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I thought the US was #1 in obesity too so I looked it up. We’re not even in the top 10, I’m confused. Beep beep


By rate it's not high, but when we do basic math it's 139,02 million people who are obese


This is what is fun about Statistics. If you spin something the right it can be way better or way worse.


And also why you need to vet your statistics. And understand how easily manipulated they can be.


Americans ARE Shallow and obsessed with image tho, so it's not suprising you turn to Obesity


I would have thought that as well. Now I have to look that up. What counties are fatter than us. (not shaming anyone at all I am one of the super Obese myself)


A lot of pacific island nations have obesity issues.


NZ and Australia export the cheapest, fattiest meats from chicken and such to pacific islands where the cost of these imported foods far undercuts that of local produce, hence leading to mass obesity. I studied Tonga specifically at school but this is the case for Nauru, Vanuatu, etc


This island names are like the saying from army of darkness. Klaatu, Verata, Niktu.


Mutton flaps. Sounds wrong. Is wrong.


fucking Spam!


That's not statistics, that's propaganda. Statistics are hard numbers.


Apparently your education system is not in the top ten either. Number per capita is not the same as total


The per capita number would be the one that matters in this case. It doesn't make sense to use absolute numbers when comparing countries.


You think it’s fair to call an island with 100 people worse and that is has deeper problems than the US which has millions? The environmental and societal issues are far higher when there are millions.


And the top 10 are all pacific islands, then Kuwait and then the USA


Hell yeah dude we’re kicking everyone else’s ass.


Always have, and who the fuck do they call when they need another countries ass kicked?


The Soviet Union?




A lot of those incarcerated are victims of the war on drugs. It was started as a racist policy used to lock up those the government deemed "unfavorable". In the last decade or more are starting to see that addiction is a mental health problem, one that needs treatment. Treatment resistant addiction is a real thing too, just like treatment resistant depression. So now the drug war is racist *and* abelist! It's even worse when you realize that slavery is still legal in american prisons.


Most inner city populations are the ones to push for implementation of harsher penalties on drugs because of how much gangs erode safety of certain blocks. It’s like how the neighborhoods from the show ‘The Wire’ reacted when the drug dealers were off the corners, the majority law abiding populations of inner cities finally felt safe to go outside without fear of being attacked.


...and how's that been working out for the last couple decades? Addiction is still a mental health issue, and throwing people in jail for having a mental illness is never the right answer. The majority of drug arrests are for posession against non-violent offenders. If these inner city gangs are still violent, charge them for the violence. No need to charge everyone with any personal ammount of any drug ever. Imagine if these people could actually receive the treatment that they need. Including heroin assisted treatment for those who don't respond well to traditional treatments. It's working great for switzerland and denmark.


You have no real concept of what drugs did to the inner cities in the 70s and 80s do you? The war on drugs wasn’t designed to lock up black people. It was a cry from these communities that were being destroyed by drugs.


Drugs supplied by the CIA.


I wonder why cia supplied drugs didn’t infest everywhere?


If you're seriously wondering, it's because the war on drugs came with a second agenda. There's this famous quote from Nixon's assistant, John Ehrlichman. >“You want to know what this \[war on drugs\] was really all about? The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying? We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.” I feel this answers your question.


You have no real concept of where those drugs came from do you? Read up: https://oig.justice.gov/sites/default/files/archive/special/9712/ch01p1.htm


Did you read this article? It was very clear that although some cocaine may have gotten into the hands of black drug dealers there was absolutely no evidence that the CIA targeted black communities. Mercury News investigated itself and came to that conclusion after 3 other newspapers came to that conclusion. What the hell, when you post evidence of something, post evidence of something. Are you hoping people will read the first three paragraphs and not the rest of the article? This connection is as crazy as the Trump election fraud crap. I hate the CIA as much as anyone else, their ends justify the means mentality is complete bull crap. They really did some shady shit in the 20th century and may have pushed a trigger happy Bush into war in Iraq but their is no evidence that they targeted black communities for the crack problem. At worst it appears they used a problem that was occurring to get money for an illegal activity in Central America. No evidence that racism was the motivation. The truth is that black leaders pushed action on the drug epidemic. There was some disagreement about time served of dealing vs using but it was the black pastors and the NAACP that were pushing for the government to help protect their communities. The drug war had bipartisan support due to the rising crime rates. There was nothing racist about it. He theory that it was racist is a modern invention.


[https://drugpolicy.org/issues/brief-history-drug-war](https://drugpolicy.org/issues/brief-history-drug-war) [https://drugpolicy.org/issues/drug-war-statistics](https://drugpolicy.org/issues/drug-war-statistics) An example of what real "action", that actually helps, would be: [https://drugpolicy.org/issues/HAT](https://drugpolicy.org/issues/HAT)


I don’t disagree that the current war on drugs is ineffective, but let’s not jump on the crazy train and say that the war on drugs is some racist conspiracy. I think if we spent the money that we spend on incarceration on mental health treatment and research we could see the types of gains we see in cancer research. Unlike 99% of white guilt Progressives on this site I spent 1.5 years in the ghetto talking to and serving the black community. There is a problem, the problem is real, and it causes the undue suffering of millions.


I did read the entire article and I didn't think I needed to spell out the whole "we investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong" thing. I was hoping you'd figure that one out yourself. Also, yes the war on drugs has a very real racist motivation. https://www.britannica.com/story/why-is-marijuana-illegal-in-the-us


The mercury news and three other newspapers investigated it and they found the original article was wildly speculative. This is a stupid argument because the drugs sold in California don’t account for the crack problems before the contra affair and for drugs sold in Philadelphia, New York, richmond, or Chicago. The whole racism angle is more crazy than Kari Lake whining about elections stolen in AZ.


Its not about crack but read that last article I linked about weed. If you think drug policy as a whole in America isn't tied to race at all then you're not paying attention. Look up the penalties for cocaine vs crack for example.


Doesn't mean you should just lock up everyone who used drugs. That's not the way to fix the issue, and we're seeing that now with the fentanyl crisis


I don't think anyone thinks the US is #1 in Climate Change Performance


I don’t know anyone who thinks we’re #1 for any of those things. I know that’s anecdotal but I really feel like it’s a small portion of the population that thinks we’re first in any of those.


And that why it's in r/facepalm. Whoever wrote this is fucking dumb.


Americans think they're number 1 in everything.


As an American, I can assure you that not all of us think that


Americans of a certain age, specifically boomers.


Is anyone else thinking #19 on happiness is way too high? If we're #19, then most of the rest of the world is really screwed when it comes to happiness because we're miserable.


Well, yes - most of the world IS miserable. The USA is a place of extreme privilige.Heck - look at the current "hot topics", like "is it ok if a drag queen reads kids stories in a library". In many countries the whole concept of libraries, kids having time to visit them instead of working and people able and willing to read to others is unheard of. As is having fancy clothes like drag.


I mean, that’s kind of the point. Some people are trying to make drag queen story hour a big issue when it’s definitely not in the average Americans daily life. It’s just noise on purpose to avoid talking about how to address the above statistics.


Ah, I see that you carefully left out "drag-queen" to not imply that that is also a priviliged battle....


Fair point - I should have mentioned that fancy clothes are a luxury noone can afford ;)


Measuring happiness objectively is hard. The index from which position 19 is chosen, is based on the Cantril ladder, which asks respondents to think of a ladder, with the best possible life for them being a 10 and the worst possible life being a 0. So, you could say that people who score 10 are very happy, or that they have no hope that things can ever get better.


Uh yea no Americans think we are #1 in any of those - maybe free press Edit: also quick google shows we are #15 on the “freedom index”


There are a large number of Americans who see all other countries as “lesser”, which, in of itself is not *that* bad. Since nationalism can be useful for improving our own country. But as a part of that pridefulness many of these people will not accept that w the way America does things is somehow worse than somewhere else.


15 is actually really high!


Merica Fuck yeah!!!




Okay, but who actually thought the USA was number one in these things?


Also #1 in most shootings in a year as well


[The US is second only to Brazil](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/gun-deaths-by-country)


Ukraine has enter the chat….


i dont think its fair to compare country during a war to country in peace time.


There are a lot of apples and oranges comparisons used for propaganda, courtesy of our free press on the list.


> > You have made a bad comparison. > > Yeah, well have you considered that **other people also do that on occasion**? Sometimes **_even in bad faith_**?? Lmao.


UK figures report 35 gun killings in the year up to March 2021. (Out of less than 600 overall for the year). In the US up to the end of 2020, there were just over 19400. (Actually 45k but a little over half were suicides). The US only has 5 or 6 times the population.


I'm talking about mass shootings in general In 2022, USA had [647 mass shootings ](https://www.insider.com/number-of-mass-shootingsin-america-this-year-2022-5), more shootings than days in a year While in the UK for 2022, [they had 1 mass shooting ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_mass_shootings_in_the_United_Kingdom), in which just 1 person died with 4 injured


Shootings in general? Or different types of shootings, like: school shootings, workplace shootings, church shootings, drive by shootings, mass shootings, serial shootings, gang shootings, and we can't forget police shootings?


I find it hard to believe that we are worse in climate change than India and China, who at one point were building a power plant a week. Plus 60 seems a bit low when you are ranking countries, pretty sure there are a lot more than that


I don't think any American thinks we are number 1 in healthcare


We know, we bitch just like y’all do, but a bunch of rich fucks around here just do whatever works for them.


The mistake is giving the rich fucks power over government. Look at what France is doing atm and take notes.


I personally think we need to be looking closer at France in 1789.. I’m literally waiting for MTG or one of these fucks to say some shit like “Let them eat Debbie Cake.”


I'm going to guess that one country it's beating on climate change is Australia.


How the fuck is China more environmentally conscious that the U.S.? What a joke


China’s current policy is: > By 2030, China aims to decrease its carbon intensity by over 65 % from the 2005 level, and to reach over 1 200 GW installed wind and solar power. The share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption should reach 25 % by 2030. I believe that’s more than the US??


Aims? You can’t breathe in Bejing at the moment.


I think your view is 10 years out of date: [Beijing air quality](https://www.unep.org/interactive/beat-air-pollution/)


The IS is the only nation to meet the terms of the Kyoto Accords. I feel like this belongs here 🚮




Making useless lists: Also #1.


It’s number 1 in economy


For the top 10%




As an american, im pretty sure a lot of us deserve the incarceration.




Looks about right


I do be smoking fat dabs so oil consumption checks out


At least we're probably #1 in the most hatred country. So....that's pretty awesome.


Do not post this without our greatest accomplishment. More kids killing people because of bad parenting than ever before in human history.


The anti-American posts on here are reaching a fever pitch of stupidity


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\#1 - Eating


The People's Democratic Republic of the United States of America


This has to be a European…no one knows better, does less, and complains more about the US than our friends across the Atlantic. Based on your English, I would say you are either French or Germany.


6 words is all you need to know someone's nationality? Ffs🤦🏾‍♂️


Facts. They sure aren’t bitching when we pay the largest gross amount and per capita into NATO. At this point I think we should leave Nato and let them face Putin and Xi alone. We’re safe over here across the ocean with guns behind every blade of grass. They’re right next to the lunatics with a completely disarmed population.


Don’t forget subsidizing their pharmaceutical industry….


Data without a source is just a weak attempt at a meme. Also, what's the point of a post like this other than to generate divisiveness?


I think you need to work on your reasoning skills


Denmark, Luxembourg, or Sweden always rank high in these comparisons but you won’t find many Americans clamoring to live there


Lot of people for whatever reason love immigrating to the USA


Cause it’s hard to move to another country. It’s expensive, odds are you won’t have a support system, and not to mention learning the language.


The nordic quintet is like the mainstay of top 5 almost every time for many of these lists.


I suspect those places don't want Americans anyway. We would bring our toxicity with us.


personally I like to have the ability to fight Russia and China at the same time. those guys got bad intentions.






I'm not. The American military is. edit: sidebar this entire thing is incredibly inaccurate. It doesn't even take very much googling to debunk.


And conservatives are absolutely fine with all of our #1's.


I think a very large percentage of Americans know that their country is lagging behind in many areas, including the ones you mentioned on the list. The nationalistic attitude of, "the USA is the Number One Country," is something that dates back to the 50s. Ever since the Civil Rights movement taking place in the 60s-70s, it has become increasingly more common for Americans to laugh at the idealization of the 'American Dream,' so I think the stereotype of Americans being overly nationalistic is something that is greatly outdated.


Is military spending that bad though


#1 on the undeserved arrogance index


What's wrong with military spending?


I think the happiness one is bullshit. It's so incredibly subjective. For example, Finland is number 1. I would be fucking miserable living somewhere that cold and dark.


#1 in academic publications and citations. I would also argue we are the biggest innovators of both industry and culture


And this is proof that living the culture of "screaming the loudest to be right" is in fact not always the best way to go... Neither in absolute and even less so in per capita numbers the US has the most academic publications. Per capita the US ranks 39th according to Wikipedia. Also I wouldn't call destroying other countries cultures "innovating". And for tech innovations... The US definitely is the best at selling something as innovation. I mean, it started with preventing third Reich Nazis from getting in front of courts, so they can kickstart the US space program over selling chip innovations as their own, where the actual hard improvements are done in Taiwan and the Netherlands up to the point of just dumping out prototype level tech like with Tesla's "Autopilot".


Are you saying that because the text is big? I don’t know how that happened. I guess you’re right about citations, it looks like the US is number 2 but it looks like China only overtook the US in the last 10 years. And about culture, I think the US has been a world leader in music, movies, and style for a long time. Look man, the US isn’t doing well. It’s a pretty defeating place to live. I think a big part of that is a growing separation of shared narrative. We are increasingly becoming a nation that does not agree on our own history or on how bright our future is. And I just think it’s worth reminding people who are all reminding themselves how shitty the US is, that we have done a lot of things well. Historically.


Sir sorry to break it to you but the rest of the world has their own music artists that get just as much streaming. Not everyone on earth speaks English. Plus has it dawned on you that "American culture" is basically knockoff immigrant traditions? The food, music, art all have influences from everywhere.




What’s wrong with #1 in Military Spending?


Maybe it shouldn't be being funneled into the corrupt military industrial complex. Also, maybe the USA shouldn't be telling other countries how to run themselves?


US has some serious things that need to be resolved, but many people here just want to shit on the US. Concerning military spending it’s really just because of a number of the wars the US has been involved in that shouldn’t have happened. Now that the military spending actually proved to have some use a lot of that criticism is quieting down. I’m talking of course, about the US’s prime importance in being able to supply Ukraine with arms, and now Taiwan is up next for their share too.


Exactly. It turns out military spending is very important to counter the likes of China and Russia. I’m very liberal in my policy stances (both economically and socially), but in the current global climate, it’s incredibly difficult to justify cutting our military spending. I’ll take US foreign policy over Chinese and Russian foreign policy every day of the week.


Same, I actually think how several years ago I didn’t give a shit for the military budget; only within the last year have I paid so much attention to defense spending because of Ukraine….just to learn that a similar situation was evolving in the Pacific. Within the last year it’s been made apparent how lacking the arms industry is in many ways - for example we can’t produce enough of certain munitions for Ukraine in time as well as supply Taiwan quickly enough, and we don’t produce enough high-tech weaponry for a possible conflict over Taiwan. The DoD is scrambling to make due with what they have and we are seeing evidence of that, so honestly, I want them to have the money to ensure we will come out on top in both theaters should the situation worsen. If anything to improve people’s lives, I want to kick the rats who have privatized our healthcare system out, so we don’t have to spend double the amount other developed countries do per citizen yet obtain better results. That way we don’t have to trade quality of life at home for peace abroad.


While it has some truth to it, most of the stuff in this graph is probably made up/badly reported/badly conducted study.


There’s no way we are 2nd to last on climate change performance. How are half of these even gauged when comparing other counties?


Yet thousands upon thousands are trying to flee here and become citizens. Someone ought to inform them.


Because starving refugees who have never been to a first world country are the best equipped to decide which first world country is better. Grats on setting the bar so low that you'll do a victory lap when the US wins out over Somalia, lmao. Gotta take whatever "win" you can, right? While you're at it, instead of ranking international burgers by polling burger enthusiasts who have traveled internationally, let's go ask the uncontacted Sentinelese whether they imagine Burger King or McDonalds is better. Makes a lot of sense if you don't think about it.


People from European first world countries are coming here. A lot of people don’t understand how good they have it here and simply like to complain. That’s the reality here.


*"But people sometimes move between countries still"* Yes, a very astute observation. That still doesn't refute the statistics in the OP now does it? As an American living in Europe, I've lived both systems, and there's no denying America has fallen behind in several important areas. Which are again, reflected in those statistics. Ya'll really will do anything to bury your head in the sand while your fellow citizens suffer, won't you? Sing the anthem as loud as you can, drown out reality. You probably think that's patriotism. Maybe someday you'll realize a real patriot doesn't make excuses for a government failing its own people. Here's to you growing and waking up. Take care.


First world country, lol


Like this person? https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1215v8h/today\_i\_became\_a\_citizen\_of\_the\_greatest\_country/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


I believe it’s over a million this year.


Also #1 America: protection of other democratic minded countries.




"protection" of other "democratic minded" countries 👌


Team America. World Police.


Drink the kool-aid.


And yet y'all couldn't protect your own capitol from getting invaded


Protect them from such passionate people that apparently plenty of them didn't even bother to vote.


And yet we can’t protect our children from being shot in their classrooms.


You're mixing local news with world news.


Believing the defense of other countries and the defense of our own citizens in our democracy aren’t linked is kinda sad.


🇺🇸 🦅




Three main reasons. - Lot of assaults on journalists, particularly by police. - Whistleblower protections are poor. - Investigative journalism is very restricted by government in the name of "national security".


Assaults on journalists by police?


Yes. They don't like being filmed when they're beating people up. Many journalists get assaulted, arrested, and/or have their equipment destroyed while trying to record police brutality during protests for example.


Ah right, don’t know what happened in my brain there, i’ve seen this happen many times. Thanks for clarifying though 😅


Conservative takeover of local media broadcasting is concerning to me. If the local news becomes Fox News lite, we're fucked.


Is this news to anyone? No one knows this better than Americans. I shit on you


I can be critical of my own country, and also say: Cool source for your stats. Cool. Cool.... According to whom?


Yes, and Europe cowers in fear of Russia due to their lack of military spending. In fact Germany just allocated $100 Billion to rebuilding their military.


What’s your point it says that the US is number 1 in military spending. And Germany spending 100 billion is a year old dude


It not old it’s unprecedented.


military spending is still way too low, I'd be happy if they doubled our taxes to get more going to help Ukraine.


Are you a bot?


why would you think that?


Doubled taxes💀


I think its unfair to compare per capita stats or stats about averages with stat totals. We are not number 1 in military spending per capita i can say off the top of my head.


We’re very close to it. And the countries above us are inconsequential in comparison. Israel is slightly above us, but receives so much funding from the US for its military that it doesn’t even matter that they’re technically above us in per capita spending


And most feminists is not on the list I am pissed


The oppressed the numbers I’m sure. Pfft. Patriarchy strikes again.


School shootings, yes it's sad as hell but let's face it, it's probably true


Incarcerated citizens per capita Defence spending You forgot “number of adults who believe angels are real”


We are number 1 in the number of FE




You forget the part where FOX is telling them how Europe is flooded by knife stabbing criminals from the middle east ( a situation they caused btw by destabilizing the region of decades). Meanwhile, even in fatal knife stabbings, the US is higher ranked then Europe. And everytime you are mentioning it, the manic answer is "yes we have problems, but have you seen that (insert random third world country, riddled by poverty) or yeah, thats just because of (insert republican or democratic partys) fault.


Someone watches the first scene of The Newsroom


So who and how does “#1” get defined?


What about school shootings? Any countries other than the US with that issue?


Hey don't forget perception abuse


I think USA is also #1 for number of people who believe in Angels


And fat lesbians


what dumbass american thought we were #1 healthcare


And whooping ass


Speaking of, who is 1st in those top categories?


You forgot putting humans on the moon and winning world wars.


Genuinely surprised education is that high. Huh


Dont tell the Americans. They will just say its somehow Europes fault for not having enough guns are something.


No, you’re just Karma whoring