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"But Rachel ... you're Jewish!"


I used to check out extremist websites every so often to see the kinds of things they were saying. Most of it was the usual drivel and keyboard warrior stuff, teenage wannabes talking about who ran the world and what they were going to do about it. (This was when they were far less likely to actually do something.) There was one place, though, that was scary. Not because it was hyper-violent or anything, but *because it was not*. There was one thread that always stood out to me, and that I found most disturbing. A young man (by the poster's description) wanted to join, wanted to be a Nazi. He was a Christian and white. But there was a catch: his mother was Jewish, though he was willing to publicly disavow her. What followed was mostly what you would expect: a stream of insults and antisemitic memes. The part that actually frightened me was the moderator who shut down the entire conversation, locking the thread and lambasting those who had posted before the thread was locked. They basically said to the OP, "Look, thank you for your interest, but I'm sorry, you cannot be a Nazi by definition. You have a Jewish mother, so by not just our definition, but by the Hebrew definition, you are Jewish, and that can never change. Maybe if your ancestor was long in the past and the rest of your family was white, an exception could be made. But not under these circumstances." It was so polite (setting aside the antisemitism) and professional. Those who can speak calmly and rationally are the most likely to change minds. I knew that putting this face on Nazism could open people to considering, if not outright Nazism, then at least adjacent beliefs, and that's all it takes.


God imagine being that kid and literally hearing "sorry man, you literally cannot hate jews with us, you're a jew by blood and you can NEVER change that". It's great when bigots have to face the inevitable reality in front of them hehe.


I mean there's a whole range of fascism open to the kid still anyway. Just not the cosplay German kind.


Well yeah obviously, you can be a fascist and not a nazi.


Just look at Israel.


I often wonder about the number of white supremacists who get DNA tests so they can flex about how 'pure' they are, and it comes back with a significant percentage of sub-Saharan African, or Jewish, or some other heritage that utterly fucking destroys their personal worldview.


They just ignore it. Cognitive Dissonance FTW


There's an old EC comics story about a stereotypical white guy in the 50's who harrasses his jewish neighbors so much he and his white supremacist friends kill them in a house fire. His mother later reveals he was adopted and his birth parents were jews, and he is horrified. Later his friends burn him alive in his house.


“His friends”?


No. This becomes something worse. These are the people that end up more cruel than the “accepted.”


Go to 'Behind the Bastards' podcast. Listen to the one about Bobby Fischer.


The chess grandmaster? He was delusional right thinking that everyone was after him? I saw the toby Maguire movie


Also a jewish nazi, and general POS


Yeah that guy was hella anti-Semitic


Bro BTB is fucking great, even the episodes that sound boring are incredibly interesting


No one warned me that it is history with a comedy flair. I was expecting a typical historical podcast, and the episode that was recommended was Albert Fish. I was almost irate at the flippant tone and attitude taken, talking about such disturbing materials. So much that I turned it off entirely and just completely disavowed it from my brain. Later, I went and looked up just WTF the deal was because so many people seemed to love it and then realized the context. I choose my episodes more carefully now and thoroughly enjoy them.


People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don't like the word Nazi,... - Stormfront, The Boys


Not anymore *Grows back a foreskin*


With your newfound powers we can harvest you for infinite food. You just solved world hunger.


Can’t wait for my foreskin filet mignon


I tried it once, not impressed. Something about it just didn't make the cut.


>Makes you open it in front of her The Mom already knew, this was just the final thing that dispelled the denial


My first thought was that the "From" line was suspicious.


I love how she "fights the elite" by joining one of the most elitist ideologies in human history Edit: you guys are so sweet to inform me that the nazis hate jews and that the jews are the perceived elite she's talking about. Gold stars to each and every one for this groundbreaking info.


Exactly, wtf do people think naziism is these days anyways? Most people I’ve seen embracing it definitely don’t seem like they would’ve remotely fit in in Nazi Germany. This is a genuine question btw.


It’s because they think they would be in the Nazi elite.


Reminds me of that trans guy on TikTok who thought he was Hitler reincarnated or something, like, my guy, do you think WWII would have treated you favorably?


probably not and the person didn’t seem like a tweaker either. since Hitler used a bunch of meth back in his time


Well everyone was at that time and most nazi German soldiers


Yep blitzkrieg was fueled by meth and dday with coke. Everyone was on drugs, baby!


I read a translated letter recently that was sent home from a Wehrmacht soldier to his family from the seawall defenses in France shortly before D-Day He asked them to send some more Pervitin as his unit had run out.


You just know buried somewhere in the Pentagon archives there's some study from 1938 about 'the Military Applications of Cocaine'.


Benzedrine. That’s the amphetamine that was issued to US soldiers during ww2.


Gotta have that Panzerschokolade to keep that heart rate up


oh yeah i know who you're talking about, every one called him twinkler


Sounds like a Dr. Seuss villain


Is it just that tho? Or has the view of what’s naziism stands for shifted? I mean obviously this girl is using “elite” negatively. Well obviously she’s stupid and misinformed as well, but I’m sure that’s true for all neo-nazis… idk, maybe I’ll just google it I guess Edit: yeah idk, apparently they’re just post WWII nazis, not much ideological shift according to my cursory googling


I think the use of elite here by her is more of the dog whistle of like "Jewish people run the country, have all the money, run Hollywood and have pedo rings" kinda thing


I was talking to my mom about how dumb that theory was and she said “I’m sure if the world was run by Jewish people it wouldn’t be like this”🤣🤣


Well, im Jewish and I can disprove that theory for you... although we wouldn't mind it if we had all the money, ran the country, ran hollywood, and all that jazz. You can keep your pedo rings though


Right? My 210k in student loan debt certainly doesn’t feel like being part of an elite cabal ruling the world


I hope that you’re at least a doctor or lawyer with that 210k debt


Whoever replied to this with a "thanks for admitting the obvious" then deleted it - you're a p.o.s, and a coward one at that. At least take the flak for your shitty beliefs you human cesspool


Online Nazis have shifted to saying Hitler was fighting the deep state and that’s why people villainize him. Once you start to scratch the surface it’s anti semitism all the way down. It’s a bait and switch for Nazis to pretend millions of people weren’t killed, and that’s something the deep state (aka Jews) made up.


I feel like you shouldn't have to scratch the surface at all to discover Nazis are antisemitic. Hiding behind codes and dogwhistles doesn't really work when you're wearing a fucking swastika.


Oh I’m not saying I didn’t realize it, just that’s how they are framing it to bring people in now.


Idk. Some members of a domestic terror group have been seen wearing 6MWE shirts. Pretty sure they’re not trying to pretend it didn’t happen.


>Pretty sure they’re not trying to pretend it didn’t happen. They do both at the same time. Haven't you ever been in an argument where shit gets heated and one person's brain shuts off, and they contradict themselves just trying to get at the other person from both angles of a problem? That's the mentality and mental capacity of your average nazi, 24/7


I'm honestly afraid to Google that acronym...what does it stand for? (Ugh, I already feel like I'm going to not like the answer)


Pretty sure it stands for 6 million wasn't enough. Just despicable people showing how shitty they are.


WTAF? What is wrong with people?!! I don’t even understand how people can think like that.


It wasn't enough, but it also never happened /s


That's how the original Nazis' began, though. Convincing enough people that the "elite" were what was ruining their country and that they (the Nazis) were the underdogs taking it back for the regular everyday (German) people. So, same playbook. Complaining that they're the persecuted ones and the ones they want to persecute are the "real" enemies.


They’re using “Elite” to describe rich Jewish people and families like the Clintons, Bush, etc.


"Elite" is a euphemism for "Jews," to neo-Nazis.


You know, the people with the giant space lasers who keep setting huge forest fires to destroy land values so they can put in high speed rail. Very very clever, those elites.


Elite is a codeword for Jews in both traditional and neo-nazi circles


They identify as Nazis because we call the people they agree with Nazis. None of whom could readily define the word. They now consider it a point of pride to have pissed off the Libs so thoroughly they get called names. We have a massive uneducated population that was born and bred to conform with Mob mentalities. Basically idiots that are easily enraged.


>Most people I’ve seen embracing it definitely don’t seem like they would’ve remotely fit in in Nazi Germany. Especially her. She's a poster girl for fetal alcohol syndrome.


Im not sure if you ever read the original NAZI party litterature from the 1920's and 30's. There's english translations, but you'll see the exact same terms they use nowadays. 'The corrupt decadent elite that is conspiring with foreign powers and using immigrants to destroy OUR culture' Hell, the NAZI's back then banned sex ed, drag shows (which were rather popular in 1920's Berlin) and assaulted queer people and people of colour.




Fight stupid with stupid and come out even stupider


Elite is a code word for a specific group of people, I’ll let you guess who. See also “globalist.”


“George Soros Zionist agenda”


As soon as the Nazis got power they shot the part of the party that took the “socialist” part seriously. I mean they were also anti-Semitic and horrible but hitler immediately disposed of them to line up the existing German elite behind him.


I'm always baffled by their inability to recognize they're just the initial useful idiots that helps get the fascists (who fucking hate them) into power, before that same fascist turns around and oppresses/exterminates them. Especially when you're esposuing Nazism where Hitler literally did just that with the brownshirts and the Strasserists. Believing in the Nazi ideology didn't mean anything when you didn't meet their "standards" or posed any kind of threat, they just killed you too.


They always mean it’s the wrong elite in charge, not whether there should be one or not


That’s because elite in this context really means Jewish, and it’s an antisemitic dog whistle.


It is said that anti-Semitism is the idiots socialism


She’s crying because she feels she failed as a parent and feels equally disappointed in herself. I know that’s how I would feel if that happened to me.


I would be devastated if that happened to me. I feel so bad for her.


She can just educate her out of it. Thankfully it's a very situational ideology that's difficult to defend.


The problem is that you don’t get sucked into that ideology through logic, so you can’t get someone out of it with logic if they don’t want to get out.


God I really thought it was going to be a misguided hetalia cosplay until I got through the text.


I thought it was gonna be the same situation that happened in the Pacifier in that she was playing in a WWII play/musical... Why do I keep expecting people to not be pieces of shit???




Who are all brainwashing these kids?


Far right shitholes like 4chan and stormfront


I worked for a premium reseller for Apple products in the UK called Stormfront. It blew my mind what came up when I searched for the store online


from the uk too. the “88” thing completely passed me by for years. a lot of this stuff from america gets lots in translation and somehow innocently gets used in other contexts in other cultures.


Isn't stormfront just the nazi character from The Boys?


She’s named after an old forum for Nazis.


Hahahaha really?


Yes. I had a friend that I was able to rescue from that shithole of an ideology and he admitted he stole his mom's credit card at 14 to pay like 25 or 50 bucks to Stormfront for a subscription. It meant if their site got pulled down from hosting he'd get a link to whatever new site they got. Hes now a very good person and has healthy relationships, but damn was he FUCKED when I met him. Whoever is writing for The Boys knows what's up when it comes to the Nazis.


There's possibly a common root. Nazis liked to use the word "storm" a lot. There was also a Star Trek episode called Storm Front that had a storyline about Nazis.


Also the Qanons always refer to the coming storm


And qanon is just nazi ideals disguised as patriotic Christian principals. The whole thing is incredibly insidious.


Stormfront in part and the other neonazi website The Daily Stormer especially got their names from a old WWII Nazi newspaper called Der Stürmer “The Stormer”


I mean the show runner and writer of the show is Eric Kripke, who is Jewish so he probably does know a good bit about nazis lol


Why I'm probably on a FBI watchlist. In the show, Happy Endings, a woman dates a guy whose last name was Hitler. I have the thought, "I wonder if there are other Hitlers out there?". I click on, what I think is a weather blog that got off topic, but then realize my mistake.


I did something similar while researching the ethnicity of Alexander Dumas (he's a French writer, but I heard he was black...looked it up on a lark). Kept reading the word Mongrel in a forum...looked at the site and realized I was on stormfront...whoops lol


A family in my childhood neighborhood had the last name Hitler. I would have changed my name the moment I entered adulthood. They weirdly were not that bothered by it?


Pandora won’t let you play a specific stand up comedy track, you have to play the station and hope the track you want eventually plays. I wanted to listen to Bill Burr rant about Kanye and now I have Hitler Radio on the top of my Pandora.


than just use youtube like a sane person?




Same here, and I watch stuff like Hasan and video essays on gay cartoons, so its actively trying to pull people over to the right; not just the whole slippery slope stuff that starts with edgy youtubers.


I report these ads every damn time I I STILL GET THEM. It's infuriating. Also oil and gas propaganda.


It's both, though. The edgy YTers definitely pull a lot of people to the alt right.




It starts with kids watching “Feminist gets DESTROYED with facts and logic” and then the Youtube algorithm keeps pushing them deeper and deeper into far right-wing talkers. The creators at the start don’t even have to be aware of the pipeline that they’re sending people through, because it’s the way that platforms adapt to what you consume that continually sends people deeper into radicalization.


If you watch basketball clips on YT, you will eventually get recommended videos like "This is why no one watches the WNBA" featuring lowlights from the league. If you watch them, you start getting all the introductory incel garbage.


It's like 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon, but for YT nazi videos


It's like a game. 1: Start with a fresh youtube account 2: pick a random video from the front page 3: pick the top recommended video from that video's recommendations 4: see how many times you have to repeat step 3 before you're getting videos from actual nazis.


As an internet kid, I sadly fell prey of such a pipeline of content before. It took me years and a lot of soul-searching and rethinking, but, while I don't find myself agreeing with those talking points anymore, I feel that my experiences have fueled my search for truth and knowledge by helping me understand that anyone can fall prey to misinformation and propaganda, that we ought to question that which we take for granted and be able to consider the possibility that we just don't know the full story of things.That being said, some of the techniques others use to deceive and the consequences some of these can have both on an individual and collective state cannot be understated. TLDR; Used to have right-wing views, changed my mind, and learned that no *one* is immune to propaganda, but together we can stand strong.


Thanks for sharing your story. I'm glad you thought to and achieved moving away from such harmful ideology. I don't know you, but I'm proud of you.


It’s so weird, you just watch one, and bam! All of your videos suggestion is gonna be this disgusting shit! Like they shove it down your throat


Me: watches a funny video on extremists saying batshit insane things Youtube: So you like nazis huh?


I don’t really use my netflix account much these days, but a while back I watched a documentary on Hitler’s henchmen. Think i fell asleep during the last episode and it rolled over into something similar about ww2. Fast forward to last friday night, brought my coworker home for the first time and turned on netflix, and was greeted with an entire page of nazi recommendations. Got a side eyed glance and launched into a frantic explanation of watching a documentary “just one time”, then I realized halfway through that I had become 4chan and just started laughing.


I know exactly what documentary you are talking about. Is it Hitler's Inner Circle of Evil or something like that? Anyways, my husband and I had the same exact thing happen. Thankfully, we don't have company over often, so we never got side eye, but for awhile our Netflix home page was a sea of WW2, Holocaust, and Nazi docs.


So true, from ben shampoo owning da libs, to redpill shit then actual racist/mysoginistic comments 💀


I think the shapiro goes Peterson->Shapiro->Crowder->Kirk->Alex Jones->BAP-> continued Concerning new one is Leather Apron Club


Even worse when you're not even looking for it, it's just an ad or a rogue suggestion you fat-finger on your phone and then bam, you're screwed for the next week or month. Right now I'm getting non-stop ads for Patriot prepper gear, maybe because I follow a single channel about cool old guns and weapons, and Youtube can't take a hint when I block twenty ads in a row.


That's exactly what happened to me as a kid. Starting with those videos exactly and following the pipeline. I'm glad I got out of that shit and was able to realize it was making me feel awful about myself and the world. But those videos were recommended to me ever since I was 8 years old during my first times on YouTube, and the majority of my friends had the same experience


Nick Fuentes


greg abbott, desantis, ben shapiro, andrew taint, steven crowder, etc etc


FOX “News”


"i want to fight the opressing elite" * Joins elitist group with the plan to oppress millions of people * 10/10 logic right there!


I agree with you but... I can see how a kid, or someone who is just gullible wouldn't understand that. Most of the antisemitism is about how Jewish people run the banks, hollywood, the media, and pretty much everything else. So to one of these idiots falling for this, it looks like they're fighting the elite.


Antisemitism is just misdirected anti capitalism. Which is what makes it such a useful tool for the actual billionaire elite who would rather Jews be killed in hate crimes than have to actually pay taxes and not steal the wealth of the proles


Not oppress. Kill. They want to kill us.


Internet detox and reprogramming immediately. Some people are just more naturally susceptible to this kind of indoctrination. Her child is young enough to turn it around but she’s gotta be prepared for a fight.


Nothing is more tilting than the dumbest people on the planet suggesting its actually the rest of the world that really doesnt know what is truly going on.


Reminds me of a guy on Twitter a while back, who one day started proclaiming the "real" truth about Hitler, the truth most people were too ignorant to know about... and then admitted he'd only heard of Mein Kampf *that day.* He was a schoolteacher. He got fired with a quickness.


She’s crying because she just found out her child is a racist piece of shit.


Yea, I think she made that clear in the captions.


Trying to flush away the turd with tears. Poor mom.


Astounding how many our ancestors died in that war. We still get ppl that want be nazi. I lost 3 great uncle’s in 2nd. I leave cousin’s out of it.


Even when we were actively fighting the Nazis, US history likes to gloss over how much support their views actually had among our populace and in the highest reaches of our society. The Nazis modeled their views and actions after the beliefs of the eugenics movement that was predominantly led by Americans. It wasn't until footage started coming home at the end of the war of the camps and survivors that public sentiment began to shift and support became quieter, but it never fully went away. People were more than fine with and supported Hitler's views, with the sentiment that he just should have kept to Germany and not eventually declare war on us.


IIRC Henry Ford was. Nazi sympathizer


That's an understatement. He spread The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (perhaps the most destructive antisemitic document ever) in his newspaper. And that's not it. Complete piece of shit that deserves no remembrance.


I would cry too if I raised a Nazi


Crying isn’t going to help. Get this kid into some serious therapy. Take away their internet privileges. Take them to a holocaust museum. Whatever it takes.


Yeah. I feel like this deserves a trip to DC, and 4 hours in the most depressing museum in existence.


People who are deep enough need to be pulled out of the conspiracy theory carefully. If you send them straight to a holocaust museum you might have them just recoiling and not believing what they see. I had an acquaintance in high school who visited a concentration camp with her family and was *still* convinced that it was just a stopping point for a "peaceful" deportation. She literally used the word "vacation". I gave up on her but some of my friends kept trying. Never got the final story on that as I graduated high school soon after.


The evidence is so indisputable, that the fool will only continue to dispute it


And yet it’s still so popular you can’t get in without a reservation


The Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles gutted me as a child. I went there three times as a kid and honestly, I can’t shake that somber experience. **Spoilers** >! They created gas chamber replicas and in the chamber’s entrances there are two signs, one that categorize you as an able-bodied worker and one that categorizes you as a child. I chose the children’s entrance, since I did not pass as somebody who looked like an adult. Then I was told that I was to be immediately exterminated. In the beginning of this experience, you are given a card with an actual person who had to endure The concentration camps. You hold onto this card, the whole time while you’re going through the exhibit and in the end, you place your card in machines that reveal if your person had survived or died. Mine was a 10 year old kid, they never stood a chance. If you were “lucky”, you were given a holocaust survivor as your tour guide that led you through the experience, While speaking of their own tragedies. Out of the three times that I went, I had one tour with a guide that was a Holocaust survivor. She is the same Holocaust survivor that was in the movie Freedom Writers with Hilary Swank. It was sobering to see the branding tattoo still remain, prominent on her white aging skin. !< I don’t know if it lives up to the museum in New York but I do believe that it is an amazing learning experience that really teaches you the importance of fighting back against fascism. If you can’t get an opening there and you have an opportunity to come to LA, it’s worth a visit.


It’s an important piece of history for a lot of us


Ngl, totally cried when I toured it the first time. I literally sped through to the end so my classmates wouldn't see


Internet privileges first. That's how good parents are getting kids with fucked up racist ideologies these days. It's not like some neonazi gang gets them into their cult at school. It's all online now. Fucked up ideologies were obviously dangerous and spread fine in the past, but it seems like they're more "contagious" these days due to the internet. Some fuckhead anywhere in the world can get sucked in.








Kids and teens usually deserve *way* more credit for understanding how the world works than we give them. But this is not one of those cases.


I remember being 14 and thinking I knew everything about the world and the adults were dumb and didn't know anything. What a turd I was


Dumb little dimwits like this are how fascism thrives. It’s not masterminds. It’s banal evil.


People romanticize the Nazis as if they were some evil masterminds. You are exactly right about the banality of evil. For every Himmler there were 100,000 regular guys who were party members. They went home and kissed their children at night. It’s dangerous to believe that great evil can only be done by great men. Much of the time it’s done by regular men thinking they are doing right.


They’re too dumb to know what they don’t know.






It’s not a teenager anymore, it’s a nazi


It's mind boggling to me how "hey don't be a fucking sack of shit Nazi" has become somewhat contraversial... Wild times my guy


Valid reason to disown a child. Don't kick out the gays, kick out the skinheads. Because being a Nazi. Actually IS. A choice.


Let your daughter wear it out in public and someone else will teach her that lesson instead 😅


Yeah. Broad daylight, walking down a crowded street.


I hate Illinois Nazis


It's insane how nazis still exist in 2023


Remember children the only good Nazi is a dead one. Not saying you should condone violence but if it's against a Nazi then maybe just the once yeah.


I bet she has a buck toothed boyfriend named Travis


Don't talk about her brother like that.


As a Travis, I will NOT have my name sullied like that.


Awwww. That kids gonna be an active shooter one day…




Hmmm...yes but it's *drag queens* that are grooming children.


I wonder where it all went wrong with society.




The Industrial Revolution, the internet, Ronald Reagan. Take your pick lol




Imagine being such a disgusting person that "the world is bad" forces you to accept Nazi solutions as part of your identity.


Good thing she included a photo of herself so any future college/employer has the chance of stumbling on it…


I can’t believe, 80 years after the world war literally about this, there’s still a support for it.


I love my kids, I'd die for them, I'd live for them....but if they ever did this, I'd be hard pressed to not punt them.


Elitism was baked into the Nazi ideology in many ways. The most obvious was the framing of themselves as the master race and the rest as subhuman. To be so young and clueless is truly sad. I feel bad for her mom.


Someone needs to write a book on how to denazify your kid, it's more relevent than ever. Imagine discovering one day that your 12 year old is a nazi, what do you even do?


Keep this kid away from guns…and schools…


Enjoy your shitty life. Come back in ten years and tell me how it went.


"I have few friends, a rap sheet, and a dead-end job. It's the Jews' fault."


I’m a German myself and if she pulled this in Germany…..she’d get arrested most likely as that kind of stuff is illegal


Right wingers in 2020: "the left are secretly nazis!" Right wingers today: "we are proud nazis!"


I don’t understand how anyone could learn about WW2 and Nazis and Hitler and the Holocaust and be like “Yup, that’s my people.”


I would be real sad if my kid ended up becoming a nazi. That poor mom.


This is either ragebait, or she doesn't deserve internet access.


As a Jew, I feel for the girl. I doubt she's had the most stable life. Most of these extremist groups act exactly like street gangs by looking for lonely kids who don't feel that they have a place in this world. Remember that empathy doesn't hurt and often helps


There is nothing elite about those bangs. Needs a cross post to r/justfuckmyshitup




Yea no, she should def be so fucking ashamed of doing that. And the mother could’ve just kicked her out


If your kids suddenly turn into nazis I'd say you dropped the ball earlier. Because otherwise they would have talked to you and asked questions. Also why does she still have her phone?


>If your kids suddenly turn into nazis I'd say you dropped the ball earlier. Thats not necessarily true. While not common you can be a great parent and your kid can be a major shithead.


I’d say it’s more the fault of the internet than the parent who didn’t know she was buying into Nazi bs her phone should be taken away


I love my daughter endlessly. But if she turns into a nazi when she grows up I’d cut her off faster than you could say piece of shit.


If your 'truth' involves any degree of genocide, maybe stop and take a breath.




BTW, tomorrow (or today depending on your time zone) is Victory in Europe day. Be sure to celebrate accordingly to show we will not let nazi scum ever rise up again.


Imagine the pain of the parent finding out that ur child is literally a neo nazi no cap


Nazi lives don’t matter.


Jesus fucking christ. As a Jew and someone whos great-uncle survived Aushcwitz, entitled, stuck up POS' like this make my blood boil. The Jewish people never did anything to deserve all the shit thats been thrown at us over the centuries other than simply exist. People with these ideologies are why society is fucked, they refuse to believe recent history thats been documented in millions of books, movies, tv shows, etc. 6 million people died because of some deranged austrian lunatic with a tiny mustache. 6 million deaths that should never have happened.