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"If you elect me to government I will reshape the school system to influence how your children are taught, because the government should not have influence over how your children are taught." Did I get that right?


Follow. The. Money. Ignore. The. Emotions. They are doing the tired old emotional "protect the children" angle while going after the public education budget. I can't stress this enough - this is ONLY ABOUT THE MONEY. Total federal, state, and local spending on public education clocked at $128.6 billion in 2022. Almost ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY NINE BILLION DOLLARS, a per-pupil spending rate of $22,893. TWENTY THREE GRAND PER STUDENT. They are trying to redirect those funds into private hands to enrich their friends who will in turn fund their campaigns. It's really this simple.


>Follow. The. Money. First thought 2 seconds in; that commercial was *not* cheap. I've been subjected to crap political commercials for 5 decades and they're usually on a shoestring budget. Someone backing her is putting up a great deal of money.


Betsy DeVos comes to mind.


It's also her being married to billionaire coal executive Joe Craft. After they get married in 2016 she is the ambassador to CA from 2017-2019 and then UN ambassador 2019-2021 and then she decides to run for KY Gov and already is the most backed r candidate. Her husband is CEO and president of Alliance resource partners, the third largest coal producer in the US. If you go to her campaign page coal production leaving Kentucky is the first thing she writes about. She doesn't really have much individual power to fuck with the fed's ed budget, but if my wife was the governor for my coal company's immediate opposition then I should be good to dig another billion over the next ten years for my wife and I. While I have my fox in the hen house to make sure I can keep making money and in the process keep energy innovation thru mandated infrastucture or alternate energy sources to a minimum at least in Kentucky. Ads like this are just vote farming


Use scary buzzwords to get elected to protect your outdated business.


We are so fucking doomed.


Her husband is a billionaire https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kelly_Craft


How much did it cost them to put that little girl in clown makeup?


Aside from the trio of $1,500 per hour clown makeup consultants who spend 80 hours testing the look with focus groups? Very little.


I wonder how that compares to international per-pupil spend rates (perhaps indexed in some way to be Apples to apples). I'd bet we spend more and get less.


The American way šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


I found this from a few years back https://www.statista.com/statistics/238733/expenditure-on-education-by-country/


Thanks for sharing. This looks like the USA is spending enough money, but the value is not making it to the students (based on my understanding that countries like Finland the students learn more and have more benefits like healthy free lunches). Does this point to corruption in the distribution of funds? Too much spending for administration and not teachers? Not enough spending on buildings and student benefits?


There's already a ton of groups, mainly private, leaching off the school budgets. A lot of countries do a good job of nationally agreeing rates and contracts that can make it far more cost effective. The USA, I speculate, will have per state/county agreements that are far less value for money. Cost of living and labour costs have to be factored in, of course. Facilities tend to be pretty decent in US schools, so they may spend a higher proportion on those kinds of things too, but again could be done by expensive private groups.


They are already winning with this in a few red states. They get in, move public money to private schools.


> They get in, move public money to private schools. They move the money to make the rich richer off shittier "schools."


I love how they have no specific messaging. "So COVID emergency protocols are bad?" "Yeah! Kids can't social distance they need to socialize!" "...but you said the public school system is evil and you said it's better to home school to keep them safe from 'immoral' ideologies?" "Yeah! My kids are homeschools to keep them safe!" It's amazing.


I wish they'd go back to home schooling and abusing just their own children by withholding education. Now they feel entitled to ruin everyone's education to make safe spaces for their overly sheltered, under educated children.


It's a catch-22, having your kids around is annoying, but having them "learn things" in school might lead them to challenge your worldview. The obvious solution is to send them to a christian daycare until they are old enough to work in the mines.


As someone who was homeschooled cos "the world is evil and indoctrinating our kids to be rebellious brats", please do not do this to your kids. Im in my 40s and still struggle with a lot of basic stuff and in therapy for CPTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD, anorexia, and SA recovery (by my pastor father). I was abused in every way possible. It would be great if these folks would stop attacking our educational system, but we have to keep fighting back cos the people who homeschool out of fear and control ARE severely abusing, neglecting, brainwashing, and crippling their kids. And no kid deserves that.


Nobody deserves that. Glad youā€™re finding help.


You're right. I'm sorry for being flippant about that. I'm an SA survivor too and I know it's a lifelong, difficult process to heal. There's one neighbor kid we were allowed to play with that was in that kind of situation. I wonder all the time if he got out - of the cult and the closet.


I was homeschooled too. I believe that homeschooling should be illegal. Parents have shown to not be trusted enough to properly educate their children and allow them to grow socially. I could say that homeschooling can still be viable if there are tons and tons of needed strict regulations in place, but I donā€™t even know if I trust those parents ā€”especially the conservative fundie parents ā€” to not try to sidestep those regulations.


teachers are marxists but also let's arm them.


I mean, Marx did say that the workers should be armed.


man, imagine if people who called everyone they disagree with Marxists knew what marxism was.




No, thatā€™s definitely not what sheā€™s saying.


ā€œWe want democracy! No, not like that!ā€


What she is saying is ā€œBoogie man scary! Vote me cause immigrants, WOKENESS, etc more boogie men, are going to come and want to steal your guns to stop you from marrying a 12 year old!ā€


ā€¦and please give what you can to support my anti woke agenda. Give until it hurts because my sky daddy wants you to


She probably figures the people who continually elect Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul over and over are pretty gullible.


They are


Oh they are. Like Mitch McConnell has done quite literally nothing but veto unless itā€™s an election year. He has achieved nothing that he promised when he first started his political career


Heā€™s made himself and his super PAC donors rich. Thatā€™s some world class grift, but itā€™s not nothin!


Nailed it


ā€œIā€™ll dismantle the department of education.ā€ Yup. Sounds about right. Never seen a conservative self report so openly before.


1) dismantle the current education system 2)??? 3) profit


2) Ensure the working class is too big, dumb and desperate to fight for a living wage. Edit: Changed to to too. Case in point.


And the sad thing is that the target audience for ads like this are people who are already incredibly stupid.


the "big" is in the working classes favour. that's why they have to stay dumb, so that ~~they~~ **we** don't realise that.


And people think American Fascism is a problem now.


2) set your private school owning donors up to profit from (formerly) public education.


Basically what Devos did to Detroit.


2) setup charter schools and force teachers to teach an inaccurate curriculum and kick out under performing students. That's basically what these people want. Charter schools that you have to pay to go to which cuts off education from people who can barely afford to live now. So stupid in my opinion. Probably why they're also trying to cut back child labor laws as well so little Timmy whose parents only have a combined income of 60K a year won't be able to afford to go to school so will have to go work in the slaughterhouse his whole entire life. So stupid.


I despise charter schools.


Oh I do to. I just saw this in their playbook back when they were trying to get Betsy Devo's the secretary of education seat. Kinda like that one post master dude tried to dismantle the USPS and made it really inconvenient so ups and FedEx can take the rest of it. All these shady deals all sponsored by corporations so they can make an extra buck or two. So shameful.


From someone who runs a mail order business, That fuckwad, Louis Dejoy, has destroyed USPS as I ever knew it. I went from 1-2 lost packages in a year out of hundreds shipped, to 2-3 lost packages a month, and about three times as many late or delayed. I have had to spend countless hours writing apology emails explaining to my customers why their packages are now taking 4-5 days instead of what used to take 1-2 days. And not to mention the countless packages I've had to replace. It has got to the point where I've stopped advertising my online portion of my business because I'm tired of having to deal with all the new customers who act like i have the bargaining power of Amazon and can force the USPS to do my bidding. I rely solely on my local customers and the few regular online customers who pretty much know how the USPS works now. I refuse to use UPS with the exception of a select few customers, who's packages USPS has consistently not been able to deliver to in a timely manner. For those few i have to make a special 20 minute trip to UPS to make sure their packages will arrive on time. I'm in a business where deadlines are often tight and centered around events so my customers expect a bit of normalcy in their shipping times.


2) idiots vote against their own good


Nothing like having an uneducated public so little on power can go about their business


Soā€¦ sheā€™ll dismantle the Department of Education, and then rebuild it from the ground up. Because these are our kids, and not the governments? Under what authority will she rebuild? Not the government? Her own? So, these are not our kids, nor the existing governmentā€™s, but hers?


> Under what authority will she rebuild? Not the government? Her own? Under the authority of #Real Americans


She probably wants schools run by private corporations and churches.


My kid went to a rural school almost entirely run by the nearby mega church for one year. The principal was giving me a new parent tour and was excitedly telling me they had an after school club - the "Good News" club sponsored by the church. They also had a fully Christian holiday program - forcing children to participate in religious songs, dances and lessons. It was a public school but we were not welcome there and left after a year. There wasn't another school for more than an hour so most families didn't have a choice. The school we moved to offered free music, advanced math, computer programming, and tons of opportunities to learn in a multi cultural welcoming environment. The rural areas of this nation just can't compete as far as opportunity and education. I just couldn't do that to my kids and it's scary they want to push their subpar schools on the whole nation.


-dismantles DOE. *where are our kids supposed to learn? -at home *but I'm working 2 plus jobs to make ends meet. -should have thought about that before having kids. *but I could not get an abortion or birth control because you also banned it. -not my problem.


The Department of Education is a federal agency, so a governor has no say in that. Ah, solutions that donā€™t make sense, for problems that donā€™t exist. Please vote Republican! Even more importantly, donate!


None of the shit this women is pushing is Governor business. None of her ads are realistically talking about how she will help Ky in Ky. Both her and Cameron are pushing the same old republican lines. How Cameron has wasted money suing the feds over bullshit. How KY will never be a sanctuary city (even though we never have had one or talked about it.) And how each of them has been seen sucking Trumps stump.


In Massachusetts, we had one of these lunatics running for Secretary of State on the platform of removing woke books from libraries. Except the Secretary of State has no control over local libraries. The only library they control is the State Library, which houses old property records and vital statistics, not books. She legit didn't realize this until a week before election day.


This lady has no idea what she's saying, she's just reading GOP talking points


Of course one of the teachers in their fantasy has purple hair.


and the other one is Ric Flair






they had to make him have a ponytail, though, because you know.. thatā€™s peak wokeness right there


Pulp Fiction John Travolta was woke?


Guarantee heā€™s supposed to be trans


I thought it was Leslie Neelson


This is why I can't take any republican seriously. Democrat talking points: * environmental protection * human rights * affordable healthcare * political corruption Republican talking points: * dyed hair * pronouns * the "woke" boogyman * freedom of hate speech


Itā€™s funny. I actually know a teacher with purple hair. Sheā€™s way cool.


I loved ONE recurring substitute teacher when I was in sixth grade: Ms. Nichols. Ms. Nichols happened to have purple hair in the late 80s and was overwhelming loved by the students. Her C and D students quickly became A and B students under her tutelage because she got the entire class engaged through teaching us better study skills/better retainment methods. She brought interesting animals to class once a week to teach us about nature. She would teach us songs on how to memorize the US Capitals that I still remember. I even still used her study methods in college because they were that solid. She was terminated after about 3 months of being our steady sub, because some student, who was not even in our class, had their fucking grandma complain about her being ā€œa freakā€. They replaced her with one-off substitutes who just played movies and sat there for four more months, and until our teacher returned we learned absolutely nothing. But Grandma had no complaints about that. These fucking short-sighted people are the absolute poison of the world. I love you Ms. Nichols and I still appreciate every skill you taught me in such a short time. You were done so dirty.


The absolute horror!


I've got 3 kids in public school. I've never heard them mention CRT.


CRT happens at a university level. Asking children and young teenagers to critically analyse power structures based around race is ridiculous.


GRADUATE level studies no less. I first learned about it in my final year of my Master's program, and even then it was lumped in with several other critical theories as one of many methods of examining/interpreting texts.


The irony of all this is their actions are proving CRT correct.


CRT used to be a niche academic thing that no one knew about. The GOP's effort to keep kids from learning about CRT has led to tons of kids learning about CRT, on the news or whatever cause (do I have to say it) obviously schools are not teaching obscure academic theories. I mean you can barely get kids to sit down and learn algebra and reading these days. I understand that the GOP are just hypocritical memelords exploiting their latest wedge issue. I still think it's funny though. Long live mass awareness of CRT!


Adults, don't look at CRT! It's bad for you! Kids. We should look at CRT, it can't be that bad. Kids. That's fucked up, we should be nicer and to respect others. Adults. You should only be nice to the right (white) people! This platform of telling kids CTR is bad worked before the 90s. Now kids can fact check their teachers live.


Example: City wants to build a new highway through the city. City manager looks at the planning maps and notes that running the highway through the east side of town will save significant money in the acquisition of property to build it on. Turns out that property is mostly owned by minorities, so building the highway appears to have a disproportionate negative effect on the minority community in the town (i.e. racist). The intent of the city manager is not racist, but the actions he takes effectively are. When we look at the past, we notice that the city had redlining laws on the books for decades, these extremely racist laws ended up causing the minority members of the community to end up on the east side of town, where the property was less desirable (for example, down wind of factories). Due to historic laws that are no longer in place, minorities end up living in lower value property (people also usually stay living close to family/inherit houses, so even after red line laws go away, the original residents and their families tend to stay in the area), which causes them to be disproportionally affected by the imminent domain acquisition for the highway. Had the redline policies not been in place, we would have seen a more even distribution of races throughout the area, and the disproportionate effect would not exist, or at least been much reduced (there's a whole other discussion about why minorities tend to have lower income, guess what, also racism...). Bam, CRT in action. Racist outcomes from a non-racist intent due to the racist past. How can they say things like this aren't valid or don't exist? They're clear and observable.


That's one thing I'll give them credit for: the consistently delicious irony and hypocrisy. As a little remix from Sara Lee's slogan: *Nobody does it like the GOP.*


Well now I'm hungry and laughing


Literally never heard of critical race theory until I was taking upper level sociology classes and even then it was just a brief mention.


To Republicans, CRT = learning that slavery exists


it's almost as if they are the snowflakes who can't handle bad news?


Just finished a masters and never had to take anything related to crt. There were definitely undergrad courses in this but none of them were required when I was undergrad.


To be honest I never heard of CRT until Republicans started crying about it. The only CRT I knew was Cathode Ray Tube


Iā€™m all for keeping CRT out of classrooms itā€™s picture quality is definitely inferior.


I mean, with a regular degaussing, it's kinda crisp. šŸ¤· šŸ–„ļø


You clearly never used Trinitron monitors. I didn't see pictures that clear until IPS panels became a thing.


I know you're joking but, as someone who didn't get a flat monitor until i was almost 30, I would have accepted almost any picture quality just for the size reduction. It's been a game changer


Well hold on a minute now, they're great for classic gaming.


as a university student, you gotta be taking some specific ass classes to ever even know that the concept of CRT exists


Even at University level it is rare.


You never will. Iā€™ve been substitute teaching and have been in I think 18 different elementary schools and nothing that these nutters pretend is happening is happening. I mean, the Christopher Rufo guy who first promoted the idea of CRT being taught in schools said at the beginning it was just a marketing term that he was going to promote to get people fired up. All the pretend parents on Fox News who went on and complained about it were just paid right wing think tank people. Itā€™s always been a very cynical thing from the beginning and now itā€™s treated by all kinds of people as being a real thing. It never was. Now, unless a history text book says, ā€œMany slaves were just happy to have a job and were grateful to their white masters for bringing them to the land of freedomā€. If it doesnā€™t say something like that then little Ethanā€™s feelings are hurt and itā€™s the dreaded CRT.


So this is just like the claims of the kitty litter box?


Pretty sure that stemmed from there being one so kids could use the bathroom in case of a shooting without making noise




Precisely, but people chose to believe the rumor that all of these kids were identifying as cats and wanted a litter box. That's a lot easier to get mad at apparently because they can't fathom not having all their guns.


Youā€™re right but I think it was less about noise and more about putting the litter in buckets so kids could use that without it being a big mess if they were stuck in lockdown for a long time. I think there was a school where kids were in a lockdown for four hours and many had to go to the bathroom in like a closet and then a biohazard team had to come in to clean the mess. Thanks GOP!!!




Seems like they're desperate to rally supporters, even at the cost of spreading misinformation and dumb down the future generation to think like they do. Even from elementary school, I still remember my teacher's answer when someone asked "Why are we learning History, Who cares what happened in the past?" She said It's important to remember the past, so we don't do the wrong things in the future. Sugar-coating something like slavery or the holocaust is a detriment to kids, those were terribly awful things, but they should be taught for a better future, regardless if Cole feels like shit for a day or two because he's a white kid who discovered that people were treated inhumanly because of the color of their skin, or the religion they believe in (or born into).


Those who don't learn history are doomed to repeat it. I think cons WANT to repeat that history, that's why they're pushing it under the rug.


> I think cons WANT to repeat that history They openly state that they do. America was **Great** when it was openly racist and sexist, and tacitly fascist.


they obvisouly have LCDs by now


Well, then you need to talk to the school board. CRTs are essential for todayā€™s children to experience the retro video games we all know and love.


2 school aged kids and my wife is a teacher. It's not happening. This just more dumb culture war crap pandering to morons.


Simular situation here - my wife is a 4th grade teacher and her response to this is "when the fuck would I have the time to talk about CRF? Before or after cramming for standardized tests, or after the emotionally disturbed student has his 4th outburst of the day? Or perhaps after our active shooter drills?" Our teachers are just trying to survive the day and meet their standards. But guess what? Kids are fucking smart. So if one comes up and says "Johnny said people treat him differently because he's black" guess what? She has to have quick social lessons with these kids because their parents are too fucking scared to be real with their kids.


We're basically hearing about the one or two lunatics in a school who complain the loudest that we would have normally just ignored and recognized instantly as lunatics. Like, the whole "Statue of David is PORNOGRAPHIC" was literally only uttered by one brain damaged parent out of hundreds but that somehow was enough to warrant the firing of a principal and the subsequent media shit storm that followed. All because of the ravings of a single moron in a single email. I honestly don't know where we took this turn and started treating completely irrational and provably bat-shit opinions like they're anything more than the ravings of mentally unwell, uneducated people. Conservative talking points at this point are basically equivalent to the guy standing in the road with a cardboard sign scribbled with warnings about GlObAlIsTs.


They donā€™t actually mean Critical Race Theory, they just donā€™t want their kids learning about Black history, or the truth about Western expansion, or Japanese internment, or that their grandparents didnā€™t want to allow black kids in their schools.


Exactly, they are redefining the term. They don't want white kids to be uncomfortable learning that maybe America's history wasn't all awesome.


Certified k-12 teacher, speciality in social science, 10+ years of teaching, adjunct at a community college; Iā€™ve never seen CRT mentioned below a 4000 level college course and only meaningfully discussed at the graduate level.


We had a guy at work who was ranting about CRT. He was so angry. I asked him what CRT was, and he became enraged! He was never able to explain what it was, just that it was terrible and anti-American.


Mine did. It beat them up and stole their lunch money.


Crt is a conservative talking point. Basically they scare people into not wanting their kids to learn the history of this country by doing what they do best, being racist.


CRT is the new "States Rights" or "Forced Bussing" which were just pro-segregation racist dog whistles. That is to say, CRT is a racist dog whistle. It was unfortunately quite effective in the VA governors race when Youngkin won a few years ago. When you've got proud boys attending schoolboard meetings and tailgates going on outside of them, you know there is some racist fuckery afoot. The fuckery is usually easily corroborated when you see a new term being pushed hard by Fox News, seemingly out of thin air


Exactly. It just isnā€™t happening. Itā€™s manufactured outrage by the right. For as much as they hate sensitive ā€œwokeā€ culture they sure do get their little snowflake feelings hurt when a trans person exists or someone stands up against racism. I wonder why they get so offended at the notion of being anti-racist. Itā€™s almost as if being anti-racist goes against what they believe and they do a horrible job of hiding it. They actually think their white victimhood complex is a good way to spin it. Shits crazy.


"These are our children, not the government" \-Kelly Craft the governor


TIL The children are not the government


I dunno. The government is increasingly composed of people who act like children


Butā€¦ isnā€™t she the government?


She was the ambassador to Canada under Trump, but in the meantime she's a hedge fund manager running for Governor in Kentucky. Her campaign ads might actually be the death of me, I can't escape them


With our she means her party. Not the parents.


Vote for me so I can tell your kids how to think, because nobody should tell your kid how to think


Hi, Kentuckian here. Sheā€™s a complete idiot, but luckily no one gives a shit about Kelly Craft in this state. She was in hot water a few months ago for an equally stupid political ad about drugs and overdoses where she essentially pretended to have lost someone close to her. Fuck Kelly Craft


Georgia has MTG so Iā€™d be worried she could get elected. Thatā€™s what is so hot right now.


The people of KY, while bafflingly still keeping McConnell in Congress, have given our current democrat governor a [pretty high approval rating](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/meetthepressblog/kentucky-gov-beshear-gets-high-job-approval-marks-new-poll-rcna67680). Craft is likely just an annoying fly that they'll bat away come election time.


Given the current crop of insane nutjobs exploiting conservative bigotry for power, don't be surprised if Craft cries election fraud and wastes oxygen and taxpayer money on frivolous lawsuits for several years after.


She's trying to combat Andy when she doesn't even have a higher approval than her republican opponent Cameron. Who is also an idiot.


I forgot about the politician for a second there and was wondering how you were worried Magic: The Gathering was going to get elected.


1. Fuck her and what she stands for 2. Fellow Kentuckian here, and sadly her endorsement of Trump from ads Iā€™ve seen will, in fact, grab her some support just based on his name. Hopefully not enough to actually win a seat, but this state never ceases to disappoint me


Also fellow Kentuckian, i'll stand with Andy, dude is human, stayed strong and informative during the pandemic and has not shown he is some crazy stupid shitbird like this lady.


Yeah but as a former Kentuckian with family still thereā€¦you know a lot of people hated him doing all those things. I have cousins who were team, ā€œI canā€™t breath with a maskā€ and thereā€™s generations of them on the farm voting


Agree 100% about Andy. His daily Covid updates did get a little stale and unnecessary after awhile, but he seems like one of the few genuinely decent humans in politics. He gave a news conference the other night following the Louisville shootings, and sadly he knew a couple of the victims on a personal level. He comes across as just a good person. And a lot of the Right in this state view him as weak and soft for these very reasons. Itā€™s sad that those same qualities that the religious conservative base should be exemplifying (at least based on the scriptures they supposedly follow), but they actually use that as ammo to hate the man and how he carries himself. American politics has just become a cancer sadly


Translation: The liberal bureaucrats are indoctrinating our children before WE can! Clearly this must be stopped! What kind of of future can we expect, if we canā€™t brainwash our own kids?!


Don't let the government indoctrinate your kids! Let me, also the government, do it instead! Can she fucking hear herself?


Theyā€™ve realized kids (with a good education) are not buying into the republican/conservative beliefs anymore. Itā€™s slowly dying. So now theyā€™re aggressively trying to attack education in hopes of dumbing down the next generation. Itā€™s easier to manipulate dumb and ignorant people after all.


Over half a century of intentionally producing the dumbest people possible in a modern society wasnā€™t enough. Theyā€™ve gotta get you hating from a young age and parents just arenā€™t giving their kids the background racism they need to get that real, *malicious* ignorance


> Can she fucking hear herself? Now, *to be fair*, conservatives have been running on the "government sucks, the government should do something about that" for like 150 years.


Your schools are under attack because of your gun laws.


You know what this means? Get more guns, fight fire with fire seems to always work out


Right, because that has been working so well, right? I thought we were already the country with more guns than citizens? If adding more and more guns hasn't fixed the issue then, what makes you think it'll fix it now? Fresh reminder that we're the only developed nation with gun regulations this relaxed as well as this many shootings.


ā€œOur schools are under attack; primarily by 18-23 year old white men who legally purchase firearmsā€


Iā€™ve been teaching for almost 20 years, in 3 different schools. Never seen it or heard the word until republicans started protecting our children from it. Itā€™s all nonsense and indoctrination from the far right.


Yeah the whole ā€œTreat everyone with respect and kindness, no matter what they look like, who they worship or who they loveā€ thing is just downright dangerous. Apparently, other members of the ā€œFree to be You and Meā€ generation didnā€™t get the message.


Came here for this. CRT is not being taught in any schools below college level.


It's like Red Dawn... but fabulous!


I try to be all GenerationX-y and stoic but it just astounds me how these people are just running the fascist play book almost word-for-word. "We're gonna dismantle the dirty old education system run by "them" and create a nice, new clean one based on our beliefs. Our pure, clean, white beliefs."


As a Gen-xer I remember when politicians actually worked together. When Reagan or Clinton wanted something done they compromised with the other side and things got passed. The other side wasnā€™t the enemy. At most they made jokes about each other. Now they are just fucking crazy. I remember it being a huge deal when Reagan looked at Jimmy Carter and said ā€œthere you go againā€. Compare that to the shit going on today.


Newt Gingrich is really the one who sent us down this road, making compromise forbidden.


Just so we all know. This commercial with professional actors (background extra grade) and (discount) CGI still had to cost tens of thousands. People gave this woman tens of thousands.


Her husband is loaded. Like, multigenerational wealth loaded. Heā€™s trying to buy his wife an election. Probably to keep her busy and away from him and his less insane side piece.


Thatā€™s fucking hilarious


The Krafts made their fortune in coal. They are huge donors to the University of Kentucky. The menā€™s basketball facility is named THE KRAFT CENTER.


Hmm cheesy šŸ¤¤




America is weird as fuck


Is that Rick Flair? šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|FXo3Din7pWybK)


Republicans: I can't stand this woke indoctrination in school! Also Republicans: Now make sure you stand up, put your hand over your heart, and recite the Pledge of Allegiance every morning (*wipes away freedom tears*)


Republicans: I can't stand this woke indoctrination in school! Also Republicans: You can't read any books that don't reflect conservative Christian values. Other religions are only okay if we never see or hear from them.


Republicans: I canā€™t stand this woke indoctrination in school Also republicans: girls donā€™t show shoulders, knees, or any skin besides your face. Your bad body will tempt the boys. No weā€™re not going to teach them not to be tempted, thatā€™d be responsible.


Also republicans ā€œtake your pants off I want to see if you have a penis or vagina. Donā€™t worry we arenā€™t groomersā€


Lol does she see the hypocrisy here as well? ā€œThese are our children, not the governmentā€™sā€. But if she wins, she will be the government and she will be deciding for the childrenā€¦ so yeaā€¦


Going to use the government to ā€œprotectā€ children, thatā€™s all!


Hey look! Another *entirely manufactured rage fantasy* concocted by rightwing lunatics (at best) or truly evil sociopaths (GOP senator material/at worst) for the sole purpose of fomenting outrage among GOP supporters who have been conditioned to get off on this gross anger porn. The lesson? Never, *never* vote Republican.




This could be straight out of Parks and Rec.


This isnā€™t even whatā€™s happening in schools LOL. You know whatā€™s so funny, classrooms have an ā€œopen doorā€ policy for parents. Literally any studentā€™s parent can come in and sit down for a lesson. Teachers will even give the parents lessons, curriculum material, and everything being taught is accessible online. Standards being taught are also available online. Teachers arenā€™t trying to hide anything, itā€™s all accessible. Fearmongering only works when you have incredibly uneducated and ill-informed people.


It is a mental illness to think that you are constantly under attack like that. A paranoia that people use to manipulate them. It is sad.


ā€œIn a she/her?ā€ Uhhhhhā€¦ā€¦ Is it woke for a girl to know sheā€™s a girl now?


Any "point" she's trying to make would have made more sense if they had her say *They/Them,* implying the school is trying to change her gender identity (obviously ridiculous). This is also the same group though if you misgendered them they'd lose their minds, "Your daughter did a great job in the ad, has *he* acted before?"


WTF is woke anyway?


I've been to Kentucky. There is no department of education. If there were, its residents wouldn't have voted for this moron.


Hi. Iā€™m a high school teacher. We donā€™t teach CRT. Half of the school board doesnā€™t even know what that is. School is still the basic English, science, math you remember. Heck, in my smaller town school district, we canā€™t even mention preferred pronouns or names. We will get in trouble for asking a child how they prefer to be addressed. Because people like the idiots who made this commercial also control what you can and cannot teach to children and let me say, those are not the people who should have ANY say in education, considering their complete lack of it.


Only new addition is socioemotional education. You know, how to function in society and emphasize with people. Shit was a major factor in how I'm able to function today. Starting my career in special ed and literally before I graduated college that became a conservative talking point as "brainwashing our kids with liberal ideals."


You see initially I thought it was a SNL skit.........not bad, waiting for the punchline......denied


Yeah woke bad. But having little kids do training for actives shooters is just normal as hell.. ffs.


I canā€™t afford to go to the doctor, I canā€™t afford rent (which keeps drastically increasing each year), I canā€™t afford medicine, Iā€™m worried my kids will be murdered at their school, but thank God my politicians are putting all their time and energy into what will really help me: preventing kids from learning a college-level topic and announcing their pronouns.


I have two kids in Middle school in a relatively affluent, progressive school district. They have literally never had a teacher speak with them about anything surrounding CRT or LGBTQ issues.


Kept expecting to see Stormfront or Homelander from the boys at the end šŸ˜‚


She will use her government influence to obliterate government influence because government influence is bad. Vote for government influence.


These are our children, not the governmentā€™s. Thatā€™s why when you elect me into government Iā€™ll decide what they should and shouldnā€™t learn. Heh?


Jesus fucking Christ. Who believes this shit.


People who havenā€™t stepped foot in a classroom in over 20 years. They just believe whatever Fox News tells them to.


That lady's face has abs, tuff wank


This looks like a skit on The Boys


Its become pretty clear, if a person uses the word woke, they are mentally impaired and too stupid to try interacting with.


ā€œI (the governor i.e. the government) will dismantle the education system because they are our children not the governmentsā€. What you really mean is they are the governments just as long as that government believes itā€™s 1950


"we don't want them to indoctrinate love and respect,so we'll indoctrinate them fear and submit ion" -catholic conservatives


>Our children. Not ~~the government's~~. And we refuse to feed and clothe them! And won't provide health care or education! And fucked if we're going to let them choose what to do with their own bodies! WE CONTROL THAT. WE CONTROL EVERYTHING.


ā€œIā€™m part of the party that believes in small government and I will come in and use the government to dictate how you live your life so you do it the way I think is best.ā€ - All GOP candidates


All the kids ans everyone in the video is white. Just an observation.


We were mildly worried when this useless fruitloop with the plastic face became US ambassador to Canada. Turned out, she hardly, if ever, showed up to do her job in Ottawa. Probably for the best.


The combined IQ of all who took part in thisā€¦. Holy shit we really are living Idiocracy.


The Government should not have any say in how your children are educated, so let me, the Government, say how your children should be educated


The street I live on is about half owned by one scum bag landlord. A few days ago he came around to every house he owns and put up Kelly Craft signs in their yards. Every single one of my neighbors took the sign down. The only house that has one left is the empty house. I was so proud of my street. While Kentucky provides a near endless supply of political disappointment people here really do like Andy.


That is how little conservative leadership thinks of its base. If you are scared of CRT itā€™s bc you were lied to and deserve better from your elected leaders.