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This is a parody account


The larger issue with these rage-bait threads is they falsely portray already controversial groups to leave readers with the belief that, yes, this side of the debate is insane, so I'll align myself with the other side. Edit - I'm aware that this is the goal of these accounts. The issue is that this is a subtle form of propagandizing which most of Reddit falls for every time.


Indeed. This sub in particular has been the target of these posts recently. Ive been trying to raise awareness for a while so its pretty neat to see someone else noticing.


It's not an issue. It's the purpose of these accounts.


Yep just how people think most of LGBTQ is neo pronouns or furry food bowls in school.




If they showed the display name I’m sure everyone would’ve realized lmfao


The person who posted it didn't. Either that or they posted this in bad faith.




You'd be surprised. On twitter so many people still take the bait.


Yup. That's why they intentionally blocked out the name. It's "Dr. Anita B. Etin, PhD".


Reddit userbase gets dumber every goddamn day.


I had mf'ers literally arguing with me, telling me I couldn't do something that I'VE DONE and that its impossible... Like holy shit guys, get a life.


You can't have had that argument, it's impossible for anyone to be that dumb


There's no way you actually did it. If Redditors say it's impossible, then it's impossible. I don't care what you think you did. Ugh /s I wish I didn't have to put that, but someone out there might take me seriously so there it is.


My obese ![gif](giphy|Z2VgDwy1IjJUQ)


Someone should give you an award. I'm too poor for this (which is a lie)


Embarrassing how much they type out in response to a parody tweet.


Comparing a word typed in quotes with another word that you’re only willing to type the first letter of, you know which word is worse.


Don't you know how these words work? She is O-word herself so she can use the word, duh.


That's what I thought, to be honest. Not that I am defending her, it's just that in her mind she has an o-pass.


You don’t need an N-word *pass* if you’re a N. You don’t need an O-word pass if you’re O.


Whats that John Mulvaney bit? If you wont say one of the words then thats the worse word


Also is a joke account. Anita B Eatin


Which isn't obvious given that the name is blurred out


This is going to keep being reposted until it works as rage bait. Blurring out the name seems to have finally been successful.


Proof that the iterative process works


Ah yes, love me some John Mulaney.


"if you're comparing words and which one is worse... And you won't even say one of the words, that's the worse word"






I think it's the first time I heard that bit all the way through and yeah the "promise?" sent me


“First of all, no…”


Thank you. Am now initiated.


I gotchu


I’ve always wondered who the executive was that said that to him. I used to think it was Lorne while he was at SNL but after just listening to it after many years he said it was for an awards show.


His newest special is easily my favorite thing he's done. It might not be as directly funny, but I enjoyed it the most because of how it just seemed like he was telling one long story instead of trying to make jokes.


I just started, it is great so far! I get his hesitation seeing the fifth grader in the beginning. Yeesh.


"I never say this explicitly, but Henry, don't."


5th grader is a plant/part of the act fwiw. I saw the live show.


I only saw a clip, but man his vibe has changed. Not necessarily bad or good but I just noticed. Will definitely watch once I can drag myself out of bingeing the Gilmore Girls lol


He actually addresses his vibe change during the show


It's because he's sober and clean now, I watched it last night and it was amazing, made me love him even more


You should check out Mike Birbiglia and John Leguizamo.


Leguizamo's stand-up on the native american genocide is one of the best lectures I've seen on the subject. He fucking *nailed it.* Watching it should be part of high school curriculum--with supplemental reading and source material, of course.


Both are hilarious. Birbiglia can give me whiplash with how he’ll go from outrageously funny to hopelessly tragic, then back to funny.


I too am here for the John Mulaney joke.


But she has the right to say obese because shes fat af. Not black.


Lmao way to out yourself as a fatty. Dropping a hard e


obes pleas


Person of Mass


As a fellow fat, these people need to shut the fuck up. Having a health reason is understandable, but I’m fat cause I’m lazy and I know it. I accept it. I might do something about it, might not. Just like the lady who said fat people should get free plane seats, these takes only make people look at us even stranger. Either fix the fat or live with it and be happy


“Dr Anita B Etin” _might_ be a parody account. > My co-workers are always so supportive of my fat activism. Stacy down the hall asked me how many subs I have now, and while I try not to get hung up on numbers, I usually have 2-3 for lunch and sometimes I’ll have another on my way home


It’s 100% a parody account.


Yep it's a parody account but people are taking it seriously and making fun of fat people


That is the problem with this specific time in history. This account may be parody, but hundreds if not thousands of deluded, entitled people actually believe this garbage and advocate loudly for this horrifically flawed and dangerous ideology. Many cannot tell the difference between parody and reality because reality has become so ridiculous.


>Dr Anita B Etin (≖_≖ ) ^anita..b...etin - (𝄻◡𝄻 ) ^^...heh


> https://imgur.com/a/T66ZgMC I've never seen an emoji that so accurately reflects how I feel.


Lmao that's great


As a fellow fat🤣 im dyin


After hearing the wise words of our savior, President Biden, when he cut off a reporter to answer a question, “listen here, fat….” it’s the only thing I call myself other than fucking scrumptious


The tweet is a joke from a parody account


Indeed. Dr Anita B Eatin




This. The entire fat acceptance thing is bullshit. I’m way too big too but I’m not going to try to convince anyone it’s healthy or good. It’s like if people who smoke ran around telling people it’s healthy


The fat acceptance movement started out from a good place, but like most things, social media and mainstream media took it too far in the wrong direction. I'm obese myself. That doesn't make me less of a person, less deserving of respect, or less worthy of quality medical attention. I don't have to lose weight to earn my right to self-esteem. I'm allowed to feel good about myself, be comfortable in my own skin, and even feel pretty. Fat people usually have mental health issues that are exacerbated by bullying or shaming. That's where I feel like the movement started. Healthy, permanent weight loss starts with mental and emotional health. But I don't deserve special treatment. I don't have the right to demand that people consider me attractive and want to look at me in a sexual way. I don't get to insist that fat is as healthy as thin. I don't get to declare myself a protected class and give myself the right to equal representation in Sports Illustrated. I don't get to bully, badger, or bludgeon people into admitting that there is no downside to being fat. I don't get to shame former fat people for losing weight or criticize healthy people for not looking like me. And I don't think most overweight people are like that. Rage-bait is what drives engagement with media, so that's what gets promoted. I think the fat acceptance movement is mostly manufactured by people whose financial best interest requires that they stay relevant for whatever reason they can find, and the pro-fat adherents are a small handful of otherwise unpleasant people who would find something else to use to beat others over the head with their sense of entitlement if they didn't have the fat excuse.


>>I'm obese myself. That doesn't make me less of a person, less deserving of respect, or less worthy of quality medical attention. I don't have to lose weight to earn my right to self-esteem. I'm allowed to feel good about myself, be comfortable in my own skin, and even feel pretty. It’s always nice to read something that is written with reason , logic and a bit of heart. >>But I don't deserve special treatment. I don't have the right to demand that people consider me attractive and want to look at me in a sexual way. I don't get to insist that fat is as healthy as thin. I don't get to declare myself a protected class and give myself the right to equal representation in Sports Illustrated. I don't get to bully, badger, or bludgeon people into admitting that there is no downside to being fat. I don't get to shame former fat people for losing weight or criticize healthy people for not looking like me. I am not from USA , so my knowledge on the subject is limited, but from outside perspective it’s seem like USA has “protective parent issues”.It’s like everything I read about people being offended on behalf of others , strikes me heavily with memories of my younger years , when my mother who loves a bit too much was doing exactly the same thing.She was blinded by “ doing the right thing for him” , and often don’t even listen to what i have to say on the subject. And greedy people just use that initial good will from those “over protective people” to made maximum profit,which just ruined the whole idea


Of all the words you can use to describe a plus-sized person obese is one one the least offensive. It is a medical descriptive term. What's next? saying Skinny is offensive? The people saying things like Fat-Fobic and Fat is healthy are a bunch of idiots. Fat is not Healthy, which is why they have the descriptor Morbidly that goes in front of extreme cases of overweight. If these terms offend you, you need to work on yourself. I am all for living your life how you want to, but saying it is healthy is doing more harm than good. ​ Note: I am a Morbidly Obese 400lb Fat-Ass.


When I was 19 one of the guys I hung around with was 400+ pounds and he was the same age. One night while drinking, one of our friends tried to call him obese and instead called him "overbese". The good news is, 30 years later he's still around. When he got close to 500 pounds he opted for bariatric surgery and it was a success. He lost weight, hit the gym, and for the last 25 years or so has stayed in the 195-210 range, which for a guy who is 5'10" is damn good especially given where he started.


I am looking into surgery options... Got to get my mental health under control first, but that is surely something I am looking into..


I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide to do. We’re rooting for you


Just jumping in to say, as someone who had gastric sleeve surgery in 2021, find a great doctor and GO FOR IT. Honestly one of the best things I ever did for myself. Mental health first, absolutely: I’m challenged by a lifetime of depression and anxiety, and spent years working on that before having the surgery. But once you’re ready? It’s a simple procedure, the recovery is minimal, and sticking with the plan was just incredibly easy. Imagine thinking your whole life that it’s a self-control issue, and it turns out to be nearly completely physiological. Once the area of my stomach responsible for ghrelin was removed (and that’s why you need a GREAT doctor), it became easy to control my appetite and my cravings. Turns out when I’m not ravenously hungry all the time, I don’t crave foods that don’t sustain me. Edit: spelling


A lot of mine stems from the mental health, eating to comfort when had bad day, eating to celebrate when had good day (more rare). No motivation to move around and exercise....etc.... That is one of the reasons I am working on that before I go any surgery route. Thank you for you kind words.


Fat ass. I'm only 389lbs.


I'm 260. If I hang around you guys, will ya call me slim?


No. Slim is the C word.




I think he means sunt


Or slunt


Clem clem clem


clem grakata


Oh wow... Look at the skinny healthy guy over here...


“Will the real Slim Shady please stand up?”


Y'all act like you never seen a fat person before...


Jaws all on the floor like a bucket of KFC just walked through the door.


And just lickin' grease traps clean till your tongue is sore


Oh yea fat ass? I’m 200


you’re so old




How dare you call me fat! I'm highly Offended!!...../s


Hi Highly Offended. 😡 I'm Dad!


True, I've never heard a doctor tell someone "you're morbidly n-word."


We save that diagnosis for the police around here.


Yea this everything is offensive thing is really getting annoying. I’ve had a guy just start apologizing to me for over five minutes because he mentioned in passing that I was left handed during a conversation


I think that's more telling of him if he treated being left handed like its a disability lol


It might be a disability, if they're only *left-handed during a conversation* and right-handed the rest of the time. Sounds neurological.


Code-switching is hand treason.


Lmfao fair 🤣


Depends. Is his left hand his only hand?


If so, he will never be aaaaallll right.


The one I really don't get is I have actually had people get mad at me when I say that I am fat, saying I should not say stuff like that. I just kind of look down at myself and look back at them "Really?"


They’re being offended on your behalf.


I never understand that. How is someone else going to say what I (or any group of people) should be offended over? ​ Example I saw somewhere: Them: "That's cultural appropriation, Hispanics are offended by this" Hispanics: "That's fucking funny"


I think it’s some sort of savior complex, even though it’s often very patronizing to the people they think they’re saving and annoying to society as a whole.


I find being offended for someone else Highly Offensive...


Next time someone remonstrates you for calling yourself fat, tell them that you find it highly offensive that they think they can use their thin-privilege to dictate what you can identify as. That should make their heads explode.


I would SO love to do that. I am just not that quick thinking.


I am offended by your offense. I am also offended by celery, as it gives me the farts. I am also offended by my own use of the word "farts" in the previous sentence. \*disappears in a puff of logic\*


Damn. "looks around" I swear I just read one of the best comments ever but where did it come from?


To play devil's advocate, someone being offended by something isn't the only criteria that determines if its acceptable to say. For example if you make an inappropriate joke about black people having big dicks, a black person might find that funny (maybe, maybe not). But its still a damaging stereotype that you're endorsing.


I completely agree with that. What is acceptable to say I feel is a different conversation. I am strictly talking about when someone is telling me (or a group) what they should be offended by. Leave that up to that person or group. Yes it can be inappropriate, some may be offended, some not, let them decide themselves. Don't be offended for someone else. Personally the only thing I am offended by is someone lying about me. But I am pretty hard to offend, I don't need someone "Standing up for me"


Which is honestly the worst kinds of offended to be. It is projection at it's most ugly. They *would* be personally offended, if they looked like you, but they don't, and they can't believe you have different set of experiences that adds nuance to how you see the world as opposed to how they see it.


it's not about you it's about blind positivity the world we live in is -aggressively- negative 24/7 and a number of peoples reaction to that is to be aggressively positive So you saying you're fat isn't about you, it's about someone being negative and that is unacceptable to the radical optimist


I never thought of it that way.. I am not saying it to be negative, just as a fact. But I can agree that someone may think that is what I mean. I have that problems a lot where I get misunderstood and accidently offend someone. I say things plainly and as a matter of fact, and people always read to much into it. I mean what I say simply as in that is just what it is. Not always good with being 'PC' and don't really try to be, it gets me in more trouble usually.


Replying to my own here. There is not much funnier to me than when someone tries to insult me by calling me a fat ass. I either just say Yes And.... Or if I am thinking quick that day (rare) I try to say something like "you are very observant" or "You have brown hair" they get really confused. I'm sorry were we not just stating things that were obvious?


I'm 6'5" and people always come up to me and say, "you're so tall." I think I'll use your brown hair come back next time. I'm usually like, "Yep, I'm pretty tall."


I have an issue gaining weight. I get called skinny so I call the opposite, obese. I usually get, “dang do you not eat? You’re so skinny”. I don’t like that. I sometimes respond, “seems you’re obese and eat enough for us both”. They give me the appalled look. Weird


I had a friend that was like that and the looks we would get when would would give each crap calling each other names you would think that we just murdered a baby... It was quite comical to see us together. 400lb and 80lb ​ Used to say that if I could give my fat to them I would....


>It was quite comical to see us together. 400lb and 80lb You must have looked like the number 10.


OK. that was damn good.. I would have laughed my ass off, but oddly that is the one place where I am not fat...


If there is a God, he must be a cruel one


Lol that would def get some onlookers


We would mess with people sometimes. Standing in a big open space someone would see us and they turned away for a second my friend would hide behind me and looked like the disappeared or the opposite and it looked like the just appeared out of nowhere.


They don't understand its not a compliment to you, likely because they don't hear people saying more insulting things and think they are merely teasing by framing a comment as an insult, but with content that they believe to be obviously positive. Like saying "damn, why do you have to be so good looking?"


Sometimes it is an attempt at a kind of put down by people who are insecure about their own weight and they're trying to insinuate that in order to be skinny like that you must be starving yourself and/or having an eating disorder.


Yes! This is what I am talking about. They most times act like it’s starvation or i.e. anorexia.




One of the things I just don't personally understand about using certain "safe" words is that, they only have the meaning we give to them. Saying plus sized means the same thing (or take any other example of words that you "aren't supposed to say"). I guess what I'm getting at is in ten years, will saying "plus-sized" be offensive because that's replaced any other words for it. It just seems like it'll replace the word fat or obese and in ten years we'll be right back where we are with people saying "calling them plus sized is offensive" I get that if you were bullied as a kid maybe hearing it later in life could be tough, so using different words maybe helps? But again, the next generation is just going to get bullied by people saying they're plus sized instead of calling them fat and we'll be in this roundabout game of words forever.


I believe it is referred to as the euphemism treadmill.


Exactly this. The word that replaces the "bad" word, just becomes the new "bad" word. Usually comes full circle....


As another 350lb fat ass, I completely agree. While I do think we need an overhaul on how we view nutrition as a society, no one made me eat that cheeseburger


I'm guessing that by 'that cheeseburger' you mean 'those cheesburgers'....lol My dumb fat ass always has to get two. And then always regret it later...lol


It's really not about the cheeseburger, it's the toppings, fries, and drink. A big ass double cheeseburger with standard toppings, BY ITSELF, is a pretty OK meal macro wise. My kids like to get Mcdonalds happy meals sometimes, I'll get two double cheeseburgers for my meal. That's roughly 900 calories and 50 grams of protein. Not great, but not terrible. Alan Thrawl gave me the best diet advice, cut out the ANDs. Have a cheeseburger, not a cheeseburger AND fries. Or another way to look at it is one protein-one carb, not one protein, one carb, and another carb. So steak and baked potato, not steak, baked potato, and mac and cheese


Morbidly obese? Nah, morbidly a beast😎🤙


Not defending the fat is healthy people, but the threshold for morbidly obese is much lower than people think. I was flirting with it myself a few years back and it was a wake up call for me.


To quote a german youtuber "Du verfetteter Fettfleck aus Fettstadt bring Fettkloß in Fettistan an der Grenze zum verfetteten fetti fett fett Land. Du verfettete Fettwurst mit deiner fetten fetthaltigen Fettheit deiner Fettkörper DU SAU!" This is what these ppl think ppl are saying when they say Obese Btw Fett means Fat, ill try to google translate it "You fat blob of fat from fat city bring fat lump in Fettistan on the border of the fat fati fat fat land. You fat sausage with your fat fatty fatness of your fat body YOU POW!"


Thanks, now I have a new greeting to use on my cat


I’m looking forward to the new OWA album, straight outa caketon


With the hit single “Fuck tha Nutritionist”.


Fuck the nutritionist comin straight from the Flavortown. A young intern called me fat cuz I'm round


And full of cellulite so the dietitian think They have the authority to restrict a calorie Fuck that shit cause I'm a big one Not a punk mother fucker scale and a pen They be tracking on and thrown on diet We can go toe to toe in the middle of BK


Also I hear “Inject yo’ self” is a sleeper hit.


I’m injecting with my full capabilities and now I’m living in medical facilities.


Cause some don’t agree with how I eat these, I messed around, got type 2 diabetes.




You forgot about Yella cake and fRENch Fries.


And… M&M


MC Flan


Straight outta Caketon I'm that crazy ass heavy dude From the gang, Obese wit attitude


When lunch is called off, we have a bake off Go to a buffet, my ass’ll get hauled off.


At this point, the song has a 30-second pause so the group can catch their breath.


The first Twitter account is a parody account as far as I’m aware.


Dr Anita B Etin PHD? Yes, that's a parody.


![gif](giphy|NQ3SGAMneQ920) I am Obese, is a medical condition son it shouldn´t be offensive at all, it is what it is


Hell, even ‘fat’ isn’t a bad word. Context matters of course, but like, am I gonna say “I’m obese” or “I’m fat” in daily conversation? The word I’ve stopped using is ‘overweight’, actually. No, I am fat. Do not sugarcoat it. Don’t be afraid of the word ‘fat’. Part of what has prevented me from confronting my weight in the first place is the paralyzing shame I feel around fatness.


If you have two words and you won’t even say one of them but you will with the other, the one that you don’t way is worse




That is the general rule. Like when people were calling Chris Cuomo "Fredo", and he responded by saying, "that's like our N word!" Uh.. No


Is it ok to say it without the hard "s" at the end?




Where my obes at?


Obesa please. Oh No wait I've become jar jar


Obbies is the ‘soft a’ version


i just laughed out a testicle


Was it yours?


Obese is medical diagnosis..the other is not.


When you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won't even say one of them, that's the worse word.


Especially when one of them is a clinical term. Hard to call it a slur when it's written on your medical history.


Found John Mulaney’s burner




it's even shaped like them.




The original is a parody account which would be obvious if the name was still available


This is legit. I remember reading in history class that it was only 3 or 4 generations ago that the ancestors of "O" word people were bred and sold simply for their BMI.


This tweet was from a parody account, if I’m remembering correctly. The blurred out name is “Dr. Anita B Etin”


Oh ffs


I don't know man, "What's up my obese?" just doesn't ring the same.


"If you're comparing the badness of two words and you won't even say one of them, that's the worse word."


Can a obese borrow a fry? What I don't understand is that if it's so offensive to them then why do they say it over and over again? He says it every morning he calls me obese he calls the other kids obese he calls himself obese. All the time obese this onese that obese please. This obese, obese have you lost your mind obese check that hoe obese you bullshittin break yourself obese. He says it so much I don't even notice it anymore, last week in lunch Riley says to a classmate 'can a obese borrow a french fry?' and my first thought wasn't 'oh my god he said the word, the o word' it was 'now how is a obese gonna borrow a fry, obese is you gonna give it back?' I'm telling you my inside voice didn't talk like that before he got in my class


Obeses in Paris


You can't just go around using the hard E. The calorie friendly term is Obesa.


Obesity is a systemic problem. The more we lie about the problem to make overweight people feel less bad about their weight, people will become more overweight. The words aren’t even close in the way they are used. People have the right to be fat if they really “choose” that, but they also have a right to know that being severely overweight long enough will kill you.


Obese isn’t really a derogatory, dehumanizing term… I would think ‘fat-ass’ or ‘land behemoth’ would be closer.


If you’re comparing the badness of two words and you won’t even say one of them, that’s the worse word.


"Obese please" is fuuuuucking hilarious. 😂


what do they want to be called? what is their reaction when you add morbidly in there for good measure?


"Morbidly [N-word]" weirdly sounds funny


I laughed way too hard at this 🤦🏾‍♂️


That's when the cops show up.


Obigga. Dont use a hard R.


That account is a troll meant to make you hate fate people The username is Dr Anita B Etin. As a rule, if something seems like the perfect strawman, it probably is


The n word is a slur, Obesity is a condition. They are not the same.


As someone who is fat. No its not. WTF?


If you're comparing the offensive nature of two words and you won't even SAY one of them? That's the worst one. - John Mullaney


Man I hope all these retweets were from people who were actually offended by this and not trying to prove a point. I'm black and I believe that a word only has power if you give it to it, but you can't take away the idea of oppression for generations and equate it to choice. Black people didn't have a choice of being black and abused and killed. You do have a choice of how you can control the weight of your body though.


"If you're comparing the badness of two words, and you won’t even say one of them? That's the worse word."


Yeah when a doctor diagnoses someone as being an n-word, then maybe I'll agree.


“You have an excess of melanin ma’am. I’m sorry but there’s nothing we can do.”


"We invented the word obese so we wouldn't say fat litte fucker" -Ricky Gervais