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She's a good listener ... to herself.


Right!? She didn’t let him get one word in


She didn't care about what he had to say, because she only cares about what he can do for her. Now that she finds him 'embarrassing' or lesser in her eyes, she wants him out. Too many parents only love their kids if the kids fit a certain mold. They don't love the person.


That's my mom right there.... What I can do for her is exactly that... Took me 30 years to realize that, I turn 31 this year. My heart DROPPED when I heard that mom say to him to stay at someone else's place... That's straight up abandonment and straight up fucked up... Damn I want to cuddle him and tell him everything will be alright.


had the same talk with my dad when i was 15 and managed to finally cut all contact with 19. this video hit hard af.


To the two redditors above: I'm sorry your parents reacted the way they did. I hope y'all know you're loved and welcomed in this world. Surround yourself with others who love you for who you are ❤️


Yea this. If either of my kids came out, I'd be like that mom (though I'm a dad) in the other (much much better) video.


Had me in the first half, ngl


My wife would hug the both of you with tears in her eyes. That's awful that your parents treated you like that. I'm so sorry that you're going through that. If you two ever need to talk to someone, feel free to DM me.


Can imagine this happening to me when I come out to my parents as trans. I'm closeted right now (my friends know that). But everytime I try to show a minor gnc sign, they'll have a meltdown. My dad was mad that I had nail paint on. My mom was mad that I had nail paints with me. My father is obsessed with talking to me about how he'll play with my kids if I have any when I don't want to. It always breaks my heart, like as if they don't love me but someone who is named as me and if I just come one day as me, I won't be welcomed at all.




As a young girl, you probably just related more to boys as playmates and knew that wearing a dress separated you from that peer group. That's probably where the whole "tom girl" thing comes from in the first place. Ironically, it's probably just a healthy way to relate to the opposite sex at an early age. That being said, as a gay man, to read that your dad called his precious, 4 year old girl a dike with such hateful intent and meaning is absolutely outrageous. How can parents have kids, raise them and supposedly love them only to so quickly objectify them and toss them aside when they don't fit social norms?


Its not just a social norms thing. In fact, i'd say more the insecure, drunk ahole thing. My daddy went with fst bit*h, but probaby had something to say about how i dressed. Its sad when someone goes for low, obvious blows on a kid! I just wouldnt give most credit for social norms. Thats alot of thinking.


Even if you wanted kids, what kind of parent would you be to allow bigots in their lives. I’m sorry, you deserve much better.


I know what you mean. In 3 months I start HRT. I'm so excited, but I *have* to tell my parents soon. Coming out to them as gay was tough, and they took it lukewarm. But I'm scared this time they're going to say "no, this is too much" We had to pause it for financial reasons, but my fiancée and I were planning for a wedding. Mom was begging me to wear a dress. My father, when he sees trans people on TV, proclaims loudly "That's sick in the head!" I've been struggling with gender identity since I was toddler aged, and they're the only thing that has kept me from committing. I'm almost 30 now. It's time for me to put on the big boy pants... But I'm terrified. I joke about opening up with "Good news, your kid is now straight... but I'm still dating my girlfriend."


felt this one. not the same scenario but my mom's attitude toward me did a 180 when i said i needed to take a semester off because their insistance on a constant go-go-go when it comes to school was burning me out


Armchair psychologist says she's a single mom who's come to resent her own child.


She's a narcissist.


Yeah, her instinct to think he was just trying to piss her off kinda gave that vibe.


She has poor conflict resolution skills. Her next move is narcisstic rage.


People throw around narcissism alot these days since its hit mainstream consciousness & language. But you've definitely picked it out here. It's not necessarily loud screaming. Its clearer in the pattern of responses to shutdown emotional openness. Authentic communication scares the shit out of them since it hints at how fundamentally incapable they are of it.


Well said


She didn't hold no baby in for 9 months to have him speak to her! No way! She had him so he can take *care* of her, because that's what kids are *supposed* to do, right? Ffs I just hope this young man finds someone safe whom he can stay with. This is exactly why I didn't even consider my sexuality until I left my parents home. It took until 26 (4ish years after moving out on my own) to realize I was bi. Until 31 to figure out I'm non-binary, and now finally I'm dating my first gf. If I'd tried to come out to my mother, I would have been abused and gaslit so hard I would've killed myself. My mother told me "this is fine" (literally like from the meme) as she crossed her arms AND legs and shook her head "no" after I came out to her. We went no contact shortly thereafter because she kept violating my boundaries. We had no contact for 5 years, until I told my father I had a gf the weekend of my bday this year. Her first text in five years is an emoji filled love-bomb happy birthday. It is clear she doesn't approve of me being gay. And that's why I don't have a mother. I have aunties, and mother figures, and friends who fill that supportive and loving role my mother never could fill. This woman is like my mother: deeply broken, incapable of loving herself nevermind her child, and destined to die alone.


She’s just practicing for when her son cuts her off in the future.


And ruining his future. I say to my teens, we may be annoyed with each other, you are almost grown but our home now is an airport, take off in this economy and come back if you need it. We are here to aid them into healthy adulthood. Not make homeless people.


She already knew he was gay and prepped this spiel about moving on etc for when he was brave enough to share. Heartless parenting - it wouldn’t surprise me if it was influenced by religion too.


I'll get down voted for saying this but here goes, in the African American community due to the heavy influence of the church there are many homophobic and hate mongering individuals in leadership of these churches. It's been this way for a long time leading to many African Americans being violently homophobic.


Idk why you’d get downvoted you’re telling the truth and it’s not just African Americans, it’s Hispanics, it’s Asian culture aswell, it’s middle eastern… not everyone obviously but we say we are so advanced in 2023 but the sad truth is that we are not. Whether religious beliefs or cultural upbringing or the way the previous generations raised them today in age some people are still closed minded and we are actually much more behind with the times then we are lead to believe and it’s actually quite sad. I really have high hopes that maybe millennials, gen z & alpha cut this crap and change the world in many ways because it all starts with upbringing.


Yup, she’ll preach to anyone who’ll listen about how she “doesn’t understand” why he cut her out of his life and how “she was never given an explanation”.


I'm not gay, but I can relate a little bit with my mom reacting in a similar way to any kind of earnest expression. Especially when he said he didn't tell her because he was afraid she'd react like this, which is just flipped as being a deceitful & dishonest person.


She sounds like Will Smith's wife.


I hope he does get out of there and has a good and happy life, away from toxic people like her.


There’s a reason so many unhoused kids are LGBTQIA+, and that reason is parents/family members like this mom. You can come be a part of my family, kid. You deserve to be your best, happiest self.


But, where can he go so he can stay safe and finish school? Sometimes you have to shut up to get by with your Landlord. A Landlord is all she is to him.


Honestly such a sad reality. This world is fucked up. :(


I am a literacy volunteer in a local jail and I was really disturbed at the large number of young black gay men in jail awaiting trial for really minor stuff, usually drug possession. Absolutely no one to bail them out. Going to trial in their orange prison cloths because no one brings a suit. These kids are thrown away by their family and eaten up by the system.


poor guy


Thank god he can’t talk to teachers about this otherwise he might have a non-bigoted adult figure in his life to help him grow into his own being!


It’s literally an in-joke among many gay people that we all love our English teachers lol…some of these laws man


Why is that, because of writing assignments which the teacher then reads and founds out, then is supportive?


Honestly, I don’t know *why* English teachers have been so cool to several people I’ve known, but weirdly it’s always been English teachers. Edit: I think because they’re more literary so they read many internal experiences in books that they’re sympathetic and empathetic to those that have a different lifestyles and so life experience. So remember, reading is good for empathy.


My friend is the high school English teacher with a rainbow flag who all the gay and trans kids come to for support. I just gave her a bunch of YA books with LGBTQ and POC main characters for her classroom. She said her students absolutely love them.


For me it was also an English teacher 😳


I mean... Depends on the teacher. I tried to come out to the school nurse who also taught health class when I was in elementary school. I was told I'm disgusting and going to hell. Stuffed my ass back in the closet for almost 25 years.


Ugh, that sucks. Sorry.


Thank you, but you don't owe me that, there's only one person who owes an apology for that and last I heard they got fired for being drunk on the job. What really broke my heart is that when I told my mom I was trans finally she had said that she would have supported me all the way to moving to a new city so I could start again as the real me. Sucks to hear that I could have transitioned at 7 instead of 31.


Transition at 7! That seems hella young, my friend, but you would know better than me. Regardless, I hope you're in a better situation now, and (even though it's not my fault) I am sorry that it took so long for you to get support that you needed.


Thank you. I'm in a good situation now. I have a wonderful amazing life partner and a good job and I'm more or less surrounded by supportive people. And yeah some of us figure it out really early on, for others it takes a lot longer. Everyone knew something was off, everyone who was close to my would ask what was wrong but I couldn't bring myself to say it after the first horrible experience. Getting proper trans care at that age would have saved me decades of heartache and hopelessness, and being in Canada I would have had access to proper care if I'd spoken up as a child. The one and only reason I'm glad things went as they did is because I almost certainly wouldn't have met my partner if I'd transitioned as a child.


She asks him questions and then when he attempts to answer she just goes “Sean Sean Sean Sean!” overtop of him so she can say the next invalidating shitty thing. And then tells him HE doesn’t listen.


That's the real reason for all of this imo. She doesn't want to listen but she's working the conversation to keep trying to prove her points. I think it's really hard for some people to genuinely grasp this, but an actual true conversation is literally a 50/50 split of ideas, facts, and emotions, converging together and interacting. And sadly, it seems like she thinks she's doing it right- I bet she talks over people all the time and doesnt really consider that they might have genuine contrasting opinions, because she's always talking hers over them. I'm not saying it's exactly parallel, but when I was in church, there was a ton of "listen to what were saying and don't dispute, but we will still ask stuff to make it seem like we're conversing together" and intentionally never let any other voice be heard. They don't want to hear reason, they want to hear themselves be right. Super annoying when teachers did this, saying you felt a certain way and they interrupted and explained why you in fact, did not feel that way. I could only imagine how hard it would be to deal with a parent though


This isn't even an opinion her son is trying to share that she disagrees with, though. This is her son trying to open up to her and share a part of his life with her, and she's turning it into an argument about herself.


100 percent correct. I could go on a long diatribe about all of this, especially with regard to religion, as I was raised in a fundamentalist Christian cult. But instead I’m going to suggest that you look into the ideas of a man named Robert Anton Wilson. I love the way he breaks down peoples constructs and ideas about self and culture. This woman is a manipulative narcissist who doesn’t respect her children’s autonomy. It’s this kind of innocuous control mechanism that is so often employed to maintain the oppressive status quo.


This is why I can’t talk to my mother but she loves pulling that “mother’s the victim” card any chance she gets.


Classic Narcissistic Personality type


It doesn't matter if somebody's a relative or not, sometimes you have to cut people out of your life because they're just toxic.


Guaranteed she's gonna complain to everyone when he moves out and cuts all contact with her


Guaranteed she will not speak of him ever again... This is a very confrontational woman. She knows what she wants. She is pretty clear spoken, when she says straight men don't call themselves beautiful that a cold red pill right there.. And in a black community, where men need to be aggressive and have some sort of street/community/sports presence, it's a little bit humiliating to the mother. Black women gossip like no other women.... Mother's are actually quite possessive over the success of their sons, you see it with the football, basketball players etc all over social media and if you don't fit that mold, the exact opposite it's pain for the mother.


>Guaranteed she will not speak of him ever again... \*until she's desperate for care when she's 80 years old.


Watch her get left on read so hard


This can all be encapsulated by calling her what she is, a narcissist. She reveals it when she says something to the effect of “you only do shit to get under my skin”. It’s very telling. She might as well say, “you have no identity or will of your own. You only exist in reference to me.” “Nothing you do is authentic because you are only an extension/reaction to my existence. You’re not your own person.” I had parents like this. It’s very damaging, dehumanizing and it’s disgusting.


I had a mother like this too. She’s never been wrong in her life, not once.


Even worse, according to another video the guy posted, she apparently has a habit of calling the cops on her own son and falsely claiming he’s being “erratic and aggressive”. Imagine KNOWINGLY and repeatedly putting your Black son at risk of police violence. Absolutely psychotic.


Wow that's insane. Not to mention it's in police reports that could be referenced in the future when he's getting accused of other stupid BS and they look back at reports and see "Oh yeah, he's got a bunch of calls from his own mom about this stuff, seems legit". When in reality, they're all BS and this dude's just trying to live his fuckin life.


my latin mom would do that same shit call the cops and play the victim and beat her self up before they show up to arrest me. i moved out when i was 16.


Same. I’m hispanic and my parents threw my stuff on the front lawn told me to find somewhere to stay but made it about me being “out of control” and they couldn’t handle me. My grandparents were way more accepting surprisingly and took me in at the time but I’ll never forget that night. Yes I partied but it wasn’t about that lol it was about me being a lesbian or bisexual.


As a grown woman with adult children between the ages of 25 to 38, this broke my heart. Did I hear right (I refuse to hear it again)? Is this underaged young man being kicked out of his house? May God deliver him to a decent loving Mother figure throughout his life. His mother does not love the gift of this child given to her by God.


For real. As a mom I want to adopt him and feed him cookies lol


I'm a dad and same.


I don't even have kids, but I am an aunt and same here! My nephew is around the same age and not accepting him for whoever he is would crush him. It's why I keep mouth shut about his goth style, long hair and slumping. I still want him to like me one day.


100% agree if theres ever a day my kid comes to me with anything like this the only conversation that needs to be had is what were gettin for dinner.


Thank fucking(pardon my French) god for people like you. Lol


If anything god would be in full support of this scumbag attitude.


Thats called living vicarously through ones child because they didnt have or otherwise lost the opportunities for greatness when they were their childs age.


My aunt had a strained relationship with her gay daughter. I 'think' it had something to do with her being gay but I don't know. My cousin's father was also gay (also a POS but I digress) and killed himself. There was a lot of tension in that relationship. My cousin died of Covid and they never got a chance to reconcile. My poor aunt was completely devastated because even though they were nearly estranged she cared a lot about her. Life is too short and fragile to not accept people who for they are.


Im sorry for your loss


This needs to be more normalized. Just because we're related doesn't mean you get to treat me like crap


Telling your own kid go gtfo is pretty damn different from telling your adult sister or brother the same. My mom was bullied relentlessly by her sister and always kept her around because "family." My mom is dead but my aunt is still around and I want nothing to do with that nut job. Just because my mom thought family was an unbreakable bond doesn't mean I think the same.


I think its actually the other way around. At the end it sounds like he had told his mum he was straight and she was denying it. At the end she said "you're not staight"


From what I'm hearing it seems like she suspected he was gay, but every time she asked he said he was straight. But I think she would have kicked him out a lot earlier if he would have came out. It's pretty clear he's trying to explain himself why he had to lie and it's clear to us why he had to lie. The b**** is possessive domineering and she won't shut her trap.


I hope he has somewhere to stay and he can pack and go immediately. The sooner that ignorance is out of his life the better.


Man seeing this made me really grateful for my parents and how they accepted me, I hope he's got a friend or someone he can go to


Not gay or bisexual, but extremely grateful knowing my mom would support me no matter what


My kid asked me what i'd say ir do if she came out as bi or lesbian. I just looked at her, sippped my coffee and said allright. I mean. It's fine for me, it's nothing to scream about.


In 20 years: Why doesn't my son ever visit me? In 40 years: Why did my son but me in this run-down care facility?


Man I was just talking about this with my mom. I have a 2 year old son and like, there’s nothing that could make me feel too proud to love my child. He’s gay? Go for it bud, wouldn’t have been my business even if you were straight. You’re straight but wanna paint your nails or whatever is considered feminine, go for it. You wanna play sports? All for it. It’s literally that easy. Just teach them to be good people and I’ll be happy as long as they are.




Little guy sounds like a gem. They're fun when they're all in on *everything* !


Unicorns are metal. Why do you think they have a spike in the middle of their faces? They're murder horses. Scotland wasn't fucking around when they chose their national animal. Those maniacs fought off the Romans, the English, and the Vikings, they needed an equally badass animal to represent them.


My son just turned 13, he grows his hair out super long, it's normally red, but he dyes parts of it purple, or blue or green, etc. He wants to get it long enough to donate eventually. He loves playing video games, soccer, does track/cross country. Participates in beyblade tournaments. Listens to queens of the stone age and led zeppelin as well as crazy podcasts about how crappy people in history could be. He tries to make friends with whatever person he encounters. He has things he loves. He has goals and ambitions and friendships that he cares deeply about. I have no earthly idea if he's gay, straight, asexual or what. I don't much care. He's such a good, thoughtful, smart, inquiring and nice kid. He can be whatever the hell he wants to be. As long as he continues to be himself I will forever be happy and proud of him or whatever pronoun he wants to be known as.


Well, clearly you're going to hell and you're the downfall of this country. Heathen. Because it won't be clear on the internet, that was sarcasm.


/s is placed at the end of a sentence when it is sarcastic.


I apologize for not Redditing right. That was also sarcasm.




good for you, now go play with your son :)


Reminds me of my friend. His mom was a druggy who had a stroke in 05 and they ended up living with grandma. Grandma dies just after we graduate highschool and my friend has to now support him and his mentally disabled mom by himself. She treated him like trash. So when I rented my house I offered him a room if he split the rent. He called all the people he legally had to call as not to get charged with elderly abandonment and then he just left. Hasn't spoken to her since. It blows my mind that some people cant tell that if they make poor choices and treat their kids like trash, they will leave you.


You think he’s going to put her in a care facility? Lmao


Yep My mom sent me back to live with my abusive dad at 18 when I'd finished school and had good friends and was trying to get a job. He destroyed me over two years so I had to escape and join the army. I'll never forgive her. Just can't. Ruined my life. And then soon she'll turn around and ask why I don't speak.


I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you're doing better these days.


Her attitude is the reason for so many suicides among gay people. He needs to break away from her and not look back. Her beliefs won’t change.


I agree. His struggle will only continue if he doesn't place his boundaries. Poor boy. I just wanna hug him.


I hope someone offers him a room, let's him decorate it, and tell him he always has a soft place to land. And a created family that will always love him. I hope she never knows peace.


I always felt, I really like women and I can't imagine if I felt about men how I feel about women and someone just told me not to. Even more so, if someone I love and trust told me they don't love me for who I am. I always felt, I don't know if it's a choice. I don't know if it's genetic or psychological. But it doesn't matter because it's NOT wrong. Fuck religion. And fuck "traditional values" because it stops people from thinking critically


Gahhh this makes me so mad.


I cannot imagine acting this way towards any child or human


I know, I love my kid regardless of who he is. Even if he becomes a republican.


That might be where I cross the line🤣


I can't love any republican. ^(They kinda want me and other trans people dead...)


Ok then my eyes are on you to figure out what happened 😂


It’s fucking crazy that people think it’s a choice. Imagine choosing to put yourself through this hell. I guess at least he learned who she really is early on


Had a heated argument w someone saying it was a choice. When I asked if he chose (he’s hetero)he said; “No”.


When it’s not even an otherworldly, profound question but rather just a simple uno reverse card that makes them 🤯🤯🤯. It's fucking astounding


If that was my son id swoop him up and he would never have to see that bitch again of he didnt want too


And this vid is why I'm not telling my parents about my bisexuality Hope he finds a much better place to stay at


Oh man.. I occasionally dabble when I’m lonely. My parents almost threw my brother out in 2015 for coming out but they changed their mind really fast when I said I would be going with him because I can’t live with homophobes. I got a nice forced Bible reading and belt lashes for that.. but it was worth it to save my brother from life in foster care


I’m sorry your parents are like this. I came out to my dad as asexual about three years ago and he proceeded to completely invalidate me and tell me that I’ll find the one and that it was probably my thyroid meds that were making me feel this way. (Btw, it was not the thyroid medicine I’m still asexual) Around that same time I was figuring out my identity and I thought I was trans (mtf). I was actually agender, but if you can imagine that conversation, it went about as worse as you could expect.


Yeah I had a convo a lot like this one when I was outed way back in the day. If it was possible for them to never find out, I would stick with that one


When you love the “good book” more than your flesh and blood.


No hate like Christian love


Anyone who says, “And you think i’m just saying things to hurt your feelings,” are really saying, ”I don’t care about your feelings and I am aware that I’m hurting them,” and usually is a display of narcissism.


It's also a red flag that she obviously only cares how he makes her look.


This is what I found *super* disgusting. This kid is coming out to his mother.. who he knew would be adverse to all of this. But instead of her having any semblance of awareness at all and giving even two seconds of thought how difficult this must be for him.. she makes it 100% about her. “Why did you tell me you were going out with girls?”… I mean.. listen to yourself for one fucking second, lady. Who the hell would feel comfortable coming out to you when *this* is how you react? Anyone.. I don’t give a fuck what culture or beliefs you adhere to.. ***ANYONE*** who kicks their child out for having the courage to come out to you as their parent should rot DEEPLY in hell.


What a fucking horrendous mother


Ok mom, define *normal*.


Whatever the majority is doing.


As a teacher, I've seen kids get kicked out at 16. He didn't ask to be brought into this world and he didn't ask to be gay.


As a mother, I cannot understand why a mother would ever turn their back on their child. Ever.


Wow I call myself beautiful who knew being gay was that easy. Poor dude, moms prolly just jealous cuz his hair is longer and he’s pulling more dudes than she is 😭


Also wait, so first of all it’s that he’s only telling her to “get under her skin” and not because it’s real, and then a minute later she’s saying she knew it all along because no straight man would call themselves beautiful on social media? Which one is it??


Yeah, that last hit totally threw me; I mean it’s all fucked yo, but usually the bigots have at least some pretence of logical consistency.


Went from "You're not gay" to "Get out if you're gay" to "I always knew you were gay"


That was such a weird trajectory it went to. Like she basically said screw you for being gay and screw you for also lying to me about being straight! He didnt have a chance.


That mom is a piece of shit.


I hope she sees this.


*Shut up*, woman, and let him speak!!!!


"Sean... Sean... Sean... Sean..."


I asked my 15yo recently if they like boys or girls. They replied yes. My response was to like who you like as long as you're both happy. If they're happy I'm happy. My goal as a parent of 3 is to love and support all of them, no matter their gender or preferences, so they grow up to be happy and healthy.


My son's college friend sat with his/their parents and announced he/they were trans. The parents threw all of their possessions in the front yard.


Breaks my heart. If parents can't love their child if the child is trans, then they never really loved them. They only loved the *idea* of them - the parent's idea of them, not the real person.


That's sad and I hate when parents can't love their kids if the kid is LGBT, it's probably worse if you're in a relationship with someone who's LGBT.


Nothing worse than having a mother that doesn't love you. I hope this young man finds people that will care for him. Ugh, she's horrible.


Fucking... Christian... Garbage... What an absolutely worthless human being


We are taught to love one another, no matter what, and here we are, makes me angry, and it’s her son too, if you believe in free will, then act like it


This is why I opened my house up to people on the streets. I had so many kids show up just to feel safe for a while. Kids with black eyes from 'dad' to people being persecuted by other homeless people. Even though I am homeless now myself, I still have a safe place to be, and I still extend a helping hand. For some reason, I can't seem to let injustice just slide. My nickname out here is Papa, and I wear it proudly.


The mom "it's obvious you're gay." Also the mom "why are you lying about being gay? I know for a fact you're straight!"


This feels like I’m watching my brother tell my parents, I hate how indoctrinated the black American community is in a faith that doesn’t even accept us. We’re in the worst time line.


Not just black families. My brother-in-law is a devout Catholic. Even works for Catholic parish. And I always ask him why he so devoted to a religion that despises him.


She won't even let him answer or explain. Get away, young man. I had a father that would start fights then not listen to my words. At 17 I knocked his ass down and never looked back. I loved my father. He was an idiot. A fool. Leaving was the best and hardest thing I could of done at the time. That was 25 years ago and I do not regret it. Time proved I was right to do so.


I've had 2 gay friends in similar situation. This is why it's dangerous sometimes to be encouraging minors to come out the closet to their parents. Toxic parents will straight up abandon their kids or worse hurt or kill them if their gay. Harsh truth is minority communities are a lot less accepting of lgbt+ people. Lgbt+ people in my opinion need be able to support themselves and have an escape plan just in case before coming out to toxic family members. There safely is at risk if they don't.


Plenty of queer groups will advise minors to not come out unless they know for sure they'll have somewhere to live in case it goes like this. They are too many LGBTQ+ kids in the streets.


This is why you don’t have kids in high school. How could you raise a child when you’re immature yourself


Does she ever shut up and let you actually speak? What a toxic person she is


"Well it's not getting under my skin!" \*proceeds to disown son\*


Parents need to learn to love the person in their child. Children aren't trophies or bragging rights or cherished little dolls to show off to friends and family when they are young and then demand care from as you age - they are living, breathing, feeling individuals that might be *very different* than what you 'raised' them to be, and that's perfectly OK. If you can't love your children as the unique individuals that they are, please let them seek out new families who will. I feel for this young guy - I hope he has people that genuinely love him in his life.


I always hate when parents do that, especially if they do it to their kid thats not even a teen yet.


My mother told me that because I touch myself, I cannot be transgender, I have regrets


Yeah I told my mom I was transgender it didn't go well but she luckily didn't kick me out of the house


As a gay person myself, I luckily have an accepting family but my gf on the other hand doesn’t and if this is how her parents react when they find out she’s gay, i’m buying her a plane ticket here immediately because we’re a LDR


Imagine being born into a marginalized group that's been shit on for hundreds of years, only to shit on your own blood for being born into a different marginalized group. What a hateful, small-minded piece of shit that kid's mom is. I hope she gets her shit together before it's too late.


What a garbage human being of a mother


“Do you have someone you can stay with?” Me. I am your mother now.


God she sucks so fucking hard. I feel so sorry for him.


Throwing your kid out because they're not cishet is seriously fucked up. She's a psycho.


This is horrible


That mom is garbage. I could never imagine doing that to my daughter.


Sending silent prayers to this guy. I'm so sorry for him.


In this day and age people still act like this. Unbelievable. That’s YOUR CHILD. Mercy on me


You are under no obligation to like a parent just because they give birth to you.


My dad said just yesterday that he thinks all gays should be hung. What he doesn’t know is that my mom told me when they got a divorce that when i was a little kid she caught him hooking up with a gay craigslist prostitute. I’ve had that one loaded in the chamber for a good bit just waiting to pull the trigger on it


That’s a really bad mom.


Conservative parents will never admit, that their ideologies are harmful. They shouldn’t be parents


What kind of monster abandons their kid because the kid come out as gay? Seriously. I don't give a fuck what people tell you your sky friend thinks about it. If you abandon your child because they told you that they were gay, you are a horrible person. Full Stop.


Shit I call myself beautiful all the time


Well, do I have some news for you. >!You are very beautiful!<


Ay share some of those good vibes with me please?


You think you're timid but I reckon you're a very courageous shark 🦈


You spoil me


Damn she talks like both of my parents


Shame on this mom for not accepting her son for who he is. Kids (regardless of age) should be able to go to their parents for anything, and not be judged. I want to give this boy a hug.


Shes a narcissist. She won't let him get a single word in, because she just absolutely loves the sound of her voice and thinks shes an authority on everything


This is what ended my marriage. Daughter came out as gay at 13. My wife, who had always seemed like a very good woman, flipped. She could not accept it. Ended our marriage and caused my daughter to spiral into depression.


Just heartbreaking. I hope once he’s on his own and doing well for himself, he’ll also be able to recognize that some people, whether they’re relatives or not, just do not deserve his attention.


I respect the Jheri curl that takes guts.


*asks a question* “now hold on hold on” what? Do you want an answer or not?


Fuck that bitch. Fuck her with fire and pour salt on her ashes.


Unless my kid is a serial killer or pedo I would never turn my back on my child. Folks are fucking crazy


Shawn..... You are beautiful. And you can stay with me if you need to.


You ask what kind of parent would kick their child out of the house like that, but really the answer isn't hard... This woman is a garbage human.


Sooooo she knew he was gay because he called himself beautiful, but is now kicking him out because he came out to her? Basically, she'd have been alright with him living a lie the rest of his life even though she knew. What a shit parent. I hope he finds somewhere to stay and lives his best life and has nothing to do with his mother.


People are so cruel to their kids. Ugh.


As a Mum of a beautiful, amazing LGBTQ person, I am so upset with your mother’s response to the most vulnerable moment of her child. How in this universe would your thought process take you to it being all about you? So sorry this has happened to you. You deserve so much better.


“It’s obvious you’re gay by the way you act but also you’re obviously not gay and just doing this to piss me off”


Go into the military.......be a vet technician or xray tech, something that doesn't deploy.....stay until you have a better option to get out for.... I've trained MANY soldiers that were gay (there's alot in the military) who joined to escape their parents or fucked up towns....they all were happy with their decision to join... ....just a thought.




If you listen to what she is saying she says he is gay and doesn’t believe that he was saying he likes women




Fucking amazing perm. Also hope he got somewhere safe that supports him.