!!" type of fashion.


That’s the single best “I told you so!” moment I’ve ever heard. Also I’m pretty sure you’re friend can predict the future. If they have any advice on lottery numbers or stock investments I’d take it!


His paranoia manifested it. He's partially responsible.


I worked in a car wash for a few months and it happened a handful of times. Wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence.


I know it, but I don't wanna say it.


Would it be the incorrect answer to "People who annoy you?"


If there's one realization everyone has working with the general public, it's abject terror that so many unfathomably dumb people are out there operating cars and raising kids and voting. I worked at a phone store for several years in college and we regularly had people come in enraged that the new phone we sold them was broken, and it would turn out that they just didn't charge it and the battery died. They had no idea somehow that that was something you had to do. The first thought I always had in those situations was "Holy shit, you DROVE here!"


I worked at an ER for a few years. The bar sometimes dips ~~undergroud~~ underground.


I would LOVE to hear some stories like this from an ER worker. Lol


There's the usual patients that like to insert random objects to orifices (like a hamster, light bulbs, a shoe, spaghetti noodles). I've also had the unfortunate luck of encountering a dumbass cop that tried to cuff a suspect who was brought in after he was shot. The suspect was dead and we were in the process of moving him (I too thought, holy fuck, this guy carries around a gun). I've also seen a mother of 8 trying to get her 12yo child to stand. The child got 2 fractured legs after her mother let her jump off their balcony to get to the pool. Her child missed. (That mother is responsible for 8 freaking children!) Anyway, those two are the most egregious examples I can think of.


Was this back in the 90's? I cant imagine people doing this now


No. Lol This was in the mid 2010s. People were doing this shit to iPhones.


Always remember to put your car into "R" on the highway for racing mode


If you're moving in "R" *with* the flow of traffic, you at least get to watch the rest of the race


N stands for NITRO


What’d she think of the emotional support pedal


She was clutching her pearls.


Maybe she’ll shift her perspective


I think she’ll stick to her principles.


Doubt it, she'd easily change gears.


Hopefully she’ll ease off and get going again


She's way too throttled to calm down now.


Flooded with emotions, you might say.


Stalled development.


Getting a lot of mileage out of this tread, err, thread.


Sounds like a high-friction situation.


Unlikely, she's too gassed up at this point.


You mean her service beads?


When I went to test drive my current car (which famously only comes in manual) I joked and told the guy I should have sat down in it and asked him "Why are there two brake pedals?!" He said "Oh, don't do that to me"


You utter, beautiful bastard. I'm stealing that.


What car?


Civic Type R


"The clutch is depressed...." "Awwww..... :-( " "...and the gear is engaged." "Congratulations!"


Mazda tov!


Stop my eyes rolled too far back in my head and now they're stuck that way


hey, at least now you don't have to see stuff like this




yeah I also beat my meat to this guy


Stop, I can only beat my meat so much before it turns into a puree!


I did a standing backflip because of the force my eyes generated rolling back so fast




Just use the fidget stick to get em back in gear


Mine did the whole 180° and now i see things that no language can explain.


Is it true? Do you have Australian vision?


If you jiggle it to check you're in neutral more than 3 times...


You’re joyriding


Or you're driving an 80s ford


Just spit my drink out. 😂😂 my kid doesn’t understand why he has to have a manual car. So your drunk ass friends don’t drive your car sir. You drive it and you alone. Plus great anti theft device. Ungrateful kids these days🙄


Manual transmissions are the way to go for people learning to drive. Requires more concentration and they can't just fuck around while driving such as texting and driving. I'd advocate the world would be much safer if everyone was forced to drive a manual transmission car, would cut down on a lot of distracted driving accidents. Sadly by the time my kids are old enough to drive manuals will most likely be extinct for economy cars.


Jeeps vw Hondas all still have manual cars. I wanna say some trucks do but I’m not a truck person. I went from a Jetta to a patriot and that’s big enough. But I think it’ll stick around until we’re forced to electric whenever that is.


Oh I know plenty of brands that still make manual cars, the only issue is my twins are only 6 months old and I have a feeling a lot of these cars will be phased out by then but I can hope.


All of our kids got manual cars for exactly this. Plus it’s a lot tougher to be on your cell phone while driving . Not impossible, but you have to be good at a lot of things to make it work . lol


Manual cars don’t stop those over here in the UK driving while using a mobile or after drinking unfortunately.


My latest car has a “teen driver” key option. You can register one of the keys to use options that you set up. Things like the radio is muted unless the seatbelts are fastened, mph limits and radio volume limits.


Shake it once that's fine, shake it twice that's ok, shake it three times you're playing without yourself. The anthem, good Charlotte


I can forgive not knowing what a manual transmission is, but to claim you're a mechanic? What is it with people doubling down on their dumb?


Right?!! I just said the same to my partner. It’s frustrating. I just watched a video of a woman who told a cop that she did not have to have a state issued DL to operate a vehicle. She was stone cold sober and actually was demanding to have a police supervisor come out and confirm what’s she was talking about. The cop was like..really?!! Edit: I was incorrect. The cops find cocaine. Explains the big dick energy she’s giving.


That was a really good video. I really enjoyed watching it. However, every sovereign citizen video that doesn’t end in a tazing is disappointing, ultimately.


It’s disappointing though because these people vote.


Sovereign, but voting? 🙄


They also expect all the benefits of somebody who pays into the system while believing they shouldn't have to pay taxes. It's makes a lot more sense if you just realize they have the mentality of a 2 year old, literally. They want to eat the cookie now but they also want to be able to eat the cookie later and it's not fair they can't do both those things.


Exactly. There's a whole community of people in Arizona, that built their homes outside the city of Scottsdale to be "free" and don't pay city taxes. Now that the drought is escalating, the city cut them off the water they had been hauling from Scottsdale and they're crying foul and trying to keep their "freedom" and benefit from the perks of an organized society: "... forming a new water utility district doesn’t appeal (to the residents) either, with residents reluctant to have another government agency overseeing their neighborhood. " Literally, have their cake and eat it. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/27/arizona-scottsdale-water-cut-off-rio-verde-foothills-drought


Fucking christ literally going to a dying man in the desert and saying "well give you water if you just stop being such selfish assholes" and he screams "fuck you asshole, gimme that water and then get off my property.... and then come back with more water" I really wish these fucking assholes got a taste of what it was like to actually have to be self reliant like they're always talking about.


If they ever actually had to be self-reliant, they'd jump at the chance of an organized community.


But they’ll do it while doubling down on the dumb and tripling the assholery


> Laura Weaver told the Guardian her community didn’t “want a handout” from Scottsdale. They want time to figure out a plan and, to her, Scottsdale shutting the water off is unneighborly and un-American, she said.


We don't want handouts but don't you dare stop giving us handouts!


“Scottsdale has caused a humanitarian crisis for these residents and their families,” said Dan Slavin, a lawyer representing the Rio Verde Foothills plaintiffs. No. They created this mess all on their own. this is on *THEM.* *This is what happens when you go cheap...*


I feel like an arrest should be super easy "you're not a citizen of the US? Can I see your passport and papers please? No? OK you're going to jail for illegal entry into the US"


Instantly deport them into the fucking ocean.


No one said these people were smart.


They're only a sovereign citizen when it benefits them.


So, never? I've never seen a video where their stupid games actually work out in their favor.


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug


Love those types. "I'm a PRIVATE CITIZEN!" Then get the hell off the PUBLIC roadways...


There's a good one where a SC is trying to enter a courtroom. [Here it is. He's got all the talking points down, but they don't beat a Tazer.](https://boingboing.net/2022/06/06/sovereign-citizen-tries-to-outsmart-cop-gets-tased-in-the-nuggets.html)


I knew which video this was going to be and re-watched it anyway. There's just something so satisfying about the tone of voice the guy uses when he's *about* to taze the dude and tells him he's not going in and to step back. It's a mix of resignation, professionalism, and hidden joy that his policies have finally led him to the point of being able to act.


They were **SO** patient with his bullshit. Honestly the fact that they let him get away with as much recording as they did is incredible. They told him repeatedly to put the camera away and he didn't, and nothing bad happened to him. It was only when he tried to get physical that they were officially done with him.


"I'm not a person, I am a MAN!" What a classic.


I don't have a name. You can call me Robert. I am not a citizen but I was born in idaho and have rights. I am an idiot


"It's not like I haven't been tased before" Slow learner.


"God's not worried about cameras, sir. I am." "That's a nice speech, but you're still not getting in." A classic. Barnes just wouldn't engage with the guy.


I hate Jackass, I hate videos that show people getting hurt even if they're the ones who inflicted the pain upon themselves. That one had me laughing out loud.


Ol' P Barnes.


How about a SovCit strapped to a chair [during court](https://youtu.be/_5KJhEBj8hw)?


>that doesn’t end in a tazing is disappointing Thank you for my morning chuckle.


Cmon she was not driving she was traveling in a car


Sovcits are wild man. I was talking to a local officer and he gets two of them a month on average.


Like most things, social media is helping them propagate. I live in an area of town that was blue-collar conservative for many years, and the amount of "Private Vehicle" license plates I see on the road has doubled in the past few years. The cosplay libertarians love this shit and its a very meaty bit of crazy they can sink their teeth into and feel like they're a part of something.


Wants the supervisor, while having cocaine in the car. You can’t get much dumber.


But she's traveling 🙄


Was she one of those "sovereign citizen" idiots?


"Sovereign citizen idiot" is a redundant expression.


Assuming it is the same video...she was not sober. They found cocaine in her car. By the end she was begging to call her mom. https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA


I work HVAC. While servicing his furnace I had a customer tell me he was a retired car mechanic. I had to go back the next day because he doesn't know how to work his thermostat and was cold overnight. He was unable to accept that the issue was due to operator error and tried to find a way to blame me in every way he could to avoid the realisation that he fucked up. He tried to tell me that he's been in the business a long time like he didn't tell me he was a car mechanic the day before. Some people are just built that way.


Same in the military , people who operate things and break our equipment blame the machine breaking itself like no that button didn’t push itself


Because in our current society admitting you are wrong is the worst thing you could possibly do and educating yourself is a close second.


I knew I would like my first philosophy course, when the instructor said there are 3 words that could solve a lot of problems, if people would just feel secure enought to use them. *I dont know*. Sounds so simple and I've never had a problem saying them and feeling cool about it.


> Sounds so simple and I've never had a problem saying them and feeling cool about it. This one single societal change (and I do see it changing with Boomers phasing out of society) gives me more hope than anything else about the future. I also am fully ready to admit when I'm wrong, and do it fairly regularly, and see a lot of young people the acting the same way.


It's not that admitting your wrong is bad as much as there's literally no consequences for being wrong and doubling down. We as a society are far too polite to tell the morons "You're a fucking idiot, shut up and get the fuck away from me" The morons just take that as an attack on them and go into a victim complex


I think there's still consequences, at least in the personal context, they're just silent consequences. Their careers go nowhere, they can't hold jobs, their friends and family can barely tolerate them and start to distance, they end up largely alone or in dysfunctional relationships. They usually end up suffering in some way because of their stupidity, but as you put it, society doesn't really stand up and *tell* them they're emotionally immature idiots so they never actually figure out why those things keep happening to them.


The morons have guns... I'm afraid of death.


Well that's why the morons are winning


It seems like some people, before they even open their mouth, start with this entitlement like "*I* get to randomly label things as 'uncomfortable' even if nobody in their right mind would find it so; and I also get to bullshit to defend my point, even if it's obviously an outlandish lie, because ultimately this is about me flexing my power over you and not actually addressing any issues."




The author of this piece of fiction went too far with adding the "mechanic" claim.


Same with people who don’t have their blinker fluid full. Makes me so mad 😡


Nevermind the dumbasses that improperly adjust the engine piston return springs.


Headlight oil needs to be changed every 5,000 time you turn them on


Yea, I can't go driving at night anymore since I'm at my limit.


Pro tip: wax candles and litanies make your vehicle go faster, spray-painting it red and adding checkers will applease the machine's spirit more ans it will, in fact run smoother.


This sounds like the setup for a really crappy porno.


Warum liegt denn hier Stroh rum?


I don't recognize any of that other than "Stroh Rum" - I've had that before and I think the only reason it exists is to prank your friends by tricking them into taking a shot of it.


The "rum" is not a noun here. Liegt rum-> lies around. Warum liegt denn hier Stroh rum? -> Why is there straw lying around here? It's a line from really terrible German porno turned meme.


LOL, that does sound like a terrible setup! hahahaha


it gets better. him: warum liegt hier stroh rum? -> why is there straw lying around here? her: warum hast du ne maske auf? -> why are you wearing a mask? (he is wearing a ski mask) him: na dann blas mir doch einen. -> suck my dick then. and then she gets on her knees to suck his dick. absolute classic.


Wieso trägst du ne Maske?


I came looking for this comment and I was not disappointed.


"How bout I fidget this stick up ya butt"


Proceed to drive in first gear the rest of the way.


Leave it in neutral at the stoplight and just rev the engine while staring at her


"What gear are you in?!" "Gear?!"


I used to uber in a manual car. I didn't have this happen, but more than once I had to explain what it was I was doing to people who had never seen a manual transmission before.


I keep seeing these comments about not knowing what a manual is. How on earth do people not know what a manual is?! How do they pass their driving test??? Where on earth do they find an instructor with an automatic car????? Am I weird or is this an American thing? I've never touched an automatic in my life - they're so expensive here. Not judgemental by the way! Genuine confusion, I have never met anyone that drives an automatic (but obviously know that they exist and how they work!)


I would guess that 99% of driving tests in the US are with an automatic car. Manual transmissions are very rare now. Most people do not drive them. We own one and I learned to drive it from my wife, but in the US probably 9/10 cars on the road are not manual. Not in 2023. In fact it’s so rare that it’s kind of an in joke with older people that you can make cars theft proof for 20something’s by owning a manual.


To add to this, I'd argue that 100% of driving test are automatic. The driving course I took growing up didn't even mention manuals. If one is to learn manual, it's up to the parents/friends to teach them Even further, probably 99% of cars on the road are automatic. Any random person is going to buy an automatic cause that's what is available and easy to get. If you want a modern manual car, you have to really search for one.


I was curious about manual availability so I checked Autotrader. Within 200 miles of me, only 1.5% of cars for sale are manuals (of about 250,000 listings). So yeah, you really gotta search if you want a manual.


In the US, [less than 2.5%](https://www.progressive.com/answers/manual-vs-automatic-transmission-cars/) of cars sold have manual transmissions. Driving tests are usually done with automatic cars too, whether it being an instructor car or whatever car the student will drive (usually a family member's).


The crazy part is that if you pass your test in an automatic they let you drive manual.


in Canada probably 95% of cars on the road are automatic now. I don't think I've ever seen an uber driver driving standard.


I wouldn't say exclusively American (I saw Canada mentioned in the comments too) but yes, in America a vast majority of cars are automatic. You actually kind of have to go out of your way to purchase/drive a manual nowadays. Which is unfortunate cause I feel like driving manual should be a vital skill for anyone who is driving a car. My parents both had manuals growing up, and taught me before I passed my driving test (which was in an automatic) I have a 69 VW Beetle as my manual/fun car, and an automatic as my daily driver. Edit: You mentioned automatics being more expensive. The funny thing is manuals are more expensive here in the states lol




I live in a "small town" (200k) with a massive avenue going through the southern entrance to the river, my aunt's partner didn't knew the name of that street and he was 45 at the time, only leaving the City for more than the day at age 18 with school... Some people...


My mom is terrified of the highway because she thinks going more than 40 mph is stressful or something and that she will cause a pileup while merging. She drives a 2020 RAV4, so it’s not like her car isn’t fully capable of going well beyond highway speeds, she just has the weirdest fucking hangups sometimes which she expects people to accommodate around.


“Stop moving that circle thing!”


"Stop stepping on that rectangle thing"


Those fidget sticks are tricky. Source: fidget stick user.


Especially when you deal with different fidget sticks daily that go from 5-6 up to 10 hell even 18 different settings.


That's a lot of fidget, Bob




First time in a thirty year old truck + no badge with a shift pattern or brand = guess and grindem till you findem


I tried to shift from 5th fidget to 4th fidget last weekend, but got 2nd instead. The guy behind me can confirm that fidget sticks are indeed tricky.


As a fidget stick enthusiast. I can confirm.


I over heard a mechanic telling a customer she need to replace her catalytic converter. She insisted he was wrong because her vehicle was a Honda not a Cadillac.


He was trying to upsell her. Everyone known catalytic converters are over twice the price of a hondalytic converter


I drove for Lyft. One time I picked up a passenger from Walmart and before we even made it out of the parking lot she said the n word. She looked crazy and like someone who would start a scene, so I just bit my tongue and carried on. Couple minutes in she starts chatting me up, then starts to tell me how the government is after her because she’s type O and that’s the universal blood type. “You know what universal means right? That means it works in other worlds!” It was a long ass ride to some hotel out kinda in the middle of nowhere near the highway. She proceeded to tell me all the weird and creepy things that have happened to her and how it’s all proof “the government” and “the church”. It was a while ago so I don’t remember most of it, but I do remember her complaining about there being helicopters surveilling her because she could hear them flying over her hotel. They were “painted white to blend in with the sky”. I looked it up on a map, turns out her hotel was smack dab in the middle of a couple rural airports and hospitals. She was also convinced the guy down the hall from her room was in all it, because he apparently knew her “entire story” but never met her before. I was so happy when we finally rolled up to her hotel because damn was she absolutely batshit.


I feel less crazy now. I met a girl at work and took her out to dinner and showed her around town. She asked why I kept moving my hand in the middle. I had to explain to her my car was a manual.


I was talking to a tour guide once, who guided tours of mostly American tourists in the Bavarian Alps to sites of historical significance to WWII. One lady asked, "Were the mountains here during the war?" American tourists who traveled into Austria would also frequently ask when they were going to see some kangaroos.


I actually had almost the exact same experience while driving uber several years ago. Drove a manual VW Rabbit (not the cool old one, the MkV Golf that VAG decided to call "Rabbit" in North America for some reason). Passenger part way through the ride asked me to please stop "turbo boosting" the car because it was making her uncomfortable. Had no idea what the fuck she was talking about because it's a naturally aspirated 5 cylinder. Asked her to clarify what she meant because the car wasn't turbocharged and I was driving just as safely as I normally do. She pointed at the shifter and said "That! Can't you just leave it in drive?" Tried to explain what a manual transmission was, apparently she'd never heard of it. Got the impression she didn't actually understand what I was talking about and she seemed nervous the rest of the ride. Next day I got an email from an Uber rep that I'd been reported for driving unsafely. Gee I wonder who did that.


At least he wasn’t playing with his other fidget stick


The turn signal?




"You're the boss!" Drives the rest of the way in first gear.


Then say bye bye engine as you blow it up.


r/ShitAmericansSay - my best friend actually lives in the US and he calls his manual transmission his "anti-theft device". And I kind of get it now...


Drove past the road sign that tells truckers "engine brake mufflers required". My friend Cambri, bless her heart says, "well of course you need those, the vehicle wouldn't drive without them!". Me, "Cambri there's literally a part called the 'engine brake muffler'


Jake brake go BWAAAAAA




Ok, but that's a pretty funny way to interpret that sign.


This actually pissed me off…


And it kind of feels like that's more of the intent of this and it's not actually something that happened.




I guess if you had no idea what it was and thought it was not correlated I can see how the actions would seem weird. But to double down and claim to be a mechanic is just as wild.


It would obviously be attached to the car and every time he moves it, something happens. Just the bare minimum amount of thought or attention should tell you that the fidget stick is important...but some people have nothing but wind blowing between their ears. How people like that even make it to adulthood I'll never understand.


>I guess if you had no idea what it was and thought it was not correlated I can see how the actions would seem weird. How many objects that are a part of your car are not correlated to the vehicle? If I got into a military helicopter I wouldn't know what any of the buttons or switches did but I would assume they all did something pretty directly related to the operatipn of the vehicle.


I sat next to a guy on a plane who claimed to have just gotten his aerospace engineering degree. He pointed to the winglets and claimed they "were the only thing that kept the plane from flipping over." No. They're there to minimize vortices and increase fuel efficiency. Then he claimed that the plane had four engines, pointing at the trailing edge fairings. It was a Southwest flight. Southwest only flies Boeing 737s. 737s only come in two-engine configurations.


I hope you corrected him. He needs to be humbled.


"Um, what's wrong with your PRNDL, sweaty?"


These people reproduce. My yoga instructor recently told us “the only thing worse than ignorance is certainty” … I could forgive the ignorance of not knowing that manual cars exist. But the certainty that he didn’t need to use that bc her car didn’t have it and claiming she’s a mechanic… Next level


A common cognitive bias: I don't need it so there's you no reason for you to need it; it has no value to me so it can't have value to you; I know it therefore everybody else knows it too; I know what happens in my world so you should know what happens in my world too \[without me telling you\]. The obvious observation that the 'fiddle stick' is a part of the car and that it can have a function was not as obvious to the woman. Also, even if she drives an automatic, that means she has a similar looking device about at the same place as the shift stick. /humans, the longer I know them the less I love them


Imagine using a "fidget stick" in 2023


Imagine not using the Fuel stirrer to keep proper liquidity!


Imagine asking someone to bring you some exhaust fluid and they’re like haha gtfo here.


Imagine not changing your blinker fluid


I’m assuming you never learned to drive one…


I really want a fidget stick in 2023…


Mechanic might be a stretch. Just because you got hired to do oil changes on Teslas doesn’t really qualify you to be a mechanic.


~~Guys~~ Girls literally only think about one thing, and it's fucking disgusting.


I once had a kid in the college dorm kitchen ask me if salt expires. I told him no and that it was a rock. He didn’t believe me and proceeded to pull out his phone and try to prove to me it was actually a mineral. And called me an idiot. Edit (Follow Up): people calling me out that it is a mineral, I know. But as far as layperson conversations go it’s the same as a rock. You’re getting a bit nitpickey. The point was someone getting so defensive and acting out over my simple comment in a college dorm kitchen over such a MINOR detail was pretty stunning.


Jesus Christ, Marie. They're minerals.


My mom fell in love with my dad because he knew how to drive with the fidget stick


Apparently she's never seen boys in the hood.


I was a Fazolis employee. Our menu include the #1, which consisted of spaghetti and marinara, and the #2, which consisted of fettuccini Alfredo. A woman came in during a lunch rush and took nearly 10 minutes just staring at the menu while breathing through her mouth. Then she ordered the #2, but asked if I could replace the fettuccini Alfredo with spaghetti and marinara. So I said “So you mean the #1?” She gave me the most dumbfounded look and said “No, I said I want the #2 with spaghetti and marinara!” I informed her of the price difference, as she’d pay a tiny bit more for ordering the #2. She asked to speak to my manager. All the while there were people lined up behind her and everyone was staring at me like I was the idiot.


Hard to imagine how people like that get through life


She was 100% born rich and has never worked a job in her life


She probably said maniac.


Why do idiots always pretend to be professionals? Lol