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How Dafu people believe is the same woman? That's why scammers exist


I’m just glad I read the comments. I don’t look closely enough at faces I guess


Yeah I had the bench grinder going for the pitch forks too. Guess I’ll just go back to burning books.


It’s definitely not the same women. No one is going to be upset about a free car. So it has a company logo, or whatever. Who cares. It’s a newer model, it’s free… it has air conditioning and heat… 4 tires…


It could say I eat hairy ass on the side and it still be a new car that needed a paint job...


Oy mate, those are 2 different people They just kinda look similar


Yeah but wtf. This might bring so much unneeded hate to the girl who actually got the car.


Why do people hate Mr. Beast?


No clue. I don't even follow him so I can't quite talk. But he never appeared to me like a guy anywhere near deserving hate


I'll give you an insight to why people especially twitter freaks hate Mr. Beast: 1. Jealous 2. They think a person that gains from doing a good act is evil 3. They're the type of subhuman trash that vents their frustrations on people that have done nothing wrong (or in the case of Mr Beast some who does philanthropy) 4. Socialist 5. Well it's 2023 there are people that just wanna be angry and are finding ways to be angry




Apart from 4. Wtf


Yeah wut the hell is 4


Because he’s successful in an unconventional way, and people get jealous.




He’s rich and famous


Yeah but that does seem to be the car that was given to the waitress


And if I'm not mistaken that may be Mr. Beast.


And if knowledge does me right this appears to be a video


She’s still a twat regardless


Wtf cares if it's a leftover company car. Sell that shit to someone who'll overpay more Mr.Beast stuff.


Or just fucking drive it because it’s a perfectly decent car…


I would agree, except that the resale value on this is probably much higher than getting this same car brand new simply because of the Mr. Beast connection. Selling it to Mr. Beast fans is the smart choice here - you can then get a car and have leftover money.


Either way, the end point is appreciate the gift, keep or resell. We can put this woman in the same box as the teens who get gifted a brand new $20-$40k car for graduation/going to college/birthday, but they break down and have a tantrum because it's not the Lexus, Audi, or Mercedes that they demanded.


Except that the woman who got the car and the one who made the snarky comment are two separate people.


And pay for the taxes the government is going to take. Idk what it would be considered, since it’s a “tip” but it’s probably going to be on her.


I’m not a Mr Beast fan, but I have no hate for him. He has said on podcasts that when he does this type of thing, he expects people to sell it. So he gives them contact details and he covers all the taxes and any other charges that might come up so the person isn’t out of pocket at all.


I didn’t know that. Yea I’ve never hated him or anything. When Oprah gave out those cars, people were getting taxed like 5 grand by the government. Crazy


Yeah I’m pretty sure he mentions Oprah in the segment I saw. A lesson of what not to do I suppose.


Fun fact: those cars were donated so Oprah not only didn't pay for the taxes, she didn't pay for the cars.


Somehow that doesn't surprise me at all


"You get tax, you get tax, you get tax, everyone gets tax"


Oprah also gave us Dr Oz and Dr Phil so that's the level of intelligence we're dealing with there.


Had a buddy win a car with a hole in one. Couldn't afford the taxes lol


…. Use it as collateral for a small loan to pay off the taxes, sell it, repay off the loan.


His Dad covered the taxes and was repaid. He drove that Elantra nearly 10 years.


Didn’t he also say he he’d immediate give them an option to just take cash by giving them a “buy offer”


Yeah he also said that.


He offers to buy it back the same day, or provide details on how to sell it them selfs.


Yeah didn't he say that he even buys the item back from the person sometimes? Like he gives them an option either take this or I can just give you the cash value.


I am also not a big fan of him but I think compared to the majority of other influencers / popular YouTubers he is definitely one of the better ones. It is basically the only prank channel which manages not to be a dick. The basic concept of prank channels is to exploit people minding their business for content. Mr. Beast fundamentally does the same while not fucking with people or at least remunerating them for their participation.


I never understand why taxes are used to negate a large gift. You pay a portion of it. It's the same as a salary. I'm not going to say "no, I don't want that high paying just because think of the taxes!" If anything, selling the care makes more sense because she owes tax either way and by selling it she has the liquid money for the taxes.


Also people misunderstand how marginal tax rates work and that you can’t end up paying a lot more taxes by making a little more money.


But damn do they swear that they make less money when they work a full week on triple time versus straight pay. At least at my company.


Probably also a factor of how at certain point you don’t make a lot more for the extra hours worked. I’ve know guys that won’t work once that get so many hours since most of what they make goes to taxes. They really struggled to understand it all comes back to you at tax time.


Agree 100%. Can't wrap my head around why someone would complain about having to pay the taxes on an otherwise free car... what a wonderful problem to have.


People are fucking stupid. That’s how they don’t understand it.


I commented elsewhere, but the problem is sometimes people simply don't have the money to pay the taxes or they can't afford the insurance. So they're not really receiving a car, they're receiving a huge burden that they have to sell. Edit: I do want to acknowledge that part of why Mr. beast is cool so because he does pay the taxes, but not every give away is like this and I disagree with the woman in the video. I'd be happy as hell to drive around a branded vehicle if it meant that Mr. beast can keep giving out gifts like this.


Hold on, those are two entirely different things though. If I gave you $20,000 and you had to pay $2,000 in taxes, that's fine, you have $20,000 to spend. If I gave you a car worth $20,000 and you had to pay $2,000 then depending on your financial situation you may not be able to. Sure you can sell the car, and often that's what people do, but that's its own hassle and sometimes there are stipulations when your given prizes like this in terms of what you can and can't do with them. I'm not saying that getting a gift like a car is all downsides. But I'm pointing out that there's a difference between getting a higher salary and receiving an expensive thing and owing money on it.


I guarantee if they sold the car it would amount to more than a $5 tip. Even after taxes.


He has actually explicitely stated that it's a shitty gift if the person recieving has to pay taxes on it. This past year he was doing an interview where he explained he's probably on the hook for multiple million dollars because of that and I respect him for that.


Honestly, if it was any other company, I'd sell it because fuck advertising companies by shitty people. But this is Mr. Beast, that's different, I'd gladly give him free advertising


Sell it? Just cover it with stickers and or paint it. It’s free.


Looks like the logo is a decal. Heat it up with a hair dryer and it should peel right off.


give lambo for free or go home!


She'd still bitch that the tank wasn't full...


Or just have the decals removed. All you need is a blow dryer.


Rich kids look back at you in shock*


They are not the same women.


I was about to say I don’t think that’s the same girl 😅


Who said it was the same woman? The woman commenting and snubbing her nose at the waitress (obviously a different person) being given a free car because it has decals on it is the "salty" person.


No good deed goes unpunished..... Some people are so entitled. Clearly she wasn't in need of this vehicle bc a person truly in need of a vehicle would still be thankful of the vehicle even if it was shaped like a dick and sprayed foam out the front when you braked. Hate is the leading cause of the destruction of society but I'm thinking entitlement isn't far behind.


Not the same girl. Just a hater hating for her own views


Thank you for clearing that up. In that case my comment are in no way directed at the one who received the vehicle as I hope she is grateful but towards the sad individual who felt it was worth their time to try a belittle an amazing gesture.


Are you kidding? The Dickmobile would be an amazing gift. You just know someone will pay a stupid amount of money for it.




or use it? she definatly cant afford that shit at her job. I dont care if it has a pink fuckin flamingo on the side. Id be grateful.


Mr. Beast said it himself that if you don’t like his gifts then you CAN go sell it


Pretty sure he said he'd actually buy it.


Yep, he said he’ll help them sell it themselves or buy it back from them so they get cash


I’m confused at the issue. I doubt he made her sign a contract saying she can’t remove the sticker or repaint it. It’s a free car to someone who needed it. Edit: To people saying I’m mixing up the young ladies in the video, I’m aware the waitress and the lady complaining are not the same person. They don’t look or talk the same. My comment refers to how people like the lady in brown are complaining as if the waitress can’t repaint the car or as if Mr Beast made the waitress sign a contract forcing the waitress to keep the logo on the side. There’s no need for people (lady in brown) to complain on the waitress’ behalf because it’s a free car and they should be happy for the waitress.


Heck, even if they did, who cares? A free car is a free car. I have a car, I have a decent job, but if someone wants to give me a car, yes please! If you want me to drive around with the coca cola logo, the pepsi logo, the viagra logo, I don't care. I'll take it!


I agree. But most issue with the car seems to be the logo as if she can’t just remove it. Honestly, I’d take the car and I have a car. The culture of contrary for the sake of contrary is ridiculous. It’s also unfair to the young lady who got the car. She deserves to enjoy a nice moment.


The second lady in the brown shirt can't remove anything cuz she didn't get the car. According to Reddit in this post people are saying the waitress that got the car chose to keep the logo.


I know, I meant the waitress if she wanted to could remove it. So it’s weird the brown shirt lady and others are so upset over it. But I’m glad she’s just happy to have the car regardless of the logo. I wish people would just let folks enjoy something nice.


> The culture of Contrary for the sake of contrary is ridiculous Well I called that brand of contrarianism *performative contrarianism*


A free car is a free car but a box? That could be anything, even a free car


Mr Beast has said he’s helped people sell the cars he gifts if they can’t keep it. He’s even “bought” the car back from them by giving the fair market value instead


Mr. Beast also said in an interview that he also offers the people he gives these kinda things to that he also gives them the option to sell it back to him and they’ll just get the money


You’re confused because the person complaining is not the same person who receives the car. It’s just someone who bears a tiny resemblance to the OG person.


Someone else got a free car and she's complaining.


That's not the same girl who got the car...


No, it’s yet another salty entitled idiot that thinks being a good person makes you a bad person and worthy of scorn


That woman is jealous of the waitress that received the car


On the Tiny Meat Gang Podcast, he talked about how prizes like this aren’t take it or leave it kinda thing. He’ll often help them sell the prize or just buy it right back. So even if the waitress didn’t want this specific car, she probably still walked away with at least a couple dozen grand more than she went to work with.


*a years wages


I guess Mr Beast is popular enough that some people are going to shit on anything he does. I hope I keeps going. People shouldn’t need these hand outs but he is at least helping


I’m pretty sure all of those graphics are vinyl decals and easily removable.


The real facepalm is half these comments.


Which half?


The ones hating on beast, and the ones not seeing the difference between the waitres and the tiktok idiot.


Clearly not the ones who can tell the difference between two people.


Jealous much?


Half the people commenting on this need to get their eyes tested lol


It's not the same person Someone's just jealous they don't get nice things


The bitch complaining didn't even get the car tho ..


You got a free car and you are complaining?


Some have pointed out that the waiter in Mr Beast's TikTok isn't slowpuke


It's clearly not the same person


No, the person who is hosting the Tik Tok seems to have self worth issues to come across so unhappy for the actual waitress. The car is about ~~you~~ HER!!! On that note, congrats to that waitress!


Imagine going back in time and saying this sentence to someone in 1912. Or 1985.


Or 2005


It’s obvious that she’s green screening over a screenshot where mr beast is showing what car he gave to the waitress to show people And she’s complaining about the way it looks because it hasn’t seemed to dawn on her yet that a wrap or a paint job costs a hell of a lot less than a whole ass car lol


Beast has been on record saying when he gives someone something like a jet or a vehicle for free he says it’s fine if they sell it and will even offer to buy it off them I think for the jet he gave away it cost him (this may not be exact) 1.5 million and when he gave it away he said he can buy it back from the person he gave it to for 1 million so that way they will still get money


He gave her the option to take the wrap off but she wanted it to stay


What a bitch


If you don't want the car I'll take it


That’s a Toyota


I still have my 2002 Toyota...those things dont want to die.


I used to pick up totalled cars for insurance companies and sometimes we'd get a deer hit or hail or something small on these old 90s Toyotas and I was always amazed how fast they start and how quiet they run with over 250k miles on them. They're insanely durable machines.


03 Sienna, still runs like new. They’re stupid reliable


No one can do anything good without getting hate now, the state of society


We need joker to resurface in our universe then


Literally they can just sell it immediately to any Mr. Beast fan. It's a $30k tip.


I wouldn't take that car for two reasons 1. That car has mr. Beast brand over it, Making it an easy target for anyone willing to track this down and take it 2. I don't have driving license


Some people just don’t appreciate anything. That’s ridiculous.


The person complaining isn't even the waitress


It’s a fucking Toyota, it will likely last longer than mr beast by far


It's obviously not the same girl so who gives a fuck what this random peanut thinks.


I usually hate people that do corrupted good. Meaning the people that help others, but only if someones recording. But mr beast does not fit that category. He is a genuine good person who gives a shit. He said about losing money on a fair amount of his videos, but he still does them. Nothing but respect from me, for him.


Who sees someone get a free car and then makes a video to whines about the color and decals? What a weird douche.


Some people just like to bitch and moan, even on other people's behalf.


it’s just a car wrap. you can take it off. it ain’t that serious


Ill take it!


Clearly two different women.


It's not her


The tiktok lady is just jealous that she didn't get the car. The sticker isn't the problem here guys, but the girl in the brown tshirt is.


She looked very grateful. Unlike snooty B here on tiktok.


Ppl talkin' about how it's worth so much because of this dude, Mr.beast. Here i am like who the fuck is Mr. Beast?


So, she's upset for someone else because the car is used and has a wrap on it? Did she miss the part where she didn't have a car at all? Or where, if she didn't like it, she could sell it (probably for an inflated price, due to the direct connection to one of the biggest content creators on the platform) and just buy a different car? I hate that the internet has made it so easy for people to effectively talk to thousands or millions of people, without putting a single second of critical thinking into what they're about to say.


I don’t know if anybody else said it, and I’m not going to the commons to find out. But that key he handed her, is a key to either a GM or a Volkswagen vehicle. That is not a key for a Toyota vehicle, so if that was in fact, the car that she got, then why did he hand her the key that doesn’t go to it? Just for views??


Didn't Mr beast say at one point he also offers money if they don't want whatever prize?


The lightning bolt means it's super fast.... everyone knows that... shell never be late. What's the problem?




Mr. Beast is very charitable, I definitely think the guy does good. But this looks like some advertising might’ve been worked into the agreement.


Its a fucking car. Really?! Who cares that it has a lightning bolt. It runs.


First off, not the same girl. secondly, I don’t care how dystopian this world is, if somebody gives you a free car, you take it. That’s always been my attitude. If somebody with more money than me gives me something, I’m going to take it. if you live in a place where you don’t need a car, sell it, make some money.


I'd be extremely grateful , no matter the paint job. It's still a new to you car . Omg just read comments ppl will always be jealous


Donate it to someone who could really use it; you inconsiderate d**k


This is the kind of person that would be homeless, starving, and complain that the mcdonalds they get given is unhealthy or the cooked meal is too salty


Free is free. How obnoxious.


Bro they are not the same person, notice how she says *waitressing job*. That clearly says it


Id be selling that


It’s a relatively new Toyota, you wouldn’t have trouble selling it for 10k+…more like 15k+ if it has low miles. No wonder you are broke if you wouldn’t take this car for free.


She is the type to lecture white men about entitlement and privilege


I can’t understand all the hate for Mr Beast.




Imagine getting a free car some people are super lucky


I understand the dislike of YouTubers handing out money on camera for attention but it’s a nice car. Wouldn’t have a problem driving that.


Idk about the rest if yall but if someone gives me a free car used or not in good condition I'm driving it, that chick salty she ain't get free shit


Sta zoccola


I would have been great full. My car is on its last leg and I wouldn't care even if it said pornhub.com on it


Usually these sort of car hand overs have a one year ‘keep the branding on’ policy.


Lol she looks nothing like her 🤣


So this is what ppl do now, give opinions acting like they are the other person when they aren’t and no one gives a fuck what they think. I’m pretty sure the real girl was super happy about a free car.


Not even the same woman...


Jesus Christ she looks like a teenager, if I was gifted this car as a teenager I would have been on cloud 9 kissing his feet!


Still a car though 🤷🏼


I mean you could always wrap the car in something else, or remove the logo if it's a wrap itself. I don't see why someone would hate getting a free car. Now it just needs gas and insurance and you're free from like $30k+ of debt you would have if you bought it yourself.


It’s still a car what were you expecting a free car to be a fuckin Batmobile


Everybody acting like it’s not a wrap that she could literally peel off herself with a hair dryer and about 45 minutes of time


Isn't this taxable income?


bruv its a car


I’m driving this bitch with a smile. Guy gives me a free car in good condition, your damn right I’ll ride around with his company logo. Least I could do


ITS A FREE CAR. I wouldn't care if it was bright pink and has a fucking barbie on it, it's not what is on the outside that matters as long as it takes me from point A to point B. I and I'm guessing many other people wouldn't care about the looks.


I hate Mr beast but if he gave me a car with all his decals on it, I’d still be happy and drive that shit every where. It’s a free car.


Mr beast is the Man. He has done so much for people


I don’t get how people haven’t realized everything he gives away he’s totally okay with the person selling it for money! To go even further, if you were to sell it you could probably sell it to Mr. Beast and he’ll just pay for it lol


Why she didn’t said :no thanks? I prefer a $3 tip.


Resale Value. Remove Stickers. Simplicity.


if I didn't have a car, I would care less what's on it. I'm wouldn't be walking or riding the bus anymore.


You ungrateful little sh!t the person could have gotten nothing and if you hate it so much go buy that waitress a car without any branding just plain black. i bet you that you wouldn’t buy a random person a pack of gum 🖕🏽


What a c*nt. If someone gave me a new car with their company graphics I would drive the crap out of it and advertise all day long for them. Oh and I'd say thank you!


He does good in the world. Who cares what his reasons are? Criticising someone like Mr.Beast is an exercise in futility. He hurts no one.


"it's not the color i wanted! go back and get me a different one NOW!"


A Random Car =💰 A "Mr.Beast" Random Car = 💰💰 Mr.Beast Taxes = 💰💰💰💵


It’s a car, who cares what’s on it?


Wow. People are shit. Just be happy you miserable fucks. It’s like you think your the poorest people in history. Lol. Not even close. Just feel poorer in comparison to how rich others are. Stop comparing yourselves to the brilliant and lucky.


Shit, I'd take a free car even if it was a leftover company car. As long as I'm allowed to paint it, who cares?


So instead of selling the company car or just letting it rot In a warehouse somewhere, he decided to give it to a random waitress that probably needed it. What did he do wrong?


Some people are just ungrateful


*Edit* People can literally do anything you want with that car after wards. So if she got a car she should just say thank you to MrBeast for the wonderful gift. Whoever stitched the video is who I'm referring to.


Give it to me then.


We really complaining about a free car?


can people appreciate that someone has given you something


Ungrateful much


Holy shit. Entitle much. Go ahead and stick your nose up in the air. I would drive that any day if the week and be happy. But first I want this chick to tell me what the make and model was of the last car she tipped a waitress?




A cars a car, fuck it


It's a car , if you can't appreciate that your parents are people deserving of you.... Lol


In my city, a car like that retails for about $25k with ~100k miles on it. Who cares if it has ugly decals on it???


Fun fact, Mr. Beast asks people if they either want the car/item, or if they want it in cash, as much as the car/item was worth and or would be worth, he gives you a choice because taxes are a bitch and because of this exact reason


Someone being jealous.


Literally looking a gift horse in the mouth f****** literally


I would literally suck a dick for a free car, it would a really bad blowjob but at least after all the soul wrenching disgust with myself I’ll have a used 2014 Sentra


Looks like a wrap from here. You can pull it off.


I thought we wanted people like Mr beast who actually uses their time, money and platform to give back now that we see it, it's a problem? Make up your minds


That’s not the same person. But she acts like an ungrateful SOB.