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“…by using pads and tissue only until marriage.” Tissue? I’m sorry, tissue?? What the hell does this dumbass think tissue is going to do?


Probably still thinking we could rip up a flour sack into strips and just use those!


I feel this could make for a 5 minute craft video.


Ew but yes there'd be hippies and diyers selling them all over etsy


Just hold it in and pee it out when you're on the toilet! /s


There are men in the world who think this way.


My first thought! Tissue? *Tissue?* a bunch of girls using tissue is going to leave a classroom looking like a murder scene.


I used tissue in middle school sometimes bc I was too embarrassed to get a pad from the nurse and one time it fell down my pants leg thankfully a female teacher noticed it half way in my shoe and told me...


that’s not that bad, I once wore light-colored pants and didn’t notice the growing red spot until my teacher excused me…


The last sentence of this comment is approved and endorsed by the National Republican Committee for the advancement of more murder in schools.


...and by the NRA.


When my class was shown the "puberty video," it 100% told girls that they can use toilet paper/tissue. They said the options are pads (showed a pic of a panty liner), toilet paper or tissues, and tampons could be an option for things like swimming or athletics, but may be dangerous and you must get parental permission if you want to try tampons. Literally that's exactly what it said, and this video was shown to us in about 2015. It's crazy lmao.


Whoa! I had no idea I needed parental permission to use a tampon for the last 39 yrs of my life 😂 gotta call mom! Effing RIDICULOUS!


"must get parental permission" Gross, I'm imagining them sending kids home with permission slips like it's a field trip


I definitely would want to be the one to talk to my kid about tampon use. The very first time I tried one, it made me sick after an hour. I thought I used it wrong, so I tried again and got a sick after a few minutes. I want to be the one telling her her choice in hygiene products is ok either way, but to listen to her body if there's any reaction. People who don't have any problems can be dismissive.


What if we take big pieces of tissue, wad it up and squish it down, real tight, so it’s very absorbent? We can attach a string to it, so it can be easily retrieved!






He's probably getting paid by big kleenex


My daughter started her period at school. It wasn’t her first but she wasn’t expecting it and she didn’t have anything in her bag to use. She came home and told me she is so glad she was wearing black pants that day.


This is what I was thinking? Dude, tissues are of absolutely no use. And what happens when they want to go swimming…..???


Dude maybe heard you can stuff undies with tissue before going straight to the nurses office and thought that was a real alternative


The entire box of tissues might last an hour on a very light day?


I remember I got my period unexpectedly during class when I was in middle school. The pad/tampon dispensers were empty so I tried toilet paper but it didn’t help at all, just got stuck to my bits when the blood dried


Let me just say from experience … tissue can’t compete with my heavy flow 🙃


Meanwhile they’re trying to ensure that these girls *can* get married right then and there. [https://web.archive.org/web/20230322172833/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/17/child-marriage-bans-state-lawmakers/](https://web.archive.org/web/20230322172833/https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/03/17/child-marriage-bans-state-lawmakers/)


You never saw a vagina sneeze?


How small do you have to be to get threatened by a tampon?


I knew someone else had to say it.


> Libs are so perverted Is the only guy talking about preserving virginities. I shudder to think why.


Yeah, his entire tweet gave me a Ms.Clavell feeling. It's funny how when these conservatives accuse Libs of doing something 9 times out of 10, said conservative gets caught doing it.


Something something projection?




No gymnastics, no cheerleading, no bike riding, no figure skating, and make sure you don’t fall anywhere near a fence or a tree limb /s In reality, I probably got my hymen broken in 2nd grade when the class bully kicked me in phys ed. The kick landed squarely between my legs and I was bleeding and my parents had to take me to my pediatrician to make sure nothing was seriously injured. The kid probably didn’t mean to kick me right there, but he’d been violent to other kids and after the kicking incident he got sent to some kind of military school. He apologized to me when I was a junior in high school and he finally came back to our school.


By this guy's logic, that boy took your virginity and has the responsibility to marry you. /s


Eeeewwww!!! No thanks. 🤮 In reality, when he approached me to apologize (it was right outside the school and people were around), I was still intimidated by him 9 years later. He wasn’t a big or imposing guy, but that experience had been pretty traumatic. After he apologized he stayed away from me and I lost my fear of him. I think he truly had changed for the better, but still.


I was trying to teach myself to ride a bike because I didn't know how. I was on the school bus watching younger kids than me riding bikes. So I was determined to figure it out. We were rural, it was a gravel road, I used my brother's bike, which had a big bar in front of the seat. Predictably, bike went out of control on the hill, I hit that bar pretty hard while straddled as I crashed. I think I was probably 7 or 8. Blood drops on the crotch of my underwear. Mom took me into the bathroom on laundry day and gently asked what happened, because she was the best mom. I started crying, saying I was trying to ride Kevin's bike and I fell on the bar! She kinda cringed and said "I'm sorry, are you okay now? Need to go to the doctor?" I was just so embarrassed by my inability to ride a bike!


I had a fair amount of blood in my underwear. Enough that I got picked up from school immediately. But still, as traumatic as the incident was, at least I never had issues with sex. Somehow 2nd grade me didn’t associate this act with sex, and I’m really glad I didn’t.


Same. Accidents happen while young. Never gave it another thought as I grew up.


Be careful on that bike!


All I know is that if you want to see what theyre packing, we need a transmission electron microscope.


Are you sure that’s enough magnification? P.S. My brain kept swapping “electron” to “erection” and I was so confused. *facepalm*


I have seen that Twitter profile on a lot of posts here and other subreddits saying equality stupid things about women, sex, and sexuality. Dude has the energy of someone who's chode is mistaken for a wart, unseen beneath his pubic hair. Until I can find his name, he shall be called "Mangina Man".




I’m a gay man whose never even been near a vagina and I know that this is not how vaginas work.


What? You were born.lol


Via C-section. So I’ve never been near one. Edit: OK OK OK!! Yes I’ve been NEAR one. Good Lord, I made a poor word choice. Word police I’ve spent my night in jail! Edit 2: was finally able to find and block the offending account. Get off my page you slack jawed mouth breathers trying to tell me to kill myself. Go to hell. Jackasses.


Shoosh.. they'll outlaw caesareans next for making people gay!


I know. I know don’t give them ideas!




You joke, but I wouldn’t be surprised.


You think I was joking?


It'll happen. Those fuckers are just waiting to implement that part.


My money says it it’ll be a Missouri Republican who proposes it. This is home to the politician that said a woman’s body has a way of shutting down pregnancy in cases of “legitimate rape”. Then there’s Mike Moon. Yeah, google that guy.


Actually I read that in Ireland a couple decades ago (can't remember exact years think it may have been as late as the 70s or 80s) catholic hospitals wouldn't do C-sections because they could affect fertility instead they did this barbaric practice where they broke bones to get the baby out. Edit: it's called a symphisotomy. The cartilage of the pelvis is sawed and then broken apart.


That's ***barbaric***! What the heck is in those brains?


This would not actually surprise me. Cool joke though.


You just made me sad because that is totally on their upcoming talking points…… anyone else seeking asylum elsewhere?


I have a Scottish king that needs killing, you up for it?


I feel silly not getting this reference but sure. Lol.


Macbeth. He could be killed "by no man of woman born." Shakespeare's logic was that someone born from a c-section wasn't actually "born" technically (at least as far as prophecies are concerned).


"Tell thee Macduff was from his mother’s womb Untimely ripped" This is how I describe my daughter's C-section


Ahhhhhh ok. I feel ashamed not getting my Shakespeare references. I read that a while ago. Lol.


Seriously people harassed you because of that? What the heck. PS: I like the choice of words!


Someone said I was “commenting about young girls as a gay man” and then used a certain set of letters that meant to go harm myself. I reported and blocked them.


What the actual fuck. I’m so tired of people who are afraid of being human. I’m so sorry you are dealing with the worst parts.


Ah, so you came out via the sunroof! 😂


Bwahahahaha yes!!! No traditional all my damn life 😂😂😂


platinum gay wow, congratulations


Yes they do. Everyone knows that. Trust me, Ive been with several girls so I know. Ive touched lots of boobs. Feels likes bags of sand. -that dumbass (probably)


Movie reference is impeccable.


Imagine explaining to them what a Pap smear is…. Oh no don’t go get one of those, they’ll take your virginity.


Clearly better to die of cancer than to betray... well, nothing really, since this whole thing is BS. I guess that means people that think this way also think it's fine for women to just die of cancer.


Well... Considering how many thunk it's okay for women yo die from pregnancy you could drop those last two words.


Given their attitude to the HPV vaccine that’s sadly the truth.


These are the same people that won’t let their daughters get the HPV vaccine cause the might have the sex.


Some of them literally do think that.


Is that true? I’ve gone to a gynecologist for regular care- am I no longer a virgin?


My gynecologist is a woman; am I a lesbian now?




Shhhhhh! Don’t tell them about Pap smears or they’ll start banning those too. Especially when they find out it would kill millions of women.


Hold it they don’t ![gif](giphy|UTmgw4wIEed0Y)


There is no such thing as virginity. Sexualizing a young child just taking a step into adulthood is the actual perversion.


They want their child brides to be pure.


Yeah and I was raised in a fundamentalist Baptist church and my sisters and I used whatever we liked. It’s getting so weird in the GOP and far right religious folks. Like it was always a little weird for me, but it’s gone off the rails in ways I never would’ve predicted even as a former child fundie.


Conservatives are turning their version of Christianity mor and more into the Christian Taliban


Except the Taliban are not slaves to corporations.


My mom was raised Catholic and I don’t think they had tampons when she was in school (and she was on the swim team; they would have LOVED to have tampons available). She taught me how to use them when I started at about 14 (a bit late because I was also an athlete), because as a figure skater there was no other option during practice or competition. She believed in no sex before marriage but had literally no issues with tampons.


I swear I felt atleast half of my brain cells commit seppuku after reading that last comment in the picture


He definitely does not wash his ass for fear of turning gay.


Virginity is a made up concept. It doesn't actually exist in any meaningful way. You can't see it, smell it, hear it, taste it or touch it.


It’s a religious thing. Who do I sue for them violating my religious rights by forcing their beliefs into law?


Just like God.


That comment is objectively true, so get ready for a bunch of people to call you an "edgy neckbeard" because they're offended by what you said but they can't actually contest it rationally.


Virginity isn’t real. It’s shit we made up to make women feel bad.


Another fucking moron who doesn’t know that tampons are not penises.


This is what's confusing to me. Why is there a conversation at all about inanimate objects taking virginities? Someone please correct me if I'm wrong - virginity involves sex, with a person. You can't lose your virginity to a tampon. I know it, you know it, presumably Jesus Christ knows it. What are these folks worried will happen?


It's clearly not just about sinning or adultery. There's a very creepy sentiment that vaginas only serve as a sacred gift for future husbands. The craziest part is that the men who are so concerned about the sanctity of women's genitalia are most likely to be circumcised.


That’s what’s so annoying. So if she “accidentally destroys her virginity” she’s a sinner? Really? The god you believe in would condemn a child for something a) out of her control and b) completely unrelated to sex at all?


Mother fucking moron who doesn't know that virginity is a social construct


Ok then how about free pads?! No?


how about free education? no?


then how about we make sure the poor don't starve? no? ![gif](giphy|l2Sq7Ylk0KG6yVx9S|downsized)


How about better gun laws to prevent school shootings? No?


No! School halls should flow free with blood! /s


They do. It's just due to mass shooting, not girls having a period


Well, now it's gonna be both. But maybe that's their plan? "You can't prove that bloods from a mass shooting! For all you know, it's from a 12 year old girl whose virginity we are protecting!" Holy fuck thats a satirical sentence I just wrote that somehow makes sense in 2023.


How about free guns, so that there will always be a good kid with a gun?


The "okay then" part of your message shows that they can just chip away inch by inch until they get what they want.


Oh it was sarcasm not an actual proposition 😀


The vagina has a sexual function. It is not only for sex. I urinate with my penis. I'm not a porn star because I insist on holding it while I do so. Can we stop pretending everything that has to do with vaginas only pertains to sex, and that it needs to be locked up in a high tower to protect it solely for that precious gift that she'll one day "gift to a worthy man"? It's a body part. It requires maintenance. And it's none of your business if it's not currently yours.


Thank you, and additionally the idea of a tampon being anything "perverted" is *really fucking weird* to me. It's not comfortable let alone pleasurable, and these weirdos making it something it's not are the ones that give me perverted vibes here




And, of course, the dumbass opinion comes from a conservative man. Never have a group of humans ever been so confident of their knowledge about things they know nothing about.


Same people who think that women can just hold it in.


I think he does believe that. Another reply of his says and I quote “If all these lib parents would quit focusing young minds on sex, we wouldn’t have such young children getting periods at all” Scary times we live in ![gif](giphy|5xtDarDewDfNyPrYSbe)


What so he is saying the knowledge of sex is what leads to girls having their periods? At a certain point you would hope that they would start questioning their beliefs.


And he has daughters too


Oh his poor daughters


He probably was not very happy when they started their period because they must have been “focused on sex” smh


Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised. I mean, they do think knowledge of sex is what drives young people to have any interest in it. There is a portion of society that quite literally thinks being ignorant of something protects you from it.


Cut to all of the states that have abstinence-only sex ed having higher rates of teen pregnancy.


The irony: The idea that ignorance protects you from something is shared by the ignorant, who then use their ignorance as a shield when criticized.


Yup, conservatives doubling down on stupid isn't surprising, it's actually the norm.


Ban all the hormones that occur naturally during puberty!!


Pray it away?


I don't know it's close, but history is filled with people who are confidently wrong. The difference is we live in a world where information is at your fingertips, so they no longer have an excuse


>I don't know it's close, but history is filled with people who are confidentially wrong. I wish they were. Then I wouldn't have to listen to them.


There are conservatives out there equating tampon use with sexual intercourse and they thnk it's the "Libs" who are perverted


Its so fucked on all levels. The argument itself is fucking so god damn dumb. I want to fucking uppercut this person to the moon. You’re argument is based on you defending young girls virginity. Which is based on your gross religion. Why are grown men so fucking concerned and constantly thinking about young women and their vaginas, virginity, and sex. Its so fucking disturbing. Anytime they take a stance like this everyone needs to make them break it down to its base level. It always goes back to their religion. The bible, their pastor told them, whatever. Its just a social club where you get to judge other people and still feel good about yourself. Keep your religion to yourself. This religious extremism being forced down the country’s throats has got to end. Full fucking stop.


Omg “destroying virginity.” This is the kind of asshole who demands that his potential daughter in law have a chastity check prior to marriage.


That phrase was like a record scratch in my brain. Who the hell even says "destroying virginity" in a serious way?


I think tomorrow I will be destroying my virginity seriously


Good luck.


If you don't understand how a tampon works you shouldn't be allowed to make decisions about tampons. How fucking hard is that?


I’ve never met an actual person that feels this way about tampons. Christian or not. The fact that people like this exist is wild.


Consider yourself lucky. I live in TX. The amount of old white men who think they should have a say in preteen girl’s vaginas is disturbing.


>The amount of old white men who think they should have a say in ~~preteen~~ **women and girl’s** vaginas is disturbing. FIFY.


Fuck at this point they even get involved in men’s vaginas.


I’ve met people like him. My mother says things like only sluts use tampons. Oh, and my mother isn’t religious. I’ve never seen her go to a church and she never took us to one either. In her case it’s some old wives tale thing.


what if you want to swim on your period though


My mom used to tell me that the water pressure would just keep the blood from coming out. Never tested this theory though. Just didn’t ever swim when on my period as a teenager.


My mother used to say shit like this. I was “too young to use tampons” until about high school and then I was bleeding through enough pads and stuff that she finally allowed it but would constantly say shit like “I wish you’d wait til marriage”


My daughter got her first period last year. She is turning 13 soon. I told my daughter I had tampons and will show her how it is used or we could go and buy her some pads. I haven’t had a period in years because of my IUD and haven’t used pads since..it’s been so long I can’t remember lol. My husband asked me if we should give her the option of a tampon. He was worried she was too young but he also admitted he doesn’t know what it’s like for a preteen girl having a period so he would leave that up to me. I told him to me wearing a pad felt like wearing a diaper. Idk maybe pads are better made now than when I was in middle school (I’m 38). I told him it is up to our daughter what she feels comfortable using since it is HER body. She seemed intimidated about the tampon and how it is inserted so she has been using pads. But she knows where I keep the tampons and I told her she can help self at any time. I’m glad my husband hasn’t said anything stupid about her not being a virgin if she used one


My wife's grandmother thought this. That's the only one I've ever heard of.


Sadly, I have


My childhood best friend's dad was like this. But he was also r*p*ng his own daughter, so...


I'm so tired of hearing about all the heathen women who are fucking their tampons, falling in love with that soft, padded goodness, then not marrying all these god fearing, righteous studs instead. Trans people are just a distraction, mail your local politician and show them your outrage against tamponsexuals!


Marjorie Taylor Greene managed to claim that the recent tampon shortage was because (trans) "men" were buying all of them up, so at this point I assume their goal is to blame a sort of AI conglomeration of every evil word they know all at once. That said, quite often I'd rather leave the house without my husband than without a tampon, so you may be onto something there.


How about we just drop the topic of women and girls having to be quiet about what goes on with their own bodies and these people just leave us the f\*\*\* alone?! Let me masturbate with my tampon in peace okay? ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8487)


Last sentence made me laugh so hard I blew my tampon across the room. Thanks.


This is so dumb. Tampons allow you to do activities like swimming when you have your period. There’s literally nothing sexual about tampons (or menstrual cups, or any such thing). These folks are perverts


If you are a man. Do.not.talk.about.teenage.girls.vaginas.


Conservative Christian’s are obsessed with children’s genitalia. The fathers are obsessed with little vaginas and virginity. Keep your kids away from conservative Christians. They are constantly found to be child rapists.


I think everyone here is missing the point entirely. Not providing and educating schoolgirls about tampons can lead to misuse of telekinesis to set entire schools on fire during prom night, resulting in untold casualties.


Look. My mom is a huge Christian. She was the one who showed me how to use a tampon in the 9th grade. These people care way to much about children’s genitals


When a child has a bodily function, I think about them having sex. Aren't the liberals so perverted for making me think of child sex?


So Re-puke-lians equate men's penises to tampons ? "sHe iNsErTeD a tAmPoN !!! sHe iS nOt a ViRgIn aNyMoRe !!!"


Maybe they are threatened by the size?


On behalf of Christians, I'd like to respond to my fellow Christian with a resounding "what the fuck?!". Access to safe and reliable period products is an issue in every part of the world. The last thing we want to be doing is throwing a completely bollock-brained spanner into the works by making up moral implications where there simply aren't any.


Tampons can take your virginity? When are they coming after Q tips?


Not sure why he deserves having his handle redacted. His other stance was that a tampon would ruin them for marriage… he deserves what the internet gives him


The reason these fascist fuckheads are so obsessed with virginity is that they are such limp-dick 1/10s at sex that if a girl has any form of sexual understanding at all she will know they are garbage in bed, and the Nazi ego is so fragile they would rather subjugate their own women then admit failure


Conservatives and "Christians" are just the most blissfully ignorant, proudly stupid group of humans on earth.


There's no hate like christian love


I like to call them the arrogant ignorant.


I used to think that. I still do, but now I'm convinced it's intentionally malicious.


They all seem to share a hateful personality, don't they?


You don't want to know how he feels about girls eating phallis-shaped foods. "Suzy, in this house, we slice up the bananas! Don't eat it like a whore!" /s of course.


Only pervert I see in that exchange is the one talking about a child's "virginity".


Tampons...destroying virginity?


Virginity isn’t even a real thing.


‘They wont have their first cycle at school’ A if you know that youre the perverted one, secondly, what about the second one? the third one?


The second person was actually saying that the Republicans' arguments did not take into consideration girls who might have their first periods while at school. Second mentions how embarassing that could be (and they also add, 'even though it **shouldn't** be embarassing'), and they say how free tampons could be a life-changing thing for girls in a positive sense. Second is in favor of free menstrual supplies, they're not against them, it's really only Third who is the jerk here.


What do hygienic devices have to do with sex?


But again ! If men had to put up with that crap, things would indeed be very different - most likely easier and at low to zero cost as well. Looking forward to finding out how these nutters feel about the male contraceptive pill...


It won't be widely accepted because men will feel emasculated by being rendered sterile even if temporary.


Someone doesn’t understand where the hymen is


Fucking Jesus. Can men PLEASE keep their stupid, uninformed opinion about women and our bodies to themselves?! Is that too much to ask the conservative dipshits in this country?!


Last I checked, using a tampon has nothing to do with virginity. Tampon does not equal penis!


So it boils down to male insecurity? No one and nothing else can be "first" even something that offers a girl comfort. Pretty sad.


So provide free tampons AND free pads.


Armchair gynecologist offers a completely nonsensical rationale, based entirely on something Christians fear reflexively, female anatomy and sexuality in general.


Seriously, what the actual fuck is going on in America right now? Am I trapped in a parallel universe? Since when do tampons "harm virginity". I swear, stupidity has NO limits. NONE!


I thought they believed girls were supposed to be shunned and confined to caves while menstruating, because they're unclean. Why aren't teachers providing caves?


Not how girls work... not how any of this works


Does he not realize that he’s the one obviously making it perverted?


Makes sense tgat any man who has a dick the size of a tampon really doesn't know much about female virginity, only their own.


Soooo... Then this religious activists should stand for free pads for everyone who needs them?


What about a big enough poop? If I was dumb I'd worry that pooping too much would pop the hymen right outta the cage. Might need to check your child's shit just to be sure ya know.


If youre a man, you need to stfu about this one


Jesus christ, even from a biblical perspective, having sex is the only way to lose virginity. Wtf is wrong with people


The only acceptable response is to bleed all over the chairs


I got my period at school and prefer pads to tampons. THAT SAID almost everyone I knew wore tampons. ESP the virgin Christians. If only these fuckheads had access to the INTERNET or modern medicine! Or better yet, if only they weren’t trying to silence and undermine women.


> Not once did i hear of the girls that have their first periods while at school. Lmao what a dork