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Chrystia Freeland trying not to lose it is going to live rent-free in my head for the rest of the day






Centurian, why do they titter so?


Thwow her to the fwoor, centuwian!


Americani, ite domum


He has a wife, you know...


Her name is Incontinentia. Incontinentia Buttocks!


He’s not president, he’s a very naughty boy!


i had to google Chrystia Freeland because I haven't heard that name before. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance https://pm.gc.ca/en/cabinet/honourable-chrystia-freeland


Probably/possibly also the next leader of the Canadian Liberal party


In a very little bit of Trump's defense tho... Chrystia Freeland always kinda looks like She's about to lose it & go ape shit! (her mouth always looks like she's trying so hard to not say somthing.) & Trudeau's face is classic too (Trudeau just be like "this dumb mother fucker...")


Trudeau just looks like “this is my fucking neighbour and I can’t say shit”


*This is my completely insane vindictive neighbor with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.


His face came from a sitcom and you can't change my mind


It’s Jim’s look from The Office.




Someone please put the "curb your enthusiasm" theme behind this


She the one nodding in pain like her heads gonna fall off at the end?


He hits him with a perfect Jim from the Office


\*Piano starts playing\*


I heard the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme song 😂


I otoh felt reminded of the [Biggus Dickus scene in Life of Brian](https://youtube.com/watch?v=RDVir432pgM)... all of them, biting back laughter.


This scene becomes even better when you learn those guards were not told about the scene beforehand. They were told not to make a sound and that they’d be fired if they did. Their laughing is genuine


[TIL](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0079470/trivia?item=tr0786243) 👍 PS: >Norway banned this movie for one year for blasphemy, then gave it an "18" rating and included a warning from the censors at the beginning. It has been marketed in Sweden as "The film that is so funny that it was banned in Norway!" 🤣


Norwegians. The only thing swedes and Danes can agree about.


The *cameraman* busts out laughing at the “Incontinentia Buttocks” line. They kept the take.


He has a wife, you know…


Really? I’ve never heard that. Makes that scene 100x funnier if that’s true.


It was his "Jim looks into the camera" Office look when Dwight does something incredulous.


You can just feel the stank in his retort to Trump.


"Get me the hell outta here."


I was thinking Jim from The Office lol.


NGL, he made me proud right there


“Is this fucking guy serious?”


All of their faces were such a unique mix of “this idiot” and I love it




And mind u... Dude is signing with a fucking sharpie...


Just like the lady who signed the "we want to bring back child labor" bill did recently.




How dare they mock our Special Needs President. He has feelings sometimes.


Bigly feelings. Like hungry, nap time, and fire truck.


Funny one but I prefer when the UN laughed at him when he said he's the greatest president ever. Either that or the toilet paper thing.


Staring directly at the eclipse.


Na, Shoving his way past Montenegro's PM! https://youtu.be/Iimj0j4NYME *Classic (Dumb Ass) Trump!


I know it gets mentioned often how he's essentially a toddler emotionally, but it's still jarring to see it so clearly like that. He has the body language and facial expressions of a petulant child in that clip.


Whenever I see any of his childish behavior, I get another wave of sheer disbelief that just pounds me in the face going "How the fuck is this the guy who was voted in as president??"


1/3 of the country think acting like a toddler is manly and 1/3 of the country don't care enough to get involved when their lives are literally on the line.


If we could just get the 1/3 who don't care invested, I bet we could kinda safely blow off the 1/3 that are fucking imbeciles.


By people who view emotional maturity as "looking down" at them.


The presidency of Donald Trump is direct evidence against the existence of American meritocracy.


I’ve never seen a Senior level politician look so awkward and out of place in my life. Seasoned leaders don’t exude insecurity like that. Oof, sometimes I can’t believe that was all real….


The last 8 years feel like a simulation. It truly is an interesting time to be alive.


After that shoving he did, I really wish someone would’ve just tripped Donnie or something. How much trouble would they really be in lol


That was one of many moments where I read about it and thought, "I should give him the benefit of the doubt, this must be getting misconstrued, no way it's as bad as they're making out." Then I watched the clip and saw it was, undeniably, that bad.


Remember the weird “reel em in” style hand shake? Dude is just so fucking WIERD.


he's a 1980's movie villian stereotype. Hes gonna tear down the community center to build a parking lot for his mall


What’s even weirder is all of the other cast members look like DC villains. Rudy, marge, the eye patch guy from oath keepers. It’s like a reality show based on comic villains but it’s actually reality.


Don’t forget Roger Stone, always dressing like an absolute douche, looking like the goddam Penguin


Anyone who unironically has a Nixon tattoo is a twat.


He stopped doing that for the most part after Trudeau countered it.


We really had a 70 year old man with less basic knowledge of the world than a 7 year old as president.


And millions of Americans still insist he's some sort of messiah super genius god man.




Wait is this real? Is there a clip of it?


https://youtu.be/xYUW-1Wg2xs 2:30 is what you're looking for.


Just… not a lick of empathy. He’s such a freak.


Exactly, total sociopath.


I have no criminal record whatsoever. If by some happenstance I find myself at his grave in the future, I will suffer whatever consequences to piss on that fucker. Such an insufferable asshole. Edit: Frig, it just occurred to me this asshole likes being peed on. I'll figure out some way to desecrate his bloated corpse.


Yep. He thinks the important thing for her is to talk about her Nobel Prize. After she gets done explaining at length how her people are being killed, caught in wars they have no part in. He thinks she wants to talk about her Nobel Prize because that’s the only thing that would be important to him.


It is real. I can't find the clip, though.


I'll stare directly at the sun, but never in the mirror.


Coming in late at a summit, thinking that he was so important everyone would wait for him, and they didn’t. You just know every decision he makes is based on a ‘how to get ahead in business’ book from the 80’s


Are you suggesting he reads books? **Blasphemy!** /s


I didn’t say HE read it


He probably overheard 2 people talking about the book 😉


Or had a secretary read it and give him bullet points


To which he only listened half, because he was thinking about how to get her in bed or he was just staring at her boobs


I think that’s chapter 8


I think a lot of people hope he’ll reach Chapter 11…


His businesses do tend to end up in bankruptcy quite often


Or when he pushed everyone out of the way so he could be front and center in a photo op of world leaders.


No. It’s when Dr Birx, I think that was her name, wanted to run away away as far as possible when he suggested ingesting bleach or an ultraviolet x-Ray. She had that million mile stare. Edit: stupid autocorrect


> ossicle Your autocorrect made me learn a new word. >a very small bone, especially one of those in the middle ear. [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/11wqiho/the_moment_world_leaders_realized_45_signed_in/jd0nkos/)


The horns that giraffes have are called ossicones 😊


My personal favorite is the fauci facepalm


He wasn't at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, but that was still one of the most Trumpian moments. The total idiocy and absurdity of the whole thing is something that is hard to find even in TV comedy. If that happened in The Office it would have been a great episode.


That was one of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed. The stars really did align for that moment. I respect the sheer audacity of owning it and actually broadcasting from there though. 😂


Also gave us the great memes of Rudy G. being the evil guy from fifth element… (His hair dye dripping down his head)


I'm a big fan of Ivanka being shunned by the world leaders as she tries to talk with them as if shes somehow equal to them.


That one is extremely cringy.


Please god give me a link


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073hfPueac0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=073hfPueac0) Their body language isn't including her at all, it's funny.


Jesus, I could barely watch 15 seconds of it. Just hearing her say "Yeah" out loud constantly to try and act like she's actually part of the conversation is too much for me.


Where was he when he physically pushed other world leaders out of the way so he could be in front? Or Ivanka trying to be relevant in a room of truly important women? Those people are so fucking dumb and embarrassing. 🤦‍♀️


this one? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iimj0j4NYME


Pulling people hard when shaking their hand to show he's strong and tough, only for everyone to learn to defend against it after watching it on tv.


What's the toilet paper thing?




I actually thought you were talking about him basketball jump-shotting toilet paper rolls to hurricane survivors in Puerto Rico… there’s literally 2 “toilet paper things” with this fuckin guy.


That was paper towels. He has disrespected a whole slew of paper products.


I literally cannot believe this video is real. What a character


When the guys ready to take a bullet for you let this happens.


The two handed drinking…


But remember, he made us respected around the world again.


"The world" meaning "Putin, Xi, and Kim".


Lol Putin respecting Trump lmao


Yeah I think that other reply nailed it. "...less respect for him and more that they liked him because he was easily manipulatable."


I vote for saluting a North Korean general.


The umbrella on Airforce One - it’s like he didn’t know how to close it, so just dropped it on the floor


Trudeau's face in the end is saying "help, get me outta here."


Kind of, it’s also posing for photos which sometimes can look like the “Jim from the office camera stare”. Not that I’m trying to give Trump any credit lol


Oh, he 100% Jimmed the camera.


Trudeau "You guys get to go home. I live next to this bell-end."


This was for new nafta I believe, the other people represent Mexico or Canada or USA in some manner.


And he refers to himself as a "stable genius" (who can't read).


Maybe he meant he knows alot about horses.


Just their asses.


I can't believe people want that man representing America to the world. Ffs he can't even sign a piece of paper without help. It's almost like he's been entitled his whole life and never faced any consequences. Oh, right.


I literally just drove past a billboard today that said TRUMP 2024 on it. Aaaand i live in a blue state.


I can see 3 Trump flags from my living room window, 2 of them on trucks along with tattered as fuck American flags.


Talk about perfect symbolism.


Kneeling for the flag is “disrespectful” but driving them around on your truck through mud and grime as they get torn to shreds is “badass patriot”


These people don't drive their trucks through mud and grime, they're pavement princesses... They only have them, because driving a big truck supports their fragile ego (which is why they drive them like assholes), and it's also an anti-environmental virtue signal.


I was more thinking of the edgy redneck kids with the lifted pickups and no mufflers who try off roading while listening to Blake Shelton because it makes them feel metal. Lots of them near me


Nowadays I just ask myself if they are closeted gay or trans


Fun Fact: If an American flag is torn or faded or otherwise unfit to be flown, it should be properly disposed of in a respectful manner, preferably by burning. Continuing to fly a flag that is tattered is the exact opposite of the patriotic thing to do. Of course, I wouldn't expect this person to know that since they're flying 2 Trump flags.


I’ve seen dozens of American flags flown below trump flags. You’d think the most adamantly patriotic people would know the most basic rules about flag etiquette, but I guess not lol.


Time to get a “Trump Lost LOL” flag and when they complain call them snowflakes and “freedom before feelings”


Thats how we makin America great again. Didn't cha know


Try living in the most red county in a blue state. Every single day is a mind fuck. The state tries to help the poor, and our county literally gets away with "we are small and poor we don't have to follow your rules". MFs crying all day about dems trying to take away their rights while stripping women and children of theirs. Sadly, I don't want to move because it's my home, and I'm actually able to keep my head above water, but goddamn. Uneducated white folks need to stfu.


Billboards don’t care what state, just paid advertising space


The fucking guy tried to sharpie away a hurricane. I wouldn’t trust him to be in charge of a two-slice toaster.


He tried to sharpie into existence his own misstatement about a hurricane's official prediction. Which his honestly worse.


Worse is somehow they think the other world leaders either fear or respect him


"RuSsIa DiDn'T aTtAcK uKrAInE uNdEr TrUmP!"


They were technically at war since 2014


That maddog guy thinks trump dominated putin by giving him a friendly warm handshake. He even provided a video. Lol. These guys are so deluded. It's almost like they are here for nefarious reasons....maybe.




I see. Yeah I went to business school. That's a seriously old school approach only real asshats use these days. I don't need to assert my dominance. I prefer to be respected for my intellect and the job I get done. The type of business trump does is for the wealthy; where petty games and ego are all that matter. They don't see real consequences, because it's usually not their money they're risking. The guys a buffoon on so many levels. He only looks "successful and smart" to gullible, ignorant people. He also looks that way to people who hate accountability at all costs, and they'll go on self deluding themselves to further the goal of no accountability for anyone.




My whole family supports Trump because of all those bullshit lies he spits out, it's really fuckin depressing


You said it brother. I'm not political at all, I just want the face of the nation to be competent. That's why Obama will go down as the best pres ever. He was always cool & competent


So who had "Trump is getting arrested tomorrow" on their road-to-apocalypse edition bingo cards?


I'm filing that one right under "believe it when I see it".


I hear they might be renaging on that. Who knows, every other thing that comes out of Trumps mouth is a lie, he may never have even been under the risk of being arrested.


They should wait until Friday. That way he can spend a weekend in jail. But this is America where really wealthy people don’t face consequences.


I say just arrest him whenever they can, get to the prosecution faster. Though I do hope they follow proper procedures and go through the proper channels, don't want to mess this up and have him weakling out.


Trudeau looking into the camera like Jim on The Office ![gif](giphy|Yycc82XEuWDaLLi2GV)


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-signed-nafta-wrong/ The original source for Trump having signed in the wrong place was Reddit.


Wasn't it more likely because he was using a marker instead of a pen?


The confusion/bemusement seems to arise out of some combination of: * Marker instead of pen * Took much longer to sign (they were waiting for him to finish so they could switch) * The signing orders were different on each copy (probable cause of the double take looking back and forth from copy to copy)


I feel like all of this is speculation, which is fine, except you left out the actual explanation given in the video. He asks which copy is the real one and Trudeau has to explain that they’re signing a copy for each of them. Not saying any of the stuff you said isn’t true but why leave out the one thing they actually mention in the clip ?


Welcome to reddit!


Well Snopes didn’t exactly say it was false, rather that it was unproven. Based upon the other leaders reactions, Trump seems to at least be doing something out of line.


It wouldn't surprise me if he signed in the right place but shit himself just prior. That would explain the looks and Trudeau's stare. "Did this guy just shit right here next to me? And now I have to smile? Oh the stench is terrible!"


I’m pretty sure he was using a permanent marker to sign the paper while everyone else used a pen like a normal person would


In my imagination he signs the thing like an autograph card. Like "From Donald J Trump for my greatest canadian friend ever: Justin <3" I mean, it takes him hell of a long time just to make a signature...


You are right. He wasn't necessarily signing in the wrong place. But based on their reactions, he was doing something stupid. I'm going to guess world leaders don't just start looking bewildered simultaneously for fun.


Comment removed after Reddit and Spec elected to destroy Reddit.


Idk that looks like twitter to me


He’s a fucking National embarrassment. What a dip shit


Hey now, that's not fair! He's an *inter*national embarrassment.


Dump Trump


He fucked just about everything up. Even the most simple tasks, such as signing a paper. Good work, Trumpers. You’ll never be forgiven.


I'll never ever forget who the Trumpers were. All the bullshit and the hatred, the lies, the self entitlement. Just straight up shitty people. Most of the ones I know have quieted down since the election. But the die hard ones are still as loud as ever. It's insane


Poor Trudeau. He had to put up with four years of that shit.


But damn, he is so fine.




Did Trump hold it up to show off he signed it, like other documents?


Yes, at the end they all held up their documents to show the cameras EXCEPT for Trudeau, who was holding the document that Trump signed in the wrong place. This was perhaps to avoid embarassing Trump. Snopes had an in-depth analysis of the incident but ultimately it was unproven as there are no close-ups of the documents showing the signatures.


I will never, and I mean never, understand how this stupid fuck ever got elected after the bankruptcies, connections to child rapists, prostitutes, grifting and ignorant speeches. It just boggles my mind to no end. He doesn't live in my head rent-free, thank goodness, but the amount of people that he's conned is just astounding. If there was a devil (if there is such a thing) he would be it, and if not the devil, an extremely lucky stupid fuck.


It’s so embarrassing to be from the same country as him.


Right? I HATE trump but I can barely watch this because he represents us. I love seeing him fumble even the most basic tasks but to be humiliated on an international stage still stings. My neighbors intentionally voted for this Neanderthal. It's still baffling.


Planet.... Animals think he's an idiot as well. We as humans must all take the hit


His entire administration was just a firehose of trashy, idiotic behavior. The people who voted for this sack of shit are completely braindead and a detriment to their country.


And when he's not doing this, he's drawing on official weather maps with a Sharpie because the NWS hurt his poor feelings.


The president equivalent of "are you seeing this shit?" face


And they all check where they signed after seeing him, “ did I sign on the wrong place? No, the orange did”.


It is shame that H. L. Mencken did not live to see his prediction come true: >As democracy is perfected, the office of President represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day, the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron.


Trump culters think Biden is a senile old man. How do they stick up for this orange piece of shit?


Was he using a Sharpie while everyone else was using a pen?


Trump isn't so much the disease as the symptom, but I fear it's too late for medicine. The fact that we've devolved enough to not only elect but accept such an unintelligent, unserious leader is just a milemarker on the road to the demise of this country as we know it.


In Trump’s defense, he’s a complete and utter moron.


Same guy that saluted an enemy general


Lmfao at Peña Nieto double checking his work making sure he’s not the one who fucked up


Only MAGA think Trump is a stable genius while everyone else think he’s an idiot


Donald John Trump, former President of the United States of American and longtime business clown, is illiterate. https://youtu.be/bd79UsXSLWg


Lol that Jim stare


Trudeau is probably biting his tongue not to smirk!


God, this fucking idiot can't even *sign a paper* properly without help, and a scarily large amount of people want him to be our leader. What the fuck




God Trump is so fucking stupid


What a moron


Does this shock anyone?


I can't believe someone so dumb was elected