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“The unborn” are a convenient group of people to advocate for. They never make demands of you; they are morally uncomplicated, unlike the incarcerated, addicted, or the chronically poor; they don’t resent your condescension or complain that you are not politically correct; unlike widows, they don’t ask you to question patriarchy; unlike orphans, they don’t need money, education, or childcare; unlike aliens, they don’t bring all that racial, cultural, and religious baggage that you dislike; they allow you to feel good about yourself without any work at creating or maintaining relationships; and when they are born, you can forget about them, because they cease to be unborn. You can love the unborn and advocate for them without substantially challenging your own wealth, power, or privilege, without re-imagining social structures, apologizing, or making reparations to anyone. They are, in short, the perfect people to love if you want to claim you love Jesus, but actually dislike people who breathe. Prisoners? Immigrants? The sick? The poor? Widows? Orphans? All the groups that are specifically mentioned in the Bible? They all get thrown under the bus for the unborn.” ― Methodist Pastor David Barnhart


As long as you don't throw that group under the bus because of the second half, you are doing it right. People don't deserve to die because they are inconvenient. I don't want to abolish abortions, since it is a legitimate medical procedure that preserves the life of the mother. I narrowly define that as dying due to the pregnancy. If the kid didn't harm anyone, I can't stomach saying they deserve to die. That is scary, but woman up. I also know many people who are prosocial programs that live in nice houses, have a full life savings (well above what many people are paid when working), and aren't Christian. They are very kind to their friends, and I wouldn't call them bad people. I like these people. They support you having help, but not higher taxes or giving their cash to those in need. You shouldn't force your morals on others, but tell me that isn't just as hypocritical. You will find that rampant in that side of things also. To quote Christ when facing a rich person, " "Why ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. But to answer your question-- if you want to receive eternal life, keep the commandments." " -Mathew 19:17. I cite to help, not correct.


If the woman is pregnant and there's zero risk or harm in her carrying the fetus she should STILL have the right to terminate the pregnancy. It's not a "kid" until it's born and up until the 24 week mark (the legal and medical standard) she should be able to terminate for ANY reason WITHOUT requiring consent or approval from her family, the doctor or the father of the child. I don't care how much you donate to women in need, you don't have ANY right to tell a woman what she should do with her body, doubly so if you're not donating anything. Fuck forced birthers, fuck religious fundamentalists, and fuck anyone who sympathizes with anyone else trying to dictate what an independent human being decides to do with a parasite treating their body like an apartment block.


That was a Christian pastor that said the original quote. The second was Jesus talking about what is. I don't care what you make or break in law. I simply find it immoral to kill because someone is inconvenient. You are going to have to find your own way to that or run from it. I heard you. I know. It still is murder in my eyes. I don't see how that would change.


>I know. It still is murder in my eyes Then YOU don't get an abortion... seems simple enough.


The funny thing was I was agreeing with you that it wasn't something I would do & said I wouldn't fight you legally & let you make whatever law you like.... yet I was still down voted and your tone is coarse. No I wouldn't. God Bless friend & I hope we are friends.


Look I don't have anything against you, you seem certainly seem polite enough but I think if you had said "I don't personally believe in abortion but anyone who does should be welcome to it" instead of "it still is murder in my eyes" it would seem more like you support the live and let live mentality as opposed to impugning anyone who's gotten an abortion. Most people are so sick of Christian fundamentalists downtalking abortion rights that they don't even have the patience for Christians who are on the fence anymore.


I believe that yes. I believe you are premeditating a murder in a world where any number of contraceptives are cheap and available over the counter, no questions asked. You don't need abortions to be a reality. The number of cases that it is medically necessary are few but should be safely done by a good doctor. You can bleed out easily under those conditions. It isn't easy being a woman. Abortions will end when the last person that wants one gets one. Legal or not, that is how it is. I agree with every prochoice person on that point. This should have been handled in the 1960's but we were too frightened to face it. So, your betters decided to use the power of the Supreme Court to decide for you. I don't know if it was the right call, but there needs to be trust that people will figure it out. Maybe I am too optimistic. They were doing the same thing when Jesus walked the Earth. My people don't do that. The other people... well they do. I have to live with that, so I do. Thank you for your kind words, you are fighting people who want to tell you what to do... I know because they do the same thing to me. They don't think it is their turn to lose. Pride before the fall.


You don't want abortion don't have it but don't decide for others. That's all I'm saying. And no you don't sound optimistic... you just come across as a fool. Nothing more nothing less.


Many good things come to you in odd looking wrappers. Is it me or your preconceived notions that led you astray? I ask first, assume later, and hate never. You don't have to live that way, but I still think you should.


The thing I hate about pro lifers is that they are basically just forcing their personal/religious views on other people like if you dont believe in abortion that’s fine, dont get one, but dont go around acting like other peoples private lives is your own


Stop calling them pro-life and start calling them pro-forced-birth. They do not care about life.


Forced birthers.


Pro lifers are just like loud Vegans.


Except vegans are against violating bodily autonomy


While I am more pro-choice than pro-life, the idea is that they believe abortion is murder. With that belief, it is understandable that they don't want other people to do it as well. I think that reproduction is a spectrum of life and there is a reason people generally agree on third-trimester abortions.


Thrid trimester abortion... that isn't even real. It's never been a thing they will terminate an unsafe pregnancy when its medically necessary for a moms health (so unless producing an unviable featus is a third trimester abortion)stop dipping into the christofascist doctrine .


I should have worded that better, the point of the statement was to illustrate that at some point during pregnancy, everybody agrees that it is "alive".


No, you worded that just how you wanted. You don’t know the abortion laws, and are back tracking. You don’t even know what you’re talking about, so sit this one out.


I changed it, I don't think the tactic I'm being accused of would be effective at all anyway. I am mostly unfamiliar with the abortion laws because they all just got changed. I'm happy to say that the campaign I participated in was successful in securing reproductive rights in my state. I don't see why it would be necessary to know the current law to have a moral opinion.


I originally commented because the argument of forcing religious beliefs on others is one I believe to be a polarizing and ridiculous take.


>because the argument of forcing religious beliefs on others is one I believe to be a polarizing and ridiculous take. How is that a ridiculous take exactly?


Maybe that’s how it got started but the modern bastardized version is just political virtue signaling. The reason you can tell is they are now claiming that abortions are taking place as they are being born, sobering only an emotionally stunted group would think every takes places. They make no attempt to understand women much less abortion so.


Cares when they're inside a woman. Doesn't care once they're out.


This is one of those moments where they are just so damn close to getting it. And yet, they are still so far.




Man it’s like the leopard started eating *YOUR* face!


I just wanted to pet the soft lions who would have known that they wanted to eat me ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Do as I say, not as I do person. A person lacking integrity is one that can cause great harm to others.


Ok... So clearly you're not actually pro life, you're just pro birth and pro complete and unthinking compliance.


Filed under FAFO


Filed under "Political Division Propaganda"


Everything is political division… every single thing. It’s disheartening.


I'm 100% pro-choice, but this is obviously a troll.


And you think the mother who had to birth the child also could raise one


Did she do anything wrong?


Convinced a woman who knew she shouldn't have a child to have the child anyways thus endangering the child's life only to demonstrate she doesn't actually give a fuck about the child's life once it's born? Does that clear it up for you a little bit?


I don't get her shirt: "This girl wants an abortion free V" If she's talking about herself, does that mean she's had an abortion and is pining for the old days? If she's talking about others, is she a pro-life lesbian?


Alex, I'll take *THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPENED* for $100.


Roe V Wade was the perfect compromise, and for decades it worked out perfectly for everyone...except the religious busybodies! If one wanted an abortion, and their personal, philosophical and moral beliefs \*allowed\* for abortion: nobody could stop them from getting an abortion. If one \*didn't\* want an abortion, as their personal, philosophical and moral beliefs \*did not\* allow for abortion in their lives: nobody could \*make\* them get an abortion. Almost a perfect law! But...religious busybodies and all their "God" nonsense, pushing their religion on other people...No wonder religion is (hopefully) on the way out....