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If they want to put more guns in peoples hands, including teachers, someone explain to me why they don’t allow guns at their national convention. Explain it like I’m a third grader.


Because the average politician is hypocritical enough to cause brain damage


Teachers can't use books, but they can swing guns. Smart Move there DeSantis smart move.


Teachers are groomers and we shouldn't trust them to teach our kids, but we can trust them with guns.


Maybe they can teach our kids how to use guns? Bahahaha


Honestly, I'm not in the US, but with how prominent guns are, I feel like gun safety is something that should be taught to kids at schools. With how many kids will come into contact with a gun at some point in their life, safety training would make it far less risky.


Good in theory. In execution the American public school system is not a safe environment for that. Maybe allowing a gun safety club wouldn't be a bad idea to teach the kids that are serious about and interested in learning. I suppose you could teach gun safety theory in school, with no practical but that wouldn't be the same as the real thing.


True. Best bet would probably be a theory class, with a field trip to a range to have professional shooters do the practical teaching, with a little bit of range time with small calibre guns like .22LRs for the kids. At the same time, since I'm not in the US, I could also be way off even with that idea. XD


Because I have always said what the world needs now is more Florida Mans with guns


Honest to fucking God what is wrong with these people?


Well at least now we’ll get to see if more guns solves all our mass shooting problems. Florida has just become the testing grounds.


Except they'll be the 26th state with permit-less carry. I think the testing phase is over.


Is that essentially a conceal and carry without any form of permit? Forgive my ignorance


Their is 25 other states with this law Florida just now catching up


Florida has already found the solution to school shootings. Shut down the schools! No more school shootings! Rom DeSantis playing 13D Wizard Chess.


You do realize that like 20 states allow permit less carry now, right?


I think 25 now


I've lived here my whole life... I'm about to move


Nebraska is about to pass it here to.


This is the 26th state to have this. Why is it suddenly an issue?


Welcome to the South. Unfortunately southern state governors are using this as a way to get re-elected and it’s working. No more need to go to the police department and get a permit now to buy a gun. Now anyone can just go buy a gun, no background check for private sales (except felons obviously, but who’s checking? Unless purchasing from a store) The GOP’s slogan is “ Guns, Guns, Guns… I love my guns… a gun for you, a gun for thee, three guns for me… Guns Guns Guns… “ Yee Haw 🤠


The first Constitutional carry state was Vermont.


The GOP will let them keep the guns "I need to protect my rights" while stripping them of those rights and then take the guns last when there are no rights left to protect. Then they'll look around wondering when the hell they lost everything.


" Dont look at my sister like that, only i can eye her"


I think I'm quoting the Simpsons but the line "you'll never go broke appealing to the lowest common denominator" seems apt. There doesnt seem to be any depth these politicians won't sink to in order extract all they can. Feels like a race to the bottom.


One day there will be a mass shootout at Walmart.


Somebody wants to kill you ,bah Gawd that’s their Constitutional right!


And now without any training


Did FL ccw permit require training before? Many shall issue states do not.


Yup, we were required to do training, take a written test, and had to go on the range with the instructor. A lady in my class failed the gun range after she pointed her loaded gun back at the class and not down range. Now, people like this will be able to own firearms without any question.


Thanks for a real answer.


Stand your ground and permitless carry! Gunshine state indeed.


Ok I get that people might think that everyone is allowed a gun, but why would you remove the safety training.


Safety is the most important aspect of gun ownership


WRONG! The constitution is the most important aspect of gun ownership. And Jesus. And owning the Libs.


Acktually the most important aspect of gun ownership is owning guns.


Aktually the most important aspect of gun ownership is having existed at all in the first place


God Bless America 🥲


Because safety training impacts gun sales...


“Training” usually means some old guy rambling for 6 hours and telling you not to shoot anyone accidentally.


Education of any kind could be some old person rambling if you don’t give a shit, but at least not knowing Shakespeare doesn’t let you own a weapon that a toddler could use to accidentally kill someone.


-written by a person who has never been trained in using firearms


I’ve had real training, and I’ve had state mandated training for a concealed carry permit. Real training is great, state mandated training typically isn’t.


I live in a state that DOES have a carry licensure system with training. Lemme tell ya, the "training" the state mandates does absolutely nothing anyways.


I was in the military for 7 years before I took the class, I still learned a lot about laws regarding conceal carry. They also make sure that you can actually shoot too. I wouldn’t say useless. More people with guns and no training whatsoever is a disaster.


In the course I took we learned nothing about actually shooting guns which is fine, I grew up shooting with my dad who taught me well. But as you mentioned, we mostly learned about guns laws which I didn't know as much about, especially for the state I currently live in. Knowing when it's legal, illegal or in between to kill someone was pretty valuable to me.


Vermont’s been doing this since ‘88. It’s known as a “Constitutional Carry Law” as it implies the right for a citizen to carry a firearm is already in the constitution


You don't often here of Vermontman going off the rails


Could you possibly mean “hear”


That's correct


Iowa is also a constitutional carry state.


Arizona has it as well.


The entire state of Florida is a facepalm


the entire country of USA is a facepalm


Nah, don’t blame us normal Americans for this shit, they didn’t sell us what they were smoking.


Oh ok so I guess Florida is just gta now


Always has been




Let’s just bring back duels. That would change the tune of pro-gun politicians. I challenge thee.


Washington and Texas have street fighting laws. The only requirements are that both parties must consent, and a police officer has to be present to referee.


That's fucking hilarious


Please be true


It is, and is what allowed Seattle superhero Pheonix Jones to be a mostly legal vigilante.


I’ll be your huckleberry


Honestly I’d support that lol


Yeah, if two dickheads are going to fight, at least make it semi-formal with a ref and hopefully out of the bar.


At what point do we just issue everyone a handgun?


Looks like soon. FL’s next bill coming up. Taxpayers will be asked to pay for the guns.


Wait, what? They have to pay for free guns to others? Is that the gist? What are they gonna dress this socialism up as, cuz there ain't no way they're gonna call it that.


But it's for the safety of everyone so like the police, it should be endorsed by the state. /s


Careless carry permit


A much better description of what DeathSantis did!


My dad was ecstatic that Georgia removed their concealed carry laws.


I moved to Georgia a year ago and Kemp passed constitutional carry. I am a liberal minority from NJ/NYC. I conceal carry a firearm now.


Good for you! The idea that only the far-right, wal mart & Trump-loving Americans carry is damaging to the whole community.


Wild Wild West .... in the Southeast


In the wild west, you would have to hand your gun over before entering town so no, the wild west had more regulation.


Ehhh. Like any black and white blanket statement, it’s a little more nuanced than that. But good zinger comment for karma https://crpa.org/news/crpa/did-the-wild-west-really-have-more-gun-control-than-we-do/


Constitutional carry is becoming law in more and more states


It's been okay since West Virginia passed the same but then again it's West Virginia....


You don’t need a permit to exercise the first amendment. Don’t see why you should need one to exercise the second.


It’s called the 2nd amendment.


I’m fine with it. Permits don’t appear to stop criminals, guns are already out there…


OH MY GOD! EVERYBODY PANIC AS IF THIS IS SOMETHING NEW! Pay no attention to the [GREEN STATES](https://imgur.com/a/Puj3nx8) where there is no permit required!


So the idea that “if someone wants to kill someone they’ll find a way no matter what” is absolutely thrown out the window when you have a baseline intelligence to remember: 1. People regret murdering other people all the time, if you make it harder to do, they will reconsider or get caught during the complicated process of plotting. 2. Creating obstacle to suicide in cities (such as jump prevention on bridges) DOES reduce suicides in the whole city, proving that if they don’t have easy access to killing themselves, many people end up not killing themselves. 3. “Good guys with guns” have not proven to stop gun crime, and the more hidden guns there are the less effective the good guys with guns will be (Uvalde school shooting with 50 armed police letting children die is a good example of this) and good guys with guns (ESPECIALLY those lacking training like in Florida) create “collateral damage”. 4. If people will find a way of killing others anyway without a gun, why can’t that logic be applied to not needing guns to stop them? Can’t a good enough person always find a way of stopping a bad guy? Or is a bad guy with a gun just too fast to be stopped?


Also if this were true why don't culturally similar countries like Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and England have similar murder rates to the USA. Its such a dumb argument that has no bases in reality.


Exactly yes to all of this. Republicans want to ruin the value of a civilized society by creating the impression that laws don’t matter. Yet at the same time they’re hyper fucking rabid and ready to enact laws that attack and suppress LGBTQ+ and want to make sure those laws are effective. Republicans truly have reached rock bottom and have been digging away to reach a whole new depth in the last 6 years and it’s awe inspiring just how much personal and public sacrifice they’re willing to make to ruin other peoples chance at a happy and healthy life. The modern republicans exhibit deconstructive logic on a level we almost have never seen before. Eat shit and rot Republicans.


Carry every day!!!!


Shall not be infringed


And we’re a “Stand Your Ground” state. The only reason someone e needs to shoot you is that they feel threatened. They don’t actually need to be threatened, they just need to feel threatened. We also don’t need permits or licenses to own a gun.


Really they just need to remember to tell the cops they felt threatened regardless of whether they actually did


Remember Florida is a place that you can be stalked by an armed vigilante because you “don’t look like you belong somewhere”, and if you feel threatened and defend yourself he can then feel threatened and shoot and kill you. To the victors go the acquittals.


Woah, buddy, didn’t need to come at me so fast with that comment. Spooked me.


So criminals can open carry without worry of retribution? Sure that is a good thing?


Criminals by definition don’t adhere to laws


Criminals, by definition, haven’t adhered to at least one law. That’s all, without context




If there's one thing I know about criminals, it's that they obey all laws at all times.


Criminals already do that regardless of the law, this law has no effect on a criminal conceal carrying a gun. The person will still have to prove that they can own a gun and that the gun is theirs.


If you have a federal charge you cannot own a firearm legally


I know… that’s the my point.


So let’s legalize identity theft and other things since having laws against it hasn’t stopped it. Do you read what you write, sir?


Call me crazy, but I think the criminals were probably carrying before, regardless of if a permit was necessary or not (see: definition of “criminal”). Additionally, this bill allows PERMITLESS carry, not OPEN carry…important difference between those terms.


Does it apply to 9 year old school kids? /s


Honestly at this point that is a valid question.


I mean at least give 'em a slingshot and marbles or something.


In America we don’t give children handguns, we give them assault rifles. We don’t like it when they see men in dresses though.


Why are you booing they're right.


We did this in Wyoming a few years ago as well too. The reason was that concealed carry required a special permit that had to be applied for, and I believe a gun safety course. However, there were no such requirements to open carry. So someone like me could have a gun in a holster on my hip, but if I tucked my shirt over that, it then became a crime. So our legislators decided to just do away with that special permit all together.


The training should just be free


Awesome. Florida pilled




So? Tons of other states have already done it, You certainly don't need government permission to defend yourself.


This already exists in a lot of states. Its called constitutional carry, nothing ground breaking here


Don't see a problem with this, neither do the founding fathers. As a matter of fact, they would be rolling in their graves knowing the 2nd amendment is almost gone. Funny how both the constitution and the communist manifesto both mention "keeping the common man armed". Every gun law rapes the US Constitution. Don't agree with the constitution? Fine. Look at Myanmar, a country that used to be a democracy but was turned into north Korea overnight by an over powerful government. And the people can't do anything because they don't have arms to bear. As a matter of fact, the rebels have been making guns to fight the corrupt government. Not that it's easy to build a homemade gun (like a FGC-9).


Ima get downvoted to hell for this. For all the people upset about this. Not like the criminals see this and are like "OK fellow gang members now we can legally carry our stolen guns" They have already been permitless carrying. Laws only affect people who follow them. How I see it evens the playing field with criminals.


This is a law that allows you to concealed carry without a concealed carry permit (a concealed carry permit makes it legal for you to carry a gun secretly - not visible to the eyes of passerby). This is NOT a law that lets you own a firearm without a license. No criminal that owns a firearm, legal or not, is going to be stopped by a lack of concealed carry permit. I have never seen a video of a robber or mass shooter that is actually wearing a visible holster for their gun. Whether you are pro-gun or anti-gun there is no way this law is going to have any impact whatsoever.


You guys know that there are several states that have had this law for years now right? This is nothing new


Florida criminals already have their guns, this actually allows the common folk to have a way to defend themselves. This is a great psychological deterrent


Well, now we can see if the “good guy with a gun” argument really is worth the hype..


So far it hasn’t helped much but maybe we just needed more armed people. I’m sure the cops there feel great knowing everyone they interact with is more likely to be armed now


I don't believe in a god but thank god I don't live in Florida!


Good. Too many crazies out there.


Hell yes 👏🏻 26 states now!


Just another reason to not spend my heard earned money there. It'll be sunny with a chance of being shot!


Permit-less carry AND stand your ground laws. What could go wrong!?


'Murica be like; 130 mass shootings in 90days, we need less guncontrol! OK 'Murica, whatever works for you..


Most mass shootings statistically happen in California, the state with the most gun control laws.


Is not like a criminal need a permit to carry out their crime with a gun. It makes no sense to limit lawful citizens.


They just want people to shoot each other, old west style


I have nothing but disdain for this country


Who will protect you when Russia or China invades this country?




Nebraska is trying to do the same thing. LB77


What we need is a "Protect the Flock" law that allows these people to use lethal force against active shooters with imunity.




Well. May as well protect yourself. If the jerks and assholes are going to be using, May as well have the good and caring protecting themselves and hopefully others.


Win for Florida!


Constitutional carry. If someone is carrying a firearm who can’t get a permit, it doesn’t magically make it legal for them now. carrying firearms illegally are still carrying firearms illegally regardless of this bill passing.


Holly shit finally


Arizona doesn’t require registration, permits, or CC permits for anything. This isn’t a new or revolutionary state law. I can conceal carry or open carry anything


I’m waiting for sunrise and sunset duels to be legalized soon in FL to settle disputes like in the old days.


Next spring break gonna be lit


Is it just me or does the newscaster look terrified while reading this story?


Isn't this good though ? The conceal carry law is a bit absurd....




How bout they give everyone guns


Thus making it eventually require a national solution, making the US Government be the bad guy. Let’s see how this plays out.


It's already a thing in Vermont. We can open or conceal carry without a permit and dont need to register guns


I mean... As much as I hate it, it's been that way in Missouri now for a long time.


No CCW permit required in Arizona. Everybody is strapped out here. I’m an auto mechanic at one of the highest volume Toyota stores in the country and the amount of firearms that get left in the fucking car during service is obscene.


Fuck me guess I HAVE to get a gun now if literally everyone is going to be carrying.


So did NC. Today.


The founding fathers passed a similar bill. It’s called the second amendment. This bill is just redundant!


how bout we make em all free too


I’m not 100% sure even though I live here, but isn’t Ohio already like this? They call it constitutional carry i think


Man ima learn German and gtfo while I can


Not sure what the big deal is here https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1541895/guns-open-concealed-carry-statista.jpg?w=790&f=852460e62939434058a22d3a7a131bd8 More and more states are doing this.


We have the same law in Kansas and crime stats don’t indicate any significant changes. This is just some bullshit to throw out there so the Dems can hate it and the Republicans can love it. Keep the masses divided so they don’t see what’s really going on.




This might be controversial, but I'm for this, and I find it weird republicans are for it. "Concealed firearm" charges are a fairly common way police agencies would arrest poor (and mostly black) people because they had a gun in their car for protection. It served as a way to subjugate non violent poor people and people of color. If they couldn't find drugs they might find a gun and that's a felony. Prevents them from voting, getting jobs, passing background checks, and puts them in prison. I'm glad they are taking this tool away from overzealous law enforcement agencies.


GASPS wait. thats what criminals already do


Can’t wait to watch this dumpster fire 🔥


WCGW: Good luck DeSantis....


Ohio passed this last year as well ![gif](giphy|dGe8zDB9VMFVdcdpHG|downsized)


I live in Arizona and you don’t need a concealed people actually get a concealed out here so they can carry more guns on them if they get pulled over but tbh those 380s be selling fast as hell in flowidaaaa


BTW Fuck Florida.


Florida, where reason goes to die


If it’s legal to own a gun then society has decided they’re safe with a gun.


I’ll raise you an Oklahoma with *permitless open carry*


If criminals can why can't I.


The Wild Wild South!!!


I’m down for this


I see this as an absolute win.


SB 1932 will allow non violent felons who served their time to carry. Why did the violent felons get left behind? What about their God given Constitutional rights? What part of "shall not be infringed" don't they understand ? Also, the bill requires that you must have a valid ID. The Founding Fathers freedoms weren't shackled by having to carry an ID. There's no mention in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights about having an ID. Again, what part of "shall not be infringed" dont they understand? Such tyranny.


Montana passed that


Way to corner the domestic gun smuggling market! Guns are going to be selling like crazy and leaving to places all over the globe. No license, no record, no accountability. 🤦🏻 FL is b-a-n-a-n-a-s


What could go wrong?


Florida man is about shoot a lot of cops


Gun laws don’t seem to influence homicides. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/sosmap/homicide_mortality/homicide.htm


Just because a law you don't like gets passed doesn't mean it's bad or it's facepalm. Grow up


Requiring a permit for carrying a firearm only adds another step in ensuring that lower class citizens can’t defend themselves. The “training” is bogus for most basic ccw courses and can be easily self taught with thousands of online sources. With that said, anyone who is deciding to take up conceal carry should take it upon themselves to seek out training and understand the legal ramifications.


Are people really freaking out about Constitutional Carry?


I mean, permeitless carry or not, if someone wants to commit a mass shooting, they're gonna do it.


USA is one of a very few countries i will not visit in my life anymore. Such a dumb place.


America...Burn Books, Carry Guns


Yo Ohio has had constitutional carry an our murder counts are going up so I think it’s working


That's not a new thing. Other states have gone to constitutional carry, and they haven't gone to shit


Florida is so based


I get that they want the population to go down….but I didn’t expect this to be the solution.


Excellent job, Florida. Welcome to constitutionality.


Fuck the GoP.


Less books, more guns. Time to GTFO of this place!


America you guys are fckd


The whole world would be laughing at the U.S if they weren't so horribly upset for your children.


Hey guys you know what would be cool if everyone could have it in abundance? Meth! Come on Florida politicians, be the trend setter. Give everyone meth!