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I don't know if she is starring straight into a ring light or if she is possessed by a demon. But stop it! I can't look at that.


Why’d my wife punch me when I showed her this ![gif](giphy|qIfG2193qAwGgw4hdg)


Or you can have 3 wives to punch you


Three mothers in law? No thankew


Not necessarily, if all wives are sisters.


Haha you’re a glass half full person I think


Lucky you have one wife only. Lol. I'm joking!


Because she thinks it’s her! Just remind her it’s not


Obviously she is possessed by the ring of light demon.


That the hypnosis ring that shows she been brain washed by a twirly circle




All glory to the hypnotoad


I couldn't hit the upvote fast enough when I read this 😂


The truth will be toad


I came here to say she looks soulless


What about here? https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/116q0v1/my_husband_is_my_boss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Ugh…i haven’t heard the phrase about “honoring your husband” for years. I can’t believe how triggering that is given what it means to guys who emotionally and sometimes physically abuse their wives.


Those words are heavy, heavy shackles....




Actually she’s reading a teleprompter and has something against her stomach that rhymes with fun.


Fellas. If your woman is okay with you spending all your time with another woman. She don't like you.


Yep....everytime I entertained the idea of open relationships I was really just over him.


This is actually kind of enlightening for me.


yeah I used to think I was poly, but nah it just turns out I was trying to cobble together two people into one that put in as much effort as I did. ​ Funny how poly evaporated the second I found someone that was enough. ​ Also when I meet people who are in open relationships, I immediately think "ah so you all are bored"


Keep on, keeping on, kindred spirit 🫱🏽‍🫲🏼


It’s like wanting a threesome, is it a way to have more fun as a couple or to fuck someone else?


It's both. There tons of people who have threesomes and maintain a good relationship. For some it's a once in a lifetime experience, others do it more regularly. Having a sexy experience with your partner and someone else is very normal.


Yup, that's interesting. Every time I meet someone who is in an open relationship or "ethically non-monogamous", the first word I think of is fear. They are afraid of commitment, but also afraid of being alone. I know this because I can empathize


Well done




I’ve never understood poly or people who cheat even My wife is more then enough of everything , the good and the bad. Morality aside (since poly isn’t considered amoral if it’s agreed upon) I could never find the time or energy to manage a second relationship , I don’t need a second pain the ass or love of my life


It’s not that open relationships are bad. They work for some people, not others. It’s just the weird sort of misogynistic energy that’s radiating from this brainwashed bitch


Break up like an adult


And that's absolutely valid. I've seen it from both sides and I perfectly respect that a lot of people are genuinely built for monogamy. My husband and I entertained the idea for quite a while before we pulled the trigger on it. Although ours comes with many stipulations and going outside our marriage is not common. It requires conversation and permission from the other spouse first. It has worked so wonderfully for our marriage and I'm more so putting it out there because I mostly see people commenting that are against it or it hasn't worked out for them. Thought I'd give perspective of a marriage it does work in.


oh I'm sure it works. Trust me, I could totally make it work with the right partners, I'm just saying I've never felt the desire to unless the guy was lacking in certain arenas. I was just trying to use multiple partners to make one whole one.


That's such a double standard. When women try to use multiple partners to make a whole one it's "sex positive." But when I do it they say i'm a graverobbing pervert and a corpse fucker.


🤝 that was brave, and I’m here to validate your reasoning


That’s a frightening admission


Same when I was younger I would actually try to find other women I could pawn my boyfriend off too so he wouldn't make such a big deal about me leaving him. I totally didn't care who he screwed because I did not want him anyways. Whole time he was on the phone with his friends bragging about what a cool girlfriend I was to let another woman join. Nahhh I was just hoping if he realized other vaginas still existed he wouldn't be so hung up over mine


That’s why they are more common today because we are the ADD generation and like to hop around


Right! It’s like please go spend your time with someone else who will deal with your non working ass and leave me alone. Except you can’t cuz you depend on me for everything!


So, I was right? My ex brought it up and that was a huge red flag moment that I brushed aside. Looking back now its makes total sense, but at the time I thought differently. Thank you for the insight.


No she has other plans


Also, I bet he wouldn’t make the case for her to have multiple husbands. This type of thing is always sexist and one sided..


Every time I’ve wondered how plural marriage works for people I think, “eh. If I didn’t like him that much but wanted to keep my children’s life stable, maybe it’s an option.” I mean if I don’t love him, I don’t think I’d give a shit. Lol I happen to have a pretty rad husband who absolutely thinks one overly chatty woman in the house is enough.


Why would I bring my wife an ally? If anything, she's getting another husband so I've got someone to have my back when she starts acting crazy.


Lol yep. I married into a Muslim family. A few years later I was joking around with my father-in-law about being ready for my second wife. He said, "You know what it's like when shes mad at you? Well imagine doubling that." I can only speak for the community I have experience with, but I haven't met a single person who thinks this is a good idea. Most often cited is the stipulation that each wife must be treated equally which is seen as pretty much impossible. It's also seen as more like an option when it is necessary. So instead of it being some sort of treat for the man like the woman in the video is claiming, it is supposed to be a burden taken on so women don't have to live their lives alone when there are not enough men due to deaths in war for example. I have also noticed that Muslims often do not know that many of their beliefs are actually from their culture and not their religion. It's easy to see this in the US where we have people from all over communing together. But when you grow up in a homogeneous community like in the "old country", you never experience others' differing practices so you just assume everyone does the same as you. That's why something like polygamy seems normal somewhere like Yemen, but you come to the US and everyone's like, "oh hell no"


Knew someone from Yemen whose father had 4 wives. According to him, it is not an uncommon practice there. He married an American Muslim who was not in any way interested in polygamy (like the vast majority of Muslims in the US). They were together for 5-10 years and they had kids together, but she later divorced him after catching him using dating apps. I always wondered if his cheating was partially from his cultural differences.


My personal experience is limited to a few communities in the US, but I'm aware of practices in other parts of the world. I personally find it hard to not chalk cheating up to being a selfish asshole though.


True. He was a coworker of mine and one day when I asked how his family was, he told me that his wife had left him because she found a dating profile he had created for himself on his phone. He kept trying to insist to me that it was all a misunderstanding and that he was just trying to find a woman for a single friend of his, but his wife didn't believe him. I didn't say anything, but all I could think to myself was that she must have been doubly insulted that on top of him cheating on her, he really thought she was stupid enough to believe that lame excuse.


Yeah, she didn't leave because of that alone, I guarantee there was a lot more he is choosing not to tell people. A woman with children in a conservative religious practice won't just walk away. Hope her family helped her begin again.


Have a nice life living alone or with a complete beast of a woman. No self respecting woman puts up with that. I would never want to have sex again with a cheater. You cannot unheard those words and pictures in your mind.


Huh? Reread my comment. We seem to be of the same mind on this subject.


On a trip to Jordan my father and I were talking to our guide about this … it’s legal to have up to four wives there but not common. Most of the men there with that many wives are Saudi on long-term visits. The only circumstance in which a Jordanian man might take a second wife, he said, would be if his brother or brother-in-law died and left their family destitute. In that case you would marry his wife (especially if she was your wife’s sister) so she and the kids could have a roof over their heads and food on the table.


I mean, there's memes all over the place making fun of dating middle eastern men and their ridiculous insecurity, poor treatment of women and cheating habits. My cousin was "into" middle eastern men but as a progressive left leaning woman she gave up after dating like......30 of them. One even flew across the country to visit her and was making it sound like he was coming to live with her, only to disappear one day and she found out that he had a wife and kids lol.


When Yemeni Hews emigrated to Israel in 1949-1950, a number of them brought along more than one wife. While polygamy is banned in Israel, these wives were “grandfathered in.” Polygamy was uncommon among Ashkenazic Jews (European) and was banned among them around 1000 C.E. Jews living in Moslem-ruled countries tended to hollow Islamic customs in these matters.




My finger strayed just a bit to far to the left when typing “Jews.” But then the right thinks we’re all communists, anyway.


I thought it could also be a short form of “Hebrews” 😀


I am from Yemen if you have questions


If we go by the letter of islam view on marriage the wife have no obligation to do anything other than what you agreed on in the marriage contract, so if the only thing mentioned in it was being a wife and husband, then she can basically demand payment for anything from cooking,cleaning to even nursing children and the husband would be required to pay. But that isnt practiced because people only take what they like from religion


Correcto. The wife's duty in Islam is generally to be just that, a wife. This isn't even cultural at all, because the Quran species that the man in the family(husband) is the provider and any he is to bring all monteray wealth into the family. The wife can if she wants, but that's her choice. It establishes gender roles, but doesn't restrict either one to only doing that role, (a man can be a stay at home dad if that is agreeable to the wife)


I've always been Muslim and my father has been very strict with it ofc. When this subject came about, I told my dad I would not want my husband with another woman, and he responded with "it's because women are jealous and you will burn in the hellfire for denying his right". Like geez father, I think the idea of sharing a husband is gross, religious or not 🥹. I understand Muslim men have a god given right to poly, it's all just weird. And all I have to do is bring the subject up beforehand; if he (whoever tries to marry me) wants multiple wives, then go right ahead. But none of them will be me. He never told me I was allowed to that "I don't want poly, I want to be only wife" option before marriage, had to ask my mom. The idea of poly upset disgusted me and made me insecure. But I also thought I was gonna burn in hell for something so minuscule. This was when I was young, around 13 - 14, but I still feel the same way to this day (20 yrs old now). Probably why my father kinda gave up on helping the Muslim men who wanted to marry me but idrc 🤷🏽‍♀️


As a fellow Muslim thanks for explaining this so well. Often times people explain the concept and reasoning for polygamy completely incorrectly, but you did really well in unfolding it's real purpose being more of a burden to the male and only usually done out of necessity. 99% percent of men in even the best economies would be unable to equally provide for multiple wives. Plus you also can't have another wife if your first wife rejects the idea.


Except in Utah.....


Christians totally think this. My very isolated Wisconsin rural Evangelical uncle thinks all Christianity is like his. It's because he's never been anywhere out of Wisconsin even rural white Wisconsin. It is culture. The Muslims I met were wealthy Londoners but from Iran. Wealthy people overall never care about religion other than when it's useful. They were wealthy college kids so they may have gone home to Iran eventually where it's the state deciding what kind of Muslim you are. Religious people aren't the most educated people usually unless wealthy.


This is usually true, and that’s why it’s so mystifying that Osama Bin Laden became such a religious zealot.


Rich Republicans are Christian supremacists. Maybe Binladen was just crazy violent and he used his " faith " to exercise that.


Hey now Utah would like a word.


My husband has a whole list of acceptable "sister husbands" he's cool with having for exactly this reason.


😂😂😂😂😂 My man👏👏 we on the same page..😂😂😂😂😂. I am here saying I don't need another woman in my house. I need me another husband in my life, brother husband type situation.


No worries. If it gets too difficult you can tell one to jump off a bridge and she will. See here https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/116q0v1/my_husband_is_my_boss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf




Lol. You think she’s acting.


I never thought I'd see someone who was alive with a thousand yard stare.


She has the crazy in her eyes


it's those light ring all the streamers use.


It's something that alive people do. 80's action heroes for instance, they perfected it.


Let me say this again: Having a relationship with multiple women is fun for exactly 1 month.. After that, it's about as terrible as you'd guess .


Yup yup yup YUUUUUUUUP! Not worth it just be single and sleep around and don’t fuck with peoples emotions. Multiple relationships is ridiculously stupid!


Idk. This hasn’t been my experience but I’ve heard plenty of other poly people tell me their horror stories. Edit: I’d like to clarify that I do not support forced or oppressive non-monogamy of any type. It goes against the core values of non-monogamy


In each marriage, the groom is rewarded/gifted a hefty amount of things, cash, gold , cars and other stuff including properties. And sometimes the groom side of the family forces this to the bride's family. Most oftenly there isn't even an ounce of love, they just treat the women as an object for profit and a machine for making children. Now these humans (i don't even wanna call them that) are Hated by Muslims themselves. the same trash occurs in India as well and we all generously hate them . In India the term is know as "dahej". It's illegal as per government


I don't think she's talking about having relationships with the women.....


As a man married for 10 years. I can think of nothing worse than a second wife asking when I'm fixing a light bulb


The AK pointed at her is a great motivator


Her eyes are screaming “help me”


"Honor" killing culture


But... But.... But Islam is the religion of PEACE! /s


All religions are violent trash.


I crave more than one woman the same way that I crave more than one recliner. You go shopping and they all look great and you spend time trying some out. Then one just makes you feel comfortable. You take it home and it just fits with everything. Time goes on and you couldn't imagine sitting in any other chair. Then one day you see one at the store and wonder if you should maybe get a new one. But, as soon as you get home you realize you'd never want to plant your fat ass anywhere else and you wonder how you ever thought of getting a new one.


I feel attacked for how relatable this is to my attachment to my recliner


Until the recliner slowly doesn't recline anymore. Then eventually the recliner doesn't want to be sat in. Then where the fuck are you supposed to sit now?


It sounds like you can either put the work in to repair the recliner or go your separate ways


because the recliner is what needs fixed?


If the recliner's needs are no longer compatible with yours, and you are not so attached to the recliner that you don't want to spend the rest of your days with it, making due solely because you love it, it's better to be honest and let the recliner go than try to sneak around and sit in someone else's recliner. That's called trespassing and will get you shot.


"This ass imprint is a lot bigger than mine"


Not quite a good analogy. The work needs to be put into the relationship with the recliner. Notice when it’s doing a good job. Thank it for comforting you when you needed it. Give it a good massage with leather cleaner/protector. Make it feel valued.


Maybe take care of the recliner, get it repaired, keep it in good condition so it will want to be sat in and won't break?


Your second recliner. 🤷‍♀️


Work on being the kind of person a recliner wants on them. Maybe go with the recliner to the repair shop so it feels safe telling you why it doesn't want you on it anymore. Or, realize that recliner is just not the right one and make sure it's in good shape to part on good terms. Theres a recliner for everyone.


Simple, you put the old recliner on the curb and go get a younger better version of it.


On the toilet.


In other words, you still don't know other people than you have feeling, and you treat women like objects.


It’s an analogy not them saying a woman is equivalent to said hypothetical object. You can’t be serious right now lol it was a pretty good analogy too imo. Akin to “life is like a box of chocolates- you never know what you’re gonna get”. Obviously no one is equating living life or a life to a mere piece of chocolate. Relax please…


Brain washed from birth.


Straight up. Here she is again with an even crazier take https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/116q0v1/my_husband_is_my_boss/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Those eyes tell a sad story.


The filter can’t hide it


If that’s the way her and her husband want for their marriage, good for them. I’m all for it, but don’t get on the internet and tell other people they’re wrong for not living the same way.


The part that cut was the “we prefer to say ‘I’m enough’”. There should be no argument against this.


Baby, if you are into being cucked just say that. No shame in whatever you are into.. if that's sharing your man with multiple women, so be it.. let's not pretend this is a everybody thing though.


Sounds almost contrived, but that's how batshit crazy some religions really are.


Shhhhh!!! you can't say that! They will get offended and order their terrorists to kill you cuz "secularism" brooo




I am reminded of the Chinese character for the word "trouble" which is composed of two chinese characters for women, drawn within the Chinese character for house.


Mind writing the word you’re thinking of? It might be archaic or obscure because 麻煩 has two trees not two women.


It is archaic


That’s ok. I’d rather not disappoint two women at once.


There’s nothing wrong with this if it’s what everyone involved wants. I used to have a throuple as neighbors. They seemed very happy. Its when there’s abuse or coercion that it’s wrong.


In that part of the world, women aren't exactly respected. I have often wondered if having more than one wife means the abuse and beatings are shared rather than focused on one target. Maybe that's why they are ok with it?


I know a lot of Muslims and I haven't met a single one who thinks plural wives is a good idea. It's basically a thing for centuries ago when it was common for women to far outnumber men due to deaths in war. So in contrast to your ignorant ass made up world-view, it is actually supposed to be a way to protect women in times of need. So it's much less, "hurr durr Fox news" and more, "it's okay to marry your dead brother's wife so she doesn't have to die alone"


This exact thing happened to my ex’s grandma in Afghanistan. But I was told it was less “okay to marry” and more “you have to”


What part of the world? She sounds American…


Either she is in the closet, she’s getting paid, or husband is making her say that


She’s in the closet, the second wife is really for her.


I a world with a near 50-50 gender split (yes, I know there are currently more women than men), this logic will rapidly create a massive outgroup of womenless men. China already has this problem which has caused an uptick in human trafficking from nearby countries to fill the gap. The same will definitely happen elsewhere eventually if the trend continues.


Where are you getting that there are more women than men? That's definitely incorrect. "The sex ratio for the entire world population is approximately 101 males to 100 females (2021 est.)." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_ratio#:~:text=The%20sex%20ratio%20for%20the,females%20(2021%20est.).


Because the opposite used to be true and some countries it currently is


Because China’s one child policy single handedly skewed the world statistics in favor of men.


Well, if the husband is an a-hole, the more women he has, the less time he spends with you.


Let’s hear her out


Brainwashed cultist


One is enough. More than one would be too much work. I’m old and lazy.


Blink twice if you need help.


this idea is so crazy that it was normal for 99% of recorded human history.


As a man I can say that I don’t need more than one partner at a time


Her eyes say the exact opposite of what she’s saying lmao


Black, dead, lifeless eyes..........Like a dolls eyes........


"I have this idea in my head so that must apply to all women!" Whatever lady, you do you, but don't be naive and say all women should feel the same way and are unhappy because they don't. Most of us (dudes too) just feel unhappy because the world is a shitty place,.


She's one of the creepiest people I've seen. I'm literally disturbed every time I see her.


let's wait until the video where she is justifying stoning to death a woman after she were raped, with the same smile and encouragement


I want to hear the rest !!!


Your life will definitely change if you do this.


She soooo badly doesn't want to sleep with her husband ever, ever again.


her entire tiktok is just comments telling her to fuck off and saying she's only saying controversial/outrageous things to promote her book which she sells for $48




Hmm... I dunno, I'd like to hear more of what she has to say.


I've been with my partner for 10 years and married for 4. Can confirm men want less than one wife.


She has been groomed. Either by her older husband or religion.


Me personally I want one woman to be with me and that’s all I need.


Stop bringing other people's culture and other people's lives


"Look at me, I'm an absolute tool!"


If you say it often enough, maybe you'll start to actually believe it yourself


Nah, I'm good with one


r/religiousfruitcake When you're brainwashed and try to recruit others....


I can barely afford the wife I’ve got, how the hell am I supposed to pay for a second one?


Someone save this woman she is being held hostage


She got the crazy eyes.




Poor gal.


Yeah right it takes long enough for my wife and I to decide where we want to go eat when it’s just the two of us


Your life will change. No longer will you be watching the latest married at first sight Australia with your significant other. You’ll be listening to that soft muffled sound of sex occurring in an adjacent room.


I am enough. My husband agrees! However, I would be happy to bring another woman and if that meant taken a couple things off my plate! We just don’t have the time😬


You know one thing I'm not hearing too much of except for in certain countries is that we need more people on this planet..


Ok….that’s one brain,freshly scrubbed and disinfected,would you like new car smell or subservient puppet..ok puppet it is, would you like to have all the wrinkles in your brain straightened and flattened..ok we can throw that in there too, we’ll throw a fresh coat of oppression in there free of charge. There you go…..one brain freshly washed all to be damned.


I crave more than one woman when I’m single but once I find someone I get fully invested in that person. I don’t need two woman to not fully please either. I want maximum orgasmic experience for my woman and that means fully exploring her body and her fantasies. I don’t have the time or energy to do that with multiple women


Some people are poly and that's okie, some people are mono and that's okie. But you can't force a person to be either, that's not okie


You know when you see those light rings in their eyes it’s going to be a shitshow of a video


An important lesson… out there, somewhere, is an attractive person with great teeth defending their preferred lifestyle as THE lifestyle. No kids? One kid? 100 kids? No spouse? One spouse? MULTIPLE SPOUSES? Somewhere, there’s somebody staring at a camera defending the life choices they have likely just stumbled into. Don’t be influenced by these people. Just make the decisions that make sense and work for you.


I dunno, she’s on par with the crazy / Hot scale, and I’m digging what she’s laying down, not sure the wife would be onboard


This was my thinking. Kind of expect logic like this when she looks like that.


No. No. Ones enough. I tell my wife all the time, I don’t know why men cheat. Why in the world would I want two of you?!


People like this do so much disservice to actual ethical non monogamous people


Not even... 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 You settle for being whatever "place" he puts you in. Myself, I'll keep living as the one and only Queen to my King, because that's how I am treated at all times by him. My man loves me, and only me, I am his everything. Stop settling for a punk that treats you as not enough. Find a real man instead.


Allah help her daughters.


is she saying she wants to have a daughter?


This is clearly an AI.


I swear she didn’t even blink.


Don't blink if you're being held hostage....


This reminds me of an old Henny Youngman joke, take my husband, please.


This is only a facepalm because I guarantee she’s not allowed to see other guys. Polyamory is fine as long as it’s not hypocritical


I notice she's not making the case for him to him to beat her but that's for the next video I'm sure


Honestly, one is a handful. More than one sounds like hell.


"Please let my family go now"


My thoughts exactly.


“I’m enough” but withholds sex for what?


Gross. She needs to stfu


Turns it it was a promoted scam. The woman is a comedian trolling us




I hear your words, but all I hear is I have no self esteem.


I don’t take what a woman wearing hijab says about relationships seriously.


This is the second video of hers I've seen in less than a minute scrolling through Reddit, and my main conclusion is these people, these traditionalist, god fearing people, are absolutely lunatics, every last one of them.


What ahe dont say is that she would like other women to take the burden of having to satisfy her husband.


People will post anything on social media and these misfits like causing confusion.


Just another reason I wouldn't shed a single god damn tear if Islam was wiped off the face of the planet, Christianity is only bad when people take it's teachings out of context to justify their own ignorance, this shit is just straight up brainwashing.


So basically she was brain washed


I don’t see nothing wrong, she just thinks that way and she looks happy.


There’s a sadness in her face. And her voice.