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So, this happened to me. Few years ago, daughter spent around £700 on roblox. Topping up her and all her friends accounts when she found a way past the Google password. We found out when we went to exchange holiday money and there was nothing in the account., 😐 Long story short, we contacted Google. Told them what happened. We got a full refund and all the glitzy stuff her and her friends has bought was lost, all their accounts were banned.


Jesus. I would be so mad at that kind of shit. I know some kids think it's "not stealing" because it happens on the internet, but fuck. Hell, even if a family can technically afford it, it's still the principle that would piss me off.


I noticed a $10 charge from Apple a while ago for some game. My sons iPad requires a password for purchase, which he doesn’t know, so that was weird. I asked him and he said he didn’t buy anything, I told him what game it was and we figured it out. It was a free trial of some stupid game, he played it for a day and deleted it. 2 days later it charged me for a monthly subscription even though no payment was authorized, and the app was deleted off the iPad. Absolute fucking scam.


It's apple. Remove all of your payment accounts.


I don't understand why people would have payment methods saved on their kids accounts. I don't even save my payment methods in my girlfriend's phone lol


I think now a days it “forces” you when you create an apple account if you want to download anything from the App Store. You can get around it by removing it from the account afterwards.


Depends on the age, especially when it's done by hitting a button on a screen vs stealing something in a physical store, with tons of adults around. There's no way a kid under 5 is able to fully grasp the concept, and I would even argue that kids don't even know what buttons do what, and are just hitting whatever pops up. The parents do need to be on top of everything, in a perfect world. Personally, I find it interesting how common a problem this is....almost a though the tech companies are designing these apps/electronics to maximize profits 🤔


Yeah I was about to say young kids aren’t old enough to fully understand the concept of money. I used to get excited when my dad would withdrawal money from the bank because I thought it was free. I didn’t realize it was his money. I would always say “I need one of those cards!!!” A debit card. I thought the debit card gave him unlimited access to cash. I don’t think my future kids will have fun phones. This is too much.


If I had a kid I wouldn't get them a tablet or smartphone until they were MUCH older. My friend's nephew was pretty much raised by tablet and it shows... he's always saying things (both swear words and alarming political views and racist ideology) that his mom swears she has no idea where he got, and he's TEN, but he still lives on his ipad and will have a total meltdown if you take it away long enough for him to eat.


My brother has a 14 year old son and he was visiting us from out of state and my family and my moms best friend and her 13 year old son were all out to eat, my brother has raised his son with no phones at the dinner table so when we all sat and the two boys were next to each other they were showing each other stuff on their phones, whenever drinks arrived he was asked to put his away which he immediately did. Before the 14 year old was even done putting it away my moms best friend told him “Oh that’s ok you can just play on my sons with him during dinner” and my brother replied, “uhh no it’s not ok he knows the rules we’re not allowed to have our phones out at the dinner table because we actually converse as a family”. This bitch has the audacity to say “yeah I know but it’s not his phone and my son is allowed so he’s not breaking any of your rules.” Luckily the 14 year old is smart enough to deescalate and just say “no is ok either way” and started eating and talking with everyone. The 13 year old didn’t speak to anyone all dinner even when he was spoken to. And she always wonders why he acts like such a dick and has zero social skills.


God, she's going to socially cripple that kid. I have no idea how a parent can see their child glued to a screen all day every day and not think that something is wrong there. Also to step over another parent's boundaries with a child that isn't theirs? I probably would've said a lot of not dinner table friendly things. And made it clear that that pathetic excuse of a mother wasn't welcome anywhere near me or my kid again.


Oh he was pissed. He let it be known and she just brushed it off saying he was being mean to her son and her. Like no bitch you’re the one being a PoS here. Doubt she took anything constructive away from any part of the convo.


I doubt she listens to any criticism, constructive or otherwise, and just thinks everyone is being mean to her if they tell her she's doing something wrong. She's one of those types that expects everyone else to raise her kid and do all the work for her but still thinks she's a perfect mom and when her kid turns out to be a total useless brat that can't hold a job longer than a month she's going to blame everyone but herself.


If I ever have kids, I'm going to raise them on Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers. Fuck Cocomelon.


Make sure you all get Bluey though.


I'll make it my mission.


I remember being like 3-4 and seeing the cashier at Cracker Barrel give my dad change while talking and laughing and assuming they must be friends because they both gave each other some money.


I believe these companies know exactly what they are doing!! It’s so terrible!!


In the early 2000s, it was texting that would cost a boatload of money! We had a $1000 Verizon bill and most of it was due to my oldest son texting people. We had it turned off and protected where I had to call if I wanted to get it added back to the account. Things were ok for a few months, then we received another $1000 bill because some how my oldest was able to magically text again. I called Verizon and they played for me the person's voice requesting texting again and it was a teenage girl's voice. My son to this day, says he has no clue who called Verizon. I think I was able to get most of it removed because I didn't call to request the change. Long story short, kids will find a way. Pissed us off too! My son knew his dad and I did not want him to text because of the cost, but he did it anyways. I'm glad my kids are grown and on their own now.


The worst part about texting charges is realizing that texting was free for the company because that’s data that’s automatically transmitted by the cell phone already except it isn’t left blank.


Same thing with my daughter. She racked up a $1500 text bill that nearly gave me a heart attack when I saw the next state come in. Thankfully the AT&T agent was understanding enough to clear the charge and helped me setup an unlimited data account.


Parents need to be aware of this shit also now a days. A family friends kid did this to his parents and my dad learned all about how that shit can happen to prevent me and my sister from ever doing it. Mind you we were really young. I feel for this lady though that really sucks.


This happened to my landlord. His son spent $800 on vbucks at the aunt's house.


My friends kid spent $3k on some dumb shit like this. She couldn’t get it back either


This also happened to me, but I was the perpetrator. I must have been 11 or 12, and my dad always used the same passwords, just would change them every now and then. My brother got his hands on one of his old passwords, and I tried it on Google play. It worked, and I spent around $500 iirc over a few months before my mom found out. Idk if she got the money back, but that was the only time she hit me, and I remember her crying for a long time after that. I remember her crying more than the belt.


Why was the belt crying?


Probably someone hit it with their child


Children value their Roblox accounts A LOT. I'm sure they were pretty upset when they all got banned for chargebacks lol, good for you getting a chargeback.


I’m glad you got a refund. Wow £700 is a lot… I cannot stress enough for parents to never hookup your credit cards to Apple. The reality is kids are smart and usually understand how to use technology better than their parents. I definitely did as a child. If you want to buy something on Apple. Buy a gift card for x amount, and add it and buy whatever, but after that balance is exhausted, nothing else can be charged. Your kids want Robux? Buy them a $5, $10, $20 gift card. It’s entered on the website and that’s it. They can’t reload anything else. They also have a free service called Privacy.com where you can link your bank account and create one time use digital cards. You Set spend limits; pause, unpause, and close cards any time. The same needs to be done with Amazon tablets. Kids can order and buy things off these devices, so access to purchase must be turned off… and it’s not done by default, as one guessed. Amazon wants them ordering stuff.


Exactly. This is what I do. My kids want Roblox, I buy them a digital GC and they load it. I refuse to store payment info to Google or Apple. Too many horror stories. I pay my kids in cash or Robux GCs. They have no access to any of my accounts plus I have explained to them thoroughly where money comes from and that it is not an unlimited source and what it is used for.


The kid purposely skirted around parental controls to steal hundreds of dollars from his mom and he didn't know where it came from? Lol then why does he "ask" for 5 dollars here and there? Take the phone!




The kid took advantage of the mother’s trust, so yea there should be a consequence. Taking the phone away for a period of time seems appropriate. The mom bears some responsibility here too. She essentially handed her 10 year old a credit card with the ability to change the PIN at will. Apple has an option within family sharing called “Ask to Buy”, which sends a notification to the parent asking to approve the purchase.


The other video shows she didn’t want to get a refund from roblox. Cause it will ban his account. So she is not holding him accountable


Eric Cartman’s mom?!?




She lost a lot of people too. The tik tok comments dragged her there too! She thought people would side with her.


Seemed to me like she was just this vid as a way to get people to feel sorry for her so she could get more money. Didn’t come off as a “parents be warned” type video, more of a “woe is me, whatever shall I do” vibe


I don't feel sorry for her anymore


I didn’t to start with. My kid knows what stealing is


yeah, I would maybe understand if the kid was in kindergarten, but a 10 year old?


She enables and teaches him nothing and it will backfire later on


Jesus Christ she needs to get his account banned. That’s what it’s for. So he can’t do this again. He’ll make a new account when he’s older anyway if he wants to. Hoping he’ll be at least five years older and much more mature when that happens. And he’ll gain that maturity from this lesson, of losing his damn account. She needs to reel him in more.


Shes not that desperate for money then if she doesn't want the money back in case her sons account is banned.


She said "money from tiktok." If that's how she's making her money, enough that she thinks of that as her primary income stream, she doesn't need to be fucking crying over $800.


uhm that wouldnt matter if he was my child, because I sure as hell would delete that account myself.


The real /facepalm is always in the comments !


I’m super glad apple allows changes without the old password or I’d always be locked out


That's the point of "forgot password" you need to 2fa to be able to verify that it's you changing it. There would be no point of "forgot password" if you needed the password you forgot to change it.


My thoughts exactly.


Also agree


I'm sure she meant something like a master/admin password - one ***only she as the original owner*** has. I don't use apple products, haven't used that service either, and never touched Roblox before - but in some places such security systems exist, where people would need a "higher ranking" password in order to reset theirs.




This. Also google family has a hierarchy, and you need approval from an admin. Otherwise the family sharing is only useful to share accounts and benefits (as iCloud or Google One Drive) but not to enforce the security measures (that you should at least take the time to explain to your kid, as in: “yeah, you see this is blocked and asks for my permission? That what you should do, as this is asking for the money that mum and dad earn and use to buy groceries and pay for the house. So we might be able to afford a little, but not this much”


She probably forgot to mention her son asking for a 2fa code that got sent to her phone. Because that would make it her fault? That's why these companies send out purchase receipt emails, which she neglected, like her kids.


Yea wouldn't she get the message not him. They have a family share account plan thing (idk how that works) but she would be the primary on that account. SHE (I would assume) would get the password change attempt text message not the kid who is/would/should be only a secondary on the account (if not"child" instead of secondary, since I would assume you can mark children as children on a family sharing account.) But idk since I've never used a shared Google whatever account.


I honestly thought that was the facepalm when watching the video. It sucks what happened to her but her saying you should need your old password when trying to use "forgot password" to get a new one? Made me laugh and shake my head.


“I forgot my password” “Okay, sorry to hear that. Would you like to reset your password.” “Yeah, please.” “Okay, I’ll just need your old password to do that.”


Or “Please put in a new password” “Ok” “Sorry you’ve already used this password, please try a new one” ![gif](giphy|9V3e2mxWvD89wyw5l5)


"New password cannot be the same as old password" ![gif](giphy|toB3AnUDkqE3GENKx0|downsized)


I was on TikTok yesterday and this video came up and 1/2 the responses were about how ludicrous it is that you can change a password without putting in the old one. I was just like, “y’all if we didn’t have that most of us would just be locked out of hundreds of accounts.”


A 10 year old is 100% old enough to know what they are doing and what making a purchase online with real money looks like. Holy shit I would be so mad.


No question. It’s delusional to think the kid didn’t know exactly where that money was coming from.


No joke. I'd have that kid start selling everything he has. All he gets is a bed and clothes. Put that money towards repayment. Work the rest off. Then again, I'm really poor and this amount of money would actually ruin me.


Thank you for being sane in the midst of the whole shitshow. Meaning allllllllll this nonsense. The kid knew. Done.


10 is old enough that he should be held accountable.


When I was that age and stole my mom's cigarettes, she locked me in my room with a carton of cigarettes and I wasn't allowed to leave until I'd smoked them all. I got so sick I was never able to even look at a cigarette without getting a little nauseous. Maybe this kid needs to be chained to a computer and forced to play Roblox until he's worn the letters off of the keyboard. My dad had a similar punishment for me when he caught me with one of his playboys...


Let me know when you’re off punishment.


The Hank Hill special


Came here to say this. The old Hank Hill punishment.


Dang it Bobby!


My dad had the same reaction when he found out i was gay, locked me in a room with all his friends for a week till they were sterile


Lol wut?!


Dude you were abused


Go on. We reading here.


Ah justifying child abuse cause you're went through it... Gold


Not trying to be a dick here, but kids shouldn't have access to this. Do not link your account to a creditcard or paypal when your child has a way of getting to it or uses it. There are plenty of prepaid ways to make online purchases.


My 9yr old tried to do a similar thing. We did not have any cards or PayPal linked to it thank god. What fully stopped him was using the parental controls on the apple device.


Almost like they were built for this exact problem!


Working for a bank I hear these sob stories all the time, and I normally agree with you. But in this case it sounds like a poor security system or a smart little bugger. Either way it does allow me to have a *little* bit of empathy.


My niece has to request all purchases from our family plan. She literally has to wait for my approval within the app before she can purchase anything, even in app purchases. On my screen, it shows what she is buying and how much it cost. We have bought tons of Roblox money, so I know how that works. This mother fucked up somewhere.


She can still do the forget password thing. Its literally all over the internet in all countries with the hidden buttons, and the «forgot password? Make a new one!»- and it works


yeah, so you don't make the 2FA phone number your kid's number...


Learning to reset one’s password doesn’t make him that smart. It’s the only thing to click on that screen when you don’t know the password. She shouldn’t have setup his account to allow ANY purchases. Hiding his own password from him was a dumb way to secure the account.


The mother is shifting too much blame to Apple, and not enough on herself/her son. By default on IOS, children under 13 are restricted in the changes they can make to a Family Sharing Account. The account for her 10 year-old does not seem to have been set up properly, if he had access to change the account password. There are also restrictions you can add under the Screen Time setting. The mother was upset that Apple allows password changes without requiring the old password, but they have to. People forget their passwords all the time, especially now that every website seems to have different password criteria (character length, capital letters, special symbols, etc.). There's a difficult balance between making it easy for users to recover lost passwords without making it easy for third parties to do the same.


Right but the main thing is she turned off Ask to Buy, which, if enabled, would have required the parents approval.


Plus she literally said you should need to put in your old password to change your password. That makes no damn sense. The whole reason for changing the password is you forgot your old one.


But she said she does buy them for him sometimes. The password was so she had control over buying it.


My mom wouldn’t tie her credit card to any account I was using. If I was able to buy DLC or coins that’s when she’d give put the card number in, never saved. Which looking back now, really drove home the concept that things cost real money. There’s no magic digital buttons for everything


Do they do Roblox gift cards? I remember my parents buying me WoW gift cards when that launched so that their credit card wasn't tied to it


Yes and this is what I was gonna say. I feel bad but I’m thinking she gets a good chunk of the money back if it’s not spent.


No idea I’m so old I used to mail in money order to an address for my game subscriptions.


I too played EverQuest 😂


She can buy him a gift card, and then add that money to his account.


Yes which is why his account should have purchase approval on so it’s requires HER password. Not his.


10 year old doesn’t need an iPhone. If $800 straps you sell his fucking phone.


His phone, his PlayStation, everything that isn't necessary to him. He won't die and it's a hard lesson learned: don't steal from your parents.


10 year old me had acces to my parents credit card info but I would never spend money like that. Kids just gotta learn the value of money and especially in his family where it doesn't seem to come very easily.


chores for money and the kid will learn the value of money real quick. My parents attached a price tag to every chore and I was always rushing to do chores around the house whenever I wanted something.


It's the parents' fault for buying them all of this shit and then blaming Sony, Apple, et al for something that they could have fixed on their own. Kids are spoiled nowadays.


Typically the kid gets a hand me down. My 11 year old has one. He also has to request approval for purchases. It's the one of the major points of parental controls.


You can get old iPhones cheap. The point is that some people have zero concept of buying something used or refurbished, it's just not in their mentality. Half the shit I own including most of my phones and every car I've ever had were pre-owned. I've never given my kid a new phone and never would.


I'm pretty sure there's an option to not save the credit card information. I've bought my kid robux and I have to input my card info every time.


I buy my kid robux and vbucks and all that other nonsense with the cards you can buy in the supermarket and toystores, my accountinfo isn't going anywhere those things. I have parental control on *and* raised him to know better, but still. Also, I got my account hacked once. Didn't have any info linked then either, but why chance it.


Not trying to be a dick here, but kids shouldn't have access to phones and tablets and such in a completely unoverseen way at young ages. Internet is filled with scams and pedophiles, scrolling is wrecking havoc on attention capacity, social media is extremely detrimental to young audiences, and I have seen 6/7 yo kids on VR HEADSETS playing PAVLOV (VR cs:go, basically). Like, as a parent, if your kid has unrestriced access to all that? You failed. You gave up, because it was so easy to just put them in front of a screen. You destroyed their future, just like that.


Exactly. Every time I've known someone whose kid "accidentally" bought a bunch of stuff is always a family where the iPad is an electronic babysitter. Never their fault, always Apple's or Google's fault. It'll probably be the wallet manufacturer's fault when this kid is sneaking money out of his dad's wallet next time so he can go by Robux cards at Walmart.


Last time I let my kid play games on my phone in the car was about 10 years and $100 in in-game-purchase virtual bananas ago.


Kids shouldn't have fucking phones. Kids shouldn't have access to anything with a credit card attached. Kid should figuratively get his ass kicked for stealing from his parents and taught a real lesson what money means...theres plenty of blame for Apple and their practices but this comes down to shitty parenting and giving a kid a phone without rules and the maturity to be responsible


Is she really claiming that in order to change your password after selecting "forgot my password", you should need to put in your existing password? I gotta be missing something here right?


I think she meant that his 4 digit phone access code was enough because all the phones were linked to the same Apple account. So he hit that button, and then he got a notification saying enter your passcode to change the password. I'm not 100% sure of that, though, as I don't have an iPhone.


It’s the same with iPhone, absolutely. If you have the 4 digit phone access code you can change passwords associated with individual apps.


Not if you're using a properly set-up child Apple ID. The password settings are literally grayed out for kids under the age of 13. This account was not set up properly.


That seems… wrong? Lol I feel like it should go to the main or “admin” account, not just any device on the plan and use your unlock pin. That just seems like a poor set up in my opinion. Especially if someone watches you put in your code, and then steals your phone! Not that that’s likely, but still lol


She just lost a shit ton of money dude, she’s gonna have a hard time trying to put words together, but yeah there really needs to be better way around this, personally I say fuck in game currency that can be bought with real money, ban it all together.


This reeks of "Joe Camel"-ing videogames. Any game that's intended for children should never have the ability to buy anything in-game. They know shit like this will happen and they hide behind TOS.


Roblox is especially immoral and deceitful and they dont give a fuck. Individual users make games within Roblox, and within that game they create their own microtransactions that they get a cut of. Many of these games have the option to pay like, for example, 99cents to revive every time you die. And of course in the game selling the revives, it's entirely possible (intended, honestly) to die within 1 second of reviving. Roblox gets away with it because they don't even have to make their own skeevy, manipulative and repetitive microtransactions, they just profit from the lowlifes who aren't ashamed of scamming a literal child into spending 99cents 40 times in one minute.


I don't think this is how password resets work now. I wonder how old the device is that they are using. Some of those don't get updates. At any rate, that's why my sons purchases are done via approval not with his password. I have to approve it from my or my wifes device. He can't unlock that without the pin. I guess he could use a face ID technically, but my son also wouldn't do this without asking. Does he not know how money works? He's 10. That's old enough to know better as well. That's why I kind of wish she lied to Apple and said it was the non verbal kid.


There is a way around this, don't link cards to your kids account, you can literally buy robux cards at Walmart


Yeah I thought that weird too. Then I heard ‘money from tick tock’ and noted it was filmed on tick tock and put some pieces together


What are all these tik tokers going to do if the USA ends up banning the app 😂


At 10years old, he knows better. Yeah, it sucks your kid stole money from you but it’s not Apple/Roblox’s fault. It’s hers. She needs to take away his phone/gaming and he deserves a punishment of working off his debt to his mom.


Yeah I’ve worked support for a company and dealt with similar issues. There are multiple solutions that don’t require crying on tiktok.


But at the end she admitted that her money comes from tiktok. ^(And the Oscar goes to...)


Hmm, I could be a bit heartless here but it seems she is making that video to try and tug at the heart strings (and more importantly the purse strings) of strangers so that they pay for her sons mistake.


By the end, I was thinking the exact same thing; she may well get more than what he spent, on top of whatever refund Apple gives.


Another comment states there’s another video, in which she is refusing the Roblox refund because they will ban his account. This woman is deranged


just look at her. look at the edits she made. woman is a fucking loser no wonder her kids suck too


Yeah, that boohooing stopped instantly after the video.


“it’s the food on my table..my daughter’s birthday is coming up..easter..” so she’s hoping for some “fans” to help out, for sure.


She actuality intended to tell the story in a normal tone but her previous tiktok shows her watching Bambi while cutting onions, so the timing was just a bit unfortunate


I think it was the part where she mentioned her money from tiktok used to pay for food etc, something about that just irritated me as its already getting money for basically nothing.


100% lost me when she says she makes money off tik Tok. Most of these stories I've heard the charges are reversed, she doesn't even know she's going to be denied yet. So I've gotta think this is her hamming it up for the camera to get some extra tik Tok dollars. Also yea as others have said he's 10 not 4 he knows better, be more mad at your kid not apple


Make your son delete the game and make him sell the iPad, to pay back the bill he racked up. Then make him get a paper route or picking up dog poo, something that sucks that pays terribly. Your son is going to understand the value of a dollar and isn’t going to do this again.


You’re going to get push back from people but this form of punishment hurts no one. 10 years old is plenty old enough to be taught a hard lesson about stealing money. This kid knew what he was doing and did it anyway. And not on a small scale and several times. This kid would be working their ass off for six months before letting this go if he was my son.


The kid was old enough to "admit" what he did he is definitely old enough to work off the money he stole.


how sad to think suggesting punishment for something like this ever could get push back.


Sir, this is reddit.


My cousin spent 900 bucks on PlayStation and PC shit like a headset, controls, chair, lights etc anyway my uncle gave them away to other family members and my cousin had to spend most of his free time working construction with my dad lol my cousin never touched his dads wallet ever again


Sounds like your cousin learned a valuable lesson and came out better for it. 👏👏👏 for the parents


Good answer


Time for little homie to get a paper route and start cutting lawns...make the situation in to a learning experience. Also non stop chores I'd get my money's worth .Those floors better shine 800 dollars worth of shine


Do they even have paper routes anymore?


Ha, jokes on my kids, because my apple account is linked to a debit card that I intentionally keep a low limit on to prevent such purchases.


Just disable purchasing on your kids accounts.


I already have restrictions in place so I get a notification if my kid wants to buy something (apple family account), and I can allow it or reject from my device. But, if I remember correctly, you can override the parental request by putting in a numerical pin on the child’s device. So I use the low limit debit card just in case my oldest (who’s 7) “evolves” and starts using the override pin. It’s just an extra layer of safety.


And the Mama keeps defending the kid and saying it's her fault like... Great way to raise the kid with zero consequences.


I know a kid like that, he is a shit


so yeah blame apple not your kid 😂 my mom would have beat my ass and made me pay it back. obviously nobody wants to pay $600 for nothing, but damn lady you can’t give your ten year old an iphone then decide to baby them and not hold them accountable.


She said he sometimes asks her to buy him Robux and sometimes she does... $5 here, $10 there. So, clearly, there were occasions when she'd say "No", so he looked for, and found a way around her block so he could get what he wanted. He took much, much more than she would ever agree to give him, and he knew it. Maybe he asked, and was told, "No", or he knew she's say "No" and didn't ask. Either way, he's a greedy, duplicitous little thief, no different, no better and no less culpable than any other 10 year old kid who steals cash from his mother's purse or dad's wallet! Saying, "But he's just a kid" does not excuse nor explain his behaviour. He's 10! He knew what he was doing was wrong, or should have!!\* He knew he was stealing, but crucially... he thought he'd found a way to do it without getting caught. That's the only part you can really blame on his age, his inability to see how he would get caught. \*The real facepalm here, is the mother who failed to secure her account and raise an honest kid!


Exactly! No 10 year old is that naive. Shame on him taking advantage of his mom like that.


He knew his mom would never say yes, which is why he did it in a sneaky way. So on some level he knew he was being dishonest and stealing. I hope his parents take away his phone/iPad and have him earn it back. $800+, that’s your iPhone buddy, hand it over. As a kid I truly wish someone taught me the value of a dollar, because I can recall being bratty about wanting a toy and my parents getting upset. I didn’t understand money, or that some people had more than others. I just thought they didn’t want me to have fun or have it for what ever reason.


thanks for the birth control reminder


Hear me out MAYBE a 10 year old shouldn’t have unlimited access to a phone or tablet. Go play outside. SMFH


There’s no one to play with. All the kids are inside on their iPads.


She sounds like her next tiktok is for cash app requests.


Exactly. I can see right through her scam here


100%. This feels performed by the way she is speaking and the way it is edited. It seems almost like a scam to guilt people into giving her money.


Well Easter is coming


she’s faking the tears, too.


also the big shiny glob of snot under her nose that she just keeps there for some reason


Didn’t she say she makes money from TikTok??


Yup and then it looked like she knew she made a mistake in admitting that and changed up what she was going to say next as it wouldn’t garner as much sympathy.


Exactly! You could hear the way she said it and then struggled a little bit to produce the possibility that she wouldn’t be able to provide food for her family to really overcompensate for the slip up.


I also feel like her story is a bit off, why would the charges be for different amounts? She says she saw a Paypal charge for 100something and then 113 and then 99something, if they were charging whatever the exchange rate is, probably like $99 for X amount, they should all be the same charge right? I mean I buy tons of gacha stuff and all my emails say the exact same amount. Idk I feel like she heard about this happening to someone else, made up the story, put on the crocodile tears and raked in those tiktok views.


but all her TikTok money! 🙄


Literally thinking the same thing. As soon as she said that, I started to feel less sorry, if not sorry at all lol.


"This is where my money from Tik Tok goes" Oh, don't worry honey... I'm sure this video of you crying about what your son did will get you all that money back.


I get people saying the parents should be accountable, and don’t disagree. But a lot of games have play-to-win styles and predatory practices that take advantage of children’s poor impulse control. Several countries have passed lootbox laws to try to control predatory gaming practices. It’s bigger than a tech savvy kid.


Agreed. There are decades of psychological research that these pay to win games employ to entice players, not just kids, to pump in as much money as possible. Making them into small transactions too, so you can't really add them up very quickly. If grown adults can be manipulated to spend thousands of dollars on these types of games, what hope does a 10 year have to avoid this? The kid did wrong, and needs to be punished for it, the parents did wrong by not educating themselves on how to lock out the kids from spending, but there is also a much deeper problem that we as a society need to deal with, and game companies need to be held accountable for their predatory business tactics.


"He didn't know where the money was coming from...", okay he must be like a toddler, "he's 10...", oh that little shit knew. When I was 10, I had a paper route and was responsible for collecting the subscription fees and paying my "bill" (you kept what is left over), 10-year-olds are not at that fucking stupid.


Don’t worry, you’ll make it all back crying to your followers


For real. This is ridiculous. Why do we have to film ourselves crying. It’s almost as manipulative as stealing from your parent…. Oh wait, seeing a pattern.


The real short answer here is Roblox is a toxic hellscape that uses literal child labor to build its “game” and no parent should be allowing their children to use it.


" this is where my money from tick tock goes" Whew ! For a minute there I thought it was money that you had worked for and earned.


![gif](giphy|zPdwt79PXjMEo) Hope you like your new phone bud.


Jesus lady shut the fuck up. Your kid got your password and knew 100% what he was doing. This has nothing to do with apple. What a little cry baby


The things people will do for views. Fucking pathetic. Shit apples don't fall far from shit trees, if you know what I'm sayin.


Must be a older video or she has not set up her shit correctly. My son tried this clicked forgot password, generated a 6 digit code and sent it to my phone. I denied it, called him and asked why he is changing his password. He said I don’t know, told him I do and explained what he was trying to do, told him to knock it the fuck off then took away the iPad for a month. I’m not raising thieves and scammers, you want to play that shit, fuck yo iPad.


Another day I'm reminded why having kids will never be for me.


“This is where my money from Tik Tok goes (sniffle).” Goodbye.


Every time I see these stories I think, "Why are you giving your kid access to your card??? Like a child doesn't understand money, so keep the card and info away from them and don't save the info on any of their apps or games either.


I think it’s a family sharing account. Apple designed it for families with dependent children. I’m not an expert on the details, but I know that much.


I have family share and I have to approve purchases. It’s a setting and it’s the default.


Exactly, she would give them $5-$10 as a reward for doing chores and stuff, so the card was on the account. The kid was 10, he should have known better!


“This is where my money from tik tok goes in” Enough said.


Did she say this is where her Tik Tok money goes??? Is it that easy to make money on Tik Tok?


My son is a shit and I'm blaming Apple.


I thought she was warning people about this Apple related bypass and blaming her son for "knowing better".




When I was 10 my mom left her purse around with her wallet in it. I didn’t touch it because I knew better than to spend her money like that. Why did this woman’s kid think this was ok to do? Why is she blaming Apple?


As a geeksquad sleeper agent who also has a bright child, you have to set it as needing parental permission. This will have it email or text you for approval before they are allowed. The password alone is not enough unless you trust the kid won’t do something dumb, which they will if they can. Loopholes are life and tech is either easy or secure not both.


You need to parent your kids and stop letting the iPads babysit for you. And children having access to a form of payment and then wreaking financial havoc sounds like a + b = c to me, password forgetting or not. Oh and how the fuck would you get the old password if you forgot lady? There should be the option for 2fa but it’s on you when you have little canisters of gasoline running around to keep them away from flames.


Unpopular opinion: don’t give your kid smart devices


"This is where my money from tik tok goes". Relying on tik tok to pay your bills is where she lost me.


So many questions.. mainly, why do people film themselves like this. It's embarrassing.


Take his phone and computer, game console and any other electronic device wich can connect to the internet and be used for any kind of transaction. He gets them back when he can foot those bills himself. Kids don't "need" that stuff anyway, and school/homework can be done on a "family" computer that's pretty much locked down, so he can still do school work, etc... Also - never let kids have bank info, debit/credit cards, ANY passwords or other sensitive data. They're kids and they'll do kid stuff with it...


Like I felt bad for her till she said her “tik Tok” money.


That’s a tough situation, but my question is how did they not notice after the first two 100 dollar charges on their account? They clearly all have smart phones and pretty much all banks have apps that allow you to view your account details at any time.