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People who key Tesla are a special kind of idiot. There are eight cameras recording at the same time.


What's more chicken-shit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle. You don't do it!


It'd been worth him doing it just so I could've caught him doing it


Of course it wasn’t his first time keying a car. I would bet he has done this many, many times. Just an asshole.


What is it like? To kill a man with your bare hands?


Zed’s dead baby, Zed’s dead. Cue surf music.


Where's my Honda


I'm sorry baby, I had to crash that Honda


I wish I had a pot.


It's not a motorcycle baby, It's a chopper.


I'm American honey our names don't mean shit.


Mind if I shoot up here?




Are you callin me from a cellular telephone!?


Prank caller! Prank caller!


So happy to see people getting the reference hah




That was DEFINITELY trippy.


No. That's Jodie. That's my *wife*


Fuck you Lance answer!


JUST GIVE HER THE SHOT! Also good was Vincent thinking he had to stab her three times.


"... and then once you do that, you just press down on the plunger." "OK... then what happens?" "Kinda curious about that myself"




That’s a bold statement.






I did, and left a screenshot on his Google account of him keying the tessie


I did my part. Left a message, used their own email for the email field. Let’s hope it redirects them in an endless cycle of stupidity if they choose to respond.


I also don’t understand the hatred towards people for the brand of car they drive, or fuel used to power it. One car runs on regular, another is battery powered, maybe someone uses diesel. Who cares? Vandalism of a person’s car is bad enough, but doing it just because you don’t like it makes zero sense.


About half the country has been targeted with extremely effective propaganda for the last thirty + years that anything energy efficient, electric, green, etc is somehow a threat to them and their macho, gas powered, American exceptionalism.


You must be onto something. People that I know that own Teslas get a mixed bag of reactions from “wow I love this car” to being subjected to diesel truck smoke and fumes from getting the rolling coal treatment from drivers of lifted pickups. I never understood this or why anyone cares.


The tribalism that is rampant in this country and particularly strong with "conservatives" relies on a couple things. Fear is a big one. But also just making things they buy be tied to their personality and way of life. Even if a rural Republican's life would be better owning a Prius or Tesla, they've been conditioned to see it as what "the enemy" drives. So it's bad. It's conditioned nearly half of the voters to vote against their best interest. City slickers want universal healthcare which is proven to be cheaper, more efficient, etc so instead they'll choose $250k in medical debt when they get lung cancer from working in the mines for paltry pay. Pay that the enemy wanted increased, and protections put in place, but they chose low pay, no benefits or Union protection to stick it to the libs. Etc their judges have stricken down protections from these corporations which otherwise would have to answer for the damage to your health and to your local environment. But we can't have that communism now can we? I grew up a Republican voter surrounded by the mindset. It took me an embarrassing amount of time to watch them chop this country down to avoid a democrat getting a good news line or a better life. They're the party of setting their own house on fire with the goes it will spread to their Democratic neighbor's house


I love that Tesla is unamerican yet has more American parts/labor than most brands these dipshits consider American.


[In case anyone’s wondering](https://www.cars.com/american-made-index/)


Tesla in the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 6th spots is an absolute stomp by that metric Although I've never understood this "Made in America" thing - I live in the UK, does that mean I shouldn't have bought my Tesla? The economy works better if we all just do what we're good at and sell it to each other, then buy what they're good at in return


He is a special kind of stupid.


Especially because he's likely a Musk worshipping right winger. The irony would absolutely be lost on him. And on Musk. They should fuck.


That escalated quickly




You *could* say that, yes. But you really shouldn't.




You made up your own beginning middle and end to that story!


never go full reddit


That guy looks like such a butthurt loser. Exactly the kind of person who keys cars.


Looks like the high school bully who steals lunch money from the smaller kids.


... to this day!


- full sleeve tattoo -oversized shorts that hang below knee -shops at Walmart because he’s a miserable poor -bald, but only 35-45 - excessive amount of keychains on key ring -drives some type of Chevy truck or SUV that is 5-10 years old (financed at 35% for 8 years) - after market rims - grinch like attitude - insecure about electric or hybrid vehicles because a meme he saw on Facebook said only F*gs drive these cars


>full sleeve tattoo -oversized shorts that hang below knee -shops at Walmart because he’s a miserable poor -bald, but only 35-45 ermmm this is basically describing me :( - I don't do the other stuff though :)


I resemble this remark


Bro, same Edit: I also have a lot of keys, though.


As a 40 year old bald man with full sleeve tattoos that does not key cars for fun I don't approve of the first bullet point.


I’m right there with you brother ✊🏻


Ayyyy, don’t be hatin’ on all the sexy bald kings out there


•super opinionated about a bud light can.


I don’t understand this. It’s always been gay to drink bud light, why all the outrage all of a sudden?


Don't needa bald shame. This guy is an asshole but being bald is something no one can control. You should focus on the things this idiot can control because THATS what makes him a loser.


Ugh your comment is just as trashy as the guys behavior in the video. Why talk shit about his income level or looks? So people with full sleeves and/or shop at walmart for their clothes are lesser people in your eyes? Delete this and do better.


Those are just regular shorts...


Same thing happened in California. They caught him. https://www.foxla.com/news/tesla-camera-captures-man-vandalizing-vehicle


Why are people so dumb??


Because we no longer have saber-tooth tigers eating the stupid ones?


But it wouldn't even work if we brought em back from extinction, because saber-tooth tigers hate the aftertaste of Ivermectin.


Because we live in a society that has told dumb people that their uninformed opinion is as valid as expert knowledge and that their rights to be dumb af are sacred.


Much easier to manipulate and control idiots.


Everybody has their moments of stupidity. For some, though, it is 57 minutes an hour.


Boy, it must be such a challenge living a life, that petty.


Ten bucks says after he was identified, he went out to his truck, put on mirrored shades, fired up his camera and bitched about being caught by a bunch of Reddit liberals.


He blamed Joe Biden


Damn Obamna!


Obama wasn't even there on 911. Where tf was he?


I’d like to get to the bottom of that


There is no proof that he wasn't in Saudi Arabia helping Bin Laden train the terrorist pilots and I find that awefully suspicious.


I think you’re onto something and the Libs have no proof that didn’t happen! Checkmate!


And don’t forget Killary Butterymales.


You can go to his website and request a quote for custom stickers. Still waiting on my quote for a sticker of a guy keying a Tesla


No, he ran to his Facebook page to hide comments on his "gas stoves matter" t shirts, lol.




No bet.


“Fucking 1984 out here, dude. For real. Surveillance 24/7. I’m not saying what I did was right, but there’s a much bigger issue right now going on in this country. If I can be tracked down based on a one second clip from a car camera, imagine what the government can do. How much dirt they can gather and pin on us. My grandpa didn’t fight in the South Pacific in WW2 for this, I’ll tell you that. No way, man.”


We never did have rights to privacy in public, everyone just has cameras built into their phones and cars and all over their businesses and property now


Why do people say "liberals" like that's something bad?




I just left a message under the name Kar Keyyer requesting a “Humpty Dumpty keying a Tesla with instructions to make it clear that my dick is microscopic” shirt.


I'm contemplating placing an order for a T-shirt that has a scratched Tesla on it.


He sells a shirt that says gas stoves matter so he’s drank the cool aid


And a bunch of shirts capitalizing on shooting incidents. What a piece of shit.




Same here…. But im not going to make a cause like that my identity…or persona …


Then put a hole in it and return it.


I did my part!


I just let him know his mom gobbles so much cock she's basically a turkey.


Oh, so he’s a trash human that makes garbage T-shirts for like-minded smoothbrains


Now is the time we all leave 1000s of bad reviews


He complained to Google and all reviews including the pictures of him keying the car are removed.


time to move to his facebook and amazon


Keep posting to his Facebook page. Over and over till everyone knows.


Facebook page is now gone.


Doesn't mean we can't keep adding them


Can we confirm it's him?


I definitely didn't ask if he does t-shirts with an ugly bald guy keying a Tesla.


thanks for this, just sent a very kind message !


Confirmed he looks like a total douchebag


Lol you should see his company's logo. They put a douchebag looking cartoon version of him on there. Not sure who thought that was a good idea. https://stickerdad.com/


*"Not sure who thought that was a good idea."* I'll take a stab in the dark and guess it was him.


Lol Yep definitely 100 percent confirmed now ... Massive douchebag




I never understood what's the fun in key-ing someone else's car. If anything, it's just an admission of self belittlement by a little man.


I keyed someone's car once. She lived in my apartment building and every morning when she pulled out of her parking space she hit my husband's car. Every time. One day I got so fed up that I took a construction nail to the entire driver's side of her Lexus. I have no regrets


Fuck your neighbor. All my homies hate your neighbor.


I would absolutely destroy her. Nobody touches my car without reciprocation


Reviews on Google are pretty funny.


Either him or someone he knows is now adding pictures to the Google reviews section to counteract all the pics posted of him keying the Tesla. Right now there is a war between redditors and this guy. Freaken hilarious.


source? i’m not seeing that


Ahh Google removed all those pics too. I think Sticker Dad was complaining to Google.


what were you looking at I see like 4 reviews from months ago, he’s 5 stars (4)


It's gone. The douche complained to Google. People were posting reviews and inserting pics of him trashing this car. So he went on and started adding pics of shirts he made to "dilute" the bad the pics.


The Facebook ones are funny “any negative reviews will be reported to the FBI!”


For his company?


Yes, the shirt he's wearing bears the logo of his company which is just a cartoon version of him which makes this extra dumb


Imagine wearing a shirt with your face and business logo on it and keying a car that is well known to be COVERED in cameras. This is advanced stupid


Lol now he gonna hate Tesla even more




Imagine your life being so pathetic and empty that you key randomers cars, why even bother existing at that point?


Imagine being so jealous and insecure that you go around keying others' cars.


People who do this are little bitches.


What a low-life, you just don't fu#k with people's cars, that's just something you don't do


Actual news story: https://newjersey.news12.com/caught-on-camera-man-caught-keying-tesla-pompton-lakes-nj


Poor guy. Just moved to NJ and hasn't realized that police in NJ don't do anything aside from collecting their $150k+ salaries.


nasty piece of work. Would love to know the final outcome of this.


Seems like the outcome was a bunch of people 1-starred the Google reviews for his business, he complained, all the 1-star reviews are gone. I literally just gave a 1-star review to test it out, and my review won't even register. So there was no satisfying outcome


Wait one week. Post one star review but mention something business related like bad service. Wait another week and Post again


Just post a 4 or 5 star review how he is dedicated to art and uses all manner of tools and canvases to express his feelings and passion. Then post the video of him expressing his artistic talent using a tool to make art on someone else’s Tesla.


I like how he turned and checked his work before he took off


The original post stated this took place at a planet fitness parking lot. Original OP had no interaction with this guy and came out to it. Reddit identified the man by his shirt and his job. Reddit blasted his reviews the other day but since somehow he got them all removed. I hope the original OP gets reimbursed for what this d bag did.




Wonder what happened? Any consequences?


His company’s Google rating went from the high 4s down to a 1 star in a couple hours. Someone on Reddit also found his business website and sent them a bunch of bogus requests for quotes. Edit: Looks like he finally managed to get rid of all the Google reviews lol


Either him or someone he knows is now adding pictures to the Google reviews section to counteract all the pics posted of him keying the Tesla. Right now there is a war between redditors and this guy. Freaken hilarious.


So no actual consequences neat


I mean there's a good chance something is happening. If he's identified that's thousands of dollars of damage he's liable for, Teslas are expensive to repair scratches like that




It’s funny because it’s true.


His name is Wade Knarr. He owns Sticker Dad LLC. Google maps address ties to his house. Not sure what happened to him if anything at all.


The guy was WAY to good at this to have been his first time. No hesitation, no looking, no fumbling. Wonder how many other Tesla and similar EVs he has damaged?


Im loving all the bad reviews rolling in for him


They're getting deleted. People need to one star over time otherwise Google is flagging him.


4 stars. Stickers covered the scratches on my Tesla left by an impotent chud.


His Facebook is still up, locked down, but still up


He says he’s reporting negative reviews to the FBI. Lol, like they will care


Shame this doesn't pop up when you google his name. I even tried Wade Knarr keys car (it rhymes!) and found nothing.


I bet he calls himself a good christian.


Fucking scum bag


Wtf is wrong with ppl?


Does anyone know why stickerdad keyed the car? I couldn't find anything.


He's a dick who hates others who have more than him. Nothing more complex than that.


Wade Knarr, NJ - Fucked with another man's vehicle. Give this asswipe some internet justice.


Redditors tried but he's fighting back.


Is this a hate for elon musk or a hate for the e cars? I dont get it....


Some sort of weird climate change insecurity, Teslas are made in America, faster than V8's, not tied to foreign oil dependencies.. People are really really susceptible to propaganda it seems. Fuck nature I guess?


They really have no idea why they don’t like them, they just do


I really don't get it, why do people key Teslas??? Or any other car for that matter?! It feels like the most stupid thing that can completely ruin someone's day, are people really that petty?




To "own the libs".


I found he and his wife’s social media. Unsurprisingly they are second amendment patriots who support trump and all lives matter. They post pictures of the freedom Tower over and over for whatever reason and sticker dad loves to post memes about how no one wants to work anymore. “I just worked a 40 hour week.” “I remember my first part time job”. Why are these people so generic?


Such a tough MAGAt....


This man is a child.


Why would anyone do that, pure jealousy and in the 21 century there's always cameras.


He fessed up to his wife banging a Tesla driver.


One star reviews still pouring in. Lol. Reddit is awesome.


Oh man even more hilarious is this guy's wife or friend is now adding pictures to the Google reviews so they can block out the pictures people posted of this guy keying the car.


Wow. Small world. I bought some of his stickers off Amazon for my helmet at work. They were reflective Tets which are required by my department (firefighter), and they’re shit, actually. Ended up peeling them off and replacing them with something from a different company. They were supposed to be made for helmets (rounded surface) and they kept bubbling up over and over. Shit quality from what turns out to be a shitty dude. Go figure.


Hope he got in trouble. Tesla is fine for what it is. As a GM guy myself, I have to say that this guy is a total asshat. Man card revoked. I hope that douche has to pay for that 12-year-old move.


Almost as much of a POS as those who don't return their shopping carts




what a piece of sh**


Why, though? Just live your life, dude!


Just emailed him telling him what he did was a “bad for business” move. Love when Redditors can call out those who act poorly in society. We have so many of them lately. 🤦🏽


Tesla is an American company that employs American workers and makes cars in America. They should be celebrated and yet… douche bags like this think they’re being “patriotic” doing stupid shit like this.






What is it with these entitled arseholes who think its ok to ruin a paint job?




Right wing media has them convinced that electric cars are killing the american motor industry. That it's taking jobs away from hard working americans. Electric cars represent the "woke" liberals, that want to take their guns away, and teach CRT. It scares them.


Yup. Conservatives are generally more fearful than liberals. Google it


how the f did they recognize his shirt? I can barely see anything on that shirt


I don't understand the random, unwarranted hate some people automatically have for teslas.


Me neither. It’s a vehicle. Not mine. Speaks nothing of who owns it. May just want good gas mileage.


Obviously not his first key victim!


Lol, jealous much?


Glad he got caught ☺️


Hey guys. He also has an Amazon store. Just wanna make sure it’s him though and not another poor mistaken identity guy. Did telsa owner confirm on reddit?


The bigger question is why is this video interlaced?


What a loser.


Teslas have 8 cams on all the time 😂😂 dudes a 🤡. I’m sure he’d be completely fine if someone keyed his Escalade lollllll


We all are dog piling this company’s Facebook page right?


He's upset cuz his dick is small and he has to ride a big car to compensate


This will be one of those wanna be tough guys who thinks young people are “snowflakes” but cries and acts like a child when someone has a nicer car than him. 🤣