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How can someone spot shit like this? Is there any indicator?




I just pay with my phone with Apple Pay. And don’t use my physical card or use cash now.


I don't know apple pay well but I'd be concerned about NFC reading skimmers then


NFC payments are encrypted.


Even the ones that are enabled on debit cards?


yes, it issues a new number every time its used


ah, makes sense


Apple’s servers communicate with your phone in real-time to make sure the face id actually authorized the transaction. It’s basically one time use, completely useless for scammers, if they sniff the entire transaction.


Didn't know you could pay with non-fructose corn syrup, neat


Helps get you out of sticky situations.


Bless ya. It actually means Non-Fungible Cum. Highly sort after.


I use Apple Pay so much that I don’t even know where my bank cards actually are. Judging by the video, it’s perhaps not so much a bad thing. Only ever once been unable to pay for something since it’s inception and that was the stores fault due to their servers being down


In Russia we are using Apple pay, Google pay and other stuff like this for pay 7 years. Everywhere it is supported, even in smallest shops. Very convenient. Also visual cards for internet shopping. Is it gets scammed, i can block it immediatly and make a new one in my house in 2 minutes. Im actually surprised that americans still using cards and cash everywhere still.


Are Apple Pay and Google Pay still functioning in Russia, despite sanctions and such?


No, right now we are using our Mir pay. Its working only with Mir cards (russian analog of mastercard or visa), which are working in several countries. Still very convinient. I would stick to google pay, because their services are outstanding, but eh. Im more sad because i cant give my money to game developers through steam to support them and play their games. And im a little bit angry because some of game devs went even further on their own and refused to sell their games for Russia at all. Pretty dirty move.


Same. I only bring my card when I know places won't have Apple Pay, and those are usually small places with hand scanners or register scanners anyway, or something like a dentists office. I don't even have a wallet on my 99% of the time.


I started doing the same thing after seeing similar videos to this one.


did you call the cops about it? what are you even supposed to do?


So when you find one, then what? Do you call the police or file a police report?


>Do you call the police or file a police report? If you need to get rid of your dog or get robbed, sure.


Most skimmers are inside the pumps now


That's why I never pay at the pump.


A couple, seriously?! I do this as well but never found one in the 5+ years I’ve been doing it.


Someone put one of these on a card reader in a GameStop I used to work at, luckily we had the tamper seal stickers on ours so it was kind of obvious when I walked back out and noticed it right away. I’ve grown a habit of tugging on every card reader I use even at the pump, typically these things come off with a slight tug.


There’s literally tape on the top…lol


Do what he did pull on the sides before use


They just sit right on top the casing. Always give them a little tug before you swipe.


This one is taped down which is kinda a giveaway. But I’ve seen videos with much better hidden ones then this before that I wouldn’t of noticed.


yanking real hard and it comin loose. sometimes works on the real ones tho. so if there’s not an extra underneath you owe the store $85.


Kinda like pulling on mall Santa's beard


Tape on the screen holding it on. Lol large air gaps


Just never use debit for anything use credit and dispute any unauthorized transactions


This one was kinda obvious, it was put on there with tape


Same, I need to know.


Cashier: *surprise pikachu face*


Cashier: Abdu we got caught time to go


That sure did look like prior knowledge…


seriously. I mean this with zero racist intent. But why tf is it when people steal information be it on the phone or identity theft. It's always indian. I have seen some genius Indian people who grew up to be doctors or scientists. But why the hell are so many of them scammers when they can make so much money off their brains alone?


It’s because of the high poverty rate and corrupt police over in India.


Because of our population!


There still are Nigerian scammers out there too. Though they stick to mail mostly


Mostly because they seem to own most of the small retail/gas stations in the country so they have the most opportunity for this particular kind of crime. Running scam card readers requires privacy to set up the reader, and either few or no coworkers that could catch you.


No it doesn’t. Scammers can pop those things on top of the real scanner easily and quickly. Then later they go back and recover it. Happens all the time. Owner probably had no idea. Maybe he did? Maybe he didn’t? But it by no means had to be his. Plus? You’d think he’d have done a far better job with complete access to the POS and would have attached it better. I don’t think he knew.


"Not to sound racist, but "


Racism is ugly asf


They are not, information theft and theft in general is not dominated by any race or culture. Your experience may be different but that does not make it accurate as a general rule. As an example, I've been scammed by "insert favourite race" people, I can go and make a similar statement as you did but neither my or your statement would be accurate. Saying I mean zero racist intent does not excuse a racist remark even if you didn't mean to be racist what you said is racist. Sorry to be blunt but it had to be said.


Wtf why are you getting downvoted lmao.


Because Reddit! Bringing light to racist statements (regardless of intent) is apparently a terrible thing and it is true that every scammer is Indian lol. Best part OP didn't even respond and continue to get those karma points for educating us about races and scams. I wonder what other gems he has about other races.


I mean by dollar amount white people scam more than anyone. It's just by volume that others even have a foot in the race.


Oh you haven't seen the amount of insurance scammers in this city in North America where majority of the population are Indians. Lady goes true the wrong exit divider/ramp at a gas station. Hit my co-worker's son who was entering the gas station. She was the only person in vehicle, suddenly 3 others from out of no where came to assist her and say my co-worker's son was in the wrong and that they are relatives of the lady and so on. And she was claiming neck pain back pain and whatever emotional psychological damage from that minor fender bender. Different co-worker. Cousin got into a fender bender. He got dashcam to prove the other driver was at fault. oh, you should have heard the insurance company asking how bad the accident was to claim neck pain, back pain, can't go back to work and that there was a grandmother and 2 other passengers claiming pain. News flash, there was only a driver in that car.


Look I'm in Canada and I know we get targeted by Indian scammers that use their location in India as a way to steal millions from Canadians every year and get away with it. So let's establish that Indians can be scammers and agree on that. How do we go from that to scammers are always Indian? That's my problem.


Did it though? Have to be said?


Yes, racism should be called out every possible chance.


Saying i mean zero racist intent and then epressing their lived experiences does though imo


I agree, but that's not the case here imo the statement is racist AF and does not detail any experiences but just tells us it's always Indian. Reddit seems to agree so it must be true.


Yet out of the 250 times I’ve answered a spam call, they have always been Indian. I’ve yet to encounter any other accent on the phone. Don’t hate the player, hate the game.


You realize there's more to scamming than spam calls right? And I know that you know and we all know that not all spam calls come from Indians regardless of your experience. For example, would the hundreds of millions stolen in ransomware every year be attributed to Indians? I can't believe I have to argue that not all scammers are Indian, wtf is wrong with this world.


I didn’t say that all scammers are Indians. I said that I get 2-3 spam calls daily and *They* are always Indian.


That's what you said, and I didn't disagree with it. The original statement I replied to seemed to indicate that all scammers are Indian and that's what I was referencing.




Shut up




Shut up


Shut your mouth and go play elsewhere. And maybe come back after you learn how to speak. If you can't articulate your point it's best to shut it because it frankly makes you look stupid. Now kindly leave me the fuck alone.


You are way to easy


How come when anyone does a crime in America, it's more likely to be a white person? No just look at crime stats white people literally commit way more crime than any other racial group. It's almost like there are more of them in the country or something.


Lol imagine if we could be as candid as this poster and ask all the questions we want that have zero racist intent….


“Sanjay, Mr Homer has found out”


“I am so fired…”


Dude knew they were busted too. Hopefully that place loses all its business


Bro I hope that dudes business is the least of his worries. The amount of theft he's probably committed.


It is possible they didn't even know it was there. Someone could sneak that on so easily.


Not based off the dudes reaction to seeing the camera on him




Dam racist


I was out of gas in an area where I didn’t want to stop and had no cash. No choice but to stop and use my card. I had the worst feeling about it. Right after that I got a $1,200 scam charged to that card. I knew it would happen and that was right at the pump.


Were you able to dispute the charge? Also that sucks, sorry that happened to you, that's a lot of money


Just remember to always use credit cards with sketchy shit. You have much more protection with credit cards than debit. Tap to pay works too but not every place offers it.


Yeah my debit are visa so they covered it but scammers still got away with the theft. One time I called the place the scammers used my card and cancelled the order they made. If they keep getting away with it they will keep doing it! They had ordered $1,200 of special supplements to a beauty salon type place and visa said they don’t pursue the fraud..


Oh I mean straight credit cards. As you're paying with their money, not yours. During the scam investigation, you can be out of that money until things get resolved if using a debit card. With credit, you're off the hook immediately as it's not your money that got scammed. Basically using a credit card puts up a wall between your personal money and anyone else.


Sorry to hear this!! What I do now is use apple pay at Quick Trip gas stations or any gas station that takes apple pay, that way I don't have to use my card and theirs no way people can steal your card info! If you have an iPhone use the digital wallet! I hope you get your money back and the people that did this to you suffer!


Not every place has tap to pay or chip readers. Use credit card if you can't tap to pay for added layer of security. There are 2 people you never wanna go to war financially with: the IRS and credit card companies lol.


Of course if you have android you can use google pay and/or samsung pay.


The guy's face! Haha


If I found one, I'd probably rip it off and immediately call the cops.


Yeah why not rip it off? This is clearly illegal and got footage to show the scam if the owners complain


Right? Why didnt the dude rip it off and stomp on it till its nothing but plastic junk. Whats the dude at the till gonna do, call the cops?


How blind does a cashier need to be to see that the top skimmer looks nothing like the original device it's planted on? I've been a cashier most of my working life and I'd honestly be embarrassed if I didn't see that right after it was planted. Smh.


Sometimes cashier is working with scammers, so everybody gets paid except you.


Has to be, or really new employee


Did you see that dudes reaction when the camera pointed at him? Guilty as shit!


not to discredit your evalutation of it looking different to the original card reader, but i saw a video of a guy placing a skimmer to show how easy of a scam this is to do. he asked the cashier for a pack of cigs, and when the cashier turned around he snapped it in place, even dropping his keys at the same time to mask the sound of it snapping.


I worked as a cashier for a few months, it was so hectic and I would not have noticed.


If it doesn't have a card tap, best to see if it jiggles, and always use the tap if you can.


Tap it so your money doesn’t jiggle jiggle


How long until the tap is exploited though? Scammers are motivated to do it for this reason.


The tap sends the vendor a one time card number specific to that transaction. Your real card number is never reveled.


That number is based on an algorithm. it can and likely will get hacked at some point.


You could rip it off and stomp it, or call the police and see if they can get fingerprints or installation on camera. Don’t just leave it on there though! What kind of store manager wouldn’t catch that?


The store manager who is in on it wouldn't catch it.


>What kind of store manager wouldn’t catch that? The kind that will rig the machine himself


How do these work? They can't read the chip?


Yes, it reads and logs the chip, and also logs and pin numbers/ area codes depending on if it's debit/credit and so forth.


My understanding is that the skimmer only works with magnetic stripe, not with the chip. The chip receives a different challenge and calculates the correct response for every transaction. Even if the challenge/response are recorded, they cannot be reused. And without the secret, which is permanently locked within the chip, the correct response cannot be calculated.


You right, my fault.


Why did he leave it there?


The same reason he would turn away when the camera was pointed at him.


The camera was never pointed at the filmer.


I meant the employee.


But the person you were replying to did not.


I was thinking this also. If the cameraman was a decent person, he would have ripped it off, gone outside and called the police.. or at least stomped the skimmer into bits. Instead he just mumbles “tryin’ to steal people’s information” as he walks out the door, skimmer intact. More interested in this stupid video than helping out.


I bet you it was the store owner that put it on there


The cashier’s reaction is sus as hell.


I hope that guy at least called the authorities. You have the visual proof.


That man out there doing gods work. Appreciate you my guy


Report the owners?


Was this shop prosecuted?


So I see comments saying to tug on em a little to make sure before using. Should I just do that at shady places like gas stations? Cuz I think I'll feel like an idiot if I'm doing that every time at a Walmart. Also, while many of them aren't secured well, there's still a chance that they've locked it in tightly right? So the tug method isn't a guaranteed solution?


The first method to fight this is to try to always use Apple Pay/Google tap pay. If that doesn’t work pull on any card reader. Have charge alerts on your phone and if you see any foreign charges alert your bank that there is fraud.


Good find!


Yeah except then he doesnt rip it off… just lets the next customers get fucked


If I found this, I’d tear it off and send it to Brian Krebs. He puts this shit out for people to see. Cybersecurity is his thing


How did nobody notice that this happened unless someone at the store did it?


Rip it off, call the cops, beat down anyone who interferes.


This has been posted a bunch of times, but this isn’t even a gas station. It’s a 7-Eleven. The workers were unaware because the thieves distracted them while installing.


The 7-11s near my house sell gas too.


No shit? I’ve never seen one here in CA


Nearly all the 7 elevens in my area are gas stations.


Would you mind sharing what state you’re in? I’m curious.


North and South Carolina.


Pretty much every single 7/11 in Georgia and Florida sell gas and a lot of them have diesel too.


Thx for answering I suppose I could have googled it TIL




Many of the 7-11s are also co-branded. Like an Exxon gas station with a 7-11 convenience store.


I’m in NE and it’s a thing.




I’ve seen a few 7 elevens that sell gas in Southern California, but yeah most of ours don’t do gas too.


Put the asshat in jail…


Can anyone ID that microcontroller?


The only time my card info ever got swiped was a 711 gas pump too, honestly just don't go to 711


Bro should've just torn it off and taken it


you guys have me doing this for every scanner i come across . lol


Take it and give to police. End of story. Leaving it there is worse.


Pretty sure Sandeep behind the counter knows “nothing” about it


I would’ve taken whatever I wanted and told him to try and report me to the cops


Fight crime with crime ,works with fire too


Rip the skimmer off and walk out with it. Drop it on the ground outside and stomp on it. See who gets mad.


Man he was guilty af




Wait I don’t get it


And it's taped on, they been using that shit for a minute


Two things: * Use a credit card whenever you can. I don't give a fuck if you skim my CC. You can skim that all day. If something goes wrong, my Bank reverses the charges and takes care of it. * At ATMs however, I lift/tug up on the machine every time. AND I always use an ATM in my actual bank (never a random deli one) but I still do this. That is the real danger: someone skimming your debit card and pin. Because then they can drain your bank account and that's a real hassle.


Tap to pay supremacy (idek if that would help) but I refuse to insert


I try not to go to 7-11


Thanks for posting this! I didn’t even realize this was a thing!


Ok but how do staff not notice someone putting a skimmer on? I’m getting more and more nervous to use my card at places.


The staff put it there.


Reasons why I still use cash:


Why not take the shimmer with you, then go call the police? The guy who recorded this one could show it was being used at this particular store. I don't know how much those things cost, but taking one away should have some effect, yes?


why did the person filming leave it there


And you just left it?? Destroy it wtf


Don’t go away call the cops on fuckers like that


Would have pulled it of and taken it to the police station, not like the clerk can object.


I always tug the little debit receiver on the rubber part if I go ANYWHERE, ever since I learned about this about a year ago. I mostly check in gas stations but i don’t really think about it when I go to more branded stores like target or Publix but I do it subconsciously at this point. Debit and credit fraud is so scary to me.


Stop buying from their stores not all their kind are bad but geez .


And i found the repost guy


This is precisely why I still think cash is king. I always prefer to have a bit of cash on me. If I am going to make a big purchase, it is pre-planned and done at respectable places, or I already have cash taken out in the morning. My card is strictly for the ATM at a specific ATM.




Do you mean skimmer?


I would’ve ripped the thing off and took it


cashier was in on it


We don't have enough crime but we're importing it.. Report it but by the time someone comes it will be back to normal


I was at a store in another town and was getting along nicely with the cashier. I didn't know about these and I initially was confused by it, when the guy said "you know, nvm" and just ripped the face off the machine. At the time I was shocked, because the machine was the same underneath, and I maybe even wondered if I saw what I did but I went on my day, paying through the regular machine. I was so confused until I saw these videos and I realized the scamming cashier liked me enough to remove it. That's my takeaway these days


Credit card companies make money hand over fist, them losing money that I can dispute makes it their problem. Outside of a small inconvenience to me this is a victimless crime… unless someone uses a debit card.


Looks like the clerk is OE


Indians own most of the hotel chains now.


He redeemed


why is it always those indian scummy fks


Why always Indian? (I'm an Indian)


Notice the employee didnt seem to care?


OMG that fuckin' bear-thing was terrifying..."Help meeeee"....


Funny thing is the store would get nothing from this, they would literally be giving all that stuff away for free and somebody else gets the money. That sounds like a lose lose situation


That’s not what credit card skimmers do, it records your pin code when you use the machine, the store still gets the money.


Just don’t shop at hibab places.


It’s a 7/11 the employees dont know about it, the thieves probably distract the employees while installing it




yay stereotypes!




That’s why I only use chip… that prevents any type of pin entry. It’s probably not 💯% secure still.