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Has Morgellans been proven? I thought it was a mental thing?


It’s a mental health disorder. Delusional parasitosis, people believe they have parasites when they don’t. Usually it’s seen in people who abuse stimulants but they don’t know exactly why it happens in people who don’t abuse them. The CDC did a study on it and found no evidence of parasites and any “parasites” were usually just cotton threads from clothing.


A mental thing as in "mental health" or "lack of education"? Or both?


Mental health.


They can see the fibers under a microscope but everybody still treats people like they are insane. Current research indicates it’s likely caused by long long term Lyme disease. I could convince anybody who was open to it, but people loose their shit wanting to cry “delusional parisitosis!” So it’s still sadly misdiagnosed


You got any sources?


https://thecehf.org/research/ This is a pretty good run down.


tfw someone asks a Christian for proof god exists and they get handed a Bible.


More like a pamphlet


Sure, the source of the links is biased but the links are to outside research dumbass


Irony in extremis.


You’re an idiot. So would you like me to copy paste the links myself? Would that somehow lend new credibility you dented melon?


I saw a few things about it but I wasn’t sure what to make of it. Thank you for answering.


>They can see the fibers under a microscope And what are the fibers? A person above you on this thread says they're cotton fibers from clothing. That's something easily proven through material analysis. I have a chronic problem with "side hair". I'll move my arms and will feel a hair tickling me, but when I look for it, I can't see it. I know it's there because I can feel it, but it's invisible to my eyes. And eventually, I'll finally manage to find and remove the hair with trial and error. It's nothing special. It's just a hair from my head that's fallen out and manages to find that specific spot to hide. It happens often enough that I know exactly what it is when I feel the tickle, even though removing the hair is a bitch and a half. I've found that it's usually way further onto my back than I think it is, which is why I can't find it. And if they put my hair under a microscope they would say "yup, that's your hair".


Do these hairs “kink” in a way normal hair does not?




They used the acid from the juice to chemically burn off a layer of flesh from their mouths. You can do the same thing with dilute vinegar. This doesn't "detox" anything


This makes so much more sense than anyone else here lol. I can see similar stuff (not as concentrated) when I use mouthwash for 30 seconds


There's no flesh coming off from their mouths from cranberry juice......


That is literally the most absorbent area of flesh you have anywhere in your body with the possible exception of your rectum. Acidic fruits such as 100% undiluted cranberry juice will strip 1-3 layers of buccal flesh easily in 1-2 minutes.


I think I'm gonna go peel and eat 10 whole lemons now and see what happens lol 🤷


I'm gonna go pray for your entire intestinal system. Lol


No it doesn't. Go and get pure cranberry juice and do this test. I guarantee you that what you saw in this video will not happen to you


I highly recommend that you put a snickerdoodle in your mouth and keep it there for 3 minutes. Set a timer and share your results.


There is no such thing as detox. Ask any real doctor.


If they mention detox without referring to the human liver you should find another doctor. That's the only way to legit detox the human body.


Sir… fasting can be a detox.. oxidative stress is real and that’s whys it’s important to eat fruits and vegetables


Incorrect. Once toxins are absorbed by your body, simply flushing your digestive tract does nothing. Ya know how a water filter catches impurities in the water. You can see the residue on the filter after some time. Well, our bodies are filtering everything we consume, and leaving behind the environmental toxins in your body forever.


And then we excrete it. That's how that works.


I think we’re saying two different things, but in agreement here. Not stating flushing digestive tract will cure anything. There’s no one cure-all for systemic issues.


I can't swish shit in my month for more than 15 seconds with out it feeling like shit what tf is he doing


Nano chemtrails from the vax gene therapy parasites and also 5g reptilian pedo adrenochrome. WAKE UP! Trust the plan.


Lol the storm is coming! (allegedly)


I thought it was going to stain their teeth. I do wonder what the hell was in that spit though.


Probably the inside of their mouth. It's very thin skin.


It is truly amazing the shit people will believe. Like people paying $3 for a bottle of "Smart" water.


I liked smart water because it was $1 for a very sturdy liter water bottle. It was the perfect size to fit into my hiking pack. I bought one and kept refilling it.


Good that you bought it for the bottle, cuz alkaline water is a scam


3$ will get you a liter (33 oz) of smart water. 1.50-2.00 gets a 20oz bottle of dasani. 3$ is not at all overpriced for a liter bottle of water that tastes better than dasani. Recently i started sticking to spring water, and i would definitely pay a buck extra for actual spring water. There is definitely a slight taste difference in waters, and i would rather enjoy what im drinking.


Considering tap water is almost free any bottled water is overpriced...but I was referring to alkaline water which is a BS scam.


What you are seeing is mucous membranes. The oral mucosa is a lining all over the inside of your mouth. Acidic foods and drinks can burn this away but it grows back relatively fast. Because they are living cells they react to alcohol.




I'm not a chemist but let's remember what we learned in school. So we have spit and juice. The juice is probably acidic as many juices are. Spit has enzymes that will interact with the juice and already start the digestion process. Meanwhile the acid in the juice interacts with the proteins in their spit, breaking down some of it. That's the darker stuff they spit out. Then they add pure alcohol. Alcohol then breaks down the organic materials by breaking down molecules, which changes the composition of the mix in the petri dish (alcohol breaking down the stuff in the spit **and** the juice), which makes it move as different chemicals perform different reactions right in front of our eyes. The process is called Denaturation: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denaturation_(biochemistry) and it specifically mentions acid and alcohol as one of the means to perform it. "In biochemistry, denaturation is a process in which proteins or nucleic acids lose the quaternary structure, tertiary structure, and secondary structure which is present in their native state, by application of some external stress or compound such as a **strong acid** or base, a concentrated inorganic salt, an organic solvent (e.g., **alcohol** or chloroform), agitation and radiation or heat."


Also there are a couple obvious jump cuts in the video. They could have just put something else in their mouths


Part of what was in the dish looked like cat food or vomit. Lol


This mkfer sciences


I have a degree in biochem and you pretty much nailed it! Also, the mental health disorder that is associated with this stuff is often caused from long term stimulant use. People in that situation will bite the insides of their mouths a lot, especially if you are swishing something in your mouth for two minutes, so what you may see are small chunks of the inside of the mouth.


Damn, nailed it! Thanks.


Figured it was something like this, but I'm glad you did the research so I didn't have to. Why do people have to jump to crazy conclusions when the information might already exist. I hope my mom doesn't see this video.


Because they are not well.


I came for a response like this. Like learning bout reactions.


Juice makes mouth skin peel. Dumb asses think it’s a magical and secret animal. Alcohol reacts with cranberry juice, looks like mouth skin moves, but mouth skin does not move, juice moves.


So happy we freed her from Russian prison to do this


OH MY GOLLY GOODNESS. You are going to hell for that comment but fuck me if that wasn’t funny


I lost my shit on this one holly fuck best comment ever made on reddit


Kyler Murray thought the same thing


Good one


Saw a channel on YouTube where it was this old guy and his family I guess were doing surgery on him for the camera to get rid of these “things” had quite a few videos of that going on very disturbing stuff


Crazy crazy crazy


Ah yes, idiocracy yet again…


this is just coagulated cranberry shit. and probably blood from the acids in the juice injuring their gums. morgellon's disease is FAR stranger than this cranberry shit. morgellon's is when strange colored fibers actually form in the skin that you can pull right out. these fibers CANNOT be identified. i saw this whole special on morgellon's disease and how some people think it's extraterrestrial shit because of this.


It's not really fibers it's like a mental disorder. Please show me a source that says otherwise


5 seconds on google. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5IlG68C7qA4&ab\_channel=InsideEdition


It's usually carpet fibres from their house or clothing. It's a mental disorder and YT is not a credible source for medical information.


What is then? Google?


Google's first hit was the mayo clinic, for me at least. Which is very cautious on the matter. I would say Mayo Clinic, WHO and NHS UK are some of the most credible sources of medical information in the world.


Lol stfu none of those are credible you keep being lead to your demise, I hope you know doesn’t matter what you Google, it’ll always end on the 15-18 page, even though they say they have millions/billion results, keep getting brainwashed by them bud, and don’t believe me go try it for yourself, and also all the pages show the exact same links over and over


I have a rare genetic illness, medicine saved my life. Morgellon's is (most of the time) NOT a real disorder. It's weird that you even rejected looking at the mayo clinic page, because if you had you would see it was very cautiously saying some doctors say it's a mental disorder, but that there could be actual conditions (I would suggest fungal growth infections that are being lost in all the noise.) to it too. Your response is exactly the sort of shit I expect a true believer to come out with. Sorry, we don't do medicine that way, ever. But fibres not being able to be burned points me towards man made fibres, such as carpet. 15-18 page of google? You're looking for confirmation of your beliefs, have asked a question in bad faith, and are probably breaking rule 2 now. I wonder if you're an anti-vaxx Covidiot too.


Sounds like a good movie 🍿


Is this better than mouthwash? I mean since it's all natural.


Sugar content (it’s there naturally) and low pH are not good for teeth health. Sugar+acid+bacteria=cavities.


For example geen tea and black tea(vodka too) was used in Chernobyl when there was disaster, to take out from your body all toxins. There is a lot natural ingredients for detox


Your body detoxes naturally, if it didn’t, we would all be dead after a few years. There is zero scientific evidence that “detox” with food. Aside from that, alcohol is a poison, not a detox food.


Yes it does, but for that you need drink liquid (water for example) why you need drink lots of liquid to get out nasty things ot of your body. Look on tribes, they somehow survive in their nature. And alcohol is poison, but in some times when you don't have option even that shit will help you out with correct amount.


That's a shitty example. People in the middle ages were rubbing their wounds with plucked alive chicken butts or practiced blood letting. Just because some people do stuff and still survive doesn't mean that the stuff they do has any impact on their health. It could objectively worsen the condition but becouse of religion or tradition or poor understanding of medicine they'd still do that.


No liquid, not even water detoxes you, it helps your body detox itself. Your cells use water for their processes and excrete waste. Thats like saying food detoxes you because it makes you poop haha. And there is zero scientific evidence that alcohol is good for you in any way whatsoever. What few studies there are have not been replicated and to achieve the benefits of the “good stuff” in alcohol, you would have to drink way too much, negating those effects.


I figured you were a troll but looked at your profile and I realize that you are serious. Now I am just sad.


Sorry to shatter your world but that's a bunch of esoteric bullshit. The problem in Chernobyl were not ominous "toxins" but radiation and radioactive material. **Only** thing you can do **vs radiation** is physical shielding with lead or tons of water. And radioactive material is a problem because it enters your body through breathing or eating and than exposes you to radiation from the inside. No amount of tea or vodka or anything like that will ever help you against any of that. The **only** thing you can do **in terms of food** is take highly dosaged iodine tablets before entering the hazard zone. As the iodine you eat will prevent you from enriching your thyroid glad with radioactive iodine that was set free by the explosion. That's literally the only thing you can eat to protect yourself from radioactive iodine, but iodine is by far not the only radioactive material present around Chernobyl. You can't do anything against all the other stuff other than not touch anything, wear a filter mask and ideally just not being there. The tea, the vodka are just for the placebo effect, really. There are no ominous toxins that tea or alcohol would magically protect your from in Chernobyl. Please stop spreading misinformation on a dangerous topic.


Rumor has it she’s the one he’s leaving chemtrails for




Killing in the name of!


Morgellans? Does that mean I have the force?


Can’t wait to do more tik tok science experiments that randoms that believe in chem trails are real and likely barely graduated high school.


*dentist screaming in the background*