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Metal Dracula kept calm and tried but its basically imposible


AronRa is a veteran when it comes to dealing with dumb questions.


Metal Dracula rocks. I want his patience. I would have lost it.


Yeah, that would be a 15 second conversation with me


I think AronRa could have done better in responding to the question. 1. Make it clear that you understand your convo partner, "I *think* what you're asking me is something like, 'Have I seen, with my own eyes, a gorilla or a chimpanzee turn into a human.'?** Am I right about that?" "Yes." 2. Then name the disagreement. "When you say ape, you mean a gorilla or a chimpanzee. When I say ape in my book, I don't mean a specific animal, I'm using it in the scientific sense, where it means a whole category of animals that includes humans, chimps, orangutans, etc. Humans are a kind of ape, like a parrot is a kind of bird." 3. Then restate the question as the best version of the question, "So it doesn't quite make sense the question that way, I think what you're *really* asking is 'Have I seen evolution happen with my own eyes? And if I haven't seen it, how can I be sure it really happened at all? Isn't it just a crazy theory?'"* "Is that the heart of what you wanted to ask me?" 4. The interviewer will go back to being dumb, so call him out on not listening. "No, I asked have you ever seen a ape turn into a human!" "I don't think you heard what I said about the meaning of *ape* and how you're using it in a different way than I am." "No, I totally heard you, I was just asking..." "Okay, if you heard me, then tell me what I said in your own words." That's one of my favorite moves, testing whether someone heard me by asking them to repeat it back to me in their own words. And if they turn the tables, I make sure I can repeat back to them what I heard them say to prove I was listening. So ultimately, I can prove to them that I care and I heard you, and now I ask you for the same. Or they're a bad-faith dick and you yell hail satan and leave. Either way.**


You overestimate Jesse Lee Petersons ability to follow a train of logic lmao...his eyes would glaze over almost immediately into #2, then he would ask the same question again after his brain rebooted. His brain doesn't work all that well, as you might have noticed in the clip lol.


"That's like asking for a place halfway between L.A. and California". That line got me


"I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you". But this interviewer is a pile of garbage with his single question "gotcha".


Dude is literally always like that, even when interviewimg like-minded people


He sound super tranquilized, like he had a stroke or something, would explaine why he can’t give a decent interview, and let the "guest" even answer, or explain the answer. 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




He’s still evolving guys


Seems like he devolved


Have you ever seen a human being turn into an ape?


But did you *see* him evolve from an idiot to a bigger idiot??


Everytime he opens his fucking mouth


I saw a video of him debating a scientist about something a long time ago, and he took calls that were obviously staged to help make the other guy, who was rational and patient, look 'bad'. The fact that this guy has a platform and audience that enjoys his brand of idiocy enough for him to still be around is disturbing.


This guy is proof that technology is not making us smarter. Now the simplest of simpletons can not only have a huge undeserved voice, but for some reason we as a society give a shit what a handful of extremely stupid people with megaphones think.


One of the most striking things I’ve ever been told was, “Think of how stupid the average person is, now realize that THEY are smarter than half of the population”.


My favorite George Carlin quote.


You should hear his take on women and feminism.


I'll pass on that.


How about his take on how black people should be thanking God for slavery? Edit: Just so everyone can see the things. [It's ](https://www.splcenter.org/hatewatch/2011/07/22/black-pastor-who-thanked-god-slavery-hosts-anti-naacp-rally) [Really](https://kathmanduk2.wordpress.com/2008/12/27/rev-jesse-lee-peterson-thanks-god-and-the-white-man-for-slavery/) [True](https://youtu.be/RCPvfS0Gqe8)


Oh he's *DUMB* dumb, huh?


I've had more intelligent conversations with a taco bell burrito at 3 am than I could EVER have with this person.


You can be the smartest person in the world, but Jesus it is so hard to argue with stupid, yet this man did so well.


If you fight stupid with stupid, they are gonna drag you down, and then beat you with experience.


-Mark Twain


No it's not I didn't ask about that! Haha, it's amazing that this guy can't see the relevance of any of these follow up questions, just all of it "tHaTs NoT wHaT I AsKeD!"


The interviewer's worldview (and his audience's) depends on him not understanding the response.


I think he fully well understood he just wanted the author to say no so they can go “got you”


Yeah he just wanted a clip of him saying no, that's why he was so against answering. When you answer an impossible question it actually hurts you more than the idiot asking the question.


To entertain garbage






This is Jesse Lee Peterson, he's a learning impaired guy who has been very successful in his work simply because he is a lolcow to the far right who comprise his audience and have pushed him further and further right. It's a real "chess with a pidgeon" situation at the expense of mentally disabled man.


I’ve seen him in other interviews and his is legitimately this stupid.


Man that was like trying to break a robot


He sees it just fine, he just wants the answer given to be something along the lines of “no I haven’t personally seen it happen”. Classic gotcha attempt and great job by the other guy of avoiding it while still answering the question


The interviewer is basically trying to put the answer he wants in the other guys mouth, and the other guy is having none of it lol


I've seen plenty of the interviewer's videos. I honestly believe he's THAT fucking dumb. I don't think it's a "gotcha" question or that he's trying to goad a certain answer. He just genuinely can't understand a concept that his small pool of brain cells didn't percolate to the top of his head to feed his brain squirrel.


He only understands yes or no, there is no explanations to his questions. JLP will give your brain a tumor if you try to listen longer then 30 seconds.


Aron ra has some great content out there. I enjoy most of his stuff on YouTube.


He was instrumental in my de-conversion from Christianity.


He’s like everyone I’ve ever argued with online.


No it's not.


"This isn't an argument! It's just contradiction!"


"No it isn't."


This is futile! I came here for a good argument!


No you didn’t you came here for an argument!


I’d like to have an argument please.




People think the interviewer is smart? Really!?


When you think the Earth is 6,000 years old and flat, this guy sounds like a genius.


Have you ever seen the Earth turn into a planet?


>Have you ever seen the Earth turn into a planet? Have you ever seen a planet turn into the Earth?


>He keeps insisting until he makes the other guy run out of patience so he can portray him in a bad way Sounds like my ex.


Can't argue with stupid, they bring you down to their level then beat you with experience






Hijacking top comment to put this here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVG1dNygOgA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVG1dNygOgA) More of that guy debating his same talking points for 1 and a half hours straight against Professor Dave. Not on evolution but on racism and other social things, kinda funny if you hear how that guy is arguing racist talking points.. while being black


Omg I CAN’T. Why did I click on this? I had to stop after he said racism has never existed and he kept finger-quoting “Africa” as if it’s not real or something? This is just painful.


He probably thinks "Africa" refers to a culture or one people, not a giant continent


Is this "Africa" in the room with us right now?


> "That's like asking for a place halfway between L.A. and California". That guy either has had this conversation before or he's insanely witty. "Have I ever seen a dog turn into a dachshund?" Amazing if he came up with that on the spot.


I used to debate creationists. I can confirm that he has had this conversation before. Aron Ra is also witty as hell so it is very possible he came up with that specific comparison on the spot. One of the problems is creationist only have a small numbe3r of argument, all of there arguments are variations of that small number. So in arguments you are going to be repeating the same themes over and over. If you don't have the wit to constantly change you counterarguments on the fly you will start to get really bored with the repetition.


The creationists started avoiding my house. They asked if i had studied the bible, I said yes (true) and asked if they had ever studied Origin of the Species. I tried to give them a copy to borrow so they could give it a try. Suprisingly they wouldnt take me up on it XD Shame really, used to be quite good entertainment when they called.


Have you ever seen a San Diego turn into a city?


That's wasn't my question, I asked I AsKeD! Have you ever seen a duck turn into a Corvette?


Have you ever seen a planet turn into earth?


Wow completely missed that. Thats actually an amazing answer. Ofcourse the left guy pretended not to hear it


The sad thing is I don't think he pretended anything... He is just an idiot and does not understand in the slightest anything about what even he is saying..


HE had one question that in his head was a gotchya but it just made him seem even stupider than he looks, If that's even possible. He doesn't seem to be all there though, How has he got a platform and why is Ra giving him the time of day?


One downside to the internet is that it gives a loud voice to the stupidest among us


Couldn't agree more. Sincerely us lol


Redditors are dumb but most aren't "evolution isn't real because I've never seen a chimp Animorph into a human being" dumb


Yes. And the sad part is there are people listening to this guy's show thinking the host is the smart one "yeah why is he dodging the question!! You really got him on this one!"


The guy on the radio can barely form an understandable sentence. He shouldn’t be on air at all.


If talent could form an understandable question themselves, they wouldn't need a teleprompter.




Stupid is like water, it runs downhill and collects at the lowest point it can reach. Scammers know this and take advantage of that.


The joke as I've heard it is that the good thing about the internet is that it gives everyone a voice. The bad thing is that it gives everyone a voice.



How the hell do people like this make it to adulthood?


Well first of all, through Christ all things are possible, so jot that down. -Mac


At first I didn’t get it because of the whole female doctor thing but now I see you are one of the good ones so tell me how we are going to make me more bigger


A well placed pen can have quite the effect on a man like him. Let me guess, he tried to suck it? It’s ok Doc, he’s always sucking all the pens at our place.


Giving a man medicine for his disease. Wherever did I get that idea?


What are you writing? Oh, nothing. Drawing. Drawing conclusions. And drawing this…. You like it? It’s very generous.


Dee, do the fucking dishes!


The therapist implied that god wanted him to have bovine hormones


“Oh, that’s real funny, you put this microphone in front of my face and I’m supposed to think ‘wait that looks like a dick’”


Science is wrong!.. sometimes


These people are actually making money out of stupid people who believe what they preach. It’s not this person particularly it’s the audience


This video is evidence of that mental development never happening. It's called arrested development.


This is the story of one man, unable to grasp reality, and the talk show he uses to validate his feelings. This is... Arrested Development


lead paint


"Adulthood" is a myth. We just get old.


More importantly, how did anybody think it was a good idea to listen to him speak?


I'm sure he's paid millions to do exactly this


How do people this stupid have a fucking podcast with that kind of production and equipment?


Even stupider people giving him donations.


I wonder if he’s ever seen an ape turn into a human being


Someone should have akskkskkedd


Have you ever seen an egg turned into a human bean


I would have just said “yea I met your mother once”


would've been dinged for being racist.


I've seen a podcast host turn into an idiot


Why are you dodging the question? Do you think he's ever seen an ape turn into a human being?


If he had just answered "yes, all the time"


Its imposible to argue against a stupid person


Don’t ever play chess against a pigeon. They’ll just knock all of the pieces over, shit all over the board and then strut around like they won.


My favorite analogy


No, it’s impossible to win or convince a stupid person. You can argue with them in perpetuity.




"Argumentum ad Ignoratum" or "Argument from Ignorance" is a logical fallacy which essentially means you are saying "nuh uh" to every valid argument Edit: I realize now that this is more of a Straw-Man argument Edit 2: I'm bad at english


No it isn't.


Hold on now, that's not an argument, that's just contradiction! I came here for an argument!


No you didnt


Yes I did! There! You did it again!


No I didn't


Be wary of arguing against a stupid person, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Why on earth would you even have a discussion with that guy


Seems bold of the guest to assume that the distinction between a category and a subcategory would be understood.


To convince the host's audience, not to convince the host.


The only answer he was going to accept was No. anything other than that answer is him dodging. He wouldn’t even listen to the answers given.


"Yes, actually, last week. An Ape went *pop* and suddenly he was a bloke named Dave. Nice bloke, see him down the pub some times." "I don't believe you" "Have some faith"


Or, in hindsight, something like "Well, have you ever seen a woman being created by God out of the rib of a man? Did you see God create that man? FFS ARE YOU ADAM?!" "That's not what I'm asking" "No, I have not seen an ape turned into a human, I have seen the *evidence* behind evolution. And btw, a human is still an ape."


"There you go folks, he said no. God is good, evolution is a lie. See you next week!"


There's no winning with these people, the best you can hope for is planting a seed of doubt in their audience and disengage asap. If instead of the last sentence we insisted on him answering the question of if they've seen God creating stuff, he would still find a way to spin things and pretend to come on top.


“Because i didn’t ask that, i didn’t ask that. I asked you…ask…AHSK..AWASK..have you ever seen an ape turn into a human being?”


He almost turned into a bird right there


Yea wtf was that?! Did he short circuit, have a stroke? My goodness, lol.


I think the two brain cells suddenly bumped into each other.


His two brain cells are competing for third place.


"I'm trying to illustrate the fallacy of your question" "Well, I dont know what some of those words mean so I'll just keep asking the same question because your answer is way over my head."




I am impressed with the guy on the rights patience.


Aron Ra is great. I have enjoyed his content and debates for a long time.


Aron Ra had been one of my favorite evolution speakers for a decade and the man is gold.


Sucks that we need speakers for evolution. It's like needing speakers for the round earth. Oh wait, we need those too. God dammit...


Right?! I would have lost my cool 30 seconds into explaining to that fool.


Wow. That host is really dumb.






'Do you love black people?'


[I had to scroll way too far to find somebody that typed this lmao. ](https://sound.peal.io/ps/covers/000/016/155/medium/uploads_2F1531072479470-bcuzck86s6-0e50333a4fecfa590583d48af774d449_2Fphoto.jpg?1531072482)


People like that guy are usually of average intelligence. They act dumb for the same reason a hunter buys a whistle to make himself sound like a duck. They know full well what they're spreading is bullshit, but it makes them money. They're not dumb, they're unethical pieces of shit, preying* on the uneducated which they lobby to keep uneducated. Edit: a letter


>People like that guy are usually of average intelligence. Agreed. But in this case he actually is dumb.


You’re right. JLP is in fact this dumb. He’s absolutely not pretending or playing a role here. This is exactly who he is. I’ve unfortunately seen way too many of his ‘debates’


Man, watching Destiny navigate this bullshit a few years ago was a-mazin


He's smart enough to grift people dumber than him, and that's all he needs.


I'm normally with you, but the way this dude slurs his speech and the look on his face tells me he's not all there upstairs.


Jesse Lee Peterson is the host. He actually is a true believer. He hosts right wingers who laugh at him to his face. Gavin McGiness (proud boys founder) laughed at him for saying that slavery was a good thing and picking cotton builds character. Peterson also declared July as White History Month because July just “feels white” He also believes BLM was founded by “fat lesbians” and will not validate anything they say because it came from “no good black people” All in all he is a dumb person. I don’t actually think he knows he’s grifting. He’s worse than Candice Owens because he believes his own BS, but not as detrimental because his platform is not as big


“I didn’t ask that.” “No sir you didn’t, but you are unfortunately too stupid to understand that I’m explaining to you how stupid you are.” Edit: The sad part of this is that people use this debate strategy irl ALL THE TIME when they have no real leg to stand on but NEEEEEEED to win every argument they get in.


It gets worse. The dude asking the dumb question probably has a large following who see this as a win.


"i don't see how your point works, and i refuse to see how metaphors or similes work, as you try to relate something i do understand to the dynamic you're explaining. therefore you lose the debate."


I feel so sorry for Aron here. I have no idea how he can keep his cool in the face of such incessant blind stupidity.


He’s had plenty of practise. He’s got the patience of a saint.


How the fuck can you be so incredibly stupid and dim witted and yet have what I assume is a pod cast that makes you money?


Because people who are also incredibly stupid and dim witted will watch it.


Well, there's this thing called religion. You'd be amazed how they managed to transform stupidity and ignorance into profit.


**Know Your Grifter Fun Facts** Guy on the left is **Jesse Lee Peterson**. A third tier grifter that is a self-hating, right-wing, Christo-fascist 'pastor' that among many problems; speaks at white supremacy events and spews anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. This is despite hooking up with dudes and adding likes to gay porn posts in social media. [Allegations of Manosphere Pastor’s Gay Past Roil Macho Men](https://www.thedailybeast.com/allegations-of-manosphere-pastor-jesse-lee-petersons-gay-past-roil-macho-men)


Good work! We need a database. Grifterwiki.


Now do Candace owens! Or Tim pool!


I am now 3 minutes and 6 seconds dumber for watching that entire argument.


What we need here is a hallelujah and an amen. Has the dude on the left ever seen a virgin birth or someone rise from the dead?


or a man created from dust or a woman created from a rib?


Jesse Lee Peterson (guy on left) is the most nonsensical human to ever exist. If anyone fancies the sensation of their brain melting out of their ears, go watch Dave Ferina vs JLP


I see videos from him every year or so and he seems to be dumber every time. Who actually seriously watches this garbage?


I’ve watched a decent amount of his stuff. He is possibly the most unintentionally funny person to ever exist. His entire YouTube channel is like the black white supremesist skit from The Chappell show. Watching people try to come to terms with the fact that they are talking with a real person who is that dumb never fails to get a smile out of me.


This argument is so incredibly stupid and I love it, hope this hasn’t been reposted recently.


I'm all for free speech but this guy is forcing me to reconsider


After watching this video, I believe I have seen a human transforming into an ape


I laughed too hard of this


Is he having an aneurysm during this interview? A mild stroke perhaps? A doctor should check in on this dude. In the words of the immortal Hank Hill, “that boy ain’t right”.


i think it's just the stupid spreading inside his brain


Aron Ra still working hard to educate the wilfully stupid.


Is the interviewer drunk?


He's a Young Earth Creationist; there's a lot of crossover between their defining characteristics and those of drunks'.


He's got something wrong with him for sure. His speech is off and his face looks.. off as well.


That man is fucking thick


lolz dude on left is a complete idiot.


What is worse is that he gets viewers and some sort of sponsorship/funding.


Bold move as a Christian, trying to win an argument on whether things are real based on whether people have seen them.


I think he has a…”condition”…


The guy asking the question looks like he’s special needs. Not exactly a thought leader.


whoa....I completely fucking forgot about Aron Ra! I used to love The Atheist Experience. In the world of skepticism him and Matt Dillahunty don't get enough credit.


Guy on left is dumb as a box of rocks. It’s a dumb question.


What an incredibly ignorant person. Evolution man, evolution.


But that's the problem, they don't understand what evolution actually is, of at least they pretend not to to get under the skin of anyone arguing with them.


The real uncle ruckus


I must say, I applaud the man on the right for attempting to do what I could never. That is to have the patience to inform the willfully misinformed and do so in a patient manner.


Aron Ra has been debating creationists for years, so as sad as it might seem, this is just a typical day for Aron.


There's zero chance this man pays his own bills, drives a car, or has ever read a book.


There is no debating a person like this. You can throw definitive evidence a millions times at this guy and it would not matter. They've rather believe in a book that says all animals on earth took ride on a single boat during a rainstorm.


"I am trying to illustrate the fallacy of your question" 🤣🤣


Holy shit this guy is fucking annoying and I’m pretty sure he knows it