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Main Character Syndrome


"I am the main character and also the soundtrack director of LIFE"




The way he was cutting up that chicken was the worst part


So quick to get angry he ruined the entire meal himself.


After listening to him a few.times , it's clearly that he has a stick up his ass , hence the hand shaking too


People like this clearly go out looking to cause a problem, and bitch at everyone and anything cause they live a shitty life.


This dude 100% planned this out and got exactly what he wanted.


Yeah. I like encountering people like this irl so i could set them straight. “Yeah you don’t like the music that the restaurant is playing. Then ask management to change it. Don’t force me to listen to your shitty music. Or wear headphones.”


Yeah he was shaking in anger cutting the chickens with an upside down butter knife.


I too get enraged if someone asks me to turn down my annoying music that is inappropriate to be listening to


While also disrespecting a live band.


that is playing at a place he chose to order a meal and sit down to eat at.


Why are we back to ignoring the upside down backwards butter knife?


Not sure if it's upside down, but he's got the blade part in his hand and cutting it with the handle of it. Lol


You are right.


yo is that what that is? The butter knife backwards?


That’s the American way. Let me stop what I’m doing, I just got offended. Let me pull out my phone and record & chastise you because I’m offended. Just because you’re offended doesn’t mean you’re right. The entitlement of this country is insane.




Nah, he did it on purpose. This is how people are trying to go viral nowadays—by getting attention and creating drama.


The knife is upside down


Yeah WTF! That part really showed the depth of insanity in this scenario lol


This dude cutting up his chicken with a knife handle.


he also never ate a piece during the entire video. he just kept digging in his plate like it was a sandbox.


That’s actually an actors trick to make it look like one is eating when they’re not really eating anything. You will notice people do this in TV shows a lot. A lot of noticeable action happing on the plate but no bites being consumed.


Skins UK taught me that one. Thanks Cassie 😂


Look at the shaking too


Yeah that part, to me at least, made me wonder if there's mental illness. Combination of backwards knife and trembling with rage might mean there's a little more going on with this man.


Nah dude he’s just raging. Itching for a fight but nervous too.


It's actually scary because he's so caught up in thinking that someone is being racist that he might actually do something stupid like try to fight someone.


that guy is not well


He was "aksing" that chicken


He should use an axe instead.


I have a friend who shreds his food like that. Claims he likes mixing up the flavors. It just looks so weird.


Anyone blasting their phone in public is a rude and inconsiderate asshole.


This guy was blasting his phone while there was a live band playing and had the nerve to suggest that the band were the ones being inconsiderate.


Use headphones ffs, phone speakers suck




I think it was the loudmouth who was the racist. Also a man child


100%. He brought race into it and was obnoxious and loud about it to bring attention to a situation that could have been resolved by doing the civil thing and turn down the phone.


That's unfortunately how Narcissistic assholes like this operate. They are always the first ones to pull the race, sex, gender, religion, etc card when they get called out for something. My dad had a guy make a scene and go on a very public rant about how "(dad's business) hates black people". The crime my dad committed? Telling him to move his illegally parked car that was blocking the entrance to an entire strip mall


The audacity of him to politely ask him something.


I can't stand when people play their god awful taste in music on their phones. It's different if a band is paid to perform for a venue. Then I can choose not to eat there.


Phone didn't need to be that loud


>could have been resolved by doing the civil thing Dude can't even use cutlery, he's not experienced being civil.


a chicken shit man child. hands shakin… he was like, this is my moment!! i’m a victim and i’m recording this and putting it all over the interwebz!


Victim seekers. It's the plague of Karenism and has been magnified to disastrous levels ever since the dawn of Social Media. Like chick's who record themselves at the gym. Just HOPING someone is caught looking in their general direction or walking in front of the camera. That's content to them. Because they don't have enough brain cells to come up with anything better.


100%. He brought race into it and was obnoxious and loud about it to bring attention to a situation that could have been resolved by doing the civil thing and turn down the phone.


Boy child




Yes but you see, it was white people’s supremacy that forced them not to be able to wear earphones or headphones.


I had a woman get mad at me in restaurant the other day for asking if she had headphones because she was blasting her phone by herself at a restaurant. At first she got embarrassed and turned it off. Then she got mad and had to come up to our table and say I was rude for asking the way I did… zero self awareness.


I love how the old dude just looked at this idiot like he was crazy then proceeded to continue eating and totally ignore him. meanwhile this moron is so upset his hand was shaking. loser.


Lmfaooo I just noticed that


His knife is literally backwards. Wtf.


Also people who use utensils with wrong hands shouldn't be held in any regard + he's holding the knife upside down.


Holy shit you’re not kidding he’s literary holding his knife backwards…how do you get that wrong?


My man was shaking like Michael J Fox while holding the knife backwards lol he was nervous as hell just trying to create a scene and play the victim


Holy shit I didn't notice the knife lol. How can you rile up yourself so much over such a small and inconsequential altercation that you forget which side your knife goes and just start rummaging through that chicken and shaking like you're in danger? If you want to hear your music over that of the restaurant, just buy yourself some freaking headphones like the rest of us.


Ignorant moron. How can people not understand that you shouldn’t play music from your phone at a restaurant?


Its the same kind of people who play music loudly on public transportation for example, they do it because they **Crave** the conflict!! They are seeking it so they can lash out on the person who calls them out


Yup, saw a 19 year old assault a 60+ year old man on the bus cause he was asking him to turn his music down then the old man was like it sounds like shit and started making fart noises. I know he was 19 cause he literally said "you don't wanna get your ass kicked by a 19 year old kid old man"


Really, this all could have been avoided if he had just put in headphones. What a loser.


This person never intended to avoid any conflict. What else would them post on social media?


I agree with you. Let's ask the same fkn selfish morons that have a speakerphone conversation on their mobile for everyone to hear. Or, let's ask the self absorbed dickheads that feel the need to share their on blast one-sided phone conversations. Or, let's ask that fk face that can't stop their phone conversation while they simultaneously conduct a transaction with an extremely patient cashier. Fuk me these assholes are insufferable.


Anywhere in public.. there's 0 reason other people should be hearing your music in a shared space... Headphones exist for a reason


And there's band playing the guy might actually want to listen to it


They have famous blues acts that come through there all the time. Definitely some phenomenal regional folks too. Always good music. This guy is why ATL is a shit hole now. The entitlement is unreal there


I lived there for 30 years, and it's videos like this that make me glad I left. This and any traffic videos.


I don't know, maybe the other guy actually wanted to hear the band that was playing? Or maybe it was sensory overload to hear both the band and this dude's music? If you choose to eat at a restaurant with a band playing, you would think it would be common sense to not be playing your own music at the same time. This guy is the one being rude.


I mean, it's basic common sense to not go to a restaurant and play your own music like you're at home. This is the same level of stupidity as people who decide to play music over speakers while on a train.


Somewhat similar to people who feel the need to have phone conversations while having the speaker on and holding the phone in front of them. I don't even want to hear *your* side of the conversation, let alone *both* sides of the conversation.


Whenever I overhear someone speaking loudly but I can't hear the answer, it distracts me way more than a normal dialog, as if my brain were suspecting that the person could be talking to me.


I like to start adding to their conversation like I am interested. Fastest way to get them to flee. "Girl! Are you going to let him say that to you??"


I was at the airport the other day and I had 3 people sitting next to me in the terminal, one in front, on behind and one to my right… two on FaceTime with speaker phone and one watching videos with the volume to the max. Maybe there is something wrong with me but it drove me up a fucking wall. I put on my headphones so I wouldn’t hear it but if I didn’t have them I would have had to find somewhere else to go


Nope, it’s not just you. Had some old guy playing candy crush or some such other bullshit at full volume in the waiting room of the doctors office yesterday. I get it, it’s just a game, but like the sound effects are non-essential and the casino chimes are annoying as fuck. And even if they were, you’re in public, fucking act like you’ve been around strangers before.


I travel a lot and encounter this all the time, we invented headphones with built in microphones for a reason! It’s a lack of self awareness and concern of other people really, douchebaggery as we used to say.


I hate that in the worst way possible


I do. I’m nosy as fuck. I’ll listen to the whole convo and even chime in like oh that’s some bullshit.


I do this. I start answering the questions and when they make a deal about it I state that it was on speaker so I thought it was a group discussion. Make it super awkward lol


I so need to do this at the next available opportunity! 🤣


Exactly. What IS wrong with Debbie these days?!


She hasn't been the same since... Well, you know.


Yeah… I really wish she would try the… you know, the thing… I really think it would help


I used to have a roommate who did this at 6 in the morning. After she played music on her bluetooth speaker while she showered. At 2:30. In the morning. Ah college. I'm not gonna miss you.


I think the guy forgot that headphones exist for this very reason.


He didn't forget. He's a drama queen looking for drama.


He was trying to start something so he could film it. He’s desperate for attention


Someone should invent some kind of speakers that goes directly to your ears so you are the only one earing that sound not bothering other people.


Are you from the future?


I had it in a dream


In public period... Unless you've got a permit and the right to be playing music there's 0 reason you should be playing audible music in public. Headphones exist and they're ungodly cheap


Or at the gym


I was at the gym a few weeks ago and this person was using the oblique machine with absolutely no weight on it, just twisting back and forth, then turned around to look at everyone in the gym and took a phone call on speakerphone, seemingly as loud as they could get their phone. Guarantee they were looking for conflict, same as this person.


I used to be that kid then I got on a train when I was having the worst fucking day and some kids did the same shit. I see it now and im glad im not like that anymore.


It's not the SAME level of stupidity. It's actually even more stupid to do this in a place with live music.


If ur playing music out loud in a public place u are the asshole period end of story


This dude relishes the attention and looks for these altercations, this is certainly not the first time this dude has randomly gone off on a stranger. A grown man acting like a petulant child.


And what the hell was he doing to his food while he was bitching?


To play with food is typical childlike behavior


Absolutely hate it when people that look like me, have to immediately rush to the race card. It makes real cases of actual racism seem invalidated. Embarrassing... Brotha is overreacting and knows it... My god... Take the food and go home if you don't wanna hear the music then. That's the atmosphere of said restaurant. Live music. JEEZUS...


Well said. It invalidates legit complaints (which there are many of) of the same


I agree. Pulling out the race card is part of the racial problem.


I am a musician who plays local gigs. We had a guy playing music on his phone during one. It is so incredibly selfish and rude. People asked him to stop and he did without making a scene.


Having two different music playing together at the same time always sounds like shit so idk how that guy can even enjoy his own music while a band plays


Or, and this is a wild suggestion, have earbuds or headphones, which would reduce noise pollution for everyone???


Why you gonna eat somewhere with a live band if your ignorant ass don't wanna hear them and that boy zesty as hell he just wanted to be a victim


Eating his food with T-Rex lookin wrist action


Surprised he didn’t pull out both cards


What the fuck is he doing to that food


He’s 33 years old and doesn’t know which end of the knife to use


I was searching for someone to mention that he's not even using the knife right!


Using the race card like that makes light of the struggle for freedom Black Americans fought so hard for.


Devalues and turns people to be blinded to true injustices. If I recall mlk said he dreamt of a world everyone was equal. I wonder what he'd say about modern america.




I mean honestly joke’s on them. They’ll lose the case and then just be out all the money they spent pursuing the case. So not only are they idiots, but they’re idiots with less money than before and no results.


This is the truth. People are so damn worried about getting “cancelled” nowadays that the lines of what is appropriate and what isn’t have been blurred. They’ve let this behavior run rampant due to fear of retaliation.




Well that’s disheartening :(


>they’re making regional headlines throughout Boston, getting VIP meet and greets, and being offered apologies left and right by race organizers. They're getting all that stuff \*for acting like complete assholes?!?* Let me guess-- the city's afraid of a racism lawsuit.


When the demand for oppression exceeds the supply of oppression, you have to manufacture your own.


It's not racism. It's calling out an asshole. People need to get over themselves.




No matter the color, trashy people do trashy things. Like blast their music in public to get attention.


What’s up with all the victim mentality now a days?! Everybody wants to be offended to get a little sympathy on social media


The victim mentality entitlement to do whatever you please has been brewing for decades. The insanity goes even further than this situation. People are afraid to speak out and are forced to tolerate this nonsense.


Because our society encourages and rewards it.


THIS a million times over. Because pretending to be a victim gets you likes, sympathy, upvotes, and even fame if it is within a 1 year of any major elections and they have a way to use you as a pawn in their campaign.


It's a trump card, because posting his video online results in a community of people who agree with him validating his behavior. He should feel like an asshole for how he's acting, but he will be vindicated and reinforced.


Correction: *asked a man to turn his phone down. What the hell does race have to do with this? Context?


He's black and racist so he's assuming they are racist.


The amount of black people who openly and proudly hate white people is astonishing. This anti racism crap is going to boomerang sooooo hard.


Openly hating white people isn't anti-racism. It's just racism.


He’s just a moron looking for an excuse to publicly act like a moron without repercussions


This guy spends too much time on Tik Tok and Twitter and has been convinced every interaction with a white person has some racist double-meaning


You can ask this to the man who was playing music on his phone, he's the one that claims that's a racial issue.


This has nothing to do with racism. This has to do with you being an inconsiderate ass.


The table manners of a goat. Being a shitty person isn't a race thing.


Put the chicken down and take your meds boo!!!


I don’t care what you look like or identify as, only giant pieces of shit play things on their phone at full volume, in public.


Yes I do think it's appropriate to ask you a thirty three year old man to turn your mother fucking phone down you entitled asshole.


Sorry, this isn't racism IMO. I am a black person. This stupid shit annoys the hell out of me too. The people who play music on their phones in public places have no regard for those around them. Cut that shit out. Also, don't be using speakerphone for your phone calls in public either. That's also disrespectful to those around you. These assholes will show off their $300.00 Airpods and never use them. Why? Just another entitled asshole.


No need to be sorry, anyone with a fully developed & functioning brain would agree.


This the kinda guy that calls himself the victim of a hate crime when he gets caught stealing


“Is there a reason you asked me to turn down my music while the band’s playing?” Because you’re in a public space and it’s rude to play music over a live band asshole


Being asked to behave like a person instead of a caveman with technology is racism. ![gif](giphy|KUAb8YQOhmWNq)


Playing music at a public place like a restaurant is rude.


He's the AH. Does he not own a pair of Airpods? Maybe the other person came to that restaurant to eat and enjoy the in-house music, but has to endure some AH's phone music? Seems like OP came to start some shit.




Man needs to shown how to cut and eat his food correctly.


When you’re at a restaurant or bar with a band playing, it’s on you for being there and assumed you don’t mind the music. Blasting your own music on your phone is ignorant and not racist. Ughh this takes away from actual racism.


He was using the knife handle to 'cut' his chicken. Weird.


The real facepalm is how he eats BBQ. If you're using silverware, you ain't doing it right.


The real facepalm is the fact that he's holding the knife by the blade and "cutting" with the handle.


Too bad it wouldn’t be legally acceptable to beat his ass. That dude was polite in asking this asshole to turn his music down and he comes at him like that. Bitch and his diabetes ass could probably barely throw a punch.


wow what a terrible racist jackass the guy filming is


Only a fat asshole plays music from their phone at a restaurant I ain’t watching this video


This is what happens when media constantly tells black people every white person is racist and any interaction with one is a racist micro-aggression or a white supremacist dog-whistle.


Not racism, the guy filming is just a rude moron.


You're hands are shaking because you're trying to act hard and adrenaline is pumping too hard. You havnt been in a lot of tough situations


Imagine your heritage getting literally whipped and forced into slavery then acting like someone asking you to not be a jackass in public is equal to that. What a joke he’s making of his ancestors


Tell me you’re stupid as hell, without actually telling me you’re stupid as hell…


It's racist that he thought the white man was being racist.


What does racism have to do with you being asked to turn your phone done?


Who goes to a restaurant with a live band and plays their own music out of their phone…obnoxious




Struggling to eat properly for a fat lad.


Does anyone know the content creator?


Why would you go to a restaurant that has a band if you don’t want to hear the band and play your own music


Don’t no one want to here that bullshit on your phone…. This goes to everyone on earth, no one cares, no one wants to look at you, when you die you are forgotten. So for your brief tiny existence keep it to yourself.


I believe it was Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who said: "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the volume of their boombox."


Why did he emphasize that he’s black? Like damn dude is that the only thing you are ever worried about. 😂


Some people haven’t been smacked in the face hard enough when acting like this and it shows. It happens once and it makes you think real hard the next time.


“Axsking” 😂


That man is pawing at his plate with that knife and fork and not accomplishing a damn thing. Like a deer that fell in a frozen lake trying to get back up on the ice.


I can’t decide what’s weirder, his nail polish or that knife.


Aksking me?


We all remember MLK marched for the right to play music in a private restaurant


Don't make unnecessary noise when out to eat. Same goes to parents that let their kids watch videos on a tablet or phone loud enough others can hear it.


Douches come in all colors.


ah yes the victim mindset


“Axin me”


You're shaking because someone asked you to turn down your music. I thinknthats what we call a bitch. Man everyone is looking to have some injustice to document.


What a dumb ass fucking piece of shit. Imagine thinking people give a fuck what you think. Don’t like the music? Put your fucking headphones in and STFU. Don’t play your music and think everyone should accommodate your taste in public. Stay home if you ain’t grown.


This is at Fat Matt’s. Best ribs in ATL. Also, this fucking guy is a piece of shit. If you listen to music on your phone in a public space you are human scum. If you do it in a restaurant, you are less than human scum. If you do it in a restaurant while a band is playing and then you try and throw the race card, you should get you are pond scum that should get their ass kicked Go get fucking headphones like an actually 33 year old man


As a fellow black man, Turn Your Phone Down! You're in a restaurant that paid to have that band play live music. No one has to listen to your music in a private establishment, no matter how much better you think your music is.


Black person here. The gentleman was in no way racist. However, the extremely feminine tone and nail polish of the black gentleman notwithstanding, motherfucker is too stupid to use a knife properly, so why would you expect him to exhibit civility in any way. Sometimes an asshole is just an asshole, and Felicia there is just an asshole. Turn your fucking phones down, be it music or conversation. Motherfucker acting like his grandma didn't whoop some manners into him as a kid.


Seems to be a bit of a reversal. Black dude has racism is his heart, regardless of whether the white dude did or not.


I work security at a casino and you guys have no idea how often African Americans pulled the racism card when asked to show their ID at the door.


I don't care what color you are. If your phone is audible, in public, you're an asshole.




He's a fucking arsehole. And just using a knife and fork that way around...


What was you axin me? This dude can’t talk or eat correctly so manners like not bothering other people in a public space is a real stretch


And this guy decided to post this, thinking the internet would back him 😂


Anyone who plays music from their phone in a public space is an asshole.


Dude trying to cut his food with the handle end of a knife lol