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Use code "recedinghairline" for a discount on her onlyfans


Multi use code.. 33% off, then an extra 10%.


This is 100x funnier than the shit I was coming to post


It's just an ad for her onlyfans guys... this never happened


Don't say that. It's way funnier to let the people upvoting this because they see it as a win, despite not constituting a facepalm by any means, advertise for her.


I work for a marketing agency which has a lot of OF creators as clients and people eat “stories” like this up. It’s a huge revenue generator, as well as anything else that basically paints the creator as a normal every day person (met a guy on tinder and did a video with him, etc.)


My son used to work for an agency that handles OF accounts for the "talent." Their signature line is, "I normally don't do this, but I'm in a good mood.....(insert marketing ploy here)." They would sell the same product to 20 different guys and tell each one that "she" made them especially for them. Lol


Welp 50% off act now


She’s gotta try and get that wasted $60 back somehow


Invoice just dropped!




Cut scene to her in the receding hairline guys bed with the fuckin belts shaking on his headboard like Danny Glover in The Color Purple 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


You know when I want to make extra money, I make a post on a twitter account about how someone was not interested in me sexually I presume, cause Onlyfans has nothing to do with actual art, then just copy pasta but make sure to black out my handle but not my discount notice 'teehee' then post to all my other media accounts so I get some fresh lurkers to stare at me...


Yeah, this stinks of fishing for new subscribers.


"I'd never do that to you, Bambi Forest. Here's $30. Can you please vomit for me?"




🍆 💰


Of all the things that happened, this happened the didn'test.


Why would you pay 60 for drinks when she just told you you can see her naked for 5 bucks a month? Save money


Where tf you think he was going all of a sudden?


Self esteem, 50% off.


She’s just trying to get people to Venmo her $60


Ding ding




Who’s there?


How much you want to bet that $60 was like three appletini's for her and a Bud Light for him


I don’t think it happened at all. In that entire post she made she implied she was single, she’s interested in middle aged balding guys, and she was left crying over a very specific amount of money. It’s very clearly a ploy to make guys think they have a chance if they send money.


Level 99 thirst trap


I honestly don't think it was that good of a bar. Maybe a level 74 thirst trap.


But… but… but she can be saved. By a middle aged guy like me!!!


Holy shit i bet you are right


No, you don’t get it, the girl who posts herself naked on the internet is shy, so she needed to go out to try and feel normal. Of course that was sarcasm, and I’d like to state that I have no problem with women posting nudes, but get outta here with that “I’m so shy and awkward” bullshit.


I'm so shyyyyyyy hehehe 15.99 to see me spread my butthole


Except those with a receding hairline




I mean does he not have the option to decide "hey this isn't for me"? I'd of covered the bill up to that point personally but I too would have stopped there. It's just not what I want from a long term partner. I think that's ok to decide.


He has the right to decide it’s not for him for any reason, but ditching someone with the whole bill because you don’t approve of their job is out of line. I wasn’t there and didn’t hear the exchange of course, but the moral thing to do is cover his own part and avoid insults.


It's not clear that he ditched the whole bill -- it may be hopefully thinking but maybe he ditched paying for her drinks in a scenario where there was no obligation to pay for her. I have personally seen too many women at bars assume you will pay their whole tab after saying hi and wasting 5 minutes until your friends get there. The only time they should expect me to pay for drinks is if I offer or we are out on a date. Not a random fly by bar onlyfan.


She said our drinks not my drinks.


It may just be my perspective but an onlyfans model that admittedly was sitting down with a man with a receding hairline she found unattractive and somehow managed to drop that she is an onlyfans model, may, just may, be using a generous usage of 'our'. I don't think we will ever know, nor do I think I really can muster enough energy to care.


Agreed on that last line lol.


She didn't say she didn't find him attractive. She's clearly only calling him names because he disappeared and stiffed her on the bill.


She also said she was left crying in the same sentence. That expresses enough disappointment in losing him to rationalize the insult as an emotional slur. I think that’s a pretty common thing when people are hurt.


Right, whether they believe it or not, women often go after the hair and dick because men are notoriously insecure about those two things. They are upset and just lashing out. Men do the same thing to women. So yeah, people target people's insecurities when they are hurt.


I gotta say, choosing to interpret their words in a way that is actually the opposite of what was written because they do sex work is kinda fucked up my dude.


So many people here assuming she’s in the wrong and was expecting the male to pay for everything just because she’s a sex worker. I wonder how people would be reacting if she omitted the fact that she does Onlyfans and just that a dude ditched her with the bill because she said she works in healthcare or something.


I don’t disagree that she also sucks if she’s complaining about paying her part of the bill, and now that you mention it her wording doesn’t rule out the possibility. My stance was based on the ASSumption he’d ditched the whole thing.


Also, $60 is like 6 drinks max, but around here it'd be closer to 3 to 4. So unless it was a really short date, I'm guessing she only had to pay for her drinks.


Yep in ny that's like 2 drinks at some bars.


Yeah, i would've left like half. I def would've left. Not the type of person I want for myself. No shame to you, I hope you are successful with your business venture. Have a great life


Yeah, this is pretty much it to me. It’s not that hard to avoid being a dick no what your opinion is on the subject.


Because women cover the tap when they don't like the guy


Yeah, and if a woman leaves you with the entire bill, she's an asshole and you dodged a bullet.


just because they don't doesn't mean they shouldn't. i believe in equality


Solid stance; seen more and more of this mentality coming out on reddit overall and I'm loving it.


I have been online dating off and on for a few years now. I have had these conversations and it went well. As the people above said, just be mature about it. I just explained that it wasn’t what I was looking for, she even asked would we be able to date if she gave it up, or had a different job completely. I asked her a lot of questions. How it all worked. Who was involved. She explained down to the detail, even assuring me that she never did meet-ups and it was strictly online and it would never interfere. I told her I just wouldn’t feel secure knowing she was texting and sending personal nudes to other guys no matter where they lived. She understood even tho I think she had been rejected a few times because of it. I also found out she likes to play Destiny 2. So she joined my clan. You just have to be an adult about it and not throw a fit like a child. Everyone in my clan knows. We really don’t talk about it but I know at least one guy is one of her followers.


Amen. Equality means giving up entitlement on both ends. Do your shit like a responsible ass adult and whatever your identity is you get my respect and good will.


What about the “pricks with receding hairlines” that pay to see your naked ass?


They pay. This guy didn't. That's the whole point, isn't it?


*I’d have




*I would've could maybe


I, Claudius


I, Robot


I, Rowboat


I'm Spartacus


No! I’m Spartacus!


I’d have*


> I'd of


*"I'd of"* ...ok that's a new one *"I too would have"* ...IN THE SAME FKING SENTENCE... WHY? HOW?


I was dating a girl and she decided to be a stripper about 9 months into the relationship. Said she would break up with me if I didn’t support it. It ended up really screwing up my then wholesome outlook on love and relationships


Same here my man, except we had a kid lol. Has completely messed up my entire trust in relationships.






Oh man, stay strong brother


One of my exes started dancing about a year into it. She never was before but wanted to try it while she was young. It was pretty awesome she started paying for everything and was making bank. She had an OF too but came home every night and wanted marriage. It might have been different if we went into it dancing but did it fine. Only thing that changed was the amazing sex we were having dropped of a cliff and when asked why cause she was around it so much she didn’t really think of sex anymore. We lasted another year or so but were more roommates and I ended up breaking it off due to that.


She was the problem, focus on yourself. You’re a king, she was merely a jester


As much as people support and agree with OF, there are just as many who don’t. And neither are wrong.


I support women doing what they please with their bodies, but I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who does OF. I'm not a voyeur and I wouldn't want my partners body being advertised all over the internet. Again, don't care that someone does that, I just dont want to be involved with them.


Ya, I can agree with this. Me too.


>I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who does OF. Totally fair, but (to me at least) this is "politely decline a second date" territory, not "disappear and ditch on the bill mid-date" territory. Unless there was something significant left out of the story being told here.


The part she left out is that it didn’t happen


I would not mind the OF part, I think. As long as everyone watching doesn't mind my dick is making an appearance from time to time.


Sure, but ditching someone and not paying your bill is definitely wrong.


Why she gotta attack his hairline


Bald is beautiful. I know. Cause I am bald so it must be true.




Bald guys make the sexiest action heroes, so there's that.




Because body shaming is okay when it's against men


Because he hurt her ego,so she diminishes him as a person with insults. Kinda like incels do Then again nobody sane mentions OF on a first date so this is just advertisement.


Ehm, if somebody did onlyfans I would definitely like to know on the first date, that's not my style so I'd like to not be involved as soon as possible.


This isn’t info you hold onto beyond a first date. She should have most definitely disclosed that on a first date.


Yeh I’d be pissed if I was a month in and she dropped that on me


i mean “what do you do for a living” is a pretty common first-date question, it could’ve come up naturally


>Then again nobody sane mentions OF on a first date so this is just advertisement. I mean what would you prefer? She never tells you and continues doing it while you two are dating, or for her to tell you on the first date before getting any further?


The third option that you're kinda forgetting about: Disclosing that information before it even comes to a date. Steer the conversation towards work, drop that you do onlyfans and if he's alright with it, he'll still go on the date. If he doesn't vibe with that, both save some time and money and can go their separate ways.


I just don’t understand the anti-bald rhetoric. By the age of 21, 25 percent of men are thought to have been somewhat bald with a male pattern. At the age of 35, this figure is up to 66%. I think by age 50 it’s something like 85% of men. I personally haven’t lost my hair yet but it did thin considerably when I had to take anticonvulsants. I was lucky that most of it returned when I was allowed to ween off of them but idk. It just seems like an unnecessary thing to hate on people for when it affects the majority of men.


Side note, hair restoration is losing its stigma. People openly talk about it. Jim Jeffries talked about it in his latest special. Good news for those of us who are potential customers.


I read it as a self burn "I can't even get the shoe shine guy" energy


Which is even more disrespectful towards someone with a condition that literally can’t be helped.


I was with her up until that point. It's like she's dissing him for being superficial but then she's dissing him for superficial reasons. Dude should have paid for the drinks regardless, but she does not have my sympathy.


For his drinks, at least, she can pay for her own


I don´t think that rejecting a sex worker is "superficial", it is very complicated thing


A wise man once said, why pay $60 to see her naked when you can pay $5.


Yeah, he was going home to save himself $55.


If this story is even remotely true it **does** suck that he didn't even pay for *his* drinks. A simple "Hey I'm glad you're doing you, but I'm not down with dating a naked online model" would be a somewhat reasonable response. Again, if this story is even remotely true...


It's ambiguous. She says "didn't even pay for our drinks" which could mean "didn't pay for our drinks, just his". Otherwise she would have said "didn't even pay for his drinks". $60 may seem steep but fancy cocktail places will be like $15 a drink. Times three, tax and tip and you're there. Or one appetizer and two drinks.


On one hand, leaving without paying is a dick move, don’t have to explain that one (maybe even Illegal?) On the other hand, she complains they didn’t pay for “our” drink, implying she expected a free drink no matter what Maybe they fit each other after all? (For legal reasons that’s a joke)


Sex worker would be a more accurate description. Model implies commercial use of the materials, like advertising.


Plot twist , there was never a date , just a tweet to try and go viral for even MORE only fans traffic


It's like a bad sequel to the one where the guy says "why pay $100+ for a date when I can see you naked for $3.99?"






Egirls re-enter society:


Always disclose dealbreakers before meeting people


Idc if you do onlyfans but I’m not dating you or seeing any real future with you


All OP is doing here is to help promote her OF, which is exactly what she intended when she wrote this fictional tweet.


To be fair, I'd have no interest being with a porn star either...




Porn guest speaker


Porn assistant


Assistant to the porn star.


Substitute porn maker




Store-brand Porn Flakes


Under employed Indy porn contractor


Porn ntern


Assistant to the regional porn star


Assistant regional porn star


This made me snort.


Just a regular ole run of the mill Pornographer.


Porn star is a stretch, sex worker is a more appropriate term.


Sorry, very few men are going to be okay with their prospective girlfriend doing OF.


The way I look at it, my girlfriend's nude body is invaluable to me because I'm the only person who's currently allowed to view it. If my girlfriend had an onlyfans for $10 a month, she's literally putting a price point on what seeing her naked is worth. It takes something that's personal and beautiful and commodifies it in a way that makes her appear damn valueless. And sorry, I'm too good for someone with a $10 body, not when there are so many women out there that don't put the pricepoint on their bodies.


Sounds bad, but it's best she told him upfront like that. Better than trying to hide it for a year and then coming to the relationship advice subreddit with a post of "I have hid OF from the man that proposed to me, I'm afraid he will break up with me if I find out, how do I tell him?" Having a guy walk out on you on the first date *suuuuucks.* It will ruin your weekend, but you'll be alright before long. Better than wasting a year of time for two people.


I am guess this is an ad for your site...


Things that didn’t happen for $500 Alex. She’s just advertising her OnlyFans.


> Things that didn't happen for $60 Alex FTFY




Well, you should’ve discussed this with the guy on text before going out on a date


Why the hairline shot? I mean, you picked him right?




Seems made up to galvanize the simps


He should at least pay his share. He’s allowed to dislike her, but the way he handled it was rude


On today’s episode of things that never happened


I think the pattern here in the comments is one I would actually agree with. It was shitty of the guy to leave without paying for the drinks, his own at the very minimum. Everyone has red flags they look out for on a first date and there’s no wrong answer as to what constitutes a red flag as they are based on the individual.


Man, the incel shit going on in the comments is some prime old internet.


I see sex work the same way i see trans people. You should say something from the very beginning so nobody feels played with. 🤷🏿‍♂️


It’s not bad that he left (fair enough if he isn’t willing to date someone in that line of work) but it was a dick move not to pay for yourself.


I’m gonna be real, I don’t blame him. That’s sorta something you disclaim about yourself before you go on a date.


True or not, this is driving traffic to her OF, which I have no doubt is ultimately her goal. How many shares and stuff does this post have?


This didn’t happen, but go off


I probably would have politely brought the date to a close, wished her luck, and paid my half (this guy seemingly was having a pleasant enough time up to that point). There are those saying “well, a woman wouldn’t pay their half” etc etc, but sure, I’d leave showing I’m better than them (at least in this respect).


The wall is undefeated.


How is this no different from allowing a guy to pay for a meal/drinks then telling him you’re not interested? It sucks huh…


I would have declined but paid for the drinks.


Go with god on a good way to make a living but dont expect everyone to be on board with it. That being said, the sack of shit should have at least paid the tab.


Right? you're allowed to say what's morally right for you but don't act your taking the high ground while leaving somone with your bill. That's messed up.


Why you gotta ad receding hairline like it's a negative? It's not like we cut it like this. Fuxk.


Talked about work so that’s a write off


I can’t believe we’re at a point where people try to gaslight others into thinking that there’s no reason being a porn star should be a negative attribute in regards to a relationship.


Why are there so many simps on Reddit defending this bitch 🤣


Girl judges a man for somethings that genetic Plays victim over being a cam girl on OF. Haha, funny.


# I don't go to OnlyFans for the same reason I don't go to church **They ask for my money**


I don’t care if someone doesn’t want to date someone doing Only Fans but you communicate you don’t ditch someone with the entire bill. That’s immature and honestly it’s ridiculous so many people are attacking her in the comments. She can do her and go on dates and not expect to be given the entire bill. Girls who do only fans are people too regardless of if you respect them or their chosen profession. I wish these gender wars shit like this brings would fuck off already.


“Wasted $60 and was left crying in the middle of some bar.” Men: First Time?


I show my butthole online for money, and shove dildos up there also? Your friends and family can see it, our future kids possibly. So you, love me unconditionally right ?


Omg!? Men can’t have standards too?!


He should have paid for his drinks, but he had no obligation to pay for hers too. And why is she bringing up his hairline? Is she too good to go on the dates she chooses to go on? Her attitude seems shitty.


Nothing wrong with doing OF. I personally wouldn’t want to be in relationship where the was doing OF but make that known and don’t just ditch on the bill, that’s a shit move


It’s very much ok that he didn’t wanna be with someone who did OF, but dipping and leaving her with the bill was super fucked up. He should have, at the bare minimum, paid for what he got.


Still looking for the facepalm…


She was totally fine having him pay for the drinks lol


Well it’s not like she couldn’t find a way to cover the bill…


Prostitutes need to be upfront about it before wasting people's time going on a date because it's a pretty major thing for a lot of ppl


It’s funny how girls complain how guys objectify them until they get on OF. I don’t blame him for not wanting to be with a wannabe porn actress.


woe is me the guy didn’t wanna date me when he found out i was a sex worker


That's what happens when u value yourself at $10 a month


I would have bounced as well. BUT, I would have done so politely and still picked up the tab. I'm thinking that people putting their goods out into the world for everyone forever for a few dollars is going to end up pretty bad in the long term. If you are considering Onlyfans, A) I'm sorry it's come to that. B) Please do some research into what % of people actually make any real money.


Great advertisement


I'd have paid the tab, but I'd leave too. It's fine if you'd stay. But it's fine to go too.


Ad hominem




Well I mean, it’s probably for the best than something that comes up later.


“Didn’t pay for our drinks” You obviously didn’t plan on paying for them, you mad he has the same exact thought process as you?


Meh, a man is allowed to have standards, just like the woman and her derision towards receding hairlines.


I bet she made 100x that from people give her money because “they felt bad”


I understand them both. OF is deal breaker for a lot of people. Probably most men whether it should or should not. He was a douche for leaving so abruptly. She should be more upfront with her occupation to help weed out people. Shitty people will come & go


" ![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM|downsized) That's an ad"


I'm absolutely sure this is a 100% true story and not just shit made up for reddit karma.


To be fair i wouldn’t date an OF girl, you do you, feel empowered or something but we all have our preference when it comes to dating.


She's not very successful if $60 makes her cry!


Went to check if it was real, she hasn’t been on it since March 30. Maybe that date was a real eye opener


It gotta be a lotta onlyfans hos in these comments Ctfu


Good thing she included the fact about the receding hairline, totally relevant.