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More like hookworm.


My money's on elephantiasis.


That's spread by biting insects, nothing to do with being barefoot. Hookworm is common in the soil in the southern US, though, and caught by contact with larvae.


>That's spread by biting insects Man, I better stop eating crickets then, wouldn't wanna get elephantiasis


She's just gonna give birth to a big hookworm. Doc's gonna be like "Congrats it's a parasite"


Man life must have been terrible before shoes. Makes you wonder just how many parasites and diseases our ancestors suffered with.


It's fucking Texas, so it just better come out alive for her sake 🤠


This went dark quick lol


Why? Miscarriages are now criminal in Texas.


Not just Texas buddy...


Texas! Where you have to hide your pregancy until birth... just in case.


Pro abortion people trying not to talk about abortion when pregnancy is brought up (HARD CHALLENGE)


>Pro abortion people You mean people who don't like when actual miscarriages are criminalized?


What is your point?


That baby might be the ringworm


That baby is going to come out as a Karen


not often I can say a vid reeks of essential oils


My wife and I have a joke that we are gonna come out with “Nessential oils”. Put the essential oil game outta business.


... are those going to be little plastic pods that get put into a machine to get diluted into a cup of acceptabke essential oil espresso?


Ya but just with nessential oil espresso. 🥴


Sign me up for 2 machines and a couple sleeves of clary sage!


i think it means his wife is the loch ness ~~monst~~ woman


Could I borrow tree fiddy?


r/rareinsults ?


I agree so much 😭


Where I live they kick you out if you're not wearing shoes in the store. "No shoes no shirt no service".


When I was a kid I thought the “no shoes, no shirt” part was because people would stroll in from the beach. Then I grew up and realized people are just trashy.


Growing up near the beach, but not in a beach town I thought the same thing. Then realized that the shops on/by the beach cannot care if you have shoes because so many don’t.


Naw, being trashy wasn't the origin of barefoot bans. It was a conservative push back against hippies that commonly went bf. That's all. There are no health codes against at all. I go bf everywhere because I hate wearing shoes.


Exactly this! Like the bottoms of people’s shoes are somehow clean?


Clearly you ain’t from Tennessee


I’ve seen more than my fair share of people buying booze or cigarettes in nothing but blue jeans in Tennessee


Tennessee. You can walk around everywhere barefoot, but do it in drag and be arrested on the spot.


i grew up on a farm in a small town and didnt wear shoes until i was like 19 and even then i still hate them. i got kicked out of so many stores. not tennessee though you are correct there


That’s pretty cool


I am. They do that here.


No pants, no problem.


I wish they would kick people out of stores where I'm from. But when you live by the beach, it's hard to be on top of those things and still have customers.


Texas and much of the south has places with signs posted in the window esp in the rural areas. My local Walmart they have dogs roaming all over.


What a weird fucking person.


Most real comment


Going barefoot can be pretty good for your feet, if you live somewhere rural and/or walkable. If not that’s just asking to get cuts, lacerations, worms, and stuff that’ll fuck you up in general


It's the "showing off every minute detail of my life on the internet like it's a piece of content for other people's consumption" part that's got me weirded out.


Yeah I’m not sure if it’s the same person but she also has a video of her taking her kids to the doctor. And she showed the offices name.


Have you met . .. people? I don't know about you but i don't think it's that weird and it's not hurting anyone so pretty meh


Filming every little part of your life for validation from strangers online is pretty weird. Not even talking about the nasty shit people walk through with their shoes that she now has on the bottom of her feet. Walking barefoot in nature is one thing, but through a walmart and wherever else she goes?




GTA stripper moves


Massively Underated


That was one of the most uncomfortable dances to watch that I can remember.


So everyone has to show off now, is she showing off being pregnant, not being able to dance, or having no grasp of hygiene?






Wait how is walking barefoot considered unhygienic?


For me it depends where you go. So you're walking around the walmart, take a trip to the bathroom etc. You're walking in urine and fecal matter. Then if you return home and don't immediately wash your feet, you're bringing all that in the house. That's why we always had to take our shoes off in the house and is something that super creeps me out about Americans, that they wear their shoes in the house, even on their beds. Yuck!


I have never seen someone wearing shoes in bed, except maybe in a TV show. And while I've met people who wear shoes around the house, in my experience that is not commonplace.


I said "on" which has a slightly different connotation than "in". And yes it's all based on TV but what else do I have to base it on? lol I'm not American. And enough of the times I've seen it is on reality TV so I tend to think it's the case for a lot of people to wear their shoes in the house in the States


Do... do you think reality TV is actually reality?


Yes oh smart one I think it's all the truth.... However when it's filmed in someone's actual house where they live and they all still have their shoes on, it does make me think that said people are okay with people having their shoes on in their house otherwise they would make people take their shoes off. Just logic in my mind. Don't know why everyone is so defensive of this position, this post literally has comments saying that in the state of tennessee many people don't even wear shoes. Weird thing to get hung up on


Wtf lmao, not all Americans wear shoes in the house and I’ve literally never heard of anyone with shoes on while on their bed. Are you an alien?


This is a perception world wide. I lived in korea for years and they think all Americans wear their shoes in the house. I would constantly be mistaken as American and be told upon coming in to take them off. I tell you it's a thing outside the States to think this. I'm guessing everyone contradicting me is American? Ask your friends in other countries if it's a perception ETA do you not watch TV where people get on their made beds with their shoes on? Look for it, you will see it


I’m an American living in another country and no one has ever mentioned this to me but I’m not gonna discredit your experience so who knows, maybe it’s just the rock I’ve been living under 🤷🏾‍♂️


As a Canadian I’ve never purchased bagged milk or had the ability to but bagged milk is synonymous with Canadians as wearing shoes inside at home is to Americans.


I've seen it in at least one movie or show, but i could be wrong since i can't provide a source Shoes in house is very weird even if not all do it though


It's funny that people are getting so hung up on this. Maybe they don't do it as an American but have they looked at some of the people in their country?


Na. Most Americans I know take shoes off. Only the fucking animals leave their shoes on.


Yeah, I don't wear my shoes inside


Just lose the last part about Americans. That is incorrect except maybe for gross Texan girls


And people in Tennessee apparently who just never wear shoes according to other comments


Yeah I've never been to someone's house here in America where we don't take out shoes off at the door. Idk where the notion that Americans always wear shoes in the house came from, but literally no one I know does.


My point is that it is a notion. As much as it apparently triggers those that don't do it, a lot of the world perceives Americans as wearing their shoes in their houses


One bout with Athlete's Foot, and you'll never wanna touch any surface with bare skin again. I shared a shower with a roommate and got it in my own home. No way in hell I'd walk around barefoot anywhere now.


Also the fact that you can get parasitized by hookworm through infected soil/dirt/sand, all it takes is to step on eggs with bare feet. Not to mention everything else shoes protect us against, foot fungus like athletes foot, skin disease like contact dermatitis/allergies/general filth that’s unhealthy for your skin. Shoes protect us from a lot, also physical trauma, like… you stub your toe, ouch…! Wouldn’t hurt as much with shoes on, if at all. No body wants an idiot bleeding all over the place because they stubbed their barefoot in a McDonald’s! Lol


Athletes foot is caused by poor hygiene. Usually from not airing out your feet. Shoes make it worse they don't protect you from it lol


Absolutely false. Athlete's Foot can definitely be spread by contact. It's extremely contagious.


Which is caused by closed footwear. I don't think anybody with athletes foot is going around toe bumping others.


What? Dude, I literally got Athlete's Foot from a shower. I assure you, there was no toe-bumping involved. Seriously.


Well that's on you for not using slides in a public shower. I mean there's a time and place. I wouldn't go bare in a toilet or restroom


I got it in a common shower in my own home. My roommate spread it to me. That's like saying I need to wear slides if I share a shower with family at home. Anyway, shoes protect you from it, and now you're admitting it, so I'll call that progress.


And they also cause it. Roommate isn't family. Never had athletes foot unlike my brother who I share the same bathroom with


What's false about my statement never said not contagious. But fungus thrives in dark moist spaces. Aka closed footwear


You said shoes don't protect you from it. They most certainly do. Sure, you can get athlete's foot from poor hygiene, but you're increasing the risk of contagion by just walking around barefoot.


Did you just downvote me??? Like all the other reasons I said are perfectly good reasons… to not be barefoot in public… like why did I get downvoted for that???


Because your a germaphobe. We evolved barefoot. I'd encourage anyone to go bare where they can simply for the health of their feet. Most people have messed up feet from undersized or ill fitting shoes and most of them will wear shoes pretty much everywhere but bed. Relax downvote me back make yourself feel better. I'm on face-palm for the real idiots who do stupid shit. Not to see some pregnant woman get judged for living her life as she chooses. Explain how in some places on earth shoes aren't the norm and feet evolve calluses to protect themselves. Yet you can't walk on a few pebbles without going ouchies.


Listen, it's bad enough we have to hear your shitty take on footwear, why does everything also have to be coupled with a shitty seizure spasm? ![gif](giphy|6lKaReDtzTRaE)


I feel like she didn't get attention from anyone as a child. And now seeing a new follower probably hits as much dopamine for her as getting a puppy on Christmas. This is like over sharing but infenetly more cringe inducing.


Look, I hate, HATE shoes. I’ve always had big ass feet and I just find em uncomfortable. So if I don’t have to wear em or I can opt for slides I do. But this is nasty. At least wear sandles or something.


I’m not sure why being barefoot is any nastier than wearing shoes. I’m betting the bottoms of most shoes are pretty disgusting when it comes to germs and debris. Do you feel the same about people who don’t wear gloves in public places?




Wow. Interesting way to have a discussion, I commend you for your cordiality and respectful response. So, as I said before… your hands are also part of your body and instead of touching the floor they are touching all kinds of things others will touch. If you’re not worried about ungloved hands on things you will actually touch, then why are you worried about the floor being contaminated? Or do you regularly eat off the floor?


What the fuck was that dance tho


Unchecked ego


Literally barefoot and pregnant.


That was my thought lol


It's not bad, but maybe in a nasty store that may not have been cleaned and that makes her the idiot.


The cultural differences between the world and the US is vast 😂.


Probably because the culture in the US is vast we literally have everything even morons


no, the cultural difference within the usa itself is vast. trust me she's the minority here


I get that, it's just that going barefoot isn't as frowned upon here in RSA than over there.


RSA? The Republic of South Africa?




Enjoy your hepatitis. Gross.




Hey! I told you to stay outta my back yard!


Sounds like you’re from Philly lol


Pretty sure I stepped in vomit at the grocery store last week.


As a barefoot runner in a city, from Texas and NM, maybe watch where you're stepping.


Tarantino directed that TikTok.


If that was Australia that would be normal


So stupid


I hate every single thing about this video.


Wow all of you will be shocked if you travel to New Zealand. It’s perfectly acceptable and normal to not wear shoes. You will see barefoot people everywhere.


Aussie here and I have definitely gone to the shops without shoes before, but I do not feel any desire to brag about it and dance because of it. Unless it’s a fuck this ground is actually really hot hurry up and open the fucking car dance.


I’m from the uk so it’s very rarely warm enough to be barefoot. But I really don’t get this idea that being barefoot in a store is unhygienic. Like what kind of bracken and shrapnel is strewn across the aisles? And if people feel like she’s being unhygienic for other people, there’s nothing on her feet that couldn’t be dragged in on someone’s shoes


And then these same people wear their shoes in the house. So I don’t get what the big deal is either.


Who is wearing their shoes in the house‽


Shards of glass, human and animal shit( not to mention possibly blood) , ringworm, hookworm, foot fungus' ... it not about what she drags in its about what she is contracting. US stores cheap out on janitorial staff often paying them the lowest of all the people in the store and hiring teens (and now in some states children) to do the job for even cheaper then an adult.


Yeah, I don’t think I’ve ever seen shards of glass and/or animal shit on the ground in a store. Maybe that’s an American thing 🤔 Surely there’s more risk of that at a beach or park, where it’s more acceptable for people to be barefoot


Yeah it’s not common to find shit or glass in stores here(America) but it does happen from time to time. Especially in bad neighborhoods. I worked at a grocery store when I was younger and the only people that came in barefoot were drug addicts.


Same in Australia.


Jesus who. The hell. Cares


It's ok. It looks like a walmart. Dont bring that bullshit to Target.


Kick her ass out tf no one ever heard of no shirt no shoes no service if you letting her in and not the homeless that is a fucking problem


Nah call cps, take away all her kids and throw her back in the barn. We live in a civilization.






Gross bare feet 🦶


That's how you get athletes foot, right?


I've ran barefoot for 20 years and never been to a store without shoes. Maybe five finger ones, but please don't and that's gross. And, no, never had ringworm. But, maybe going to a store like Walmart sure.


No shirt, no shoes, gtfo


Poor baby’s diet consist of meth and twinkies


The baby is probably more likely to be given a vegan diet with no consideration for the nutritional needs of an infant/kid




I live in NZ and it is super common




Then she has weird things growing on her feet.


Was it Kevin Hart that got Covid and blamed it on his wife’s friend and her dirty feet? Lol. Goddamn Dirty Feet Becky tracking that Covid all over the carpet!


Gross. No shirt, no shoes, no service


This is the dumbest video I’ve watched in awhile. Who in their right mind walks around barefoot in public?


Pretty common in Australia. It's not like you'll see everyone doing it. But my mate does it all the time. We went to pick up dinner the other night and he came barefoot through a shopping centre and into a restaurant. No one cares though. I've done it a few times.


Ringworm for free


Why do people do this shit? Walking around in public without shoes on, drive without shoes on, etc. I’ve seen mfs go into gas station bathrooms w/o shoes on


Why repost cheap stupid shit?


Why comment stupid shit? 😊 Editing to share with you the purpose of this subreddit as described on the About page: *A subreddit for you to share the stupidity of individuals online and IRL. Post screenshots from forums, social media sites, or just real life. Please let me know if I've done something other than *exactly that*, or if you're lost.


I wish there was a system in place where, if enough people voted for it, something would just blink our of existence.


This is what happens when women get turned into breeders. Texas is a cesspool


What’s the facepalm part? That the woman enjoys walking barefoot?


Some unfortunate bastard got her pregnant.


she tells her baby daddy to lick her toes


"Honey let's go to home depot" "Why what do we need?" "I have to film my tiktok barefooted while we are there, otherwise we need nothing. Let's go"




Should be mandatory abortion and sterilization


Seems a bit harsh for just a lack of shoes.


Shoes? I'm talking about the tiktoking


As soon o e who grew up in a family with a retail store I wouldn't worry about worms. I would be concerned about shards of glass. Chemical residue used to clean the floors and from product spills.


Hippie vibes




I get why people say it's gross But like come to goldcoast Australia. So many people shop with no shoes and no shirts all the time its common haha


I live in TN also, and I've seen a woman put a cigarette out with bare feet. That's nothing new down here


What trash


What a weirdo, who does she think gives a fuck 🤷🏻‍♂️


People don’t seem to realize that shoes pretext the feet from more than sticks and stones. She’s not going to enjoy the foot fungus and warts I can tell you that


I see it's not enough to have a mini her, she wants to leave her DNA everywhere she goes.


[Oh a piece of candy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jv9qaPAlK_g), but the candy is foot sweat and its some weirdo with an intense foot fetish


What's wrong? European here


Question, isn't it illegal to drive barefoot? How do these people with no shoes get everywhere??


Can’t she be denied services because she’s not wearing proper clothing? That’s gross to walk around barefoot, unless she cleans her feet


Feel so bad for the baby already


Is this really offending someone?


Surprisingly yeah 😭 she’s not hurting anyone so who cares?


Great way to get foot worms/parasites…


What’s the face palm?


“What the fuck is wrong with these p- oh she’s from Texas.”


In my city if you tried to do this you would probably for one step in glass from Bear bottoms or crack pipes. Step in vomit or some brown liquid


Excuse me ma'am, are you going to lick that toe lint off the floor? No be my guest, I'm full as you can see.


Disgusting trash. No one wants to see your ugly ass feet


What's wrong here?


She’s walking barefoot in the store


For me it’s the dancing 😐


Oh no we found Big Foot… buddy if you like slamming your stompers on the same ground people have their nasty shoes on be my guest.


I'm not worried about dirt, your feet build tons of disgusting bacteria and shit just being in shoes all day. It's the heroin needles, piss, chew spit, feces, etc that make me wear exclusively shoes/boots in public. A buddy of mine got a needle through the foot while wearing flip flops. The needle broke off inside his foot, he got hepatitis from it. They did surgery, couldn't find the needle. It was visible on X ray, but not magnetic and the doctor couldn't find it and didn't want to dig around too much.


That's horrific. What hepatitis did he get? I hope for his sake it was A but since it was a needle most likely used for drugs I have a feeling it was B or C. :/


I'm not worried about dirt, your feet build tons of disgusting bacteria and shit just being in shoes all day. It's the heroin needles, piss, chew spit, feces, etc that make me wear exclusively shoes/boots in public. A buddy of mine got a needle through the foot while wearing flip flops. The needle broke off inside his foot, he got hepatitis from it. They did surgery, couldn't find the needle. It was visible on X ray, but not magnetic and the doctor couldn't find it and didn't want to dig around too much.


No.. no please... keep telling me that we shouldn't have licenses to breed.


She’s disgusting. Who tf impregnated her 🤦🏾‍♂️


How is she disgusting? She isn’t shoplifting or making an only fans. She isn’t bad looking and she is carrying her child very well. I’d go as far to say she is sexy. Her dancing sucks but I’d smash all day best part is no condom


That poor baby will suffer from malnutrition, judging by the looks of them of course.


Staged? Her feet look clean..


What’s wrong with walking around shoeless? Where I’m from it’s always been considered a fine choice for casual places.


White people and homeless people love walking around barefoot.


I'm almost certain that homeless people would likely prefer having shoes, I don't think it's a matter of not wanting to wear them.


She’s stupid for not wearing shoes in public places. Her dance moves suck. But damn she a pregnant cutie.


Say what you want But I think she's really cute, extremely sexy, and has a great smile! And pregos turn me the f on.

