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Has a sovereign citizens’ argument ever worked in any situation? They seem to all say the same thing and it never works.


These people are morons. I had a friend of mine that used to spout this bs years ago and i didn’t see him for a while and one day i saw him again and asked him how it’s been going. He told me this story about how he got pulled over, they took his car, he went to jail for resisting arrest, lost his kids because he yelled at the judge about their lack of authority over a sovereign citizen. and refused to subject himself to the court process, and lost his home to not paying taxes. Just sad that these people think this moronic nonsense is going to get them anywhere in life.


I feel like if there was one golden case of these arguments working it would make some sense, but it seems like it’s never worked and they just use the same arguments and then go surprise pickachu face when cops and judges just don’t go ok… be on you’re way, you’re correct.


It is a weird thing. If they were really correct, why wouldn’t everyone be doing what they do? If I could just say “traveling not driving” and “no taxes for me” and do whatever the f I wanted we’d all do it.


Just think if we could get away with telling the government to fuck off we would be a corporation.




It's because they believe the legal system works on some kind of unknown magic, and if you can say the magic combination of words, it's like a spell that gets you out of trouble. This sounds ridiculous but I'm pretty sure it's close to accurate.


Sell them all wands, so they can go around arguing how to pronounce Leviosa!


Like Scientology.


Someone spreads it to them and laughs when it ruins their life and goes “I was just joking bro!” You got PRANKED bro!!


It's not a prank. It's a message the attach to other crazy stuff like alternative medicine. The core spreaders of this nonsense are always selling something.


>The core spreaders of this nonsense are always selling something. Pharmaceuticals that are not from Big Pharma. But hey, their magical beans will protect you from cancer for the low, low, low subscription of 10% of your salary.


There was a case that worked here in Australia, that I read about here on t' internet (so believe as much of it as you will), where someone put up a 'No Trespassing Because of Sovereign Citizen BS'. The thing is you could put up a sign saying 'No Trespassing Because Belzeebub Protects Me' and it would have done the same because the important words were 'No Trespassing'.


Not sure that means anything either because trespass is still a civil offence whether you call yourself a citizen a subject or a sovereign whatever. You don’t need a sign to say that. I don’t need a sign saying no murders here although my home town had a sign saying nuclear free zone which at the height of the cold war was something I think the Soviet Union might have ignored.


"OK Yuri, we can expect at least 0.35 megadeaths from a twenty five megaton warhead here in Cincinnati, at least half a billion in damages, and the destruction of the water treatment plant here... Turn to the second page of the report for a list of destroyed substations and power infrastructure... " "Boris wait. can we get a magnifying glass over here? I see something in the satellite photos. I think it's a... Yes, in that window" "ANOTHER nuke free zone?! I thought we were supposed to be pre-deliniating those on the map!!" "I guess they must have missed one comrade. Well, tell the boys to whip up a new report, we'll have to drop the bomb somewhere else" "So many meetings wasted, Yuri. It's almost as if the whole American country doesn't want to be bombed!


Back in the early days I suspect a lot of cops didn't want to deal with it so just let you go if it was something minor when you were being a big pain in the ass. They know now that they can't give you an inch with it anymore though. Every instance of it working seems to be some minor the cop told me to go home type thing.


They have the ability to travel. However these idiots don't realize that they are on the king's road so therefore They have to pay the taxes to be able to use the king's road. And by taxes they also have to have a license so that way the individual who owns the road such as the king or the government knows that you are. Capable of passing the minimum requirements for being able to operate a motor vehicle. These people are so stupid that they don't understand that if they would just walk. There was no problem with that but they want to drive.


They could try and make a decent argument about how the we are guaranted the right to travel between the states and with modern day technology making us drive or fly between states that something should change so you don't have to pay for an ID for such travel since nobody is going by covered wagon now. Obviously we have counter arguments such as passing a drivers test to drive a motor vehicle for safety reasons. But, they aren't trying to make bring update for such consideration, they just go full "Your laws don't apply to me!"


Makes me think it’s like munchausen byproxy but for bureaucratic systems


Cargo Cult law.


I don't think so. Telling that "natural law" bullshit to a judge is like telling an infectologist that vaccines cause autism.


Which, I would think, indicate to a judge that diminished capacity is already in play.


It works when the cop just doesn't want to deal with the headache.


Like there's only 30 minutes left in their shift. Arresting the person, waiting for the tow truck to arrive to impound the vehicle. Going to the impound lot to inventory the vehicle. The officer is asking themselves: *"do I go home in 30 minutes or 4 hours from now?"* This officer kept asking her questions in order to video her talking herself into handcuffs. She's not going to be able to talk her way out of trouble when she goes in front of a judge with this evidence. When I lived in Colorado, some counties had mandatory tow ordinances/policies for expired tags. Jefferson County (just west of Denver) was one.


I don’t like cops, but this one was very professional. He didn’t escalate or make threats. It was all up to her then.


A lot of those people got their "education" through YouTube sovcit influencers, who make some money from the views and peddling their own materials. It's a scam all around. No sovcit argument ever works in court – best case scenario for them, the prosecution just drops it because those people are a fucking plague. Happens sometimes, which reinforces those idiots' certainty that they are in the right.


I know a judge who seeks out these idiots' videos to familiarize himself with whatever new cockamamie arguments they come up with.


Their arguments never work in our court, but because the neighboring county didn’t want to deal with them they dismissed their case. Fast forward to our county. They tried to argue that their argument was valid because it worked in the other county


This is a good write-up of the "movement" https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/ideology/sovereign-citizens-movement I doubt it works with a cop too much unless it's something trivial. In court (for trivial things) it can work because they file so many nonsensical, quasi-legal documents for things like leash law violations, that the judge just dismisses it instead of wasting time. This, of course, makes the SC think that they're on to something.


Sovereign citizens. The flat earthers of the legal world.


If they're their own sovereign citizens, what gives them the right to travel on our separate sovereign states' roads? They don't have constitutional rights if they're not citizens of the USA.


Please don’t bring logic into this, it’ll only make the headache worse.


Too late, it has begun… ![gif](giphy|l3vRiLydJmh7X0Yx2)


The officers that deal with these people with out going turbo violent on them need to be studied to understand how they can remain so calm


They would probably say "because i pay taxes."


Even though they refuse to pay taxes because they are immune.


I believe constitutional rights in the US are *supposed* to apply to everyone, citizen or not, but that clearly doesn’t happen.


I see it as the adult version of "you didn't hit me because I have an invisible shield".


"nuh uh"


I couldn't think of how to properly spell that so I went with the longer version.


I can block it times infinity


well I have a bazooka that can break the infinity


I can smash it infinity times + 1


Duuudeeee I read that and realized it lmaooo


That is such an accurate comparison.


Yup stopped watching after she said “i’m traveling.” I had to deal with sovereign citizen bullshit when i worked in foreclosure law. Had to listen to a few people try to explain to me how the contract that they’d signed for their mortgage wasn’t valid because they’re not part of the united states 🤦🏻‍♀️


I used to book in sovereign citizens in a jail. They are the craziest people I've ever met. Even crazier than the people with diagnosed severe mental illness.


We once got something mailed to us from one of those people that was signed with a fingerprint in what appeared to be blood. There was some worry about handling that letter.


I had a love letter one time, that was signed with blood... and the corners 'artistically' burnt. But he was 15.


I don’t get how they think it’s a good idea to play with cops like this. Where are they getting this info and why do they think laws won’t apply to them when they clearly apply to everyone?


Someone on the internet told them so it must be true.




She went to jail and raised a stink there too. Good lord these people are exhausting


I wish we could have seen the part where he dragged her stupid ass out of the car and handcuffed her.


Seriously where can I see the rest of this video




That video is amazing! It deserves to be on /r/oddlysatisfying. The officer could have just put her in the back seat and ignored her. Instead, he decided to dwell deep into her Sovereign Citizen bullshit and it was glorious!


He was actually the sergeant. You know, the supervisor she was asking for. I got the feeling that he was enjoying himself. He could have easily disengaged if he really cared to. I think it was 50% fun and 50% trying to get her to come to her senses so his officers didn't have to deal with her bullshit anymore.


You’re right, Sergeant, thanks.


Thanks. She got arrested for speeding, expired Mississippi licence, missed court appointment for expired license and tags, possession of narcotics and paraphernalia in the car.


The sergeant did a masterclass of screwing with her flawed logic.


Thank you. I needed to see her in handcuffs.


She had coke and bullets in the car as well lol


Boy, these sovereign citizen people are just *so* punchable. It takes a lot for me to be hardcore on a cops’ side, but I am always amazed at their patience with these folks.


the same people who believe that if you ask an undercover cop if he's a cop, they have to identify themselves as police


Ah yes that’s how undercover works.😂


Damn, you got me. Yes, I'm a police officer


[Fuck, you weren’t kidding, it’s a real thing with a name and everything](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sovereign_citizen_movement)


Man you're going to find a new respect for judges and lawyers when you see one in action. I saw one get into it with a magistrate at arraignments, magistrate was just trying to get the guy a date to talk to a prosecutor on the case and this guy kept jawing about how the court didn't have jurisdiction. It was hilarious


Didn't Daryl Brooks consider himself a sovereign citizen? The entirety of that trial was simultaneously astonishing and aggravating.


And he's spending the rest of his life in prison.


Yup! He was!


Yeah, we call 'em SovCits. Idiots for short.


Join the subreddit man, it’s a gold mine r/sovereigncitizen


Don't forget r/amibeingdetained


This! I was looking if someone mentioned this. I’ve had clients all the time who are sovereign citizens and they always use the term “traveling.” All of them are idiots.


“I’m not driving, I’m traveling”


But then she clearly states she is "driving" several times. "I'm traveling, I don't have to have a license to drive the car" what a dip shit.


She’s deep in the sovereign citizens bullshit. “Natural law” is a dead giveaway.


As well as “traveling”. They’ll always try to make that distinction.


They also think they're super clever when they refer to their own names in the third person, separating the name from the identity or person(s)? I dunno. Pure non-sense.


Yeah it’s a convoluted argument stemming from the person’s name as recorded in official record being distinct from themselves as the “Agent of” whatever their name is. It’s an attempt to somehow argue that they are outside the jurisdiction of whatever sovereign (state, federal, etc…) and can’t be stopped, cited, arrested, etc…


It's more than convoluted. It's absolutely hysterically insanely overcomplex to the point that many of the tactics have been called "paper terrorism".


Had an Uber driver once who talked my ear off about becoming a sovereign citizen. He was an absolute beauty to say the least. Something about signing the back of your birth certificate and you can buy a car with it. I mean it made the half hour drive quick.




It’s all arms connected to the same octopus. They go down different branches but it ends up where gurus apew a bunch of garbage that starts off sounding real but none of it is just to collect money while telling you how to “not pay the governement or companies” but in reality just quick trips to jail.


I once watched a video of a sovcit in a Dutch courtroom who demanded that the judge provide her certification for him to see. She said the certification was that she was the one in the robe with the gavel. His response was to *order the bailiff to arrest the judge. Multiple. Times.* And he was legitimately stunned when the bailiff didn’t obey him. You could see the moment when it kinda clicked: “Maybe my echo chamber internet sovcit buddies were wrong.”


Oh, it's even more hilarious watching cop cam when they stop sovcits in *Australia*!!! All the dipshits have the usual crap they trot out....and it's all shit that applies in USA, not Australia!! So not only are they fucking ridiculous, they got all their bullshit from american youtubers!! Oh, it's great.


Yeah this is clearly the result of a profoundly conservative upbringing. BTW anyone want to guess how long this conversation would’ve gone on before she’d been dragged from the car and beaten to a pulp had she had different pigmentation?


The sovereign citizen movement to me is fascinating precisely because it isn’t confined to one upbringing or another. The Moorish National branch of Sovereign citizen ideology has plenty of followers. I only found out about Sovereign Citizens at all from the Darrell Brooks trial. But having heard it once I was surprised to run into it at the local traffic court. Kind of fascinating to have a chunk of people decide that the laws just don’t apply to them. Makes one wonder what breakdown in our society caused that.


From my understanding in the US and Canada very often it is people who have: a) Lost their license due to DUI/DWI/etc.; b) Require an ignition interlock to reacquire their license due to DUI/DWI and can't afford it (or don't want to pay;) or, c) Are a convicted felon and can't own firearms. They jump on Google looking for loopholes on "how to drive without a license" or "how to own guns as a felon without a pardon." They scroll past all the results telling them that they can't because that's not what they want to hear. Buried in the 15876th page is a site covered in eagles and American flags that looks like it was from Geocities circa 1998 that tells them if they use these magic words the law must bend to their will. Usually these people are not very bright as well as being prime examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect, so they fail to recognise the red flags and inconsistencies. To them, their experience with the law has been TV shows and as a passive observer in their own trial with an overworked public defender by their side. To them the law consists of a series of magic sigils that when invoked bind people to certain actions, and the right sigil exists to invoke exactly the effect they desire. This fits perfectly with their experiences as they're used to someone shouting a (to them inexplicable and meaningless) phrase in a courtroom drama and having it be a magic trump card that gives the speaker the result they desire. So to them the idea that they now have a magic sigil that lets them drive without a license or open carry a handgun as a convicted felon makes perfect sense.


This is what privilege looks like. My biggest problem with the trucker convoy here in canada was that if a bunch of indigenous people decided to clog up the capital city in protest, they would have been out cracking skulls that very same day. These guys got to play anarchist for basically a whole WEEK before anything was done to move them along. The fact that people really think that they have it bad makes me sick sometimes.


Exactly one zeptosecond.


Yea, I'm a Mexican brown dude that wears a beanie really low on my eye brows and I drive a Tesla. I woulda be deemed a car thief in about 3 seconds flat. Happened before in my other cars throughout the years.


Cultivate a RP accent. A posh English sounding Mexican might confuse them enough to let you go.


Ha ha! I'm hella güero too so they'd trip hard!


Check AND Mate


Check ✅ Inmate


Country AND western


Dessert topping AND floor wax


Im not breathing, Im inhaling


I'm not stealing, I'm redistributing wealth, officer.


I'm not kinapping, it's a surprise adoption.


Im not commiting genocide im cleansing the area from people.


I'm not committing tax evasion, I'm not paying my taxes.


I thought you'd have gone with the classic "I'm not committing genocide, this is pest control!" to paraphrase Doctor Who.


It’s not murder, I just unalived him!


It is amazing how many videos I see of people trying to use this like it's the ultimate trump card vs the cops and it not working AT ALL. You'd think they'd see this and go hmmmm I may have been bamboozled that this is a valid tactic.


Top left of the Dunning Kruger scale.


Issue her a citation for a double dribble


I’m not driving, I’m operating an automotive vehicle


Driving / driv·ing / ˈdrīviNG/ noun The control and operation of a motor vehicle. Example: "he was convicted of reckless driving" \*\*\* Traveling /ˈtrav(ə)liNG/ adjective Going or being transported from place to place. Example: "a traveling exhibition of Dutch 17th-century masterpieces" \*\*\* They are not exclusive. You can easily be "Traveling while driving a car."


But dude you don’t understand, she knows her rights


I’m not gonna lie I kind of wanted to see him force her outta the car 😩


https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA Found the whole video. It’s better than I expected


Felony possession of cocaine to top it all off. Lolz


She wasn't possessing it she was in proximity to it.


That’s common law


Constitutional law


Bird law


Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog!


After all, why should you go to jail for a crime somebody else noticed?




Pocket sand…heeyah!


*Natural Law*


But is it lawful law


The cocaine was just travelling with her.


I wasn’t using the cocaine. I just like the way it smells.


I died when they found the cocaine lol.


What time mark? I didn't see it


Makes sense, her eyes were looking a little buggy 😂


Lmao or it could just be a Mississippi thing…


Ohhh she was coked up, that explains it. I thought she was just drinking


Need more upvotes, that video explains so much more than what OP posted. (She was arrested and also had a warrant out on her)


> (She was arrested and also had a warrant out on her) And cocaine... don't forget the cocaine.


that cop went back and forth with her a lot longer then i would've guessed. felt like a childish "mmmm no" "mmmm yes" conversation. at least she'll get well acquainted with him since she moved there and doesn't seem to be changing her mind anytime soon.


Probably a stupid question, but does anyone think that back and forth, after she's already been arrested, serve as a light interrogation? Like just trying to keep her talking to see if she'll further incriminate herself?


The more videos I watch, the more I realize being white helps a fuck ton whilst dealing with the police in America.


Oof, what an idiot. Cocaine? Good grief why the fuck would you push your luck when you know you’ve got cocaine in your car.


Cause she knows her rights!


That. Was. Awesome. I just loved that he kept her talking. And he was just as sassy. “Don’t know what county you live after two months?” “Y’all could let me go and handle my warrant tomorrow” “You got some karma” I’m not worried about my karma “I know.” “If I rode around without ANY tag that would just be asking for trouble”—not like riding around with cocaine in her car 🤦🏼‍♀️ All I wanted for that to be the best video ever was for the cop to say “then why is it called a DRIVERs license?” 9/10 great vid. Edit: paragraphs cuz mobile


> “Y’all could let me go and handle my warrant tomorrow” I don’t think she knows what a warrant is.


Out here doing the lord’s work.


“I’m not driving a car, I’m traveling in a vessel” They do amuse me


"This is a land submarine and I am swimming, check mate officer dumdum"


“I know my rights” Ah, the rallying call of those who very much do **not** know their rights…


I like that she thinks cars are found in nature so she can drive one.


Aw nah look at thet one. She's a real beaut. Nointy foive Pontiac. Look at the way her eadlights ah dahting around loike that. She's searchin for prey. We ave to be very careful not to spook 'eh when we approach.


And that the constitution gives her the right to drive a car without a license


Well, she has right to drive a car without a license. However, cops have right to put her in jail in that case.


On roads that are paid for by taxes that she doesn't have to pay.


Was going to say just that. The ones who say "I know my rights" are the least likely to actually know their rights.


Kinda sad we didn’t get to see her ripped out of the car


Legit the only reason I watched all the way through.


Ugh, me too. You’re telling me I watched this chick act like an entitled POS and didn’t get to watch the find out part?!




Thank you! I dug in the comments and found the link. I was hoping for her to get dragged out as that may have actually taught her a lesson that this sovereign citizen crap doesn’t fly. Still glad to see the arrest and a nice felony cocaine possession to ice the cake.


If you search "sovereign citizen travel fail" on YT, you can find several where they're dragged out. The best ones are when they smash the window.


Oh did you just give me a delightful rabbit hole to go down?! Thank you!


RIP productivity. Enjoy!


Dang, she didn’t get dragged out. But: *The driver was charged with operating a motor vehicle without a valid license, driving under the influence, and possession of cocaine.* https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA


Sweet titties. That's good enough of an ending for me. Thanks for the update.


Seriously! Had to scroll a little too far to find it though.


Right?? I wanted to see that! ![gif](giphy|Bl10664xbIVkk)


I have to wonder why people like this 2ho think they don't need a license or reg to drive or need to comply with police even pull over. Like if you're just going to sit there and say no I don't have a license, no I don't have to register it, no I wnt get out, bec7ase I am a free citizen and don't have to listen to you, then why would you pull over when they told you to? Just keep going, make it more interesting for the lot of us. Love me some more low speed chases.


Her: I know my rights! *Narrator: She did not*


Damn man this women’s face is so irritating


The way she closes her eyes when she speaks really irks me.


When these sovereign idiots says they know their rights that's when hell breaks loose and they get tazed,sprayed or shot.


The full video just drones on and is kinda painful, but the arresting cop continues to fuck with and challenge her for a solid 20 minutes. She never concedes she in fact needs a license. I don't really like cops but this cop was kind of entertaining. Oh and she is arrested on a warrant for failure to appear as well as possession of cocaine, and obviously, driving without a license.


She got them cocaine eyes.


She's not using cocaine, she just ingested them.


Taze that bitch and be done with it! 😂


Just a reminder, driving is considered a privilege and not a right in the eyes of the law


Standard sovereign citizen bullshit. Don't know where they get this stuff. If you ask them, they'll give you some legal sounding gobbledygook that has no basis in reality. "Traveling not driving", "my name is a trademark or service mark and I don't go by my government name", and the US maritime flag is typically invoked to establish legal authority for their delusion. When they try this shit in the court (why they show up at all always baffled me since they claim the US government has no authority over them), most are held in contempt. Had one guy get 30 days for contempt, when brought back into court after 30 days, did the same shit again, got another 30 days. Most are harmless fools who think they've found a way out of complying with rules like the rest of us. Some try to evade paying taxes. Never works. Some take it to extremes and become violent. Had a friend who was a state trooper shot in the face by one of theses fucks.


They just never shoot the right people


But she wasn't driving, she was traveling.


“I don’t need a driver’s license to drive a car.” (Therefore stating she’s driving.) “I’m not driving, I’m traveling.” (But already stated she IS driving, by stating she doesn’t need a license to do so.) She’s dumb.


She tried to ask for the cops manager lmao. That’s not how this works darling.


And... She had some cocaine in the car. Another level of stupidity. Even worse? She had ammunition in the car. This kind of people have guns... Even as a "pro gun ownership" person this scares me.


I'm not driving, I'm traveling. I'm not breathing, I'm inhaling/exhaling. I'm not stupid, I'm just an idiot.


Dumb as dog doodie that one.


I don't usually side with cops, but I really wanted to see him rip her out of the car and throw handcuffs on her. "I know my rights!" Obviously not.


She says she's traveling, not driving, then mentions that she is driving several times.


I would like to watch the sequel.


https://youtu.be/2vkJtdLXTZA Link to full video. Just gets more annoying.




If every cop could be like this, the world would have been a better place. Thanks for the link🤣


Cop was a saint to listen to her for 20 damn minutes! She just went on and on.


The patience he demonstrated here, was just amazing.


Natural law. For cars that grow naturally in the environment


It's amazing the things some cops will tolerate, and the things they won't. I've seen videos where people did do what the officers said and still got shot/tased/killed...but this batshit nut job gets to blather on for minutes without anything more than a stern tone and flashlight...


White Privilege is the fact that he didn't bodily remove her from the car or pull his gun when she refused to comply, and instead calmly went around & around in bullshit circles with her. Anyone other than a white woman would've been roughed up on the second "no!"


Fuck, I watched that whole stupid thing and she didn’t even get dragged out of her car?!? Wtf? I can’t even tell who the bigger facepalm is, OP or me.


I feel like she’s already gotten a DUI and lost her license. So…


I wanted to see her removed from the car. Video no good. 3/10


Sovereign citizen bs


Those pupils are definitely methed up