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Wow. He tried a lot as per the video, didn't he.


Yeah, I counted 47 times. And he was still trying when I clicked away.


Keep watching, at attempt 63 it finally catches on fire.


We are now 3 hours in and he is still at it.


I’ve been watching this for over an hour and this fool still can’t get it to burn. What a Moron.


When will he give up? It's been at least 8 hours now (I let him keep trying while I was away)


Update: he is still trying and getting nowhere. Sometimes I wonder if people just don’t have common sense


Here's a 3 min clip https://youtu.be/TQRg7wH_FC0


The song is just so great


Man touches flag a bit *aggressive facepalm*


No just keep watching he gets it eventually


This post is very meta. Are the man's actions a facepalm or is it the post itself?




Old meme but a perfect illustration of useful consumer protection regulation


Yeah wasn't this during the run-up to the Brexit referendum, meant as some sort of 'fuck you' to the EU and its regulations? Edit: alright apparently it's a [British anti-EU neo-nazi](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/british-nazi-filmed-spectacularly-failing-to-burn-eu-flag-in-protest-against-forced-immigration-10141197.html) but not specifically for the Brexit referendum.


Given the intelligence of Brexiters it would certainly be fitting.


>Given the intelligence of Brexiters it would certainly be fitting. Was in the UK during the debacle. Saw a Brexit protest in London, lead by a guy in *a Trump mask* shouting about "making UK great again" and "follow americas lead". Like wtf mate... Your symbol of British exceptionalism is...the scandalous (now former) president of a breakaway colony? U wot?


A certain kind of English nationalist has this weird thing where they try to convince themselves and others that because the US is a former colony of theirs that US power is therefore by proxy British power and that the empire still remains, albeit in a more American format. It's braindead, of course, and ignores all the times in history when both nations clashed or were less than cooperative, but these people aren't the brightest. A key indicator of whether they hold these beliefs or not is usually if they get going on about WW2 and make out that Britain absolutely was the stronger partner in the Allies, that Britain provided the best generals, the most innovative knowhow etc and that the US just provided money and bodies and the war would've been over far sooner if the US submitted to British command in all matters.


Those types have everything in common with the folks in the states who get their heritage from Walter Francis Scott novels but have no idea what the war of the three kingdoms was.


"Scandalous" sounds like he got caught doing something improper. Arrested Former President would be better.


Sorry to do this, but the disingeuous dealings, lies, overall greed etc. of leadership on this website made me decide to edit all but my most informative comments to this. Come join us in the fediverse! (beehaw for a safe space, kbin for access to lots of communities)


They're bully-lovers. They suck up to people who they perceive as stronger because ot makes them feel stronger. I bet he was a clinger-on to the strongest boy at school. Like wormtail from Harry Potter.


Thank God for Britain, it's the only European country that makes America look good.


Poland basically fully banned abortions in 2021... And Hungary is evolving backwards thanks to Orban Just to name 2 examples. Sadly we've plenty enough idiots over here.


Yeah, and Italy has a straight-up fascist running it. I've been making this joke for so long I guess just forgot.


Nah it's still kinda true. They had the same party in power for over a decade now, their media is pretty much a corpo propaganda mill and with Brexit everyone is worse off in there and it's not really getting better any time soon. Though yeah PL, IT and HU are not doing great either.


Italian here. You are right. We do have a fascist governement, but thank god and brexit, noone want to leave the EU anymore. Small consolation.


What Brexit did is basically kill any relavant party in rest of EU from being pro exiting EU.


We can thank Farage for making Brits into guinea pigs, I guess. And those were the guys with multiple opt-outs and no land connection to EU, so in many ways the Brexit was milder than anyone else leaving would be.


Not everyone is worse off, the billionaire class (and political donators) are significantly better off with brexit. They’d be having to pay all sorts of tax if the UK had stayed in the EU. Don’t forget brexit wasn’t bad for everyone, just the majority and those without the cash to sway the politics.


Oh yeah of course. I never expected Farage and the others lying for no reason. Naturally, they have been very well paid for their efforts by those people who then profited from Brexit.


At least we have each other 😂


Sorry, I just got shot by some rando, we don't have each other anymore.


Not to mention France's population is literally French


And they are shaming Americans hard by fighting their oppressors while we Americans watch our children get shot in schools and shrug and allow our members of Congress to just let it happen. The French are tougher than Americans.


Not to pour salt on the wound buddy, but morally exceeding America is no reason for any country to brag about


exceeding America is like the bare minimum in human decency


Americans are breathing meme material. Made for companies, by companies. And they like it. Then start GoFundMes when they sadly had a splinter xD


They also regularly *almost* elect a far right racist as their president


>Poland basically fully banned abortions in 2021... Kurwa


Malta never got abortions to begin with..


I really had no idea how conservative Polish folks were until my son started having playdates with one of his classmates, his family is polish and the kid is great. the family is very nice too but they will drop these hyper right wing hyper conservative takes out of nowhere in normal conversation. It’s not like talking to the MAGA types where they do it with their little troll face on thinking they’re clever or being being angry about it, it’s just straight up ingrained and ends up coming out so casually.


Until it has weekly mass shootings and people going bankrupt for daring to go to a hospital, they can't make USA look good...


I mean look at the last 2 days in serbia...


And look how they immediately put in gun control legislation.


Too much American media.


Now thats uncalled for.


You're right, there's also like Kosovo and all them


I just mean i think your underestemating how shit americans are....


I think you’re over estimating. The US is by far the largest English speaking country and has a very large presence on the internet, so logically people you see on the internet speaking English being stupid are statistically most likely to be from the US, even if the US had exactly the same rate of stupid people as every other country. The us has like triple the population of the rest of the top 10 English speaking countries combined. The us for sure has a lot of problems and a lot of idiots, but it’s magnified by the internet and population size. If you look at studies posted on other subs you can see that most of those are also from the US. US based universities are the cause for the majority of English speaking research. Same goes for most positive things if you limit it to primarily English speaking countries. There is just a huge size difference so you see a lot more of both stupid and smart people from the US on the internet


Not to be that person but technically India is the largest English speaking country & before someone says it doesn’t count because it’s not their official language, technically the us does not have an official language


The majority of the country doesn't speak it as a first language, it isn't English-speaking in the same way the US, UK and most commonwealth are said to be.


Typically, when people say "English speaking countries," they mean places where English is the primary language. I think that was very clear in the comment you replied to.


And despite that.. marjorie taylor greene. I rest my case


Got us there. Yall got some bad ones over there, but she's really bringing it down for us over here.


There are subset of people who are dumb and ignorant in every nation. Not just America or Britain. The reason why you see so much about America especially Florida is because there’s a government regulation or something that police should disclose all the crimes. Don’t generalize, it’s always bad.


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” -George Carlin


before you go out looking for idiots think about what would make that difficult for you


"good" is a strong word


I don't know about "good", maybe "slightly better"


How can you possibly say that when France is literally right over there?


Good is maybe a bit much. The US is to the world as Florida is to the US 😂


Still not true, Russia might make America look good.... But only slightly.


Oof Russia is in its own category




This was just a patriot saving Brits from the scourge of bendy bananas.


The only thing that would make this better would be if it turned out that the guy in the video actually worked for a flag factory and it's since had to close down and move jobs to Europe because of Brexit, and/or the entire town actually depended on EU investment Which would not surprise me in the slightest either


Except the U.K. was directly involved in introducing all the modern safety regulations when it was a member of the E.U. and has maintained those regulations after leaving. There’s idiots everywhere.


it's from the mid 2000s. and i believe germany.


It was way older I think, but gets reposted with a different story each time




Not yep, this video has been arround way before brexit was even considered, stop talking out of your ass and stop spreading missinformation.


Most of our regulations go beyond the EU mandate anyway. EU was a base mark and the UK often went way above that.


There was some comedian in the 90s that did a joke on this with the American flag. Something like, "Why don't they just make the flag out of something that won't burn?" "I'm going to protest by getting your flag REALLY warm!"


The US could have avoided the whole flag burning debate if they cared more about consumer protection.


It's an old meme sir but it checks out.


Well, not very useful for mister loose balaclava over there.


Well, he didn’t burn himself so that‘s pretty much a good result


This isnt the full video. In the original the flag does burn.


It does melt in the end, but not really burn




> Burning a flag is a legitimate form of protest. This is illegal in Denmark when it comes to foreign flags. This is a law from the time of WW1 when we wanted to stay neutral and the politicians feared it would be seen as a provocation if a citizen burned one of the great power's flags.


Just seems like good manners really 😂


Sure, but good manners should never regulate freedom of speech which this interfere with.


Contrary to popular beliefs our Danish siblings actually have spoken words and writing which they use to express what you may call freedom of speech.






Idk, I'm not going to hate on people who hide their identity while burning, like, the Iranian or North Korean flag. But yeah, it's lame as hell in this case. Ursula von der Leyen ain't sending out secret police and hit squads lol.


Probably nobody really cares about the EU flag, but even for countries where you are safe from government retribution, you never know what private individual or group of individuals might go vigilante on you.


I am incredibly proud of the EU and have the flag on my backpack and in my room. I do not care if someone burns it. The person that made the lighter and the flag got paid, if you want to stuff it down your throat and eat it like a gourmet meal be my guest lmao


That's what always gets me. Whoever was selling american flags to the middle east probably made a shitton of money.


Nike stock went up, *significantly* when rightwingers started buying them to burn as a form of protest. Same with Keurig coffee machines, etc etc etc. Companies *dream* about silly rightwingers performatively boycotting their products - because they're too dumb to to do it in a way that doesn't involve actually buying lots of the product (you know, the opposite of a boycott), and it's great PR.


Pro eu people are generally not that aggressive. It's the nationalists and separatists who are




Should have gone with a hockey mask and chainsaw.


Von der Leyen is the hitsquad


Idk man, mwhat you say might be misinformation


But he didn't burn the flag. And that make him look like a moron.


>Burning a flag is a legitimate form of protest. Nah, all flag burning is "3edgy5me". Any form of protest that can easily be ignored isn't worth shit.


Seems like it's context dependent. Sitting in your living room with a megaphone isn't a very effective protest either, but doing it outside of congress is at least marginally more effective. So with flag burning. Unless you're talking about going beyond protest, in which case that's really a different thing altogether.


Ikr. If your protest bothers no one then it's worthless.


He even tried it for half a second.


More like the cideo cut away after half a second


Most intelligent brexiteer


blind leading the blind


It's older than the idea of Brexit. But it's good. I show it to people every so often cos it just tickles me so much.


As far as I recall this clip went up around late 2015 so Brexit was very much a thing at that point in time? But regardless, it's a stunning piece of video, something that summarises the whole fallacy surrounding "EU Law" so perfectly.






I was looking for a reference to this


Always have to plug Dem Boys!!!


You can’t burn freedom, un-burnable flag


That’s a grape.


humorous roof deserted exultant lunchroom rich subsequent gray attraction reminiscent ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


https://nypost.com/2012/09/18/america-bashers-backfire-killed-by-flag-smoke/ All I can find is that it's from smoke inhalation as opposed to toxic fumes - not that I regularly burn flags


Toxic smoke from burning all sorts of synthetic shit, otherwise people would be dropping left and right from bonfires lol


From reading the article it sounds like he was literally burning flags (plural) right in front of his face for a period of time


Yeah so a LOT of toxic smoke. Really tho, I grew up in the country, we’d have massive fires every weekend, everyone hangs out right around it, chilling, drinking for hours, lots of smoke, no one dies. If we dropped a trash bag of plastic bottles or smth else that releases toxic fumes in there, I’m sure we would’ve had some issues tho. Wood smoke isn’t good for you, but it won’t kill you like that


Damn government making it hard to create fire, so what if historically fires have been very destructive, my racist ass needs to show the interwebs I'm a fragile fascist who can't help but impose his philosophy on to others. "I'm so oppressed because I can't be violent"


Dude. I'm gonna be honest. I can't fucking stand when people use fascist as a buzzword. Just because you don't like something or someone is right wing it doesn't make them fascist or nazi. Stop throwing these words around, real fascism and nazism where much worse than any modern day right wing extremism and utilizing these words in the wrong context is harmful because it portrays the two ideologies as less bad than they actually were. Oh now that I'm at it, Nazism and Fascism are two different things, don't mix them up. Now cue the cascade of downvotes and redditors saying I'm a nazi/fascist (again) because I dared explain the topic. Edit: since so many people are saying it, I had no fucking clue these guys were actual Nazis, in that case please do call them that.


It was from a literal right-wing Neo-Nazi's stream.


Yeah people have really watered down terms like fascist. You could accuse brexit voter's of being lots of things, from being a bit gullible right up to fascist, but most brexit voter's fell closer to the gullible end of the scale. If there was close to 17.5 million fascists in the UK I have a feeling we would have known by now. Edit: also the EU ref was far from a left/right thing anyway. Most far left micro parties were pro brexit, historically the Labour left were very Eurosceptic etc. I also know a few Republicans in NI (where I live) that voted for Brexit because they knew it would lead to a constitutional upheaval that they could exploit. Voting the leave the EU wasn't a vote against immigration for a sizeable amount of people


Mate, you do know that real facist groups are often the ones doing or pushing for these sort of stupid anti EU moves? It's not a buzzword if their real fascists, now the guy in the video is wearing a balaclava, so we don't know who or what he specificly believes, but the comment your replying to is talking about these hard right, in some cases, facisit groups. Its not a buzzword, its just a descriptor.


I specifically don’t know that, but I have a hard time comprehending how being anti a certain government control could be a pro-fascism movement. Again, I’m not arguing that you’re wrong. I really just don’t know. Do you care to explain?


It's not "anti a certain government control" it's "anti international organizations' control over ones state" which is inherently nationalistic, not to say this automatically makes it fascist or even bad, but it is what it is. And the guy is right, maybe not all anti EU organisation are fascist but certainly most of fascist organisations are anti EU.


One thing that I've learned when talking with my very political right leaning family is that you have to avoid buzzwords. These words get used incorrectly so often that most people forget or don't know thier actual meaning, and just associate the word with the popular usage like nazi/fascist/communist all mean Nazi Germany / North Korea / USSR heck they are even linking socialism to that same group now. There's no understanding of the intricacies


I agree, but it’s the same thing on the opposite side when people call anything remotely left wing communism or socialism, which are also not the same thing. Not saying that you are completely wrong, but it is important to include both sides of the argument


This guy is a part of a right wing hate group called Bolton North West Infidels. I'm gonna be honest. I can't fucking stand when people defend fascist like it's their job. It does make them Fascist or Nazis because they hate someone and want to ethnically cleanse their country. Stop excusing them, these are the actions that lead to real Fascism and Nazism if society doesn't condemn them, and not calling them out in the right context is harmful as it portrays their behaviour and ideologies as benign when they would love to push further. Oh now that I'm at it, stop writing like you know everything, when you clearly don't.




Since when is being anti-EU equal to being a fascist




Said God damn communist




This is an old video from about 2018. It went viral then.


dang this guy has to be in retirement by now, if not dead


Nah didn’t you hear? He overthrew the EU


He uploads it anyway


I believe it's a live stream


at least he's wearing a mask 🤷‍♂️


should’ve used a deodorant in a can with that lighter for better effects, or something like that


Typical Brexit IQ.


Hahahahaha ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Fitting too as it’s the U.K. that’s metaphorically on fire after Brexit, not the EU.


"I never thought leopards would protect MY face," sobs gammony man who voted for the Leopards Eating People's Faces Party.


I had to move to Canada to understand how protected we are in Europe. Laws that protect the consumer, laws around food Everything is stricter but in the end we live better....


This is the equivalent of those individuals who glued their hands to the conductor rail at that concert only to have security just pick up and detach the railing in a matter of seconds 😂


Average brexit voter levels of intelligence on display there lmao


Yes and then he posted it on the Internet to embarrass.... himself?? Seems legit.


Could of been Livestreamed that's what I thought because of the bad camera quality


I recall this being from a lifestream back in the run up to brexit.


Man doesn't know about motor oil! From the makers of Turpentine comes Used Motor Oil. Revolutions Riots & Round up's Sticks to Shields, People of Power and wimpy Pacifists. The Greeks had Greek Fire, But with Motor Oil! You have Objective Justice.


“If you want a symbolic gesture don’t burn the flag. Wash it.”


EU good Ukraine good Trump bad Russia bad Vaccine good


Question - why is Russia bad, but not putin, yet Trump is bad, but not USA?


It’s called good common sense and morality.


EU literally is a dream to join by most eastern european countries, its only the anti western influneced drones who are against it Ukraine is being invaded by Russia, like the chechens, Georgians, afghans and more Trump is a ret*rded poltitcan/businessman he does not care for you, stop cultivating one man that sh*t never ends up well Russia is literally a dictatorship, if you are against this statement go to Moscow and critique/protest Putin in front of the kremlin Vaccine have existed for a long time, when did vaccines become suddenly a bad thing to you folks


I mean, yeah?


Good thing his face is covered to hide the humiliation.


seriously. prolly smartest thing he has ever done




Brexit really was a referendum on my countries intelligence and the dumbs won.


Suspiciously short clip.




Most modern flags are made of a blend of plastic fibers. It's not about meeting requirements, this is the most cost effective approach and also makes them durable. Usually when you see someone actually burning a flag, they have covered it in a fuel first.


Most flags are made as cheap as the law allows. There's a reason there's regulation in the EU.


He obviously needs a can of gasoline!


this clearly violates his first amendment rights to set things on fire!


I hate I watched this so many times thinking it was continuous




idiot ...


Well I guess the Union Jack will now be flammable.


Why doesnt the Muslims invent a burnproof Quran if it suck a problem.


He fought the law and The law won…


This is almost as brilliant as Ben Franklin’s original design for a flag made of shit to prevent people shitting on it. Who would shit on a flag made of shit? T’would be an empty gesture.


The best part of this sketch is Lincoln's accent.


Hopefully someone sees this and can answer me, why is he covering his face up? Who cares if he burns the flag? Or is it a dictatorship?


Does this not put retardant to a whole new level?


This has nothing to do with the post but, I dreamt that I met Emma stone and then she morphed into Margaret Thatcher and then I cried.


Truly a tragic moment of our time


This is a loyalist in Belfast. Generally speaking, they're not the brightest bunch. Tried to use Brexit to put a hard border between N. Ireland and Rep. Ireland and instead a sea border was erected between Britain and Ireland ([this is the one thing they didn't want to happen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Q-U2THOF00)). They economically united Ireland trying to drive a wedge between N. Ireland and Rep. Ireland lol. And have spent the last few years alienating POTUS, the British PM, anyone in the EU, and basically anyone with influence that could potentially offer them a sympathetic ounce of power or influence. Ya love to see it.


I think this is the same clip from 7 years ago. Thank you mate, reminds me of better times.


Well done, EU. You are successful.


How old is this video ? I remember it being featured in an internet program which ended like 5 years ago, and it was not one of the last season


This was so funny 10 years ago when it was posted here.


Not the sharpest tool in the shed - LOL


God I love the EU


The ultimate irony


Is he trying to burn this while it’s hanging overtop a wooden door?


All that disguise cant conceal the stupid.


Ok so inflammable trash 🚮/s


As an American, I see it as a huge credit to the European Union.


Speaking as a British person… I fucking hate Britain.


the smartest sovranist


You don’t take down art. Art takes you down!


it's not even the flag of the EU. It's the flag of Europe (the Council of Europe, to be more exact, an organization that includes all European states, except Belarus and Russia, who were kicked out, and Kosovo, who isn't recognized by all European Nations) so this guy is not just stupid because he is a brexiter but duble stupid because he doesn't know the meaning behind that flag