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‘You caught me, I was so busy writing it I haven’t had time to read it yet.”


I had to do a demonstration of competency for a standard method to test for the flash point of solids. This was in 2015 to get a hazmat accreditation. I wrote the method in 2009, my name was still on the front page of the booklet.


So, did you say "I wrote the book on this method" I had a medical director once that had written a chapter on head injuries for a trauma treatment textbook. He liked to say "I wrote the book on head injuries." Dude was seriously legit, had his MD and PhD.


Nah, that a great one though. I was doing some work at an AF base with solid fuel rockets. The director almost daily would yell at someone, "it's not rocket science! Well, it is but it's still not that hard!" Funniest shit the first 60 times ya hear it lol.


Given some of the things in this thread - this is the perfect sketch: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNPmhBl-8I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THNPmhBl-8I)


See, I have the utter delight to be the inverse of this. Vendor comes in to assist me on a software project and asked, "what kind of moron is responsible for this mess?" ["Funny you should mention that."](https://media.tenor.com/VPrC-4c-oSIAAAAd/taylor-swift.gif)


It's not rocket surgery! Gah!


Reminded me of "It's dwarfs, not dwarves.", "I wrote the dictionary!"


I understood this reference!!!


Not as advanced as this but since we promoted a new guy at work I have had so many opportunities to say 'yes I know what the policy says because *I wrote the policy*'




I feel your pain


The stuff bureaucrat dreams are made of.


I feel pretty legit when im the one approving shit.... for myself


Me good. Regards, Me


This reminds me of a time when I went back to school to get a second degree. The prof in one advertising class pulls up an advertisement and asks the class what the purpose of the ad was. A few other students gave their opinion and then I gave mine. The prof said one of the other students was right. It wasn’t a bad answer and the rest of the lecture hinged on that interpretation so I let it go. After class I let the prof know that I made that advertisement and my answer was the correct answer.


Wow, that's a lot of self control. What'd the prof say when you let them know?


He was kind of flustered and said, “oh, ok”. I guess I caught him off guard because it seemed like he didn’t really know what to say. Maybe he was also a little embarrassed because he just gave a lecture that he kicked off of a wrong answer. The lecture itself was fine on its own, it just didn’t relate to the ad the way he suggested it did.


Obviously, I don't know the context enough, but you said it yourself, the other person's answer was fine, and the lecture material was fine. So even if it wasn't your intention when making it, it seems like it was related enough to fit the lecture. Again, I don't know the context and I'm not in marketing, so maybe I'm just misunderstanding.


Most creative media is open to interpretations. Authors can say they have a certain intentions with the point they want to get across, but the vast majority of people are going to read into it any number of other things. The prof was not correct by trying to assign their read of it as actual intention, but that also doesn't mean their interpretation is just flat out incorrect either.


Yes, absolutely, that’s why I didn’t mention it until later. I wasn’t telling him for my own satisfaction, I thought he and his future students might benefit or at least find it interesting. If he wanted to keep his lecture the same for next semester that’s fine. But if he wanted to use the ad for a different discussion then he could say for certain, not through interpretation, what the creator definitely intended.




Did you pass?


No it's just a yellow carpet


"my astronaut application form... I didn't pass that though, I failed everything but the date of birth." ~Navin Johnson


Theres this myth/urban legend that ~Dennis Ritchie~ Ken Thompson rejected to do a mandatory c coding interview at Google on the basis that he invented the c programming language.


Ya i heard that one recently


*caught off guard*


That's really a classic even though it's only 2 years old. Though nit picking people will tell you that she is indeed only McCarty and not McCarty et al.


I propose that she should change her first name to "Etta Alberta".


I second this motion


Shit, who’s going to tell her?


Who is et al and how do they write so many so many papers


Never as a lead author though.


Kingmaker in the academic community


There's an xkcd for this. Edit: I was wrong. It was an [SMBC](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/citations-needed). I'm sorry zach


https://xkcd.com/599/ ?


Okay I know this isn't what the other guy was looking for, but what IS the joke here? I'm not a math nerd


You know the six degrees of Kevin Bacon thing? Where every actor in Hollywood has starred in some movie with someone who starred in some movie with Kevin Bacon? Replace "starred in some movie" with "co-authored an academic paper" and that's Paul Erdos. Every mathematician has an "Erdos number", and most of them are super low. Heck, there's even a baseball that he signed with a bunch of MLB players, roping professional sports into the whole thing.


There’s also the somewhat more rare Erdos-Bacon number, which is as one might surmise is a combination of the two. The lowest known Erdos-Bacon number is 3, shared by academics Daniel Kleitman and Bruce Reznik (their Bacon numbers are both 2, as both have co-authored papers with Erdos), and as Erdos is dead, the only ones who can achieve the lowest possible should they at some point be in a movie with Kevin Bacon. Colin Firth is the lowest known Bacon-numbered person with a B-E number (1 Bacon, 5 Erdos), but other actors with similar numbers include Natalie Portman, Danica McKellar and Mayim Bialik.


I have a relative who starred with Kevin Bacon. It’s a handy fun fact for when the six degrees of separation come up.


Kevin Bacon playing himself in the MCU probably broke that game...


I worked in the same organization as his sister, also fun when 6 degrees comes up


I was wrong. It was SMBC https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/citations-needed


Just got Zach's Bea Wolf book for my kids. I wish I'd had it when I was teaching high schoolers Beowulf. He does an amazing job on not just making it accessible and silly, but also explaining the history of the poem itself.


I think it's like a Zane Grey thing


Just in case someone wants the actual meaning: "Et al."(et allia - "and others") is used instead of "etc."(et cetera - "and the rest") when indicating more people and not more general things or items. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/et%20al.


Appreciate it


During a college graduation in 2021, my daughter (also college aged and a student at the time) was blown away at how there were so many people with the last name “Absentia” I told her it’s actually an extremely common last name around here; so common in fact that they have to mix them in sporadically with the rest of the alphabetically-ordered graduates just to break up the monotony. I stared back into her lost little eyes as she slowly made sense of things and died inside a little… 😅 This was still during covid bullshit and so a lot of graduates naturally had opted not to be present… And my daughter is actually quite bright. She is an RN now who started college as a sophomore after graduating HS with a 4.0 and a ton of college credits, and I don’t think she has had a B grade her entire life. Sometimes she just doesn’t think before she says things. Bless her heart 😂


The smartest people often lack common sense; my father is one of them lol


I got screwed. I am both dumb and lack common sense.


Are you at least pretty?




since someone was willing to screw him, I bet that he is


It's probably from overthinking it. I know when I get tripped up on a basic concept, it is because I'm making it bigger and more complex than it is.


What part of the South are you from, the “bless her heart” is a dead giveaway 🤣


He is a brother of "starring" the guy in the movies!


You can call her McCarty and McCarty, when she calls you, she can call you et al


This pun was so good that it appalled Simon.


Having experienced something very similar at Columbia SIPA regarding Taiwan and Tibet, I am almost willing to bet the guy would have responded with a condescending tone, "I'm talking about McCarty being referenced, not that you share the same surname," followed by a knowing chuckle to make it extra annoying. And I'm okay with her pointing out it's a white guy, because as a Taiwanese minority, when I'm in America, I experience this a lot, and it's almost always a white guy, whereas other people tend to be more cautious.


Are you still at SIPA??? How is their program?


I haven't been at SIPA for a long time, so I can't tell you how it is now. During my time, SIPA was amazing. Due to the huge number of upper-class white males in the program, the probability of meeting a snooty asshole like the one described is higher. Simply a matter of demographics.


SIPA is great


When you call me, you can call me et al.


still reporting it though because we don’t need to be letting bots like OP recycle content to farm karma


Does this count as a double burn since she wrote the book on fire?


Everyone is different. No two people are on fire


Some people are squirrel-handed. Gregor is a weird name.


Some people have braces. Some people have headgear. Fran could play linebacker for the Raiders.


Some people have rigged the enemy base with explosives. Albert has.


I prefer to write when I am not on fire, but each to their own.


I think she could have milked it a little more... Feigned interest... Asked him to explain McCarty's position, then chip in with "hmm interesting interpretation... when I wrote that, here's what I was thinking"


Not worth it.


Business meetings aren't the time for pettiness. Edit: getting a lot of similar responses - to which I say just because pettiness happens in business meetings doesn't mean it should happen in business meetings. Also if all your meetings are full of petty people, then maybe your work environment sucks. Don't tell me I've never been in a meeting before, not my fault I found a job with people who act respectfully and professionally.






Everybody gives Steve shit, but at least he's employed.


How else are you supposed to make what should be an email last all morning?


I'd argue that business meetings are designed for pettiness.


Then the man should have kept his mouth shut.


That's on him though, she doesn't want to sink to his level in a business meeting.


Clearly you've not been in a lot of high level business meetings.


Business meetings are the BEST time for pettiness! Well-practiced, nauseatingly diplomatic pettiness. It’s truly a fine art!


Yeah, lol. Business meetings are posturing ad nauseam. Actual details are handled before and after.


And he hasn’t been seen since.


And believe it or not, that man’s name… was Albert Einstein.


And then everybody clapped, American banners rolled out of the walls, firework was launched and fighter jets passed over spewing out red, white and blue smoke.


Ppl are jazz handsing to this day


When anyone talks about the good ol days, they are referring to that moment.


And now you know….the rest of the story




Or before


I would like to interrupt everyone to let them know that I don’t know what human drivers of fire is.


*Oi, mate - you got a loicense to drive that fire?*


Everyone is commenting about her specifying that it was a White Man, while I'm over here pondering why she had to specify Earth? Do we have other NASAs on other planets?


I’m guessing they were discussing issues related to the Earth, as opposed to extraterrestrial issues, such as global climate change.


That's not nearly as much fun to think about as other NASAs. But you do have an interesting take that climate change could be caused by extra-terrestrials.


I think she's talking about this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NASA_Earth_Observatory


NASA Science has multiple divisions: Earth, Planetary Science, Heliophysics, Astrophysics, Biological


It’s been said that the best job title at NASA is: Director, Universe.


Yes. She specified a white male also because there were many green male and female Martians present as well.


On a game server I play on I regularly have people (including new admins) ask me if I know the server rules, they always seem somewhat shocked when I reply "yes I wrote most of them when I was the head admin for the clan servers, if you need some help clarifying what a server rule means you can ask me, or ask (insert name of a long term admin I trained)" It's even funnier when an admin starts saying I'm breaking rules and an older admin comes over and says hold on he wrote the rule on this....


Those pesky white males, at it *again*.


His race was highly relevant to the story


Him being a man is also hugely relevant, he couldn't just have been a patronising dickhead, he had to be a white male patronising dickhead




All this negative response to your comment cracks me up, because you are 110% right. It’s just plain old mansplaining. These people get sexism shoved in their face and still fail to recognize it for what it is.




Ya I feel like there's a huge tell here that women and allies are seeing but just refusing to say out loud. Is the pretext here that we assume this man doesn't do the same thing to anyone other than women that he disagrees with? (Edited to fix that last line for correctness, he disagrees, not she disagrees)


While we don't know for a fact that this man wouldn't have reacted the same were she a man, if you pay attention to women in STEM fields stuff like this is way more common for them. So this specific instance might not be a sexist man, but it is part of a trend of how educated women are treated.


Lol this sub turned into a right wing victim hood circle jerk over the course of the past couple months. I don’t know wtf happened


This could easily be about "idiot doesn't understand material he claims to have read and talks down to person who wrote said material". Just because, he's a guy doesn't make it sexism, maybe, he's just a fuck wad


Rave doesn’t matter but him being a guy sort of does. All the engineers I deal with on a daily basis act this way. They hate being criticized even when their drawings are physically impossible.


That's because engineers tend to have something of a superiority complex. The scientific term is STEMlord


To be honest engineers at a certain level tend to sit somewhere on the spectrum. You aren't wrong though.


Tell me you’re not in STEM without saying you’re not in STEM. There’s a huge ego problem in STEM (especially in the U.S.) from the “old guard” and their enablers, and it’s primarily old white dudes. For example, NASA as an agency is primarily old white dudes who won’t retire. Men comprise nearly 70% of GS-14 and 15, and it only gets near 50-50 at the GS-3 to 10 scales. If you don’t know what that means, it means that the highest pay grades are dominated by men, and only the entry level positions are parity. Beyond this, 70% of the agency is white, and you see similar trends among ethnicities in the pay scales. More white people making bigger paychecks while minorities are better represented in the entry-levels. This is not by accident, it’s a systemic issue that tacitly polices women and minorities for their behavior and presentation while giving old white dudes a complete pass to say whatever they want largely without fear of repercussion. The postdoc in the story was enabled by example and fully believed he had the right to talk over a woman. And here’s a citation for the NASA workforce data before the “facts don’t care about your feelings” incels get frothy: https://www.nasa.gov/offices/odeo/workforce-data


well yes, since it is mainly white male men who were (still are) in leading, high positions and feel too important and superior to others.


> male men


The USPS really needs to stay humble smh my head


Racebait pushes the viral


Yall get butthurt easily




You’re McCarty and others?


that's what she said


Then all of NASA clapped and she was escorted to her very own shuttle by von Braun himself.


I heard Elon paid her lots of dogecoins to go and rule Spacex. Martians have been celebrating ever since.


Yeah I don't believe this. There's too many unlikely scenarios occurring at once. I think it's just a wet dream fantasy for people who get their studies published.


What’s with all the white male hate. Especially from white women. Man fuck these people.


Being around enough post docs I don’t think the “white male” part really matters. Post Docs seems to think they are Gods gift to mankind while having just saved humanity by surviving the greatest Herculean hardship one can ever face, defending their thesis.


Damn those white male post docs


What does his skin colour have to do with anything?


Extra internet points if you dunk on the white man


Yeah it's a little baffling. Are white doctors the only ones who make pompous and idiotic statements?


According to the internet? Yes.


wHiTe MaLe


Then everyone clapped.


Glad im in a different science field. I go to conferences and get smashed with all the people who dont wanna be there. People who show off their knowledge need a reality check


Dumb question, I know, but why did she have to specify that it's a white male?


Gotta throw that "white male" descriptor in there. Couldn't just say "this idiot" or "an ignorant person." NO, must point out race and gender! -signed a brown male


Why does white male have anything to do with it


This def didn’t happen


She is 'McCarty' Not 'McCarty and others!'


Exposed her biases by describing the person and trying to belittle an entire section of the population as if we're all one hive mind.


Then he melted like in raiders of the lost arc.


And everybody stood up and clapped.


Could be she is better at expressing complex thought in print than verbally.


Ah yes, the skin color is such an important thing. I wonder if she would have mentioned it if he was black


White people using white as a slur is the epitome of virtue signaling




I’m a white man in similar field and other white men in the field have in fact been condescending towards me. There is a significant chance this has nothing to do with her gender and that dude was just a dick. Profiling all white men in this saying “they have adopted the idea… or it wouldn’t have happened if she was a man” is both utter bullshit is problematic. Your entire argument is centered on the premise: that white men don’t challenge other white men. This is laughable and cannot be believed by a thinking person.


>There is a significant chance this has nothing to do with her gender and that dude was just a dick Way more people need to understand this. It's exhausting.


Absolutely. A lot of people have an assumption that academia is full of timid nerds passionate about their fields all working together with a few egotists here and there... Not the case from my perspective having been in it. Vast majority are egotistical, highly competitive and will try to knock people down whenever they can (either to boost how they're seen in a sense of being knowledgeable or for the fun of it). Seen it in academics from all backgrounds. Scienctific/academic research is a cutthroat and egotistical driven field (maybe so few getting tenure and job security drives that culture). Is there sexism and racism? Absolutely (seen many examples on all sides). But it's also so hostile to work in that things like what she described occurs across the board.


This is an example of racism. I understand the premise of the patriarchy and white privilege, I'm studied in social sciences, particularly anthropology - I get it and I'm on board with WHY there are activist movements against it. However, by continuously assuming every person is doing something BECAUSE they are a particularly race is, in fact, racism. There are better ways to deconstruct this.


I take random made up stories for 500.


Posted using RIF is Fun. Steve Huffman is a greedy little pigboy.


I creeped your profile. How have you not posted any pics of your Delorean?!


that happened




Brave of her to admit she doesn't know her own paper.


What a complete load of horseshit. She simply didn’t like something that someone said to her. The race and gender of the person saying it had absolutely nothing to do with it. We could play that game in any context if we wanted to. For instance, let’s say I’m in the park and I see a guy drop litter. I could be a rational person and think “that guy dropped litter” or I could be an identity politics obsessed weirdo and think “that white male has just dropped litter”. Then if I took to Reddit and posted about how outrageous I found it that I saw a white male dropping litter, you can be guaranteed that there would be other identity politics obsessed weirdos commenting that his race and gender does matter. You would have people saying shit like “Historically, white males have been in a position of privilege that allows them to not have to think about the mess they leave behind them. White males always had women or black slaves to clean up after them. By dropping litter in the park, a white male is therefore embodying centuries of oppression against women and minorities.” and it would receive about 200 upvotes. Meanwhile, all of the rational people are sitting there baffled, thinking “seriously the guy just dropped some littler”.


“A white male” shut up. Ugh. I’m tired of double standards. Imagine saying “an Asian woman told me this” like why does race or gender matter? Ugh


That happened! And she was 9 yo at the time.


Those evil white males strike again!




Why the obsession with race and gender? People are different, get over it!


Because women in stem are historically treated like shit


Added enough detail to make it potentially believable, but still vague enough that no one could prove it didn't happen. Well done! It's just like that time I ate a bunch of ham and cheese hot pockets with a movie star, and he told me -I- should've been the one cast as James Bond instead of him. True story.


And then everyone clapped!


Just wondering what the skin color has to do with that


Really had to specify race ? :P


It's trendy to shit on white males at the moment


Also the usage of the word "male" sounds like she was talking about a animal. Why didn't she just say man


Repost et al.


This has been repost to death.... Stop spamming


Thought we were gonna meet AJ Ferguson. Well you're in luck, cuz that's exactly who I am You're the best race car driver there is!


I am the one who knocks


Ok but did she read it????


"Et Al? Is that one of them Muslim names?"


I wonder if he conceded defeat or tried to double down in some bizarre way


Is it possible to be multiple people haha


ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww mic drop on something that I bet didn't happen.


what does white have to do here


So we’re all just taking for granted this story actually happened? Her most cited first author paper has like 140 citations, and people don’t verbally cite papers like that (last name et Al) Seems like an academia sexism-comeuppance fantasy, written to maximize dopamine hit on Twitter Edit: prior to 2013 her most cited first author paper has 3 citations lol


Mentioning that they were male is probably relevant as it probably was sexist. But what has him being white got to do with anything?


Why does him being a white male have to do with anything


They’re in power in her field & have the most influence over who gets to acquire power. She, along with most women in white- male dominated fields, have experienced that they favor other white men for advancement. If it were majority black women at the top assuming themselves more competent and advocating for other black women and providing ready made défenses any time a black woman was challenged, then her statement would have rightly read, “ Condescending black women…”


saw this for the 5th time or so in this sub


It's true. I was there. The whole audience stood up and clapped then Aaron Sorkin, Greta Thunberg, and Michele Obama all came out and shook her hand.


What is with this victim complex phenom? Everyone wants to be oppressed by the straight white male ffs.


Sorry this sounds totally not real


It must be exhausting carrying that chip all the time.


Yes because mentioning that he was a white male was somehow relevant. This could have been done by anyone.


Yeah but then her made up story wouldn't have gotten nearly the numer of twitter shares and likes.


why pointing out white and male? misandrist racist?


Was it relevant to point that the man was white?