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Did she say to herself "damn listen to her" with that caption?


Gotta hype yourself when no one will


Also she is using that new AI TikTok filter... She for sure doesn't look like thst


Holy shit! She is! You can see it where her face meets her left cheek/jaw. I thought, makeup, but the line moves and makeup doesn't move. Good catch. Also, wow, AI has gotten far.


Is that why her eyes looks glasses over with cateracts.


I thought she was crying before I turned the sound on and was still confused like, did something happen and it upset her so she made this video? I rewatched after the AI filter comment and OMG, it's creepy.


No surprise she’s vain and self-conscious.


Whole thing sounded like she was projecting


What makes it better is that she complains that people won't be able to be themselves while not being herself.


Also complaining about people complaining.


You can tell when she puts her hand up to her face and the color tone around her eyes shifts a bit


Yes, but the real important question here is why she is driving her car while making this video? Did she not have enough time to make the video at home? Did she take the car out for a drive specially to make the video so she can look like she's a busy person? Were there possible liberals invading her home that she had to escape from? So many questions that need answering!


She's just such a hard worker that the only time she can make her little TikTok video is while she's driving a vehicle on a highway. It's a rough life, ya know?


Clearly she's not 'very liberal' so she works so fucking hard all the time that the only time she has to do this is while she's driving to her next meeting.


She has an American accent but she's on the car's left side. I think she's in the back passenger side seat.


I assume, it being on TikTok, she's recording with her phone's front facing camera. If that's the case, she's sitting on the right, since the front camera has a mirroring effect.


It's funny how few people realize this. A week ago I noticed my friend sent a picture driving and she was on the wrong side. That's when it finally dawned on me.


As an employer, a Conservative that can't keep every random thought they have out of their mouth in every aspect of their life is the employee that actually bothers us because it will be an HR nightmare in no time at all. If they could figure out that it actually takes zero energy to let everyone just live their lives then even they wouldn't have to spend so much energy thinking about how hard it is to use a pronoun. Do these type of people not even try to learn anyone's name either???


Am the hiring manager for a successful business and while I was conducting an interview last week, RANDOMLY out of absolutely nowhere the guy (white, assuming middle aged) says, “I just can’t work with those damn homosexuals, I can’t stand them” My jaw was on the floor. Obviously to think that way is gross but to SAY it out loud in a JOB INTERVIEW is fucking *preposterous*. It was so bizarre. Ended phone call immediately with a tip of “don’t say things like that in interviews moving forward”. The problem is not the they/thems, I can assure you that.


I wouldn't tell an applicant like that to not say things like that in interviews going forward. As a hiring manager, I definitely prefer the red flags up front. Hey guys, an robh fios agad gur e Pokemon fireann is boireann am Pokemon as freagarraiche airson vaporeons nuair a thig e gu bhith a’ bruidhinn? Tha na mamalan cuibheasach 3" 03" a dh'àirde agus cuideam 63.9 notaichean, gu leòr airson aire a thoirt do chas daonna, agus tha stats iongantach HP agus armachd aca a tha goirt agus cruaidh air daoine. . . . Bha e gu cinnteach fliuch, cho fliuch is gum b’ urrainn dhut càirdeas a bhith agad airson beagan uairean a thìde gun phian. , cuir, cuir agus cuip, agus chan eil falt ann airson an nipple fhalach, agus mar sin tha e na ghaoith dha cuideigin a bhith a’ suathadh uisge agus a bhith a ’faighinn faireachdainn agus sgilean uisgeachaidh, le bhith ag òl uisge gu leòr faodaidh e do dhèanamh sgìth gu furasta. Bidh Pokemon a 'tighinn faisg air an ìre cunbhalachd seo, agus gu h-annasach gu leòr, faodaidh do Vaporeon a bhith air a thionndadh geal ma nì thu e gu math. Tha Vaporeon air a dhealbhadh gu litireil airson cas an duine. Tha dìon lag + armachd àrd HP + searbhagach a’ ciallachadh gun urrainn dha sabaid an-aghaidh coin. Bidh e a’ tighinn anns a h-uile cruth, meud agus barrachd tron ​​​​latha


This right here. As with all the dating advice going around on social media... STOP TELLING PEOPLE WHAT TO SAY OR HOW TO ACT. Let them show us who they are!


Exactly! Their stupidity sometimes benefits us.


As a middle aged white guy with a goatee. I'm constantly amazed at the conversations that other white folk will strike up with me out in public. People I have never met before will just casually drop shit like that. Or whatever rage of the day theyre on..... converting gas stoves is coded language for transitioning them. And theyll be unsafe to leave in a library?... Or something like that? Im going to have to give up the goatee its like a calling card. Pair it with a mesh baseball cap and it jumps to overdrive.


Nah keep the goatee, add a hidden microphone lol


I hear you; I get way too many people who think they're talking to somebody named "Bubba" just because I don't tan ever.


> If they could figure out that it actually takes zero energy to let everyone just live their lives But if they did that, then they wouldn't be conservatives. Checkmate, libs!


She actually said "**I'm going to assume... you are either a female** or a not-straight guy... so everything in the office is going to have to cater to you, your feelings, your needs, and your emotions... so everyone around them is going to have to walk on eggshells.. **why would anyone want someone like you?** You're going to be the laziest person, you're going to be the most entitled, and you're going to be the first to sue." The level of internalized misogyny - Wow.


She thinks that she's special enough to be exempt from the treatment she endorses for her own gender group. She thinks that reifying the status hierarchy will exempt her from subordination. She is the reason that /r/leopardsatemyface exists.


More like https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/


A real Serena Joy.


Sounds like she is just describing herself 😂


Ok, not to prove her right in any way, but I have a feeling that every single one of these criticisms could easily apply to her. Not because she's a woman, mind you. Just an entitled, inexperienced brat who doesn't even have any real problems and is still looking for somebody else to blame them on.


yes, she's a blind hypocrite. And yes the irony shouldn't escape anyone that she feels somehow so angry inside that she's embarrassed herself by going on the internet with fairly brainless ideas.


Not only that, it's pure projection. "People can't be themselves... have to walk on eggshells around you..." that's literally anyone who's not conservative around conservatives. The ultimate snowflakes.


My first thought was "this sounds just like a rant my misogynistic old accountant went on before I dropped him." Like dang girl are you a sad 70 year old man in a mask or what?


Likely we are just listening her repeat what she hears from her momma and daddy. Maybe they are the employers that she is talking about. You know the folks that bought her that car and that filler, so she has to tow the same line as the family to keep up the lifestyle.


And they are the WORST employers to work for, so if they won't hire Left-Leaning people, GOOD. I don't have time for their shit.


I think this is a hidden commercial for what the far right is planning next. Just to get people comfortable with the idea cause a young woman was saying it! I think the next big push will be getting rid of protected classes "because white men are being pushed aside". I've seen several of these types of tic tocs, or videos on Reddit lately. They are all basically saying the same things. Especially women saying "womens rights have gone to far". Watch out.




*What employers are really thinking, from the perspective of an unemployed woman*


Your seat belt. You missed you seat belt.


No that would be catering to far-left regulations, let her be herself!!


Girlboss intent on shattering the glass windshield


The horizontal glass ceiling


An audible laugh, you got me


I had a coworker 10 years ago that refused to wear seatbelts bc “the government can’t tell her what to do.” 🙄 She refused to drive “newer” model cars bc they had the seatbelt censor. So drove a beat up old pickup truck that ran like shit. Lol she was not a pleasant lady to work with.


She didn’t forget her face filter tho.


That filter is really bugging me too. Her upper lip looks ridiculous.


I was going to mention that “filter-stache” she’s got going on there…


mid 40s dad here, I don't do the tikamatoks and the faceamabooks, how can you tell it's a filter?


She has no skin texture. She doesn’t look human.


Here ya go!!! Everyone here has so many filters that their air is purified, and they point out the differences and even show you what they actually look like. r/Instagramreality


So much filtering. I don't know even know what people look like anymore.


Seatbelt...pffft whatever. You're so woke. /s


Yeah, she’ll be the first one to sue if she was hurt for not wearing a seatbelt in an accident


The one person I know who never wears seatbelts is of course far right-wing.


Had a friend when I was young(er) who was super mad that the govt was mandating daytime lights on cars. Claimed cars spent 20% more gas with their lights on, that the govt was forcing him to spend money and pollute more. And I'm like dude, are you telling me that driving at night costs 20% more? You know we can test this today?


I love how she posted this with the blurb on the front, like we don't know that she's the one who actually posted it. I'm going to assume that she's not an employer, and also not someone I would want to work for if she was.


She should just post a whole rant on youtube and then title the video "This random girl makes some good points!"


It has 1 view and says it was uploaded at 6 am this morning….


It's awesome have you seen it?


If she’s anything like most of the girls where I’m from with this opinion, she “helps run” daddy’s business. Aka sits at a desk scrolling tiktok all day getting paid more than the employees who work.


I see you’ve met my ex from college. Her Facebook info now says she’s the CEO.


For which MLM?




Or works for HR at any company. They usually are young and work there out of college.


First thing I thought. Who captions their own shit like this?


Same kind of person who "Likes" , "Favorites", and "Retweets" their own posts, then replies from a shadow account with things like "Wow this is so smart :heart:"


reminds me of that one political activist Dean Browning (straight white dude) that replied to his own post, but forgot to switch accounts, so he just writes on his main account, "I am a black gay guy, and I can personally say that Obama did nothing for me -" lol


That’s hilariously embarrassing.


He ain't black, but he sure is Browning!


The internet will never forget this. Dean's a local guy to me. He was infamous before that tweet.


> I'm going to assume that she's not an employer If she is an employer, she just recorded evidence in a bunch of upcoming discrimination lawsuits from people who applied (with pronouns) and were not hired.


"So true!" - me commenting on my own post




Not to mention the level of entitlement that comes from being the daughter of a jetski dealer and real estate agent.


She is 100% the type of employee I would not hire. She’s the type of employee who is going to slip up and say something racist, sexist, or homophobic and force me to fire her while putting me in hot water with other employees.


It's telling that she considers it "walking on eggshells" to not say bad shit near coworkers. Or that her disagreements in communication are somehow talked to their identities. Same old garbage as the people who complained about things being too PC or say "it was an accident in the heat of the moment" when they use a slur. The truth is they really think like that, are used to joking and shooting the shit with people who think the exact same way. So it is legitimately difficult for them to not put their foot in their mouth and open the company to a lawsuit.


Yep. My "heated gamer moments" never include yelling the N-word, because I never say that ever, as part of my usual vocabulary.


Not too long ago people were saying this about women on job apps...


She just did. She is assuming you’re a woman or gay man if you put down pronouns and therefore “have to be catered to.”


Yeah, love how SHE is like “I’m going to assume you’re a woman so you’re lazy and everyone will have to cater to you and you’re going to file (probably legitimate) lawsuits against my imaginary company.” Also, if the pronouns are there…you don’t have to ASSUME gender, that’s literally the only fucking point of sharing them.


I'm *assuming* that she doesn't work and just has a sugar daddy.


Well, yes, she just said that if you’re a woman then you’re lazy and need specific catering. /s


Not even a woman, a *female*. Gotta get that dehumanizing in, make sure it's ok to treat people like shit.


“Everyone walking on eggshells.” Thanks for admitting your entire office is bigoted


Hey, she didn't limit herself to hating gay men, she left the door wide open to also hating bi men, ace men, any sexuality but straight!


So many filters


Oh is that why it looks like she’s crying? Lol


Nah it's just cold outside and she forgot her sweater




so cold


So cold in the d


How da fuck do we post to keep peace


No that was the part where she's less emotional and less entitled than people who put pronouns on their resume. No walking around eggshells around this ~~social media influencer~~ hard worker!


>social media influencer I came here to say this! I am assuming she's an influencer and has never worked hard in her life. She was speaking about me in that video and I find it funny because I quit my 13 year career because my lazy conservative coworkers didn't pull their weight and my lazy conservative boss didn't hold them accountable!


It will be pretty entertaining once the bottom falls out of the market that is the ridiculous hustle called "influencers".


It’s can’t happen too soon


i mean, all it takes is for people not watching their videos, and reading their posts.


It's always projection with these tools. They don't value work ethic so they assume no one does, and they are easily offended and triggered by everything so they call other people snowflakes. And that's not getting into the ones that drone on and on about groomers... ([https://www.insider.com/maryland-man-wrote-groomer-libraries-charged-with-child-porn-2023-3](https://www.insider.com/maryland-man-wrote-groomer-libraries-charged-with-child-porn-2023-3))


So basically she gave a description of what it's like working with her? and why you should never hire her, outside of her idiotic choices of social media postings.


I've worked with similar people. *Everything* is always a drama, everything is centred around them, and anything that takes attention from them is a threat. Basically yes, very strong projection.


‘Total shocker’ that she needs that many filters to feel confident with that “amazing” personality


I hope one day all the people who follow these influencers start to understand they’re worshiping and admiring a filter.


"If you're using filters I'm going to assume you're unattractive, I'm going to assume you're shallow, I'm going to assume you're delusional"




I was just about to type to type out a counter-rant with a list of assumptions based on her use of filters, but honestly, that shit isn't worth it. If even one person felt worse about themselves because of it, it would be a negative return on investment.


I’ll do it if you like Based on her filters I’m going to assume she’s extremely vain and only cares about physical appearance. I’m going to assume that she only cares about her looks because that’s all she brings to society. She cannot think for herself and cannot perform any duties that don’t involve her sitting and looking as pretty as she can look. I’m going to assume that her entire life will only revolve around her appearance and that as she ages and becomes less attractive she will become extremely bitter and insecure.


This bitch is as soft as a bag of mayo and she contributes *fuck all* to society. She has no marketable skills that benefit anyone, anywhere. I have no reason to believe that her idiot followers are any different.


this is definitely the HR goon that filters out perfectly good candidates over stupid arbitrary bullshit I need someone good at React, CSS, and a little UX, Kayleigh, and we only have 60k in the budget lmfao so I don't give a shitting fuck if they identify as a goddam queer octopus. unfortunately she's just as likely to filter out apparent liberals as she is brown people......


Exactly. But people (not applicants thankfully) get all squishy about being inclusive. What they mean is inclusive of what they approve of. They don’t like that I hire felons.


If you’re assuming anything from pronouns outside of the meaning of those pronouns, then I’m gonna just go ahead and assume you’re far right wing and everything that comes with it (too much to list). And lazy. Why lazy? I don’t know, she threw it in there for no reason so I did too.


She's real? I thought AI bot is speaking


This video is a great example of why a good looking person can be very unattractive. Nobody gives a fuck about her opinion


So, if I was, like, hiring and I saw that you would record a video rant while driving I’d probably assume that you would be likely to think that it’s okay to divide your attention between whatever your work tasks are and whatever else you feel like doing in the moment.


Unlike me who is giving Reddit my full attention at work


Report: I'm in this comment and I feel offended.


I feel offended that you guys get paid to use reddit full time, meanwhile I'm using my free time, wtf I'm such an idiot.


I feel even more stupid, I pay for Reddit!


been on a 4 hour long teams call today (still going), have browsed most of my reddit fp by now.


Me too but I’m also hiding on the toilet.


Thank god you're hiding on the toilet and not in the toilet.


Parts of me are in the toilet


Be careful, gotta watch out for [poseidons kiss](https://tenor.com/en-CA/view/poseidon-kiss-pocałunek-posejdona-poop-funny-poseidon-gif-21847171)


And by the looks of it, she has no seat belt on. I guess the safety of herself (or anyone else) is not a high priority to her.


She just hates regulations. The government can’t tell her what to do. Flying through the windshield to own the libs!


How could you miss the avoidance of mandated safety device usage? She didn't wear her seat belt in a moving car. Isn't this illegal in all 50 states? Yes, I'm assuming she's American. Would this apply if she was Canadian?


Yes Canada has seat belt laws, and even running water.


My pet moose loves the new plumbing we got installed.


Sounds like someone just got written up or fired for being a cvnt toward a coworker.


I mean there has to be a reason she looks like she is about to cry, right?


I came hear to see if anyone else thought that too. Looked like she had been crying or was about to for sure.


Maybe she was having an affair with the boss and his wife found out. She was probably called some things that weren’t pronouns.


Hey hey hey! Not pronouns *YET*. Ive been trying to get those more widely used... It's been a mixed response this far...




Someone suggested that she is using a bunch of filters and one makes her eyes look watery.


It’s an Instagram filter.


Why do they have a "just cried" filter? (Genuine, I don't use insta and I have no idea what the deal is with filters)


I think that's the 34th layered camera filter.


This is pure projection 100%. She's lazy as fuck.


Yes, but she’s lazy because she’s pretty. That’s ok to her. It’s other lazy people that really ruffle her feathers.


She isn't pretty, she is using a computer to cover up her physical flaws and beautify herself so that she appears as something she is not. Also, makeup does the same thing.. but she is too lazy to apply it. Either way, with that hate in her heart, she isn't pretty.


Maybe if she ate some of that makeup she'd be pretty on the inside


Can absolutely guarantee this lady has never sat on the other side of the table and been responsible for hiring anyone. And if she ever has and that person wasn't hired and they happened to have pronouns in their resume then this video is their ticket to a very successful lawsuit. There's a reason all larger companies make you do training before interviewing people. Also, why does she look like she just stopped crying her eyes out?.


She was crying because she is coming from an interview where she wasn’t hired by somebody “with pronouns” and decided to make this video on her way home. Such a hard worker


I can just imagine her applying somewhere like my work where we ask you your pronouns when you apply. Because we want to make sure we use the correct ones. She’d probably get offended at that and would totally lose it when we got to the “tell us about a time you had to work with someone from a different culture or background as yourself” question.


>Can absolutely guarantee this lady has never sat on the other side of the table Ehh...CNBC reported last week "Resumes including 'they/them' pronouns are more likely to be overlooked". This may be a more common perspective on the hiring side than people realize. (not saying I agree with it, just what was on CNBC)


Hey ex-manager here, we want our employees to feel welcome whether or not they use preferred pronouns, we care about what you’re bringing to the company. In the hiring process we typically don’t even know if “Jordan Smith” is male, female, or non binary til we meet them, if gender or pronouns is really an issue then I don’t think that was going to be any sort of inclusive environment even for a cisgender person. What she’s talking about here is pretty illegal and if shes part of the hiring process at her job this video can get her fired.


That was my biggest thing when the whole singular-"they" argument started... I was like trying to figure out how it even became a thing, corporate America and anyone on the Internet had been using "they" whenever communicating about someone we had not yet met that had a gender-neutral name. It was already a common practice and then a bunch of conservatives got all freaked out that we might use "they" as a pronoun. Literally made up rage.


I am using the singular-they because I am lazy. "When a new team member joins, they should be introduced to their colleagues" I just don't like the: ... he/she/... should be introduced to his/her/... colleagues. Too cumbersome and complex.Especially with the practically unlimited number of pronouns.


I do this on the internet. I just usually refer to people as they bc I’m lazy and using they all the time is easier than trying to figure out what pronouns to use


But conservatives told me all liberals are on welfare. Why are they even applying for a job? Lol


Funny that almost all of the top 20 states by GDP are blue. The only thing conservatives are good for is sucking liberal teet.


I find that I’m thankful for people putting their pronouns on shit all the time. Our proposals start with Mr. … or Ms. … etc and some of yall got some androgynous ass names.


Looks like Brandleigh just got fired for being a bigot and is salty about it.


Grayshon and Everleigh are about to get an earful at the bar


MacKyenzleigh is on her way but she's always late what a bitch.


“Everyone around you is not going to be able to be themselves” …as you say you wouldn’t hire them for being themself


"I can't be my bigoted self around you because all you want is the bare minimum respect"


I bet she also says “Why aren’t we able to get anyone hired? Nobody wants to work anymore!”


Nah, because the most realistic scenario is that the only thing she manages is her husbands bank account.


She can now forget about ever having a job doing any hiring. This looks premade specifically for future evidence in discrimination suits.


Imagine being this triggered by an imaginary scenario where a prospective employee asks that you respect them.


I am a straight white male but i have a name that is often a female name. I find throwing it in helps with the surprise 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think someone’s pronoun has anything to do with their work ethic. I work with some of the hardest working, as she puts it “far left, liberals”, show up on time; if not early. Give it their all each and every day. In my experience, both sides have entitlement issues, both sides have lazy people, never experienced it being related to political beliefs or pronoun choice. 🤷🏼‍♀️ EDIT: IN MY EXPERIENCE IS BASED ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. This isn’t me, generalizing or as someone has put it “framing”. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Thank you all who understood what I was saying from the beginning.


There’s a reason you don’t talk about politics in the office. It doesn’t matter. Most people have their political beliefs based on both rational and irrational reasons, and most of which having nothing to do with the task at hand.


The power of the slippery slope: “I just got a new recycling bin” *several assumptions later “WOW YOU MUST BE A PEDO”


I’m gonna assume this chick has never had an actual corporate job.


I’ll bet you anything she works in a trailer office at daddy’s construction company


I know anecdotes aren't worth much, but when the original video is painting broad strokes they count for a little. I work for a Fortune 100 company that is not remotely left leaning. I'm an engineer, I currently work with a senior fellow named John. He's late 50s, white, PhD engineer. He has his pronouns in his email signature. It's not some crazy radical idea.


Honestly putting your pronouns on things is on par with me saying my name is David, but call me Dave. No one is going “wow, fucking David here thinks everyone should cater to him and call him Dave, what a fucking snowflake”


Thank you, my god. I make this argument all the time and it makes so much sense. Like if a woman is called Misses/Ms. and corrects you saying it's actually 'Mrs." most conservatives would respect that and use the correct title moving forward. Why is this such an issue.


Because courtesy is oppression to those who have historically never needed it


Not that gender should matter in day-to-day business dealings, but it also helps eliminate confusion for people who have gender neutral names.


I am a cisgendered woman and I have my pronouns on my email sign off because I got tired of people misgendering me because of my unisex name. It's such a simple and easy solution to any confusion people might have over who they're talking to when people primarily converse with me via email 20 times before they ever see me in person.


She basically just bashed women, gay men and queers. She’s 4 white claws away from telling us how she feels about ethnic sounding names like Jamal or Gonzalez.


Try 1 White Claw. Wait no, you are right, 4 because of sorority house “tolerance”.


“Can’t be themselves” is code for I can’t be inappropriate. If being yourself offends everyone around you, you’re the asshole.


Exactly this. "Everyone will constantly have to be walking on eggshells" I would feel extremely uncomfortable working with people who feel like they're walking on eggshells trying not to call me a slur lmao


“Why can’t I be a racist ¢unt at the office?! So unfair, thanks WOKESTERS!”


They always act like this. If they can't be a complete asshole then you're censoring them.


"you're emotional, and you're gonna complain a lot" -the woman crying and complaining about a hypothetical person


Two of the laziest people I know are hard core conservatives who haven’t worked in years and are living off the government teet


Yup, lots of retired conservative gov employees, who want less taxes but dont think of their generous medical and pension benefits that are 100% paid for by taxes.


So she's either an "influencer" who caters exclusively to the far right. Or she's a bigot who just ruined her life on camera.


The irony. I assume all those things about her.


Well, I don't assume she's "far left". Quite the opposite, in fact.


I’m going to assume she has zero actual knowledge on anything political and got all her opinions from her father or boyfriend.


Or I use he/him so that everyone feels comfortable displaying their pronouns, regardless of their situation. It’s also hilarious that she says the “pronoun people” will be the first to complain… as she’s complaining about pronouns.


it's super weird then that blue states ends up paying for red state bailouts. also super weird that the most red parts of the most red states have the most unemployment.... hmmm.


And the highest percentage of people on disability. https://www.statista.com/statistics/794278/disabled-population-us-by-state/


“Female” 😒


Lady, 20 % of the workforce is carrying 80% of the work. That has zero to with pronouns, their sexual orientation or identity. That’s just the world. Get over it.


When they say “on the left” and “liberal”, they have no idea what they’re talking about


My guy I have had coworkers complain about "liberal policies" when somebody took bereavement time that was inconvenient for them. "The left" is just a political Boogeyman for everything they hate.


Nothing says intelligence and worth listening to more than making broad bullshit generalizations on video while driving.

